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not real thick it's flat i'm sorry to say about that so still undecided as to what exactly this is i think the only way we want to know get up there in the woods what do you say i want to give her a shot i think so all right go back down and go up here's what we're thinking now okay the ravine that we were in is down over the hill there's actually a cemetery right here there's i think some civil war era graves but some from the late 1800s too now the woods are really thick so we didn't really look in there and i think what we're going to do is come back after the frost and all the leaves are gone and see if there's another house or something up in there but it is possible that those always just came from associated with the cemetery maybe they had picnics out here or uh you know something like that you know the community who knows and that's where they threw them down over the hill uh but we won't know until the leaves come off the trees so we can get in there and i look around a little bit because we don't really want to go too far out in the soybeans either it's really hard to swing and they'll probably be gone in the next week or so uh so yeah we'll look around here just a minute then i want to head back over to where we wore that with soybeans that thin and we'll uh we'll dig some more over there let's know if we find anything here but i have a good feeling about those oysters a couple more weeks i wonder why it sounded like that oh because of the shape it was like 78.80 oh wow yo heavy piece of iron yeah sometimes when they're that shape you know they can do that wow all right man i'm going back in the shade i don't know about you kind of hot out here so i said hey rory is out of pipes down he reaches down and grab it it's like a giant spider [Music] come on oh my god there you go that way i saw this i thought it might be pipes then but i think just a bird bone actually take a nice little signal here it's a small so i didn't get no i didn't get on camera but um it's a tack a little brass tack and i believe that's going to be like a furniture tack it'll hold upholstery onto a chair or something like that it could be quite old and probably is so pretty much back around to where we started and i just dug a little piece of buckshot that could be old but you know may not be old i mean it could be 200 years it could be 20. suspect is more than 20 but sort of oh you know you can never really date these things unless you find a whole bunch of them in like the bottom of a colonial cellar or something and this isn't that case so as rory digging up there you can see the screen so i'm back in the same area where we started and i just dug a pewter button this is a pewter flat button i always have to be careful with these because um a lot of a lot of they can be revolutionary war era buttons with eagles and stuff on them so i always have to be careful cleaning these up now i don't see anything on there right now probably just a flatty but i'll look at a little bit closer later on you don't see anything on it i also found my first piece of glass at this site which is the old black bottle glass that tells us that tells us it's an old site of course this tells us it's 1700s too all right okay shadows are getting long so we don't have too much longer so let's get back to it what do you say so i dug the pewter button right there and got a nice little uh squeaker here right there so we're right in the 40s but i suspect it's good not going to be uh foil not quite away from where the foil was and it's not very deep until that too all right hopefully that got it right there you see it oh no this is probably in this loose dirt i had to guess yeah i got my hand about half of it out oh i feel something there but i think that might be a root is that a root yeah it's a root okay good see my hands squeaking yeah still my hand you see it i think it's just oh there it is loki it's a nail actually it's a um that is brass the threads on it and a little hole right there it's like a little tiny tiny drawer pull thingy i believe like they've been a little handled on there for a little tiny jewelry box or something to run a little loop right here that's pretty cool i never found one that small actually now there's an item that you can find that's similar to this that looks uh it looks like uh part of a flintlock musket but that's definitely not part of a flammable musket awesome kind of on the edge of the woods here and that's where i was digging the stuff earlier and um kind of a little flatty right here and again it's the shank is no i guess the shank's still there just mashed over we've seen the designs on it um but yeah let's work down here in the woods a little bit i don't think rory said he's really been in there much we'll check it out see there's a lot of signals in there that's nice man it's awesome that's a nice little spot really isn't it nice little signal here and i kicked the leaves back just make sure it wasn't a shotgun shell and it's still buried yeah that's a pretty nice one right there i like that should be right about in here hopefully you can see that okay here get some roots i'm gonna cut to the outside of the signal try to break some of those roots a lot of times you'll just see it right on top little detector and i suspect it's going to be in here but i could do wrong might be on the edge of that might be here yeah okay so still right he's right in here not too big in my hand in my ear it is this is a brass nail a little brass nail of some sort now rory has found a lot of the big bra big brass nails out here from ships because again we're right on the tidal water you know big brass spikes that they were using boats that's a little brass spike all right man i like something you don't find much of back home this brass nails brass bike so that's always fun to dig those we're still down here in the woods got a nice big signal here it's not reading terribly high though it's only like in the 40s um but man it's nice and loud it's not tiny it's still there too okay it's mid-tone so we know probably not i almost feel like it's the whole weather already probably until someone already got that ah there it is looks like a mason jar lid is it oh i don't know no that is um it's very very thin copper it's um it's decorative of course look so you can see lines coming down lines going there i think it's going to be something from this old house but i don't know what it is part of an old old uh fancy something something something yeah that's what it is it's actually pretty cool actually let's say that's going to be you know the 1700s early 1800s just like the stuff we're finding of course the only part of it huh not sure what that might be check the hole make sure no more in it of course this thing's broken naturally yeah it's more in it actually um i don't think we broke that i don't think we hit it but i hear more signal it's probably more the same thing might not have dug it up yet though let's check yeah okay there's more of it in here i'm gonna go ahead and dig it up well let me set you up we'll dig it again see what we got okay something there it's actually something over here too that i dug up so it's it's in lots of pieces whatever it is probably won't dig up every single piece of it and here's more of it right here yeah hopefully you can see that yeah some more i hope i didn't hit that thing actually i did look i know i didn't break it up in a bunch of pieces but i did hit it unfortunately um over here again i think somebody might have dug it up for me it looked like there was a hole there when i started digging all right i don't see it but all right i have to move you that's the stuff i already dug up tell you what that's the stuff i dug up right there i'm going to put you away and finish digging this and i'll get your picture all together at the end of the video but that one more piece of that little brassy thing right there it's like a big signal here not sure if it's going to be iron or something else but it might be i can see it's almost a little dip so i'm thinking it could be a trash bit here too so let's go ahead and dig this out together set you up right there that's really kind of a good big signal so it's probably just a big iron but yeah i just hit it whatever it was um kind of curious though it might be all right let's see it is a big piece of you know what i have no idea what that is it's not a cooking vessel it's kind of a strappy thing looks like it might have been strapped down over something to hold something down um that might have been all i was hearing actually because that's kind of a weirdly big size thing i'll throw away for a second looking again yep that was it all right let's move on little skipper right here i thought we'd dig together because i suspect it's going to be right on the surface it's like a 22 bullet um i didn't show that to you because it's probably right there i think it's going to be like a little piece of box shot little baby box shot look maybe it's bigger than i thought it was maybe that's not what it is it's got to be right here it's not very deep all right now i've got the shovel ah there it is right there it's hitting my fingernail wait what is it what is it it's a little piece of yeah that's it i think it's a button it's broken up uh might be part of a crotal bell actually it's hard enough don't know what that is it's definitely brass old um looks almost like part of a rosette maybe oh it's got an eagle on it doesn't it we have an eagle on it actually looks like a rosette which we want a horse or a horse's uh gear on the bridle but it looks like it's got a design right there i don't think it's an eagle but we'll get it we'll get a close-up picture of that in the end we're still in the same area and i actually have a pretty interesting signal right here it's a little a lot higher than the other my other signals have been nothing's gonna be right in here let's go and dig that one together people play all right okay hopefully it'll be right in one of these clumps and uh i don't see anything yet see some oyster shells let's see what we got oh and on that one it might be in that one i suspect it's still i see it i think it's right here can you see it that is something coppery brass i think it's gonna be flopping yep another flat button awesome again if you look at the back this one is broken so they you know just threw it away because it wouldn't be any good anymore okay i think that's all we heard um i'll double check it i'm gonna get you a camera but i might be getting the camera put you away i'll check the hole if there's anything else in there i'll uh i'll let you know guess where the screen is out there i think that's where we found this hot peep that big piece of that pot got a screamer here but as i'm looking over there i think i see concrete so it might be junk it's kind of a big signal in the 60s not really high enough to be a large fan i don't think um man it's a big signal though once they get to get it definitely not small flat button let's get the pin pointer out so we don't damage it it's like centered right in here i think we just did with a little knife what do you say you kind of poke around that way if it's shouldn't hurt too bad you can feel it right there all right here it comes where it's a rock oh it's a piece of that's what i was afraid of that is a um a gas cap that's a gas cap off something there's a little modern dump right here in the woods that's why it comes from here and i get a lot of iron right in here but it's probably just more stuff like this all right a couple of deer trucks right there and a little squeaker rooney right in front yeah we do look at that there's something right about well just in front of where i scraped i should be right in front of the world straight just take a nice big hole get it underneath and pop it out of there do you see it right here all right let's check the hole instead of using the pinpointer i find a lot easier just to use the machine okay i think it's on the edge right in here and this loose stuff um that might no that's green i saw the green there but okay whatever it is not very big and it's right in here there you see it probably a little flat button little baby flat button is it yes it is you see the shank on the back uh it's a little another small one see uh rory's been hunting this for a while so um he's probably got like a lot of the bigger targets out of here like the coins and stuff uh but there's still some small ones if you pick around in the iron and when they take your soybeans off they'll be probably at least twice as much as that uh found already like if we come back again after soybeans we'll find i'll find 20 buttons out here think about what eight or so already we'll find 20 more next time but we want a nice big old gold coin right there nice little signal here i think it's going to be a little flatty but boy it looks like a silver coin doesn't it i think it'll be a flat button now what do you think check this shank yeah it's got a shank so we know it's a little flatty pretty one though oh yeah so what you digging if i could find it and it's not running yeah yeah well all these buttons i guess you got the big ones out of here there's only little ones left so that's a cutie though what's it a little fighting tiny cuff buddy yeah he's a tiny guy yeah that's cool yeah nice old one well congratulations man that's awesome nice little squeaker right here pretty shallow so we'll just dig it together real quick i just told you i'm not gonna bother setting you up all right there we go hopefully it's in that uh top lane there oh no still in the hole but it's probably in this new stuff or not all right still want to hold up set you up all right yep still in there she might be on the side i might have gotten it hold on nope all right quit wasting your time right here we go that time i'm sure i hope anyway oh yeah all right i think i have to move you i think it might be i think it's a little quieter now so it's probably in this loose stuff that isn't i'm for sure it would be okay it's in that loose stuff so you see it in my hand that's probably right there no that's not it see it yet there it is i just saw the edge what is it okay i thought i was hoping it's gonna be a little dying but it's another little flatty and check the back shank's broken off all righty that was thrown away sweet so getting ready to wrap it up for the day i'm gonna dig a couple more signals roy's going on another little expedition to kind of check out the surrounding area uh nice signal here i thought we'd dig it together sounds pretty juicy let me set you up [Music] i always hope that i see some rust right there that's never a good sign but i don't think this is gonna be a piece of iron so let's go ahead and break down these roots [Music] okay definitely out of the hole right that might be right there is that it yeah okay um i thought it was a primer to a shotgun shell but actually it feels like uh that might be like a fire bullet feels almost like pewter though so it's falling apart my hands kind of crumbly like pewter which is a combination i think of uh lead and ten maybe antimony uh but yeah it's like a little pewter ball of some sort hmm okay that's an oldie but i don't know if it's a musket ball or went to something else of course i think it goes on like a big leather yeah like a big strap i don't think it's leather but like a uh fabric oh okay like a carrying strap i think so yeah yeah you know i found those a lot like around old orchard areas i don't know if there's anything to do with orchards but it was right that's what it is there's a peak where we saw all those oysters there maybe they're carrying themselves down there or something yeah it could be maybe an oyster or a bag did it have oyster bags that's right man a couple more targets we have to the road i think we have the best signal of the day that's where we uh we were digging down here earlier and found some which might have been more modern stuff but yeah i got a good signal right here [Music] i think it's going to be a good one should be right in here not too deep let me set you up you can see that okay probably a little bit of a plug on this one not a rifle casing see a circle i made i'm digging way outside i got a lot of rooms all right what's up see what we got all right suspect is still in the hole no i thought of the hole good bring the dirt back all right oh actually i think it fell out over into here i don't can see that i can hear something i don't let you see it though man it sounds good if you can hear that or not but i got the pinpointer out i'm sure it's gonna be in the loose stuff right there oh yeah must be tiny or it's not working no it's working i might have it on low though all right there we go right here oh no that's it i bet that's going to be like a piece of uh ah brass i was hoping it's going to be a coin but i don't think it's going to be it looks melted really it's probably a piece of melted brass could be an old coin that was in the house i suspect let's make sure the machine that's what it was yeah definitely probably all melted coins all right couple more and then we'll call our quits i keep saying that well we have till rory gets back anyway that's the field we were hunting in and uh came over this part of the wards we haven't been in yet it's kind of like a dugout spot a lot of iron in here this is the first brassy thing i dug which i think is like uh probably gonna be it's a little brass snap um yeah so it's not as old as the house so it's probably not that old a hole but we'll look around here a little bit more that's where i just dug a little snap down there and that's a hole i was talking about was dug out and sure enough it's like an old aluminum uh pail or something so we're gonna get out of here i'm gonna go up i'll tell you what i'm gonna go get some pictures of you some of the finds we have and probably call it a day i hope you enjoyed this little adventure i sure did we'll be back i promise you we'll dig on that uh hole over there with the screen if you want to uh some other day um we don't have enough time today because well the shadows are getting long and i have a long drive i'll see you on the next hey don't forget to like and subscribe [Music] she'll shake please coins from your pocket take your gold chain and you'll lock it mother earth has no sympathy she'll take the ring from your hand and bury it in the sand and keep it for eternity mother earth she's got her secrets she's promised to keep hidden in her dirt or deep in her creek mother earth she ain't saying exactly what she's saving where it is or what it might be [Music] mother earth you are my lady my big round baby i'll rock you until i go to sleep she don't care if you're dying or if you're living or somewhere in birth you are between lady my big grand baby and i'll rock you until i go to sleep she'll shake the coins from your pocket take your cold chain and you'll lock it mother earth has no sympathy she'll take the ring from your hand and bury it in the sand and keep it for eternity mother earth she's got her secrets she's promised to keep
Channel: Aquachigger
Views: 36,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metal detecting, magnet fishing, river treasure, aqua chigger, aquachigger, beau ouimette, family friendly, outdoor adventure
Id: jzw405UDSmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 57sec (1377 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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