Old Pincor Generator from 1985 - Does it Still Work?

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hey guys welcome back so today I brought home this thousand watt pin core generator this was made in 1985 and I would say well cared for the Chrome has a lot of shine on it and there's very little rust on this generator now I don't know much about this I actually went to the seller that had this to buy a Generac which I did that'll be a separate video but he threw this one in at no additional cost so I didn't really do anything other than put it in the car and bring it home but now that it's here I've been checking it over and I've found a couple issues starting with the tank there was a pretty bad smell coming from it in the car so I already drained the tank out put a little bit of fresh fuel in there but there is a lot of rust in there that does need to be dealt with and I'm sure the carburetor has issues as well but there is a bigger issue here this engine it is a three horse Briggs Flathead engine also looks to be in very good shape but when I pull the engine over it pulls freely there is absolutely no compression but I do think I hear the Piston going up and down so most likely it is a stuck valve so let me get you set up a little bit better and get going on this foreign by pulling the spark plug out the valves are on this side so with the plug removed I should be able to see if there's a stuck valve tight so the good news is the Pistons going up and down which means the connecting Rod's not blown but I can't see the valves I was hoping to see them because they are just right there so I'm going to get the borescope out see if I can get a better angle and see if either of those are stuck just going to rotate the engine get the Piston all the way down and definitely somewhere but you can still see the cross hatch a little bit on the cylinder so yeah not too bad as far as the valves go they should be over here you can just almost see one right there in the bottom left that is the intake valve let's rotate the engine and it's opening and closing so the intake seems fine there's the exhaust valve it's open right now actually it was closed but it's opening and closing so things actually look good now we got compression so yeah it was stuck or maybe there was some Rust but it's not stuck now so let's check for spark nice strong spark so you know what's next let's get a little bit of fuel in there hook up the light see if this thing makes power I'm going to use a bit of two stroke that should be plenty that is bone dry so yeah let's get a little oil in there I'm just going to pull this off before the first start because there is a foam filter in here and they tend to biodegrade over time especially if they're left outside this one's actually decent so it's really not bad it is oil soaked maybe that's where the oil went from the engine maybe this was tipped on its side not really sure anyway I'm going to leave this off for now because the tank does need to come off assuming we make it that far so let's pull the cord I'm going to get a light plugged in and see if the engine runs and if it makes power so I just choked the carburetor there is some fuel in the tank so there is a slight chance that this could keep running so let's give it a try it makes power let's try it again just time just on the carb [Applause] [Applause] these old Briggs they continue to amaze me this had no compression similar to the dingo I worked on a little while back and after pulling it over a few times compression came back the engine started sounded good and the generator makes power so we have compression we have spark we have timing fuel is the issue here the carburetor did not even attempt to run the engine so I think the next move here is to get the tank and the carb uninstalled we'll get them cleaned up bolted back on and we should be good to go having trouble getting the access I need to that bolt so I actually think I need to pull off the blower housing and that will allow hopefully a little bit better access to get a wrench on there foreign to get that's for sure but it's coming foreign not too worried about the carb it is Aluminum and brass the tank though I am worried about you know Parts can be bought for the carb but the tanks discontinued and it's in pretty high demand because they do rust out and as we saw there is rust in here hopefully the bowl is in too bad I think that's it just three bolts foreign actually I mean there is rust in there but it's just surface rust I don't see any holes so I think that'll be fine so I'm going to put just a bit of gas in there we'll set it aside and while we're waiting to see what happens with that look at the carb cleaned up just going to start by getting this gasket off I'm gonna get this cover off this hides a diaphragm and it's a fuel pump that pumps fuel up from the tank and it fills the bowl and then once in the bowl this picks it up and the main jet should be in there that's the adjustment and that's really it there's not a whole lot to this carburetor but too bad actually fairly clean but yeah the diaphragm is pretty much shot it's all crispy so that needs to be replaced for sure and a little junk in here but not not clogged up and before I remove this adjustment needle I'm going to turn it in just see where it was set at it's one turn one and a half just shy of two turns we'll call it one and three quarters that looks like the main jet right there let's see if we can get that out it's not clogged so yeah this carburetor actually besides the diaphragm was in really good shape but the bowl was empty so I'm thinking that the diaphragm is to blame it's just too crispy check valves are in great shape either so I don't think it was able to Pump Fuel up you know potentially one of these tubes could be clogged but I noticed they both have screens which is good especially on the bowl with that rust in the bowl if a piece breaks off that should prevent things from getting clogged up so I'm just going to spray through here a bit with some carb spray see if I can make it all the way through and to let this soak for a little bit in the ultrasonic okay good both pickup tubes they are clear so no issues there foreign cleaned up pretty well but I don't think it needed it the carb actually was in pretty good shape I think the issue is just that this pump diaphragm is petrified so I actually thought I had one of these in my stash but I don't so I need to place an order and surprisingly this gasket here I didn't think I had but I do so we can use this one but I'm gonna have to wait to reassemble this until I get that new diaphragm as far as the tank goes it is holding fuel it's been over an hour and it's holding steady so that I think is a good thing so let's get the fuel drained out of this tank I'm going to put a bunch of nuts and bolts in here we'll shake it around get all the loose debris off and potentially soak it in evaporized I guess we'll see what it looks like once I do that I'm a little hesitant because although evapor rust is safe for metal it only eats rust but there is a lot of rust in there and I don't want to make a hole plus we have a screen down here so if a flake does come off it should not clog anything up not the best looking tank for sure so um a little pessimistic about this but let's get these nuts in we'll throw in some water a bit of Degreaser shake it around and see what we can get out of that tank foreign foreign foreign Ed up pretty well and didn't take long you know it's not perfect but it is usable all the chunks of rust are gone you know we're still left with some surface rust and some pitting but that should be good for a while I would think and also cleaned up the bowl just using this little wire wheel not going crazy you know I don't want to cause a problem but I think just knocking off some of that loose rust is going to make a big difference as far as how much longer this tank is going to last the new diaphragm showed up today so I think I'll start by getting that installed and to do that you just need to put the spring back there this cap really just offers a little bit of protection so the diaphragm doesn't rip now I need the diaphragm put the main jet back in foreign just turn this down until it's lightly seated and it was set at one and three quarters turn out but the initial setting on this should be one and a half so since we have a clean carb a new diaphragm a clean tank that is where I'm going to start that's a half turn one one and a half that's it it's pretty simple carb so let's get this back on the tank foreign definitely a bit tricky to get this stuff reconnected so take your time so this was the governor spring I just connected here next there is a rod that connects right there and it runs up to an adjustment where you can use that to adjust the engine speed so we'll be adjusting that once the engine is running to get it at 61.5 Hertz foreign just going to add a little bit of oil right in there there is a pad that'll soak that oil up and it needs a little bit of lubrication so that this can spin is actually part of the crankshaft the tip of that goes inside of here so if it gets Rusty and crusty then you're going to have issues with the recoil but this one seems to be pretty good there's really nothing wrong with this filter other than full of oil so I'm going to squeeze that out and we'll try to reuse it if there's too much oil in it it's going to run the engine pretty rich but you can just clean it like this to get all that extra oil out you can even wash it in the sink if you want these are reusable they can be cleaned [Music] foreign pretty much ready to go I've got the space heater hooked up and I've got it set to 750 watts which is a 75 load and when you factor in the light we're a little bit over 80 percent so let's get it started and assuming it sounds good we'll put a load on it and see how it does thank you slow [Music] [Music] foreign not too bad it started right up the engine speed it was slow so I brought it up to about 61.5 Hertz without a load and the voltage came up as well this is a brushless generator and there's no AVR the voltage it's based purely on the engine speed so that no load voltage it was at about 144 volts I then applied a 750 watt load and the engine speed held very well at 59.3 Hertz the voltage came down to about 125 volts so given the good response from the governor I decided to drop the engine speed under load just below 59 Hertz and that brought the voltage down as well but not quite as much as I would have liked once I shut the load off the engine speed it was at 61 Hertz but the voltage was still at 141 volts and usually on this type of generator without a load about 134 volts is the max you want to see and it's kind of surprising actually that the voltage was so high given the fact that the capacitor in there most likely is from 1985 so I would say it is still running very well and most likely I'm going to bring the loaded engine speed down to 58 Hertz which will just help the voltage situation a bit but yeah all things considered this is doing a very good job I think I'm going to start it again real quick apply that 750 watt load and bring the engine speed down to 58 Hertz under that load and then take the load off and see what the voltage does [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] adjusting that engine speed down really had no effect because once I turned the load off the voltage sprung right back close to 140 volts so yeah unfortunately this is a brushless generator they produce very dirty power and in this case because of the lack of regulation on the voltage the voltage is also higher than you would want so definitely don't use this type of generator on sensitive Electronics but it'll get the job done if you're in a pinch and these are better suited I think for a work site anyway there's one last test I want to do which is hook up the oscilloscope to this it'll let us see the sine wave and just verify that this is in fact brushless because I think what we're going to see is that the sine wave is very distorted without a load and then once I put a load on it it should clean up some but it's still not going to look great so let me get that hooked up we'll give that a quick try [Applause] I stand corrected I think this one is brushed the sine wave granted didn't look great but if it was brushless it would have looked a lot worse and when applying a load a brushless cleans up quite a bit but there is usually a severe Distortion still in that sine wave and I did not see that at all so I just took the camera and peeked in that vent and I could see the slip rings as clear as day so yeah a little bit surprising most generators of this vintage in this size are brushless but this one is a step above I would say most of the others in this class anyway this generator I think I've taken it as far as I can I mean it starts consistently first pull it's making power granted a little too much the governor's responding very well and everything is doing for the most part what it should so I hope this video helps someone thanks for watching
Channel: James Condon
Views: 57,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 270026, 271592, 3hp, 80212, 80212-8704-01, Briggs and Strattor, Briggs, Carburetor Rebuilt, Carburetor, Diaphragm Pump, Fixed, Flat Head, Generator, Hertz, How To, How-To, L-Head, Load Test, No Compression, Pincor, Power Quality, RF10, RF10-AC-DC, Rusted Tank, Small Engine, Spark Test, Tank Gasket, Troubleshooting, Volts, Will Not Start, Will it Run
Id: omX4342Hf3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 2sec (2282 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 01 2022
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