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everybody loves the ball it's filled with shops Galore where we can waste all our money so today I'm building a mall in blosberg this idea came from n Stars D2 so thank you so much for the idea I think the name should be my mom everybody wants a piece of my mole yes I will go broke okay guys as you can see this is what we have to work with the first step though of any building is to add in the wings also you're probably wondering Reese's how are you going to build an entire Mall in one video well simply I'm just not going to be doing every shop today look at me trying to be a math genius workout like how much space I need for there to be a balcony on the top floor I think that's a little bit thin they're gonna have to be Slenderman but there we go Siri do not interrupt me so the exterior is not gonna be like the prized possession it's gonna be the interior I know exactly what to use escalators I don't think I've actually ever used these guys so it's gonna be quite a fun experience and we've already cracked through the million dollars oh this can be so expensive and now it's time for the floor and if you think I'm gonna be basic here you can actually think again I've gone for a one block outline then if we make this into like a gray marble excuse me sorry that's probably these waffles have for breakfast they do look nice though don't they I made them all myself not me messing it up when we're one minute into the video actually no I don't think I did I think it's just the lighting kind of troll then I'm going to continue to add a little sections for the flooring here and there then for the rest of the floor it's just gonna be white and it looks a little bit trashy in build mode but if you press h and actually remove the grid and how much better does this look it looks a little bit like a traffic code from a parallel universe I am loving it I think should probably go to the outside now because we kind of did just skip it these little lines here are actually representative of pillars so I feel like the only way we're going to fix this very bulky looking outline is with pillars the rule of thumb is that you shouldn't really have a flat wall longer than about five and look at that one essentially what I'm gonna do here is grab a bunch of these pillars and the key here is if you're like trying to copy this more or do this trick make sure they're not poking through the inside wall and each one I'm going to pull down by just one block and I'm literally just crossing my fingers here that we have enough room the next step is just to color these anything you like and then we just have to copy that on the other side then we can quickly copy that on the other side they're small is on fire because it looks so good lastly to add a little bit of definition we are just gonna have some wooden planks now it's time to add actually some windows because apparently we forgot what windows are it is absolutely essential that we use these ones if we didn't I thought I I'll be locked away because it's just a rhyme I've got to use these ones please I like these windows they're nice they're different they're unusual I should really go back to a geometry class because I cannot do maps to save my life there we go an escalator fits now then I've put Windows but we still have room for a sign and does anybody else's items take ages to load nowadays like the clock's ticket ain't got all day as you can see I'm being pretty basic here just using this Cube I'm simply just adding a painting onto the cube and then did you know you can actually resize all of this together which is pretty handy oh that looks Dandy to resemble a bit of fanciness you know moles always try to act like they're fancy when they're really just absolute tacky places with gum everywhere I'm gonna put these big pillars oh I don't know if these match the thing is I have to go into fly mode to zoom out because this is so big I actually don't really think they match and that's okay sometimes we make mistakes some mistakes are made that's all right that's okay do not judge that outside guys this is a basically in interior build I just didn't want to leave you hanging on the outside before the DIA or whatever they're called sewer let's add some railings so people aren't flying off the banisters that are brandly opened more Bradley is Bradley a word oh my gosh do you know what I want to do a 24 hour overnight in a mall I would so do that it literally looks so fun and fun fact guys in England we don't have well technically we do but we don't call them malls we call them shopping centers can my watch stop telling me to stand up anyway as you notice I made some curvature along this back wall and that is for a multitude of things first of all more windows oh my gosh no no there's no way I made this whole thing uneven no I'm gonna scream you know earlier when I was paranoid about this not me messing it up I was right to be but don't worry it's quite an easy fix to be fair and you might be wondering what this is for first of all we've got to put a fountain I was contemplating adding a play area in here because some more will have that I just couldn't do it to myself instead we're adding a Dunkin Donuts so yes this is gonna be like the first shop you know how they have random stands and honestly the stands are like the best part first of all we're gonna need a nice big juicy sign most important part is obviously the advertising so here's a little lesson for you here if you ever want to start your own business I have advertising so they will often have like platters of the donuts ready for you sometimes you know those people who are like free sample that is essentially what these Donuts here are gonna be we're actually making this pretty bougie by having stools and I love watching food made hence why I've added some cookers disconnected sorry I just couldn't handle my Dunkin Donuts we are back in business and apparently a bunch of the Dunkin Donuts nuts it's like Bill itself don't really remember adding these cash registers that is actually quite scary and do you want to know what my recent Obsession has been lately it's been watching crazy Karen videos on Tick Tock I'm sorry they are so funny excuse me and why do they all happen in the mall also I'm trying to add banners but they just constantly keep deleting I just want to add some dunking banners this is quite an achievement it's our first stand done now as I so elegantly start to make a massive plant pot let me just explain how this more series kind of is going to work in today's video as you can see we're just basically building the main section of the mall and of course the exterior however if you guys really love this video then I will build individual shops and stuff a little bit like my town Series so if you are enjoying this then do smash the like button and wow this really is looking like a more I think just to be a little bit sneaky sneaky sneaky should we put something in here should we put like an Easter egg when I finish this I'll probably invite you guys in only the true fans oh no it's in here and let's just copy and paste [Applause] eleven thousand dollars Jamie the god that's the most expensive thing I've ever bought now for a little teaser we're not obviously gonna build in the shops but we need to build ways to get in them so if we just temporarily move these plans then I think our best bet for every store is gonna be commercial so I really like these sliding ones oh and if you're wondering what these random things are here these are basically going to be security boxes I know I keep getting distracted but we might as well build them while we're here I get so scared when I see security at the mall I don't even know why I just feel like I've done something even then I haven't we will use traditional frame oh that's nice that's different that's unusual basically they just have a couple of desks they have these huge computer screens and we can have these very bloxburg looking chairs the final thing in here is going to be the iconic confiscation shelf which you know there's always those annoying little brats in a mall who are just playing around with like their basketball and you're just like shut up please there we go that is that done let's just make it on this side ta-da and this actually leads me to something I was gonna do earlier Nutcracker men my coffee's invisible Dumbledore is that you hello Harry we're gonna use these as the security guards but also if you look up any picture of them all there's normally like a billion people so I was thinking once we've done it we can just add a bunch of Nutcrackers and it will look like all the people walking around the mall it also need to decide a name for our mall I kind of want to call it Fountain gate it's from a show called Captain Kim which I absolutely love oh baby this is gonna look absolutely beautiful when all of the stores are inside I'm actually gonna steal this sign from Duncan and I think this should basically just be above every single store we can have McDonald's we can have the Apple Store we can have boots and if my calculations are correct there's eight shops on the ground floor which means there can be eight on the top floor speaking of the top floor we haven't even added a roof if it started raining we would all get soaking sodden wet so I have a perfect idea for what to do for the roof so you've just got to trust the process with this we're going to put a flat roof over the shops then if we go into the other roofs we can whip out this bad boy The Man suits guy like and we can actually give this quite a bit of height and quite a bit of width it's very very expensive but golly gouache that has actually improved this by gazillion percent we've got to get a really modern here so you might be confused when I reach for the elderly light I think these should be studded all along the top if we make them white they do actually look quite modern you see and we've obviously got A Sneak some under the floor this would not be a true Reese's video without some hidden underfloor lighting like I keep saying the main aim of today's video is just to get this middle bit done I think to do this we obviously need a couple more plants and you might notice that a little bit like uneven but that's kind of more realistic and I get so tired walking around the shopping center so I'm gonna make sure there's lots of benches to sit on I think we have space here for another little pop-up shop another favorite of mine is the jewelry store you know they look a little bit like this and they sell necklaces and stuff they're always so overpriced but they're just irresistible we literally won't make it too big at all just about three blocks wide and it's kind of handy because bloxburg literally added necklaces and stuff I love buying like jewelry from pop-up stands because I feel like it might be magical or something you know for like H2O they are Emma and Ricky we'll have some blue LED lights along the front and oh my gosh I've just remembered such a funny comment somebody left they said if you want to have a chef make Gordon Ramsay on a decal then when we go in and change them I'm gonna see if we can find Gordon Ramsay and I'm gonna do the same for this jewelry store we'll see if we can find like a person to actually work here and I was about to see what else do we need to do uh Reese's maybe actually add the rest of the doors it's very therapeutic building this I feel like I'm in a therapy session it might seem strange what I'm about to say I'm gonna add a coffee table like just in the middle here and the most dangerous thing we could put in a mall filled with million people it's a candle so let's do it I'm gonna go into Garden I'm gonna search up tree and basically a life hack is you just make them at different sizes then we can just scatter these around it's really actually quite fun to do it looks a little bit mad but I like the view I like the view and then just to fix the roof on the front because as you can see it doesn't look too good just follow the roof all the way around and then pull it up a little bit we don't have a way to get in yet we don't have our lovely Brook Road getting us here and here's where we can actually get real I'm gonna use bushes and I'm actually going to use the hydrangea ones I've never understood these they look like little Easter eggs something else I rarely do in my videos but should probably do more is add a car park especially when it's a place like the mall car parks are actually really like fun to build and wow just adding that at the front has already enhanced it by a gazillion I think we're definitely in need of these literal diamond plated plants outside though I still can't get over how expensive these are and so I don't feel so lonely I'm gonna some Nutcracker menu and I'm just scouring for empty spaces the only really empty space is at the back here I was thinking we could have just a little seating Zone I think that is good for episode one of our little more series okay chickens welcome to the Grand Opening and now hiring mall I'm joking we are far from ready to open no but seriously the exterior of this place actually turned out pretty decent as you can see we already have a couple of fake cars parked up out here very bougie cars actually and so let's go through the revolving door oh I missed I actually hate revolving doors anyway here is our view oh looks like we're going back around as I was saying here is our view as we walk in I mean it's incredible obviously when all the shops are lit up with things inside it's going to look 100 times better but for now we have the security office this is where I would sit chief of the police department over here I would sit here I'll be on the phone to the popo and that is the same on the opposite side now I've made some makeshift signs as you can see these are not going to be the final store names I'm actually gonna let you guys pick them I just put these as so you can get the gist but I really am a huge fan of this Center area with the plants the escalators let's actually try them out oh I didn't know they actually would work oh my gosh I'm being so stupid one needs to go the other way as well and then this is how you're gonna be able to get down and behind here is where it gets exciting so we have this very excitable looking cashier here and this is called raspberry Avenue this is where you can basically Buy jewelry only one dollar just behind here we have Dunkin Donuts and apparently Gordon Ramsay's working here oh my God Gordon he's got some big muscles so we can sit here and apparently it must be the end of the day because there's only one donut left on display and we can eat this while Gordon stares at us but yeah this is truly an incredible build for me and like I said this is probably only episode one you guys do want this more series to continue and me to build shops and stuff just subscribe and comment down below what shop I should build but in the meantime thanks to everybody who watched this and I'll see you all next time
Channel: truereeses
Views: 274,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: t2h4V03fX2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2023
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