Exploring And Metal Detecting An Old Tobacco Farm

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you ready brand-new adventure today we are on the Waccamaw River in North Carolina and we're gonna be not getting in the water today because it's a little too chilly for the chick but we're gonna get up on land this is a river ferry crossing right here but where you can hear the cars and we have permission for a whole bunch of land up and down the river so I think we're going to have pretty good lots where the owner lives up there and apparently there's an old house in the field Johnny and Mark are getting their stuff together they're gonna head out in the field I just wanted to see the water and see what it looks like you see there's a lot of sharks teeth in this river and I believe it because if you look just loaded with these fossil rocks you see all the fossilized oyster shells in here and other shells is called well I think his Spanish called it Coquina and they would actually mine this stuff we cut big blocks and build buildings and forts to stuff out of it so all fossils and then cool pretty Rock right there all right let's grab our stuff and go digging what do you say so Johnny says he's finding buttons over there I actually walked quick pattern across the entire field we got almost no signals until I got up near the road and it was a bunch of aluminum for old Johnny's always jumping up and down saying come over guys I'm finding stuff so you know what we're gonna do we're gonna go over here buy some stuff let's see what he's getting Donnie that's why we're here all the camera stuff yo he yelled at me yesterday for being too wild and crazy' so are you working up to it I can tell oh yeah just a flat E okay look at it yeah that's nice flat E though man well you know I walked in I walked all through there and got like almost no signals no room room no nails no nothin right so weird being right here where the ferry was well that's a good sign right there though it is a good sign because this area has been detected before but that's okay now we're on it yeah I'll guarantee it man awesome thanks for calling me over nice it's not pocketknife [Music] sweet a little bit of uh you see get some brick and stuff in there to are little pieces of stuff okay first fight of the day awesome man we move sights because we weren't finding too much in that field and we have about a 50 100 acres over here got my first good signal and well the river is right through those trees right there we'll look at that maybe in a little bit first good signal dug it I had not looked at it yet but it's out of the hole sounds like a pretty good little squeaker this small and it's really good squeaks oh there it is alright oh it's a coin first I noticed a reeded edge you can see the lines and we look a little closer and we sees a modern quarter Oh No [Laughter] yeah it's like post 8 1963 it sounded good though all right let's keep more and we're going to parallel the river goes a quarter of a mile half a mile or so this house up there one look at it's gonna be good it's gonna be a lot of fun look at this cool old house we're gonna medal of technique that's a shake room fun part of it you ever find already huh yeah you do like a penny yeah I say let's copper let's say pretty sure what let's walk so might be more of it in there would have to be the back though wouldn't it if that's what it is no key okay yeah look at this this is cool we just got here one of the things I noticed you see the daffodils or yeah daffodils coming up so that's one way you can find homes where there's no house no evidence of the house is you see the plants like that that people planted look at that that's awesome was a shake shingles wood shingles and a cinder block porch here's that part's not very old I'd say this probably dates you know early 1900s I had to guess got some old really old Timbers here though square nails so those could have been repurposed but could be a little bit older to than I'm thinking well I don't know Wow look at this usually when you see buildings on cinder blocks obviously they lifted it and put those under because it was collapsing but I say or and look inside I do who next we're going to go in that house over there alright well I'm gonna take these off in cases a I ain't in there all right yeah I'm all squared house imagine good you ate steak sit here wasps little pine more time yeah this floor I just want to be really careful walking around they don't want to clap down to the ground there so you have to be careful you don't want to step on nails are there but so someone was living in here not too awful long ago so they had a stove right there could be some good borrows and stuff underneath there something jacked up it's probably the original Timbers at the houses on there's two separate houses here than that thing here you join them at a fire boy everything's cold right so particle board too you know place and these are like the Neos I warned you guys about when you're walking around places like this so that was covered with leaves and you wouldn't see it obviously all right let's go look around find some silver please try to find some silver in the yard and then we go to the next place and there's a couple more fields that I'm really interested it marks over there looking for silver big piece of tin up to that tree right there and I'm weird all right let's get to techie I'm not gonna spend too much time here because of course isn't quite as old as I would like but what we're gonna do is one look right around here where the cars might have been passed sirens there's a fire ants you don't want them crawling up your leg yeah I'm just gonna like quickly scan for the you know cherry-picked the nice hi squeakers I might be silver where they would have parked their vehicles and stuff and got no because people drop coins like crazy or they park not that kind of party they tired of that house pretty quick because there's tons of signals and nothing good hand it over to that one which i think is about same age and I came across this area to feel that's kind of raised up and squarish lots of signals I just dug this which is a nice old piece of copper I mean not great but this was another house probably a sharecroppers house by I think that's what these are you see a little bit of a dip right there but this was definitely a house right here when searches for a few minutes let's go to that one and then warn in that field in the back I want to get back to like at least 1850 we're not gonna do it here well I didn't take me long to get tired of that other little foundation looking thing in the field just tons of beer cans a lot of chopped up beer can you see the river down there it's really plotted that's like not the mean brainy branch is way down to the trees anyway I'm over at this house and not near as much junk here but there is some pull tabs and shotgun shells stuff like that and a lot of pull tabs on the surface but I thought we'd explore this together really quick all that stuff all right yes let's take a look at this together it's got tar paper or as shingles asphalt shingles and there's your tar paper right there are people Shack and we'll look at this together I think it's the door on the other side it's all rotted away yeah sure they've already fall down doesn't it our cheap oh man just got some Greenbrier I ran that up between my legs glad I have long johns ain't heavy pants on you know what this is I've been in a few of these in my videos this is a tobacco barn - look at all these rafters this is where they would hang the tobacco leaves the dryer all the way to the top I mean that old was talking to the owner I'm not - you know earlier this morning and he was saying that this was a big tobacco area in a backhoe Plantation through here some of my videos on cinder blocks so yeah this is an old tobacco barn pretty cool but not here night I'm gonna go and I would recommend you guys come with me two of these see the water down there and there's supposed to be two fields over here paralleling the river and look for an older place something ol that was gone in 1800 and baby back the way I came all right well see you want him digging Alif all dudes fender silver on this plantation but hopefully we'll find some flat lines at least we get to the trees some fighting to get through all this brush shouldn't look for a better way to get through but check his field out up here it looks like a lien going back that way and the rivers down there so I know they've got this whole fuel we can look in and I think there's another fuel be on the move that being boo in the back not that house Frank you ever get through this stuff I brought my machete alright I'll be waiting a minute that's what I came for the bushes right there you know kind of zigzagging to that tree I didn't go to the base of the tree yep I think is it more of a just a bar between the field I cannot get over there is like no iron and these fields it's like nothing went on here but they're loaded with beer cans like that and chopped up beer cans are everywhere it was really frustrating because I can't dig the good signals because there is always a beer can he's a Berk there though but I'm gonna keep moving pretty quick looking for that patch of iron that might be an older place it's not finding it yet though I think everybody else is back in those houses and stuff so we need two older that's why I talked to you last over there well where that tree is with all the beer cans are and guess what I think we may be getting close to something zigzag the cross I hit a couple bleeps a tired real quick look down looking a little piece of brick right there and I got my first non ferrous signal right there and dug it up looking that is it's like brass and I think it's pretty old brass very crude might be somewhat melted but I think we're we're getting close to something with the brick that they're like four or five pieces of iron and this what we're gonna do is I'm gonna zigzag circle around in here and look forward there's follow the iron and heavier concentrations there's another piece of work right here the pieces of brick are getting more common so there's gonna be something in here and hopefully it's a nice old one that gives me hope right there I just want to give you a little update as to what's going on I've been zigzagging back and forth not coming up with a whole lot some pottery some glass there's more brick but just not a concentration this is what I've found that's worth showing to a nice thick piece of green glass and a little piece of pottery or a plate or something one piece of buckshot but I just saw this on which is quartz so that's going to be Indian in nature's they're probably well they told me there was a lot of artifacts out Indian artifacts and this is the first thing I've seen them we disappointed so far that's the area where it's finding it and I'm just kind of fanning out again to see if maybe that could be just a little building that was part of a bigger complex we'll get on it that flat out there to us looking for the home site could not find anything except cancel off to work my way over toward these trees and I just dug a cool ring finger ring now it's not gold it's not silver but it looks like it's in the old style to me got a stone and there's probably you know real stone but like a kind of like a weirdly star shape if there's any writing on the inside or not but we'll get a good picture at that once I clean it up but yeah okay I'm on the board flap on something hard on it now not quite jumping for joy with this one but I got a lot piece of I like a pocket knife and about 50 feet back I got another piece of a pocket knife but this one looks better so I showed it to you pretty beat up though just pick this up on top of the ground right there in front of it that's part of the inside of the pocket knife poor little dude 30 feet away and here's another piece all these were digging stuff that's disgusting might be lunch later you know I think it's going to be like I think it is a mushroom or some type of fungus it's hard in the middle though isn't it seed don't neg oh god it's disgusting in it oh look at that okay good you sure smell it that's right like Cheech and Chong it feels disgusting can you guys smell disgusting not taste disgusting Oh why'd you touch it it's like sticky is gross it is I know what that thing is me thank you short thanks for showing it to me it was pretty cool in it now this was a screamer I'm not sure what it is and I don't suspect it's terribly old police is not iron no you know what that is let me know I think it probably swivels or something so we're kind of working our way back toward the front and we're on the other half of the field I started getting some iron hits in this area cannot close to a road and I just dug this which I can't tell if it's a piece of melted pewter but it's definitely old and they're bits and bits and pieces of iron in here and little tiny pens pieces of work too so I'm hoping we're getting close to a bitter site I called more so we can really walk this area back with you in a minute looks like you've been busy digging out the Privy wow that's a preview I guess huh right there can see kind of depression right back behind the house don't know don't top yeah yeah yeah for sure you know it looks like it's toes off to me but if you don't know you say is part of a stove actually it's pretty heavy that's what it is mmm juicy down there though I think you're just getting down to the lira man you're loaded with stuff down there a couple more shovel fulls out if I were you still loaded I think what you think we should take a couple scoops out of there see what see what was under that what's all that that was a treasure full but every other thing was well I definitely threw some trash in there at least stuck a queen I think is probably going to be a weak penny I hope at least a we penny yeah it's a we D could be older than me because it almost have to be wouldn't it alrighty well here's another creepy old house I don't think we want to crawl them that one yeah there is a wood stove maybe not although wall didn't fall on us yeah she looks hey we got a look at now yes too exciting nothing this is the Attic collapse onto the first floor oh you can get out of here this is classes I think it must have collected jelly glasses or something all right it's out there in the field we're just not getting a whole lot yeah something else over here a wood stove well it doesn't look too good Johnny said there was an old house out here and it's part of the field this must be what he was looking for but well that's not very old at all well well well look what we have here you remember this from another video well not this one but one like it I said yeah but it says forward and you know what it said forward right across here hubcap he's tugging out a little wheat penny I'm not sure about the date on the dough I'll take a pic well you can probably see it better than I can't but yeah it's a we D could be some solar all right behind it well I think that's gonna have to wrap it up for today I had a lot of fun didn't you know like find it honest but we had a pretty good adventure I think I got to explore some houses are few relics and like to thank pupper it was fun it was fun I'm quite popper that's I'm dog oh but I won't call you popper here mr. johnny Bartles it was fun yeah and his partner in crime mr. mark thanks for having me down appreciate your driving range like weeds all right we're gonna hit the road baby have an adult beverage before this [Music] she don't care if you're dying or if you live in or somewhere in needs me birth you are my lady my baby wittle baby and I rock you until I go to sleep she'll shake the coins from your pocket take your gold chain
Channel: Aquachigger
Views: 41,328
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metal detecting, aqua chigger, aquachigger, beau ouimette, abandoned places explored, metal detectors, metal detecting finds, metal detector, metal detector finds, how to basic, treasure hunting, how to, metal detecting finds 2020, kid friendly videos, family friendly videos, exploring old houses, exploring old farms, finding treasure in abandoned places, finding treasure with metal detector
Id: VzrdJJ4AbgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 41sec (1361 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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