Oliver 1650 Tractor 6 Volt to 12 Volt Battery Upgrade

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this is an Oliver 1650 tractor and it needs batteries I'm not happy with the factory battery setup so we're gonna make some changes that's also going to give us a chance to try out this new toy a hydraulic battery terminal crimper here we go on these oliver tractors the batteries mount underneath of the platform where your feet would normally sit while you're driving and they sit inside these two battery trays just one on either side and the trays kind of tip up like this and then there's a couple of bolts here that hold the whole tray back against the bottom of the platform here I've already removed the batteries obviously and I was just having a look at the battery cables so some of them look pretty good some of them look a little bit tired this one no no it's like it may have had a new end crimped on it at one time so like I said same idea on the other side looks like both of these terminals have been replaced at some point in time and the cable itself yeah it's not looking the greatest here's the batteries I don't know how old they are the date code was never scratched off they're probably six to eight years old would be my guess these are six volt batteries hooked up in series to give you 12 volts these are grouped for batteries 950 cold cranking amps they're both shot I charged them up then I tested them with my carbon pile load test err here they both failed miserably we do not however need a load tester to tell us this battery is bad you can see how badly kind of bubbled up the plastic cases here around the positive terminal that's a classic sign that the battery has been frozen so what happens is that the acid inside the battery as the battery discharges it becomes more like water and that water freezes and you know when water freezes it expands and it bulges out the plastic case and it can separate the plates inside the battery giving you a bad connection inside so typically when a battery's been frozen there's no bringing it back it's junk this is a schematic of how the batteries are hooked up in the tractor currently so it has two batteries six volt batteries hooked up in series and it essentially gives 12 volts to the starter now the catch is when you have two batteries in series the the amperage is going to stay the same the voltage adds but the amperage does not so if you think about these two batteries as being one big battery it's essentially a 12-volt battery with a 950 amp rating and if you look at the power output so power Watts equals volts times amps so 6 times 950 is 5700 watts so the two batteries together are capable of producing eleven thousand four hundred watts of electricity now the alternative here is two 12-volt batteries in parallel so if you think about these two batteries as being one big battery it would essentially be a 12-volt battery with a 1900 amp rating so if you do the same kind of math you you're gonna find out that this 12 volts in parallel has twice as much power twenty two thousand eight hundred watts of power out of two 12-volt batteries so you know what's the catch here how can you have twice as much power out of two batteries that are basically the same size you know physical size as these two six volt batteries well it has to do with the amount of time it's what they call the reserve or the capacity what it basically means is that these two six volt batteries hooked up in series can produce eleven thousand four hundred watts for twice as long as these two 12-volt batteries can produce twenty two thousand eight hundred watts and it's not exactly the same because there really isn't an equivalent six volt to twelve volt battery here but if you look at the reserve capacity of a group for six volt battery it's probably going to be in the area of like two hundred and forty minutes and if you look at the reserve capacity of a large 12 volt battery let's say like a sixty five group size or a thirty one groups as battery it's probably gonna be more like a hundred and forty or a hundred and fifty so what that means is that these two six volt batteries they put out less power but they can do it for much longer so essentially you get a longer cranking time now what I'm thinking about doing is converting this tractor over to two 12-volt batteries because the 12-volt batteries are easier to get you have more selection there's also you know better specs in the same you know count price range so I could convert this tractor over to to group 31 batteries gain an extra let's say 200 amps and it really doesn't cost anything more so essentially we'll have twice as many amps but that doesn't really matter because I mean that the starter only pulls so many amps it doesn't really matter what kind of battery is behind it the catch though is that we're gonna have to probably make some larger battery cables because the battery cable that's here is only rated for 950 amps and now we basically have twice that capacity available now like I said the starter only pulls so many amps so if you want to get technical about it you don't really have to have a bigger battery cable but in case there's a short-circuit somewhere in this system right here we're gonna you know there's a chance we get caught you know caught short with a smaller cable so in order to accommodate two 12-volt batteries I think we're gonna have to start over with the cables you know basically just start that over from scratch now the other thing we could do is just go to one 12-volt battery you know you figure nineteen sixty what seven when this tractor was built batteries weren't anything like what they are today and there's probably a pretty good chance that one 12-volt battery like one group thirty one battery would start this tractor just fine but I'm gonna go to the store see what I see when I come up with and we'll make a decision from there okay before I do that I want to opine for a minute about batteries because I got a lot of things to say about these things they're like the bane of my existence lots of tribalism involved with batteries everybody has their favorite color creed brain and whatever you know some guys are interstate Optima motor craft ACDelco it doesn't really matter as far as I know there are only three manufacturers of batteries in North America Exide deca and Johnson Controls and Johnson Controls is by far the biggest one so no matter what battery you buy what no matter what it says on the side of it it's gonna be made by one of those three companies at least here in North America and these three batteries right here are Farm and fleet batteries they are made by East Penn manufacturing aka deca now here are three more Farm and fleet batteries I bet if i scrounged around I could probably come up with at least two more so I've got at least eight farmer fleet batteries on the premises now I've had a lot of guys tell me in the comments about how great these Farm and fleet batteries are I don't agree if you're not familiar with farm fleet farmer fleets kind of a farm supply store that we have here in the Midwest I think they're based out of Wisconsin but they're all over Minnesota Wisconsin Iowa Illinois anyway their batteries are made by deca and I've just had terrible luck with them any one that I bought in the last ten years has been pretty much junk out of the box a lot of times they won't meet the CCAA specs right from the get-go and they just won't survive they won't last more than a couple years now there are different tiers of farming fleet batteries the more you pay obviously the better battery that you get the problem is like these commercial batteries which are what what are kind of kind of targeted towards the tractors and trucks and stuff they only have this gold series now East Penn also makes batteries for Napa there they look exactly the same a lot of times they even have the same part number but I've installed lots of Napa batteries and never had an issue so I don't know if we're just getting bomb batteries where we are I'm doing something wrong but I don't recommend farmer fleet batteries well two hundred and forty three dollars later I've got two new batteries these are group thirty-one stud top batteries standard truck batteries I took the battery boxes along made sure they were gonna fit everything looks good we are gonna have to basically start over with our cables though at a minimum we need new end and one new ground cable but I think we're probably going to do all new cables because like I said we're gonna have a lot more Jam with these two 12-volt batteries in parallel and these are CARQUEST batteries as far as I know they're made by Johnson Controls I've had pretty good luck with these now JC Smith was telling me somewhere over by him that the truck dealership will sell these group 31 batteries for like 75 bucks I've never seen anything quite like that around here the International dealership but I'll about once a year they'll run a special where they they sell these batteries for about $90 a piece but I've never seen anything like 75 bucks that would be awesome it looks like the original battery cables were all to gauge that's to American wire gauge and they're not really in too bad of conditions so I think what we're gonna do we'll take this old crossover cable from one battery to the other well cut it right in half and we'll use that for our two grounds and then we'll make a new cross over using some new red 2 gauge wire to go from battery to battery and we'll crimp all of those with these 3/8 lugs here our terminals ever you want to call them and then for the second battery to the starter we'll make a new cable out of some two OTT you know super heavy-duty cable and that will give us lots of carrying current carrying capacity up there to the starter and to do that we're gonna use a new toy this is a clutch hydraulic terminal crimping tool this is the main thing of it right here so it's got this little hydraulic jack basically built into it comes with a variety of dies that are supposed to crimp this nice hex shape onto whatever terminal you want now I bought this thing from Northern Tool for $30.00 I have no idea how they can make something like this for 30 bucks ship it to the United States and then sell it and make a profit I just that's insane to me there's so many parts to this thing anyway if you're not familiar with Northern Tool it's kind of like Harbor Freight but for people who are too lazy to drive to a store and they have a you know they used to have an old catalog now it's all mostly done online I think they do have some brick-and-mortar stores but there's not one anywhere near me anyway we're gonna try this guy out it's supposed to go up to what 120 square millimeters so I have no idea what that is an American wire gauge I think it's like six OTT or something it's way way bigger than what I would need okay it's my first go around so I started with a 35 die a 35 square millimeter and I didn't feel like it was tight enough so I went down to the 25 I think that might have been a mistake cause now I'm getting this this flash here on the sides so 35 might be the way to go you know it's the tool certainly isn't calibrated or anything like that I read some other reviews and watch some other videos and guys are saying just just kind of to try the dies out and see which one which one fits the best for your application here we go so we turn this thing to to rock and roll here then I gotta say it's kind of awkward probably the best thing to do would be to pre tension the terminal so get a little tension on the terminal and then stick the wiring because I mean you really need three hands to do this kind of like any crimping tool so I'm back to the 35 millimeter square die let's see how she goes here okay that's it feels pretty good really so that's the crimp you get let me try something else yeah so this is the for real crimping tool for this style of terminal this is a stake on which is a trademark of thomas and betts I believe so let's try that real quick stick that in there so same problem you need three hands Oh so that's the crimp you get with the the for real tool versus the crimp you get with the hydraulic tool I don't know this thing feels pretty solid and I feel like it's cleaner especially on larger terminals that's gonna be it's gonna be a lot better the problem with this style of crimp is it kind of kind of flares out makes a flat kind of a flat crimp I don't know plus I'll have to price this tool but I bet you if you had to buy one of these it's probably close to 400 bucks well it finally occurred to me that I don't need a third hand because I have a vise yeah rookie mistake gotta flip this other die around there we go now the jaws are even alright let's try it on some bigger cable this is to ought to slash zero that's what we call it here in the United States and what the actual for real name for it is anyway I'm gonna go from the 35 die to 70 and then it's on the floor so I think based on the length of the terminal we might had to crimp this one twice so we'll crimp it at the back and then move it kind of move it forward [Music] I don't know fellas I'm starting to like it I mean 30 bucks 30 bucks for this thing the for real like the steak on tool for this size wire is $600 okay under got all of our cables made up so here's our two grounds this one here is gonna go between the two batteries and then this big mama is gonna go from the batteries to the starter now I wasn't thinking I could have made this crossover piece here out of this old cable that ran from the battery to the starter somehow I totally spaced out on that so I would not have had to use new cable for this but whatever I had it so that's what I did I'll throw that other piece in my collection and we'll use it for some other will short piece that we need to make someday in the future anyway let's put this thing together come on guy first time putting a bolt in Oh this other big cable goes to the pre heater for the manifold so you can start the freaking thing in the water [Music] I can't believe Oliver thought this was a good idea you know it's crazy about this once you take this latch loose there's nothing holding the battery in there other than the cables the whole thing just goes right out on the ground ask me how I know tell you what wrestling these two hot cables around is no fun even the to gauge cables are no fun Oh anybody gets them it deals with those bigger cables like three OTT they make for up battery cable if you want to buy it I don't think I've ever seen anything bigger than two ah they make these special nuts for these group 31 batteries I think they're they're tinned copper and they have a little cap on the top you can use a regular nut I suppose if you wanted to but these are these are better for keeping out the green Krusty's okay now when you're dealing with two batteries in parallel you always want to hook up both positives on both batteries and then hook up both negatives on both batteries because that way if you you know touch something with your wrench on the negative side you're not gonna have any arcing and sparking now of course there's always exceptions to that rule and every mechanics got a collection of wrenches and sockets that are partially melted from shorting the positive to the frame or to some other big ground anyway I think we're done super happy with the way that lays but throw the covers back on and we should be ready to try this out and I got a quick coupler here for the hydraulics that's leaking pretty badly I wonder if we can fix that or at least try to I don't know what these are Pioneer something well I replace the o-ring but I don't see a problem with the old Oh ring so that's probably not gonna fix the problem in fact I think it's still leaking right now most likely what we'll have to do is just replace this whole coupling they're not that expensive so I'll get it out there and get a new one but that'll be a project for another day all right guys I think we're gonna call this a win and quit while we're ahead I do believe that one of these big batteries would be good enough to start this tractor but you know more battery more better and these these pre-combustion waukesha engines are terribly hard starting and there's something wrong with this tractor still I'll link to another video I did about the heart starting that was related to the metering valve in the injection pump there and that issue is not resolved there's something else going on with this injection pump it doesn't it doesn't work quite right the governor sticks or the metering valve sticks or something so you know when you get it started up if you can get it started it goes right up to kind of high idle like 15 16 sometimes even 1800 rpm and it stays there for a long time regardless of where you put the throttle so something is sticking in there and it's it makes it pretty scary to run and then when you first started up the governor doesn't seem to react quite right the tractor doesn't doesn't doesn't have any power it kind of falls on its face and then you run it for a little bit and it straightens right out so the injection pumps gonna have to come off we're gonna have to do some work to that I already bought a rebuild kit for it and the one piece governor weight basket I just haven't had time to get get that done also there's lots of oil leaks going on I think our O ring did help here on this coupler but I probably still need to replace that whole thing so you see I got a little bit of a puddle of oil right here but nothing like what we used to have so I've got to address that then the transmission is leaking pretty bad see a big spot there something's also leaking out of the PTO area not sure what's going on there and then I got a problem with the tires and the tubes the tubes must be bad inside the tires you can see fluid you know the calcium chloride or whatever fluid actually leaking out of the cracks and the tires and the tires themselves are basically shot but I cannot afford to put new tires on it right now these tires are quite expensive so we're gonna have to let that ride also I noticed that the hub's here if you see it there the hubs are adjustable on the axles so you can set you know different track widths and it looks like the hubs are are walking out so a lot to loosen up the big u-bolts in there and try to shove those hubs back in a little bit the other side is doing it too but not quite as badly now as far as the crimper is concerned I think this thing is a winner I mean for 30 bucks how could you possibly go wrong so I'm sure I'll get some comments from some pedantic viewers you know telling me I'm using it wrong and they're probably right but you know the thing comes with no instructions and I watched a few other videos and seemed to be kind of all over the place as far as you know how far to crimp it and what dye to use so I'm saying just do whatever works you know and I've got other crimping tools so that the stakeout and crimping tool here is a little easier to use you know it's certainly faster and more convenient but crazy expensive so I have this thing too which is like a hammer style crimping tool and you can see this battery cable was on the tractor and it was crimped I'm sure with a tool just like this so it works but it makes this kind of weird triangular shape crimp it has to you just by the way the tool is built so you see right there I'm certain that that's how that that log was crimped same with this end so it works but you see it makes that kind of weird you know triangular shape so you know these are nice if you need to do a field repair or something you just want to throw it in your toolbox and and take it out with you get you out of a jam but it's not nearly as nice as these two tools so my two cents about battery cables is that the best quality and most cost-effective cables are these pre-made units like this I can't buy these parts and put these cables together for cheaper than what I can buy them and the quality is better you know these are cast right on to the to the wire you don't have any anything to worry about as far as corrosion goes that's the best so second best would be to use a for-real tool like this you know do it right crimp the thing up he use your heat shrink that's gonna last just as long as it's pre-made once as long as you do it right I guess after that would be this thing the hammerlock style you know that works but it's a little bit kind of I don't know it's not as good as these let's just put it that way in the worst-case scenario would be to use these things these cheesy repair lugs these things are terrible they'll work all right on tractors and equipment and stuff that you know doesn't get used on the road but do not use these on your car or a truck or anything that's gonna sea salt I've fixed a lot of no start problems that were related to these terrible repair lug things these are junk now all that being said most good auto parts stores will make battery cables for you they sell bulk cable they sell the terminal ends they sell the heat-shrink if you buy that stuff from them tell them what length you need usually they'll crimp them up for you doesn't cost you anything extra I know my local auto parts store does that all the time and honestly other than convenience there's really no reason for me to own all these tools I can easily get that done at my auto parts store maybe that's different in other parts of the world but around here no problem go and tell them what you need show them the old one or whatever if you have it and they'll take care of you alright guys I'm not much of a reviewer of tools and I'm you know I don't feel like tearing it apart or whatever seeing what it's all about all I know is it worked and I don't see why it won't keep working comes with a rebuild kit for the hydraulic cylinder so I guess if that thing starts spewing everywhere you can fix it up so obviously if you need to make you know spec ul certified crimps you're not shopping in the Northern Tool catalog but for you know regular people like me I think this is a good option so I've seen them on eBay you know I'm sure no doubt made in the same Chinese factory but this is the one I bought I'll put a link to the Northern Tool thing I don't know if the price has changed or whatever but if you want to check it out I think it's worth omen alright guys that's it not much of a video I guess but I thought it was interesting so I'll probably go ahead and post it and we'll figure out something to do for the next time I'm not sure what that's gonna be I've been struggling really struggling for the last I don't know probably weeks now we finally sold our other house so I've been here in the house slash shop for since the fourth of July so what's that seven eight months now and we just finally were able to sell our other house which is two hours away so I've been paying for two houses and maintaining two houses you know mowing the grass and raking the leaves cleaning the gutters and all that stuff two hours away and then we finally got an offer and I had to make a bunch of repairs to the house including replacing part of the roof which we knew we had to do but I wasn't expecting to do it in February and you can imagine what you know roofing repairs are like in February in northern Illinois it's not not a whole lot of fun but we had a little break in the weather got it done the closing was yesterday so yeah words cannot express how relieved I am that that is done so I'm hoping we can get kind of get cracking up here and get the shop put together and and start doing some work and making some money there's a lot of things I need to do the lighting in here is terrible as you guys keep pointing out to me the insulation isn't the greatest it's insulated but there's no like wind barrier and it blows here all the time the wind never stops so maybe do something about that but the weather is starting to come around so that'll probably be more of a fall project I got to fix some leaks in the siding and the roof and just otherwise get the stuff organized and try to bang out some more content for the YouTube channel because I have been pretty much focused on that house for the last I don't know three weeks or so you guys have have been taking a backseat to that alright guys thanks for watching and I'll see you next time and maybe we should do something with this little guy only four months tell power to her don't think we're gonna make it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the hydraulics and this Oliver are just painfully slow but it sure beats shoveling
Channel: Watch Wes Work
Views: 143,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oliver, 1650, 1655, battery, batteries, cable, terminal, lug, crimp, crimper, series, parallel, repair, replace, tractor, start, starter, hydraulic, leak, oil, mechanic, fix, upgrade
Id: 6zMk11RjeVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 46sec (2506 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2020
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