Unchained: The Untold Story of Freestyle Motocross (2016) | Full Movie | Documentary

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] of completing a complex choreographed trick that defies logic sanity and gravity A Rush of a lifestyle being so close to disaster yet taunting it with being full it's not a matter of get hurt it's when am I going to get hurt for the great ones those whose names resonate above the cacophony of the engines and the adoring crowns it comes from embracing it all self-fulfillment's about falling through on something that you do it is also the rarest of things being truly entirely completely in the present what makes us as the Riders down on the floor at the X Games or wherever you look up 50 000 people why are we the guys down here who are the Gladiators the guys who would have back in the day had The Sword and the shield and been on the front line and I just think that's the mentality of these freestyle Riders feeling if only for a moment that time of holy crap I gotta go through with this is my time holy crap I get to go through with this it's kind of [ __ ] up but it's life and it's the life uh that I really enjoy [Music] this is Unchained the untold story of freestyle Motocross mmm competitive motorcycle riding was born in post-world war one Europe near Surrey England and it soon took off around the continent with motorcycles racing across the country it was Chris and Motocross the Roar of 113 engines marks the getaway of motorcycling by the mid-60s Motocross had migrated from Europe and quickly took hold in Rural America in that era the biggest form of motorcycle racing in this nation was dirt track which was all over the Midwest and you know 750 cc Harley Davidson's extremely dangerous seems to be giving the boys in trouble [Music] motorcycle racing was brought into stadiums in the early 1970s a multi-million dollar industry began to emerge and it became known as super cools Motocross water to be a sport you know like so we wanted to make it as close to a stick and ball sport as we could and prove that we were serious [Music] these motorcycle manufacturers Yamaha Suzuki Kawasaki and Honda dominated the American Motorcycle market and tightly controlled the sports Public Image as they sought to gain mainstream acceptance they want to go down this NASCAR approach collared shirts you know very clean cut image no individualism whatsoever no colored hair no visible tattoos no piercings when you didn't win you would get an email from Japan and would say please explain Jeff Emig condition like why isn't he winning we're on a factory race team it's all about getting results nobody cares about anything else [Music] [Applause] the corporate controlled world of Supercross groomed and shaped its image they couldn't control everything and weekend free riding was quickly but quietly becoming popular with the tightly controlled official Factory Riders it was like Soul riding the camaraderie that you get out of all that I mean just being able to hang and do what we love as a Motocross writer that's the way that you can set yourself free you didn't really want to tell your team manager or your sponsors that you were going out in the hills and riding so we just called it playwriting but when snowboard filmmakers John Freeman and Dana Nicholson discovered this secret free riding subculture they began filming in the deserts of Southern California [Music] playing The Checkered Flag it wasn't about that it was about one up in your buddy out in the dunes out in the Hills just showing how fun that is free riding the snowboard films and the snowboard style the snowboard freedom of expression is where this came from yeah in 1995 John and Dana released Crusty Demons of Dirt featuring National Supercross Champions Jeremy McGrath and Jeff Emig free riding outside the constraints of the traditional Supercross establishment the National Distribution of the VHS tank would set off a firestorm of controversy it just spread like wildfire it was insane it went from me thinking it was going to be the biggest bomb in history to I could not keep up with the Fulfillment of the of the order VHS tapes were you know if you if you had a new video it was coveted it was passed around it was copied as much as possible and you just play it over I mean we would literally wear tapes out HS Krusty demons managed to sell over 100 000 copies worldwide in less than a year Krusty demons and dirt was the first actual video of motorcycle Racers you know not racing [Applause] [Music] and talk about with this cool idea to take the Motocross industry and do what they did in the snowboard industry which was you know the funny skits and the jumping Cliffs and all these things that no water crossover had ever done before on video Josh can't really have access to like a pro motocrosser it's a guy behind the ropes and he's going to sign a signature or something like that and then he disappears we were coming in with cameras and showing behind the scenes life of these race guys that love to free ride and we did it in a very loose fashion we were just kind of punk rock about the whole thing motocross videos have been done before that but they were like oh check out my riding skills on the track this was like whoa check out this dude smoking a joint or getting wasted over here and this guy's partying running chicks over here and people on racing were like oh my God they don't show that we're not supposed to let people know we really have fun it was like Christmas you know every morning I just wanted to wake up and watch it that was my cartoon you know I mean every kid woke up and watch cartoons I woke up and watched crested demon videos either the whole crusty movement just showed that there is this whole new way of riding motorcycle that you know people hadn't really explored very much up to that point it was all about Supercross [Music] I think there was a lot of concern from the manufacturer's standpoint that injuries in freestyle Motocross could affect sales of motocross bikes The Hondas and Yamahas and Kawasakis of the world it's like oh my God this is a liability nightmare this is not what you do on our bikes riders in the world Chef Emig and Jeremy McGrath are in the film not only are they in the film they're not really behaving well in the film either when the Krusty demons you know first came out it a full Antichrist of motocross the unproven controversial sport found itself fueled by Energy Drinks like Monster Energy and its president Mark Hall freestyle was free and they could be whoever they wanted to be they could invent a personality uh they could become known in some ways more so than the racers in the main series [Music] no good right right then a rider who motocross race in his life Seth enslow's unintentional but incendiary part in the film would drive an explosive and permanent wedge between traditional Factory Supercross racing and a new breed of rebellious free-spirited motorcycle riders watching Dukes of Hazzard and the Fall Guy on TV had thought that it'd be sweet to move to California and be a stunt man then I started riding motorcycles and racing motocross [Music] kid from Pennsylvania drives us California to live the California Dream so if he starts filming with us and he's trying to keep up with Champions like Jeremy McGrath Jeff Evans he definitely wasn't known for the technical skills but he was known for going for it people loved him [Applause] I said that song sung to me so many times since the movie like people get so excited they won't know what to say so they'll just start singing that song I remember not even knowing what Ragdoll meant I was like what does that mean friends like it means is gonna crash really bad in my estimation he was a modern day Evil Knievel here's somebody for this generation to look at this Daredevil guy pretty much crashed most the time but just went for it anyways every time I went filming that was my whole goal was to find the biggest jump out there and get it on on video to add a camera to you know a bunch of badass dudes it just it UPS the Annie it it makes you uh with your Kodak courage they call it want to go that much bigger [Music] we have calculated risk it seems like with Seth there was just a lot of risk Dana took Seth enzlow out to Dumont there's one jump Dana showed me and those top of the takeoff so I probably should have shoveled that flat and just it off and stepped down but I left it on there so here he goes all right [Music] so I was laying in the sand and I got knocked out briefly I think for a couple minutes and the first thing Dana wanted to do is ask me questions [Applause] it didn't take but a minute before the joke started in and once we knew he wasn't going to die then it was all fun and games got some serious problems you need to work out with yourself [Music] I'm gonna believe the shot that we got today you know right as he went off right now I'm like damn he's way too high you know you gotta wonder how many kids were sitting at home watching this thing and they're like we didn't die I'm gonna give it a go it's really rare that there could be a sport and a culture and a lifestyle and you can point to one point in time one spot one moment it began here all of a sudden you realize Seth Enzo is the Vanguard of all of this everybody knows Seth because like that one crazy moment in crusty new clothing companies that would kind of evolve out of nowhere realize we go to billboard we can hang our stuff on and it started this whole new industry Jeremy McGrath and Jeff emmick's attitude and approach toward freestyle Motocross riding inspired a new generation also further strained relations with the traditional racing engines style Motocross may have been born but in the late 90s it was still sequestered to the Krusty demon sequels John and Dana produced its full potential as a sport and lifestyle had yet to be realized [Applause] [Music] and Travis Pastrana number one after some bike problems nailed down a first in the 85 CC stock 7-11 division well it was really great out there a lot of ruts just the way I liked it back on the professional racing circuit a tall skinny Phenom from Maryland was giving the Motocross industry New Hope for its next Superstar and one that might bring racing to the mainstream freestyle was never where I thought my future was I was always going to be a racer one day I was going to be Supercross champion clean-cut Travis Pastrana son of a marine was picked to be the next face of factory Supercross racing his impressive race record incredible natural talent and media Savvy caught the attention of race team managers at an early age crusty three were deep into filming our movies now we are dead set on traveling and we headed to Florida we meet Carrie Hart for the first time he's kind of a struggling racer and we all go over to this track I'm riding Motocross down in Florida it's where we went for the winter I see Bubba I'm like it's Bubba he goes oh yeah he didn't watch the trusty movies and then Seth comes and I'm like it's seconds I mean I'm freaking out of course you guys all come out and they start building this jump over this Gator pond so we build a pretty cool job and I think Seth Hit It First he comes up short Travis is over there going Mom Mom I'm gonna ask a question guys if I can hit their jail and he keeps coming back to Robert and I saying I can do that I can do that so he comes over excuse me guys can I can I hit your junk if you watch a video every morning and every night for two years and then you meet the guys that make the video and all of a sudden they're filming with you I was going to take full advantage what he's doing like a Metzger trick over this Puck Carrie Hart's over there just going what in the world you know this little kid he just happened to be there at this little clean-cut kid who had all the talent in the world and just balls of steel [Music] the guy just gone what is your name we need to know you would you be interested in coming out to California you remembering you guys oh yep every day after school sounds good to me all right then I say no way Not Over My Dead Body are you taking my kid to California she saw these guys as complete Hooligans you know they've got tattoos they've got piercings you know they brought beer to the the test track who does this this is just Shenanigans we kind of talked to the dad a little bit he's like yeah see if we can work something out so we'll go through dad and we'll leave Mom out of this so nothing was said I didn't hear any more about this dad has a conversation with Dana and he says I'll let my son come out there if I hear or see anything that relates to drugs scantily clad women or you guys getting them in some sort of trouble I will not only hurt you but I will kill you and Dana says fair enough by the time John and Dana began shooting Crusty Demons 3 in California the most elite Supercross riders in the country were still Moonlighting for the cameras despite the growing fear for traditionalists so flight was delayed land at LAX and I think it was a Dana that picks me up but everyone else at the crew was actually at the uh the strip club you know I had no idea what was going on but you know there's just a very interesting crew and here it comes off playing a little kid with button-down shirt with brown corduroys with the skinny belt with you know the shirt just tucked in all hey hey how you doing hey how you doing I'm like hey Travis what's going on and uh I took him straight to black flies and got them set up with a bunch of black flies t-shirts and just californianized them a little bit Travis Pastrana had joined the company of his all-time Heroes legends from the race work of all the guys I think I was really fortunate that we had Mickey Diamond Mickey was someone that I respected looked up to so much as a racer as a hardcore it was really a great ride Travis Pastrana came out to California um and a big group of other Riders myself Phil Lawrence everybody that was in racing you know they had Emig and McGrath and a Metzger and right away a lot of the motorcycle industry felt it was a black eye to their cause at the moment I think the Riders started realizing that if you put yourself in these films they're going to get you a lot of exposure but all of a sudden there's a movie that says hey we could slash around in the dirt go big meet hot chicks and listen to loud music and maybe there's a way you can make a living from this it was like holy [ __ ] this is what we've been waiting for our entire lives what crusty the whole image did is drive a wedge between the serious racer guys and then the Misfits Brian Deegan had become infamous with his only Supercross Victory when he ghost rode his bike across the Finish Line a smack in the face to the stodgy Supercross World everyone was so pissed but the fans loved it and that became huge news controversial from the beginning he was a perfect fit for the Crusty films glad they're here to see me kick everyone's ass I grew up in a small town in Nebraska and I got into Motocross through a neighbor he was I moved in from Europe he had a dirt bike and took me to the races I fell in love with it you know I was into all the ball Sports before then and begged my dad for a dirt bike and uh went out there and started racing motocross Brian Deegan came up quickly through the Motocross ranks but his impetuous free spirit would soon have him clashing with the corporate owned industry we had this old Harley helmet was like a half bull helmet I put it on in practice I remember like out in the National just passing people and like top guys like so in that kind of stirred the pot I remember AMA always had it out for me I was really pumped so the first time I got a chance to ride with with Brian Deegan at the very end of the trip there was a jump called the diving board out of Beaumont huge downhill double big gap little not much room for air landing and it's kind of real Dusty and powdery and things you gotta understand you're gonna hit this huge jump big stun there's no hey what's up there no it's safety crew like you're doing it because you want to have a part in the movie and you want to shut down the other guys and have the coolest jump so right before we got to the like Jeremy McGrath Supercross Champion didn't jump this jump and we think you can do it and that just pumped me up I'm like I can do something that my crack backed out on I'm like this is going to be awesome instead of the rational thought of you know if McGrath didn't do it I have no business at you know 20 years old to go out and launch this thing it was a jump that no one else wanted to mess with we were all concerned like oh my God this kid's gonna kill himself I see this look on Travis's face we're saying no no no no no you know don't do it it's it's no good and I see the look and I look at Dana we better get our cameras out he's going [Music] first I kind of was like yeah this guy's trying you know kind of stealing the spotlight yeah he is so cool oh yeah or gnarly you win you got Travis he's a bit older than Travis he's going I'm not getting upstaged by that kid there's no way I'm not gonna hit that thing now I didn't want to hit it but now I got it guy dude and they land this dude shut me down foreign does it just absolutely perfect there's a little whip off there gets the money shot and that was the story of how these parts elevated and it was always one up in each other everyone made the downside wanted to have the best part we're always trying to one-up each other we were young guys in our 20s that's what we do we want to be cool we want to be cooler than the next guy we want to be better than the next guy and probably had a lot a lot to do with how we excelled at Supercross you were pressing the limits you were getting out of your comfort zone along the way we were improving our skills on the motorcycle this one upsmanship among the Riders would become the Hallmark of freestyle Motocross but adding a competition element to this already risky Endeavor would immediately foreshadow the direction and dangers of the sport we're getting beautiful footage off this thing called the diving board so Travis gets all excited does a big old heel clicker broken wrist Dana and John like not really as parental figures or like kind of like well so what do you want us to do like we almost got you back to your parents and your mom's already going to kill us that's cool now the one thing that dad said to Dana please send him home in one piece I was like no no just take me down to save on we get some duct tape and get a split and uh you know I'll be good because I gotta I got a good wrist doctor back at home and later the afternoon took me to the airport sent me home my mom never flew out to uh castrate either one of them and uh they've been friends ever since so we wrap up all this cool filming we've met a cool little kid we're well on our way now you know with our third film 1997 John and Dana would unveil Crusty Demons 3 to a rock his capacity Crown in the Palladium in Hollywood as much a gathering of the Rebel tribe as a moving we took him out of their setting and and flew them out they dressed him in this pinstripe gangster suit he was feeling awesome and so we go into the Palladium and it's just Jam my parents were so proud of me um you know and that I kind of accomplished one of my dreams is to be in the crest team as a dirt movie but they didn't still really know Dana or John or any of the guys that much and do we really want him to have a part of this movie is this is going to ruin his racing career and they get there there's limos with hot tubs with girls in bikinis going down the road you know they're having uh Crystal and you know just just drinking and my parents are like what where did we go are we even on Earth [Music] we saw the movie and the song was clean-cut American kids they portrayed the family and the authenticity of just hard work and chasing your dreams it made me feel good that the Crusty guys had enough respect for his dad and I and for Travis to to do that we end that movie and his parents just come up and they just wanted to thank me and Dana for that nice little piece that we did on their son and they said you know well done thank you very much and right as we're leaving a riot breaks off cops come in I mean this place it goes from the the premiere to the gnarliest party and my parents like okay I think we've seen enough I can only imagine that Pastrana is when they got back to their hotel room this is on live news the Krusty Riot is now happening in at the Palladium in Hollywood and it's on every News Channel they probably got back there and turned that on and went oh my God that's the premiere we were just at look at it now it was cool to be a part of and something that I didn't really understand at the time and it was stuff that was above and beyond anything that anyone in the world was doing the support of freestyle was had really begun well the freestyle competition had seemingly reached its limit in technical tricks the man who started it all took a different path Seth enslow never a finesse writer was focused on Breaking the record of 181 feet this level is more about the big jumps and doing stuff that we didn't want to do because we're probably scared to do it you know it all goes back to the OG baddest dude on a motorcycle evil can you that guy was dog badass no one will ever top that dude he was jumping hundreds of feet on a Harley with no suspension that guy was the OG you know birthday and he was really the pioneer of The Rebirth of long jumping being that the record was set back in 1991 and here I was in 1999 and nobody had broke it or even tried to break it I felt that that was my job to do tell his friends are nervous they keep messing with the jump moving it back he's jumping a little bit they're moving it back and meanwhile the wind's starting to pick up more and more they didn't have the miles per hour figured out or any of that kind of physics or calculus none of that stuff is done felt like I was going way too fast but those were kind of the speeds that we figured that needed to happen for The Gap we moved I turned my head and I'm like [ __ ] I can't I can't believe how high he is I was looking down at the tops of the telephone poles like looking down at the top speed S at the roof of Mike St Mary's parents two-story house I was way up there and I knew I was going to go to the flats once you're up there the shots fired and there's not much you can do [Applause] Seth don't get up do not get up buddy he had broken bones in his face and in his skull and the only way to get those was to literally make an incision around his head peel his face off and make the repairs to his skull and to the fractured bones and then put his face back on and then sew it on [Music] promises often he wanted me to call to remind you that you need to stay off your motor bicycle for at least six months no helmet wearing no jumping exactly four weeks later I was back on the bike and jumped 175 feet at the Houston Astrodome at the monster truck show there so I wasn't going to give up yet I wasn't done chasing that dream [Music] [Applause] [Music] the next year in 1998 independent film producer Paul taubleb and his partner Austin Hurst with the help of TV producer Alan Gibby of dynacom were also inspired by the Crusty Demons franchise I thought is there a way to turn this into what I knew about which was television competition and and creating a property snowboard contests because that was kind of The Cutting Edge culture at the time I just come to have fun put on a good show for the crowds it's a new sport and everybody's really pumped on it ESPN I said I've got this idea and they go the answer is no the AMA says this is dangerous this is bad and it will never go anywhere no [Applause] starting to get warmed up [Applause] says look I'll give you a heron which means they'd give us the time for no cost and he goes if you promise after we air it one time you never call me again that's the deal it's like okay great fantastic [Applause] [Music] I didn't really have a good idea about what we were going to build out there you know we had a certain amount of space we kind of knew the distance the guys would jump is around about 70 feet and we can put together this course you know these these piles of dirt and then the ramps and a lot of the ramps in those days I mean we would we get these guys to come out and compete and it just it blew everybody's Minds was perfect for America it had everything you know Daredevil uh taking big huge chances you know putting your neck on the line and then that wow factor really putting it on the line [Music] Motocross championships whoa another one-footed Landing that time in the candy bar position so look at it right now the 1998 winning run of Mike Jones looks like a goon ride and it was you know it was a Superman he can win both ways he could whip to the right take the foot off rip to the left take the foot off and we had no idea just how far the sport could evolve from there inaugural running of the McD Free Ride Championship a huge success with more events to come it went great I mean the place was packed and energy was just electric and it we really thought this is a new sport and we get the call from ESPN all right let's talk about putting this sport into the X Games [Applause] [Music] other independent contests begin springing up across the country but with prize money and sponsorships on the line tricks were getting bigger and more Technical and so were mistakes [Applause] style Moto X made the debut here at next game tonight the first ever motive the Rivalry that started back the diving board between Travis Pastrana and Brian Deegan returned in the first X Games freestyle competition honestly I don't think XK was here with their room for they're the Rogue athletes they're not the ones they control [Music] polish Ryan Deegan I watched the event from the fans who sit next to Mike Messer Blown Away by the whole thing Brian Deegan I thought was super cool because he had this uh evil Rock thing going on with spikes coming out of shoulder pads and I thought that was really cool I remember watching X Games you know from 95 with guys like Tony Hawk you know he had Nyquist and Mira now I used to lick those guys like well those guys are pretty big name is [Applause] said all right well we're gonna be on the same stage with these guys so it's time to take the clinic level and just blow these dudes out of the water foundation of the sport happened at the moment that those guys appeared on the scene and cranked up those engines [Music] here I am as an amateur you know right before I turn pro we had three more years on the house we have no money we have we can't afford to get to the races we have every one of my family members kicking in for gas money you know X Games comes out ten thousand dollar purse holy cow ten if you win we get ten thousand dollars do you know how much that would help our family only the best of the best we didn't know where he'd fit in there but we knew that he had a different Dynamic than all the other competitors it was very smart of Deegan to go I'm Dark Side Travis is American Pie and I'm gonna play off of that Travis Pastrana almost a perfect score with a 99 double zero VA students good room for Travis and the kids in detention can work for the militia from the party Travis earned gold with the first of two runs however he would not be remembered for winning gold he would make his Mark in an entirely different way he was unassailable Travis Pastrana was going to win so his second run was for the glory start getting word that he might do something a little out of the ordinary and he's in the start house and it's like oh yeah have a good time slap him and he's soft and he's put on about 20 30 pounds and it was the sudden realization of like oh my God he's got something underneath his jersey so I start sprinting down the course Travis takes off and I'm literally running as Travis comes past me and just disappears in the air [Applause] my heart must have dropped down and my eyes must have gotten as big as you know saucers and if pandemonium it's craziness nobody knows what's going on there's people running all over the place no one really understood the magnitude of the shitstorm that was going to erupt until I hit that water due to the nature of the stunt the management of ESPN determined it was irresponsible and decided not to show it he keeps his gold medal but the prize money goes to salvaging the bike and part of the money will go to the save the Bay Foundation as cool as some people may have think it looked I you know I I don't think it was very cool how would you like if somebody dumped a bunch of oil where you live I got my ass chewed my dad got his ass chewed everyone that was in the room got their ass chewed what kind of hooligan would pollute the San Francisco Bay which needed a tetanus shot because it's so polluted already with two ounces of gasoline and everyone got all crazy about it but I'm like that was pretty punk rock like you know the kid brisk going to jail right there so I give him credit later on when they went down found the bike it landed on top of a car despite the media Splash at the X Games reality was freestyle Motocross still had no respect it's a legitimate sport included the king of Supercross Jeremy McGrath who helped Inspire the freestyle movement with his trademark knock knock I mean what they're doing as far as tricks we were sort of laughing at it because they were just doing whips they were doing cross-ups doing no-handers doing no hand or no feet I mean all the things that we all did as Racers but not of course at the Supercross race when you went to a freestyle contest it was the same repetitive you know trick after trick after trick I thought it was really going to die as a natural death all of us all my friends all the top Racers could have been doing the sport of freestyle also it's a motorcycle it's 220 pounds like how much more could you do BMX has such a huge impact on Motocross Freestyle because almost everything that we did for the first couple years was already a BMX trick just at that point where I was kind of thinking about you know if our flips possible are they not possible I built a house next door to TJ 11 I mean one of the most well respected BMX dirt jumpers in the world let's get you comfortable flipping a bicycle you know and then you will know whether you can or can't flip a dirt bike Carrie could do it on a BMX bike but we all know the motorcycle is a lot heavier it doesn't rotate the same so as much as he was dialed there was no way to go out and try this he was going to just go out and hug it to roll the dice it's not even the flip of a coin I think the odds were definitely stacked against me nobody knew what the jump could look like nobody knew what the landing should be like it was a crap shoot for sure it's 14 feet tall it's got three feet of bird on it I I don't know if it looks good or not so and by this point you know like the the ward is spread like wildfire in accelerate all the way off the face and everything's moving so fast in that one moment everybody was pumped whether you liked me hated me they were just really excited for that moment and once heart fled like we all look but we're watching when we look at each other and we're like dude it's possible if we can do that the flip was pretty extreme when it first came out we we all couldn't believe it [Applause] this isn't a joke anymore this isn't guys going out and playing around like this is real it validated that trick in our world it's happened someone did a backflip on motorcycle game on drops four stories out you know with no forward momentum I mean just just a full straight drop and you know landed hard my hand blew off and slid out but I you know and that's always been a huge Conversation Piece now was it legit wasn't it legit he proved it's possible there can be no question Carrie Hart did the backflip the nuances of riding out or not riding in order to claim you achieve something you've got to complete it so Kerry Hart did backflip he didn't land it he crashed in my eyes still the first one still the first backflip hands down because the amount of balls that was at a contest um he had to land it you had to ride away I'm just saying he didn't land it the industry almost backlashed on him like okay he started that now we want to see you right out of it I mean there's a lot of great things that came with it but there's also a lot of really dark negatives that came with it too and unfortunately all the dark negatives came from my peers in the industry so it's kind of like a pretty major slap in the face but that was part of it Carrie's failure to ride out of the trick left many wondering if it was indeed even physically possible for the next year no one would even attempt the following year Kerry broke his collarbone leading up to the X Games in Philadelphia and he originally planned to attend only as a spectator [Music] I got out there and there was all this Buzz going on and interviews and just all these situations of you know you got hurt you're not you know I guess it stands there's no backflip you know it the first one never really counted you know like all this kind of just [ __ ] talking and so I made the horrendous mistake of deciding on riding the rumor is backflip between the outside pressure and the pressure I put on myself knowing that I wasn't 100 I gave in he actually nailed it but didn't know is this it as I came up to it as soon as I hit the takeoff that's the first thing that popped off was my right hand and uh left hand still being on the handlebars threw the bike in an off-axis Spin and I had to hit eject I can guarantee you if you could barely pull and hold on with that collarbone the way it was wine of the motor to the silence [Music] and then that bike hits and that's a horrible sound it's a crunching sound we're going to experience this great joy he's going to do this great thing and then a father sees his son hurt and it's not fun anymore he tried it two years in a row he crashed two years in a row the second time really badly are we placing so much pressure on these guys to perform something that just isn't possible 16 bones in my foot four my ribs up the right side tailbone wrist I mean it it thrashed me with the heavy television viewership of the X Games freestyle Motocross had emerged as its own lifestyle and Industry having broken free from traditional Supercross which still felt threatened and hostile to the free riding Rebels but some questioned whether its success is a legitimate sport would be overshadowed by the heavy toll on the Riders the Revolution was complete while racing would continue the imagination of a generation was captured by the upstarts freestyle Motocross represented freedom and individualism and was rewarded by its own stage lifestyle and Industry becoming part of a culture now dubbed Action Sports and embraced surfing skateboarding and BMX but what had been Unleashed had really only just begun foreign [Music] ER had been dubbed The Godfather of freestyle for progressing a variety of imaginative and inventive tricks but like most freestylers of the era he came from an unstoried racing pedigree I grew up riding dirt bikes from the time I was three years old till now and and I started racing motocross at the age of six um won some amateur national championships from there jumped into the Pro Motocross scene definitely would have to say some of the major components to me you know being a freestyle rider was you know my background in racing Metzger would now take a radical new approach to Carry Hart's back view the management at ESPN X Games called me and they asked me if I was going to do backflips at X Games and I was like yeah I'm committed and we worked a deal out basically to for them to come to my house and and film me actually doing the first flip in the ending in my backyard riding away from it he knows Metzger's crazy but the great thing about Metzger is he backs up his Crazy by the time they got there I was already in the backyard watering prepping The Landing prepping the runway [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] it was so insane and then he was done and he was so calm about he was just like yeah I knew I could do it came out and made it look totally acceptable the backflip was a part of the sport [Music] everyone is now talking about Mike Metzger who's going to not just do a backflip but put a backflip into his complete freestyle run I had never before been nervous when it came to Freestyle Motocross because I always just trusted Mike's skill you know but once the backflip came in it really and the kids I think it was a mixture of both of them because I'll never forget Philadelphia I couldn't even focus my my jaw kept clenching and I was so scared [Music] style competition the Ryder has two minutes to leave to lead overall impression on the judges using style variation and difficulty freestyle had become a sport where pushing the boundaries in constant progression was great looking forward [Applause] [Music] 30 seconds looks like he's thinking about it Travis here we go back flip number one will he do it again [Music] [Music] light comes in pulls the first backflip and as he's upside down you can click second here what and he's like boom shifted in the air first flip and landed and it goes to the next slip and did it perfect Mike Metzger just stopped not only his first medal in X Games but his first gold medal at X Games people of the planet Earth you have just witnessed double backflips back to back [Applause] that's been the most like unbelievable thing ever on a motorcycle [Applause] and then a back flip out of it like 75 feet it was the backflip that kept the sport alive they're reinvigorated the sport he just once again elevated the sport took it to another level it was progressing so fast at that point that it was uh getting scary really [Music] [Applause] foreign the evening of Metzger's back-to-back flips Carrie Hartwood again battle in the Big Air competition although Metzger had pulled the trick successfully earlier for Carrie it was personal in my eyes I was the first person to attempt it I was the second person to attempt it at this point it's just closure it's not about cool factor and that stuff I proved that you can flip a motorcycle now I just got to get to Wheels the mental piece of it is when I roll into Philly and it's the exact same roll in exact same jump set up I was back mentally physically emotionally where I was a year prior and that was a huge head [ __ ] for me his girlfriend picked at the park none of these guys really do it for the metal you can't Huck yourself in the air over that Gap whether it's in a crusty movie or the X Games or with your friends who's gonna win something you do it because you're driven to do it you do it because you kind of have to do it do I have to do this I don't have to do it do I want to do it do I know that I'm gonna have to live with my decisions right here and right now for the rest of my life yeah we're looking forward [Music] [Applause] in the back left on a dirt bike in an fmx car all right ladies and gentlemen right congratulating him [Applause] [Music] thank you become hell or high water there's no way I was going to lay him down I bounced down a little funny so I put my foot out stumped my foot pretty good broke a couple toes but nothing major when he hit it was like your heart rate slows your smile grows and you're just you're so happy for him and I think the whole industry was [Applause] Point uh the person was up on the dirt Mountain Way for me was my now wife and at that point girlfriend uh Pink we met the year prior right before finals when I completely imploded and crashed my brains out that was where we got introduced and here we were a year later and she was in my corner and she's the one there giving me my medal heart the trick was behind him and Metzger found himself again at the Forefront of the sport but for every other Rider it was Flip or your career was over from that point on the backflip became reality and it was something that McCain freestyle Motocross and that everybody had to conquer in order to become the top level of the sport even if you did 100 of them that one you don't pull you're done yeah everyone's gonna have to learn if you want to be relevant in the game of freestyle motocross game changer even Brian Deegan a top competitor struggled with the backflip is Carrie Hart proved going inverted means more severe consequences athletes many well-established like Clifford the Flying Hawaiian out of tante Tommy Tomcat Clowers and the smooth Drake McElroy began disappearing from the scene man am I done am I never gonna meddle again and what am I gonna do and this is something that we're going to be doing all the time have down do tricks while we're upside down and just because that was it's going to happen the one backflip came about there's a lot of guys that just just packed it up I don't think there's any other sport on the planet that pushes progression and risk as hard as we were sporting the Olympics has had a new move invented since when you tell me is is there a new is there a new you know do they got some new uh obstacles in the gym I don't think people really quantize how much effort goes into what you know what these guys are doing probably one of the toughest things I ever had to do learn in the flip but decided to go for it I probably hesitated with my throttle I just didn't have it pinned off the ramp my body positioning wasn't right the whole thing was just extremely embarrassing for me and that was pretty much like the last time you've seen a lot of dudes compete because they didn't want to backflip anymore all I had to do was the flip and I was in big contracts would come my life would be easy I would get paid to ride my dream would come true I I think I just was in major denial it's deep down inside I knew I was done the loss of so much talent the door was left open for newcomers groomed on riding ramps and practicing tricks Nate Adams did Master the backflip and started dominating competitions not to be outdone Brian Deegan mastered the flip as well but the Godfather of fmx Mike Metzger added so dialed that he wanted to push it further [Music] [Applause] [Music] where is his idea that hey you know what we're Daredevils why don't we follow in the footsteps of Vino the greatest Daredevil of all Evil Knievel Mission Impossible wants to do a big stunt they want to re-jump over Caesar's Palace Fountain so I call Mike Metzger accomplished Mike goes I am in what do I have to do so Mike's moving freestyle in a completely different direction now he's got his Fame people know this guy and now he's going to do this gigantic backflip over the fountains that Evil Knievel attempted many years before [Music] really looked at myself as a stunt guy I looked at myself as a professional motorcycle rider so than doing this record jump I was going to practice now comes the test day so the execs from Paramount come guys flying from Bristol the ESPN guys camera crew is there I'm waiting there standing giant massive structure has been built in this in this yard probably was about 50 feet tall the scaffolding Landing that wasn't covered by any drapery it was just like this big huge colossal rods and bars and it was basically the replica of how the whole setup was going to be Caesars I had nightmares running through my head of if I have a problem with my bike some malfunction I'm gonna end up disintegrating myself like a cheese grater through this this deal it comes drives past everybody walks up on the runway points with me says come here tablet so I walk up there everybody's looking up what's going on the best scenario in my head was to tell him I forgot my helmet it was a lie I had my helmet a stashed in my truck I just didn't feel like jumping that day job at hand was to basically turn off my mind and my emotions and come back the following day and handle it Mike Metzger came to that yard at eight o'clock in the morning with no ambulance no people no camera and he thought he had hit that ramp before we got there his Backflip but I purposely don't measure it we kind of roughly do it because I don't want to officially set the record I put my bike in the garage and I didn't even start my bike until a week later when I showed up to Vegas better way to celebrate 40 with a high risk feed that promises to take your breath away a world record try with a Guinness World Record representative on hand for longest backflip attempted by the most influential Rider In freestyle Motocross it was pretty nerve-wracking for me because it got windy start the wind started picking up just the bad stuff that happened there with Evel Knievel pillaging himself and he's like he didn't die that time and I was pretty worried about that I was afraid for Mike because uh he looked nervous to me and I'd never seen him look nervous before I had this Vision that he was going to uh over rotate it and because he was so hyped up and really take a bad fall I had told the ESPN people how I was going to do it basically scoped the ramp up go back game two runs at the ramp and as soon as I took the cape off I was gonna rip we were all worried about the wind conditions here because on Las Vegas Boulevard the hotels here make their own Valley the wind can squirrel [Music] here we go this could be it The Impossible Jump I hit the ramp faster and in the air I started to over rotate [Applause] mission accomplished Mike Metzger has set a world record for longest back flip challenge as soon as I can hit meal to wheel I was like do that was for sure the biggest flip I've ever done he looked so natural at it he did it so perfect he made it look like nothing that was nothing always made riding motorcycles up like that to me we'll see these fountains known for little Evil's big attempt and massive crash part of his legacy it was just you know real cool opportunity that I got to handle Metzger's record promoted the sport into the minds of a global audience unfortunately he was injured for the next big stage a golden Sunset the former Olympic venue the LA Coliseum packed with fans the rumors had filtered through the crowd creating an electric environment the sport was again about to go to another the new terrifying trip from the time X Games ends to the Timex game starts that following year you know there's serious serious training and homework going on that these athletes put in the rumor is now gone away from the backflip it's about something else and it's all about Travis pastranis gonna do this trick as insane as the backflip was the 360 brought a new torture Dimension to physics whipping a 260 pound motorcycle sideways off a ramp flat spinning it off its natural axis and then finding forward momentum to ride away when it wants to throw you sideways we had a whole year to plan for the X Games so I go out and we just built the foam pit and I start working on you know trying all these things so I get out there and I'm like I want to land this trick I'm gonna just the world is just legit hit him by storm it's gonna be awesome I hear that Deacon's got a trick but I haven't really heard what it is no one really knows but I was online looking around and I seen him doing this kind of like 360 looking thing at his house and this is why everyone's so secretive now with tricks they don't let anyone see it till X Games because I was kind of looking and studying it going all right I'm gonna go figure this out I'm in the foam pit and I get honestly probably two or three out of ten I get around if I really need it it's a 50 50 chance I'm gonna land this or you know go home in an ambulance Deegan was up first muscana and Nate Adams were followers [Music] in the finals we missed him in Winter X due to injury but the minister of defense for the Metal Militia is in La now Brian Deegan he needs a nail a good run in his first run kind of stuck up the place I don't want to distance too hard but he needs to nail it much harder Egan cruised through his run with his sights set on beating Travis to the 360 punch I knew it wasn't enough to win the event and I was kind of like frustrated and mad time is winding time is out not sure she was as surprised as everybody else in the stands that he rode away from the 360 because he stuck in the side of the landing he landed in the Soft Stuff a little bit and and muscled it out Brian Deegan has [Music] my final run Jim my best friend comes and he goes 360 was the coolest thing ever you're telling me I'm risking my life to go out here and do this trick that I think is going to set the world on fire and Brian deegan's already done it so a trick that I invented new I now have to call a militia twist he's like yep it was awesome [Applause] style and Pastrana was up and he was like shaking his head because he knew he had to do that to win 360. isn't a 360 Flip what is it it is just amazing ladies and gentlemen I don't know if anybody will pull anything like that anytime soon in freestyle Motocross I think but we know that the 360s Travis Pastrana has been working on it will he throw it down that is the question here goes out he's stomping his run and he's hyping the crowd up my guard he's got to do the 360 now [Applause] [Music] around same job same place and Travis goes up and does the trick and falls down and crashes [Applause] stands up he's going one more and I'm going you don't get one more time's running out but I see he's calling time I'd like one more to the Grand Junction like I don't know what he was doing in X Games rules you can call timeout with any kind of mechanical malfunction so of course my levers were bent so I had to knock my levers back straight so I got one more jump according to the world [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I landed the trick The Crowd Goes Nuts and uh you know I went out there ended up winning the gold medal and vegan will never let me live it down every time something happens he's like oh time out guys time out we had a good battle and I walked away from there saying hey you know what we landed the first 360 on dirt you set the bar like that was it and that was a huge moment I'll never forget my life as bitter as I wanted to be I was so proud of that crazy bastard because I knew how long it took me to land that stupid trick and the fact that he figured it out before the X Games is pretty damn cool no fathoming but things were about to get crazy what came next was so insane Riders like castrana and Hart opted out entirely freestyle Motocross was just so incredible and so popular we gotta have more of it but what can we possibly squeeze in there that we haven't already done well wait we've got a second X Games every year in the winter time the story is who's going gonna take home gold today with a backflip variation and Jerry right now the weather so far so good we've got some cloud cover that's making for good visibility we find these screws that you can put in your dirt bike tires that are going to give you traffic so we here [Music] we now have to create this absolutely giant giant Landing because it's got to be big enough for the guys to be able to jump up and land onto and if we need the room for forgiveness if you're not scared Landing it stands about three stories above my head writing Winter X was gnarly a lot of people were just like oh mine like if you crash it's just snow you're like no it's it's it's ice that they've been building this jump for a month and soaking it every day and every night with a hoses to make a block of ice is just as hard as concrete it's like 100 foot ice lip and big 15-foot ice takeoff with a big ice Landing it's like it's not powder this is ice we put studs in our tires and the snow breaks away and it forms ruts and it gets really really crappy to jump look for your Landing these are Desert Rats these guys aren't used to being like you know all bundled up because it's minus 10 degrees with their bike just like performing like crap because they're at 8 000 plus feet so they were just an insane amount of challenges that went against the event we're going to do plus it was a best trick so we've taken the most insane thing you could possibly do in the sport of freestyle Motocross and we put it on an ice block there wasn't anything anybody had control over find a winter accent I feel like I had so much pressure on me coming off the 360. one of the hardest things being a freestyle or being a winner or being on top you live with that pressure it's such a high expectation to live up to every event and coming to Winter actually just feel like I have to win again I have to win and I was like oh deegan's winning next team so sure he's doing a 360 on the 95-foot jump Brian Deegan understands that if he's going to win this competition and if he's going to meet the expectation of the adoring hordes of militia fans he has to pull the militia twist he's got to do this big 360. we've lined up you say you know I look crowd on each side thousands of people cameras there ambulance there here we go again you know [Applause] foreign [Music] a jump seems like oh it's just a few seconds but when you're at mid flight and it's going wrong it seems like a trinity [Music] instantly it shatters both arms Landing my hip shatters my femur in five spots on my hip when they say I'm bearable pain like that's what it was it was like I couldn't even handle the paint I remember I started had internal bleeding and and I was just laying there like oh my God I remember I tried to get up and my arms are bent backwards and and I'm just laying there I'm like oh man I'm [ __ ] [Applause] visiting Brian in hospital the week after his crash in Aspen and I mean literally I can't do anything he's completely broken if it was around the clock taking care of them having to hold that pee cap for him to go to the bathroom all throughout the night giving pain medication Saran wrapping them with plastic and having to sit him in the shower I'd have to fully bathe them I sat there thinking like dude what are you doing here you know like you can do it something else why are you doing this you know all that went through my head I crashed on Saturday last uh hasn't even been you know it's five days I'm already up walking around [Music] cruising around I just went and had my second turd oh I was pretty pretty good accomplished accomplished on all these pain meds it was bad that hospital trip was was the worst huge picture your victory that your gold medal to be dedicated to uh it's a long road it's it's not pretty it's hard and two the person watching on TV to the person up in the stands wow that was cool you know but what they don't see is what goes on behind the scenes good to get outside [Applause] we know what the consequences are or whatever fear you have that causes that fear in your head hey everybody you know you got to go out there and do it again I figured I've experienced the most paint I've ever experienced so there's not really a lot more to fear they're able to just go on with their daily routines train in pain perform in pain and they just do it and they don't complain about it humans have an amazing ability to forget bad things and I think that's what happened to these guys they they're injured but they love the thrill of doing it and then after the pain subsides or after they go through a certain amount of recuperation they almost forget about it I broke um 17 ribs punctured my lungs three times broke nine vertebraes in my back lacerated my liver smashed my right kidney which is gone broke my face uh collarbone shoulder shoulder blade hematomas on both hips it seemed like ride and just knowing that like that's where he's free you know that's that's who he is that's what he is that's the love of his life you can't take that away from him the doctor did tell Brian don't get back on a dirt bike again like never again remember the doctor told him no we get home and the second he can get back up on that bike he's on there quick it's not just about the broken bones and you know the chance of being paralyzed or you know losing a contract and not being able to pay your bills this is a lot more serious you could lose your life I could lose my husband my kids could not have their dad at any minute you have to be able to decide when I go up to take off of this ramp that bone that's sticking through the skin can we duct tape that and will it hold and it's a matter of how much you're willing to deal with and that's why I like Freestyle so much was because it was a shorter duration you had the adrenaline you had you know the crowd you had the everything that fired you up and you could overcome insurmountable pain for a very short duration of time and still be successful in what you do well Sal to be honest with you I think it's a better Brian Deegan he has taken the injury and started working harder the training and the riding a year later he's back in Aspen on his bike at this you know huge Ice Cube again think of all the things going through Brian's head right now well Brian obviously suffered last year he called us every week talking about the build of this course he was very concerned that we get some of the ramps smaller and more consistent than last year I was nervous the whole time I couldn't get out of the the zone you know I was like man hopefully you know I don't want to get hurt again and all those thoughts Brian Higgins coming up is facing the monster Brian's waiting cold pressure's on you're facing down that demon you're staring him straight in the eyes and you know what happens when it goes wrong [Music] now's a good time to stand up we just gotta lay down one good trick just do it if you crash whatever just block it out you know just do it you're here remember the same exact feeling as I took off [Music] [Applause] pulling the flip trick off and won X Games and I was like you did it all right dude it's done and I'm such a sigh relief and such a different feeling you just accomplished and you got through it Brian Deegan absolutely deserved every bit of stardom and Accolade that he got because he put himself In Harm's Way again and again and every time he went down he got back up and went for it to prove that he was worthy of that spot you know dude comes back and wins a gold medal and you know again there's a great story to that but it's sort of like you know what this this is just being pushed a little too much long after X Games would remove freestyle best trick from Winter competition bill on dirt a new breed of athletes continued to push progression with Nate Adams leaning away and new faces emerging adding complex variations to the bathroom I think our Sports and freestyle Motocross in particular is just about is about pushing limits pushing your own limits pushing the boundaries of what people think is possible and not carrying what anyone thinks in the process at the Forefront of this new progression Travis Pastrana contemplated a trick that most Riders believed was truly impossible introduced best trick to X Games it completely changed the whole playing field because you needed to come into X Games every year with something new I heard the rumors and I was like yeah right he's going to try that you know whatever I think once an athlete especially in action sports athlete comes up with this crazy scenario in the back of their skull it's on the idea of someone doing a double backflip on a 200 and some pound motorcycle it's on the verge of lennessy it's pretty simple though to understand if you don't pull the double backflip what part of the rotation are you in when you land you know it's in a it's a bad place to be he has a tendency to be to over rotate it he's gonna try to go a little short before he does his event I always go to him give him a hug kiss I love you be safe have fun good luck we kind of say goodbye without saying goodbye and then I leave because I don't want my stress on him [Music] once again there's this this incredible sense of foreboding he is looking somber he is looking scared I have never seen him with his head down and his body slouched and the energy seemed to be drained out of him [Applause] ouch every rider in the house is watching the world is watching it's pure electricity you know some people got their eyes closed some people probably aren't even breathing everybody literally held a collective breath and you could just the whole place at once had paused oh my God this is it you know I might never see my son again thank you foreign [Music] and I saw the landing and when you spot the landing it slows down your rotation and I remember the motorcycle kind of stopped and I thought I just killed myself [Music] holy [ __ ] it worked [Applause] when I landed that double flip and I was riding away and everybody in the stadium felt what I felt that's something that not many athletes will ever get to experience [Applause] [Music] people afterwards said why did he say he was sorry and I said he didn't say you sorry that he did it he was sorry that he put me through that and and I understood that you know I understood that I actually feel really bad for my mom because she wants the best for me she wants me to Chase my dream she wants to support me chasing my dreams she wants to help me Chase my dreams but she doesn't want to see me get hurt and in these Sports you can't have both watching Travis Pastrana doing the double backflip at X Games was by far the most breathtaking feat I've seen anybody ever do with any sport in the history of mankind you can put them in these parameters and people think this is all you can do but then a guy like Travis Pastrana thinks of something totally outside the box and makes everybody scratch a hole in their head going where does it stop [Applause] this is his shot this could launch his whole career right here when second generation of freestyle Riders arrived at the X Games the bar was already impossibly high for Brian Deegan it was time to put his personal competitive goals aside and take a rising star under his wing Brian definitely felt Jeremy being younger than him was like the Next Generation to come up he wanted to help him create that path and make that way we rode together every day and pushed him in his normal everyday business life and I could trust him [Music] [Applause] goes to X Games and you just start playing it yeah the tricks that he had were stunning over to the other side of the bike the world was just like holy crap Jeremy Lusk is the guy he just won X Games like his second time there all right Jeremy lust just added his name alongside of Mike Metzger Travis Pastrana and Nate Adams and Adam Jones is the only people to ever get gold in freestyle Moto X biggest payback I could ever ask for when you give someone's opportunity to help him with something and they pay you back with with the achievement of winning that's the ultimate you know came into the sport he was motivated he was dedicated he went from just being this nobody to being on the top of the sport in two years it's like he won X Games and one Rider of the year he married his high school sweetheart you're in a rush aren't you you just couldn't get everything done quickly [Music] he's down in Costa Rica riding and someone called me and left the message like hey you need to check on Lusk he's at the hospital I'm like whoa really in my head he's tough I've seen this dude crash many times and and so I'm calling the doctors the promoter the promoter is acting really weird like I'm like hey give me some answers he's like well he's in the hospital I couldn't really understand his his English too well you get like kind of scattered report you're not really sure what's going on um but it was real serious I felt like I needed to go there we head out to Costa Rica and we've landed and we go straight to the hospital walking down these hallways and there's like people moaning and it was just like just third world and I said where's doctor where's the surgeon and I'm like what's gonna happen he's like oh he's not probably not gonna make it like I was like no way we have to save them you know and start calling around and saying a Life Flight we got a Life Flight I'm home like this place is a nightmare like there's no way these doctors are doing the right thing and they wouldn't do it they're like he's unstable he can't can't take him because Dad just watched them basically pass away you know there's nothing I could do it's just not really he was a just my best friend so you never want to believe it can happen and unfortunately it happened you know and he's not hearing all we can do is remember how great he was finding out that he had lost his life actually competing in a freestyle event was just it it was this weird like horrible wake-up call for everybody we've all known how gnarly it's gotten to be it finally bit somebody and I think reality did set in in a harsh way I know emotionally it tore a lot of riders up to have someone actually die riding freestyle Motocross it just really hit close to home with all of us is it worth it you know would it make more sense to just go and get a regular job and not have to worry about this it put a cloud over the sport it made the young guys question what they should be doing it made the old guys question should they still be doing it I never thought that throughout my whole career until less died riding his dirt bike that I was like damn I could die doing what I do I remember a tripping just being like please God like don't let me die riding today it took a long time for Riders to throw a leg over their bikes after Jeremy Lusk passed but the sports heart is progression an internal engine of human desire to test oneself and explore the unknown and right again they did have you talked about X Games 1999 a backflip was the biggest deal ever now like you're not even getting to the invited unless you do a backflip the double backflip that limits were only what you couldn't think of and progression continued Chuck Carruthers brought a third dimension to the sport by introducing the body variance which Kyle Loza would expand and refine to win three consecutive gold medals Ozzie Jackson Jacko strong Who as a kid had been inspired by The Krusty movies and the theatrical crusty tour that tore down under showed that freestyle could move forward by flipping the back flip and pulling the front door fellow Ozzy Robbie Madison became a force in the sport by not only pulling Cutting Edge tricks but also setting distance records freestyle expanded globally inspiring Riders like Japan's taka higushino who added perilous technical difficulties to going upside down with his Backflip rock song [Music] Seth continued to jump and set records smashing his hero evil Knievel's record on a Harley-Davidson by going 185 feet he also reached his own lifelong goal going over 300 feet a distance evil himself thought was impossible when Seth enslow is not working as a contractor he does spoken word poetry tours in Australia and meets lots of kids named Seth [Music] Brian Deegan continues to win X Games medals and rally cars and off-road trucks and is raising three children Mike Metzger has set a world record Mike Metzger is raising two children teaching Motocross and working as an artist while doing professional tattoos [Applause] Carrie Hart has come full circle and owns an AMA Supercross racing team and is raising his daughter with his wife Pam Travis Pastrana now tours the globe with his Nitro Circus Action Sports show and is raising two children and in 2015 he would find himself as the Catalyst for the Next Great Leap Forward this time as a mentor helping Aussie Josh she improve once again that the scene at the seaside is possible a triple backflip all right [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign
Channel: Indie Rights Movies For Free
Views: 686,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: full movie, free movie, motocross, motor cross, freestyle, motocross freestyle, Josh Brolin, Brian Deegan, Carey Hart, Tony Hawk, Mike Metzger, Travis Pastrana, Seth Enslow, bikes
Id: 9QtJgPQg-8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 1sec (5521 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 20 2023
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