Official Addon by Stability ai for Blender

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foreign [Music] blender by stability AI so heading over to the website you can see this integration here blender installing getting started and they have the render to emits and then generating textures and animation so to install this a possible head over to GitHub here if you have already installed blender and then head over to GitHub and you click on the link provided in the stability AI website and you're landing on the guitar for stability here and you can see this is the blender add-ons here I simply click this one that is the purpose public release here so simply click on this stability blender add-ons here and then once you finish installing this uh launch your blender to install the add-ons so in the Blended 3D viewport here come to the edit menu go to the preferences and then make sure to be on add-ons and then click on install to install the stability AI addons for blender and once you net you can go to the download page and click on your stability blender add-ons and then click install add-ons here and once you have that done make sure to have the checkbox here check or enable it and then click on this to expand the properties here and then you can see the API key here now to get your API key make sure to log it into your account and then click on get your API key here so click on here and it's going to open up the dream Studio AI which is where the stability Ai and then in the Stream Studio you have already an account it will open up the your account and here you have everything the API key here created to make sure you create a new API key if you haven't there's a new brand new account but if not simply copy the API key from here and then head back to blender and then in the API key control V to copy the API key that's all into and coming down here to this three little ellipse here make sure to see that if it's Auto shape if not then click save pre-prences and that's all and let's close this window now let's also close this default Cube here hit end to bring out this panel here and you can see this uh tool panel here have the stability View and Tool so here's your stability so um simply select this and let's just explain this a little bit so here you have so you have the account login s and then the balances so out here and then the prompt here now this is the default prompt you can change this by simply selecting that and if you don't have that you can see that you have the add-ons at the prompt here so you're adding a new prompt and you can delete the one and you can also add the presets here in the stability add-ons okay so uh you have that now um you can type in your prompt and start generating the image now from the initial type here let's copy The Prompt s let's type in a prompt here so I'm going to copy one of my prompt so let's copy the ramp in here Ctrl V to copy that and then that's all you need to do and here initial type if it is texture make sure to change to text prompt only if you are trying to generating Only The Prompt that you just type in and then in the height and the width you can change this and I just want to go up to 768 and that's all we need to do from here and then let's click on dream so here our image is generated now and let's bring this nice painted um at this kind of kit here so to save your image if you expand this you can come down here click and save the image or you can simply come from here and save that and note also that all the image generated here from the stability add-ons will appear in the UV editing here so in the UV editing and you can see this little browse image link here all the generated image will appear here okay heading back to the panel here let's just bring that stability air back again so the next example we're going to render a project and then after the rendering the project we're going to use that render to image and by typing in some prompt here so let's do that so here I have a project that I created using geometry nodes so let's render this first so let's go to render here and then the render the image from here so we're going to use the image that we just generated to create another New Image so in the prompt here we just type in computer network let's type in dnae and that's all I need to do from here in the initial option initial type let's put it to texture and then make sure to have the render result appear here if not then you can just select the render so make sure to confirm that by coming over to the UV editing here and then in the image you can check the image that you generated from the render result from here so these are image that we generated from the original project and bring in our stability Ai and let's set our prompt computer network DNA Helix and then in the initial setup make sure to change the texture and make sure to have the render result and you should render resolution so now let's trim that so here is our rendered image so trying to mix all this together to create this kind of DNA Helix something like that you can see in this panel image that we rendered from the stable diffusion so with text to emits and render to emits and the panel one as you can see for the next example is uh creating animation but I don't have enough credits now so I will get in the next video thank you for watching until the next one [Music]
Channel: AI STORY
Views: 10,524
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpr, ai, artificial intelligence, AI technology, fastest growing app, openAi, midjourney, blue willow ai, Midjourney ai art, how to learn using chatgpt, where to install chatgpt, chatgpt artificial intelligence machine learning, ChatGPT is a natural language processing tool driven by AI technology, chatgpt, leonardoai, playgroundai, boredHuman ai, ai story, prompt muse, BoredHumans, blender 3d, stable diffusion, blender addon, stability ai, addon by stable diffusion for blender
Id: QUgHhd7PNVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 46sec (406 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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