Southern Fried Chicken - How To Make It Like The Pros

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now I know you guys haven't seen that thumbnail and you know read that title and you're probably out there saying oh we right so listen today I'm getting ready to show you guys how to make a delicious Southern Fried Chicken let's get it this video today is sponsored by Texas Pete okay so look let's go over some of these ingredients right not a whole lot Mission but I promise you this is what levels it up if you come on in here take a look at this right here look this is our buttermilk right and before we even get to our seasonings look right here we got our chicken now over here we got our seasoning right we got onion garlic you know the powder's right there we got black pepper we got kosher salt and this right here is my Creole seasoning right and of course if we're gonna do anything folks we got to bring this to the party and that's Texas Pete okay so look you see we didn't win over the the uh ingredients right so now I'm gonna take my buttermilk right and then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and add my seasoning here right because look we want our seasoning we want our buttermilk to be seasoned too because we make it a marinade right and the Creole oh we folks black pepper man that black pepper and that Creole seasoning is gonna make you sneeze now I'm just gonna go ahead and take you know just a couple of pinches of salt leave it like that you want to get your whisk right I just want to give this and to get this going because I saw a couple of lunch right so as we getting this together once I get this fully Incorporated guess what folks you know what it is that Texas Pete time Texas Speed is the perfect balance of bold flavors and heat now check this out the Texas Pete brand has a long-standing positive relationship with the community and chefs like myself Texas Pete is the perfect hot sauce to have on hand for any recipe to spice things up okay so we mixed up right we got our hot sauce in here now and the bowl that we have our chicken in now we just go ahead come on in here and get this eye candy look we just want to go ahead and pour this right here on like this see that right there folks this is what you want I'm gonna go ahead and get me a you know glove mix this up make sure you know everything is coated completely even though you see it submerged but they still making contact right now I'm gonna put some Saran Wrap I'm gonna put them in the refrigerator and we're gonna go for about four to six hours okay so look now I'm getting ready to add my ingredients right this is my flour you want to go ahead and season it properly and then you know what it might sound strange to you if you've never been following me before listen you've got to taste your flour and then for our salt we just go ahead and sprinkle a little bit in here like this right now we get our whisk then we whisk it together okay so look you can look right here and you can see that that season I just tasted it and I love what I'm tasting if you guys want to know what your secret is of having good you know good tasting Fried Chicken that's it season your flour look it's been marinating just nicely tenderizing that chicken now I'm gonna go ahead I'm gonna take this hand here I'm gonna shake off as much as I can right and then we're just gonna add it over here to our seasoned flour I'm gonna do this with a few more pieces get enough right now right now I'm gonna get in here with this hand now this is going to be my wet dry hand everything gonna be right here look we already got it on there you just want to push it in just like this it's okay don't worry you know then I want you to pay attention to what I'm doing I take it and I squeeze it because I want to get it everywhere just take off the excess then you want to bring it over here get yourself a bacon dish and just put it down shake off the excess and Stage it now the reason I kept another hand that was dry that's just in case I need to do anything grab something open something up you know like that I got to have a clean hand right so Shake look the more you can shake off the donut here the cleaner your grease you know or your oil will be [Music] now I got my oil I just checked this just a second ago we had 380 degrees right why because this is going to go ahead and reduce it also and if you guys take a look right here I just want to show maybe I can show the depth I only went in about that far you know I mean because look when you put something in there the chicken in there is going to rise up a little bit right so here we go go ahead and take it and I'll just put it down right here so you guys can see it boom [Music] I want you guys to notice that while okay I put all the drumstick in right because look they're all the same size so they'll be cooked just about the same time right when it comes to getting to the thighs they bigger you know what I mean I don't want to just like be moving pieces like that I do my these first the drums then we come and do the thighs [Music] foreign [Music] just one second I'm gonna go ahead and do my plating you know what before I pick this up I'm gonna just say this let's cue that music [Music] okay look you guys can see everything's all plated up you know what I mean uh of course we got that that crispy fried chicken and guess what folks we bought greens to the party too and just because it's the holidays you know we got mashed potatoes you know I mean I got some gravy behind me and what will we do if we didn't have no cornbread muffin folks hey so guess what now I'm getting ready to use this Texas Pete original hot sauce check this out for those of you all out here you're always talking about it here we go you got to put some hot sauce on your chicken and your greens all you guys got to do is go down look down in the description box below click that link to get your own Texas Pete original hot sauce oh my goodness check it out folks cheers now this fire it ought to be a longer haha hey Game Changer folks if you looking to level up this Texas Pete original hot sauce is it right there I didn't already brought you to the party look Texas Pete original hot sauce and finished it off you know I took it from there hey with that being said this is the way to go and you guys let me know what you think about down in the comment section below right let's go ahead and talk about it now if you're new to my channel let me just take your time to say thank you for watching this video don't forget to like smash that subscribe button and tell everybody out here there's a channel out here that's simplifying these recipes and taking the mystery out of cooking and guess what folks I'm out oh peace [Music]
Channel: Smokin' & Grillin with AB
Views: 286,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cookin wit AB, Smokin and Grillin wit AB, Southern Fried Chicken - How To Make It Like The Pros, fried chicken, southern fried chicken, buttermilk fried chicken, crispy fried chicken, fried chicken recipe, how to make fried chicken, the best buttermilk fried chicken, how to make buttermilk fried chicken, buttermilk fried chicken recipe - the best fried chicken recipe, southern fried chicken recipe, buttermilk fried chicken recipe, crunchy fried chicken, chicken fry recipe
Id: Ga6eqNdmRGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 6sec (486 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 02 2022
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