Did Media CENSOR Joe/Hunter Biden Corruption Report?

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did the media and social media conspire together to keep information about joe biden and hunter biden's relationship with foreign energy companies out of the media the answer is yes they did here's glenn greenwald on my podcast under the skin talking about how they did that interesting the idea of a huge archive of documents that sheds light on what powerful people are doing and it wasn't just what hunter biden was doing because ultimately if it were just that who would care right he's just the son of a politician what i had interested in is is was the material to allow us to investigate those questions and one of the reasons that interests me is because that's been a lot of the journalism i've done obviously i've done a lot of work with and about wikileaks which works with huge archives like that as well so it's just journalistically when you see something like that you get drawn to it right you want it it's like a treasure trove it's what your job is to to look at those documents and piece together and investigate to see what it is that they reveal about powerful people if you don't want to do that as a journalist like go do anything else glenn greenwald for those of you don't know is one of the journalists who bought the edward snowden revelations to the public when he was working at the guardian he's continued to work with whistleblowers and be a challenging journalist doing some incredible stories in brazil where he lives now with his husband he's a pretty forthright brilliant thinker and award-winning journalist and i'm fascinated by his views particularly how he seems to be migrating across formerly quite intransigent political territories there are a lot of documents that raise serious questions about whether joe biden the person at the time running for president and likely to become the most powerful politician on earth was intervening in ukraine for the benefit of the company that was paying his son fifty thousand dollars a month for absolutely no reason other than to have influence with joe biden which was barista the energy company on which for which in an industry in which undivided had zero experience or competence look i'm not a pro republican person i don't see myself that way i don't see myself as conservative or that i'm in a trump or giuliani or kind of media establishments that were reporting on these revelations they are not my cultural social or political allies that's certainly not how i see myself however it seems to me that there's what reason is hunter biden sat on the board of an energy company in the ukraine what reason is james biden sat on the board or receiving payments from an energy company in china and at a time where we're talking about sleaze corruption financial misdemeanors and relationships between corporations big business and politicians which says face it unless you're bloody stupid you know that's going on all the time so either change that or they stop pretending that politicians are aspiring to anything other than the advance of their own interests and if there's a byproduct a few people get helped along the way well then that's great but for me revelations that there are financial connections between energy companies in the ukraine energy companies in china and the biden family are troubling that should be public knowledge and it's even more troubling that twitter and facebook and the media at large deliberately kept it out of the news because they didn't want it to influence the election what is democracy then it suggests to me that democracy is we want you to vote for this person we don't want you to vote for that person as i've said donald trump you know that's i don't think donald trump's the answer but i'm sad to realize that i can no longer even claim to believe that joe biden or the democratic party might be the answer because look at how they behave and look at the relationships between media social media and that party they conspired to keep information away from you because it was not convenient to their agenda what does that make you feel as well as whether they were pursuing deals in china in which the negotiations were proposing that 10 or 15 percent of the profit stream from these deals they were pursuing as joe biden was getting ready to run for president would actually go to joe biden himself there were a lot of documents that raised very real questions glenn greenwald whether you're grooving politically or you don't is a legit bona fider expert in this field his whole career is founded upon receiving documentation that contain challenging revelations from whistleblowers he would not stake his reputation on something that is not legit or real and as he explains elsa in this video when allegations of this nature are false you know it because the people come and go that's not my bloody laptop the fact is that this information was stymied stifled controlled because it didn't suit the shared agenda of these three pillars of power that almost concerns me more than the nature of the revelations themselves i don't have particularly high expectations of politicians let me blow your mind but the idea that information is being controlled that's that's not democracy that's not freedom that's manipulation of elections if it were the other side doing that that would be the the companies that are here implicated would be ecstatically propagating and proliferating that data what i was finding was two things about this one is there was no interest in finding out what those documents were because it was the moral duty of everybody including journalists to refrain from anything that might hurt biden because that would elect trump including doing reporting on this archive so the idea became nobody can do any reporting on this archive they started maligning the archive it's troubling that these decisions are made on your behalf without your inclusion i suppose this is how politics and power functions but when you get an example like this one or this specific example and how it implicates the goodies let's say in the cultural conflict and shows that when it comes to it the behavior from people across the political spectrum is the same just the pursuit of their interest the control of information i'm more or less a political or pan political or trans political i've been too disappointed by people in the political arena to sort of think oh this person might help what i feel like is that there are principles and shouldn't it be that anyway principles and values that transcend wherever they come from some transcendent principles of honesty compassion kindness these kind of things redemption forgiveness spiritual principles i suppose and i'm wondering when figures might appear in the cultural and political conversation that are about true empowerment of ordinary people honesty transparency and admitting that there's fallibility and flaws in all of us and we need systems that allow for individual fallibility but have always as the priority not the pursuit of power and the control of resources but the empowerment and freedom of individuals actually the stuff that's written down constitutionally the things they're explicitly said to be the goals and names of a society those that's all just the things that people say are for goals and names but then behave entirely you know in an entirely distinct discreet way in a secret and clandestine manner that for me the revelation that that laptop wasn't just about stuff about hunter biden's personal life drug addiction etc and that stuff with consent in adults but also was about financial relationships with companies abroad oh man that's like like you can't come out there and sort of be all sort of evan killer and friendly and this is a real change and a new style for america and i feel like people that believe in that that's kind of like recalcitrance it's a willful a willful sort of commitment a kind of a religious commitment to dogma to the dogma of no these guys are good well by what standards all of the indicia of authenticity were there that you look for as a journalist that i rely and i've staked my entire reputation on by publishing archives based on that indicia of authenticity when i got the snowden archive i had to make sure it was authentic i authenticated the one in brazil using those same methods so media outlets were saying not only were they saying we won't report on it but much worse even the ones that like the intercept that i [ __ ] co-founded to be adversarial to the cia in the intelligence community adopted the view of the cia officials that this came from russia and it was disinformation even though there was i mean the whole point was you be you're supposed to be skeptical of claims from the cia because they're trained liars the cia say this ain't legit oh yeah the cia those lovely guys at the cia former members include good old mary poppins she was cia weren't she and jesus and gandy all those cia operatives like this has been one of the things that's been baffling for me to suddenly see like all these sort of agencies that i was brought up to think you know don't ever trust those people are suddenly now the goodies you can't trust the cia and they do nothing but disseminate this information so when they say something even if they say it's sunny outside you go out and check and even if you see the sun you like still have doubts that maybe it's a fake sun it's sunny outside your [ __ ] lives it's raining sorry sorry force of habit but in this case they just imbibed it mindlessly and so they not only did they not report it but they prevented me from you know i i was wanting to analyze what these documents showed i got prevented by my own media outlet the thing that i found it at the height of this note of the story from doing it but the worst thing and the most dangerous thing russell was that and this is the thing that i think is the most important thing from all of this is that twitter and facebook which are information monopolies they're not just private companies like any other facebook you know currently has 2 billion of the world's 8 billion people using it to communicate it's a 25 of the planet is on facebook much of the ones who aren't are because they don't have internet access and twitter is the place where anyone who works in politics and media spends all their day so incredibly powerful companies twitter banned any mention of this story if you wanted to link to the reporting from the new york post then ultimately fox news and other right-wing outlets that were doing the reporting the link wouldn't work you would put the link in there would say this link is banned not just for publicly tweeting but even if you wanted to have a private conversation using the chat function on twitter you couldn't link to the it was just censored it was banned like you were in china one of the things i talked to glenn greenwald about was my own personal discomfort as a person that's always seen myself as i say now pan trans beyond political i was like hold on a minute i don't want to find myself like lying with the new york post owned by murdoch or fox news for still owned by murdoch this is doesn't make sense to me but ultimately you've got to have recourse to honesty transparency freedom and the idea that as green world characterizes the information monopolies such as those described will prohibit control censor information shows you that our kind of depiction is places like communist russia or the soviet union as these draconian malevolent places where you're not free it may and you know was true but it's also true here the same thing is happening but you get to have a milkshake at the end of the day sure we do repress you yeah we control the information but look at this lovely old president and enjoy your milkshake you idiot and then facebook announced that they were algorithmically suppressing the spread of the story so you could post it but nobody would see it they had like tinkered with the algorithm this is like three weeks before the election silicon valley monopolies that were supporting one of the candidates were censoring reporting authentic reporting about the candidate that they were supporting based on lies from the cia obviously a significant point that the democrat party received donations from silicon valley obviously them centering information that would negatively impact the election had a sort of personal impact on them and their incentives so it's not just like an ideological control it's very practical we're invested in the democrat party being the party of government we don't want that going awry that for me was a huge mask off moment so when you ask me about the hunter biden story yes i think the documents are important yes i think the journalists have investigated yes i think it was a huge professional disgrace that they didn't i obviously quit the intercept and protest over their efforts to censor me at my own outlet but the much more pernicious and enduring event as part of that was the use of silicon valley power in unison to simply prevent how many millions of americans from hearing about documents that they absolutely should have known about before going into the voting booth what green world revelations suggest to me is that all of us have to become sort of somehow internet savvy information savvy that we have to curate our own information we all have to become in seth abrahamson's phrase meta journalists we have to look at a lot of information and draw our own conclusions but we can't say i only take my information from me or i only take my information from here we're going to have to look at diverse resources these kind of tribal alliances might need to be overcome that you might start to have to think well who am i really what kind of society do i want that you can't have some symbolic figure who represents your values i feel what we need is a kind of recourse to a set of values and principles that can be personally practiced that means for me as ever decentralization communities where we can have direct control over our own lives and own resources individual freedom collective freedom and where possible regulation and control of organizations that have power over us whether that's the state or big corporations now i don't know where that places me anymore on a political scale but what i want is my freedom my family's freedom your freedom your family's freedom i don't want my family to have advantages that your family don't have because of my the color of my skin or where i'm from or what my background is and i don't want the reverse either i want us to have an equal fair society or set of societies because it seems unrealistic that we can have one thing that we now call society because there are too many competing value systems involved it seems there are universal principles that i keep referring to sesame street values kindness consideration honesty these kind of things hopefully surely we can agree on but we're not going to have this bizarre abstract problem of trying to conceive of hundreds and thousands and millions of people all coming together under one flag or banner because it clearly doesn't work anymore whether it's the logos of the uk the united states of america the logos of microsoft apple facebook we need i believe to have smaller communities that are autonomous and in control of their own lives and outcomes this is where real power and sharing of power lies well if you liked that video me commenting on this then please like and subscribe and comment we read the comment if you want to see this conversation with glenn greenwald subscribe to my luminary podcast that there it's just like a normal conversation mostly with glenn greenwald speaking because he's such a brilliant person i didn't want to interrupt him even when i had a mirror on videos like will you crack on mate but if you want to hear all of it go over now and subscribe to luminary and please subscribe to my mailing list so we can communicate directly i'm probably going to start doing live stuff at the end of the year god and legislative uh authoritarians permitting i'll be doing some live stuff so if you're interested in that get on my mailing list at russellbrand.com so we can communicate thank you you
Channel: Russell Brand
Views: 275,418
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Russell Brand, Brand Russell, BrandThe, Russell Brand video, Russell Brand news, Russell Brand politics, News, Brand, politics, Russell, Glenn Greenwald, Snowden, Hunter BIden, Biden, Joe BIden, President, USA, America, China, Russia, Ukraine, laptop, CIA, the intercept, twitter, facebook, election, Trump
Id: cs8Qae0QgGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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