Red Bull X-Fighters 2012 Madrid FULL TV Episode | Red Bull Signature Series

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the Spanish are passionate in everything that they [Music] do you see it in the Artistry of Pablo Picasso you see it in bull fighting the original Blood Sport Spain and passion it's in their DNA tonight we have the best freestyle Motocross Riders on the planet doing battle right here in the plaza de to Las ventas and as history has taught us in this place two will enter every time but only one can be victorious this is xits Madrid and you're watching the Red Bull signature [Applause] [Music] series [Applause] [Music] s [Music] this show my love made it in my mind because up my [Music] de I'm a I'm baby [Music] [Applause] [Music] it [Applause] [Music] on welcome everybody to the world famous bull fighting ring of Las ventos Madrid I'm Sal masaka and this is the fourth stop of the Red Bull X Fighters World Tour and it's fitting because it was right here in Madrid Spain that ex Fighters was born and for the last 12 years this event has been 100% sold out but you can't have a story without a HomeTown hero and in this case it would be Danny Torres from right here in Spain has won this event twice and we would like nothing more than to see him give this crowd what they came for but enough about me how about we throw it up to Todd Harris and T for more thank you s very exciting to be here in Madrid for the fourth stop of the x-f fighters World Tour the energy is incredible beside me today ex-f fighter Sports director Tess Su Tess before we get to the competition take a look at our matchups here in the quarters for fantastic matchup sat versus the Spaniard malero Vias versus the Spanish favorite tour P versus higino and then the Down Under matchup of Blake Williams and Levi Sherwood so those are the top eight competitors here in Madrid facing off in head-to-head format something we like to call the Six Sick tricks take us through a test how the judge is going to rank these guys well these guys are going head-to-head they only get to do six tricks in this round with a two-minute outside time limit five judges looking at variety execution style use of course and the all important energy so we're getting here in Madrid to release the hounds let's take a look at the season so far in the ex Fighters World Tour the story here is simple you enter the ring stare down your opponent and Unleash Your Arsenal bringing the chanting crowd to a feverish boil unrelenting you take the victory that Waits before you it can seem poetic or violent aggressive or effortless but to win also takes cunning T AET each move a calculated risk the Riders of the Red Bull X Fighters World Tour are here to battle fmx is a game where the rider needs to balance progression and experience risk against reward Rook takes Knight adelberg looks to move from Pawn to King Knight takes Bishop Levi takes to buy 20 years old Levi sh he has got the wi Changing of the Guard Bishop takes Knight Potter takes Glenn Helen check Tod Potter Queen takes Bishop rabau waits in the wings but so does a new breed which king will end the match standing alone Victorious a quick look at the standing so far on the world tour has American Todd Potter on top followed by Levi Sherwood and Javier vas in third place for more on Todd putter we throw it down to the third member of our broadcast team here's Tina Dixon guys I'm in the pits right now and unfortunately Todd Potter the tour leader will not be competing in the finals he took a huge crash in practice and I talked to his mechanic he's actually in the hospital right now but the good news is exf Fighters the rules he can throw this event out and compete later on and he still has a chance at the overall title looking forward to seeing him later on and we wish Todd Potter a speedy recovery when we return to Madrid it's action time you're watching x-f Fighters Madrid on the Red Bull signature [Music] series back in Scenic Madrid Spain while we were away we had our first matchup Japanese writer ago sat versus Mel malero and when you look at Sato out there in front of this Spanish crowd you can't believe he's the oldest guy here tonight 33 years of age should be retirement for anybody but not for this guy the Bold Samurai put in a great ride but then in front of the Spanish crowd Michael molero wow this kid is really coming on strong Todd the 24-year-old from Spain lighting up the sky in front of his home nation and it came down to the judging he would get the win getting four out of the five categories well the crowd is ready for our next matchup and this will be a great one test Javier vas taking on Danny Torres well this Chilean Rider has a very tall order in front of him taking down Danny Torres at home in space this is Danny's house but I've got to say what Javier this year he has improved tfold over last year's riding he's putting in some huge tricks he's about to unleash them here tonight the 28-year-old from Santiago chilling opens it up talk about extension and unbelievable just he held that for a beat longer than you really should that ramp it's 35 M long that's like 115 ft he's flying through the air fantastic way to start back into the arena un Works a beautiful back flip with a variation now what is the key for him going forward knowing that Tores is going to come out and unleash well what Tores tends to do here is he lands a lot of things no-handed but when you're really here in the pressure cooker of Madrid in Las ventos what you have to do is you have to extend everything and execute everything cleanly because you really are under the [Music] microscope the AI coming out again big kiss of death went for the Indian there tried to scissor kick the legs there look at him looking at the judges nodding his head he's trying to take it from them and make them know he's doing well this is a great ride for Javier v he's got to keep his eye on the clock get as much done as he can within that time and remember five judges trying to impress every one of them as he can take those away but Danny Torres with 10 seconds left is waiting in the wings this has been a great ride remember Torres is coming back from injury so it's not a foregone conclusion great suicide no hand to back flip he's the only guy that does that trick with that style and he's claiming it in front of the Spanish fans and I love this one Todd look at how long he holds that judges looking for variety execution style energy and course and wow that certainly brought the fans of Madrid out of their seat and here we see this big laid out look at this he hooks the feet underneath the pegs and then lays all the way back suicide no hand or back flip great run there for Vos so vos's work is done this is the 25-year-old Spaniard Danny Torres he will now be on the clock for his run remember Torres the reigning ex Fighters champion he won it in 2011 and a nailbiter in Sydney Australia but this is his house rushing there into the tunnels this is the difficult thing about Madrid the tunnels are very tight you have to maneuver around you lose so much time big turn down whip from [Applause] Torres and Torres rocking the national colors has them on their feet here Los fantas oh nice over the Super Kicker does the big Superman seat grab Indian air backflip that was actually a risky move because it's such a short space from takeoff The Landing it's exactly what he's working with here taking a different line oh yes he goes for the Cliffhanger flip that is Danny torres's Nemesis he has had so many problems with that back flip variation but not tonight great execution and Bas looking a bit nervous well the defending champ still has work to do as V house looks on remember it's head to-head as The Checkered Flag comes out that will be his final trick all right Tess I know you're not a judge but you play one on TV sometimes how do you think this one ranked well take a look at this look at the extension he gets on that heart attack clip he he's just really emphasizing everything the way he can huge scissor kick of the legs there and that was the brave one over the really short ramp and here the dead bu backflip how on Earth you get back on after a trick like that so here we go variety goes the way of Torres execution goes the way of yos you that Torres gets style course and Torres gets the win great win there for Danny Torres well deserved but not knocking V AAS at all we'll have much more when we return to Madrid you're watching the Red Bull signature series this is X Fighters [Music] Madrid welcome back to Madrid Spain you are watching the Red Bull Signature Series this is X Fighters Madrid alongside test stol and Tina Dixon I'm Todd Harris that is taka higashino now he's in our next matchup he'll be going up against that man the 27-year-old from France Tomas P while we have a moment let's learn more about this innovator Thomas P like every new tricks you really scared because you never know like if you're going to make it safe the IAS to to go like as straight as possible in the air when I'm just taking off my hand from the bar I'm not touching anything I'm kind of like flying in there and that's the um scariest part because I know where I am but I don't really know how low is the bike under me this young man does something that no one else does this is not the best stre competition this is a freestyle competition so you got a hold run freestyle is all about the flip still I'm not flipping I don't want to be like anyone um just want to be different so here he is Thomas P he will be the first one on the clock remember it's a head-to-head matchup with taka higashino who's waiting in the wings and a nice way to open it up I think his boots actually touched the front wheel there he really I mean he just puts a Different Twist on almost anything and the one thing I have to say about Tom is that he can backflip he just refuses to backflip because he doesn't think anyone appreciates the flips he does so he's come up with a completely new run that includes no flips but massive tricks like this the boat and claimed it with the left hand did you see that just incredible even taka higashino has to agree it's one of those moves that you see the first time test and you go what just happened and you really have to see in slow motion to appreciate it and he goes oh the special flip and he pulls it absolutely fantastic riding from the Frenchman you saw the volt Bon varial which very few people in the world have even attempted let alone do and then he busts out this special flip wow I have no idea how Tom pz actually manages to hang on to the motorcycle while he does most of these tricks he is making quick work of Los Ventus here what what a run for Thomas P of France there you saw his manager SE vo looking on very very happy a great run there for Tom p and he is claiming it and listen to the Spanish crowd this is it the Vault watch this though he's on the bike and then he pumps the left hand and claims the trick in midair and I love this the special flip grabs the bike see he's grabbing the seat hole there and somehow brings it back down to earth you talk about progression of the sport if that's not the pitchure of progression I don't know what is such a dangerous trick and he goes out there and just throws it down all right the 27-year-old from Osaka Japan he's got a tough act to follow literally as taka higashino gets things going nice well taka is the X Games gold medalist this year so he's probably going to do pretty well in any situation and he does backlit you just saw that that's the the defining thing between Tom and taka taka's doing the back flips Tom refuses to flip but Tom brings such Innovation to the [Music] sport so far taka has great extension in this run one of the things that the judges are looking for the execution of all of these tricks and one thing you may knock pasz for is that he has to rush those new tricks [Music] nice extension there remember the judges looking for variety execution style course and of course energy so higashino looks pretty comfortable he has yet to uncor his real massive trick which of course is The Rock Solid backflip and there it is upside down let's go of the bike what a way to finish that run and P can appreciate that h cino's not done yet getting it all done too by the way Tess with just a t-shirt on well this Japanese Rider I've got to tell you he is one of the most energetic people on tour constantly has a smile under that helmet and take a look at some of these tricks the big holy grab one-hander Indiana air massive combos with a right side up trick there but watch this let's go of the bike upside down that's the Rock Solid back flip he won best trick at X Games with that one trick here we go the judges have spoken execution goes to higino style to P one more he's got it and he gets it Thomas P is your winner here in this quarterfinal we're just getting warmed up here in Madrid still much more to come on the x- fighters Madrid you're watching the Red Bull signature series welcome back to Madrid Spain in the Red Bull signature series this is x- Fighters Madrid well we are set to go with three athletes who have made it in the semi-finals one quarter still to go that'll be Blake Williams and Levi Sherwood tell you what just to be out here you got to be pretty tough there's no points for toughness the toughest guy in fre time Motocross Matt rabau and Robbie Madison Robbie Madison has to be Robbie Madison is really tough don't know something about the Spanish but Dan terz Dan is tough I think I'm myself toughest competitor just either put too much pressure or try too hard at Red Bull X Fighters there are no points for toughness best riders in the world most challenging courses toughest competition it's not the cry babies what that means is there is no favoritism at the end of the day we can't give guys extra points on pity they have to look at their opponent and see how they can get three out of the five judges on their side we're just looking at the difficulty of the tricks how well they utilize the course if they've got really difficult tricks but only do one type of trick they're not going to do that well we're looking at the form and the flow around the course and in the air that is where the sort of emotion comes into it the emotion of the crowd and seeing the Riders energy that they're putting into their run everybody got picked to come here because they're Elite for all three Side Riders should be like that it's anybody's ball game at any time so here we go with a final matchup in the quarterfinals from Madrid it will be Blake Williams taking on Levi Sherwood and Blake bco Williams he really is tough because I've got to tell you his ankle his whole lower leg is just kind of messed up he still manages to ride and do things like that he calls that the cliff Humper bco running alongside the bikee That's The Sidewinder of the Running Man Levi Sherwood looks quietly confident billco known for pulling out some huge tricks in the past he's got the 360 in his Arsenal and there it is Big 360 Knack knack for bco but it's been a tough year for the Australian to and you really can see he's not riding with a maximum amount of energy Blake Williams and Levi Sherwood our final quarterfinalist here at Dre X Fighters and of course these guys as B goes huge once again have got to be looking forward to our stop down in Sydney Australia this is one of those big down under matchups you see there shwood concentrating going through his run in his mind and Bilco with lots of time left on the [Music] clock oh big he goes for the Superman Indiana a backflip so he's hanging underneath the bike he's scissored kicking the legs now that was interesting he he looked up at the judges and the clock still had 15 seconds is he to get one more hit in or is he going to run out of time he's being smart he's pacing this well because he also wants to bring the crowd along with him and bco one of the best entertainers on tour there he goes for the heel clicker 360 and nose wheelies right in front of the judges to finish so before he hit the ramp the flag and the horn were out and here it is one more time let's look at Billo what' you think Tess look at this the 360 kicks the leg over that Knack Knack where you swing the foot across oh I missed the one-hander on the landing he's trying to add little pieces in here but he still looks like he's riding a little bit rough nice holy grab there gets the Indian Air at the end so a good not great run for Bilco the 27-year-old Australian now sits and watches the man from New Zealand this is really the battle of the tasmine sea as the rubber kid is now on the clock sherard coming out with that huge kiss of death and remember they call him the rubber kid because he bends in ways no others can and it's hard to believe that this guy is still only 20 years old well that's one of those bends we were talking about Todd I mean he goes up and kicks the feet up in this like super can but I call it the antenna because no one else does something like this he looks like he's trying to pick up radio waves [Music] and you got to wonder how the rubber kid would Faire in Las Ventus if they released a few Bulls in here I mean he he can Flex himself out he could get around I'm sure we got to sand him off to Pamplona one of these days to dodge the Bulls oh nice Superman seat grab hard attack style he really hangs underneath the bike there stretches the legs and the body out puts that little extra emphasis on every single trick and the judges noticed [Music] that I got to tell you the execution and the variety of Tricks really looks like it's favoring Levi Sherwood here and when you compare Bilo's holy grab to Levi's holy grab you saw how smooth it was and how effortless it seemed oh look at that that's amazing he goes for the bar hop to Superman upside down on the bike look at this he starts it off with just a gigantic Kiss of Death how on Earth he pulls himself back on the bike I have no idea then this over the Super Kicker see how the feet are extended in the air the body's Twisted I do believe his spine's not actually connected there this is what we're talking about the Holy grab and see how smooth the execution is I'm sure the judges are going to reward that oh on the judges hands now you've got to win three out of the five categories and it's a clean sweep for Levi Sherwood not only winning three of five he gets all five over Blake Williams so our semifinals are set here in Madrid as we take a look at the men who are moving on here at Las ventos semi1 will be Thomas P and Danny Torres and then it's Michael malero and Levi Sherwood we'll have that when we return to Madrid [Music] [Music] as you can see our Spanish friends are very passionate about X Fighters got something that you're passionate about well then why don't you get off the couch and get involved follow us on Facebook and Twitter and you can log on to the Red Bull cager on your mobile device right now we're fired up for the semis Thomas Bez versus the local boy Danny Torres it's going to be a good one o all right thank you very much s here we go first to ride in the semifinals will be Frenchman Thomas P now he does not flip now but he was the first Rider to ever pull a double grab back flip on the dirt is now the time to start flipping test you know I just don't think he's going to do it because he's seen that these tricks he's pulling are so innovative that they're really influencing the judges to give him a good score but he is up against Danny Torres and that's a tall order again he goes there and how does he manage to stretch and actually kick that front tire it's just amazing well we saw p in the quarterfinals he was absolutely electric we saw the Vault we saw the special flip does he need to up the Anning to give the judges something more I think he's probably going to go for the vault here yes he does and claims it again a little bit sideways on the landing big risk there in trying to emphasize that trick but it was considered almost impossible to do that trick and now he has enough time and presence of mind to even pull off a hand before he lands oh there it is again the special flip and he does that one going straight towards the judges so it's got to look really amazing from the judges stand oh Tom just extends things so well and he is probably one of the best exponents of the whip on a motorcycle that actually rides today he shows this in this run here going for the big turn down whip that is just amazing 14 seconds left on the clock he needs to rush into the tunnels he's going he's going for use of course here he needs that Super Kicker and he knows it will he get into the tunnel in time okay we heard the horn but I don't know if this trick is going to be in time wow hanging underneath the motorcycle on that huge whip that's head judge Drake mooy and he's not sure if the final trick was actually in [Music] time well these tricks definitely were in time test again P bringing out the vault bringing out the special flip but was the claim right there the wise move well when he claimed that he actually sent the bike sideways that caused him some problems but no problems with that special flip that was great Danny Torres is really going to have to ride hard to catch up to the scores of Tom P Danny Torres the defending exf Fighters world champion now on course and the Spaniard comes out like a bull nice I love the way he does that hard attack back flip and he really emphasizes every piece of that trick and that's what the judges are looking for remember as we said this is kind of a a real microscope and you have to do tricks perfectly here in Las ventes because the judges are so [Applause] close turn down whip there from Danny Torres perhaps not as big as Tom P though Danny is known for doing that trick here off the Super Kicker huge risk there doing such a big backflip combo with such a small space it's only about 45 ft from takeoff to Landing five categories variety execution style course and energy now I got to say right now the energy clearly in favor of Danny Torres oh listen to this crowd going wild and that is the trick we say is his Nemesis the Cliffhanger back flip he's had so many problems with that in the past but pulled it a couple of times perfectly tonight nice big dead body flip and that one was really extended well Tom P looking a little concerned there I think Todd and I think he should be because this is the best we've seen Danny Torres ride in a while Torres ending it up with a beautiful maneuver he is taking a leap out of Levi Sherwood's book he's going for the front of the bike to the back of the bike bik all in one back flip and that is incredible very very hard to do the fans loving what the the local boy just threw down Danny Torres and there you have it the Cliffhanger backflip a slight Bend at the waist but that is good execution for Torres and I love this the dead body flip extending that body over the front fender trying to win over three of the five judges that gets you a ticket into the final here we go Torres gets variety execution P gets style but it's Torres getting Course Danny Torres is moving on to the [Applause] final so the local boy does good he is into the final here in Madrid when we return we'll have the second semifinal malero and Sherwood square off you're watching the Red Bull signature [Music] series [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] welcome back to ex Fighters Madrid we are with our second semifinal Michael malero his second year competing x-f Fighters and here he is with an opportunity to get to the final but he's got a tall order trying to take out Levi Sherwood here oh and this is amazing for malero in front of the Spanish fans he's wearing the spa Spanish national team soccer jersey and the fans really really have been giving him a great ride here this week he was a Protegé of Danny Torres but I think now he's stepping up into his own spotlight well he's already won the crowd over with his choice of wardrobe that is not a malfunction that is all by Design the reigning world champion espia malero trying to pull up every trick he has in his Arsenal but he really is smart he knows he needs this use of course judge so there in the middle of the Run he goes for the Super Kicker he's using the course incredibly efficiently five judges variety execution Style course and energy you need to win three of those five to move on to the final where Danny Torres another Spanish riter is there waiting nice big heart attack flip now the question about malero is will the pressure get to him in front of the Spanish fans I don't see that so far he looks pretty confident here's the question though for you test is he writing the best routine that he has available or is he writing knowing look at that one-hander knowing that Levi Sherwood is coming up next he just seems to be riding a tiny little bit stiff I mean he's a great Rider but there you saw when he did that trick he did the big ruler he actually had the legs apart but look at this the Executioner to Rock Solid that is a huge combo right side up for meero and here this is what I'm talking about the legs are just slightly apart that is not a perfect ruler when you're looking at execution so the Jersey comes off malero is complete we now shift gears to Levi Sherwood the young man from New Zealand dubbed the rubber kid is on course oh yes another big start for Levi in the semifinals they have 90 seconds on course to pull as many massive tricks as they possibly can to impress these judges and again Levi going for that super kicker early in the run and I just love that trick I love the way he bends and kicks those legs in the air huge super can how much of Levi success comes from the fact test that he shows the judges variations on tricks that other guys may be doing but the way he moves his body around it's like wow I haven't seen that before it's always been one of the comments that judges have made is you really notice the tricks when Sherwood does them because they are so unique [Music] looking young Levi Sherwood on course trying to make it into yet another final again big flip combos from Sherwood and he looks so effortless when he does these tricks that's one of the things that gets in the execution category so often is because he doesn't look like he's trying too hard wow that trick looks simple but is so incredibly hard it's called the turntable taking that one hand off and trying to keep the bike level that was fantastic Levi Sherwood having a great run here remember he is going head-to-head with Michael molero of Spain who clearly has the fans in his quarter after he came out rocking the team Spain World Championship Jersey but I'm telling you on course Levi Sherwood is very exacting as you hear the horn sound a picture of efficiency in using this course ending it off big there is Sherwood and claiming it in front of the Spanish fans if anything this guy is back to his old self he really looks like he's enjoying his riding hanging beneath the bike the big kiss of death flip that's starting it all off watch this the turntable I love how far his left hand comes off the bars that was beautiful execution and there the bar hop to Superman that's mind blowing so it's now up to the judges remember you have get three of the five categories we're even now at two and it's Sherwood who's moving on Levi Sherwood so our fin final is now set here in Madrid and then there were two Danny Torres in the final the defending champion of this event and also the defending champion of ex- fighters from last year going up against Levi Sherwood who after that big win at the first stop in Dubai would like nothing more than to find himself at the top of the leaderboard who will it be we'll find out [Music] next beautiful night here in Madrid Spain inside Los Ventus we are set for the final Danny Torres the defending champion from last year and this hard to believe test this is his first final this year it's mindblowing he's had such a rough year though he's come back from a foot injury and he really seems to be like the old Danny Torres and the Spanish crowd is just loving Danny Torres from Spain the defending champion of EX Fighters now we've extended the timeout to 2 minutes so now you really have to dig deep into that bag of tricks remember variety is such a huge part of these runs and if you keep repeating tricks you're going to get docked by the judges if anybody has variety it's Danny Torres and Levi shood format is the same remember it is five judges and and you have to win three of the five to get the victory variety execution style force and energy oh goes for the Cliffhanger flip there a little more bent at the waist and it it looks amazing but we're talking about tiny mistakes that these guys make that could be the only thing that defines them in the judge's eyes no mistake there though big deadbody backflip just under a minute left in this run for Danny Torres there you see Levi Sherwood looking on with 45 seconds to go for Torres is he watching what Torres is doing or does he already know what his routine is going to be well I think in Levi Sherwood's world it's all about his planned run and what he's thinking he's concentrating now probably running through the whole run in his mind Danny Torres still with almost 30 seconds to go in this run he has made good use of this course all right if you had to break down maybe the areas he needs to work on what would you say Tess well he went for a big trick there where he's going off the front of the bike and the back of the bike we saw Levi Sherwood is doing that very well bar hop to Superman Danny tried to add the scissor kick the Indiana a and I think it just looked sloppy I think that might cost him goes for the no hand to the stage dive that is what Torres is known for he does a cliffhanger and never checks the bars so here we see that big heart attack flip that is Absolut absolutely beautiful but watch this dead body flip again well executed and this what can you say watch never checks the bars that's some guts right there Todd so torres's work is done now all he can do is sit and watch this man and I say man just 20 years of age out of New Zealand Levi Sherwood he got the tour going off right just like this big move down in Dubai I love the fact he comes off the big ramp he's got 110 plus feet to hang underneath that bike and he takes advantage of every single second of it as Tess pointed out we've extended their time from 90 seconds to 2 minutes Danny Torres looking on trying to get rehydrated will he walk away with the title and what a scene that'll be if he does but Levi sure would just a see seems to be so on point here in Madrid oh extra little punch there on that 9:00 neck what he's doing is he's putting the same run down as he did in the semifinals then I think he's going to put extra tricks in the extra 30 seconds at the end nice judges looking for variety execution style course and energy you win three of those five categories and you will be our champion here in Madrid his execution so far has been flawless I mean just amazing to watch and there again when he gets the double grab he holds holds it just a beat longer than anybody else and he's going towards the judges at that moment oh a little bit of trouble there in the tunnel tight Quarters here in Los ventz does not seem to be bothering either of these two guys but Danny Torres looks a little nervous and he should be how about that well here is where Levi is starting to add some tricks that heel clicker flip and these tunnels of Las Ventus are always a challenge for the Riders wow he added something special there we saw the turntable in the last round there he did a Superman off the backat so he swung the legs all the way around that's something new from Sherwood Levi Sherwood as the judges look on they know what Danny Torres has done Levi Sherwood ghost rides the bike how about this celebration [Applause] fantastic run for Sherwood the Spanish crowd enjoyed that run their hearts are with Torres but they know Sher would put in a great run here look at that huge kiss of death flip little bit nose high on the landing and then here he does huge execution on the Rock Solid and I love this watch how the feet come back that's the extra little bit of stee from Levi Sherwood this is it for the title three out of five and it's yours the first two go to Sherwood the next two go to Torres and it's Sherwood takes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it congratulations to Levi Sherwood taking the win here in Madrid and right now let's take a look at our Red Bull signature series moment Thomas P brought a new Progressive trick to Madrid and unveiled it for the first time ever here at Las Ventus Innovation and originality will reward it P A spot all the way to the semifinals Thomas P's special flip he your Red Bull signature moment P gets the signature moment Tina Dixon's with our overall winner Levi you took out Danny torus in his home country in Spain no less You've Won before in Dubai you beat him in Dubai just right now how are you feeling um still Ling at sinking my hands are still shaking a bit uh I knew I had a chance to get on the podium but I really didn't expect to beat Danny especially on his home crowd and it was intense waiting for the helmets to come past so um I was I was P that turned out so obviously yeah well it's your win congratulations thank you very much guys all right thank you Tina well welld deserved Tess uh it was welld deserved look at that Sherwood takes it but I have to say Tom P that fourth place that was well earned and will help him in the tour there's the overall standings Levi Sherwood on top as we make the move north to Munich here's s thank you Todd X Fighters does it again and this time in this Unforgettable historic bull ring with the Spanish people proving they might be the greatest fans on the entire X Fighter tour congratulations to Levi Sherwood for the big win his second this season making him the man to beat improving variety execution and style the name of the game in 2012 next up in the Red Bull signature series the Nike us opener surfing as the best Surfers on the planet will take over Surf City USA Huntington Beach California September 15th on NBC and be sure to catch the next stop of the Red Bull X Fighters world tour from Olympic stadium in Germany that's ex- Fighters Munich airing September 25th on the NBC Sports Network for Todd Harris test and Tina Dixon I'm Sal M Kayla and I will see you next [Music] [Applause] [Music] time
Channel: Red Bull
Views: 1,894,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red bull, redbull, action sports, extreme sports, Plaza de Toros, Top Motor, Motocross, motorsport, World Tour, Madrid, Red Bull Signature Series, Bullring, Levi Sherwood, Thomas Pages, Freestyle, Las Ventas, Dany Torres, Maikel Melero, red bull signature, Red Bull X-Fighters, freestyle motocross, fmx, red bull motorsport, X-Fighters World Tour 2012, x fighters, x fighters madrid, dany torres motocross, x fighters spain, motox, madrid motox
Id: 3Gp-at12RbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 23sec (2603 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 03 2012
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