Oh No! I Screwed Up My Ceramic Coating!

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oh no ah this coating's all screwed up i don't know what to do dang it what happens when you screw up your ceramic coating screwing up your ceramic coating is a reality it happens every once in a while it probably happens more often than not it happens to beginners first time installers it happens to people like me it happens to professional detailers but the one thing that the professional detailers know maybe that the beginners don't know is how to fix high spots or areas that you forgot to wipe off now what you need to understand is there are ways to fix that in their simple processes that anybody can do today we're working on this toyota supra thanks to figs engineering who let us borrow this car and we're working with our graphene ceramic coating and what i've done is i've put four different lines of graphene ceramic coating that i'm not going to wipe off for an extended period of time i also have a section over here that i applied i let it cure for a little too long and when i wiped it off it has high spots and what we're gonna do is on this first section i'm waiting an hour and then i'll wipe it off and i'll show you the high spots that you can get after one hour of leaving the coating on this we're gonna leave on for two hours this one we're gonna leave on for four hours then this one we're gonna leave overnight and we will see how to correct that if you left ceramic coating overnight and what we're doing is we're simulating time frames at which you would catch ceramic coating that you may have not wiped off one thing i want to mention is the cure time for ceramic coating is different in other regions here in colorado it's about 50 degrees with probably zero humidity and in florida it's going to be a lot higher humidity and a lot higher heat in which the ceramic coating is going to cure a lot faster so the characteristics of this in florida where i'm leaving this for an hour might be the same characteristics as if i left it for 20 minutes in florida and i guess my point is is to understand your cure time apply the ceramic coating to an inconspicuous area and time it if you feel like you need to time it or get an understanding of how long you leave it until you wipe it off and it looks perfect and what i'm going to do first is i'm going to wipe off this one right here because it's been about an hour now coating removal towel we're gonna wipe this section off [Music] there are some high spots i can see it just looks a little bit darker i'm sure you can see that in camera the first thing i would recommend is have a plush towel with you either a borderless gray or a single soft towel and try using this to get the the high spot and one point i definitely want to make is do not put a bunch of pressure on here and if you wipe it off it takes it off so within that hour i could use a plush towel to to do a final wipe and remove the high spots of the coating and actually if i go and i use a uv light so i can see the exact shape of the coating so i know that the coating is on there all right so we addressed the one hour section and now we're moving on to the two hour section i'm gonna do the same thing i always start with the removal part okay this is not coming off nearly as easy and i can still see some of the sweat marks but still it's so obvious on there the high spots so again i'll go to a plush towel or the borderless gray towel [Music] that did about the same thing so now rather than polishing or using an aggressive method what i want to do is is use a method that is least aggressive and then move up from there i want to take one of the suede applicators one of the coating applicators and i want to rehydrate this coating in this high spot here first and foremost so i'm going to take coating and i'm going to put just a little bit on making sure to put the cap back on and i'm trying to rehydrate this high spot and this will not remove the ceramic coating this isn't going to alter the integrity of the first layer of coating that i put on here but what it's going to do is it's going to rehydrate the surface oils that are on top so theoretically when i wipe this away it should come off perfect and i don't need to let this cure for a bunch of time i can just go ahead and wipe it off right now because i just rehydrated the top surface oil so we go and we wipe this away and wow it worked perfect uh now it just looks like a perfect ceramic coating i can't see any high spots anymore and let's just check this out with the uv light so i can see the uv on here the uv is activated but i can't see that exact spot of where it was when i initially applied it two hours ago i can see a big spot of uv and that's because i put that extra layer to rehydrate the coating now the reason why that works so well is because the solvent content inside of this ceramic coating is the thing that's rehydrating those surface oils the solvent content inside of the graphene ceramic coating is the same as the graphene ceramic spray coating there's just less of the raw material of ceramic in here so if you have graphene ceramic spray coating feel free to use this to do the same process and using the power of the solvent in brilliant glaze will also do the same thing being able to even out the ceramic coating that was left behind now we're gonna wait another two hours to get to the four hour mark to wait and wipe this section off and we'll see the characteristics of coding left behind after four hours okay so we just talked about removing the two hour section and now we're at the four hour mark and hopefully the solvent works but i highly doubt it it is probably cured for too long so what i'm going to do is start from the least aggressive moving up so coating removal towel is the first thing we want to do okay that did not work just like on the two hour mark now we're going to go to the borderless gray towel again see if that does it absolutely not now what i want to do is try to rehydrate the coating but this time i'm going to use the graphene ceramic spray coating and use the solvent power in this so i'm just gonna do two sprays and then we'll rehydrate the coating okay all right and i'm gonna remove it with the plush towel okay so it didn't remove that either if rehydrating the coating with graphene ceramic spray coating brilliant glaze or the graphene ceramic coating doesn't work then you want to use the minor or least aggressive abrasive and polish and what we're going to do is we're going to take a microfiber applicator and we're going to put just a little bit on here just a tiny little bit and i'm going to work this into the pad like this so i'm going to put a little bit of the polish on here and i'm just using the weight of my hand i don't want to push too hard again all the processes you don't want to be pushing hard that just gives the chance of of introducing scratching so just the weight of my hand like that and then i want to use a plush towel to remove the polish and [Music] oh perfect okay so that leveled it off it looks perfect and because i used a minor abrasive i'm going to reapply some more of the coating just as a safe measure i guess you could say but just put a little thin [Music] layer of coating and i'm just going to put this on here and i'll let this cure you know i'll let it rainbow and i'll let the rainbow dissipate and then i'll wipe it away and you know the polish isn't necessarily going to remove the coating but because there is a minor abrasive in there i just want to make sure that i for sure have coating i have a robust layer it's on there we're good to go okay so now what we want to do is see how we remove or fix this section that has been left overnight so let's cut to tomorrow okay we're now on the next day it is about 10 o'clock so it's been about 21-22 hours and now let's address what we need to do to fix the section that has been left overnight using the coating removal towel and the borderless gray it barely touched that so i know based on the four hour mark uh i need to do polish so what i'm gonna do is put a little bit of polish on here [Music] okay i'm gonna rub it in with my finger [Music] and then [Music] okay let's see if this worked [Music] okay so the polish didn't remove everything i can see pretty clearly a spot down here and then like lines going up uh and it look it does not look consistent across uh this whole panel so the next step up from that is using a machine but when we use the machine we want to use the least aggressive method first which is either a red foam pad or a white foam pad and the mini polisher okay taking the machine a white foam pad and some polish i'm just going to put a few little dots on here i don't need a lot because i'm not polishing a huge panel and i'm going to rub the polish in with my finger and what i'm going to do is not just polish the section i'm going to polish a little bit more and then after we're done we need to reapply the coating so let's polish this section and get this fixed so i'm gonna run this on speed four and i'm putting barely any pressure just like almost the weight of my hand just guiding the polishes i don't want to be too aggressive okay i think that should do it so set this down let me use borderless gray towel to remove this all right that worked perfect but because i used an abrasive i need to reapply the coating and actually this coating applicator is nice and crisp because we were using it yesterday so grab a new applicator all right put the cap back on when i polish with the machine i did a larger area than just that specific spot so taking the coating [Music] i'm going to coat a little bit bigger of an area now we can let that cure as soon as the coating becomes grabby as it as it's curing that's when i know it's time to remove it okay i'm going to wipe this coating off now and i'm going to use the coating removal towel all right the towel is definitely grabby so i'm going to break down the surface oils with this coating removal towel first and then i'm going to even it out with the borderless gray towel and that looks perfect we had these four lines here but i also had a section here that i had let the coating here for a long time and i wiped it off but left it so it was uneven one suggestion i have is after you apply a coating to the whole vehicle i suggest pulling it outside and using the sun the sun is the true serum it's going to show you every high spot that you missed and once you have those high spots then you can address those just as we addressed these lines here or these sections here on the card so what i'm going to do actually is i'm going to take [Music] polish [Music] okay so did the polish i'm gonna remove it the borderless gray towel yep that worked so i know that it's going to be that easy by just using polish on a microfiber applicator pad and we can fix those high spots of the areas that i did wipe off and again after you use an abrasive you need to reapply a coating just for good measure [Music] and again just to reiterate by doing the polish on this microfiber applicator pad it's not removing the coating that is on there it's removing the high spots of it but just for my like sake of sanity i put more coating on top of this so i'm gonna put more coating on here if you want to let your coating cure for extra time to the point that maybe it's harder to wipe off with the kodi removal towel or the borderless grey towel you can let the coating cure for an extended period of time and use the graphene ceramic spray coating to remove the coating as an a as like a removal aid this will rehydrate the surface oils or the sweating that's happening on your ceramic coating and then when you remove it it keeps the integrity or the thickness of the graphene ceramic coating that's on there while using the benefit of the graphene ceramic spray coating to remove it find an inconspicuous area test that first but again there's a fine line where if you let it go too long you're back into the polishing part you're reapplying the coating so use an inconspicuous area to test that and then then you can go ahead and approach the whole car when you're applying it letting it cure and everything at certain time frames it becomes more and more difficult to remove and causes more work so within the hour mark it's very easy to remove today it took a coating removal towel and a borderless gray towel at the two hour mark we needed to rehydrate it with either graphene ceramic spray coating or graphing coating and then getting into the four hour mark and the overnight mark it was more into polishing using an abrasive and then reapplying the coating if you have more questions about this feel free to contact us at 866-965-0400 and email us at orders adamspolishes.com we have multiple resources here that can help you with any questions related to ceramic coatings but again i hope this video was helpful and i hope that it can help your success in installing and making your ceramic coating perfect [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Adam's Polishes
Views: 540,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: car care, premium car care, car wash, vehicle wash, car cleaning, automotive detailing, clean car, detailing, car detailing, adams polishes, adams premium car care, cleaning, home care, home cleaning, self cleaning, do it yourself, diy, how to videos, how to, graphene, graphene ceramic coating, ceramic coating, ceramic, graphene spray coating, ceramic coat
Id: a4CJqRGtbnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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