DUMPSTER DIVIN// OOPS WE DID IT AGAIN... lol packed the whole car FULL!!

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how in the heck are you guys i feel like a million dollars today do you want to know why because my husband slept downstairs with the dog and i slept upstairs in bed i have been sleeping downstairs with him hey i sleep downstairs anyway because i kind of have to sleep sitting up because of my back i can't really lay flat on my back just because of back issues um i've already had one major back surgery and i still need to have a fusion done but i am not going to have that anytime soon i am putting it off until i absolutely can no longer put it off so yeah so i pretty much sleep on the couch always because my back i just can't we've tried so many different mattresses we just spent a lot of money on the one we have because it's one of the ones you can change yeah it doesn't work i don't know if i could just put like couch stuffing in a bed it would be like the best i don't know what it is about the couches but they just make my back feel so much better anyway enough about the dang back um so hubby slept downstairs with the puppy because he's in his crate at night in the living room because you know hardwood floors and all so i told my husband last night when i got off work i was like listen like i am pretty much seeing things at this point like i've only gotten maybe two to three hours of sleep a night since we've gotten him so my husband was like listen go upstairs i know it's gonna hurt your back but you need to get sleep so i did i i got off of work last night early i wanted to go dumpster diving so freaking bad but i couldn't even keep my eyes open i don't ever really get like that but oh my after having no sleep for over a week and a half yeah you got to get a little loopy he slept with him last night and he only got he said about an hour and a half of sleep and it's not because he whines like a lot of you guys are like oh he's missing his mom his mom died in childbirth guys like he never knew his mom he was bottle-fed by the breeders and they never knew their mom because their mama died so sad horribly sad he doesn't cry anything at night the only thing he does is he wakes up a lot because his bladder is like this big and he can't hold his pee so he gets up and he barks at me or he'll whine a little bit and scratch at his crate because he has to go outside and then when he goes outside then he's awake and he wants to stay awake and play for another hour and i'm like half dead to the world playing with him on the floor but yeah like thank you guys for all your tips and everything um i've i've trained dogs for years and years and years so it's actually what i wanted to do but um i realize you don't make a lot of money so that idea went out the window sometimes i'll take them as puppies and keep them for a few months and train them and then give them back but i have not done that in about two and a half three years now just because with the girls and everything it's just too much the girls were still so little oh my word that was and trying to train a dog that's that's an all day thing when you're trying to train them potty train them obedience training that's a lot of work so yeah i don't do that no more but thank you guys for all of your tips and everything but it's it's not he's not whining and crying because he wants to get out of the crate he's whining and crying because he has to go the bathroom but once he goes the bathroom i play with him tire him out then he goes right back in his crate by himself lays down and goes back to sleep so he's doing very very well i've already taught him to sit he's only nine weeks old so he already knows to sit and wait for his food to go in his bowl and he knows to sit when he comes in after going to the bathroom outside and he gets a treat so he's doing really good um i had some rude comments about my children being insane and i was not watching them with the puppy when i was doing my reveal the one day i don't even think i need to respond to that because that's just ridiculous so didn't your mama ever teach you if you didn't have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all come on now people seriously first of all the puppy was chasing my kids that's why they were running the puppy was having a blast anyway let's get into what's going on tonight i'm on my way to go meet miss beth it is only 20 after six and i'm on a mission to check as many possible towns as wait i said that backwards as many towns as possible today because i am itching to go diving so is beth so we have not gone in a few days and we're like oh my goodness like we we really need to go out so we're gonna try and get to four maybe five towns tonight we'll see but let's cross our fingers and toes that we have a lot guys and let's go jump in some dumpsters [Music] just creeping on in over here oh we got stuff oh i can't reach it oh my god those are so cute i think there's a whole box of them [Music] yep there is a whole box of stuff right there that whole box right there you got it okay and i think there might be oh god i shot my hair in the dumpster that hurt that's why i need to pull this dang afro up hold on i know i just shut my hair in the dumpster i didn't need all of oh my god it really can't even get back here okay we got those two things all right i'm gonna get in let's see this place is so small back here they might be wet no i think they're okay here come over here there's like nowhere to go who's trying to put it where we can get it out foreign i said i needed fabric softeners for my hair there we go those ones aren't yeah ask for something and you shall receive oh my god all that yogurt wow [Music] don't do me dirty guys uh we got a dumpster full of patterns all right let's show you what we got guys okay as long as your door's open i'm always scared check those out guys tons of patterns and lord only knows what else oh guacamole hopefully they didn't take them all out nope they didn't remember how he did that last time though too cold they ripped them all they don't want to do it now because it's too cold [Applause] these are nice ones we found them here before it smells like a handle actually there it goes [Music] now i might have a whole thing look at how cute this is cute there's only two but oh no there's more i'll hold that around my neck i'm so tired of this i'm leaving it for somebody else yeah we'll leave that for somebody else i got those little balls all through my house oh really that was awesome guys i got fabric sheets for my frizzy hair kohli juice boxes tampons and patterns hecks yeah and christmas decorations and christmas decorations that's right okay on to the next town we'll see you seem like anybody else has made it out here yet so maybe just maybe we'll have more luck at other ones like joanne's right now where we never we always find a car here beth said she was here the other day guys and somebody was at five below getting boxes upon boxes of candy yup and we missed it we got stuff guys i gotta get in though [Music] oh i've been working so much lately i can barely find the time to sleep yeah spend my time running around keeping people pleased but this is my favorite holiday it's a chance to start over new cause i missed you so i'm letting go of everything but you these are the good times with you baby this year it's just gonna be you and me [Music] forget about everyone else isn't this how it's supposed to be making our christmas man guys we are at big lots down the street from my house it's 27 degrees 27 degrees out it's a little brisk out tonight all right the tomorrow they get emptied so there's gone there's stuff right there there's gotta be something good [Music] do [Music] we got a christmas blow up uh love seat cover frying pan headphones so tight we have so many layers on don't mind the way i look so there's this lady that watches my channel and is forever commenting ignorant stuff like why do you watch my channel are you that bored first of all second of all like where's your manners but she was like you wouldn't be cold if you'd put some damn pants on i have pants on i will have you know and second of all why do you care what kind of pants i have on because she's always saying something about how i record my butt don't look at my butt i'm showing the dumpster and what i'm taking out of it by the pizza shop and the dumpster is full but i don't know if it's full good stuff or bad stuff but it does look like a heck of a lot oh snap it's good stuff there's a bunch in here oh so much oh my god we got razors ziploc baggies scarf clothes oh my god guys yeah i sure am let me go get a bag let's take the big guy for this one oh no we got patterns in that one okay wow there's so much oh my god what is with pots and pans it's still in the plastic ever since i said i need more masks socks oh my god a blanket one slipper brand new bandana one you put the one up there on the back oh two slippers old manes we got battery operated lights starlights more brownies more socks oh there's a car a toy car huh there's a little toy police car oh i see it all right that looks like it stuck in there no way there's a pet date is it in there shut up if that pancake sits in there yes i need one of those oh my god it's a good one that's awesome guys that is so freaking awesome you don't even understand how badly i need one of these right now awesome i'm getting in oh that's cut they probably cut them off yep all right we got one of them i know hopefully they didn't cut them all since it's cold [Applause] there's so many bags of dog food somebody else wants to come and check they might scoop the dog food but like i said i don't scoop yeah they don't not chemicals but soap and like dogs that's awesome though i can't believe i got a pet gate i just bought two off of amazon and they're so cheap they don't even work that feels like a real nice one it's heavy that's exactly what we need too that is awesome cause we were gonna buy one tomorrow jeff was gonna order one online that's hilarious and i needed fabric softeners for my frizzy hair two things that i needed i found that's awesome well guys we are at big blocks and would you like to know what's in the dumpster another blow up and there's a bag right there so i guess i'll jump in yeah at least now i don't have all the same one oh my god what's in here [Music] oh lord the deer ah yeah i'm just gonna take the whole bag i guess that's garbage wait a minute wait a minute those sneaky bastards they try to use the white bag they tried to throw me off we got lights a broken soap dish oh it's just missing a little pine cone that's cute they cut those but they're individually wrapped oh those those mean people i'm sure there's nothing wrong with his legs probably not these crackers are individually wrapped those are in there yep velveeta's again this one says the left earbuds broken but we got two packs okay we are having some pretty dang good luck tonight home goods guys there's a really cool table back there just missing the glass it's pretty too there's pots this mirror was so nice but they it's broken there's a ton of broken mirrors in the front yeah the front's all broken here so be careful and there's a christmas tree down there too oh wow that's really light it's pretty cool all you need is a piece of glass yeah that's a pretty table they're all broken are these all broken yep every single one oh my goodness oh my god so pretty too [Music] napkins cups paper plates dang yeah we're almost full yeah we're we're gonna be to the roof i can already tell you now because no one else is out because it's so cold that's the one good thing about coming out in the winter time come out when it's a blizzard come out when it's freezing and you're gonna have no competition we're at the last dumpster dollar general let's see what they got yep trash bags right there oreos a container [Applause] all right we're just gonna throw this in here yeah i'll clean it all at home it's too cold we are to the roof this hair is like a big frizz ball but i needed those what are those things called i'm so tired guys um fabric softener sheets and i wanted to use one for my hair but we buried them they're in the back somewhere buried under all this which can you guys see it's like almost well that parts to the roof it's pretty much to the roof this thing's packed full that is awesome but i just dropped off this bath it is getting very cold here and very windy but we had some awesome luck guys like we found some pretty cool stuff first of all i'm not even lying to you i told beth i said i need to find some fabric softeners to get the frizz out of my hair and what do you know like the third dumpster we look in what do i find fabric softeners secondly i bought these really cheap crappy animal um gates off of amazon i should have known better because they were like the cheapest ones and i didn't want to go and buy like super expensive ones because i really only need them until he's trained you know maybe for like a year so i was like i'll just get like the 25 ones instead of the 50 ones bad idea i should have got the 50 one so they don't even work they don't like hold up whenever you open it up and like it's supposed to hold up against the wall you know what i mean yeah they don't work so my husband and i were talking he's like i'll just order a better one tomorrow we'll go on the amazon and see what they have and i was like all right and i found a freaking pet gate like crazy so crazy so that is awesome i am super happy with this dive beth did not take anything tonight i'm gonna go through we didn't even have time to look through everything because it's just too cold to do that outside so i told her i said just watch the review and whatever you want you let me know and i'll give it to you so we did get those um little i think they were like i don't know if they were tree ornaments or just like christmas decorations that were like bells from the first dollar general we stopped at and i told her i'd split those with her because she liked them too so we couldn't find them in my trunk we tried looking we were both like forget it it's too cold we'll we'll do it later i see her like four times a week so not a big deal i'll i'll give them to her tomorrow or wednesday but pretty awesome dive so thank you guys so much for hanging out with us sorry i didn't take you out of the car as often as i normally do but it was pretty dang cold out today so and i know a lot of people actually like it better that way but i get a lot of people that are like why don't you take us to the dumpster well and when the stores are open i really can't because we got to be fast too so that's the other reason but yeah today it was just bitter cold and it's hard to hold the camera try to hand stuff to beth not fall out of the dumpster in the dumpster like you get it but anywho so that's going to wrap up the dive portion i will see you guys tomorrow and the full last night's dive was straight crazy i cannot believe like my whole game room is it's fit let me show you it goes forever and there's on the couch there's stuff behind me we have lots of stuff so i'm gonna jump right on in so the very first place we went we went to five towns five towns we didn't have luck in the fifth town um the fifth town was the dollar general and the michaels that we always go to there was nothing so then we headed back to my town so actually i guess we did six towns yeah six towns oh my goodness but the first place we went to was a different town we go to that town every so often not as often as we would like to because it is a lot further away but i'm glad that we went because we stopped at joanns and the dollar general and we found stuff in both dumpsters so let's dive on in joann's dumpster i found more of this garland it's just a little piece but this is the exact size that i need for on top of my cabinets in my kitchen to finish off all of the garland i have up on top of those i also found more of this garland which is great because i don't have a lot of this so now i probably have enough to do a little decoration piece somewhere in my house i don't know where but i'll figure it out and then we got a whole bag filled with patterns guys they did not destroy one i am shocked so these are the vogue patterns and these are super cute guys look at how cute and there's tons of different sizes like this is b5 which is eight to sixteen we got some more 8 to 16 some 16 to 24s that's a cute one yeah we got a bunch of different patterns a lot of them are like warmer weather clothes like look at that oh my goodness i wish i could make something like that i cannot tell it's just i've tried it's just it's a bad deal so but yeah we got a bunch of these so yeah tons of patterns also i know a lot of you guys have emailed me about the uggs um i'm not getting back to you it's not that i'm not getting back to you to be rude i'm not getting back to you because my mother-in-law is trying them on tomorrow so if they fit her she's keeping them and i'm not gonna answer i got 123 emails about those eyes so i'm not trying to be rude but i'm just gonna tell you here now if they fit her tomorrow then i'm not emailing 123 people back i'm just gonna let you guys know like if you don't hear from me she took the uggs if you do hear from me i'm going in order of emails so the very first person that emailed me i will email back if she does not want them and i'll go down the line from there i only give you 24 hours to answer my email because i have done this before and people have not answered me for weeks sometimes have never answered me so you get 24 hours after i email you to answer me back and that's it i also have people that email me about the patterns that i got that are over there from last week's dive i will get back to you i'm just behind on everything right now guys because hashtag mom life i know you understand so just bear with your girls what the heck else did we get we got something else from that joann's too i don't know where they went but there was also a little thing of like test tubes there was three but one was broken so there's two but i don't know where they went so there's that the next dumpster we went to in that town was the dollar general and i peeked my head in the dumpster and i seen these laying there and i was like oh my goodness there's a whole box of them so guys they threw these all in the dumpster because they're tangled all you have to do is untangle them seriously you can't untangle them it took me a second to do three of them but there's black and silver black with red there's this cute burlap one the tags in front of it this little burlap one with silver and then there's just black and silver ones with the plaid so beth and i are splitting these she'll get three i'll get three because there were six of them total so that's awesome there was actually four boxes of the kool-aid juice pouches but one of them every single pouch on the inside was leaking it must have been the whole like pack that came in that plastic sleeve because in each one there is at least one leaking so the one pack though it was every single one so i just threw that away but i got one missing out of all three of these so that is not too shabby because you can see they're all like wet and falling apart yeah so i'll rinse those off throw them in my fridge and the girls and all the little neighborhood kids that always come to my house will go to town on them i also found in that dumpster a brand new pack of tampax tampons feminine products for you guys out there um they're completely fine they are individually wrapped so yes the package is opened but nothing got into the plug itself so they're fine i also found fabric softeners guys you heard me in the video how funny was that i literally when i straighten my hair in wintertime it is such a frizz ball because of the dry air and i told beth i was like my hair was sticking straight out when i would get out of the car so i was like i need to find fabric softeners so i can put it in my hair and wouldn't you know it that's what we found and then we buried them in the car and by the time i remembered to try to use them i couldn't find them because there's like a hundred other items on top of them but now i have them for drying clothes so then we left that town and we headed to town and number two and we had luck at one dumpster which was joanne's and oh my goodness i got so much stuff out of that one we got some candy spoons these are salted caramel flavor for like hot chocolate or hot tea we got some acrylic matte spray finish so this is a full can that's awesome then we found my favorite thing to find in those dumpsters we got cross stitch we got what is this one cards card making crocheting another crocheting a classic sewing two of those paint and draw collection magazine today's quilter the knot magazine two quilt sampler magazines and a bella grace magazine i did leave some other magazines in there because stuff like that i just sit on nobody ever wants these and i know a lot of you guys are like donate to your local nursing home i can't because of covid i can't donate to those places right now they're not accepting donations i have a lot of subscribers that love these and i sell these to you guys super cheap so that you can still get them even with shipping you're still saving a ton of money so i only have a few of these so i'm probably going to get 800 emails and i'm sorry if i don't get back to you but i go in order from the very first email i get about them so if you would like these i am not splitting these up okay because that's just too complicated so there is six seven of these and i'll probably throw in the quilting magazines as well so if somebody wants the whole lot email me i'm not splitting them up i also found three gatorades lemon lime which my ava bear loves these so these will be staying with us and then lastly from that dumpster guys i can't believe this so i seen this laying on the dumpster ground and i was like that is so cute there's nothing wrong with it well there is something wrong with it this piece was separated from it i pushed it back in for now but i need to hot glue it you're never gonna believe how much this is like you're gonna die me and beth were guessing we're like oh it's probably like 25 no 49.99 for a woodland lodge decor piece that's what it's called that is insanity i mean it's nice don't get me wrong but it ain't fifty dollars nice so that's cute not cute enough for me to pay for it though and then we left that town and we headed to the third town which was the big lots dumpster and i can't believe it we haven't been finding anything in that dumpster so we figured that we've just been getting beat at that dumpster and that's fine because as you can see from all my other videos we still find tons of stuff but we did find a ton of stuff in that dumpster so we got one curtain panel and i'm sorry we didn't take you guys out at that one but that store was still open and it was still so early in the day or in the night i think it was 8 30 when we got there so we just had to be fast but we got this like crushed velvet 84 inch curtain panel so i don't know if i'm gonna keep this and then just go buy another one because i do like this i might i'm not sure we'll see if i don't then i will just donate it we got some onion flavored rings that's by september but they're still just fine i got a granite stone diamond non-stick 10-inch fry pan ew which somebody looks like somebody used it and then returned it it's kind of dirty in there so i'll wash that and see if that comes out that's 20 holy guacamole that's crazy and we found some pjs which i'm keeping for myself for christmas i think these are a men's medium because this is a medium and it's like huge but i'll shrink it i'll wash it in hot water and dry it on high heat and it'll shrink a little but how cute is that it's just as happy holidays i think that's adorable and it has matching pants so i will keep those and wear those on christmas eve because i'm that type of mom yes i am i also got a table runner which i've been eyeing this one from big lots but i was like uh i'll wait until like it goes on clearance or something what do you know found one because this blue matches my like blue um doors in my kitchen so i'll keep that we got some neon headphones ten dollars so i'm gonna take these to work love seat slip cover and then lastly from that dumpster we just got some cheese balls the lid is missing but it's still sealed there's plastic on top and that is everything we got in the second town then we went to the dollar general next to the pizza shop and oh my goodness that dumpster was overflowing with stuff so let's move on down and i'll show you what we got there we found a pack of women socks there are these two are matching two pairs right here and we didn't find the last one but there was a purple one too so i don't care if my socks are mismatched who sees them nobody but me so i will wear these two together and then i have two other pairs so yay me free socks two mismatched gloves a pink and a blue which i will give to my girls they always wear mismatched gloves because we always lose one found a blue bandana for either me to wear with my hair or for my hubby to wear underneath his um work hard hat i found another buffalo check blanket which i already have one of these so now i have two of the same little blanket that i can put on my couch i found this farmyard collection little what's this thing called that you put on your stove and like put your spoon on so you don't get sauce all over your stove it was five dollars there nothing wrong with it oh wait yeah there is there's a chip back there but i don't care about that we got some face mask a hair tie oh this is like two-sided duct tape for like if you're taping your windows like in winter time to keep the cold air out we got two packs of brownies three packs of coffee cakes and one pack of ding dong so those are all gonna go to work with me and two packs of donuts a huge pack of band-aids that's open but every single band-aid is in there there is 60 of them i always need band-aids so i will be keeping those some gummy peach rings this isn't for an iphone so it's for the other one so i'll probably see if beth can use this one we got some old man slippers as i called them but i'll take these to one of the guys at my work and see if they want them i'm sure this will probably be one of their size yeah 11 to 12. way too small for my hubby so we got some men's bic razors i'll take these to work for the guys you got a five quart dutch oven and i don't need any more of these so i will give this to somebody at my work some led battery operated starlights we got one of these um what did best say this was i forget some kind of light i don't know if it works let's try it out and see if it works no go this doesn't work so that's garbage oh i found another pack of brownies we got a little girl's dress up skirt how cute is that so this is gonna go in with some of the gifts that i got um the one cook's grandkids um a police little play car got some honey smacks the box was wet but the bag is just fine and lastly we got another huge 65 pack of gallon freezer bags which i am now stocked on those so i'll take these to work and that is everything that we got from that dollar general so then we went to the fourth town which was the go-to town and oh my goodness i can't believe the stuff that we found first we found the pet gate which is already upstairs i'm waiting for my husband to install it so you're not going to see it in the hall but you've seen it i showed you a picture of it when i got it out of the dumpster everything was in there except for the directions but it's pretty self-explanatory we also found this what is this ultra scoop-free self-cleaning glitter box so here's the deal with this guys this was sent to petco from i don't know if it like somebody ordered one and they didn't have it in stock so they ups it they were gonna pick it up at the store i don't know but the store refused it and said return to shipper because package was damaged so the package had a little bit of damage down here but there's this thing's not even been opened so i'm sure this is just fine i will open it up and make sure it's okay because i did have some people that were interested in this so if you live near me then and you're interested in this get um you can either dm me on instagram or you can email me and just let me know this is a hundred and twenty dollar cat litter box like what i mean that's pretty awesome though if it cleans itself and you don't have to do it that would be pretty baday the only other thing we thought we got from the pet dumpster was a ceresto collar but it's actually not in here it's just the directions so this is garbage then we went to the home goods dumpster and in the first dumpster it was filled with tons of mirrors that had been broken so of course i left those there because what am i gonna do with broken mirrors but in the second one we found this huge colander which is red and i love it so i am keeping this it is pushed out like on the inside here see how it's all jacked up in there but i'm pretty sure oh i just fixed it so they threw it away for that and all you had to do was push it in so i got me a new colander yay me then we also got this super cute side table it is missing the glass or like a table top but you can make one of those so easily go to home depot or lowe's have them cut a piece of glass for you to the measurements and boom you got yourself a cute side table so i'll probably have glass cut for it and then just sell it at like my next garage sale or something and then lastly we just got this super cute little christmas tree it did have like a nice vase on it but of course that broke but i'm just gonna take that out and i'll just use this for something who knows what but i'll find something to use it with and then i was grabbing bags to get out of that dumpster because you know there wasn't a lot in there so i had to build myself a little step stool to get out with my short self and i grabbed a huge white bag and i was like wait a minute i was like beth there's more stuff in here and she's like nah ah yup so they threw away all their leftover martha stewart fall collection items so we have a set of six to go cups in the tan in black checkered three of those one of the oh this isn't martha stewart is it no they have a little gather sticker that you can put over them everything's in there and they have the lids three martha stewart to go boxes this one matches the cups just thankful for leftovers on it how stinking cute i'm saving all this for next thanksgiving by the way and then we have this one that says turkey pie and football oh my i love that two of those ones then we have a set of napkins with just some fall decor on it two like pie plates with the leaves and the fall colors and then the dinner plate and the dessert plate and with the pumpkins on it that match the napkins so guess what we're eating off of next thanksgiving yes we are you better believe it as long as i can remember to pack them somewhere where i'll find them because i'm good at that i pack stuff away and then like when thanksgiving was over i started putting all the decorations away i found a whole other box totally forgot i had it then we went to big lots this was the second big lots we went to we did grab a um oh the first big loss there was a big black bag we grabbed out of and i told you guys there was a blow up in it sadly the blow up was bad it was slashed in the back so i had to throw that out but don't fear because we found another blow-up we went to the second big lots in the go-to town and i found this blow-up and it's still in the box so i'm sure it's fine so we'll test that bad boy up and if it works that'll go in my yard also i also found some lights um a bunch of lights actually let me show you got a set of icicle lights these are blue we got another icicle ice lickle what icicle like set and clear it says these are defective i will test all these first before i take them to work i don't need any more lights but i'm sure the people at work wouldn't mind having some free light so i'll test them and as long as they work i'll take them some more velveeta breakfast cookies ooh these are different honey chocolate chip i never got those ones before uh we got this super cute deer which on this side his legs are all jacked up but on this side he looks just fine and guess what i'm going to keep them and just display them on this side no one will ever know except everybody watching this video did i say light bulbs we got light bulbs we got these bows which each one is missing one pine cone and then we got some novelty ornaments there's only three there but not a big deal then we left the go-to town we didn't have any more luck out there so we headed to the fifth town which was michael's and dollar general had no luck there so then we went to the sixth town which was my town and we stopped at the dollar general and wouldn't you know we found some stuff so we got some trash bags the one dollar ones which are cheap but i use those for like in my bathroom some more sandwich bags cute little keychain it's a pang when he's missing an arm but that's not a big deal my kids will still play with it we got some um earbuds charger for best phone so i'm going to give that to her an adult face mask you guys seen whenever i dump the box into the um container there was velveeta shells and cheese like dumped all through that box and it went all over everything so everything's like coated in velveeta cheese like the powder cheese so of course these need wash but this is an adult face mask so i'll wash that and then donate it some fancy feast cat food which again has the powdered velveeta cheese all over it um let's see when does this expire october of 2022 so i will make sure these are not expired or recalled but i'm sure they're not because there would have been a ton more i'm guaranteeing it's because the box was opened so that'll be a very good donation which by the way i wanted to tell you guys before i go on um what day was it monday i took everything that i had for the no kill pet shelter and i mean i had so much dog food you guys seen those huge bags we got from the last dive last week this lady was so ecstatic she was like oh my god oh my god thank you so much like she was so happy and so thankful and i was like oh my god you're so welcome like merry christmas and she's like i just can't say thank you enough and that is exactly why i do it for that reason right there because they are so thankful even if you take one bag of food they are so thankful for it and that is what christmas is all about giving to people just it makes me happy to give and make people happy like that that's why i do this that is why i save stuff from the dumpster like you guys don't see my co-workers faces when i come in with five six huge ikea bags filled to the brim and they get so excited they are so thankful for everything i give them and that's exactly why i do it i'm saving things from a landfill that don't need to go there before they're even either eaten or used and i'm giving to people that need the help so people can talk smack all they want and say oh you're doing this and saying you're donating so you can get a pat on the back i don't need your pat on the back i pat myself on the back thank you very much but no like i i do it for that reason it makes me feel good i don't care if if i would have never said that's what i do with the stuff the reason why i told people that this is what i do with the stuff is people were saying i wasn't donating so i showed them what i was doing i was donating it if it's not going to the no hill shelter or the free pantry outside of the church it goes to my co-workers that need the help and those guys bust their butts and they help us all the time all the bartenders out front so anytime i can say thank you and repay them by giving them things that i find that are perfectly fine in the dumpster i'm going to because they deserve it we also got some apple cinnamon spray refills i don't have one of these so i'll just donate those to my work also oh god i got that cheese all over me uh we got some women's undies aka gucci's so these of course need wash they also have the velveeta cheese all over them we got a portable power recharge any usb device without an outlet it says it's broken we will try it out to make sure before i give it to my co-workers and then lastly we got another one of these um indoor digital antennas and we got this huge cup so it's there's nothing wrong with it either it's missing the straw but that's i don't even know if a straw came with it it's not broken or cracked so i'll give that to one of the guys in the kitchen and that my friends is everything we got last night holy guacamole i know that's crazy now i gotta go clean this all up again so thank you guys so much for hanging out with me i have two kids upstairs that i need to get in the bath so i need to make this short yet sweet so i will see you guys the next time we go diving and i of course also need to sit down and record my q a which i plan on doing thursday so you'll have that video up hopefully friday or saturday we'll see but thank you guys again so much and i of course will talk to you all in those comments down below and until next time guys happy diving bye [Music] sing it
Channel: Dumpster Diving Momma of 2
Views: 151,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #dumpsterdiver, #DUMPSTERDIVING, #FREEGAN, #FREESTUFF
Id: CHC6i4vA7wE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 19sec (3139 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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