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you guys are going to be doing a blind fried challenge taste test basically where it's fried fries there's no burgers oh you got scared if we need a tie breaker of some sort i do come prepare with a burger hello everyone welcome to an offline tv video today we got a food challenge you know why because everyone eats food right you eat food we eat food we eat food every single day unless there's some religious reasons you're not eating or if food isn't available where you are but everyone eats food so today we're going to be eating fries fast food fries ff fast food fries we're gonna be blindfolded eating fries and we gotta guess which fast food chain it's from yes food fries a friday it's saturday it's saturday we will release on this on friday on a friday then it's okay the restaurants that we've ordered from mcdonald's jack-in-the-box mcdonald's carl's jr chick-fil-a oh okay wait you should cut the waffle fries oh my god okay wendy's okay okay and dave's hot chicken okay those taste real different the only way we were able to get these hot chicken fries is by getting a full combo so oh that's chicken candy chicken i don't want to know how dave's do this i want to see now maybe it got better because i've been [ __ ] talking them maybe they've heard maybe they stepped it up maybe they came back to the restaurant the bottom two scorers will have the pleasure of sharing a bts [Applause] he definitely blended up chicken nuggets [Applause] for you no mash on once masks are on do not remove them we'll give you a cup everyone decide which hand will be your water hand oh to cleanse the palette there is a power cleanser oh there's no cap oh my god spilled it we're just talking about how there's no caffeine yeah all must have heard oh no cat no i keep by the way handing these out expecting you guys to reach out and really yeah you got to stop there go ahead oops and eat is it all the fries at once up to you oh it's a single long fry with a bit of a curl to it like donald trump is very not mcdonald's yeah mcdonald's never curls mcdonald's for sure this is easily a wednesday i disagree actually i think when these fries tend to be like thicker more potatoey more straight maybe a jack in the box pretty quickly it could be a chocolate i was thinking oh but also if it's jack in the box shouldn't you just give us the curly fries like come on now this is this guy orders the regular fries from jack-in-the-box it's happy burger king actually yeah i feel like it is burger king burger king a three a three a solid yeah this is a very good three maybe even two it's cold mediocre yeah three mediocre fries i feel like it's burger king because it's a little the problem is it's so cold i can't tell it's i also just can't tell what carl what does carl junior's right yeah i've never had a dream three two one upon re-inspection it could be mcdonald's but just very cold see i know where it has no level of mcdonald's i'm telling you i thought that was mcdonald's the very beginning you guys threw me too no way i keep forgetting you can't see me shake it around this would seem like chicken nuggets because it's a fairy tale it's a whole ass waffle isn't it i can imagine oh oh okay you got curly fried waffle fries from another place oh this is not chick-fil-a they're not chick-fil-a waffle fries it tastes like jack-in-the-box it [ __ ] over my first answer is just in the box do waffle for us can we get some ratings for me three three or four two three let's guess three two one oh definitely tasted so familiar i've definitely tasted this like three am when jessica this is a waffle fry too isn't it you [ __ ] yeah no this is for sure the way it's moving yeah yeah but also it's very small it could be a piece of a curly bracket so like are you guys letting your tongue like loop around the fryer i actually took way too big a bite on the last one and did have nothing after to work with oh i already [ __ ] myself all right it's dave's easy wow this has been left out for three days on the damn side chicken cake i'm gonna taste the pickle it's been in the box is there anything else is it gonna say david yeah all right let's get ratings from you guys two they used to be a three they're two now three i hit three two for me all right on three uh let's see your guesses one two three hot chicken we have eaten this way too yeah like i don't think you understand something enough yeah that starts shaking it's small i think i think it's just a small piece the way for some reason i feel like this could be the mcdonald's no this is the champion i agree if i'm like actually not thin enough yeah it kind of smells like a mcdonald's bag you know it smells like a dog oh you know what i mean that's true yeah way yeah oh we actually haven't eaten too much wow it smells like yeah are you supposed to have anything in your uh you dropped it huh that's an extra pig we gotta figure out when to like mislead them like yeah i think it's when these people really i think it's good well yours is over-salted mine was under-salted oh it's really was you're salty mine was really salty it could have been mcdonald's yeah why not like no salt in it lily just secretly knows the answer to every single one back in the classroom lily could have her blind blindfold off and we would just never know what if she paid off broden because she doesn't want to drink why yeah [Music] this was one of the worst fries ever because it was like it makes me want to say it's a one three one on three ready to guess three two one that's correct they're usually under salted very potato and a little like thick right but then i heard like yeah and that changes my dogs are professional they would never over try are not they're professionals you know you guys are gonna eat a fry and you're gonna be like [ __ ] this is it's got that signature softness after it goes cold but when it's soft and warm that's a good stuff for sure you can recover at least one point at least if it's warm i give mcdonald's a five yeah it's classic can you agree with that if it's warm i give it a four this is a one yeah as it is it's like one three mcdonald's are my favorite one my favorite fries this is the one uh four why are we reading cold or hot yeah i feel like we're raining in a different different you know on three i'm just hungry and i'm glad to eat fries you're gonna eat a beautiful shake oh yeah wow [Music] oh you know i'm gonna flex on these kids i'm going to pass on eating at this round wait wait how are you going to rate the taste oh i know exactly what's going we are getting [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] no four four normally this is one of the five six three three this is gross right now cold this is the two oldest of two yeah that's like disgusting everything cold is a one or two to be honest yeah i'm out of fries did you eat the toast no oh [Music] [Applause] enjoy [Applause] oh [Applause] he needs it [Laughter] stop losing your cup jesus [Applause] oh well i like this one i like this one too four and a warm maybe five i don't even know oh it's a four that's good yeah four this is a five i need to not think about what fry this is i know you're gonna pick burger king because you've been sick all right on three one two four one junior whoa my strategy is to match what the most public sentiment is so that we all tied together i was yelling calls judy i thought everybody else would pick something up i think it's wendy's what if it's neither it's burger king god it might be kay i want to know can we take our blindfolds off no no we're going to need a tie right here [ __ ] did i guess wendy's that's the salty crunchy one yes yes i [ __ ] knew it one the fifth one yeah right what's mcdonald's yup sixth one was chick-fil-a [ __ ] you for that what's burger thing why is it so heavy did you drop a whole ass burger on here oh my god oh i'm scared i'm excited you actually want us to tilt this back or should we grab it god you gave me the whole [ __ ] the smell is distinct though oh like i know the smell oh you know but it can't be this simple so for this one enough with the drink okay lily did you throw it on the ground yeah it was funny the first three times one point if you can guess where it's from another point if you can guess what it's called is it from one of the seven options it is from one of them oh oh this this threw me off it's a burger throw it out there i dropped it on my cell but the actual patty really it's very wet it's what's in there that's so wet is that kind of relationship if this is on the [ __ ] carl's jr menu i'm gonna be so [ __ ] i didn't say anything because like yeah this is a whopper because of the tomatoes and the onions do you think so yeah we you still offer right i said walker as well yeah [Music] me and lily evil and um yeah i have an idea guys okay how about we all take the l and each one takes a sip instead of the whole [Music] oh my god [Applause] guess one animal you're eating [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] lily kind of likes it she's just going back in for i already know i just don't know from where that would be the hard work i think there's only a few places there's like two yeah i think it's only no i think it's two yeah i think it's six places [Music] [Laughter] you can stop eating it really just enjoying it why is it just like a potato [Music] potato you're wrong [Applause] [Music] she has never eaten a big [Applause] do you think potatoes just come out like that [Music] oh don't worry even if you got the first one right you were gonna get wendy's yeah [Applause] [Applause] i bet he just ordered bts me or just dumped everything good that's gotta be it right yeah did you put the packaging in i hope so okay warning lots of gross yucky slime so maybe i don't know if you're a little [ __ ] [ __ ] then don't watch i guess don't watch the video if you're a little baby [ __ ] [Music] is oh it looks like cereal i don't know [Applause] you just get like a sip in your mouth [Applause] you're crazy it's just they're taking so like i don't actually have to do this so i could just try it was that crunchy it looks like vomiting was that crunchy it's not far from chilling guys oh yeah it's just chilling like trying to suck it up knowing it's like thick you break pogie was great okay come on [Applause] it's really chunky still going thank you for coming to our food testing fast food friday's food video everybody don't forget to like and subscribe and comment and comment bye [Music] you
Channel: OfflineTV
Views: 3,988,858
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: OfflineTV, Scarra, Poki, Pokimane, Lily, LilyPichu, DisguisedToast, Toast, TwitchTV, twitch, Streaming, Vlog, Fail, Epic, Gamers, Streamers, OTV, Lilypichu Voice, OTV Plays, OfflineTV plays, Michael Reeves, Michael, Reeves, OTV fries, blind french fry taste test, blind taste test, blind french fries, OTV french fries
Id: ZOWW2lprpMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 12sec (1392 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 03 2021
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