Off Grid 2 KW Axial Flux Wind Turbine And MPPT Dump Load Controler Build

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hey everyone so uh in this video we're going to rebuild my wind turbine um my first version of it I made before I even had this bit of land so a long time ago and it was built for a 12 volt system and this is 24 volts so it's span too fast it didn't work right um so now I know what I'm doing with it and I have all these lovely tools at my disposal we're going to rebuild it and we'll do a proper job of it make it much higher voltage suited to the system and we're going to make a control system for it as well so uh yeah I've been working on it now for about six months on and off and it's finally finished so let's get to work and rebuild a wind turbine winding close so I made this little cool one the coil Winder it's just out of uh plywood so this wind turbine is going to be quite big and it's got uh 12 coils 150 turns of wire it's also chunky wire I can't remember the exact size I worked for that a while ago yeah basically it's gonna be a monster um and I've got big magnets so that's why the hole in the middle is so large and everything interacts with each other so if you've got big magnets you need to have a big hole in the center of the coils and if you've got a big hole in the center of the coils then the outside of the coil is going to be baked so then the rotary gets big because it's all got big the distance between the magnets the air gap gets bigger so the voltage drops and the more turns to account for that or more coils and then it gets bigger and everything just is a trade-off with everything else as it is with these things often yeah just uh winding the coils so I'll get one wound with you do it like that out of the way you start out trying to keep these all in line and all perfect and back and forward and over itself but it just doesn't work let's give up in here Neil gets cast in resin anyway just wind it on there basically just trying to keep an even tension yeah 150 turns so they get pretty big about 30 meters a wire I think in each one all right once that's done we gotta poke the other end up and then I want to get a bit of tape through here to hold it while we do it put a bit of tape through there take a good round a little piece of wood that's uh wedge-shaped wood so I don't hurt the coils just work that off of there foreign with the others as you can see it's going to be quite big so that would be red Earth color whether that is green it's a red Earth color green red that's kind of green red Earth color green red Earth color green yes it's gonna be like that big the stator it's a beast we've got our coils wound just working on making a template like a jig for uh the coils to cast the coils in resin this video will get too long if I go through everything in absolute detail so if we're just gonna show a rough outline of it foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign got my 3D printed uh divided well magnet um template I suppose the magnets are actually going to sit in here but I can use this to check that my coils are lined up so I'm still printing another one but it looks like it's gonna line up because that is Central to that so yeah see we're lined up there on that color there on that color there on that color and we will be there and then when it rotates round to say the Earth colors there so it's rotated so it lines up with them so it's like it's hard to do right so that one's a tiny little bit hot so just rotate it around so just go around like that checking them just check the It lines up with four at a time what up here's my terminals three phases four coils in each phase to the power or the root of electricity is from phase one the Reds goes around the coil from the outside to the inside and that comes around here from the outside to the inside that comes around here from the outside the inside that comes around and then the outside to the inside and it joins up here with the three phases joined at the end checked it three times it's right ready for casting out some resin putting talcum powder in it as well to fill it out a bit and to help conduct heat there'll be too much filming with this because I need to uh really concentrate I'm getting a bit worried here I'm going off it's gonna be very close that's for sure I didn't really go to plan I think I've managed to save it air bubbles trapped under it get out of there yeah I think I just need to get the thing on now and stop messing about because um yeah I've had a I haven't managed to get these up to the surface they're meant to go through the top and bolt down so they didn't get filled with resin but that hasn't happened but it doesn't matter the Metal's still there and still tap into it it's not going to be an issue so I just need to get the top on before it sets up too much just about had enough getting the top one didn't quite go to plan but I reckon we were right I hung about for a bit trying to get all the bubbles out but I don't know how much I succeeded with that we're getting a bit of squeeze up we might just about done it time to demold to the stator and as you can see she won't come out yeah it's a bit annoying normally or last time I did this I used uh stuff called melanin it's um like Furniture board and it's got like a really hard white perfectly smooth durable surface to it my plan was to get that in 18 millimeter and which the size I needed and make all this like that but when I went to go and get some they didn't have any they did it in 12 mil but nothing in 18. so I got this uh particle board with the same white facing which I thought was like a white face but it's not it's basically just painted on and that's why it's all got stuck but there's no big deal because I shall get it off and it will be fine it's all getting painted anyway you see there's me resin and there's just the paint for the particle board it looks like what we got on the inside is not too bad a couple of voids I must have had some big air bubbles um so I've got a little couple of repairs to do so I should have slowed down with it really I was a bit panicked because you've got to get out of the pot it starts trying to catch fire on you if you're not kidding I was a bit worried about that but I should have taken a bit more time to agitate it and get the bubbles out but I can fix that no problem yeah on the sides and that actually looks quite good I think we can Rescue It yep see where it stuck to the shiny tape no problems getting off just that stupid particle board where is it chipboard yeah not even chipboard what is it I can't think of the name beer I'll get it we'll rescue this hasn't come out too bad in the end so right there it's actually nice and flat I've got a few air pockets but I shall fill them in before I paint it I can see the coils and they line up well if I line up say the Earth Earth color not actually Earth line them up to the middle like that see they line up yeah so I'm pleased with that and that one will line up there so yeah pleased with that yeah came up well my connections aren't too far away from the surface so I'm going to get to them I'm gonna end Mill in nice and tidy and I'll be able to get to them yeah sorted foreign holes but I'm going to let this set for a few more days yet [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] but this is a big lever I've got quite a lot of control um and the stop buttons there I'm ready to hear so I can't get it on the lathe this big and let's take the Gap out I don't really want to do that so a little over this I say getting a bit dodgy with the with the End Mill because it'll grab a little Burr shouldn't grab so much even if did it'll it'll break or bend so we'll do it like this now oh it was uh working on this video for so long of course about six months that I ended up losing some of the footage of plasma cutting so I uh I plasma cut these parts out on my extreme CNC plasma table um and these are the brackets that hold on the stator foreign foreign foreign north south north south all the way around um opposing yeah let that dry clean it up give it another coat of paint and do the other side it's got ahead of yourself I needed to weld these on um there's a bit of a pain now but we'll be right I can still get in there just be careful not to get too hot yeah well done reloaded the middle in and it's working as you can see the little shavings dancing around as they're supposed to work in their way around there's quite an image of the other flux works from the magnets and I'm getting a little bit of voltage too it's just between phases to the phases let's see what we go see we're making voltage there what's that 20 volts good foreign foreign it's had a bit of a coat of paint it's going to need more painting and stuff it'll have to come apart but it's that is a good coat it needs a bit of a clean up with these raised bits but I'm going to test fit and um it's done he's mounting as well knowing they're finished but we did test fit and check what voltages we get right let's find the mark there is and this one's got a mark on it as well there it is actually beat like that that's it there it's lining up some of my calculations have worked well so look at the output look six volts 10 12 13. there he goes about 20 there oh geese are up it's 22 so now we are charging about now this would now charge my batteries and we're only at about 60 RPMs that's great so it's going to be much slower than my other one yeah please do that that is really good it's exactly what I wanted so we're charging now it's got some serious talk like if we give it a little bit not a lot just a little bit like that watch this if I was short out these terminals look at the top this thing's got ready and moves itself and it weighs about 30 kilos try again but this is showing out to stop it ready and [Applause] the Beast so I'm happy that this is all working electrically sorry that's probably a big bang but electrically it's all working right there's just a bit of Tidy Up and paint to do but now I need to start working on mounting it and stuff but it's so heavy it's such a beast this thing but I've got to take it apart to do that that's the next job we go I did film cutting all this out and designing it all but uh lost the footage unfortunately it's a fairly basic shape so I'm going to get this cleaned up a bit and then uh we need to make a big Contraption on the back to mount it all foreign so I got this hob this is on my Land Rover all these bolts are sheared off in it so uh I think I can make it work for this wind turbine because it's already got all the tapers and everything first and taper roller bearings so that will be nice for it to spin on so if I can make this as a mount that mounts onto the pole and it spins it's got a slip ring and everything be a much better system we're gonna try and uh see if I can use this foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign just made this part I only had a piece of tube I didn't have a piece of Steel long enough to um to make you know to turn it down as you as you really should do so I welded this extra material on there turned it back so this is gonna slide in there like that and we've got a taper roller bearing on the other side as well hang on yeah we've got a taper roller in there as well I don't know there we go and then that big nut clamps it on and then we've got a mounting point for a spinning mount for the for the wind turbine put this nut back on here might still modify this because at the moment the seal doesn't fit it's a lighter World a bit more on there so the seal fits onto it but we'll see about so I did end up extending that shaft uh sorry that area so I can mount the sail in there um so I've put in some copper grease because I see any grease I had I'll put that seal on there I'll do that a bit tight I know perfect perfect in something [Music] could have gone and purchased like a stub axle or something that would have done a similar job but this is all stuff I had so now we've got a nice rotating point so now I can mount that to the Mast and I've got our Rotator on top all right that's welded on spins well it's just hitting the bench that's why it didn't sound great but welded on rotates well so I'm at the point now where I need to take the old one down and copy some stuff off it so they have to work it all out again let's go and do that foreign thank you there we go that works right got it propped up it's pretty safe it's not that heavy so all right the new one's gonna be heavy though there is a remake I'm not going to take parts off this because I want to keep it but um I am gonna uh use its coffee because this one works fine so there's a bit of corrosion started here still all right though surprising it's a good job of taking it down but it's uh it's got a decent sized crack in it so it's come started at the the bolt hole which we'd expected to start I suppose but uh yeah it's cracked I've got some good use out of it though and uh it's probably still repairable it hasn't duffed the connections because it's um it's still working so it is fixable so yeah a friend of mine is a probably gonna have this it'll probably do a really nice job of doing it up because he's a well rough the guy he's on the hydro stuff I think he might end up having this if he wants it once the blades off [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] all right hey everyone it's a new day we're getting somewhere with the wind turbine now so uh rotating around on its uh on its bearing it's got its offset angle so when the wind hits it's trying to turn it out of the Wind and the tail which is offset at an angle here keeps it in line so the forces on the tail keep it straight winds constantly trying to push it around its axis like that the tail keeps it straight until the wind gets too powerful and the tail can't hold it and it will rotate out of the wind and the tail will come to the side and it fails it's called furling it's a protection mechanism to stop it from uh from destroying itself and so that's why it's offset like that so it's always trying to rotate out tail keeps it in line until a certain point once the wind overcomes the tail with too much force on here it rotates out the wind and the size of the tail dictates when that happens yeah but I'm pleased with that that's a nice job and this is going to be much stronger than the other one so uh today I'm going to carry on we'll keep making this well it's working on the furling tail now so uh tail will be welded on here and as this rotates out of the wind the tail will swing around and come out of the basic Twisted turbine out of the wind so if you imagine the Tails there it will rotate around like that out of the Wind we'll start making the tail now so yeah it's just a slot cut out of a piece of old scaffold tube pretty good fit on there about right that is we don't have it too tight and still went too loose just heard a big Roar at the door oh there she is there's a big raw that I heard hello princess hello oh aren't you lovely say hello to your fans oh you need to come help me in the workshop the other thing to note if anyone's actually using this as a guide and to make one of these things is the uh turbine sits backwards a little bit slight angle not actually sure too much why I just know that you get a slightly better efficiency if they're slightly slightly backwards as you can see it sits back a little bit foreign I've gone with the plywood um what would you call that tail plate tail fin because when I change the blade size I'll have to make that bigger so if I make it a metal I'm going to have to read it to supply with one for now of the right size for those blades thank you so that's that done so now I'm going to weld a tube on the bottom of a flange plate that I just made and then that goes on to the turbines Mast so it's removable but we're on a nice bearing sealed bearing taper rollers it's going to be really nice there we just made that's our part that attaches to the Mast that hole we bought out is the size of the Mast pole so that gets work that locates in that Center hole we've put a little a bit of a recess in it to get plenty of weld in there because this obviously needs to be really strong and then so that will slide on the pole and fit on the pole with two bolts so weld that on next it's a bit tight where I drilled the holes and there's a burr on the back should be right you know it's really heavy [Music] right I'm gonna get the uh wind turbine all put together today I've just put the first magnet rotor on it was absolutely chucking it down the weather's pretty brutal it's very windy and um yeah so it might be a bit of a challenging day for filming but uh we'll do our best and try and get it up today maybe tomorrow we'll see quite a bit to do still all right so I've got the first magnet boat run as you can see I'm only at the stator on top very very heavy total weight is about 80 kilos once it's all assembled thank you guys that way around foreign spacer so you can get to all the bolts that have stick out under there and then that's going to be weldeds there on those and then the blades will come and bolt down to these and I'll turn the rotor on everything because uh I got a world of little pot spot but I'll just uh take a bit of the paint off where I need to weld it I won't be able to get in here with the brush foreign [Music] 's been designed around bigger blades these are 1.5 meter blades I've decided designed this around 2.2 meter blades um so it's not going to be running at the most efficient but it was still going to do a kilowatt you know normal winds which is significant but when we put a 2.2 meter blades on we'll be up to well over two kilowatt on it and you know rated and you know probably pinky that sort of fork it was enormous amounts of energy but for now we just want to put this back up and test that all the stator and all the technical governance is working all right and then if it is we can improve the blades from there got quite a uh quite an interesting problem to deal with today so I don't know if I'm going to be able to put this up because it's currently windy windy enough to make this to a kilowatt um it's also been raining all night and wet so hydro's going at Full Tilt and we've got four kilowatts of solar coming in and I actually don't have anywhere to put the energy if I was to turn on everything I've got the inverter everything the inverter could do I still would have more energy than I can use so unless I actually actively switched the solar off there'd be nowhere to put this power so I need to address that situation before I put it up really there's just too much energy coming in thank you I need some steps are you okay then right I got the uh got the blades mounted I'm having a bit of a hard time filming today because it's so windy and it's too windy for me to put this up unfortunately but it's all mounted it's all together she's gonna spin it round and get the tail on right so just a final nut and bolt check because I know some of these came loose during installation and then uh we shall put it up the only thing I'm worried about with it is essentially this pole I have beefed it up I put another scaffold tube over it um we'll see one thing I can absolutely guarantee you about wind turbines is this going to be coming back down again because the two things they love to do is make way more power than you ever need and break so the two favorite things in the world so I've run out of uh the 16 mil nuts so I'm just gonna put two lock nuts on one each side opposing each other that'll just be security so we definitely know that those two won't come out be visually um visible from you know underneath so I'll be able to see if any have rattled out but as long as we've got two lock nuts on there it's definitely not gonna fail I just thought I'd address something I know a lot of people are going to ask about because it's something that I was a bit confused about when I first started messing with wind turbines is um how do you stop the wires twisting up um so there's two options there's using a slip ring which uh I thought about doing on this but they're not really the best thing to be have in exposed environments really you know it's very they're very critical element and it'll break the wind turbine if it fails and you know they sat out in the elements unless you put it in a really big in case surrounding and stuff it's gonna fail um so the other option is to just let the wires twist because as the wind turbine faces into the wind most of the time it's gonna just it's just gonna do that it's just going to turn 180. because most of the time the wind comes in the same direction on the odd time that it does change direction and so you get a Northerly wind or whatever it puts a Twist in the wire and at some point the wind will change back again and it won't necessarily continue around back on the same route it had it probably most of the time but 50 of the time it will but 50 of the time it will go back the other direction and take the twist out again overall you don't tend to find that you get that many twists sorry about the wind very windy today but you don't seem to find that you end up getting that many twists in it I think I've only taken about three twists out since I've been messing with wind so yeah you don't have to worry about it too much oh it's scary scary scary [Music] the winches got stuck on something right hang on then but the winch cables got stuck on the uh on the thing so we use the tractor there we go let's read it it's kind of scary this all right here we go a little tiny bit more there's not a huge amount of force on it anymore should unfold soon there we go it's not a huge amount of wind at the minute it needs to come a little tiny bit further foreign spinning so it's currently directly connected to the batteries which is why it's spinning so slow um there's not a lot of wind out but because it's directly connected to the batteries it's just spinning at a very slow in inefficient speed for this turbine the way I built it so the next thing we do is make a controller that well we're going to connect it to a controller and then make a dump load controller that goes with the controller so run faster higher voltage and more efficient and so it's going to be running at about 100 volts once it's done yeah I think it looks really good I'm really pleased with it the only thing I'm slightly concerned about is the um is the flex in that pole that is mounted to I think it could probably do it going a little bit bigger than that but we'll see how it gets on um so yeah let's uh get to work making a controller for it all right hey everyone new day so today's plan is to try and get the controller made for the wind turbine so before my old iterations of the wind turbine have been um just directly connected to the batteries which means the wind turbine speed is connected to the battery voltage which means it doesn't run that efficiently it'll only run efficiency efficiently at one wind speed which isn't ideal mppt is much better way to go with it but then you've got issues with uh not being able to dump load turbine once about she's full of nowhere for the energy to go and therefore that can be problematic so for this wind turbine I'm making a special controller for it to uh to my own design so I'll show you that today so the wind turbine's sitting up there nicely it's obviously a very calm day today but uh it turns in the breeze really well it's currently locked off to a dump load so uh let's go and make controllers so you will have to excuse the ridiculously messy bench it's what happens when you're experimenting with stuff so I've got a controller plan for those that are interested I'll quickly run for it you have to excuse my ridiculous diagram but right how do we start with this okay midnight classic charge controller can do mppt for wind but it won't dump load like that without something else attached to it to help it along its way so once the batteries get full this won't have anywhere to put the Power but it does have some auxiliary outputs that are designed to control a wind turbine so auxiliary 2 that's going to put output a pwm signal to tell a solid state relay to start putting power through a dump load okay so that's the basic of how it's working it's going to send pwm solid state relay will switch a dump mode on and off once batteries get full and then there's another auxiliary output auxiliary one auxiliary one is going to keep a relay open specifically this big relay chunky spring return relay that's going to hold a relay open so if all powers lost charge control of frazzles or something goes wrong it will drop the relay which will trigger the solid state relay which will then trigger the dump load and break the turbine and not break it but put the brakes on the turbine so that's basically the wiring diagram after I've been meshed around so we're going to make this this I think we're getting somewhere with this so just run you through it quickly um this is a stop switch it's got the three cores from the three phase going into it and then they just Bridge together so it's using that as a break that just shorts all three terminals together uh on here I don't know if you can see it but it's that big relay that big um beefy relay it doesn't need to be big and beefy it's just what I've got this is a DC solid state relay and the two tails that come out of it go to a heating element two and a half kilowatt heating element um okay so there's two auxiliary outputs on this charge controller which is these two which is these two here uh what's gonna happen is auxiliary one I'm gonna program to hold this relay open which is currently what's happening now and put in I'm imitating auxiliary one holding this relay open and then if that relay drops out because auxiliary one has lost power uh because the charge control is broken or something's happened to the charge controller then that relay will return because it's normally closed it'll go to open so we'll imitate that now and it will short the turbine out to the heater so that should happen if we go like this so that's now all the wind turbine power is now going to the heater okay so that works and then auxiliary 2 is going to Output a pwm signal to this so if we have auxiliary one held open like it's supposed to be so put that back in there I'm just using these uh drill batteries so that's the relay back open again so now I need to imitate putting auxiliary one down this while this is held open when auxiliary one oh that popped up when auxiliary one uh sorry auxiliary two is feeding a pwm signal down here we should trigger this relay uh this solid state relay as well so let me get another battery so what you should see now is when I connect these two together this light should come on and we should hear if I rest them in there I don't know if it would be good enough connection but it might be we should hear the buzzer go off because it should make that connection so let's give that a try now and I've got two diodes between these so we can't back feed anything into the controller so let's see here here we go put that in there there we go works so with the pwm it'll be it'll be basically going like that really quickly you know turning it on and off and sending little bits of current into it is a pwm signal it would just be sending little pulses into the heater but that is actually working I'm pleased with that and then we lose all power something goes catastrophically wrong relay trips out charge controller goes off we lose all power the battery voltage then trips that sorted so yeah that is actually working so yeah in here I'm tidying these up now I know it's working but there's a diode between there these aren't carrying any power they're just signal cables well they are carrying power 12 volts but 12 volt signals and uh so there's little uh diodes in there just to stop that back feeding so I'm gonna cover them up and then we're going to get this fitted and what I did right I've just fitted the controller uh winds picked up a bit which is Handy uh it's not the best wind it's a bit Gusty and a bit turbulent when you run a wind turbine you start to see the um wind isn't all equal when you've got a really steady constant direct wind you know you get a lot more power but we've got some wind to test it with and it's all working really well so I'll take it in the shed I'll show you it working in the power shed seen this before uh solar solar Hydro Hydro controller um So currently we've got about 350 watts of hydro coming in hardly any solar because it's miserable out [Music] um so here's the panel fitted it's the wall I made it so it just fits next to it something I did uh off camera was I made this heater um I didn't make the heater I bought the heater but I made a guard for it like a heat shield and yeah it's all working so power comes in just go over it again quickly because some people would be interested if you're not interested just skip this bit but uh power comes in to a bridge rectifier which is here it then goes to the charge controller mppt where it decides the best voltage for it and sets the turbo into the best voltage for that we just done a kilowatt there that's cool um once the batteries are full it's going to trigger a pwm signal which is going to go to this solid state relay and start sending pulses of electricity to the heater to load the turbine if the uh Powers lost and you know also everything's lost I have a cable coming from the battery voltage here going via auxiliary one which is held open holding a relay open um holding that relay open is um keeping everything on if that drops out it'll turn everything off and because everything's off it will then divert the power into the heater that's it sorry trying to explain that it's quite difficult yeah show you what part oh yeah one more thing I've also got three Tails coming off of the wind turbine because I can trigger a break as well if I turn that the terminals are shorted out so it puts the brake on and because the wind turbine's got such small blades comparative to how big the rotor is it will actually hold it unlike on a lot of the turbines the rotor won't hold the blades so this will actually if I trigger that it will actually stop the turbine right it's test auxiliary one now so if I uh imitate losing auxiliary one so that's charge control of failure so if I turn auxiliary one uh off so now you heard that click so now auxiliary one is off so now we've dumped all of the Power via the solid state relay which is you see the light on the hang on yeah which is the light on the solid state relay there and now all of the Power has been dumped into the heating coil just so if I engage auxiliary one again but it's a manual on so now we're sending power back to the controller and what it won't do though is it won't uh it won't allow the voltage to get too high as it's doing that you see it did that in a gust so see now we've got 700 Watts going into the batteries so that's working perfect 800 900 watts going into the batteries there and this is the battery voltage here so let's imitate the battery voltage gets too high now and there's nowhere for the power to go so we shall pretend that that's what's happening so if I go into the menu and I go to the charge volts and I lower this so to pretend like our batteries are full I'll go down to the minimum which is 26.8 usually there you go without do that should put us there now so I've just imitated the um that the battery's now full so now any power off the turbine you see auxiliary 2 is flashing up that's because auxiliary 2 is giving us a pwm signal and um and is sending pulses to the solid space now the solid state relay is pulsing and it's sending power to the heating element which is there and as we get gusts that element will heat up so it's 30 31 if we get a really big gust a lot here the whole heat is just a 2.5 kilowatt heater and it's up to 40 degrees see how all that power is getting pushed into there all right so now if I change that back so we'll change our charge settings to something that's actually correct which is the only 28 it's all too high too high 28.8 is okay for this my batteries now we're going to start taking power it's not going to allow this turbine to get a higher voltage than that because that's what I've set it to not allow it to so it's still damping because it can't control it at the moment once it slows down a bit it'll come out of resting and start putting some charging the batteries but the moment it just can't uh it can't take a break from it at the moment see it's too risky to take a break so once there you go once I had a little moment sort out it's back into sending powder to the batteries now so now we're back sending parts of the batteries if the battery voltage gets up to that voltage reset it will trigger auxiliary two solid state relay kick in and we'll start heating that heater up again so the weak point in this system is that solid state relay a um not sure what to do about that I might try and put in two in parallel or something to if one goes another one's still there or something like that but that's definitely the weakness in it so if that goes we still can do mppt in the batteries but if the batteries then get full we'll have a problem um if I didn't notice it in time so that's the weak point in this system so that'll be a little update to try and fix that you see we're doing pretty well on the power output is this what I mean by changing direction a lot so yeah it's moving all over the place that's not because it's furling out the wind it's just the winds all over the place it's very turbulent so that's why the power is going up and down so much right it is the next day and uh as you can see the wind has really died down a lot unfortunately it has been going overnight but uh not that much um so let's have a look oh hang on where are we let's go menu let's have a look at the logs logs so we've had 4.7 kilowatt hours so far since we uh since we installed it which was uh just yesterday we've got this on just yesterday so yeah not too bad but um let's say the wind died down so yeah having real trouble in here with um interference in the microphone that's why I'm listening to myself here as I speak to check that it's working right yeah it's very typical of making videos that when you want to do something is say way too windy and now I want the wind the wind stopped it's very typical but never mind I'll make a short video when we've got plenty of wind and we'll demonstrate the power output but you know it's doing a kilowatt in small gusts so it's going to get right up to 1.7 kilowatts which is the max the charge controller can do so yeah really pleased how it turned out everything's all gone to plan it's been filmed over a long period of time this so it was quite hard to get the video to work out right but I'm happy with it I know it's long but this as short as I can make it with getting all the information I needed in it so yeah for those um people that um aren't interested in the videos and things coming up that's the end of this video and hope you enjoyed it thanks for watching but um if you want to stick around for a minute we'll have a chat about what I've got planned and what's coming up so this year's really been about making power I've done the solar system here and rewired wired this uh the wind turbine now and I've been doing hydroelectric development of stuff and making a hydroelectric system for someone else and I've really enjoyed that I really like doing that but the we really need to develop this piece of land a bit more we need a barn a lot more than we need more power we've got so much power now the yeah a barn is way more useful to us than more power so the power stuff's gonna mostly come to an end for a bit and then we're going to move on to building ourselves a barn so I'm going to be starting a foundation and milling and stuff for it fairly soon but the main bulk of it starting the spring I also need to finish the workshop because that's a lot to do still on there little odd jobs and things uh so yeah we're gonna move away from we're gonna have probably a few more videos in the winter of doing the technical Hydro stuff but then after that we're going to start moving away from the power stuff a little bit and uh concentrating on building again um so yeah that's what's coming up so hope you enjoyed it and thanks for watching
Channel: Kris Harbour Natural Building
Views: 1,022,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2-ExvwfNaMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 35sec (3755 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 06 2022
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