Off-Road Vs Overland: 4x4 BATTLE

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oh would you like to go to the farm today oh yes what are you wearing well i'm wearing my chile of course let's go to the farm we're going to make a pit here as well what did you call it earlier perfect hello and welcome to car throttle my name is alex i'm jack i'm ethan and welcome back to part two of our off-road build off with brickpot and terrafirma where ethan and jack are doing the whole lifestyle disco and i'm doing the whole like off-roady proper hardcore disco so the plan is we're going to go out into the wilderness that is the midlands [Laughter] yeah we're going to do some driving we're going to swap cars and then tonight we're going to go camp tonight we're going to go camping and then really find out how good a job that we've done and then tomorrow we're gonna go off-roading we're gonna get properly dirty let's just crack on with it because i'm desperate to get going let's go so to kick things off thelma and louise insisted on having a drive in my car to sample a truly memorable experience oh doesn't sound this good is it doesn't sound as refined this is what you want old reliability they don't make them like they used to 30 seconds i've already picked out 100 floors with this car okay go driver so loud i can't shut up what are you saying i don't know the difference here is right this is more old-school mentality this car always wants to keep its wheels on the ground whereas yours electronics sorting you out this is like driver and car at one as mazda says senpai [Music] gin powell horse and driver in one sympatico that's a good rumble though oh i can't beat it do you know what instantly love it the road noise is louder one thing i do find bad give the steering a bit of a quick meaty tug what where's it go this feels way more rugged and it feels way more this is roaring this is proper i will say yours looks better big time give it i'll give you that it's a good face anyway but the terra firma stuff on it just makes it look insane yeah i'm excited i'm really excited to take this off already i'm excited i keep on focusing more on the off-roading thing that i'm excited about because i think all this car can do yeah in fairness it's not the best on the road where are we going i don't know should we dip in here golf is such a thing to do isn't it yeah i don't get it just because you can't do it i can do it watch this first time so overall i think we'll all agree 10 out of 10 for road manners 12 out of 10 for off road and 15 speed off road yeah it's yet to be decided i'll give you a six though for foreign you know at least when you're driving this and when you sneeze you can do whatever you like i could do a journey in this i think yeah is it all right what's that nothing we'll just um work out if it was a left or right up here if i were you i wouldn't drive ours because no i'm driving you won't want to get back in this i'm definitely driving it now let us give you an introduction into refinement so pretend you're not comfortable it's just irritating what because you're not in this one no it's just irritating because it's actually quite good it's one of those cars you just want to just get on the channel tunnel and just drive for as long as you want and then just camp up oh this is foot flat now oh look at us brakes kevlar my bedroom you've got more power you've got more torque yeah more refinement blah blah blah but i just like the old school charm of mine and this just doesn't do it for me in terms of looks at all i think the bumper on it has done a hell of a job making it look more rugged yeah yeah it's wicked and that thing looks mean and solid so you're happy with it yeah yeah really that's great interesting this is everything i want you've got a rough it tonight as well no you see later on at the campsite that's where this thing's really going to come into it okay yeah well when ethan is snoring right in your ear hole he's going to be snoring in my ear huh i'm not the only story there's a test of parts available not everyone's going to have an ethan snoring after testing and critiquing each other's cars it was time to convoy over to our remote destination where we'd be spending the night let's review this as if we're driving okay i don't what does it usually say handles like some rails that's it it's sort of going where i'm pointing it so that's true yeah stop all right driver right stops firing yeah feel that oh is that good do that add that to a review it moves forward when you push the guide pedal down nice nice yeah i like it yeah i wouldn't say that it feels completely at home on the road jesus yeah it's not a car that you want to do the most test with but what i do know is that this will be absolutely badass off-road i don't think his car will be able to do anything more than our car i'm gonna put that out or that's a bold statement as long as you only ever keep one hand on the steering wheel you'll be fine you'll fit right in and also many of you may notice that i'm now wearing a zhilei oh would you like to go to the farm today oh yes what are you wearing well i'm wearing my jelly of course let's go for some fab yeah i look legit as well people look at me farmer how much grain did you harvest uh you know half a ton really half a ton yeah yeah yeah big load big load yeah yeah what are you going to cultivate already done that i actually did it before i harvested yeah that's how i roll in my discovery this is comfortable enough that you could just you just leave one day in this you just disappear and i'll never see you again get away from the wife get away from the kids just get this just go and no one's ever ever seen you ever again and you can just live off the land and you can just sleep on your roof and you can just sit under your awning things are right at home yeah they're fine yeah as the day drew to a close we arrived in our secret forest where we'd set up camp and have dinner [Music] we've made it even that little stretch there that was just so much it was good rolling through here should we just sort out all our beds and living accommodation we're going to make a pit here as well what did you call it earlier perfect so we're going to make that because you've got your awning yeah we don't get wet ethan i think we should challenge you to put your tent up you do your bit i'll do my bit you've got i'm rapper duvet yeah pretty much oh do you do the awning while he does that i'll do this no no just just worry about your place he's already finished he cracked out a stinky pillow yeah you hold that yeah you got it yeah you got it yeah wait wait wait wait wait before you do this i need to get to this zip i'm working get out of here jack go down the right and catch it yeah but you've gotta undo those straps yeah have you undone them on that end yeah wait wait wait a minute wait a minute easy does it air fall you got it yeah go on then oh oh it's very light oh i think it's out now are you thinking just like either are you actually no no well then you've still got all of the sides to put up yeah yeah we'll get to that there you go is that a beer what are you doing you're doing a good job jack i'm actually really looking forward to sleeping in my disco too i think i'm going to be probably more comfortable you've rehearsed that very well i know it doesn't look it because ethan made such a meal at this but it's actually very easy to put up it's just that ethan is incapable here is my bedroom my bathroom my kitchen are you gonna fit in here yeah big time you're not fitting in there lie down in there are you gonna sleep with the back door open well clearly i'm going to have to aren't i oh it's such a shame i'm so tall close it watch your feet i always sleep in the fetal position anyway do you yeah this is the most comfortable way to sleep imagine if i was six foot amazing what you should do though is you should put them out first before putting the audio off shouldn't you yeah steve told us that last week yeah no because i can't reach i can't now reach the last bit i have to put and i told you too this today you let him get in your head sometimes i don't i know we do have a laugh right yeah and it's all them him versus us and stuff but we are going to be sharing that no it's actually hilarious that you think that we're not having three in here i think it's actually too luxurious can we get our table and chairs out oh that's good [Music] it's quite easy actually set up isn't it are you really easy yeah if it pissed it down as well which is supposed to it will be fine yeah yeah well we'll be we'll be banjo yeah yeah yeah how about you alex you'll be bone wet yeah you have a wet bone that's all right i don't need all this no i've got tree cover those beers do look quite tasty don't be a soft girl yeah yeah is there any chance that you've got any left now we've only got 10 left i'd love to but no i've got something for you you can't possibly have anything that we want trust me magnetic finger pow i've got three of them that's got to be worth a bit of reach i'm also going to move over a little bit because it might no we don't want to wow don't come in to stay back a little bit no no you're crossing over there now i'm passing over there i'm in now there you go one for you one for you thanks very much you know after this though fancy maybe cooking some uh some barbecue what have you got have you got um you got bag crisps or something i do have some berry lambs let's cook up a main barbie and uh enjoy the night yeah okay i'll choose it just admit you're wrong because just just a little cheers cheers to me [Music] has anyone got any gavis gone [Music] right so just be real with you a little bit i'm five foot seven i don't have enough space here i think i've made a mistake i'm a little bit envious of everyone else sleeping in tents i'm not going to get mud in the bed i'll go get in the bed first how am i doing i don't know it's good doing it i'm sleeping diagonally i'm going to attempt it anyway and uh we'll see what happens i'm sure i've had worse sleeps how was your sleep broken get me out of this car yeah i didn't sleep well i would definitely have had better look how much space we've got up here this light situation is terrible i can't just see my sleeping bag have you brought it up yeah is it biology i forgot i didn't know goodnight goodnight [Music] i slept really well though yeah i feel good trying to eat so well do you recognize that probably best night sleep i've ever had yeah yeah tell us the truth it was disgusting sleeping diagonally and still being too tall it's just not something i'm used to i didn't know what to do with myself so now i've been quite a lot of pain and i'm not i've come to request some toilet paper otherwise i'm going to be in a bad way so there you go where am i going to put this uh about up here or something okay let's know how you get on yeah make it draw a hand feeling relieved after depositing my very own black forest gato we packed up camp and headed off in the rain on route to a quarry where we'd really be able to test our builds [Music] right so as you can see we've made it to the quarry good drive good drive bit wet bit wet but luckily the sun is out and the the ground is starting to dry so what do you say we put the fruits of our labor to the test by going out and finding out how capable these cars are i think the word of the day for me is going to be articulation whereas for you it's going to be oh lifestyle traction control electronics helping me out that's fine that's fine all right let's find out how flattering your car is by going out in yours first with you as a driver yeah that'll be a good test of how this does everything for you everyone agree oh everyone agrees alright let's go do your heated seat on while we do this because that's that's the beauty of a lifestyle vehicle like this right what i've done here yeah i've put it in d cactus mode no i've not got any cactus there's not very many cactus around here though cacti low range yeah okay so we're out of the motorway into low range perfect and that's basically gonna do it all for me remember you need to keep your thumbs inside the wheel yeah yeah that's it just with your thumbs actually the car is literally doing all the work what oh i mean no one someone has to steer it in the right barely i think that's steering and your hands are just going really all right so alex on this um obstacle here yes whenever you can't see the horizon be on the horizon you just keep the vehicle straight and you stop at the top now yeah whoa whoa i didn't stop stop completely ignored your own advice i must say anything you're doing very well thank you safe and the car's doing very well you're like a mate puppet you might as well be in the boot [Laughter] oh this is a big one go on go on gas gas gas gas gas let's dip down this tight looking one oh oh yeah yeah that looks like oh well there excellent excellent there's me no oh no he said oh [Music] yeah this car is something else so with all the stuff that you guys have put on here i mean it's it's unstoppable and you can live in it yeah yeah later on we're pretty cool just go and have a sleep up top yeah i i can join you no no right should we go yours let's have a go of mine so i'm gonna knock into first gear got low range enabled already come prepared you have to do all that did you did you have to yeah it's a very involving driving experience jack the trick with this car because it's more old school it keeps its wheels on the ground all the time [Music] you can't do this slow slow down this is what you meant to do you meant to stop at the top didn't you and i didn't mean to go over it i know yes yes so i'm just proving that yes you can do it it does it for you oh easy peasy it's definitely not as comfortable is it yeah but it's more involving oh terra farmer are you sure yeah very terrifying if you're not going to hit stuff you might as well not have put it on yeah yeah yeah i quite like that oh nice fair player eats it eats it right now there is one bit that i spotted of course you did i'll point it at it and see what you guys think up there not up there there no no let's give it a go it's like some stairs your radio has fallen out safety feature if in case you've got the radio on it unplugs itself so you can concentrate that was impressive have a little yeah what just happened that was mental yeah so there we go and that's why i've built my car the way it is to dominate everything you have to go around stuff i can save time by just going over it let's find a challenging bit let's go all right so you've brought us here to the what do they call it axle twister actual twister actual goblin i know they sound death this is quite gnarly and i know probably on your screen it probably doesn't look very big and gnarly but for context i'm gonna run it i'm probably what a thousand feet above sea level now yeah 500 the axle on yours is going to be like one wheel in the air there one wheel in the air yeah whereas my axle is like fluid fluid in motion like that it doesn't care about the rules it makes its own rules wow yeah that's hot i think you'll struggle i think so i think it's going to be down to driver don't really give away you have a go i think that's probably why okay shut up bloody hell you are yeah that is wow you want to give it a go in yours now yeah big style i'm going to be more gentle you're wow i've really done something wrong if you're going to be you properly said i had to get it up there i'm not going to have to be all gung-ho like you either be a bit more graceful yeah yeah i mean you're on my team gracefully you know you would go with me earlier easy on the throttle also we're in a fuel crisis at the moment i don't want to waste too much yeah see oh look at that well that did it way better than you don't know i did it so there's literally nothing this car can't do it it's graceful it's elegant and just does everything with it well maybe me and ethan shove a look around we'll try and find some things that they can't do fine show me your worth anything anything anything all right i'll show you my worst alex i bet you can't do this one here he's not doing this look at that bit there it's gnarly oh fake i'll do this [Music] [Music] you can't do this [Music] oh wow that is getting deep he's doing it this time he's bringing in you surf that yeah [Music] next but you can't do this [Music] oh he looks hungry for it he always looks hungry that's true this looks quite treacherous look at what oh i was gonna cut it up nah yeah no yeah no no no no stop no wait he's not out yet guys thanks for the challenge alex this one next oh my god oh my word i mean short of a vertical cliff face it's going to get up everything here next no no no no right so we've now come to the end of our brit park terra firma adventure the cars have been absolutely incredible especially today what are your thoughts it's been emotional really yeah i mean you did have a bit of a cry is it fear fear mostly i love what this does the camping was good it was really that was great good sleep that was a good sleep but that off road is is wicked i mean we did test that we were trying to find stuff that wouldn't get up and he just got up everything yeah there was no stopping it today yeah so i'm super happy and yeah like you said you know they do things very differently ultimately today off-road this was uh this was the champ look at your face is capable though it is super capable everyone's a winner everyone's a winner yeah um so yeah hopefully you guys have enjoyed watching the build process the adventure process because we have thoroughly thoroughly enjoyed it if you guys have enjoyed watching this series and you want to watch more of the same then make sure you subscribe to the car throttle youtube channel by clicking on this link watch more videos down there and a massive thank you to brickhart and terra firma for making all of this awesomeness possible you can check them out in the link in the description below from us thank you very much for watching we'll see you next time bye bye
Channel: Car Throttle
Views: 538,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Car Throttle, CarThrottle, 4x4, Land Rover, Discovery, Off-road, Camper, Camping, Camper build, Overland, How to, Project Car, Adventure, Road Trip, alex kersten
Id: cElMLKN9qio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 45sec (1365 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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