Hydroelectric Turbine Pipe Burst Fail

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all right morning everyone so it's uh really early and I'm off to a uh to the hydro job I did because it's uh broken down that hose I was talking about changing because I wasn't happy with it well it's uh it blow it didn't blow off it ruptured on the bend so uh so it filled the building with water and I gotta go and uh gonna fix it put a decent bit of hose on because I was worried about that hose get up and running again turn in the hydro building everything's all right nothing Major's uh no disasters I've checked this is still out putting everything it's all running fine it wasn't underwater for very long I'm happy with it no point changing it because it's absolutely fine if as a result of the water he gets any problems with it I will change it but um because I'm going to warranty it for a couple of years anyway um yeah I'm I'm gonna get use out of that there's nothing wrong with that so yeah show you the pipe break so there's the uh split split right on the bend even though this pipe is rated for uh three times the pressure and the burst pressure is even more than that it's still just uh still ruptured so we're going to change that for some much better quality stuff I did think that was gonna happen yeah I told the uh told the customer that I wasn't happy with that pipe I said it in that last video yeah that's one other mod just come out here at the noise but yeah I just want to change that hose for something that's a bit more sturdy although it's ready for the pressure and effects of rate twice the pressure it doesn't it's not clamping down well and it's just not feeling good and I ordered the pipe and I was booked in to come here to change it tomorrow and I got an email yesterday saying it's burst so typically if it had hung on for another two days it wouldn't have gone but yeah I knew it was going to be a problem that when I saw the pipe it's the same pipe I've ordered before but the old shrinkflation thing it's just they've obviously just gone down on the on the quality because it shouldn't burst that that pressure is rated for twice that right let's get all this off [Music] cut that to get it off yeah I think they're just cheaped out on this stuff it's just brittle look at that look at that let's get all this mud cleaned out of here first foreign but just cut me finger I didn't realize there's a strand of metal in here you can't really do anything about and I ran my hand around it it went right through the top of my thumb and out the other side now to pull it out it's not bad it's just bleeding a bit let's get this on someone one thumb down all right this stuff's rated for 150 psi now I think the last stuff was too but this has got three times that as a burst pressure looks pretty good quality make sure it's all lining up right oh that looks bad doesn't it that looks a lot better it looks a lot better it cut me but I'm a lot happier with it so uh before anyone says uh the uh customer probably turned things off too quick and cause the water hammer it isn't that happened while he uh well he wasn't even in here and also because these valves are screw open you can't really do it too quick like you know they're not ball valves if it's Bulldog you know bang it rupture a pipe but you can't you have to undo it and you couldn't undo it fast enough to do that so it's not uh it's not the customer's fault it is just crap pipe so yeah and I knew it was gonna happen I even said it to him I'd have felt right div if I hadn't you know if I'd have if I'd have said to Molly yes or final happy with that that's my work I would have thought right this if it blew off but I did tell him that there's a good chance it was going to come off because it didn't look good all right this uh plug that in and see what we can turn this on let's see how we do get our air out [Music] all right need to move that's all we want all right we're in business now we are in business now full power gonna see how we're doing at the top there's plenty of flow coming in right we're looking good we're back up and running uh there isn't sufficient flow to uh go to full power kilowatt so we're at about two-thirds and we're up at 660 odd so customer's happy with that I'm happy with that hose I'm happy that that is now going to be a reliable system yeah so sorted I just come up to the intake uh must be running it a little bit too hard because there's a there's no spare water there I'll tell you what though that intake works really really well that's just a few leaves so after days and days of of flow because it has been flowing because it was leaking out the bottom yeah so uh turn that down a little bit it's about 500 watts I reckon because that's probably draining the pipe at the minute yeah I just uh whipped out that one of the screen filters and that we are right on the limit of draining it so it is still full as you can see it's bubbling up but it's right on the limit there so uh so yeah I'll turn it down a little bit because it'll start draining the pipe just uh put a little screened cap on the standpipe as well can you see that through there should be able to a little stainless steel mesh cap yeah I'm not going to show you it because it's a bit treacherous there's no birds or anything about a nest in the uh in the standpipe now so that's another job done so I think we're uh should be reliable now all right so there we go we're back up and running customers happy turbines running properly and uh yeah should be reliable now that hose that's what I should use for now the other stuff's just rubbish anyway that's a little update on the system hope you enjoyed it and thanks for watching so before we go and then the video I just want to address a few things that I just know are going to come up um one is the fact that people are going to say that the building should have a drain in it it does have a drain the turbine is raised up by about five mil and water any small leaks of water can drip under underneath the turbine and go out the um the Wastewater Outlet where the turbine goes however it isn't designed to take the volume of water from a pipe blowout um because a pipe blower isn't supposed to happen and it now won't happen because it's a proper bit of pipe um the amount of water that's in the pipe is two and a half thousand liters and it will all come out in a very short space of time in the event a pipe rupture so the drain to deal with that volume of water would have to be massive and like I say it's unnecessary because it's not supposed to happen in the first place the other thing that's going to come up is how dangerous it is if you have to turn off to step in the water so the power that the turbine produces is as a result of flow and pressure when the when a pipe is burst the pressure drops basically instantly due to high amounts of friction because the high volume of flow because it's burst but also then the pipe drains and the um and the pressures lost as a result of that the turbine can't spin very fast so it can't produce much voltage on top of that that there's a path of least resistance Which is less resistive than water back to the through the cable so the electricity can always continue to go back through the cable rather than through the water because water actually isn't that much of a great conductor on top of that the water sorry on top of that the turbines also got a protection in it um so if it goes short circuit it will trip out anyway so if it does actually connect to the water it will go short circuit and trip so the customer wasn't in danger by turning it off and um and it didn't actually even trip the breaker because it was still sending a small amount of power back um because it was still just about spinning and that electricity was still finding its least resistive path via the cable if it had gone short circuit it would have tripped and a trip breaker regards to using that pipe in the first place I ordered it thinking it was uh the good stuff stuff that I've used before it showed up and the customer wanted the hydroelectric system on so you can get power out of it I installed it I wasn't happy with it I made a deal with him I said look I'll leave it installed with for you so you can use power get some power out of it but it's got to be changed um when I put it on there and saw when I turned it on it flexed and just almost ruptured just if I turn it on I knew it is going to be a problem it's nothing to do with the bend radius of the pipe the bend radius is rated for 200 millimeter Bend so a very tight Bend like this um but yeah it was under its rated bent or over its braided Bend radius well within its Bend radius rating and under well under under half it's uh pressure continuous pressure rating and three times under its burst pressure rating but it's still ruptured on that bend so um yeah it should have worked but it just didn't but I'm happy with it now and I think that's uh that's going to be reliable now yeah that's uh that's all I got for you this week we've been doing other stuff around here um uh some stuff involved the Sheep we have to go through with the Sheep's feet because some of them had a bit of foot rot um a lot of the geese have gone we've only got four left um I had to attend that job to go and fix that so I haven't had a chance to get a lot more done this week so yeah unfortunately that's all I got for you um but yeah nice little update video on Hydra system alright hope you enjoyed the video thanks for watching
Channel: Kris Harbour Natural Building
Views: 839,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: D0OgVuE-1iQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 21 2022
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