Oh, So Trump Wasn’t Lying Then

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Major props to Russell Brand…. Dude tells it like it is and isn’t afraid of pissing the lefties off even tho he largely agrees with them on most policy issues

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/oclotty 📅︎︎ Mar 25 2022 🗫︎ replies

The dark side clouds everything. Impossible to see the light, the future is.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/churchofbabyyoda420 📅︎︎ Mar 25 2022 🗫︎ replies

Would love to see him and Joe Rogan have a discussion.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/AUorAG 📅︎︎ Mar 25 2022 🗫︎ replies

[Nineteen Eighty-Four has become a classic literary example of political and dystopian fiction. It also popularised the term "Orwellian" as an adjective, with many terms used in the novel entering common usage, including "Big Brother", "doublethink", "Thought Police", "thoughtcrime", "Newspeak", and "2 + 2 = 5". Parallels have been drawn between the novel's subject matter and real life instances of totalitarianism, mass surveillance, and violations of freedom of expression among other themes. (Wikipedia)] I used to dismiss these examples as coincidences, but maybe that’s what we are supposed to do.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/banditk77 📅︎︎ Mar 25 2022 🗫︎ replies

No… he wasn’t.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Agreeable_Witness_20 📅︎︎ Mar 25 2022 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/clslw86 📅︎︎ Mar 28 2022 🗫︎ replies
guess what i'm allowed to say now that that laptop did belong to hunter biden so what other conspiracy theories down the line will we be able to openly communicate about hello there you 5.3 million awakening wonders joining me on a journey that we make together towards truth with all of its complexity with all of its nuance with the changes around what truth is permissible at what time remember if you're not a subscriber subscribe to us now and if you don't belong to my mailing list yet you better bloody well join it i need you to you know why that might be so we got to talk to you today about hunter biden's laptop ah you saucy little devil you keep her secrets now just to let you know i don't care about addiction and all of the salacious stuff i'm a recovering drug addict i've done stuff in my life man i'm interested in the financial things and i'm even more interested in the fact that the new york post were prevented from tweeting about the story and what does that suggest about free press free media freedom of speech stuff that i know you are interested in and if you are and you're in the uk come see me live all over the joint i'm in plymouth carlisle stockton on tees bristol blackpool blackpool's gonna be a fantastic event it's worth you making the journey there meditations questions and answers an opportunity for awakening by the sea but let's get into this news right now and see if we can discern some truth from this stuff while i dress as a young obi-wan kenobi in the obi-wan keroby the new york times has finally acknowledged that hunter biden's business dealings are legitimate news oh oh so we're allowed to talk about it now of course we talked about it last week as well you can see the video we talked about it i think at the time in a much more cautious and circumspect way now we can openly talk about it and again i want to remind you hunter biden as a recovering addict if that's where hunter is in his journey he has my sympathy my empathy i don't care about people's problems with mental health and the expressions of those mental health conditions even though i recognize it sometimes negatively impacts other people what i'm interested in is the mainstream media suppressing information during a general election because it's misinformation and then down the line when it's sort of too late admitting oh yeah that was true why didn't you report it oh well it might have made people not trust joe biden okay well now what do we do because we've had that election yeah sorry so yeah the new york times have acknowledged it with a story on the tax affairs of the president's son including the sentences those emails are obtained by the new york times from a cachet of files that appears to have come from a laptop abandoned by mr biden in a delaware repair shop just saying those words a few short months ago was forbidden you were not allowed to say that kind of stuff that was the crazy territory of the conspiracy theorist and i know a lot of you say in the comments below what's the difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth about six months well this is yet another example of that phenomena the email and others in the cachet were authenticated by people familiar with them and with the investigation the admission comes six months after a politico writer published a book that also confirmed that the laptop emails were authentic but the original scoop belonged to the new york post which broke its laptop story in october 2020 only to meet a media wall of denial and distortion so now you know when media biases lie as you know if you're a regular viewer of this channel i have no alliance with any political party i think that they systemically operate in conjunction with one another to prevent real change from happening that the very kind of centralized force that needs to be ended if voting did anything they'd ban it but you have got to recognize that people are of a particular political persuasion will use that information to highlight inefficiencies within the democrat party and their evidence supporters in the media i'm just letting you know that when it comes to this particular issue i'm not like see the republicans are right because that's not how i see the world at all my disappointment in the democratic party comes from a historic recollection that they were meant to be about the kind of things i was told i was going to believe in and as i awaken from that dream i want to point out that i've not awoken into some other political ideology it's hopefully a kind of personal transcendence that's about localism and powerful ordinary people we should devolve power to a smaller communities as possible so you and i and all of us could have as much power and involvement in the meaningful management of our own lives our own businesses and families communities as possible that's what i believe who cares though because like you know i mean i might be an idiot look what i'm wearing for christ's sake rather than attempt to confirm the emails nearly all the media at the time ignored the story or fact checked it as false so even fact checks are propaganda that's what fact checks are it's literally called a fact check it sounds oh that's been fact checked you know when you see underneath these videos maybe it says wikipedia you can't well who decided that and what are you going to decide in six months this in kind contribution to candidate joe biden was all the more egregious given other evidence supporting the post scoop neither hunter biden nor the biden campaign denied that the laptop was hunters i remember people saying at the time that this lack of denial was an indication of his veracity i think maybe glenn greenwald who's one of those people who's become like maligned and marginalized oh he's a right-wing voice but me i can't help but think that that dude broke the snowden story and i'm sure anybody that you speak to long enough you're going to find things you agree with and disagree with but what he does do it seems to me at least is approach journalism with a great degree of intelligence and open-mindedness i'm sure he's got his biases and those people that are criticizing him and condemning him you think they don't have biases now we know they do how are you going to have an open democracy where people don't consider the possibility of what are still called conspiracy theories when things like this get proven to be true what other things that are forbidden to be discussed might be proven to be true down the line when it's all too late 75 years in the future like the information about vaccines that they tried to kick free generations down the road or the information about assassinations i am not a conspiracy theorist i'm not interested in stuff that there's not evidence for or paper trails for but i bloody well i am interested in stuff where there is proven demonstrable evidence of malpractice and hunter's former business partner tony bobalinsky went public with documents backing up some of the laptops contents the herd of media conformists also echoed the speculation of obviously partisan intelligence officials some 50 of these officials circulated a statement peddling the russian disinformation line even as they admitted they have no evidence so it's just a kind of a scorched earth deluge policy just spill out condemnation and criticism and what do we do the bewildered herd we don't know what to believe anymore oh i think no that's misinformation is russia gay isn't it and you can't trust it and it's collusion and like how are you meant to discern firstly and i i mean this really seriously look after yourself stay awake personally make sure you've got practices that keep yourself together because the outside world ain't your friend is trying to bamboozle you the entire time i don't mean nature and your community and your friends and family although possibly some of them what i mean is the media machine does have an agenda like and i don't really see why that's a controversial thing to what i do it's a controversial thing to say because if you point out the agenda then it undermines the agenda and it makes people more circumspect it makes people more skeptical it makes people less likely to buy products they don't need it makes people less likely to vote compliantly it makes people more disobedient and they need you compliant and dumb so i do know i'm pretending not to know just i don't know why it was a rhetorical device i know full well why it is the result was a blackout of the hunter news twitter blocked the post's account for nearly two weeks censorship and facebook used algorithms to quash the story so twitter and facebook we're just platforms we're not responsible for the content on our platforms oh okay then this deprived voters of information they might have wanted to know before election day did you want to know that before election day mr bobolinsky mr barbalinski mr bob barbalinski mr bubbalinski mr bob bubalinski you were thinking it so i did it also provided the wall street journal with documents showing hunter was looking to use the biden name to profit from a business deal with the shanghai-based company with ties to the chinese government one may 2017 expectations email from hunter associate james gilliard shows hunter receiving 20 of the equity in the venture with another 10 held by h for the big guy mr bobolinsky mr bob bobalinsky says the big guy is joe biden okay so joe biden potentially according to mr bobolinsky is profiting from a deal with a shanghai-based company with ties to the chinese government i don't know if that's an important piece of information to have before a general election where biden's taken to the pulpit to say that trump the other dude is unreliable and corrupt and all things that you may or may not agree if that's up to you it's none of my business but this ain't the kind of thing you want in the papers is it before that election obviously not because it wasn't to this day the bidens have not had to explain their business arrangement another thing get the bidens to explain their business arrangements get anyone that's in a position of political power to be absolutely transparent about their business arrangements and not have any business arrangements that could potentially now or any point in the future benefit from their political position that's a rule isn't it was that hard to type that up the emails made clear the hunter was cashing in on the biden name including as a board member of barisma a ukrainian gas company in ukraine ukraine has that been in the news lately that influence peddling was a potential political liability for mr biden which was why the facts deserved an airing before the election that's all anyone is saying just tell the truth let people make their own decisions possibly have systems that are better able to reflect the will of ordinary people rather than foreclosing through loopholes and walls and various other techniques any meaningful way that ordinary people are able to express their will democratically or through protest or through free speech online to in the end you just have like a kind of a blade of power slicing through every aspect of your life preventing you from ever really being free this is from glenn greenwald my position on him i've made clear already the backlash against this reporting was immediate and intense leading to suppression of the story by u.s corporate media outlets and censorship of the story by leading silicon valley monopolies this disinformation campaign about the biden emails was then used by big tech to justify brute censorship of any report in or on discussion of this story easily the most severe case of pre-election censorship in modern american political history isn't that troubling after the ferrago around trump about whom i've done many videos and you can look for yourself and see whether or not you think i'm a pro-trump person i know loads of you are and i respect our right to be different from one another but how do you think people feel about having that candidate criticized having their choices criticized being condemned as like idiots and deplorables and mugs and fools meanwhile there's this level of censorship and not only censorship of the issue itself but discussion around the issue and a sort of a concomitant condemnation of any discourse that approaches that area so the only information that's not misinformation is the information that they want you to have because that information is the information that benefits them and leads to the outcomes that they want do you not see how that leads to a cynical populace do you not see how that's making us awaken making us doubtful making us genuinely open to new ways of governing ourselves governing our communities making us not trust centralized power in any form not trusting the mainstream media not trusting big business because we can see the working out big tech sense of that information they stopped it from being discussed it was true it was legitimate and according to mr bubba liske mr bob bobolinsky even potentially directly involves joe biden i'm not in a position to say whether that allegation is true or not of course i'm not i'm saying the source here cited on this little bit of paper that isn't mine i don't even know where this came from it fell out of the sky i got it from a repair shop in delaware so don't that make you a bit more open to the idea that maybe you're not right you know like maybe the people that are saying hey they're idiots they're idiots you can't let's have a conversation we've got to have a conversation we've got to be open about this we can't just go around conspiracy theorists shut up conspiracy theorists bannon bannon conspiracy theorists there's the truth whatever else is true above the cia media disinformation campaign in the weeks before the 2020 election and the resulting regime of brute censorship imposed by big tech are of historic significance the admission by the new york times that this archive and the emails in it were real all along proves that a gigantic fraud was perpetrated by the country's most powerful institutions what matters far more than the interest level of various partisan factions is the core truths about u.s democracy revealed by this tawdry spectacle and i suppose what greenwald means by core truths is the possibility that the media big business big tech the government operate collaborate with one another in order to ensure particular outcomes presumably favorable outcomes these are not claims that you would make without being able to see what money is spent on lobbying what legislative decisions are made what congress people receive money from which particular platforms what kind of decisions are made by those congress people and those lawmakers and how that might benefit and advance the interest this is not stuff that's being made up this is not oh there's these and i think they're from another hello and i saw them there hold on and there was an owl this is not that this is look look at what's happening hit me up in the comments give us a thumbs up if you're not subscribing yet subscribe let's grow this channel together let's create something beautiful god knows we have to and we can do it together that's the great thing about all of this all of this corruption is leading to something beautiful i know it and you know it too it's possible if you want to come see me live come see me live i'm all over the uk if you like this video have a look at one of these if you ain't signed up to my mailing list you know you better baby and most importantly of all please stay free you
Channel: Russell Brand
Views: 2,026,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Russell Brand, Brand Russell, BrandThe, Russell Brand video, Russell Brand news, Russell Brand politics, News, Brand, politics, Russell, USA, UK, Russel, Russel Brand, Ukraine, Russia, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, White House, Leaked, Laptop, Hunter Biden Laptop, Banned, censored, Democrats, republicans, scandal, Donald Trump, Trump, emails, Russian intelligence, New York Post, New York Times, Tony Bobulinski, Glenn Greenwald, CIA, Big Tech, Confirmed, disinformation, misinformation, fraud, censorship
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 23 2022
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