Building a Huge Farm Shed - FULL BUILD

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ah the rock had to move the whole barn  and cut a rock in the way of the flag   probably we're gonna have to move the  whole thing over that way a little bit why don't we pull up we try to move this junk out   of the way first okay so we're  throwing in the bucket all right there it went there it went thank you right there and put that on the inside you got it  Plum however yeah all right we're about 3 8 of an   inch off that's a quarter of an inch off it's an  eighth of an inch I think we can work with that hey I think that's working all  right I think that's working hold the poles I'm gonna snatch it great yeah oh  yeah there it went but that I think that did it   [Applause] is it going at all we got 34 8 and a quarter that was 34 8 and  a quarter checking Square on camera is a   bad idea and that's 34 7 and a quarter what  could possibly happen ship it yeah daily oh right over there so guys we need the tractor for the next  step here to get the pup tops off of those   posts but real quick y'all know Howard  already this is Larry over here and this   is Richard and uh we're doing the best we  can to get this thing up and square so I   figured y'all would like to I would like  to meet the crew here go away all right I'm not totally sure how I feel about this I'm not either but what I mean what what can we do what what was that headshake about?   okay so you're catching them on  the lip down there is that working I'm Gonna Roll back towards y'all I guess well you want to lift it up a little  bit and see how it acts you're going   to tighten your strap some more back  there oh yeah I should probably do that if there's anything I can  say to help just let me know I need some bolts appreciate it all right y'all the trusses are up oh the two edges where all right whoa now you can come out well guys I'm happy to say that is over that roof  was getting really really hot and I don't know if   you noticed but I had sunglasses on last week when  I was working on it I came down at one point and   I noticed that my vision was just really really  a little bit too bright it didn't look right so   I had to find a pair of sunglasses and there's no  way I could have worked up there without them but   that's got this intersection he's he is planning  to put some sheds out beside here as well and   he's also going to put some braces in here he's  either going to put cable braces between some of   these or he's going to put some siding here with  some bracing there as well so it's it's really   kind of interesting this is a pretty heavy shed  heavy shelter but it's actually it actually moves   pretty bad so he's definitely gonna have to have  some bracing in between some of these to keep it   stable if anybody who's wondering this did not  happen with the 10 up there even though I wasn't   wearing gloves for this I was processing chickens  yesterday and sliced this finger right here it's   it's uh it's healing up pretty fast though well  guys I really appreciate you watching this video   this video was a month and a half almost two  months I think in the making and that was just   working one day a week and that was with me and  Howard and Larry and Richard helping out so four   or five people working on this and it still took  one day a week for a good month and a half this   is a pretty pretty major project here it helped  out that those trusses were all prefabbed and we   had all the 10 and so forth he had did actually  have to go back and buy a couple of more sheets   of tin because it was all prefabbed for 20  sheets of tin but we ended up leaving some   overhang on the ends and we needed 22 sheets of  10 but that worked out pretty good and it still   came out perfectly as far as measurement goes and  that was just by chance we kind of lucked out on   that one but now I should be able to have some  extra time to get back to the remodel project   I had several people in the comments on just  about every video that I post asking when I was   going to start working on the remodel project or  how's the remodel of the living room coming well   I should be able to get back on that really  soon so expect some videos on the remodel of   the house really really soon and I guess that's it  for this one I'm pretty tired that wore me out up   there it got hotter and hotter as the day went by  and I'm glad it's over because that was that was   pretty rough I'm sure I needed a harness up there  because it was pretty sketchy at some spots but   um nobody got hurt nobody fell and  it was a good project so I counted a   success I will see y'all on the next  one and thank you all for watching
Channel: Fall Line Ridge
Views: 250,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fall line ridge, homesteading, farm, farm shed, shed, metal trusses, work
Id: MGlg2120Z3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 17sec (1577 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2023
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