Off Grid Cabin in the Woods...Storage Trusses FINALLY

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so he got he managed to get off onto the the back road I'm so off up that driveway can't believe it wow I cannot believe that he got all the way up here it's a 90° turn at the bottom of the of the road at the road look at that those are going to be some really nice trues Wow Let's see if I can help them unload the house is waiting for the trusses look at that wow truss is he's going to try to get him a little closer for this guy has run a trailer an crane [Music] before he had to send the trusses in two bundles because of the weight crane couldn't pick both of [Music] them and's got one in this operator is really good uh this may be a first we had to pick up some plywood figured we needed that much it's a that's a full unit of plywood uh kind of works out to around 2700 lb there's plenty of Bounce left that's why we did it we saw it bouncing entire bounce of course we weren't in a truck when we get in the truck we'll see how that goes and we've only got to go what half half an hour it's going to even out the front yeah that's WHYY on this side it's going to be good it'll all be good where's Chad there's Chad let's go we ready hopefully make it we made it let's get out and see what it looks like we're here and it begins we are ready to put up some trusses on the off-grid cabin and it is as they say some assembly required so we have uh 17 trusses to set there're a storage truss it'll have an upstairs 12 ft wide this way by the full width of the building and a 6ot overhang which you'll see pretty quickly first of all we're going to go and put string we're going to string the North that's the north facing north string that wall and Brace it off so it's nice and straight and we'll use that as our guide so that when we set the trusses the the shallower pitch will be towards the back and it'll have uh a 10 and 1 12 inch overhang and then when we put the subfascia on of an inch and a half that'll give us a full 1T overhang on the back and then we're also putting a porch back there so we'll frame that in after after we get everything thing on it's supposed to be a decent day today tomorrow 70% chance of rain so we want to get as much as we can done today and then uh tomorrow we'll be plying it getting it all set just Chad and myself today the lift will do most of the work so I think we ought to get at it so we're going to pull all that house WP off just kind of put it over till we get get the trusses set and then we'll put U the t111 up and bring uh no we'll we'll put the house Raff up first then we'll put t111 over that Chad put the string up inside and so we can see uh if the wall bows at all it goes in maybe a quarter inch Chad not not white the wall was almost perfectly straight so Chad will be able to push the wall out probably just an eighth inch and then we'll all right I think I'll I'll put a Band-Aid on and we'll do do some trusses so the first thing we'll do do is put up bracing to support those you you have the screws right Tad Perfect all right we'll get finish getting set up in the in the lift and then we'll hook on see what kind of trouble we're in well we have six set we're going to do one more and then we haven't had to move the lift yet so that's been pretty good it's reached all uh it will reach seven then we have 17 total to do then we'll remove redo the lift but after you do this one we're going on the on the North side and we're going to put on some plywood just just kind of tie everything in I guess we're we're going to stop right now and we're going to put at least the first five-footer of plywood on the back on the North side the wind's picking up a little bit I just want to make sure we don't lose it okay so we're up here we've snapped the line at 4 feet we actually went 46 and 3/4 so that'll allow uh the subface to be put on and plywood come out flush to the edge top edge of the subfascia we're going to put a five-footer on to start that way it creates the one put overhang like we always do and uh yeah oops I got set over one more Chad just nailed all of this we nail it we go in on this end and nailed to this truss so it's centered all the way then the line that we snapped over here will'll pull it up or down as needed and it will automatically Square the [Music] roof hey Chad I could go with a three-footer as well it's a pretty good view of Mount Washington over that way snow covered which means it's coming this way at some point you can actually see it the peak of the mountain goes up above the clouds we've been up there on Mount Washington and the winds are pretty stiff up there almost blew my daughter away one day so I'm standing just about at floor level I think can definitely see the mountains over [Music] there oh three okay it's amazing how just this little bit of plywood will stiffen the whole structure and the winds it feels like it's picking up so I want I don't want to take any chances all right I feel good about the gooder about that [Music] put probably could do a three squaring up nicely I like that much better all right back to trusses I'll pull it out a little more you got [Music] that that out over enough y okay we repositioned the lift see how this see how it goes it got to go to [Music] you [Music] number eight out of [Music] 17 so we're up here Chad's down nailing it off down there where is he there he is he got that you can see starting to look pretty good you can see the floor developing 12 ft wide it's going to be the full width some reason the lift stops occasionally unbeknownst to me you can see that porch overhang looking really good 6 ft very nice going [Music] down I'm ready there yep what's that eight yeah one two three three I guess you could put a five on first and then three eights hope so [Music] I [Music] wrong [Music] yes hey so we're back day two of setting the trust setting the trust presses should get them all done today it's 70% chance of rain this afternoon it's um close to 8:00 right now in the morning hopefully we can get it all done get some plywood on we could set it on on the basket now and then I'll pick up a little weight and then spin it on the basket does that work coming at you coming at you like you ain't ever seen fall who's your mama okay so there we go yeah so you're going to go all the way that way hold on just a minute let me get out of there okay going up a pinch going up a pinch is it going to clear the house that I can I can roll away a little that good perf nice wow this is this was easy why didn't we do this yesterday Chad oh oh you going to Mark him now huh oh okay I guess it wait I marked them all yesterday he marked them all yesterday that okay hold it who can you go out with yours Chad I'm kind of wedged between the I can't get around the control panel there I'm good okay well it's uh tipping it's got to go to you the truss right I'm coming uh a couple feet how's that I think that actually is pretty good angle right there all right let's go inside and just see what it looks like from inside starting to look like a house it's going to be a really nice storage area or they they'll actually have room for a full bedroom and full bath up there the stairs will come come up somewhere in here so we're going to be uh redoing one of the trusses we'll header it off everything correctly so they can come up through here all right let's go back outside and get those trusses up perfect last one W I'm talking about it going to do the last one I feel like doing a moonwalk cuz it's the last one I'm doing the moonwalk on the basket don't I don't have much room to do this come on to me a little bit oh yeah what that's perfect perfect perfect hit it hit it boy now oh like that ready yeah yeah [Applause] perfect more okay that all right we're going around to the uh the other side and plywood there it is trusses are all up so now we're gearing up to do the plywood on this back side everything line up really well you know I've got to try [Laughter] it a lot of room up here well let's do uh let's do some roof plywood gun caught on that okay try it come on up yeah oh yeah this fur plywood is really grippy as Gabe would say uh-oh here yeah back over there yeah yeah I can hold the sheet and we haven't oh we haven't marked that or anything I'm going to lay down why don't I go over and I'll make a mark make my mark and that was I know what it was so 2 4 6 8 can you Slither Slither that over to me up yeah that's all right you you did what didn't SL it myself yeah Dr yep that is perfect that would have been perfect if I had Nails in [Music] it eight [Music] for he go Moon walking uphill wow okay oh I don't know Michael Jackson he's he's like this yeah ready I think left though I think Kai is jealous 9:30 I think we might get it before break 9 my phone oh wow yeah officially typically we're doing 512 roof pitches so the 612 is just a little bit more I mean you not it's noticeable as far as steadiness on the roof but I got supergrip shoes what do you got you got Bruns wow when did we get those last May May yeah 5 months of everyday use 12 hours I think uh is that something like well that's the peak so if we hold back 2 in or an inch two foot yeah a twoot rip that'd be all he's good enough to three let me get it I'm walking on the railroad oh no more that got it [Applause] y is's a what wall stone wall [Music] [Music] Jackson done yeah two foot on the five huh starting on the five yeah [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] you have any nails with you you don't have any nails with you oh Can I some more Nails Chad wow this back down this is all uphill yeah it is wow one side so we're going to put a row of ice and water Shield across the bottom and one up each side work might be so it's uh right right here it's a foot steeper pitch than a 512 right here we a foot higher we could be down a foot I agree we could almost be you what I agree we should yeah maybe we can redo the TR be higher two and a qu yeah I like it okay this closes out this video we still have to finish that and we'll be working on it for a little bit more but uh we'll be back the next day it's supposed to start raining at any minute any minute so uh we're going to try to get some of the sheet some of the uh roof wrap on the back side front side whichever side the opposite side of where they are okay hope you enjoyed it and and uh have a great day
Channel: Kens Karpentry
Views: 113,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 765ATeIjBSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 9sec (1989 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 23 2023
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