Off the Rails in Japan | Crazy Train Episode 1

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hey you guys uh actually know what today is jolene's birthday nope okay it's something like that today is the 13th anniversary of the day that we actually incorporated my cursors that's pretty cool honestly to all be still doing this stuff i mean because honestly it was a hobby for a couple years it's still kind of a hobby but now like we're able to travel around the world i mean a lot more of us there's a lot more of us actually a whole action sports community now but when we were making that first movie did you ever think did you even think about anything like this i still haven't thought about this yeah it's just all my friends just keep keep multiplying and you were ethan was you were in like i was like six years old crumb you were in natural one that's where greg shot me in the mouth with the paintball yeah that was great on accident yeah on accident purpose and good old days this chaos started about 10 years ago just a handful of friends filming ourselves having some fun we were all pretty surprised that so many people wanted to watch now producing tv shows movies traveling around the world doing live shows nitro circus has evolved so much over the years it's actually become a real business i mean hell otherwise my friends and i would have to get real jobs that wasn't easy we had to find some smart people to run this business with a ceo some department heads trying to keep it all together my goal was always to keep action sports progressing keep that that life and that fun in there and really build nitro circus into this global brand if we could keep having fun inspiring the athletes entertaining the masses and those business guys can keep that stuff on track i think we might have a chance [Music] um [Music] me [Music] train [Music] yo what's up how are you buddy but i just want to let you know that the uh the contract came through this morning from fuji so we are we are on no way so this is going to be our first appearance in japan which uh is a massive opportunity for us it's actually the third biggest economy in the world and uh and opens up all of asia for us so we're we're super pumped about it what i wanted to sort of say to you is that uh because i know you know some of these guys from from around the traps be really good japanese flavor you know because they're a very proud country he's got so much energy yeah he'd be great the crowd would love it it looks like we're going to get taka and taka is japan's first ever x games gold medalist and that is a massive cube for us so we're super excited he's just good for our whole crew too he'll bring a lot of energy to uh to nitro so that'll be perfect [Music] all right we'll do man hey thanks a lot i really appreciate it this is going to be awesome man everybody cheers hello hey taka what's up travis hey man we're doing a few shows in japan soon ah you guys doing japan where so yeah we're coming to tokyo yeah i'm dumb for sure all right man well i can't wait to ride with you it's gonna be good so uh yeah see you in japan man all right awesome see you in japan peace out now with taka in it's off to japan and these shows are so important for us to sell out because the asian market is huge so here we go we just got to japan and i'm going over to roner's room to see what he's up to my man hey crown what's up what are you doing today come on in i'm relaxing man yeah you are check out what i got so stoked took me a while to find it but big one for me and some ninjas look on top of that ninja stars i love ninjas and everything about them my whole entire life i've always wanted to be a ninja my long time friend eric groener has always been obsessed with ninjas he's always wanted to become a ninja you heard me a ninja i was pretty excited about my ninja trinkets telcrum showed up in my room and started making fun of everything that's trash it's trash [ __ ] dude this is trash there's no way i'm letting runner be a trash ninja if i'm his friend i'm taking him to a place that can make him into a real ninja you're in japan you're making me feel bad come all the way here you're not a trash ninja you know i have no formal training you can't just show up to japan for a few days and go find some authentic ninja training school we need to find you real training real equipment real swords real throwing stars do you think we can do that here in japan because they have ninjas here doesn't mean you can like train to be a ninja where do you think they come from here but they grow up that dude the little people are ninjas it's like going to wine country like that's where they make wine you go to the winery we're a ninja country well let's go down to the ninja thing where they make ninjas there's steps you have to take you probably have to know someone train for several years i really don't think chrome can do this you put your clothes on i'm gonna find out where to go and we're gonna make you a real ninja all right i'm down put the clothes on it's sensei krum i'm game [Music] hi hey come in yeah how are you good jeremy i'm wada whata when i met our japanese mcs for the first time i was in a state of panic i realized quickly that they did not speak english are you excited for the show i i know of history ah yes amazing yeah so shoes um how do you feel about the show plan do you have the show planned down [Music] lots of material lots of lots of stuff to remember yeah yeah and so sucks to too yeah both guys you you have a big challenge because yes you have to translate for bruce and travis yes um so can you understand them uh but no on chu uh you too all right well thanks thank you thank you very much all right good to meet you thank you very much thanks joanna all right take care see you soon [Music] see ya dude i had no idea his english wasn't great yeah nah bruce and then talked about it but they made it seem like it was better than that we were having a conversation with him he didn't understand how we're like in the heat of the moment are they going to translate an australian accent first person in the world to do a double backflip on a dirt bike and spazzy mcgee travis who talks a million miles per hour since i've never landed a front flip i figure why not throw in something a little harder and try a front flip kiss the death engineer on my first ever front flip attempt you know we thought we were in trouble from the get-go and my my english skills are not so good natural circus is so inertiable yes yeah without wrong age is no i think no problem but good yeah yeah rubs black belt ninjutsu training ninja it turns out if you want to find the ninja school you just got to look online browse around katana sword ninja self defense training traditional martial arts training be a force for good learn techniques and traditions that have not changed for over thousands of years this is real ninja school dude this is real so chrome went on the internet and he actually found an authentic ninja training school you really think we can do this yes dude right here they're not going to let people like me why is them they're not going to let people like you and me it's on the internet they want people to sign up yeah but that's like the real thing next thing i know crum's on the phone booking classes i'm actually gonna get to go train with authentic ninjas coming to japan for the first time and such an important show and we really didn't have a lot of preparation we think we're going to be able to do it but would have liked to have had a couple more days to put this whole thing together there's a really tight turnaround for this first show in japan uh we actually only have about half of a day and typically we usually have a day and a bit come on boys come on i don't think people realize how much goes into a live show and building the set we have to mark out the whole set we have to build all the ramps we have to get all the bikes ready uh do all the signage there's so much that goes into getting our set ready for a show and to do it half a day i'm not sure if it's actually possible that's a stressful way to start because it's as simple as you don't have a stage you don't have a show this is the first time actually that we're using this kind of lighting configuration because we've never done this in a venue this big we've only just run under house sites so hopefully it works not only were we dealing with the time crunch but we also had a language barrier nobody knows where is that writing space or the language barrier was massive we had our track guys talking to their production staff and things weren't going smoothly to say the least i think the pressure of having just a little bit of time you know only half a day to get ready was getting to everyone so i spotted this earlier it's the local fish market this place has got to be full of ninja nutrients this is the best place to absorb the powers to become a ninja harness the power from the food here what about this that's perfect it is but here's the problem it's only partial ninja do you want to be a partial ninja or a complete ninja i want the full thing i want the real deal we need something that encapsulates everything a ninja has what about the clam clam hide and shell no ninja good point we looked all over the entire fish market for the perfect ninja food kept coming up empty-handed but then we found it what is that this is exactly what we need it's eel strength kind agility ferocious deceitful everything a ninja needs that looks disgusting i mean it doesn't get any better than this i mean look at that thing you want to mess with it you want to mess with that no exactly i don't want to eat it either we run into a small hiccup there's a little japanese lady who has the eel that we need for roner's ninja training are you buying this yeah no we buy it we need it for him i want to be ninja very important harness the power of the eel to become a ninja and you were going to prepare that for him we shared right food cook after working through a series of communication barriers we came to a resolution and it was all good we go yeah the crazy eel lady actually ended up being really nice we agreed that if we bought it she'd cook it for us when we showed up to the address she gave us it was a little hole in the wall scuba diving shop i'm not gonna lie is gonna be really hard for me i think watching her prepare this was not a good idea you eat this it goes into your body you absorb the powers it grows inside you manifests and you start to become the ninja that you always wanted to be no i absolutely believe in it no i 100 it's just intimidating for me right are you really scared absolutely i had no idea there were so many ways to cook an eel raw fried soup salad she just kept bringing out plates it was a feast of nasty nasty eel okay so where do we start here boiled eel now let's maybe try the deep fried first here we go let's go with the boiled the boiled eel provides strength you're gonna need that are you serious [Laughter] ninja ninja relax i got it down right in let it in there you go there you go i just don't know what's wrong with roner because this is just food and all you have to do is eat it and he can't even do that what are we looking at next this is not complete unless you finish the guts oh that's that's the gut everything you've eaten is for not if you don't eat the guts do you eat this cj that's good ninja i want to be a ninja almost there just relax relax you got this one mm-hmm come on do it big boy big wet pants people with pants bang on it yes i got it oh i thought i got though let's not let's not let's not make a mess [Music] by the skin of our teeth we overcame the obstacles of the track build even with the language barrier the crew completely gelled and they built so fast i've just i've never seen such an efficient crew came together like the most organized colony of ants on the planet and put this thing together in record time it was the fastest i've ever seen a set come together and the guys they worked so hard [Music] bruce robson is the nitro mc he's done every single one of our shows and he's pretty much as good as they come uh the problem here is he doesn't speak japanese and every non-english speaking country we go to we always hire you know a local to translate during the shows which is never an issue as long as that mc speaks english i'm a little bit nervous about the first rehearsal with our mcs i'm really hoping that they can pull it together for show time so from thumbs up okay we got a thumbs up [Music] if they're not understanding what everybody else is saying in english it's a difficult job to pull it off the mc's had all sorts of challenges one is translating they had to translate things properly but there's also a rhythm and a cadence to delivering the message in the show and it's a show full of stories all tied together by the mc and if the mc can't communicate effectively what needs to be portrayed then it's a failure taka higashino is one of the greatest in the world right now bar none taka's just arrived and everyone's super excited that he's jumping into the mix especially travis taka is one of my favorite people with nitro we always try to have that local rider someone that breaks down all the barriers we need someone that can really relate to the local audience where's your hometown honda here osaka 20 minutes yeah i've grown up here so you got family and friends coming yeah family friends you're gonna be nervous oh yeah never yeah i don't know every show never yeah so i'm very excited about part of the night nato circus i see that internet and instagram so people love it yeah it's my first time riding with travis so i'm pretty excited because i used to watching you know in the movies so now they go yeah lying next to me that i'm crazy and i'm happy sometimes you got to just keep pulling tricks out yeah so i saw like even the crossover the crowd loves when someone does something that's kind of unexpected yeah but anything i mean even nose dives just anything to get the crowd you guys know but if you're not tricks just be funny in the final are you doing um big errors or shiny still doubling yeah he's doubling at the end but he's doing california roll at the end of big three california rolls in practice seriously i've never you're on fire right now that's good luck have fun out there don't forget to have fun taka has two tricks that i've never seen before the rock solid backflip i mean you got to climb off the back of the bike while the bike springs the trip of course is ripping you apart and he just full superman no hander and then he's doing this california roll where he just basically spins off the side of the motorcycle he's taken off one-handed one hand on the seat like i don't even know how it works this is a guy that just defies all logic i'm navas today and tomorrow i have no mistake like it's not safety like nothing i got no hundred percent sometimes miss the bad crash so this people have to watch how dangerous then how everyone try hard i have no idea how it's going to go but the crowd's rolling in and it's showtime man we want to start off tonight firstly with presenting our newcomers with their jerseys and welcome to the nitro family one of the coolest parts of every nitro show when we go to a new area is just handing out the nitro jersey when you get one it means the person that's receiving it is now part of the nitro circus family which is a which is a great honor but it also means that these guys are going to be risking their lives wearing it and i can tell you we do not take that lightly let's get the sirens roaring for water police [Applause] [Music] one two three the first show started like any other show a lot of excitement music lights pyro but as soon as the mcs started to talk and to translate the air just shot right out of the building and the show went flat he spent seven days in a spanish hospital in a coma the show came to a screeching halt i mean we were trying to translate the translator didn't know what we were saying the crowd was dead silent and i mean everything in nature is timed down to the t and when no one knew what was going on it felt like an eternity of just silence cam sinclair went to x games through a double backflip and won a gold medal wow they were basically just yeah yeah and we're like no no you gotta relay what we're saying so so first guy yes guys second guy in all seriousness they have some work to do they're going to have to be quick on their feet to pull together in the second half [Music] very slow wow that's a that's a concern we always sell tons of merchandise every show because nitro is such a new for us and people just don't know what are we going to do about it we may be able to have our mc to yell out okay well let's let's talk about how we do that and we'll get the you know the mc's promoted we'll put some screen big screen slides up and uh let's see how we go after the show okay thank you you're welcome so it's half time of our first live show and usually by half time we're almost sold out of all of our nitro circus merchandise as a brand for nitro circus to be successful in fuji we have to sell merchandise so hopefully the second half works better we got to get this fixed we just came out of the first half and it wasn't our best we went into halftime going oh man what do we have to do we know we can do better we know we can step up during the intermission i took the opportunity to find the japanese mcs so i could have a little discussion with them about telling the story of what's going on with the performers and the show a little bit better a light bulb went on and they really got it because during the second half they were just killing it [Music] [Applause] [Music] they knocked it out of the park in the second half and had the audience just absolutely eating out of their hands [Music] there is no one in the line like i don't know what everyone's just walking the other way no one is buying merch sometimes the only way to sell merchandise is to bring the merchandise to the people and that's exactly what we did buy merch buy clothes hat shirt t-shirt come on come on boxing shirts place your circus gear you can't sit down until you buy something you got to go here to buy something yeah come through thank you very much i was just screwing around out there but getting on the megaphone actually seemed to be working travis was trying to personally sign everything in here it's all half price from what it was an hour ago i'm just glad that no one understood me because it would have been really hard to explain that trav didn't sign everything and it all wasn't 50 off all right well that's better but it's but we can't take all this stuff back to america it has to sell me today thank you sir for letting us use that thank you guys [Applause] [Music] the second half was a complete transformation the guys just came together worked together got the crowd on their feet standing ovation if the first half of the first show gave us a heart attack this second half is resuscitating us the mcs are absolutely killing it and taka is out of his mind with the biggest tricks of freestyle motocross and this is crucial because we have 17 000 fans expecting the night of their life you can see everybody's eyes that are performing it's just like [Applause] electric and i have no idea how we're going to top that for the next show but this was a huge success after the show merchandise sales went through the roof no one bought anything before because they didn't know who we were and they didn't really know what they were buying after the show and after they saw what night circus was we sold out of everything where we actually go out to the merchandise and they're and they're all lined up like it's like what has just happened look at this how good is this the best look how patient they are they're all like really chill and waiting but i mean we're gonna sell out man this is gonna be awesome yeah that's gonna be great yeah gaku this is uh this is brett things are definitely picking up out here and the merchandise is really really starting to take off yeah i think we're uh i think we're looking pretty good now i don't know what's changed but people are definitely buying the merch that was one more hurdle overcome once fuji saw the success of the merchandise sales they were absolutely thrilled with what we were doing we're in japan our first show went great we feel like we're kind of on a roll now eric gets to live out his childhood dream of becoming a ninja [Music] so it was time to go meet the master naturally i was excited but pretty nervous i was stoked to have my boys tommy and jed to join me in crumb please you i'm eric nice to meet you nice to meet you i grew up wanting to be a ninja and it's something that's always eluded me and when i heard we could come here and kind of learn and train with you guys i wanted to bring my buddies because it's really important to me i i look at it really seriously and i'm hoping you can kind of teach us how to be ninjas today so how much ninja experience you have in my mind lots he wants to see right here when the master asked me to actually show him some of my skills i knew i was in way over my head it was good to show the master my authentic ninja skills but now it's time to get serious right now he's going to teach you how to battle so first they're going to [Applause] demonstrate know how to do that once we got into the training we learned some basic basic skills like how to hold the sword how to stand a few of the simple moves pretty high pitch bro as always with our crew it's hard to get people to focus especially when we're together so samurais and ninjas both have katana which is a japanese kind of sword [Music] so it's a little bit curved that's what i told her if you put it the other way in it won't so when you cut when you slice you have to yell i was really catching on despite tommy training's been going really well [Music] i know how much this means to eric so i'm really trying to play it straight but tommy has a very hard time minding his manners [Music] hey tommy tommy what are you doing man this is once in a lifetime chance you're disgusting me bud why don't you discuss this [Applause] [Music] we're now at our next show and the cast is supposed to be rehearsing the problem is the ambulances haven't shown up and we just can't start without them um if someone gets hurt in practice it's a pretty big issue we can't ride we can't do anything until there's an ambulance on set and someone forgot to call him damn pat pat what are you doing i mean i'm organizing did you just get your hair done or something can you do something productive and get this show on the road ambulance is coming i'm sick of waiting i've been here all day so is everyone bilcoe uh he is our class clown he's a good-hearted kid but he's just an add menace mike do you know what's going on right you know when the ambulance gets here do you know when we start riding hey you know when room room dirt bikes rehearsal [Music] what's up what are you doing working hard or hardly working ah we're on board go do something [Music] rule number one never leave the keys in the forklift [Music] dude what are we doing still sitting here we've got rehearsals you can't wait it's quarter past one now we've got rehearsals in 15 minutes are we ready to quarter past six don't where are you going i don't know i'm gonna find something better dude i'm bored you've got 20 minutes to be on your bike don't you like it waited waited waited got sick of it decided to go on adventure and uh acting like an idiot excuse me so do you know where our city center is bilcoe is truly one of a kind i mean that guy lives in his own world and if he left the stadium i feel bad for the population in japan because who knows what he's getting into right now train station [Music] arigato the angles finally show up and we're ready to practice and no one can find bilcoe [Music] i see a costume i like it i want to wear it so i wear it and i'll wear the hell out of it [Music] so here we are rehearsals cooking along everything's going well and then somebody notices we're missing something bilco where is he you know uh we're the seafood restaurant i have to go to work bilcoe is awesome and everybody loves him but sometimes he's just a complete idiot and right now he's totally missing bilcoe is definitely going to pay for this now have you seen bill cole i haven't seen him anywhere this week because you'll see i was with him earlier and i said that we had to do rehearsals and he just disappeared so i don't know where he's going you know he's on top of stuff he's a clown but he'll show up here oh sophie [Music] is at the end of training the master gathered everyone together and explained to us we needed to complete one final test were gonna have an actual ninja battle once ninja training was done and we went to go get dressed that's when we realized how cool this was really gonna be this is the real deal [Music] we had on real life japanese authentic ninja garb they had real life ninja clothes real life ninja headsets it basically turned us into real japanese ninjas [Music] every man needs a good set of hair i finally got one [Music] i should just keep one of these every day shoot me straight should i keep it oh absolutely that's what you'd be like with the full head of hair it's a little creepy but it suits you this was the real deal we felt the part we looked the role and we were ready to fight [Music] i'm late rehearsal started half an hour ago i'm love me right now what could bilko possibly be doing here in japan he doesn't know anyone he doesn't know where he is everyone's here ready to practice and he's still nowhere to be found where the hell am i [Music] foxy actually sorry don't worry i better go we really have only one main role here at nitro don't be late don't be late for flights don't be late for call time but mainly just don't be late for practice no matter what oh they're going to kill me oh they're going to kill me well they got to kill me the show is about to start right now and we still can't find bilcoe [Music] what let me in dude i'm late let me in i gotta ride i'm bilcoe [Music] this second show has started hot right out of the gate there are 22 000 fans out there ready to party and the mcs are absolutely tuned in taka made it immediately known that he is the guy to watch he is killing it with the biggest tricks in freestyle motocross and just dazzling everyone they got their hometown hirotaka he was just throwing down the biggest tricks in freestyle and showing why he's one of the best in the world and they love that having their local so they're very satisfied customers and i think we'll be back [Applause] good your country is awesome ah crazy crowd is awesome man are you crushing it yeah this energy this crowd it just keeps building it inspires all the riders to go bigger and when the riders go bigger the crowd gets louder and man they were just on their feet cheering for so long we almost came out for the encore it was awesome the fans they were amazing they were so pumped for us to be there i expected the crowd to be timid and it's the opposite they're louder than like almost anywhere else we've been there people in the stands like just fist pumping man we almost had 40 000 people at our first two shows in japan and the fact that we pulled it off successfully is a massive relief the riders loved being here the culture was just a great experience and i for one cannot wait to come back this is so cool cause everyone loves it in japan so to come hopefully we'll be able to come back that's your department yeah well i mean we all want to come back it was depending on the crowd but the crowd i think is spoken man this is awesome we definitely had some challenges in the start but we overcame all of them and everyone at fuji was absolutely thrilled with what we pulled off they definitely want us back and we're ready to go back to japan again japan was without a doubt one of my favorite places to go in the entire world it was such an awesome experience as a whole we are coming back to japan [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] yes oh [Music] eric rubs broner came into our world like a fish out of water first day i ever met you gave you a dirt bike you didn't tell anyone you'd never ridden before wrote it right off the grand canyon first thing i remember about him was he looked like a [Music] peter pan man boy who loved gummy worms and red wine which i thought was an amazing combination i met eric croner back in 2006 2007 took to him super fast one of my favorite people right away some of the most exciting scary amazing moments my life for shared with him on the road and all around the world i met eric the very first day he showed up to a nitro circus shoot and he ended the day a fully patched in nitro circus member that would change the course of our whole family base jumped into our hearts and from that day forward we knew that he was one of us eric was a lot of things to me a co-worker an advisor a stunt coordinator and a friend were you just doing an irish jig and a scottish kill something like that been through a lot over the years he's definitely who i sought advice from and the one that uh really made me feel like everything was gonna be okay he just had this warm personality that everyone just gravitated towards he was a voice of reason he was an instigator he was the life of the party he was a confidant and those are memories i'll always have now with eric and i'm so grateful for that eric is the kindest most gentle and sensitive soul that i have ever met he's such a family man he's just such a great father and watching him with his kids and annika it's just he was the perfect example of what it you should be as a man maybe god will never be forgotten uh you're a legend mate and never be replaced we miss you i'm gonna miss you i already missed you so much just thank you for for being you you made everything that we did together so much more fun worrying up man we're we're here for your family and uh we got it from here man love you buddy come on our journey bro as now we send it for you i love you rona i'll see you soon [Music] you
Channel: Nitro Circus
Views: 234,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nitro Circus, Travis Pastrana, Nitro Circus Live, FMX, BMX, Skate, Scooter, Inline, stunt, stunts, action sports, extreme, ramp, ramps, epic, fail, awesome, best videos, top talent, world first, most dangerous, best stunts, crashes, wheelz, triple backflip, motorcycle stunts, BASE jumping, stunt gone wrong, toys, nascar, best stunts ever, crash, crazy train, japan, Erik Roner, Streetbike Tommy, Crum, Jolene Van Vugt, Ethen Roberts, Jeremy Rawle
Id: CLV0C1muILo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 6sec (2646 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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