Odin 2 Setup Guide (Roms, Emulators, Tweaks)

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[Music] hey everyone and welcome back to Joy's retro handhelds I'm Joey and today we're going to be doing a full starter setup guide for the Ayn Odin 2 Okay so let's get started just going to turn it on for the first time now and I factory reset this ahead of time so that we could just start from the beginning first thing we obviously want to do is just go through the start and this should be probably easy for anybody to go through through but just go ahead connect to your internet and set all of that up once you're connected just go ahead and set your time zone as well and lastly on this screen you want to select the AOSP launcher instead of the Odin launcher because we're going to be using D show instead for a front end and we don't need their launcher this screen is personal preference I prefer to have three button navigation but some people might be comfortable with gesture so it's up to you okay so now that we're here at the start and this is basically just you've set everything up and we're ready to go okay so the first thing that we can do is just go swipe down head over to the Android settings go all the way down and we're going to go to system head over to updater and you want to just check for an update I'm on the most recent version right now but if you aren't it'll bring you right up and you can just do all of the overthe a updates currently and then come back and continue the video first thing we want to do is just jump into the Play Store and sign in okay so after you've signed into the Play Store just open it and just jump over to my apps and just do any updates that you see there while that's happening we can go ahead and change some other settings scroll down from the top and obviously you're connected to Wi-Fi for the performance modes I would suggest that you stick to Performance that is the best option I found available and you don't have to ever change that you can just leave it in performance forever next up we have the ambient LED lights and that's going to change the LED lights on that and as well as the sides so if you turn those on you can see what that looks like and for me I'm just going to make it a little bit less bright and turn it to Blue cuz that's what I want for fan I would suggest just keeping it in quiet I don't have a reason to ever change out of that so just leave it in quiet and go from there charging separation is something that I usually keep on and that basically just allows it to charge the device instead of the battery in certain situations to avoid heat so I would keep that on if you wanted it Bluetooth airplane mode auto rotate we don't have to worry too much about those I do want to turn off or turn on do not disturb because I don't like having notifications and all that thing through and we can also go through here I'm going to turn off floating icon it shows up on the the side and it's a pullup menu that you can see and do things with um personally I don't have a use for it but if you want it just click it on there otherwise the rest you can just leave default however I am going to turn off location because don't really need it for anything that I'm going to be playing okay now one other thing I do want to point out if you insert an SD card you might get uh popup like this that just says Hey the SD card's there do you want to explore it and all of that if if you don't see that and you've inserted your SD card best thing you should do jump over into the Android settings go over to storage change it from this device to whatever the SD card name is so in my case it's Odin 2 and you can go here and it's right at the top just go to format and this will format the SD card for portable storage for this device and that's what I suggest don't format it as internal format it as portable if if you have your SD card in perfect you're good to go I have mine uh because I've used this device before and everything's all good for me one other way that I'm going to show if you want to transfer files to the device is if you connect a USB from your computer you should get a popup like this that says file transfer and if you do that on your computer you'll be able to just look at it like a drive and then transfer files back and forth it's a really easy way to do it now personally I don't actually use any of those ways I'm going to show you a different way that you should just probably get used to if you want jump into the Play Store go over to Solid Explorer solid file explorer is the name and download that app you can just skip next through everything here accept the license agreement and then you have to give it permission so you can just grant allow and there we go now one of the benefits of this app so you can see already it's a file explorer so you can do do anything you want on the device as well as go on to your SD card and do all of that however a really good benefit here if you click the plus sign and you go new Cloud connection you can connect to your cloud services FTP all of that but one really good benefit is Lan and if you have your main computer where you have all of your ROMs or any files that you want to transfer over and you have network discovery enabled and you're sharing any folders on there you can connect to your PC here so you're going to see here Joey PC next I have a username and password so I'm just going to put that in real quick then just click next a few times and connect and it's going to ask you if you want to protect it I don't need to and there now you can see I've connected to my PC and I can go in and go to my downloads folder or any folder that I'm sharing across my network and then just start transferring files over so it's a really easy way to get ROMs off the computer to your uh actual device without having to plug anything in or do anything because I'm lazy and I just want to do this on the couch anyways for right now doesn't matter we can get rid of that let's jump into the Android settings so just swipe down go over to settings and you can go through here and just change some settings along to what you want but going to go to ones that I care about so I'm going to turn on performance mode in the battery settings because that's what I prefer and we're going to go over to sound and vibration just double check that there isn't anything here you can turn off some of these sounds and I probably will later but that's all personal preference display is one um that's bothering me right now so I'm going to go screen timeout I don't like having the screen timeout real quick and I'm going to turn on dark mode that should be a lot easier for everybody including myself scrolling over I'm not not going to touch any of these other options there's colors that you can change um this one actually I am going to change cuz I don't want a screen saver and I'm going to turn that off otherwise and I'm probably going to have to start cleaning my screen as we go along there isn't anything else here now what we should do next is jump into the Odin settings and in the Odin settings you can change some of the things we've already done like the joystick and side LED and all of that but you can go down and change some video output modes and all of that fun stuff one thing I would suggest changing go into L2 and R2 mode and change that to both this will let you have it work with d show which if you don't turn this on you can't use the triggers to navigate around D show another option here if you wanted to is change the controller style from Xbox to Odin or none you can change the key mapping for the back buttons if you wanted to I'm going to leave them as default and you can do some some joystick calibrations and all of that otherwise nothing else that you need to do here so we'll just back right out now let's start ahead and go ahead and just add some emulators first thing we're going to do is add retro Arch because that's probably what everybody wants I'm going to use without an account and don't worry too much about this stuff but jump over into Google and we're going to get ads here because we're using Chrome but for today this is fine I would suggest installing Firefox nightly as your browser go over to retroarch and it's just retro arch.com and we're going to scroll down past the ads jump over to download and close out the ad again and on the download screen as we scroll past all of the ads you want to jump over to the Android section and you should see here download 64bit go ahead and click that it'll just ask you where you want to download it it's dangerous it's not dangerous don't worry you're good let it download click and open it and it's going to let you to install unknown apps because we've never done this before so just click yet and you should get an install prompt and there you go we have retroarch installed we're going to open it now we need to give it access so we'll click okay and allow and just ignore this and just let it do its thing for a second and we're good now we're not using retro arch for front end so we're just going to go in and change some settings first thing we want to do is go over into the online updator which it might be B yeah B is going to be the button to use for right now and then core downloader and now this is going to be personal preference for a lot of people but just go through and select the cores that you want so if you want to do arcade I would suggest final burn Neo and let's keep going I'm going to pick pick the ones that I normally do so if there's a system that you play that I don't just go ahead and install it this is personal preference like I said okay so for Nintendo we're going to go gambat and then we're going to go mgba for Game Boy Advance and I'm going to use messen for NES and then I'm actually going to install where is it snes9x for SNES and we're going to scroll right down I'm going to use flycast as our um Dreamcast core and then you can use Genesis plus GX for most of the Sega stuff the rest of it I am not going to touch because we're going to be using something else including PlayStation not the best way to play PlayStation on retro Arch back out and not much you can do here right now you could go ahead and update all of these if you wanted to um not necessary at those point though so jump over and I'm just going to use the d-pad to jump over so you can see you can click this on the side too and we want to get over to the settings now first thing we want to do is jump over into on screen display overlay and display overlay to off what that'll do is we don't get the touchscreen buttons on the screen anymore then scroll down and want to go over to input and this time we're going to go into retropad binds Port One controls and I'm going to change analog to digital type to left analog and what that does is it lets you use the left analog stick inert situations where you have only the d-pad scroll down and now this you just want to map every button so I would suggest touching it and then holding the button that you need and going about it that way so just keep going down map everything to what it says on the right the B [Music] button a button once you get to right analog right you can just stop and then what we're going to do don't use the buttons cuz it's all screwed up at the moment head over to menu controls and you're going to see right now it doesn't work so click off menu swap okay cancel or try to there we go and now you can actually use it as Nintendo layout so a is going to be enter B is going to be back if you don't want that then don't do what I just did but I prefer it this way then jump over to hotkeys and we're going to set up hotkeys so the enable button is Select so I just hold down select and I'm going to go ahead and select the controller combo for quit and I'm going to make that y for me so now when I put select and Y together in a game it's going to close out of the actual game then we can just keep going and for me I want fast forward toggle to be R2 and I want load state to be L1 Save State to be R1 and we can keep going the last one that I usually do is show FPS and I'm just going to set it to a and I feel like I'm missing one but I think that's about it and there was one that I forgot which was menu toggle and I'm going to select that to X again personal preference you can go through and set up whatever hotkeys you want let's back out again not much else you have to change on this end except go and turn off confirm quit so that it doesn't ask us if we want to quit every time we leave a game jump out if you want to do retro achievements jump into achievements and you can do it here I do but I'm going to set this up later pretty easy though if you wanted it you can just go in put your username and password and I would suggest turning tur off hardcore mode that is definitely something you want to do otherwise if we jump over to configuration file click save current configuration or every single thing we just did is not going to matter you have to save your configuration anytime you make a change otherwise we are basically done with retro Arch at the moment so we can go ahead and quit retro Arch now you're probably curious hey did that work let's go ahead and try it we're going to go over to the Play Store and I'm going to install D show D show is the front end that we're going to be using for launching all our games click open on D show and now it's going to ask you to download platform so what we're going to do is just go through and right now we're just going to install the ones that we went with in retro art so for me we have Dreamcast we have arcade we have Game Boy Game Boy vents Game Boy Color we don't have any of those we have NES it doesn't matter you can go ahead and click all the ones that you want anyways I'm just going to show you how to do it this way we'll put Genesis and then Super Nintendo and I think that would be it go ahead and click import and there now we have you can see them at the bottom oops you can see them at the bottom all the different platforms and I can scroll through with my triggers what we're going to do is just pick a game so we're going to go over to S NES and I'm going to click paths and what this is going to do is locate where our ROMs are now if you're here and you have no idea what ROMs are I'll include a link in the description so you can find them however for the rest of you who have your ROMs maybe on your SD card or even on the internal storage just navigate to where you have your ROMs so for SNES I'm going to go over here and I just have them in a ROMs folder SNS and I'm going to click use this folder and then I'm going to click sync you're going to see it's going to start doing things and if we jump into the library you can see they're all there it'll start adding all of the artwork and all that automatically what you have to do though click the pencil on the right scroll right down and you want to make sure that this here the default player is the exact same as what we clicked in retroarch or when you load it it's just not not going to work so you can see here this one is actually correct so they pulled the right one we're using retro art 64 and we're using oops and we're using snes9x so that's all correct I don't have to change anything go right back if we load a game so I'll just pick one you're going to see an error that pops up killing package processes and all that sort of thing so let's cancel out and I'm going to show you how to change that go over to settings go over to library oops scroll right down and disable player warnings we don't need that so go back and you can use the L1 to go all the way back library and a plumber for all seasons and you can see here that it pulled up retroarch we're missing achievement information cuz I didn't enter it but if I go ahead and play this now and again we're using retroarch so I'm going to fast forward right through all of this by using my hotkey you can see we're working perfectly no issues now if I push select and X we get the retroarch menu and you can do other things if you need to otherwise you're basically set up now if you noticed when I booted into this game it didn't exactly load in where we left off and so if you want that functionality where when you exit retro Arch it saves your state and when you load in it loads the state then what we're going to do is just get out of this game so select and Y going to jump right into Apps go to retroarch going to jump over into the settings menu and we're going to go all the way to saving and then we're going to select auto save State and autoload State and what that'll do is anytime you load in it'll load into the Save State you left off in and then it'll when you quit it'll save it we're basically done with retro Arch and the last thing that we want to do with dig show because we're kind of done with that too is go into your Android settings jump over into Apps go down into default apps not screen time default apps and change the whole map into D show and what that'll do now is whenever you push the home button it'll bring you right back to D show now do not use home button to exit a game but you do want to use it afterwards if you're like let's say in Chrome and you're like hey I want to get back to digio just push the home back button twice and you'll get right back um the reason you don't want to use it to exit a game is because you won't save any of your progress it won't do anything for you it just it'll just hurt you so don't use it that way let's jump over to the Play Store and let's do PlayStation one so if we go over and type in Duck station and we want to download the duck Station app click play going to click next resolution scales up to you I'm just going to set it to 5x for 1080p because we can the rest of it I would select pgxp geometry correction because we can click next bios question it's going to be the same as the ROM's question if you have no idea what bios is check my link in the description and I will show you how to find bios files but I already have bios files so I'm going to go ahead and click mine and import navigate to wherever yours is and select it click next next game directory is where are your PS1 ROMs so I'm going to go over click PSX because that's my folder for PS1 ROMs click next and finish it's going to add all of my PS ROMs okay so that's done hit the settings menu on the top and we want to go over into app settings and one of the things you can do here is if you go to Graphics you can go ahead and change some of those graphic informations but achievements are here too so this is where you would enable retro achievements if you want them otherwise head back and we'll go into controller settings and we're going to go into touchcreen and we're going to disable this one to click none and then Port one is where we can map our controller so what I'm going to do is change it to an analog controller for dual shock so that this works and then let's just go again and we're going to map all of our controls I would pay attention to what the text says instead of what it looks like cuz you might get confused just go through map everything you don't need analog toggle at least I usually don't okay and then if you want vibration on I would go over to the touchcreen menu for some reason it's here and you want to go to enable game vibration lastly if we jump over to hot Keys one thing I will turn on is toggle fast forward and that just lets you turn fast forward on while you're in the game if you want to hit the menu in game I'll show you in a second what that looks like so we'll just pick up Breath of Fire 3 and if I want to jump into the menu while I'm in game push the back button here and there you go you can do all this sort of thing uh or map the hotkeys if you want but toggle fast forward all that stuff is here duck station is done we can get out of here and again to make sure this works from D show I'm not going to keep showing this so I'm just going to show this once go over to download in the bottom right and remember we didn't add PlayStation one so we're going to go over find Sony PlayStation import it and now we have PS X right here click paths navigate to where you have your PSX ROMs I am fat fingering a little bit there we go PSX use this folder and click sync and again it's going to sync all those ROMs but what you want to check is the pencil and make sure that this says PSX duck station and again you're going to have to do this for every single platform that you add to make sure that it's actually using the right core or um emulator or else you're going to have a bad time let's go over now and one of the ones you probably want is Dolphin Emulator for GameCube and Wii so top type in Dolphin Emulator and we're going to go to the dolphin-emu.org jump over into download and you're going to get an ad again cuz Chrome sucks scroll all the way down and we're going to go to the development versions and you want to grab the one that says Android all the way on the right click download anyway you don't want the Play Store version of this because it's way behind so make sure you download this one that I'm showing on screen open Dolphin Emulator and open again you can disable that or add it whatever you want now first thing we're going to do is add games for GameCube so go add games jump over OD in two ROMs go over to my GameCube folder and use this folder going to do the same thing on the wi tab add games ROMs jump over into the Wii folder and use this folder now next thing you want to do is go over to settings and we want to jump through and I'm just going to double check that certain things are enabled you can enable save states here so I would suggest that interface there isn't anything that I can remember nope jump out going to go to Graphics I'm going to leave all of this as default and I'm going to click compiled shaders before starting enhancements you can just go ahead and select 1080p because all the games are going to run at 10p otherwise here nothing else you have to touch but we are going to map the control so go over to GameCube input click the little icon on the right and we want to go over to buttons and just start mapping all right so now that's GameCube and game is done so you can jump into a GameCube game and you're all set I am not going to do Wii for everything I will show you Wii for the Classic Controller um but if you're going to go further than that you might have to look up a special video for those cuz it just sucks so head over start mapping all of the Wii stuff and I might have done the triggers wrong again you don't need to map home usually don't yeah I did the triggers wrong again I wish they would just tell you head all the way back and ZL I'm going to do L1 ZR R okay so now we just mapped the classic controller and that'll get you playing any game for classic controller and GameCube gam so if you want to just double check that it works we're going to jump into Kirby air ride and we have all of these touchcreen controls and you're probably freaking out push the back button in the bottom pulls up this menu you're going to go over to settings oh no not settings overlay controls toggle controls and toggle all and they're all gone if we go into Wii going to click Fire Emblem and you can see this game works fine too so exit out and once again you want to add your platform here and make sure that the Right emulator is selected so that it can boot into GameCube next popular one let let's go and do Aether for PS2 this one's going to be a weird one and I'm going to show you how I usually do it I type in Aether sx2 3 oops 3668 which is the last best version that we have and APK mirror is usually where I get it from so if you just jump right here and scroll down past all the ads see available downloads close out that ad and then just click that and again close out all the ads download APK and download anyway open it install it and open it again these steps are going to be basically the same as duck station so we're just going to go ahead and click next leave it as optimal safe defaults native upscale I would leave it as 1X just because there are going to be games where it's a little tough now navigate to your bios file wherever you have it so I have mine in a bios folder PS2 bios actually no it's not that one we'll say it's that one next game directories ROMs PS2 use this folder allow next and finish let it scan for all of your games perfect now what you want to do here and this might be different for everybody cuz sometimes it doesn't actually happen go over into Play Store type in ather go to where it says you're installed or whatever make sure enable auto update is off you don't want to ever update ather because the next ad next one has ads so just keep on 3668 forever over here go over back into Aether and if you go back into app settings you can go to the graphics Tab and change things or achievements which exists too but what we want to do is not go into a game so exit we're going to go into controller settings and again same thing touchcreen disable scroll all the way down enable game vibration controller one we can leave as that and just start mapping again and then if we scroll all the way over to hotkeys once again I'm going to turn on toggle F uh fast forward and I put that to L3 and oops if we jump into any games I'm just going to pick one game it's the same scenario once again if you click the back button you'll get the menu and you can do all sorts of things in here if you want to exit Game once again add the platform to D show and all of that now if you want to change how dig show looks you can go ahead and go into appearance from settings and download platform wallpaper packs and go ahead and do all that not going to get into all that too much here cuz those are just extra things I just want to get you up and running um what are we missing we are Miss missing probably switch so go over to Chrome go to Google and we're going to type in Yuzu Android GitHub first link here the Yuzu mu Yuzu Android GitHub scroll down and you should see releases on the right click 124 releases or whatever it says and just grab the most recent APK so 127 APK download anyway and open Yuzu install go ahead and open and we'll get started we can grant permission for notifications I'm not going to show you where to get prod Keys um that's something you're going to have to figure out uh Google might help you but I have those so I'm going to go to where I have my prod keys and select them and and oops now you want to select your games folder which again I have my ROM switch folder right here and click continue okay while it's loading my games I'm going to go over to settings and we're going to go over into advanced settings and we're going to go into we want to keep off docked mode we want to go into graphics and we want to go ahead and force maximum clocks use asynchronous shaders and I'm going to leave the last one off off then head back GPU driver management we're going to need a GPU driver here and so best way to do this head over to Chrome go in and type in Yuzu just type in Yuzu driver it's probably the best way to do it and go over to the kimchi link type that one in go to releases again and you want to grab as of today at least this most recent one is the Mesa turnup driver revision 9 so we're going to go ahead and grab that and wherever you put it doesn't matter you can go ahead and move it around go back into Yuzu and upu Driver manage install go over here and mine is just on my internal storage so I'm going to go to download turn up and there you go so you're just adding that in head back now if you jump into a game so we'll just go into Advanced Wars let's say you should see all of the touchcreen controls are on so I'm going to click back overlay options toggle controls and toggle all and now we've lost all of those touchscreen controls okay and there we go switch is working so we can exit out push the back button exit emulation go b or close everything and now the last one that we want to do is 3DS so so we'll go over to Chrome type in Citra oops Citra mu go to the Citra website click download scroll down to manual download and now we want the canary build and you want to click the Android icon of the most recent one so we're going to go over into Solid Explorer go into internal memory where it downloaded the download folder and just extract just like that in the folder click the APK and you want to use package installer and you can set it to always you have to allow unknown apps again and just click install open it and get started we're going to Grant permissions we can grant the microphone sure while using the app sure you can watch me while I'm doing this user folder so now what you want to do click yes and we're going to make a folder and you can put it anywhere you want if you want to put it on your SD card I usually just do it on the internal and I'm going to call it Citra Canary and I just put that on my internal storage just with all of the other folders in Citra Canary use this folder and allow and click okay next show it where the games are so my games are on my SD card ROMs 3DS folder and use this folder click next and we're done now we have all of the games there but they're not going to work just yet so head over to the settings and we're going to go to emulator settings and there isn't anything that you really need to change in these other options but go to game pad and map your game pad a b x y select start up down axis Left Right access up down left right same thing with d-pad triggers I don't know which is the right triggers you can figure that out head back go over to graphics and we want to change Graphics API to Vulcan and then enable a synchronous Shader compilation and internal resolution we're going to bump it all the way up to 4X because we can the rest of the stuff doesn't really matter but back out back out head over into games and just pick a game again we have all of the touchscreen stuff that shows up so I'm going to push back and we're going to go to show overlay and disable that and that's all there is to it if you want to play around with the different ways to show the screen you can do swap screens right here um or land screen screen layout you can do side by side screens whatever you want to do exit out okay and now for Nintendo DS we'll head over to the Play Store and I'm going to type in mels and I like mels because it has retro achievements if you don't care about uh retro achievements then I would suggest installing drastic instead and you can go through that set up I have a video that I'll include in the link in the description if you want to use that instead um we're going to set the ROM directory so again go over to where your ROMs are for Nintendo DS DS and allow and head over to the settings on the right type in settings and over here you can just go ahead save files it's going to naturally save them next to the ROM files if you want or you can create a directory and Save save them elsewhere otherwise log in for retro achievements right here but input is what you want so turn off show Soft input so we don't get the touchcreen and go ahead and do key mapping so a b and I like to set fast forward toggle to button R2 and swap screens to L2 other you can set up whatever else you want if you wanted to back out back out and if we jump into a game if I push R2 it's going to fast forward and you can swap between them and all of our buttons work back to get out of here and you can exit for ppsspp so PSP games go over to the Play Store and go PPSSPP and install click play and now for this one we want want to create a folder the same way we did for Citra Canary so click okay and make sure that you're wherever you want to create a folder and I'm going to create mine and call it PP SS PP done use folder allow and click okay now we can just do some settings here so first thing we want to do is browse to where our actual games are so going to go over to Odin 2 and ROMs and there's my PSP folder and click allow and now you can see all your games if you go over to settings we can go ahead and basically just set the rendering resolution to four times you're going to be able to run any game at four times and you don't have to worry about that next jump over to controls and turn off on screen controls go over to control mapping and now this I would suggest just clearing all and mapping everything for Fast Forward I like using speed toggle and setting it to R2 you can set up the rest if you want for any other hot keys but this is all I need so I'm going to click back and if you go over to tools you can go into Retro achievements and again achievements if you want them go back nothing else that you really need to do here so if you just jump into a game you can see we don't have the touchscreen controls and all of your controls are going to work if you want to get out of this game the back button here and you can do Save State and all that fun stuff exit to menu and for Nintendo 64 we're going to use the m64 plus FC emulator I actually personally use the Retro Arch one but it doesn't have great compatibility here we'll install the normal version click allow and now we're here on the main screen of m64 plus FZ click the plus sign at the bottom and just select select your N64 Rom library right down here N64 let it add might take some time okay so when it's done adding you can go over to the left and we're going to go to settings and we're going to go to display and you can change the render resolution to whatever you want if you want to try and play it at 1080p which a lot of games should work so just go ahead and do that and then scroll over again and we want to go over to to controller and this is where you're going to map the controller so what you can do is click new and call it whatever you want I'm just going to click HH click okay and just start mapping so l z to R2 s is start a b the C pads I'm going to use the right stick for now you might have to create different profiles for different games but the C stick is generally decent enough to be used for most games once that's all done click next or back and then go to select profiles and click the controller one profile and click the name that you created so mine was HH back out and just pick a game to jump into you're going to see that the touchscreen controls actually do pop up and apparently an ad two if you're on the free version I'm on the pro version so I don't usually see that but the touchcreen controls go away after a little bit and the game loads up and you can go ahead and play so you're all good back button to exit exit confirm and there you go that's basically it um like I said the biggest thing to remember is just when you add platforms to digio click the pencil icon make sure it's going to the Right emulator that you installed otherwise you can just play around I have more in-depth videos on exactly what we talked about today I'll include links in the description um this was trying to be a speedrun through everything just to get you up and running uh but hopefully this gets you all set up and you can go ahead and start playing some games and so that's going to be it for this one don't forget to like and sub to help the channel grow and hope you all have a good one
Channel: Joey's Retro Handhelds
Views: 30,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jzR8fUNLXsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 19sec (2479 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2023
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