Power Probe Tek Demo Board

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hi Dave Barton from power probe so today we're gonna do a little video showing you guys basically how to use these demonstration boards effectively and covering the differences between the tools the 3e 2 3 s and the power probe 4 and will show you the best way to demonstrate the EC T 3000 short and open finder on the white demonstration board so we currently have to demo boards that you may see as dealers this is our older version the we call the white board this one's very good for demonstrating the ECT 3000 short and open finder plus it's got a few points for demonstrating different voltages different resistances and you can activate a couple of components light bulbs motors right from this board you may only have this board but there's quite a bit you can show on it our second board is what we call our blue board usually these are used in conjunction with the white board this one just has a couple of simple circuits on it a simple lighting circuit and a real a controlled fan circuit running through similar fuse boxes and switches like you would see on a vehicle and then it has a couple other test signals one for fuel injection one for pulse signals such as an ABS sensor and one for resistance readings these circuits also have what we call bug switches so any one of these little bugs which is you're able to change the state of the circuit from a normal circuit to a high resistance circuit to an open circuit so you're able to actually create circuit problems that then you can show how you diagnose quickly and accurately using one of the power probe tools now here we have the board's propped up they can be laid down flat on the table just as easily if you'd like to prop them up we use simple electric guitar stands they work very well and you can run these boards off of now you could pull an automotive battery we use our jumper pack batteries wired directly to the boards but you can use a typical automotive battery motorcycle battery it just has to have enough current to be able to trip the circuit breaker so be able to pull about 20 amps so we'll start with the blue board now on the blue board we've fixed the velcro to the back of the tool so you can attach them to the display boards and they stand up but they're easily removable you can just peel them off put them right back on but you'll see on this board we've got what represents the vehicle's battery up here and got all the tools the power probe three 3s and the four all connected to this one battery connection so this battery the positive goes through a fuse box we've got two fuses coming out one goes to this relay which will operate the fan circuit one goes through this lamp for a lamp circuit so two simple circuits lamp circuit and relay powered fan circuit now these three test points over here this one is for the fuel injector tester this one is a five volt pulsed signal now you turn both of these on with this switch up here and these are both running if you hear that injector clicking this bottom button changes the duty cycle of this five volt signal it starts at a 10% every time you push it a loop of 20% 30% you'll see that on the pulse width screen of the frequency function of the tool and the last piece here is for resistance readings and you can flip the switch here for a couple of different readings so let's talk about the different circuit testers we have on display here now power probe circuit testers combine the everyday needed functions technicians need when doing electrical circuit diagnosis so even in power probe three you've got the functions of a test light checking power checking down you have a voltmeter so you can read voltages and we'll show you some other tricks that can do in just a second but one thing you will notice all the power probe tools connect directly on the vehicle's battery now you've got a nice 20 foot extension available so you can get anywhere around the vehicle you need to there are 20 foot extensions available if you need to get out to 40 feet for bigger buses trucks RVs but you're always maintaining that permanent connection to the vehicle's battery and that's important it gives you a testing advantage over traditional tools number one when I'm looking for voltage you're normally going to get that red positive and the high tone with your voltage reading but if there's it's always comparing the power probe is always comparing the voltage on the tip to the voltage from the battery if it sees a difference of more than half of bolt you won't get that light you won't get that telling oh see this spot here we're down to eight point nine volt volts from our battery 12 volts so no light no tone it's alerting us that there is some voltage drop in the circuit similarly on the ground side you should see green light and if there's no more than half a volt on the ground circuit you'll get that green light and as soon as there's more than half of all on the ground side note like no tone I'm showing two point eight volts on the ground side that's not a good thing now the third advantage or for all these tools being connected to the battery kind of what they're famous for is through this rocker switch now I can apply down over power or batteries around directly out of the tip of the tool so in a situation like this where I'm testing ground and I don't have my green light and I don't have my green light I've got some boulders there well by rolling the switch backwards I can apply it around directly into the circuit and see how the circuit responds sure enough my light got brighter so it's a matter of figuring out where I lost my voltage now I can backtrack through the circuit now if I was a perfectly good round here but not here I know something's wrong with my wire and in between we have a corroded wire we have a loose connector something like that will repair that now my ground is reading forever same with on the positive side I have some voltage drop I have no red light I have no high tone again now I can roll the switch forward and apply battery voltage directly to the circuit and see how it responds that fixes my problem my light is at full brightness now so we'll back through the circuit I'm still down voltage here oh I've got correct battery voltage here but I lost it here so again we've got something wrong with our wiring corroded wire loose connector will repair that now your lighting circuit is back to normal good voltage coming in good ground on the outside but that's how with that permanent battery connection it's always comparing tip voltage to battery voltage and it's always comparing ground to the battery ground that's a unique testing advantage you don't get over traditional tools now the second tool here is our power probe 3 test this is an updated version of the power probe 3 these are functionally identical tools we just gave it a bigger easier li easier to read display we added a menu function to select the different test modes that are available in the pp 3 a lot of people weren't aware these functions were in this tool they are just a matter of holding down the speaker button to get to the different functions here we made it really easy to select off a menu and we did add one function you can now flip the screen so you can have the screen upside down or the right side up depending on how you're holding the tool while you're using it now speaking of those different test functions here's your list top of the list is the voltmeter that is the normal operating mode for the power probe 3 and the 3 guess if I select that you're gonna see DC well dates any time i probe I'm gonna get a boat leave the same red light positive on on power circuits and green light brown on ground circuits and again you can turn that speaker on or off you know whether you like or don't like that tone now let's discuss the different test modes now these are available in the three also but easier to see here first one on this list is what we call peak to peak mode now I'm gonna select that now the power probe 3 and 3s is not a true AC meter it never measures any negative pulses but mostly in the automotive world we're only dealing with positive pulses so this mode works very well in the automotive world I'm gonna turn on this signal generator now let me put it back in normal DC voltmeter mode real quick now this is a 5 volt pulse I'm tapping on to here and the response here is a little erratic I've got a very short pulse so it's having a hard time picking it up but it's trying to average it to about half the voltage 2.4 volt and most of your traditional meters will do that same thing so we include this peak to peak mode so in this mode selected regardless of duty cycle it's gonna show me the true 5 volt pulse of that signal was putting out that's peak to peak mode the next mode down here is called max P now this you would use while monitoring a circuit looking for spikes in voltage you would connect it to the circuit and from that point on it's going to show the highest voltage reading of that circuit let me connect to another spot and clear and try to lower e ok so at this point I'm only showing eight point eight bolts eleven point nine volts even if I go back down to eight point eight it's still storing the highest another thing I like this mode for is if I'm probing in places I can't see it kind of stores the reading for me that's machspeed next one down is min peek now this one's exactly the opposite it's looking for any voltage dropouts or glitches that go lower than from the battery voltage now here I'll connect to this battery I'll reset my min and Max peak will cause some loads here let's see if we get the voltage to drop a little bit but it's only gonna store the lowest reading I see even if the voltage goes back up now this last thing on the screen here is called AC threshold now this does two things it's a setting so normally kept really high at 50 volts ac you better never see 50 volt AC anywhere on an automotive system so by keeping it high it prevents the AC threshold and speaker activation from kicking in if I want the AC threshold and speaker activation to work I will select a different setting now there's a few different settings from point two all the way up to 50 generally you keep it high if you want the function disabled keep it low if you want the function enabled I'm gonna set it low go back to my normal screen now it's gonna do a couple of things if it picks up a peak to peak read automatic you change the tool to the peak to peak mode and now these speakers activated you're able actually here the signal that's being put out this mode for me is a fantastic mode to use for quick tests on things like wheel sensors cam sensors crane sensors just select that mode connect to the sensor spin the wheel at least if but noise is being put out you know that sensor is doing something now when it comes to applying power or ground from the rocks which you can supply whatever battery you're connected to that's the bolt that you're going to get if you're on a 12 volt battery you're gonna get 12 volts out the tip if you're on a 24 volt battery you will get 24 volts out of the tip now you can power directly to component on the vehicle or there's an auxilary ground lead off of each tool so maybe you need to check the component in your hand you can connect the ground lead on one side power up on the other so you're able to actively test components in your hand or on the vehicle that's what we call true dynamic testing you can own check the component all day long it may tell you if you have an open or shorted windings but it's not gonna tell you things like if it's sticking or dragging or overheating during extended use what you can tell by actually powering a component up no the power probes all have a built-in eight amp thermal circuit breaker you can get away with power in 2025 amps for a few seconds but it's also perfectly safe even if you get a direct short the worst thing you're gonna do is trip the circuit breakers that has the message on the screen circuit breaker trip and you just push this reset tab on the side to reset the breaker and you're back in business now the power probe for is the most powerful of our power probes up here it combines all the functions of the power probe three-plus it's like packing a full functioning multimeter inside the tool so besides your DC voltmeter modes you've got modes for AC resistance frequency pulse width there's a couple of specialized tests like a driver test mode and a fuel injection test mode all easily selectable from this test mode menu so the power probe for is the most powerful has the most electrical test built-in so first off you'll see with the power probe for much larger display I'm going to turn that speaker up much larger displaying easy to read you have things like max on the bottom of the display already no need to pull up a separate mode the red and green lights still operate the same way green for ground red for positive and operated by the same voltage drop rule okay so let's do that's the DC mode that's pretty much the same as the power probe freeze let's go down to AC now we have two available AC modes either AC RMS or AC peak-to-peak AC RMS reads like a traditional voltmeter would traditional AC voltmeter and it kind of averages a signal so in this case we have a 5 volt hull so you can see this one's averaging it since it's half the time at 0 and half the time at 5 it's figuring it's half the voltage in between now if you're aware of that that might be useful reading and this is how your traditional meters read but in our power probe tools we also include a peak to peak mode so regardless of duty cycle it can show me that is a 5 well 4.9 3 volt pulse and your min and Max displayed directly so if you're testing things like can networks that bottom voltage and that top voltage will read correctly so 2 AC Mo's either RMS or peak to peak depayne on which one you need let me turn this back on we have a mode for frequency and pulse width all on one screen there's my signal frequency there's my positive and negative pulse width and we can you can see that in action so you've got your advance frequency functions built into the power Proform so let's go two feet test feet test in the power probe for is your resistance meter this is your own meter now now you would use the ground lead if you just want to check point-to-point resistance or continuity get a couple different readings here now that reads just like a standard ohmmeter would but what is kind of unique and why we call this speed test and not only ER is now I can actually tap into live circuits with voltage on it if that speakers on you'll get that tone but if it's a live circuit you will either get the red or green light green light means that resistance number is from the battery negative to wherever you are in the circuit obviously red light is from the battery positive to wherever you are in the circuit but you're actually able to take live readings live resistance readings in active live circuits we don't know of any other tool on the market that can do that that can be a significant time saver you don't have to deep power the circuit to get a resistance reading our next is the fuel injector mode no normally in real-world testing these are all four millimeter banana jack connectors at the top so you can add an extension lead you can add back probes any kind of circuit adapter you need typically feel injector testing you will use an extension lead with a back probe to get into the inductor circuit but for the demo here let's just turn this on now back probing into the injector circuit the tool is gonna respond like this this is now you're annoyed light telling you you're getting a good signal to the injector from the PCM this feature goes along with it you can turn that off plus you've got four pieces of data on the screen I've got the injector on time and milliseconds I have the ground from the computer driving the injector I have the supply voltage through the windings I mean Dekker and this last one is called inductive kick voltage it's that large inductor fight you will see on a fill pattern that number varies from car to car but typically you should see a very similar number cylinder cylinder like compression test if the windings in the injector begin to short out that number will begin to drop off you'll see a different number than the rest of the cylinder real quickly one back probit in the injector circuit you're able to see every aspect of that injector circuit just be aware that is not meant yet for diesel or gasoline direct injection vehicles this is only for sequential fuel injection vehicles a couple of less obvious things on the power probe for that are improved over the power probe freeze the power probe for now is a sealed housing it's a lot more weather and watertight all the tools still have the easily replaceable rocker switch that pops right out of the front and can be easily replaced if worn over time the power probe 4 also has a replaceable circuit breaker under this back panel here so long life easily serviced parts if they do wear out and in speaking of the circuit breaker on the power probe floor now if you trip the circuit breaker on the floor [Music] it just resets itself after a couple of seconds and this is a more advanced tool and you will be work testing more advanced circuits so one of the concerns is being able to accidentally apply power or ground possibly damaging something so in the power probe for the DC meter mode is the only mode that you will be able to apply power or ground at the tip of the tool we figure if you're testing resistance or frequency you're probably on a more sensitive circuit so we don't even want to let you accidentally apply power ground so you're locked out in every other mode except it's a DC meter mode so you'll see the power cut part has a lot of improvements over the power probe freeze all the different testing modes with sealed housing the automatic circuit breaker reset the larger display with lots of information on each display makes this the all-in-one testing solution so this is the power probe Tekin white demonstration board and there's a lot of things you can show on this board even with the traditional power probe you can show checking both aids checking down reading different voltages notice no red light no tone I have to be within half a volt of the battery I'm connected to soon as I drop down more than half a volt no light no tone being able to power up lamp with power or ground and spin a motor you can demonstrate checking continuity obviously if there's an open circuit they'll be no response so a lot of things you can show on this whiteboard alone but its greatest strength is for showing off our DCT 3000 short and open finder the goal of this tool is to locate shorts or broken wires in the vehicle before you begin tearing the car apart tracking out shorts and broken wires can be a technicians worst nightmare you can waste hours sometimes days chasing a wiring loom through the car or pulling seats and paneling and carpeting the whole way goal of this tool is hopefully we can locate where that short or break is before you begin tearing the vehicle apart pretty simple concept it utilizes this transmitter powered by the vehicle's battery again this will put a signal into the circuit you will basically track that signal with this receiver and at some point you lose the signal is generally where your short or your broken wire is so let's get to set up on this board and we'll show you how it actually runs so on the white demonstration board you'll notice there is one two three lighting legs and they all come off a common circuit breaker all coming from the battery and we're gonna cause a short on one of these circuits what caused a short here by pressing this button you heard it pops a circuit breaker it's blowing the vehicle fuse it takes out all the lights and lighting circuits gonna be one of the worst nightmares on vehicles could because it's every corner of the car or the interior all covered by the same fuse so where do you start we want to locate we're that short is on the vehicle without tearing everything apart so real quickly this is the transmitter it has a 20 foot lead and will connect to the vehicle's battery bring this around on the back now the transmitter is powered up and it's putting a signal out here you can use a variety of adapters we have alligator clip adapters back probe adapters piercing adapters whatever it takes to connect to the circuit in the kit you'll notice things like light bulb adapters so I a lot of people think you're stuck plugging into where the fuse is you're not you can plug in at the component side you can tap in the middle of the circuit the signals gonna go from where you start to where it hits the short or the break regardless of where you start so even if you're working on a big vehicle maybe you're working from both directions nailing it down that way for the demo here I'm gonna place you up top and I'm gonna pull this circuit breaker and will plug directly on to the circuit side of the circuit breaker now that live in that tome which you can turn off is indicating yes you do have a short somewhere on that circuit maybe you're in the vehicle moving things around moving wire harness you causes a short to go away you would hear it change the tongue so now the signal is going into the circuit and this is your receiver you'll turn this on and you'll notice it's picking up signals on all of these wires to a certain extent and there's some similar tools on the market and this is kind of where they they come up short probably the most important step when using this tool is this sensitivity lock button here so once you powered you've got the transmitter injecting the signal you've power the receiver on you find a spot where you got a good strong signal and then lock yourself set the working distance you want and lock yourself in now you won't get any false signals off the other wire and it's only gonna indicate off the wire that actually has a shortcut and notice that arrow that's telling you the direction to the short stone no matter how I hold the tool it's gonna keep me on track now to really get the best results you have to understand how this picks up the signal the short signal is picked up by an antenna in this area of the tool the open circuit signal is picked up on antenna in this tip area the open circuit signal is slightly weaker so we realize you might have to dive into wire bundles to continue tracking that's why this has that point on it and so let's see we're picking up a signal and it's also directional it reads off this bottom edge and notice it indicates this way but not when I hold it that way so obviously you don't have nice lines to follow when you're tracking a vehicle wiring but that kind of tells you the direction you go if you're moving along move along move along and you lose the signal just check it didn't change direction on you up there you picked it up again move along move along move along and you Bluff it again and it's nowhere else around there you can be pretty confident that's where you're short or you're broken wire is real quickly in a matter of minutes you're able to locate at least a lot closer where that broken wire or that shorted wire is on the vehicle and you haven't taken anything apart yet now on the blue demo board you'll notice these little toggle switches placed in different locations in the circuit these are called bug switches so if the circuits normal my lights bright my fans running like normal everything's good flip these switches in the down direction everything's normal normal circuit if you want to recreate high resistance flip it to the top position you notice the light got dimmer I'll flip another one we'll create some more resistance so on the positive side that'll create a voltage drop on the negative side that will create resistance that will show up as voltage so you're able to create high resistance on either ground or positive side on the high position so low everything is normal high we have high resistance there's a third position in the middle that represents a broken wire so any one of these you can put a broken wire on you're able to use your power probe tool to track that fault
Channel: 13GADGETMAN
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Id: m56MLH0rnMw
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Length: 32min 36sec (1956 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2021
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