Officially Not A Challenge - Road to 3000000%

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(calm music) Easy mode. Super Easy Mode. The first question I have for this challenge is are there item rooms, so XXXX XXXX XXXXL is a challenge where every single floor is as big as extra-large Womb, I think it's how it goes. So the floors are massive right it's going to take us a while to get through this But do I have to get through it without item rooms, or do I get items as well? Hey dude you wanna help me out? Hey. Wanna help me out? Hey bro bro bro bro bro bro bro. No, no, no no bro bro. Help me out. Hey, dude. C'mon. Be fun for both of us come on. Help me out Nice. Item rooms, okay. Uhh, bananas. Do we want to start with bananas isn't it a tears upgrade? It's not a tears upgrade. It's just bananas You know it's also spectral tears. Bananas plus spectral, pretty good. (This shit is bananas. B-A-N-A-N-A-S) Spoopie bananas? Yeah. Do we have a shop and a library. Libraries could be very tasty for me. Yeah, IV bag or Book of Shadows, both get me more money. That's a tough one, that's a tough call. I'm gonna go with Book of Shadows here because that'll allow me to play demon beggars too. Car battery. Yeah. Yeah. I'm so sorry about this. Car Battery, Book of Shadows is literally ten minutes of invincibility. Yeah, this is why I Book of Shadows. (whistling) Okay, then. Broke on the first try. I'm so glad that I used this. Yeah. It's a tear delay down. Nothing but head. Nothing but head. Nothing, butt head. (hah) This is why I'm numb. This is why I'm numb. That's why I can't feel pain. This is officially not a challenge (IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII have become, comfortably numb) Yep. Yep, that's pretty good 'scuse me sirs. (success montage) Uh-huh yeah-huh. Yes, please yes, it's a yes for me. Yeah Whoa. Yay! Yeah? Yeah... Yeah. Yep Where the hell'd that come from? I mean... Yes. Yep. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That'll do. Yeah... Oh yeah! (laughing) Officially, not a challenge. To celebrate how much that was not a challenge Let's take Azazel to The Chest. We also need Mega Satan. I think that honestly what I would like, love to do for this for this series in general is to just have like a super mega marathon where I unlock most of the stuff and then I make some cool episodes on whatever's left. You know what I mean, but apparently there is an exclusivity clause inside of the Twitch contract when you are Twitch partner that says you will not stream on YouTube So I have my hands tied, I- you know I don't really know why they would do that because I feel like streaming on YouTube is uh It's helpful for building my brand in general. My brand just being uh... MY BRAND! (laughs) Not that. My brand is in everything that is mine, right? Everything that's my videos. I don't actually like have a brand or something that I'm selling you know at Macy's for $29.95 Should probably check it out though Point is, if I stream on YouTube, It's not going to take away from my twitch 'cause- Oh my God, yes! 'cause Twitch is my home. Twitch is my home. I would never abandon Twitch. You guys keep me afloat. Twitch pays for the bills, man. Twitch is... Twitch is it. I think I've more potential for growth on YouTube, but Twitch, man. I could not turn my back on it. So if I was streaming on Youtube, it wouldn't change anything about my Twitch but instead it would actually beef up my Twitch because most of the people that find me on Twitch found me through YouTube. If I build my YouTube brand it only carries over onto my Twitch I don't know why they have exclusivity contracts or exclusivity clauses I just... I don't get it, personally. Chocolate milk. Holy balls, this challenge is already over assuming I can not die. "Range Up" pill. Oh, I need more of that. Yes, Dad, please. Yep. YOLO. Whore of Babylon, ha ha, that's really good. The little harbingers though, especially that bastard he spawns explosive flies, and they hurt me deeply. Especially when I have to get so close to the goddamn enemy, dick. Orange flies, got to beware of orange flies. (exclamation) Go get 'em orange fly. There it is. I need the left hand for the soul hearts. I have to. Nice. YOLO. Again. Yep. Good One more guppy piece and we have the left hand so it's possible. This one. Belly button. Belly buttons are weird. Belly buttons are weird. It's an artifact of the food tube. The mom goop tube you used to have and use. You used to eat your mom's goop. Guillotine. Yeah. I mean 44... 45 to 44 is not that good but Nothing, but head man. It's almost guaranteed Guppy's tail plus left hand you're just, you're gonna get a Guppy piece. That's that's technically not a Guppy piece, but I think I'll try it out It doesn't do anything at all That's good. HAAAAH It's over. It's all over. Googly eyes. Eyeball tears. I don't know what that is. Spoon Bender. Oh that doesn't really work with my thing that I have- Tech .5! Nails! Gotta go Tech .5 I think. I think, oh! It gives me range you guys it gives, me range. Red Bull gives you range. I can always just sit here and just Tech .5 him to death although Although, you know what the nails would have given, uh, yeah, the flies a lot of damage. I don't know, you guys! I don't know. I've never played this game before. (montage) Bozo. Uh... yeah, hello, hi! Hello there. Easy mode. Easy mode! Wow, holy crap that was fast. To the chest we go, to the chest we go to, the chest we go Dad's Key, please. Nope. Nope. Uh uh. Although this is pretty good. I never found a spiked room, you guys. RIP. Probably means no Mega Santa. Another nine lives. (laughs) 19 lives. That's silly. Tech X. Smart move? Probably. Yeah, I think we'll be okay I'll make it through. And a Void! Yeah, hey, that's something that we need, great. Little Brim. (laugh) No spike room! It did not happen. Undies. So to the Void we go. That's fine. You guys that's totally fine. Bring it on baby. I didn't even have Satanic Bible or Abaddon unlocked yet, you guys that is shocking. Oh my God, fast bombs. I was literally just thinking about fast bomb. I was like would that be funny if I said oh, man I need fast bombs, and then god, fast bombs. Here we are. Here we are today. How about immunity to bombs? This is it. This is the big show. That's it. That's where we're going. Fast bombs! Oh they turn into lasers now instead of- Ohh. Aww. It would've been so much better as the brimstone. That's okay. That's okay fast bombs. I forgive you, you tried. I mean, oh no, now we're going to lose. Oh shoot. Sucks to suck. Hell yeah, you guys, we knocked out a bunch of stuff on this post-it note. That's what I'm talking about. Dark Prince's Crown has appeared in the Basement, sweet. Thank you guys so much for watching, hope you guys enjoyed this and I will see you in the next one, bye.
Channel: Hutts
Views: 538,526
Rating: 4.947741 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: thfT4DAyF20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2017
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