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hello my old school soul food fans and followers today we're not gonna focus on me I don't like to focus on me we're gonna focus on the food so you're gonna see more than food than me but anyway today we're gonna do some old-school fried chicken very simple you can't get no something more old school than that I got some chicken that I marinated for 24 hours what I do with my man made all these recipes number one is already on my whole school food Yahoo I mean not Yahoo Facebook page just go to Facebook / old school so poo and you'll see all the recipes that I post on the video will be on my Facebook page but what i do when i marinate my chicken I love chicken thighs and a I think that's the best part of the chicken it's the most tender most juiciest part of the chicken I don't like breasts and wings the only way my life is buffalo wings but that's another story I don't know the recipe for another episode but anyway about the lazy guys listening the bowl I've only got so many I used six eggs it's all long like I said I'm gonna go through this ain't gonna give me the detailed recipe because all the recipes are read online you just go to another Facebook trying to promote my facebook page Stewart you can see six eggs I put it in a bowl make a couple of matches and two two dashes of any quantum of cook I move down a hot dog I always you Louisiana Hot Sauce I just kept all that wipe up in my food as you can see doesn't have the better flavor also glint in in the color black pepper sometimes I'm all about eating with your eyes and uh white cup is better than backed up but it it shows it doesn't show up in the food but you just do have the taste to season I like kosher salt always cook ware culture start banging out of a song if you can't eat kosher salt gotta be on you can use out of that I like coaches all because more of a grain of salt and it's easier to to code on the food it's kosher salt I always used - best sometimes I kind of swill it and branding but you can't beat Martin kosher salt also Kevin is bridge season so another I've been using that with the kid this thing you can you own everything chicken beef or fish this is the game here cabin is senior oh okay I'll put all that in the bowl with the chicken I've got some chicken high ready already marinade happens you can do you find chicken you can use the ball over set this to the side use the bowl method we can mix it in a brand in a bowl or you can do the method I like I like you push the bag and shake your hand shaking base shaking it up target makes another help AHA point it makes the best bag get bigger more expensive solve in the bags awesome for a reusable purposes a little target I'm kind of shocked are you deciding get some bags for bags please but anyway also while I'm doing this I got more heating up around 350 we're gonna be frying in the night just give it and touch up and you can fry it both up I love hope of these items for crying but they hold heat very evenly and then a regular fries okay I'm gonna bring the heat up I didn't turn it down or bring it up because when you fry the chicken you want to all okay he's gonna probably do more than three to four minutes on each side and that to me is one morning take these fried chicken it has Caesar icon the food move it around a little mysterious I've been singing for the bottom but as you got a good season black considers and then this season Dutch oven for jumped up and you'll have a season 56 a thing I like about these cooking things they hold heat so much so good full with all go back to the man named down it's the ends together I'll be with the heads up yeah that's a hot dog yeah the straw oh I forgot one thing I'm sorry a couple of buttermilk company a half of butter milk coffee cup and a half of butter though I'll put it here also mix all that together put your chicken into the bowl man in overnight a good mayonnaise 2 ounces you put this I like the man in 24 hours to make to all the seasonings ready ready ready you know marinate to the bone [Music] [Music] I do more video that will have more the clothes videos this is my first one and he'll get better and better they're not but please subscribe and share my channel horses old school tofu that's my facebook channel but a YouTube kind of be subscribe here it's a little bit more and more better and the video will go along another thing I do I call this TV but I messed up beautiful cut all my chicken after 3 or 4 minutes on the one side I'll turn it over 3 or 4 minutes on the other side well joinin time you chicken have on these done but what I do I take the sheet pan to fall on the floor and you never see my foods just to the day small paper cups with you how to clean up the cheese painting is take this wallpaper off I use a regular rack what's that chicken off it's not done yet and I'm gonna finish it another for another 15 minutes what this does in the only preserves the color but it deserves the juice into the chicken also take it off see how beautiful baby golden-brown [Music] put the rest of them on here to wrestle chicken like I say who doesn't like fried chicken I grew up on it I think we all have five more pieces to do I'm gonna go three-in-one this one by ninety two cups of flour to coat it you got that simple and back to the I'm not gonna say just a good leader but cooking offense in an oven 350 15-20 minutes in the oven on the sheet pan is the perfect way to the burbs up because you don't want to keep turning into turning turns and you're coding coming off and then it doesn't get a good consistently beautiful flame because we want to look beautiful flavor five chickens and it makes it crispier preparing the Christmas better another tip that I use sometimes if you want to not use regular flour you can use their outer sides you put a full of benefit if you give yo chicken a little bit of extra crispy and normal [Music] and I gotta say is you see if you've been following me on my Facebook page what's left over on my fried chicken after we eat it I'll give it a land whatever I can make mother chicken with this and that's another video I'll make I might make it later on this week and pulse it and take a minute and try to ensure another mother crisis so you can have our two different meals in one week you can do buy chicken on Sun in turn around money appears images old suits mothers fire station whatever that hope is get along inconvenient chicken Bell [Music] also Biddle quit my I really suggest suggestion there left in one you can get him his teeth this 40 50 bucks paying $300 I have one that cost 300 bucks but it's a cheap squad this is a four and a half quart one I got one is from France is a six and a half 40 which is awesome I'd use it wonderful such a thing even when I really really needed me I really need to cook them to perfection I use that but then he this as they heat up evenly they easy to use a nonstick cooking properly you have to worry about it sitting improves distance walking brother [Music] beautiful golden-brown [Music] well you see how simple five chicken is some people are gonna like this that's for the animal they can't freak out the perfect way justice always work for me this is the marination use the buttermilk in the very mention not only tenderize the meat but it helps the bad intentions Oh quick to the ball and you will see when you eat then be my native carpet if I got that for 24 hours you would tell a big difference in this evening and all the way to the ball I'm gonna put it in the oven 15 20 minutes beautiful golden brown hot chick
Views: 15,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fried chicken, old school soul food, southern cooking, cast iron skiller, dutch oven
Id: ncQtpG_DUEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2019
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