Old Fashioned Cabbage Pie. Easy & Delicious! #healthy #easy

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hey everyone Robin here hope you all are having a great day today we're going to make cabbage pie now in this house we love our cabbage and any different way that we can get it other than boiling it is always appreciated so cabbage pie this version is a very colorful vegetarian main course as delicious actually at any temperature I have it for breakfast sometimes this recipe makes enough for two generous servings or four modest servings what we have here is half a medium head of cabbage half a large head half a large onion um parsley you don't need to measure that you just get a bunch of parsley at your grocery store store we have some salt black pepper I have three jumbo eggs you can use three large eggs if you only have small eggs I would say use four and then we have some flour let's get started okay so I'm back I've cut up my cabage I thinly sliced it and then I cut it cross wise and you can cut it any way you want but this is just how we like it this happens to be I weighted the half a head uh the medium head of cabbage turned out to be 425 Gams if you'd like to know so and then this onion is 150 gram so that's that half a large onion we just add it right there and then the parsley I put that in my food processor to help chop it up really nice you can see how it's chopped or you can chop it yourself with your knife there we go that smells wonderful I love that fresh smell of parsley and one teaspoon of salt and I really would not skimp on the salt I would wouldn't go any less so you really need that salt it kind of disappears in there option to put a pinch of nutmeg I'm not going to do that today and then my three large eggs I've beaten them and I'm GNA oops I'm not going to add them yet what almost got uh got ahead of myself there I'm just just going to toss this and mix it really well so cabbage always reminds me of when my family goes to the local Korean restaurant and the chef his name is Mr Yun he comes out every time and he greets us and he's so friendly I just love Mr Yun but we always remark Mar on his wonderful kimchi so fresh and he says cabbage good for the knees good for the knees and we all laugh so I always think of Mr Yun and when I make this cabbage and that this is actually good for my knees and there's I spot a little bit of core I'm going to take that out I'll probably nibble on that later so we got the that mixed up I got that mixed up good and then I'm going to add the flour and so the flour was 34 cup and I did weigh that and it turned out to be 80 gam of flour and I'm going to give that a mix the flour is going to help bind it because we are making it into a big pancake on the stove in a bit and I'm already thinking about using my English muffin cups to make little patties out of this or just to make them into patties without the muffin cups I don't know I like to use things in my kitchen that are longing to be used maybe I bought them off of Amazon I only used them one time you know so I like to repurpose some items I'm thinking of using those English muffin cups so I got my hands all dirty and I would rather just use my hands than using a big spoon so here come the eggs to help bind everything together and those are eggs from the farmers market and they are so delicious we have a local farmers market here in Longwood Run by it used to be run by a Korean family now it's run by um a Chinese couple and they are so friendly and I'm always picking their brains for recipes all right so I'm just mixing this up really well this is so good my husband and I especially Love This and like I said before you can eat it warm or you can eat it cold you can use it as a main dish or a side dish okay I'll wash my hands and we'll go over to the stove okay so we're at the stove and here I am with my 10in Skillet and I'm going to turn it on medium high that is a number six on the dial and I've got a tablespoon of oil in the skillet and I'm going to add my cabbage mixure here we go set that over there now mash it down this is not this is called a cabbage pie but it's not a traditional pie like an apple pie with a crust and everything it's I guess it's called a pie because it's round so Mash Mash mash that's the uh that's what this step is all about mashing it down really well so as soon as I put the cabbage in the pan I noticed that probably the temperature of the skillet just went down so I'm going to turn it up a little bit to give it a kick in the butt so to speak and then I'll turn it back down to six before I put the lid on but I'm still mashing here because in a in a while I I want to flip this and I want it to really hold together so it doesn't break up and make a huge mess on my stove even if it did it would still be edible I should know I've made plenty of disasters that we still get to eat all righty so that's mashed really well now I'm going to take my spatula and go around the edge and just make it more uniform for flipping later as you can see now I start to hear the sizzle and I'm starting to smell it already look at that color I love that green color dark green of the spinach with the green of the Cabbage cabbage is supposed to be healing and Chinese medicine um a healing cabbage I guess that's what Mr Yun was trying to talk about that it's good for the knees and well he's actually Korean so Asian medicine and uh good food is medicine for the body there I've got the sides tucked in really nice and you can see the the smoke coming off it's not really smoke it's Steam if it was Smoke I'd be concerned so I'm going to turn it back down to medium which is I'm going to turn it to a number five now that I got it got it going and then I don't have a lid for this Skillet so I'm just going to put a different lid on there I love I love a see-through lid love that so I'm going to put that on there and it's going to uh cook for 10 minutes and then we'll be right back to flip it okay so I can't remember if I added the black pepper or not but it's going on now it's not essential just four little four little turns of the dial there you can always add it later hey it happen happens it's live cooking folks I'm not a professional chef at all I just poke around in the kitchen so let's put the lid back on and let me clean up the mess that I've made so far I always like to clean up while I'm cooking rather than to wait to the end it seems so enormous at the end if you do that if you do the same thing please let me know in the comments I'd love to hear from you okay thank you Alexa Alexa helps me in the kitchen she's my timer so it's been 10 minutes and by the way this is a 10in skillet okay take the lid off and now we need to flip it so what I'm going to do is I'm going to take this this is the hardest part of the whole the whole deal here I'm going to take the skillet and the pan and flip you can see how caramelized that is caramelized cabbage is sweet loving it so far so good all right so I'm going to cover it so we were on medium I was on a five once I put the lid on now I'm going to put it on a four pretty much still medium and cover it again and wait 10 minutes Alexa no not 10 minutes s minutes Alexa 7 Minute Timer s minutes starting now and we'll check back in a little bit okay so 7 minutes is over let's turn the stove off take the lid off the whole house smells wonderful now let's transfer it onto this plate you can transfer it just this way or we can try to flip it over and see what the other side looks like just curious oh looks a little better beautiful let's go plate it up okay we're back and this time to Plate it up now you can sprinkle cheese throughout um or just wait till you're done and sprinkle some cheese on top you can serve it with mayonnaise or other kinds of toppings ketchup see what we got here oh there it is nice and [Music] hot this would go great with pork chops too I'll let you get a closer look there we go cabbage pie and let's do a taste test I'm going to use some ABC chili sauce it's a little sweet chili sauce put some on the side there taste it first before I put the chili sauce on there pretty hot M yeah delicious I'd say Do not scrimp on that salt you need that full teaspoon of salt definitely now with the chili Sal chili sauce it has a mild flavor so it really lends itself to being a perfect side dish and then a dish that you can also add something on the top like I just did scrumptious I hope you try it I certainly love you guys and be
Channel: Robin & Willow
Views: 12,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #cabbagepie, #easyrecipe, #foodasmedicine, #grandmacooking, #parsley, #pie, #sidedish, #vegetablepancake, #vegetablepie, #vegetables, #100yearoldrecipe, #oldfashionedrecipe, #oldfashionedcabbagepie
Id: bUk76tuKk8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2023
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