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10 things i eat every single week i'm very consistent [Music] honestly i had a hard time thinking of 10 things because i eat very simply i eat repetitively there's not a lot of fluff it's pretty much the same thing almost every day and absolutely every single week so these are things i love i eat them all the time you've seen some of them on my what i eat in a day vlogs some of this won't come as a surprise to you but maybe maybe there's something in here that you didn't know that i used so the very first thing that i wrote down on my list was eggs butt nuggets whatever you want to call them these are something i eat literally every single day in some form or fashion i eat them boiled i eat them scrambled i eat them fried i eat them on top of a hamburger i eat them pickles i love eggs they're super nutritional and and they're just easy and and they're cheap too so if you're someone who's on a budget eggs are a great way to go now i do get free range organic pastured eggs these are the brand that i get this is something i actually do make an effort to get the highest quality that i can get i don't always do that with everything that i eat but eggs i do because i truly think there is a pretty significant difference in the taste and overall nutrition of pastured eggs we do have two grown hens who lay eggs for us uh here's a few of them here's a few of their eggs now obviously they only weigh a few eggs a day and so it's not enough to feed us we do have 30 more hens but they are still babies and they won't lay for quite a few more months we generally go through at least three dozen eggs a week sometimes four because i eat them beckett eats them ken eats them we love eggs the second food we eat a lot of is bacon we love bacon we usually get peterson's bacon but throughout our health journey we ate rice bacon and several other brands the main thing we were concerned about was carb count and most bacons are fine i think honestly i can't tell a huge difference eating the uncured organic peterson's bacon versus the stuff that i got at walmart i can't tell a huge difference but you know buy the best that you can afford the main ways i eat bacon are i make it in the airfryer in the morning i'll make a whole bunch and then i'll eat on it throughout the day i'll add it on whatever else i'm having throughout the day as a side but there are days when i just eat eight pieces of bacon for one meal and it's super satisfying bacon never lets me down and then i also save the fat from when i cook my bacon and then i cook everything else in bacon fat i almost never use any other kind of fat when i'm cooking it's just it's just what i do number three is hamburger meat and i like ground meat i like it i like it a lot it's super versatile you can do all kinds of things with it if you watched a few videos back i did single serving taco or single serving nachos where i take a pre-made hamburger patty and i cook it and season it with taco seasonings and i eat it like that i also eat it as a regular cheeseburger or hamburger throw bacon on top of it throw a fried egg on top of it i make meatloaf with it i just enjoy ground beef and it's also one of the most economical meats that you can find i know walmart aldi a lot of those places you can find ground meat in bulk and get it at a better price we do eat grass-fed grass finish but also regular as well i'm not somebody who is 100 focused on grass-fed grass finished beef the main reason i even buy it is to support the farmer and then very very little because i think there's a huge difference in nutrition i got to where i am in my health and wellness by eating cheap walmart meat so although i do support eating grass-fed grass finished and i buy it frequently sometimes there's regular in my refrigerator and i think that that's fine too i don't think you have to spend a whole lot of money to see health benefits i didn't and there are many out there who are eating walmart me and doing fantastic which brings me to my next favorite thing is uh steakhums steakhums are amazing they're they're budget friendly as well one ingredient as you can see it's beef and there are 14 servings per container each serving has zero carbs and nine grams of fat and five grams of protein i like to cook these in a skillet with some grilled onion garlic sometimes i'll throw some goat cheese on top i used to eat a lot of couches i've cut back quite a bit but on occasion i'll still have couches and i'll make a philly cheesesteak bowl or i'll just eat it plain you can keep them frozen and you don't have to defrost them you can just throw them in the skillet and they they cook you don't have to defrost which i really love because i can buy a bunch of these keep them in the freezer and then cook them when i want to without planning ahead of time because that that's the kind of life i lead i don't plan i just do onion i said i cook this in onion i cook onion with a lot of my meat although lately i've been cutting back on the onion and i didn't do that on purpose it just happened so i don't cook with onion as much as i used to but in the past year pretty much every meat i ate had some onion grilled next to it on top of it mixed into it onion is pretty much one of my favorite things to eat and i still eat it regularly but it's way less than i used to eat it garlic as well egg life wraps you've heard me talk about these for the last few videos not sponsored just love them these are fantastic if you're a kid of war because you know there's some people out there who are and i'm sure they're being honest all right i'm not saying they're full of it but i get bored there are people who don't i am not one of those people i need a little a little something extra every now and then so these came into my life recently i have been using them all the time you can see them in my what i eat in a day vlogs how i use them ingredients are clean to me i mean some people don't like xanthan gum i don't have a problem with it the carb counts less than one per serving and sodium is 140 milligrams one gram of fat and six grams of protein per wrap so i really enjoy these and i am grateful to the company for making these where i can just buy them and fry them it's changed my life also i have a discount code like i said not sponsored don't make any money if you use that discount code i just really like them carnivore crisps also another life changer so there are two two products two keto products in this list i truly think have changed my way of eating because i do get bored i'm just not one of those people that can say i love this way of eating and there's never a day when i just i just never wanted no sometimes i want a chip okay and this is how i get my crunch factor i am not a fan of pork rinds i'm burned out on pork rinds i would love to never see a poor crime again at this point in my journey so i enjoy carnivore crisps i like all of them they have elk bison this is chicken breast they have chicken skins there's so many i really my favorite ones are the brisket the ribeye the chicken skin the chicken breast the pork loin and the elk they have the best crunch to me and then the chicken skins have a lot of fat and i just like chicken skin some people don't and some people don't like the carnivore crisp chicken skins i've never had a bad pack i eat them all and also i want to add when i open a bag of these it doesn't sit around it's gone like that this particular bag has 12 grams of protein per serving and i've been posting how many grams of protein i've been getting down and i've been saying it wrong i didn't okay so i've been posting that i ate this whole bag and i got 12 grams of protein because that's what it says on the front that is not right so there are 12 grams of protein per serving but there are five servings in this bag so i've actually been getting 60 grams of protein every time i eat a bag which is crazy especially i've been trying to really up my protein because i'm working out these days i don't like protein shakes i'm sorry if you do that's fine i'm not judging you i prefer to chew my food and i just don't love protein shakes i have increased my protein so much just by utilizing these they're tasty they're delicious they're crunchy they make me happy i like them i have a discount code i am an ambassador for this product i reached out to them they did not come to me i said i love your stuff i would love to have a discount code and they were like hey girl yeah let's sign you up you can be a product ambassador and i was like yes i do have a discount code it does not work on subscriptions or bundles those are already discounted but if you want to go buy a few bags discount code berry and that'll get you a little bit off this is fairly clean all right and it's how i get my liver in it's how i can enjoy it i absolutely do enjoy eating liver pate now this is pretty clean there's only one ingredient in here that people might get up in arms about it it has pork fat eggs turkey liver milk chicken liver sherry onion spices truffles salt garlic mushrooms so the sherry some people may get annoyed by that the carb count on this is 2 grams per serving and there are two and a half servings per container now i never eat this whole container how i eat this would be i dip the carnivore crisps into it and eat it like that i will mix it into my scrambled eggs sometimes and sometimes i just eat it with a spoon because i actually really like liver pate this is the only way that i can get it the in a way that i eat enough where it matters get this at sprouts i think you could probably find it at kroger i think i have before but it this is the brand um and i like the truffle mousse the best i just really like truffles lamb people get really upset when i say i eat lamb so i eat lamb i really enjoy it that's why we're buying sheep is so that we can have our own lamb meat this is from a place called billy domates you can actually order this online they're a really great company and they have a whole lot of different cuts of lamb so they even have lamb bacon i think but we lamb chops and lamb steaks and ground lamb that's where we usually stay at in the lamb category i like it not everybody will some people think it tastes gamey i don't and sometimes i mix it with ground beef especially when i'm doing my meatloaf i always put lamb in my meatloaf it just gives it a little bit more and i like it if you don't want to eat a lamb that's okay the last thing on my list is sausage i love sausage here's what i do i always wake up and probably three or four days out of the week i will make a lot of sausage patties and then i store them in a pyrex bowl just like this and then throughout the day they're already ready for me hi kitty cat hi and and beckett really loves sausage so i cook some for him and i cook some for me i try to do enough that will last me and beckett two days but usually it lasts me and him one day and then there's probably two or three left left over and ken comes and he finishes them off do you want to come say hi come here we got a cat this is loki and he is so sweet all right i hope this video was helpful and informative if it was smash that thumb button i hope this gave you a little insight to what we eat if you want to watch in detail what we eat i do what i eat in a day vlogs every week sometimes twice a week if you're lucky so make sure you hit that subscribe and the bell notification button so you don't miss an upload i'll see you next time love you mean it bye [Music]
Channel: Neisha Loves It
Views: 111,876
Rating: 4.9558063 out of 5
Keywords: what i eat in a day, what i eat in a week, what i eat in a day keto, what i eat in a day ketovore, keto carnivore recipes, ketovore diet meal plan, carnivore meal plan, dirty fasting, neisha berry, carnivore diet, keto, keto diet, ketovore diet, what i eat in a day keto and intermittent fasting, full day of eating keto diet, what i eat in a day tiktok, keto carnivore what i eat in a day, low carb snacks, keto grocery haul kroger, ken d berry, what i eat in a day healthy
Id: _5gQo94JIh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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