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I'm glad Michael reminded us that OTV in fact does not support pedophilia.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 200 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/ChaoticMidget šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Sep 20 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

Lily taking thirst to a new level this video

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 137 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/PM_YOUR_ONE_BOOB šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Sep 20 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

Being honest. Iā€™m glad it devolved into a game of weird requests. Trolling overcomes cooking.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 112 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Cassious šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Sep 20 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

The dollar bill trick is genius.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 63 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/lexanderc šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Sep 20 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

lmao Yvonne's name tag says Evon

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 38 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/ImFineJustABitTired šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Sep 20 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies


šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 31 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Jekay šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Sep 19 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

this was somehow the worst and best

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 33 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Rhysing šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Sep 20 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

Poki was straight up slicing onions without peeling them wtf

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 139 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/inspetor-pau-mole šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Sep 20 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

That set is amazing. Props to crew that set that up.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 10 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/r2002 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Sep 20 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys today we're playing family cupcake who are you today we're tasting each other's saliva that has been [Music] you know what else has food cafes girl cafe gun is an arpg development game that integrates tps combat and is powered by live 2d the story revolves around the outbreak caused by the source power in the game players will act as a commander forming a team of warriors that you can get through collecting in-game cards the game's extreme bullet hell gameplay paired with top level voice acting and animation makes you almost forget that this game is also about cafes so when you're not trying to kill people you're managing your own cafe enjoy the high fidelity social interactions which include giving gifts and growing your relationship with your team customize your own virtual cafe with decorations and different coffee types to satisfy customers while building up your own lethal squad of killers it's hard to have a favorite character as well because they're all so freaking cute so get ready for squad zero eight live 2d scenarios with 10 plus characters in the game and capture heartbeat moments with zero distance attraction join me and the rest of our tv for a luxury mobile gaming experience and support us by using the link in the description down below to download girl cafe gun today now let's get back to cooking [Music] lilly yvonne i mean he has to watch him you have to do this thing happy birthday that's the amount of time you have to count like happy birthday to you i think i'm gonna wash my [ __ ] hands no chance no chance if i don't piss on my hand then i don't gotta wash them you know what i mean why the [ __ ] would i wash my hands if i didn't pee on them you know you [ __ ] dumbasses i go in the bathroom with the door i close the door i don't wash my hands and then i say i wash my hands you [ __ ] kitty so i think we should each get one order right and then we can i'm the gordon ranch get one order no you're hamburger headphones we're the real winners no matter what and bigger headphones please don't use them anymore i don't put them away are we making quality burgers and then after you put them on ladies shape up we got customers waiting outside okay what a good clean day of cooking start the timer welcome to burger bus shop coming from [Applause] all right let me get a burger butt burger with lettuce ketchup meat tomato onion bun mustard and cheese oh foreign [Music] supervising cook you guys are gonna be in trouble why orders up wait wait wait wait wait um i have a keto i want a lettuce bun with my keto burger so we don't do that no i'm sorry so you have to accommodate because my first name is karen let me get a lettuce bun with me and he why don't you make the patties sophie you need to flatten that [ __ ] just make it brown on the outside they're not gonna check them no they are going to check it you have to cut it in half sorry [Applause] what are you doing there's so much liquid on this lettuce you're drowning the burger can you do something you're just all right let me get a burgerfish burger with fun ketchup mustard and spice can i get one spum delight please what sponsor excuse me the first order has expired mustard wait hang on michael who spit this specific space it doesn't matter it doesn't matter lily spit on it no i'm not actually spit [Applause] [Applause] hey this isn't cutting diagonal so i can't check the doneness i'm never eating at this establishment again and it's [ __ ] raw this spits [ __ ] world [Music] it was a little underdone on the spit actually so maybe we got a vegan over here that is ketchup tomato onion bun mustard cheese no meat i love animals what's the other one oh the first one is perfect throw away this throw away this there you go peter burger this is your order sir that's expired and it's not cute they are ordering burgers without let meat get it all onion burger oh without me but why all onion burger seven onions they're seven that doesn't look like he needs more onions all right let me get number seven meat onion buns yeah yeah we got meat and cheese on this one already no maybe a little bit here oh but more specific but it's not even cut you didn't ask for it yeah [Applause] that's looking a little raw you're the customer it's a little rock oh know kfc doubled down where like the the meat is the is the buns but now the meat is also the meat and it's also the buns stop eating do we have another order i need a double cheeseburger but instead of buns i need another one i need four tomato rings it's a normal it's a number four tomato burger all right listen i need a quadruped meat with ketchup and cheese all right four tomatoes and bun and butter don't forget about the buns [Applause] neither are you doing anything [Applause] yeah it's a little too cool i didn't know i wore it well done let me tell you is that four is that four slices you don't have this four slices give her the hundred dollars thank goodness thank you meat was ketchup and a heart shape and mustard in a heart shape ketchup and mustard in a smiley face right on this one did they say which one is what like what size no it don't matter just make it a smiley face oh it's the ketchup juice i serve it mustard in a hard ketchup and a heart meat it's a bun maybe get the bun with fun time oh yeah it's time it's time i just hit this time time to divvy up today's profit one two three like like all of that almost ready five hundred seconds not bad for dates right yeah so i get four hundred you're [ __ ] me right i need all the work i did everything she's making a burger for herself definitely great job thank you very much for watching the cost of things 100 so i'll be holding on to that what yeah another [Applause] [Music] listen up y'all because this is it the beat that i'm banging this we're going to step on one of this yeah yeah we will but don't tell them but don't tell them [Music] we're closed for 60 more seconds we're close for 60 more seconds okay yeah so when you're done oh [ __ ] you okay yeah give me the tomato onions everything baby on this one you [ __ ] hurry up with that order we gotta get the word it just needs me okay now it needs me oh that's the words right yeah give me the post right here right here on this guy yeah okay wow i'd like the cute girl's number on the bun all right i guess i can write my [ __ ] on and now we need your number you got your number that's [Music] right oh look at that it's looking nice dude that's a medium rare burger i know a lot of people ask it's crazy oh it's perfect yummy that works baby oh yeah [Applause] oh yeah wait where's the other plate disgusting yeah oops oh let me get this together oh no could i get the money for that one please could i get the payment for this over here thank you very much [Music] oh tomato guy there we go can i get the money for that please as well lettuce lettuce for you it would be tomato onion mustard cheese tomato wait you forgot his hair yeah we're getting that we're getting it we're getting warm we're getting to it oh yeah oh my god what did you just do wait you took some of my hair i didn't even get like a good one you got to put it on the plate oh my god who ordered some of my hair oh wow i saw it sticking straight up can you cut that please thank you so much oh this one's beautiful are we i think this is our best yeah that's a good one that's kind of a good one all right who's eating that burger who's eating that who wants my hair hair burger hair burger perfect number six [Applause] wait a minute [Applause] we skimp on the prices here to get more out of our bang for our buck yes okay let's not let us wrapped wait lettuce oh a double dough also you found a bill patty i want a full this is a full bill you cut papel in half this is a full bit yes you can expect that it's a real bill yep that's how we do it here [Music] soaked in coke could we marinate the bun please then the other one to think about is [ __ ] everything plus a kiss oh who is that oh so lily who do you want to kiss from oh i take it from anyone here anyone scar you're up okay sorry i don't i don't do that forever yeah anymore yeah that's not soaked i want it [Music] yeah there we go very good we also need meat and cheese on that can we get a cheeseburger cheese you need to eat up this is cute up the next one is everything plus a kiss so yeah we'll just get everything on there ketchup pick up mustard mom this one i think came first i think so too yeah that's disgusting oh what is this it's raw it's your color no it's not it just looks like that because it's coke soap no no no no no no trust me trust me it's red [Music] her lips are so soft a little oily you said you were in high school i'm not sorry no i'm what yeah i'm into the college i graduated yeah what i graduated somewhere what did you graduate from at least high school [Music] [Applause] oh yeah meet me in the alley after work why the alley i want to show the world that we're together oh no no we can't do that yet why sorry it's not that i'm embarrassed that he's just you're making this really weird right now i'll meet you in the alley or whatever i guess day shift since you're the losers you get to clean the kitchen oh yeah oh my god that's more money than i've ever seen as i do not have a form of employment i'm done with you because i'm on unemployment at 24 years old what are you talking about we do not support pedophilia [Music]
Channel: OfflineTV
Views: 2,454,424
Rating: 4.9367051 out of 5
Keywords: OfflineTV, Scarra, Poki, Pokimane, Lily, LilyPichu, DisguisedToast, Toast, TwitchTV, twitch, Streaming, Vlog, Fail, Epic, Gamers, Streamers, OTV, Lilypichu Voice, OTV Plays, OfflineTV plays, Michael Reeves, Michael, Reeves, OfflineTV overcooked, OTV cooking, OfflineTV cooking, OTV overcooked, Overcooked IRL, Overcooked in real life, cooking
Id: Lrak0bZRTyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 30sec (1170 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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