How to Wash and Maintain Your Graphene Ceramic Coated Vehicle

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[Music] if somebody has told you that you don't need to wash your car after having a ceramic coating put on it all right we got your truck all ceramic coated you'll never have to wash it again really they are absolute liars ceramic coatings are not bulletproof proper washing techniques is the number one key aspect to maintaining a ceramic coated vehicle whether that be adam's polishes or any other ceramic coating on the market in fact if you do not understand proper washing techniques you should not even be putting a ceramic coating on your car you spend all this time to make your car perfect by polishing it and then you put the ceramic coating on top to lock that in if you use improper washing techniques you're working against yourself now the second key aspect to maintaining a ceramic coating or the products that you use okay we have products designed specifically for deep cleaning or help maintaining a ceramic coating like the graphene shampoo okay in most instances if you're using proper washing techniques with high quality car care products you'll be just fine maintaining your ceramic coating but if you need to use a high degreasing shampoo or something like this which has extra surfactants to deep clean a ceramic coating this will help reinstate the hydrophobic properties back onto your ceramic coating now things like industrial fallout which is metal particles that get stuck into your ceramic coating iron remover is going to be something that will break those down much easier using a clay mitt that's going to help remove bonded contaminants from your surface will also help reinstate hydrophobic properties now getting into products that have silica or graphene ceramic in them that are quick you know spray and wipe quick detailers they will help bolster the ceramic coating that is on your car keeping the hydrophobic properties going for longer making cleaning your car really really easy in this video we're going to use these products and we're gonna show you the proper washing techniques to help maintain your ceramic coating okay so in this video we're gonna talk about four different phases okay number one being safe washing number two being removing bonded contaminants with a clay mitt okay number three decontaminating with iron remover okay these are kind of they work together but they're sort of two different phases and then lastly we're going to talk about maintenance products something that's a spray and white product to help reinstate hydrophobic properties okay just so you know those different phases or chapters are linked in the description or they're laid out in the timeline here so if you already know everything about safe washing and you want to learn more or quickly get to the part of the iron remover part you can do that in the chapters here on our youtube video so phase one safe washing you need to have a proper washing routine before you even put the ceramic coating on your car you don't want to use improper techniques that introduce damage to the ceramic coating that you installed so safe washing what is it two bucket wash method two wash pads utilizing grit guards there's a lot to it all right if you want to get more in depth about safe washing click the link in the description here in this video or click the link up in the corner here okay today we're using graphene shampoo as our soap but when we refer to safe washing the technique that's more about the process that's about how you go about washing your car and any of our car soaps fit into that process okay but when you're washing a ceramic coated vehicle or a graphene ceramic coated vehicle you want to use something that's beneficial to that okay so graphene shampoo is our choice okay it has a couple extra surfactants that are going to help deep clean your ceramic coated vehicle or graphene ceramic coated vehicle which this car has been coated with graphene ceramic coating advanced okay but graphene shampoo is going to work on any ceramic coated vehicle first things first we have two buckets they both have clean water in them and they both have grit guards in them okay and then in this bucket i also have two wash pads now we want to leave one with clean water and we want to put the graphene shampoo on our actual wash pads what this is going to do is ensure that your wash pads have the lubricity from the soap on them and every time you agitate your wash pads it's actually going to generate more suds so graphene shampoo on our watch pads and a little bit in the bucket okay just like a squirt or one kind of pole in there okay we're leaving this one clean okay another aspect to safe washing is utilizing a foam cannon now a foam cannon can only be used with a pressure washer which brings me to a great point having a pressure washer is key to performing safe washing investing in a pressure washer is a great idea okay it's going to make your washing much more safe it's going to use the pressure to get off more of the dirt and grime which will reduce the chance of washing induced scratches if you don't have access or you haven't invested into a pressure washer you can either go to a paint spray which is you put the money in you get to use their pressure washer or you can use your hose which is less effective but there's a foam gun that can attach to that which will disperse foam evenly on your car as well i've already filled this up with water to about the top of the atom's circle here so we take the top off we're gonna put two to three squeezes of graphene shampoo in here so one two and because we're crazy three all right now that's all the soap i'm going to use for this wash why do you want to use a foam cannon the soap not only does it neutralize the water so it eliminates a chance for water spotting but it also puts an even layer of foam on your car giving you more lubricity while you're washing so this is a huge factor to this what we want to do is prep everything first before we introduce water to our car but if you don't have a deionizer the water that's coming out of your pressure washer is not going to be filtered and it can cause water spots just by spraying your car down and letting it dry okay so before we even put water on here we want to have everything ready i have the soap in my bucket i have the soap on my wash pads i have my cannon prepped okay and i have my other bucket with water so now we can do is we can start rinsing the car okay psych this is gonna be the hottest side of the car because the sun is right there okay this will be the hottest side of the car which the water will dry the fastest again water spots we do not want water spots all right so first things first we want to go around the other side of the car and we'll start rinsing that side first in the shade and then we'll move back to this side and once we rinse this side then we get into the foam cabinet okay so we've rinsed the whole car and as you can see up top here the water beading is amazing it's crazy all right but then when you get down to the bottom half down here it is flat it's as flat as a three day old soda this is very typical of a ceramic coating that hasn't been washed after a few weeks okay why is it flat on the bottom does it mean that the coatings failed no it has not failed it just means that there's more road grime and more stuff down here on the bottom right now it's essentially you know road grime and bonding contaminants and things like that then the coating then your clear coat okay what we want to do is take that top layer of bonding contamination road grime oils you know magnesium chloride whatever it is we want to get that off so now your coating is the thing that's exposed and that's things that's going to help be hydrophobic and all the stuff that you love all the reason why you put the coating on your car in the first place we want to neutralize the water by putting foam on the car and we do that by using the graphene shampoo and water mixture in here and the foam cannon on the top we want to turn this clockwise all the way that just gives it the most foam that could come out of the cannon so i'm going to use this red part i'm going to knock this down and we want to make this essentially the height of the car okay because then what we can do is we can just turn this on and walk and foam the whole car okay we don't want to we don't want to do this where we're just blasting it down like this okay we want to get this down so we can just foam kind of walk with the car and get foam evenly dispersed on here [Applause] [Music] all right we're nice and foamed down and now look i am not worried the foam is neutralizing the water the soap mixture is neutralizing the water we cannot get water spots right now now what we want to do is actually get the studs generated uh in our wash pads and in our bucket so we'll put the tip back on okay check it to make sure it's not going to shoot off then we'll just activate the studs really quick okay now we're good now straight up two bucket wash okay one bucket with suds and soap the other with clean water both have grit guards and we're going to utilize that here in a second okay so we're going to take our first watch pad every car has a body line i sort of use that as a reference to kind of create a top half and a bottom half and when i use this wash pad and i'm going to clean the whole top half of the car first cleaning your car washing your car when it's ceramic coated greatest thing ever it makes cleaning so easy but again it doesn't make it bulletproof okay it's not to protect from rock chips you know ppf is going to protect from rock chips you know and we always recommend if you put ppf on your car ceramic over the top of it so i'm done watching the top half of this side of the car the driver's side of the car and now as i move down to the bottom half i flip my pad over my watch pad and now i can go using a fresh side of the watch pad and start washing this side i'm going to make sure that i don't go below kind of this this section here which is the most dirty you can see this side is pretty dirty so what i don't want to do is take this and drag it across the whole vehicle so utilizing a grit guard is going to be key to this so this side is the grip part of it so you rub your wash pad against this and you can see the dirt falls underneath to the bottom and then the fins prevent the water from swirling and the dirt swirling up to the top so then what happens is you use the grit guard and when it comes out of the bucket the dirt and grime falls off of it goes to the bottom of the bucket and then we take this on to the soapy bucket and we rub this against the bottom of that grit guard as well and now we have a fresh wash pad that we can continue washing the car without causing wash induced damage now i've essentially used this watch pad for this whole side of the vehicle okay i'm actually going to set this aside and as i move on to the other side of the vehicle i'm going to go to my second watch pad again another aspect to safe washing having two wash pads utilizing them both for both the driver side and the passenger side will reduce the chance of wash and do scratches we've washed the whole car so safe washing done right kind of okay we still need to rinse this but if you notice when i was done foaming the car i still had some of the soap solution left so what i'm going to do is rinse the car then we're going to re-foam it and then we will remove the bonding contamination with the clay mitt okay so i'm going to take this and put it in the soapy bucket now the sun is right there so we want to make sure we're doing the safest way possible we want to rinse in the shaded side first so we don't introduce water spots while we're rinsing [Music] okay so again water beading up top amazing okay but down here you can see still a little bit flat but we're getting much better the thing about it is i guarantee there's some bonding contaminants or maybe a little bit of road tar and things like that on there still that we want to get off so that brings us to phase two which is the removing bonding contaminants part okay we put the claim it inside our wash bucket we're going to utilize the lubricity of the foam from the graphene shampoo so we foam it again and also again we just rinse this so we don't want the water sitting on there to create water spots we're going to neutralize the water again with the shampoo but also again use the lubricity to do the clay mitt okay so we got this thing back foam down i'm gonna put the tip back on here and now we're gonna use the trusty old clay mitt okay now we take this do the glass and the paint now all i'm trying to do is go through and remove any bonnet contaminants that's on the surface so road grime rotar tree sap anything essentially that you can't remove while using a wash pad okay this is how you take that off the ceramic coating all right so we're done using the clay mitt on the car and the next step or the next phase would be using iron remover okay this is continuing on with our decontamination step okay iron remover when you spray it on your car it attacks the embedded metallic particles in your ceramic coating or clear coat it will dissolve them away making it so those iron particles are not in your clear coat or more specifically in your ceramic coating so the way you use iron remover is we leave the whole car suds down okay because we don't want to rinse the whole car and then get water spots and what we do is we go to the areas that are probably most contaminated with iron okay that's mainly the back section of your car and the very very back hatch section of your car as well so you rinse that area off first again keeping the rest of the car studs because we don't want water spots you spray iron remover on a section i would call it probably a four foot by four foot section it starts to activate after a few seconds and you'll see little purple lines kind of coming down your car that is the reaction of the thio glycolate that's in iron remover reacting with the metallic particles that are embedded into your ceramic coating or clear coat you let that work for a little bit when it looks like it's starting to dry a little bit you then take your pressure washer or hose rinse it off so some cars are contaminated more with iron than others okay just kind of depends on where you drive or or how much you drive your car now when you go to rinse off the iron mover from the car if the purple is extremely intense rinse and repeat you want to perform the iron remover on your car until there is little to no purple color coming off of your car once you're done performing the iron decontamination with adam's polish's iron remover you now rinse the whole vehicle so time to rinse [Music] all right so let's get into drying this thing there's a few tools that we can use especially for a ceramic coated vehicle like this they're going to be extremely effective and reduce the chance for scratching so one thing that is absolutely necessary when you have a car that is ceramic coated is a forced air unit like the atoms polishes air cannon this is the dual motor version so this blows air extremely fast which allows you to dry your car without touching it okay in some instances you can use this to actually fully dry your car without using a towel but today what i'm going to do is use the air cannon in unison with a high quality drying towel and a graphene detail spray now this is sort of phase four okay let's turn this air cannon on let's blow the water off and i'll talk about how we reinstate or how we boost the hydrophobics of this car [Music] touching is tragic okay it doesn't matter what form if you touch a car you have the potential scratching it so if we can use the power of the air to blow the water off we can touch it less and it makes drying your car much safer [Music] okay so we're done using the force air unit the air cannon and now we're gonna go through and we're gonna use the drying towel okay there's not much to dry okay this is more me wiping down the car with the graphene protection of the graphene detail spray all the benefits of a ceramic coating we want to boost that i'm going to use the graphene detail spray and again just a few mists i don't need to over use the product now another thing you're probably asking is why don't you just miss the car when it's still wet like you use the pink stuff or the regular detail spray well because this has the added graphene protection in it if that dries on the surface like when the water dries with this solution with it it can be kind of hard to work with okay if you want to do a more traditional drying method where the car is still wet and you missed it then you dry it use the pink stuff use the detail spray it is a much much better drying aid when you're using this product long fast swipes with the towel okay if you're spraying this and you're doing quick little circles it's just gonna move the product around one miss long fast swipes it breaks the product down better and it kind of works it into the surface just makes it more effective when you spray you don't want to be really close and blast this down it's too much product it's going to move it around on the surface and also it wastes your towel instantly pull the trigger hard and move your hand at the same time okay like that i covered this much of an area in one spray and in most instances one spray is more than enough all right we're done washing we're done maintaining the surface of our ceramic coated vehicle this is extremely slick again okay what we did today we did four phases phase one proper washing technique phase two was we removed bonded contaminants with our clay mitt and we used the foam from the graphene shampoo as our lubricant to remove the bonding contaminants then phase three to that it's kind of an extension of decontaminating the surface that's using an iron remover lastly what we did we dried the car safely okay we used forced air but also what we did is we used the graphene detail spray to help boost our ceramic coating or graphene ceramic coating and again if you have a normal ceramic coated vehicle non-graphene something like cs3 or atoms ceramic boost is going to be the perfect product for you having a ceramic coating yes it's amazing okay it's intended to make your life easy but it's not bulletproof so realize if you have a ceramic coated vehicle you still need to wash it properly and you still need to maintain it but it's going to make your life so much easier for the long run [Music]
Channel: Adam's Polishes
Views: 72,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: car care, premium car care, car wash, vehicle wash, car cleaning, automotive detailing, clean car, detailing, car detailing, adams polishes, adams premium car care, cleaning, home care, home cleaning, self cleaning, do it yourself, diy, how to videos, how to, graphene, graphene coating, graphite coating, coating, ceramic coating, ceramic, graphene ceramic, graphene ceramic coating, graphene ceramic spray coating, maintain graphene, wash graphene, washing, maintenance
Id: 8Pkz9i8oXY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 32sec (1232 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 28 2022
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