OMAD Keto vs OMAD Carbs (One Meal a Day Keto vs One Meal a Day Carbs)

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OMAD Keto versus OMAD carbs or in other words eating one meal a day on a keto diet versus eating one meal a day with some carbohydrates in the diet can you do either one which one works better coming right up so keto and OMAD are very popular concepts so keto means that you lower your carbohydrates so much that your body raises its level of ketones because ketones are a byproduct of fat metabolism so as you lower your carbs you teach your body to burn fat instead and if you eat a lot of fat but not so much that your body needs to burn some fat from the body then you're gonna lose weight and one meal a day is another way that people are very successful in losing weight for two reasons one is that if you only eat one meal a day then you don't have the opportunity to eat so much so most people end up eating less but the other reason is that eating one meal a day you reduce insulin resistance and that's the key for both keto and OMAD is the results you get is primarily from reducing insulin resistance and raising insulin sensitivity so let's just look at that a little bit in detail so insulin is a hormone that the body produces to get blood sugar out of the blood and into the cells so whenever you eat food your body makes some insulin because all food raises blood sugar to some degree if you eat carbs then you raise blood sugar a lot more because carbs are quicker absorbed they're faster to absorb in the bloodstream and they raise the blood glucose more so you release more insulin to control the blood sugar the other fact that influences insulin is the frequency with which you eat so let's just look at an example here of a standard diet if you follow the the regular guidelines of eating frequent small meals lots of carbohydrates 50 60 % and snacking so you get a total of about 6 meals a day and here's a hypothetical example you eat your breakfast at 8:00 and you get a little blood or a significant blood sugar spike because you eat 50 60 % carbohydrate then after the meal the blood sugar starts dropping but it doesn't have time to drop very much before you have your mid-morning snack and blood sugar goes up and insulin goes up then it starts dropping again but then it's time for lunch so now your blood sugar goes up and as a result here the the green area here would be an optimal area but if you eat frequent meals and high carbs your body is always your insulin is always responding to that frequent high carb meal so it's always responding it doesn't have time to recover so it never gets back down into the optimal range now what happens then is you develop insulin resistance because if there's a lot of insulin in your blood streams if there's a regular feature of always six times a day we get a bunch of insulin then your cells say that we've had enough we can't take the insulin is pushing the sugar into the cell but the cells are saying we've had enough so the cells start resisting insulin they start defending themselves against the insulin because there's too much and now the insulin sensitivity of the cell drops and the cell resists so that's what we call insulin resistance so there are two factors food is always a factor it always raises it a little bit but carbs is the big because it raises insulin a lot and frequency is the other factor because the more often you eat the less time the body has to recover so that's that's the basis now look let's look at how this would work on one meal a day or all mad so if we do a ketogenic diet we're gonna eat primarily fat moderate protein and low starch non starchy vegetables green leafy vegetables cauliflower broccoli things that have a lot of fiber but very very little carbohydrate so if we on that diet for a while then our insulin response is going to be inside that green range and even though we have a meal then it's not going to rise so much because we're so low on carbs that the insulin the blood sugar and the insulin is not going to rise enough to get us out of that optimal range and I also put I put 4 p.m. as the first meal you could have if you do oh man you could eat your meal at any time a day but most people find that when they go low carb and they start eating less frequently they're not typically hungry in the morning so most people tend to eat maybe at 1 or 2 o'clock or maybe they wait till dinner so I just picked 4 p.m. as an example and you eat your big meal and your blood sugar Rises a little bit your insulin rises a little bit it doesn't rise very much and by 8 p.m. it has probably plateaued and leveled out and again everyone is different so these are not necessarily exact numbers for any given person but it's an example just to compare and contrast so then if we do the same thing we eat one meal a day at 4 o'clock but let's say that we eat some potatoes we eat some boiled potatoes and we may even have a piece of bread with a meal now the blood sugar is going to rise higher even though we just eat once the there's going to be a lot of carbs a lot of food to respond to that raises the blood sugar insulin is released in response to that blood sugar and we get outside of the optimal range but the difference between this and this is that because we don't go back to eating right away the blood sugar has a lot of time to go down and the insulin has a lot of time to level off we have a lot of time to become insulin sensitive the difference between this and this is that because the blood sugar got higher it's probably going to take a bit longer for it to level off so the time that we spend in some insulin resistance with some insulin response versus the fasting state is going to be longer it's going to be more effective on a keto diet than on a carb diet now the beauty of the one meal a day is that the frequency is such a powerful variable that even if you eat some carbs it's probably still gonna work may not work for everybody but for most people it's still gonna work because you have enough of a fasting period okay you eat all your food at once or in a one-hour window so you have 23 hours for the insulin to become for your cells to become insulin sensitive because there's all that time that you don't eat that you don't trigger insulin so this is not a good idea even though it's the official recommendation to eat frequent meals this is a big reason why the majority of the population is insulin resistance and why so many people are looking for weight loss solutions keto is one great solution to weight loss and combining it with Oh mad or intermittent fasting is going to make it's like you're attacking it from two different directions you're getting you're getting amplified results and OMAD with carbs is probably still gonna work it's not gonna work as well but just the fact that you have such a long fasting window gives your body a long long opportunity to become more insulin sensitive the other thing of course is to keep in mind that not all carbs are equal in order of worst to better high fructose corn syrup is by far the worst you want to stay away from that in any shape or form you want to stay away from sugar and you want to stay away from refined grains now if you're gonna add something then you want to add some whole food starches some natural foods like whole grain rye or steel-cut oats or potatoes or sweet potato or brown rice something that is pretty much in its normal state where you have a lot of the fiber left in it here would be where you still haven't if you eat these guys in red here these items then you would have a curb pretty much like this you would have an insulin response but you have enough time to repair the damage and I wrote it in green down here because non starchy vegetables non starchy carbohydrates are still okay in any quantity even if you're doing a ketogenic diet because you cannot eat enough leafy greens and cauliflower and broccoli to get out of ketosis there's too much fiber and too much water and not enough sugar in there and if you eat with the it's either vegetables with a fiber and some fat then that's gonna buffer that insulin response even further so give this a try and let me know how it works for you and love some feedback if you try one versus the other and let me know what your results are as always please share this video with as many people as possible we need people to really stand why they're doing these things and that's what these videos are about so until next time thanks for watching
Channel: Dr. Sten Ekberg
Views: 141,979
Rating: 4.9471779 out of 5
Keywords: OMAD Keto vs OMAD Carbs, low carb vs keto, omad carbs vs keto, intermittent fasting, keto vs carbs, omad keto, keto, ketosis, keto diet, omad, omad diet, fasting tips, keto doctor, one meal a day keto, intermittent fasting keto, one meal a day, one meal a day diet, benefits of omad, omad intermittent fasting, keto without intermittent fasting, low carb omad, omad eating, intermittent fasting without keto, omad carbs, omad diet with carbs, omad fasting, omad fasting keto
Id: GHTfjukhMGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2019
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