building a cozy off grid cabin in the woods start to finish

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I think everyone would love to have a little cabin and in this case it was my wife she wanted a little place with a great view that she could do some crafts some artwork and just hang out and enjoy the wildlife and the scenery so find yourself a comfy spot and I will show you how I built it first thing I had to do was get rid of this limb it was about 40 feet long overhanging the entire cabin side didn't want that falling on it I use this rototiller to level the building site just a little bit take down some higher spots and it also made it a lot easier to dig the post holes for this build I thought I'd try a little different method for layout basically I built the Box squared it up and then pulled string lines and then pulled the Box part and took it out of the way it worked it was simple but time consuming and extra steps no probably not the way I'd go next time foreign [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] a little different than normal because I've already got these headers cut I'm just gonna put the header in place where I plan on putting the window which she wants them close to the end so it gives a look to where there's you know almost no corn since I ordered the lumber from a friend of mine I figured I'd just have them cut headers to the right width that way I'd save time and not have to nail boards together it worked out pretty nice oh yes you really think he helped me I've never been a big fan of wearing gloves while I work but with this roughs on Lumber freshly cut by the way there's a lot of sap you almost need to wear gloves [Applause] I'm starting to notice right now that this wall is a little heavier than I want it to be luckily my brother was available to give me a hand it's not that bad what kind of walls you've been standing man are you slippers don't lean on that no these are not for kicking walls evidently a little farther you could take that take that first three three right there helps if I hit the nail huh yeah it's gonna look awesome [Applause] foreign this wall is a lot shorter I figured I could lift this one by myself the other bad thing about rough sawn lumber is it's a lot heavier because it's not as dry but I managed [Music] it sure is cool when you get a couple walls up you start to see the cabin take shape you see your windows and get a better idea what your view is going to be like just a great feeling foreign [Music] I really enjoyed building this single slope roof a lot easier a lot quicker less steps pretty simple [Music] foreign cut this three and a quarter inches short of 16. my steel is 16 feet at 5 8 inch fascia on each end so I'll have five eighths five H give me an inch and a quarter and then an inch overhang on each end leaves this the right length foreign foreign foreign pretty good here foreign foreign so the wood stove is going to sit against this wall that has to be 15 inches off the wall I'm gonna go 16. that would put the chimney at 18 inches off the wall probably gonna remove this rack for an idea of how it's going to look I'm using this setup right here it's going to have this cathedral ceiling support hanging down and what I need to do is frame in a 12 by 12 box so here with this rafter or I could go here I'm going to put it over here it'll be easier to frame a box right here [Music] foreign hanging this last board can be pretty Tricky by yourself that's why I put up temporary stopper board on the end so it butts up to it then I just clamp it in place and screw it [Music] foreign [Music] framing in the box that you mount the chimney support on the directions call for 12 by 12 and I made it 12 by 12. it was pretty tight I could almost see going just a hair bigger I want to keep my nails outside here or here so that when I screw through there's no chance I'm going to hit a nail so that's what I've got a frame for that boot to screw into that way I don't have any screws that Miss good seal no leaks see what I mean maybe 12 and a sixteenth would be a good idea that doesn't look bad I'll go with it [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] dropping [Applause] do you want to cheat that one just to fuzz yeah why not [Applause] normally shooting a building I would just throw sheets up and cut the windows out but I was trying to be as cheap as I possibly could on this so I strategically cut all the sheets and I think I was able to shave off maybe two three sheets foreign I thought about skipping house wrap but I had a great plan I figured if I put this house wrap on run side of the entire building left the windows off I could use a pump sprayer to stain all the siding and not have to cover any of my windows and it worked out pretty well foreign well we got some snow so naturally I decided it was the perfect time to put the chimney in great timing on my part oh committed now it's like a peach heat shield and these tabs that's what it's going to look like from the end in my Rush Steel like that I marked six inches that way six inches that way here we line my template up with those marks draw a circle which I have to put the camera down I really wanted to show the entire chimney installation process but of course like everybody knows once you start a project you find that you have to run town for more parts mid project and I ended up installing the rest of the chimney in the dark with a headlight while it was snowing not a lot of fun but I got it finished [Music] [Music] [Music] Tina wanted to have a few outlets in this I think I put four in this cabin probably won't have its own solar kit which will more than likely be running this off the power station which is all right it worked just fine thank you foreign [Music] I would have to say my favorite part of the bills is doing the tongue and groove goes quick it's easy and you see so much progress just love it so much character to it too beautiful wood [Music] thank you foreign worked pretty good the Tyvek kept all the stain out of the building and I didn't have to tape any windows that could have went better soaked and I got a face full of snow closer towards you it's not really tight in the corner down here a good friend of mine let me borrow this battery powered nailer man it made this work a lot easier foreign [Music] foreign [Music] found these doors on Craigslist a while back we're going to use them for Windows I'm gonna cut them down but I need to drill a hole make sure that there's no glass where I plan to run myself foreign foreign foreign foreign [Music] foreign I really wasn't sure about having a dark stained ceiling but that's what Tina wanted to do and it really turned out nice it's a great contrast foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] for some prep work I'm using all the leftover and damaged tongue and groove for window casing and trim so I'm hanging out in the shop doing a bunch of prep work and definitely enjoying this fire [Music] here's the stove for the cabin I'll have a restoration video up on it separately soon [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] because I kept thinking blue and gold together it makes me stand up [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign every time I hit the chop saw this dog comes running thinks he's getting a stick all right foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] she cleaned it up and painted it really nice I'm really happy with the way that turned out foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign I used Ash that was left over from my cabin build to do this door frame and that stuff is so ridiculously hard you have to pre-drill every nail or it'll Bend right over [Music] foreign [Music] I should be pre-drilling these I'm really screwing up by not pre-druggling foreign [Music] all right whoa finally finished one more cabin in the books Tina's happy she's got a nice little hide-a-bed love seat in here so we can sleep out here it's got one heck of a nice view the double windows in the corner almost makes it feel like there's no corner at all get the wood stove cranking it's a nice cozy little cabin so thanks again for watching and I think I'm gonna go relax enjoy this cabin for a day see you guys next time
Channel: black spruce
Views: 3,210,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: off grid, cabin, off grid cabin, cabin in the woods, she shed, cozy, relaxing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 38sec (2198 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 17 2022
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