You Tell Me, Will This Work? Off Grid Homestead Pole Barn Build.

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hello folks welcome to our little homestead here that we are trying to build and we are trying to build it on the cheap so anyways what we're doing today is i got to build some i'm going to make some hurricane ties i went and priced them there they're anywhere between 69 cents a piece up to two dollars a piece so i think i'm going to build them myself or give it a good shot i did buy nails i bought the proper nails from what i gather that's what we're supposed to have they have the 10 on the end of them and they are a galvanized zinc zinc dipped i think they call them galvanized uh yeah galvanized zinc dip i believe anyways so their first strong tie simpson strong tie but we're just going to build our own skinner strong tie here is what we're going to do we have a plasma cutter we have some material here so i'm going to go at that and we're going to see what we can do today maybe we can get a few beams up top installed all the concrete seem to set pretty good we didn't take the forms off the outsides yet but they can stay on there but we did use one to set the generator on and we have the plasma cutter set on the other one so we're gonna get to this and we're gonna see what we get done today stick around please folks and uh hey perhaps we'll even earn a thumbs up out of this video from you folks let's get to it okay so it turns out i think the brushes went on that generator so it wouldn't it started to produce power blow a bunch of sparks out and give up the ghost so i think what we're gonna do is we're just gonna use the power off the house we're gonna cut this with the solar that's all we're gonna do [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right now what i ended up with is a strip like this cut now i'll cut that in half bend it and poke some holes in it [Applause] [Music] so we are at ten and a half so so five and a quarter i'm guessing [Applause] oh yeah fighting for [Music] that i'm not going to be too concerned about how straight this gets cut either [Music] enjoy them so we're going to bend those in half blow some holes in them we're going to make sure nail will fit through there first so let's get a nail here and we're going to see the size of that hole so i'm going to clip this to here and stick that in the center there [Music] somewhere a little larger not too much though [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] bear in mind this is not costing us electricity because we're running off our solar so it's not going to be that expensive to make just time consuming [Applause] [Music] [Applause] but just think if i had to buy these they're a few dollars each so now shut this up i'm just going to clap this down i'm going to bend one i'm going to make sure it works okay i'll get my hammer and i'll be right back folks once i get this set up it'll go pretty quickly just a matter of getting this set [Applause] boom there there's one of the ties it could be a little more um square but anyway that's how she'll be she'll get uh screwed into the one beam and it'll come up i mean it'll get nailed into the one beam it'll get come up get nailed into the bottom beams so like i say 69 cents each it doesn't cost anything for electricity here because we run solar the steel was given to me you know just our time so i'd rather make them than buy them right at this point so that's that's what they look like folks blow a few holes in them and that should keep the roof from coming off i looked at buying them in town like i say they're anywhere between 69 cents a piece up to two dollars in some cents so we'll just make our own we're gonna carry on and build a bunch of these and we'll be right back so uh it only took me less than a few minutes to make four of them it's not gonna take long we're gonna put up a few posts and we're gonna test these before i get too crazy and see how these work all right i got to get a measurement up top here and we'll get the first one put on i'm going to go from that post to center and we are eight foot one and a half inches i gotta square that eight foot one and a half inches so i'm glad i cut those i cut these posts eight foot two inches in the bush actually about eight foot two and a half so we're gonna trim these up we're gonna see what we got eight foot two and three quarters actually that's pretty good i'm gonna measure this one down here [Applause] thank you right [Applause] there we'll do it i'm not taking much [Applause] off [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i'm missing these [Applause] no good like that [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh that's cutting perfect man no good [Applause] okay let me take this and square this up a little bit [Applause] much better since i sharpened that here's your buddies heather your buddy's back oh the uh spruce beetles or whatever you love those guys don't you yeah yeah they don't like me how many people don't like those little guys they bite me they do bite they don't bite you though no i'm pretty lucky that way okay see you later here i just do this yeah there you go gone i'm gonna see about setting this up there see how heavy that is i don't think it's going to be too bad [Applause] there are only five by sixes so i'd say it's like a piece of cake but it's not really alrighty [Applause] we'll get this set up um perhaps i'll get heather up here she can run the camera while i cut this up into place i'll slide this out of the way climb up there okay now i'm gonna set one end up here and you'll see how easy this goes or you'll see how easy i think it's gonna go in my mind that will get moved out to there how are we sitting here gotta go to there okay that's good heather yep so a few nails for lucky i won't kick them over let's see how these fit it's gonna go like this here that's all that strings probably right in the way isn't it i think that's going to be good that he is in the way though the holes could have been a little larger on these ties i made but they're gonna work what i like about them is they were much free oh i had to put that one right in the crack didn't i now to keep that straight that might be a bit of fun i'm gonna put the one in the center first yeah that's good there that's good two more then we're gonna nail it on the sides too but i wanted these in here just to be sure they didn't go anywhere that these are special nails too like i said they are got number 10s on the end they are for hurricane ties now the only difference between the ones i made well there's a few differences but these straps are not galvanized and they're also thicker i'm hoping the thicker will be a good thing okay now i'm going to do heather's and i'll trader places put that right in the center again i'm going to keep that out of the crack this time there we go [Applause] okay now they're not bolted down through i may just toe nail them there is gonna be a plate go along here i'm gonna cut a couple plates like this to hold her down so that's uh how that's gonna sit there that's what it looks like now i'm probably going to go cut a piece of plate that comes down over the whole thing to nail it like and then the next one i'll cut like a tee and i'll nail it in i may you just i may just use ordinary nails for those ones but uh i think that's gonna be good and strong once it's on there so let's go get that done heather and we're going to go that's gonna be eight inches so there's eight inches there [Applause] and we're going to want to come in [Applause] number seven that's seven that's one inch here and then we're going to want to go to seven here as well so with that we'll want to mark that like say here you know what let's come in five five seven so we can see another half inch another half inch here that'll run up to see across to here okay so i'm taking an inch and a half off that's eight eight let's go six and a half to there six and a half to here with that there that should be pretty close to here here here [Applause] i see across there i think that might do it heather [Applause] it doesn't have to be perfect we're going to see what we got here now [Applause] that's hooked up already on here [Applause] you wondering what i'm doing heather what do you have a pretty good idea i think i know [Applause] [Music] even the little ones are coming to see me now [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] [Applause] caught right here a little too quick right here that's all good now [Applause] [Applause] here [Music] [Music] uh so [Music] we're gonna light our trailer on fire here [Music] smell wood burning [Applause] now we'll get set here so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] this go somewhere about here there and somewhere about our table here doesn't have to be perfect boom you don't tell anybody i won't oh so okay grab some nails and i'll be right back [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] huh [Applause] gone [Applause] yeah that's gotta be trimmed again almost caught that screw [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] ah good enough so this will actually go like this here but on the other one i'll get nailed like that and they'll get then the center will come here so they'll get joined but not yet i gotta get i'm gonna cross here so i think i'm gonna need my darling to pass me up the measuring tape sure so from here to center from here to center is 87 and a half 87 and a half so that's what we need we're gonna have to pull this back here in a second 87 and a half once i turn this up so trim this first here this will be a lot of chainsaw work let me get my square i'll be right back [Applause] we'll use this string again we'll just run it up and over the beam later [Applause] [Applause] yeah it's good good good good luck oh yeah 87 and a half oh oh [Applause] so here [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] oh oh now we're going to want to move this scaffold back a little bit here you're in the uh puddle thing there okay i just know i just didn't know if uh you were leaving it there and if you did nope i'm just letting you know it'll work i will make it work try to sink too much in there i'll stick that like that there this one here you know what i bet if i took this be better like that right i think so [Applause] this little guy here he's gonna get set up there okay we're not like [Applause] just wait there a minute i want to see how safe this is before you climb up here you all right oh yeah of course that'll be there it's gonna go here like this now this here so we have i have some uh zinc dip nails they're for uh stucco a friend brought us up see they're uh they're an ardoc nail they're probably about three inch so what's gonna happen i don't know if you can see this but this here is going to get put on just like this just like so that's where that's going to go this one here i'm just going to nail this here right now there's one and this here listen up to here [Applause] is that a little excessive maybe maybe it is [Applause] but i don't want it going anywhere i'm sure you folks can understand that not used to this little hammer like a light that's one i think you use right once in a while yeah [Music] [Applause] well folks you tell me you're gonna be strong enough i think so on the wrong side here that's not the side i normally nail on a little weird for me [Applause] i tell you that's tiring on the arms um hey i'm not used to using that anymore used to the air nailer [Applause] uh [Applause] i had to to hand that one [Applause] i don't see that going anywhere in the future now we'll put these other ties under here as well probably don't need them without on there but i'm going to anyways [Applause] oh [Applause] you know there is no codes up here when it comes to building like this but i always like to go a little overboard i look to see what code is and then i try to go a little overboard a little more just so i know it's not going anywhere ever this saves me from toenailing anything down to from the top see our floor joist is going to sit on here once you get the concrete floor down though we're going to build a wall inside these it's going to be all framed in inside now i have one more here to install up that here moved into there i'm pretty sure if i need to i probably could get away with those nails i'm using over there instead of these ones here yeah keep passing it my holes are a little small so that's what's happening it's trying to drive it it's having a hard time driving through the steel as well so next one is i'll make larger holes that's what's happening oh well i'll know that for next time once they go in they go in see i can probably get away instead of these here i could probably get away with these because they're both zinc dipped just these are fatter but they're shorter these are in our dock these may be better than these i don't know it's just that that's what they call for if you look anywhere in canada and us that's what they call for is those for putting these collar ties on i guess these aren't really collar ties these are just my homemade deal here oh well it's gonna either work or it won't right i'll find out if we ever get any big things up here [Applause] yeah once they go in they hold [Applause] so it looks like we're out of time folks so we're gonna put things we'll away back at this tomorrow early in the morning we don't have anything to do early in the morning so we're going to continue on this all day tomorrow here we go babe thank you don't rain okay folks so that's what it's looking like that's that's the uh angle brackets i put underneath and that's the steel you can see that's that's the size of my thumb here and you can see the thickness of that steel i think it's pretty thick it's not quite 1 8 but it's pretty close to 1 8 thickness that might even be 1 8 i don't know and then i did up here as well i hope you can see that up in there and then it did down in that corner as well now i'm going to trim off that corner down there so the other beam sits half and half of that post so that's how it's looking and i did this as well under here so the next one here i put another one on here i'll put another angle bracket up over here and then there'd be another t plate like that goes over here to keep that pretty sturdy that's what it looks like from on the ground folks that's that t-plate i put up there and you can see they are five inches this way by six inches wide and that's what the ties look like under there we made i'll try to zoom in on if i don't shake the camera too much that's it there and that's them there as well in the corner there's one there there's that t-plate and that angle bracket underneath again so there's about 14 nails i think it's 14 nails holding that t-plate on there [Music] you
Channel: Off Grid Homesteading With The Skinners
Views: 30,456
Rating: 4.9440279 out of 5
Keywords: Off grid, homesteading, pole barns, pole building, diy buildings, construction, homesteads, plasma cutters, plasma
Id: O0vQ7KOL-ok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 27sec (2487 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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