Oliver Loses His FIRST TOOTH! *HE FELL DOWN? EMERGENCY TRIP!* VOICES Roblox Bloxburg Roleplay

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[Music] quick field credits to my friend Penny here for letting us use her super cool town build today and dentist build and of course you haven't already then be sure to use Darko Peach and buy a remote super premium without February dude let's get into it [Music] yeah [Music] hi peaches and welcome back to the channel we hope you're having a lovely day and today the house is kind of quiet because it's only me Evie and Oliver seen as Elena is still at Grandma flows for their little gardening competition that they're doing and then Taylor is also at her friend's house and she stayed that the night so I'm not kind of sure when about she'll be coming back but it's just currently I think it's around 10 a.m so it's still quite early but the kids are in their rooms and stuff I'm pretty sure they've got themselves all washed and dressed but we haven't had any breakfast yet and since we haven't got any plans I thought it'd be fun to get them involved with the cooking or something so I'm gonna go see what they're doing and hopefully get them involved Oliver what are you doing climb with my airplane always that same airplane have you got yourself all washed and dressed right okay good and I don't know about you but I'm super hungry are you hungry for some breakfast okay should we go get Evie then okay let's go because I'm pretty sure she's in her bedroom she's not downstairs already Evie oh hi Mom there you are how you doing uh I'm good I'm just reading this new book that I got as I normally do I'm known to read obviously nice I love it yeah well two what book is it do you know which one it is it's Harry Potter I'm on the last one haven't you read that series like three times over now yeah so I just love Harry Potter [Music] isn't that too aren't you too young to watch the actual movie um well I don't know ask mum I really want to though some of them are okay but I feel like I might kind of get a bit scarier as they go along so maybe we could start with them you know get you started up but um yeah I don't know about you guys I'm super hungry did you want to go down have some breakfast yeah let's go okay well I was thinking since it's just us free today how about we all like make breakfast together it could be fun yeah okay so what is it that you guys want we could make maybe a couple different things you know we always have bacon and eggs or pancakes I was thinking how about we make some like blueberry muffins together oh that sounds fun okay maybe if we make some blueberry muffins together and then we could all make some acai rolls or something yeah yeah let's get the blueberry muffins then I think this is all the ingredients you'll need okay follow me guys let's come stir them up over here here's the milk for you all about and the flour for Evie so so here you go guys put that in Oliver don't stand on the chopping board you don't want to put your dirty feet on it that's it okay on TV like so good perfect okay now we've mixed up the whole mixture did you guys want to put the blueberries in as well look I'll put them on the side here put those in each tray that's it good now let's put them in the oven to bake so while they do their thing we want some acai bowls right so either you watch me make my ones then you can make your own and then Oliver you can watch Evie make curse so then we kind of all get a tutorial from each other at my brain well look you yeah Stevie so just cut up your roots like so and you're gonna put some granola in there any kind of yogurt that you want gonna mix it all around like so there we go okay so there's my one I'll put this down here and then and then I make one yes and then Oliver can watch although I will help you with your one Oliver okay okay here we go come watch Evie make hers so what do you do first Oliver you chop up the fruit yes yes and then you mix in some yogurt that's it guys Perfect all right then Oliver come with me then and we'll make sure you can do it I believe in you come on we can't do it together all right Oliver come here like so I'm gonna chop up the fruit there you go you want to cut up some banana good good well I don't think it'll be long because the blueberry muffins are done and then we can have that too but I am so hungry I don't know about you guys honestly I'm desperate forever breakfast yes fruit go in the muffins or we eat in them with slime oh sorry I took me a second that cut my brain uh well you could eat the fruit first and then you can eat your muffin on the side but you could eat them together if you really wanted I'm just gonna put the blueberries in there okay uh anyone want a milkshake did you guys want a strawberry milkshake uh yes please yes please oh my gosh I need to hurry up because I can see that the muffins are ready quick oh my gosh this milkshake better not take long who wanted the strawberry milkshake anyone we both wanted it okay you both wanted a strawberry one okay there's one for you Evie quickly the muffins are going to burn got them oh that was close yeah hopefully she doesn't burn down the house Oliver uh um enough oh my goodness okay did you want um a chocolate milkshake Oliver oh strawberry please okay you want a strawberry as well okay and I'll obviously have my morning coffee but I don't know what you guys wanted to do today did you guys kind of just wanna maybe have a little day in mess around play out in the uh backyard and then watch the movies and things like that what do you guys think that sounds fun I also like it when either I love Taylor and Elena I actually like it when it's just like free because it's very peaceful it is very calm isn't it me and Evie can go in the poorest if it's going to be hot today oh yeah that's the point that would be fun wouldn't you swim in that would be so much fun well then let's grab a nice blueberry muffin test these out I wonder what they taste like ready mmm you guys are good to try out the blueberry muffins I'm having my fruit first okay I'll have some of the fruit as well this acai bowl is good what do you think Evie looks like Evie's enjoying it as well this is delicious we've actually done a good job haven't we Oliver yeah and Evie did really good too Evie loves baking and cooking and things would you imagine yeah I did too yeah I think she does she likes it what about you did you enjoy it yeah a mum my my dirty Bowl hit if you haven't oh okay you can pass that for me then because you are a little bit young to be washing your dishes perfect and I'll wash these up of course okay put that in the sink did anyone want any more muffins should I just leave them on the table in case you get hungry yeah sorry I'm a slow eater I still want some okay perfect guys too okay pass me that to you then okay all right and I will make sure this is washed there we go well then I guess guys I've got a couple of things I need to do in the house but you guys could always go out and play in the garden or something yeah I'm just having my muffin then I'll go wait for Evie okay sounds like a plan oh and as well guys I've actually got something to show you outside so follow me I've got a bit of a surprise for you okay now come this way Oliver we bought this the other day and I've only been able to set it up this morning up careful Oliver on the slime spit yeah well just make sure you jump up quickly let you just quickly jump up that's it okay well then you guys have fun out here I'm gonna go do some things that I need to do indoors okay thank you okay right while they do that I'm gonna probably just tidy up the house of it because it's seriously a hot mess and I'm pretty sure there is some washing to get out of here that's it the basket is just down there so let me take these dirty clothes and sort them out upstairs in my bedroom Oliver this is so fun don't you think yeah really fun I'm so glad mom actually set this up oh look look we can see something here look out here oh a telescope we look like pirates look we've got a steering wheel controlling our boat we are the best pirates on the sea well anyway Oliver would you like to play tag because yeah I love tagged you yeah yeah okay well I'll start I'll give you a five second Head Start one two three four five coming I'm gonna get you tag no you didn't get me yes I did okay hi okay Oh no you're really fast Oliver here our time attack oh that is not fair well I guess I need to run after you now attack ow I hit my team from the steering bro oh no Oliver are you okay uh Oliver yeah it keeps bleeding like everywhere we need to get money this is not good Mom Mom where are you emergency mom ow It's really hurting out we'll find mum mum where are you there's the chick in her bedroom oh yeah good idea mom where are you whoops there's a blood trout on the floor yeah witty skating Bob where are you I'm in yeah what's wrong um Mom look at one of his mouth oh OMG Oliver what's happened let me put this down Oliver your whole mouth is bleeding and there's some tissues everywhere I'm sorry baby's just playing tag and you know they see everybody on the climbing flame attacked Evie and then what Wildlife hugged her I bumped my toes oh no okay right come on come downstairs let's sort this out ASAP right um where should we sit you um The Blood Trail we apologize for that it is everywhere isn't it oh my goodness okay okay let me go in the bathroom really quickly uh let's see I mean I guess we could give you some salty water olive oil it's not gonna taste nice okay but it will stop the blood okay right let me just grab that cup and let me quickly go to the kitchen that's filled up with some water and put some salt in it okay right here you go I've added some salt it's not going to taste nice but drink well don't drink it don't drink it just wash it around your mouth and then spit it out like mouthwash yes I know it's not good but at least the blood has started to stop um I mean I think we might have to go to the dentist because wait hold on wait Oliver Smile Smile Oliver cheese cheese Evie look his tooth is fell out oh wait that is his tooth must be outside we need to get it for the Tooth Fairy where is it you hit yourself by the steering wheel right it's here it's on the floor let me pick that up I feel uh we'll put that on the side for the two photos but I think we're gonna have to go to the dentist okay what am I gonna do pull all my teeth out no no no no no they won't put it out but they just need to know check up the gummies okay and there's no damage or anything but look guys on the bright side you know obviously if you have hurt your teeth and you've got like two faking stuff some something cool might help it look what I've got for us when we come back home if the dentist says it's okay look guys ready come around here surprise ice cream machine oh that is so cool but my mom's in this room it should be in the kitchen this is the pantry so I thought I'd put it in here oh okay but let's hope that the um dentist says you can have some ice cream or something once we've gone but we better head over there now because I've Got a Feeling could be maybe a bad experience if the gum is like damaged or anything like that here let's sit you right here perfect got your mom wanted to sit in the front next to you I know but you know we've already had damage to your tooth so we don't want you sitting right in the front of the car if you could like bump your tooth like at the front you know where like the glove boxes and stuff we don't want any more oh yeah because if Taylor comes back from her singing that she went to she's gonna sit on blood when I come back oh that would not be nice if you hit your tooth again yeah we don't want that and then you'll be sitting on blood have you noticed look at this they finally fixed bloxy Burgers but it looks like it's called blocks Burger now well we'll ask um you know we'll ask the dentist if you're allowed to eat like certain foods or whatever and when we get back from after the appointment because we don't know if you'll even be allowed to have burgers and things like that straight away but hopefully okay all right then just don't get me anything just go block some burgers okay let's try search for the dentist this town is a very busy uh do I see the dentist anywhere [Music] uh let's see looks like my GPS is saying this way so uh is it here oh guys I think I see I think it's next to the bank so come on let's go pop out the car oh and be careful with that too okay Aspen Dental here we go oh look there's some toys and stuff if you want to play here Oliver and Evie while you wait okay you guys play there then while I sort out an appointment hi there Miss uh hi welcome to Aspen dentist how may I help you today well I I hate to be annoying we haven't actually got a booked appointment but my toddler here Oliver Peach uh he has kind of got into an accident today where he's hit his tooth playing on like uh it's almost like a playground School apparator kind of thing but we have one in our garden um and he's lost his tooth as his actual front tooth we don't know what to do about it so we'd come to the dentist oh yeah there you go he's smiling right in front of you oh I can see that right there perfect okay if you don't have an appointment that's okay just give me your details here if you just sign them out in this booklet over here shortly let me sign this up okay all done should we just wait in the waiting room still wiggled yeah I'll go get the dentist for you okay well looks like you guys are having fun anyway in the ball kit and Oliver as the bleeding kind of stopped now it looks like it I just want to sit here with you maybe okay be a better Roger yeah hopefully it won't belong to the densities here I wouldn't worry though hopefully it won't be too long guys no um can I please have Oliver Peach yes this is Oliver okay I'm here let's go up we go but don't be nervous Oliver okay it's gonna be fine is it just through this one yep uh so this is my wonderful assistant Lila she's lovely if you have any questions please ask her if you'd like to take a seat and here Oliver should I stand on you Mum okay you can take the seat I'll Stand I don't mind okay now I'm just gonna move the chair back a little bit there we are um now if you just want to put on these glasses for me um then you won't be blind to buy a light and um Lila could you please pass me um my tools course thank you now let's have a look there open wide say ah yes very well I can see the damage it is definitely broken I'm just concerned if it goes up the back of the tooth are you able to see that there Lila yeah I can see that down the back it looks a bit chipped down there and then if you see that too that looks a bit chipped as well so probably affect his other adult teeth coming through yeah [Music] is still very far up and they will have a long way to come um how old is Oliver he is four yeah so adult teeth won't be coming soon um but I can see that his tooth is quite broken um I think there is a slight crack going up the back there so um I'm gonna get an x-ray probably okay looks like it's x-ray time then you can just take the glasses off okay if you'd like to follow me through to um the room in here come on then we'll get Evie to come with us as well that's it oh is this is our wonderful x-ray uh dentite her name is Julia feel free to ask me oh okay so for the X-ray it does look like we are going to have to leave the room Julia won't have to have we've got some um protective screening gear Ron um I will be back okay perfect right Oliver okay I'm just gonna get these um two things don't be scared of this machine it's not gonna hurt you I promise okay I'm just gonna quickly recline your chair back it's all good don't worry um I want you to just bite down onto this on your right side okay so can you bite that down there like really hard bite that down for me okay okay right okay don't worry it's not it's not gonna hurt at all I promise okay there you go first one's done now now I'll get the second one you still need to do another one on your other side so we know that it's definitely there's nothing wrong okay um let me just put that on your left side okay can you do the same for me can you buy down really hard okay right and boom there you go you're all done okay I'm gonna now get your mum and your sister back in okay guys you're all free to come back into the room perfect all the writers for Oliver let me just check this would you like me to go print the pictures out or are they all coming through now is that it's tooth over there not on the screen yes so it does look like we have a minor fracture but it goes up on the back of the tooth into his thumb so that's quite serious and we are gonna have to properly remove the tooth uh so little Oliver everything's gonna be all right we're just gonna bring you into our other room and um we're gonna get your mum to sign some um just a few consent forms and you're gonna go into the other room and we're just gonna um make you have uh this special thing into your gums and then you're going to be all fine to go home all right [Music] so Evie out here because she is shivering she does not like the dentist okay just say it Evie just stay calm oh my gosh sorry mum I get a bit overwhelmed it's okay don't worry it'll be fine there's not to be scared of um I think they're gonna go off into the surgery room anyway so we can wait out here we'll just take a seat there's a puzzle here as well we could do this puzzle okay so um Judah if I pass I'm live at the tools I've used you can wash them in the sink and we'll just do a little rotor Oliver if you want to put your glasses back on I'll just recline the chair for you um you can see here okay so you're just gonna feel a couple little pokes in your gums nothing to be worried about uh to do that one two three okay all done now I just need um you to look up at the TV on the ceiling and just what's your favorite show we'll put it on like if you grab the remote yeah what's your favorite show um lots of kids like Paw Patrol at the moment do you want that on yes please okay there we go okay so the anesthesia is probably starting to kick in now so if you could pass me uh just my first tool Lila and I will get that okay yeah so tooth is thank you quite easily just wipe that off Okay so we've got a little bit out you could just wash this for me Julia and line across the next tool okay um okay all right perfect I just need to pull that out with the tweezers okay oh that looks painful bad for this poor boy and pull that out walking so wet and hard I think I'm gonna have to tug here Lila three okay one oh it's okay it's okay it's okay don't worry everything's okay um could you pass me the um the non um the non-stingy mouthwash please um put that in okay Oliver just swirl that around your mouth um okay little mug okay now could you try speak for us yeah can you try to say something maybe say hello or yeah say hi I'm Oliver yeah that's a good one hello okay and so you won't have you won't be able to eat for a couple hours um but that shouldn't be a problem uh just need to drink lots of water and no hot foods as well because and if it is hot you need to make sure your mum puts her finger in maybe just to check it and to make it to a point you don't burn your mouth yeah we need to make sure that being very careful so now you do have a little Gap where one of your teeth was but don't worry because that's when you're a little bit older always grow in you just lost it a little bit early okay so let me get you a little toy for coming to the dentist you did so well Oliver yeah so brave well done okay I hope you enjoyed your time at the dance if you just follow me through here okay perfect you can give your glasses yet there okay now here is a toy for you oh he's back Oliver let's see oh well done Oliver you were so brave and that you got a new little toy out of it let me pick you up all right then here you go Evie see nothing to be afraid of look he's all fixed and good as no he just has got a little Gap there but you'll get a big tooth come through soon I think I should give that toy to Evie before I drop it uh okay oh you know what I'll just take it for you well Evie's a little bit shook up right now because she doesn't like the dentist but she'll come meet us downstairs in a second but let me just sign us out here thank you so much and you said you can't eat for a couple hours right but after like three hours he's able to eat just no hot food's cool we can do that so it looks like we can stop off at bloxy Burgers after bro okay all right then let's get going come on Evie also be careful when he's eating food because his mouth might be dropped a little bit to the side so you want to make sure that none of his food just spills out of his mouth you know okay perfect so make sure we'll like cut it up small then so it's yeah did you want the bill by email please that would work perfectly I'll have it sent over there we go cev told us nothing to worry about look Oliver's all good as a name all right then guys let's get going bye okay well guys looks like we can head off to bloxy Burgers in a few hours but let me just quickly get some money out of the ATM machine perfect ready for bloxy burgers all right then guys let's head back to the car in a few hours we can have some nice bloxy burgers so let's go well peaches we was looking around in town for a while and it's been quite a couple hours now so we're gonna head off to bloxy burgers for a bit of an early dinner sound like a plan guys yeah I am so hungry I don't know about you looks like they've got new parking back here too so that works just great let's hop out here then guys and go grab ourselves some bloxy burgers I absolutely hate the dentist so I'm so glad that I was over even though it wasn't even my appointment but let's go to bloxy Burgers in indeed it's nice to hear you cheering up a bit again because now he's a little bit quiet seeing as you are not a fan of uh appointments but let's go inside really quickly and order something they've changed this place up I know it's so new and uh fresh hi there Miss could we get uh what do we want guys should we just get free burgers each uh yes please could we get free burgers with a side of chips and a drink please like three Burger meals of course you can um so would you um like any drinks with that yeah just free what do we want guys you just get free Waters I don't really feel anything crazy sure okay and just free Fountain drinks please okay that is 10.99 and your food will be coming up in just a second is that to eat in or take away uh eating guys right yeah yeah okay okay perfect I'll be with you guys in a second okay let's come here guys we can take this booth well it looks like that was quite the eventful day but at least it all went to plan in the end what is everyone excited for their bloxy burgers I can't wait I'm starving yeah I'm so excited I like how they've done this place up though and it's got a drive through so you know hint hint oh I see okay you want some drive through I see what you're doing there all right let me quickly get these fries in here gosh okay just you know pop that in there okay looking real good just gotta wait for these things to cook hmm hurry up fries I don't have all day okay y'all it looks like I have your food here The Leftovers of our food perfect we've got the first half thank you so so much you're welcome well guys time to taste test boxy Burgers apart from Oliver your whole tooth situation has everyone had a good day yeah a great day and I guess it looks like we've got some bloxy burgers out of it after all so I guess we should probably start heading home sound like a plan yeah all right then guys guess we should get going home okay guys so there's one last thing that I want to surprise you guys too before we get going because you guys wanted some ice cream didn't you and Amy mentioned about the drive-through so I could always stop off at the drive through we can use our machine Any time of day at home so we'll wait for Evie to hop in all right then guys let me just quickly turn around here lucky the drive-through hasn't got a cure or anything because people would be very annoyed to us right now and let's go you're the best ice cream um I mean Marinol but we don't want to be doing anything rude okay then guys let me go in the speaker hi there can we get free ice creams please free vanilla ice creams um hi yeah sorry um our machine our ice cream machine's actually broken today oh come on what is this McDonald's seriously sorry and this thing worked oh my goodness always broken I can't get any ice cream for myself anyways okay peaches and that brings us to the end of this video we really hope you enjoyed and a massive thank you for watching Once Again big build credits to Penny right here for letting us use her super cool town and dentist plot it's been so much fun and hopefully we can come again in the future but maybe next time for no fractured gums or teeth or anything like that but we really hope you enjoyed thank you so much for watching and of course you haven't already be sure to like And subscribe to a pretty rich family be sure to use Taco Peach and buy Roblox or premium see you guys in the next video bye peaches [Music] [Music]
Channel: peachyylexi
Views: 62,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, robloxrp, robloxroleplay, bloxburgrp, bloxburgroleplay, bloxburg, birthparents, adoptingrp, birthmomrp, adoptionrp, birthstory, hospitalrp, backtoschool, schoolrp, stalkerroleplay, schoolroleplay, movingtobloxburg, movinghouserp, kidnappedrp, kidnaproleplay, jailroblox, twinsbloxburg, brookhavenroleplay, kidnap, vacation, vacationrp, holiday, resort, kindergarten, schoolroblox, schoolbloxburg, backtoschoolshopping, school, dentist, dentistrp, hospital, hospitalbloxburg, hospitalroblox, dentistroblox, firsttooth, toothfairy, rps
Id: zyYJL7aRdHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 29sec (1889 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2023
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