Odin 2 Setup Guide For Beginners

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welcome to your Odin 2 today I'm going to show you guys everything you need to know about getting your Odin 2 set up for the very first time so let's jump in and up our gaming knowledge what's going on mobile Gamers today I'm going to be showing you how to set up your Odin 2 for the very first time if you are a beginner because this might be a little bit confusing to some so when you turn on your Odin 2 you'll be presented with a screen with a welcome screen that is where you can either touch or click the buttons that it says to click which we're going to do mostly in this tutorial now the first thing we're going to do is click that R1 button which is at the top there and now you're going to select your language mine is going to be English but you can select other languages if you like and I'm going to click the R1 button again now this is where we're going to connect to the Internet so I'm going to click the open w L settings you're going to click this little check box here and then your networks are going to pop up now I'm not going to show you my networks in this video or my password that is but I'm going to show you me connecting to them and then I'm going to click the B button and click next now we're going to select our time zone by clicking open time zone settings I live in Canada a so I'm going to select Canada now I'm going to navigate down to my actual time zone which is in the Toronto region I live in East Eastern Canada so that my time zone is set up for Google Play Because Google Play will detect where you are located click B to go back and then click R again now this is going to be probably the most confusing part because there's two different launchers here now I'm going to select what is called just the default launcher it's called AOSP launcher because I'm not going to be using the square defaults launchers that Odin has provided for multiple different reasons so we're going to be using just the default Android Launcher just to keep it simple now click R again this is your navigation bar style now the three button navigation means that there's going to be buttons at the bottom of the screen that'll allow you to press and go back now we have a home button and a back button on our device which is pretty nice so we don't really need this that much but if you like that kind of style that's all up to your preference you can try it out but otherwise you can use a swipe gesture navigation style which allows you to swipe on the screen to go back swipe up to go home and a whole bunch of different features so I'm going to click next which is my R1 button and then I'm going to click complete which is my start button now that was the quickest setup I have ever experienced on a device now the next thing we're going to have to do we're going to have to go to the Google Play Store and we're going to have to sign into to a Google Play account if you do not have a Google Play account you can actually set one up by clicking sign in and then going to create account now I do have an account so I'm going to actually sign into this now that you've signed into your account you'll be presented with the Google Play Store now the reason why we're going to want the Google Play Store is because there's going to be a lot of native Android games that you're going to want to play and there's also going to be emulators that we're going to be actually installing in separate guides that will be coming for the in too so this is going to be an entire playlist on how to do that the next thing I'm going to show you is basically your navigation as you see I was able to swipe up swipe down and that actually navigates to the most recent application that was open there's a swipe left and right gesture so if I go swipe left on the actual device then it'll go back it'll go back but you can also press the back button on here as well so there's a back button on the bottom right hand side you click B b or collect the back button not the B and it'll go back now the next thing I'm going to show you guys is you're going to go down to your Odin settings so you're going to look for Odin settings within your settings Cog so go back to the main page click settings then scroll all the way down to Odin settings this is going to allow you to turn on your joystick colors and even your side colors you can turn that off if you want you can also swipe from the top and click the hot key that says ambient LED you can turn them on you can change the colors to whatever you'd like which is pretty awesome in my opinion I like to click it to Blue and I'm going to do my side LEDs as maybe red I guess you can't actually change alternates so you just have to use blue so you can change the AL the actual brightness of this as well so if you are sitting in your bedroom or something at night time and you don't want it to be too bright then you can set it down to a little bit of a lower brightness but if you want to just show it off you can set it to high of course that's probably going to use a lot more battery so I'm going to use very low settings just like that now another thing I'm going to show you guys is clicking B again your video output so if you ever want to connect this to a TV you can actually change what your TV display actually allows you to see so you got a 60 HZ 144 Herz 60 HZ again 1080p USB type-c 80P for 120 HZ over USB type-c 240 HZ for USB type-c as well which is pretty awesome this feature right here which is turn off handheld console screen will turn off this screen on the device if you are connected to a TV now that being said if you want your screen to be on so like if I'm doing a video or something and I want people to see that I'm playing on this device on the bottom right hand corner and I I still want to see this screen you can turn that off no Auto sleep just basically means that the device won't go to sleep if it's connected to a HDMI port or the USB type-c turn on USB connection notification so whenever you plug in your USBC to a computer a little notification will pop up to ask you what you want to do show current network speed that's just going to show your speed of your network at the top right hand side right now I'm not downloading anything so it's not going to show anything now the major thing that I'm going to show you right now is your controller style your controller style is based off of these buttons right here and your joysticks and the default is the Odin style now some people might want to change their buttons around if you want to actually open it up and do that that's all up to your preference and have the a down here and the B right here and the X right here and the Y right here so that would be the Xbox style store kind of style now you can change your controller Style a none and that's whatever you want to do I guess but I don't think that's really relevant when you have a handheld console like this L2 R2 this is going to allow you to either have analog digital or both I like to set it to both just so that I don't have to go through the confusion when it comes to certain emulators cuz some emulators don't recognize the analog triggers for some reason and only recognize digital and vice versa the M1 and M2 keypad mapping allows you to set it to a different key if you want to so if you want the home button to be your M1 button then you can set it to home if you want it to be your mode button or your app switch button or your back button then you can do that but we have a home and back button right here so maybe you want to set them to like app switch or different mode or just default it's all up to you those are how you set those up joystick and calibration now you can disable the joysticks if you never want to use them you can also calibrate them if you think there's anything wrong with them so if you want to sit there and kind of calibrate them you can press the calibrate button and then start calibrating them if you ever think there's an issue with dead zones or anything like that you can do both you can check all of your buttons so we can go like this check everything make sure everything's all good and dandy which it seems like it is and I'm just going to follow the prompts click select when I'm done and that's calibrated so that looks good to me that looks good to me that's how you calibrate your joysticks analog trigger dead zones now you can change your analog trigger dead zones which are these right here to whatever you'd like now I'm just going to leave it alone for now because I think they look fine and I think they're set up fine now now on the bottom it says you can hold down select and the start key for 10 seconds to enter the settings page at any time that is really convenient so if we go all the way back to our home click home again we hold these two buttons down it'll open up that menu so that will open up the menu after 10 seconds I know it takes a long time I think it's a little bit faster just to go to the settings but that's all up to your preference as well now another thing is knowing your band settings your performance mode your Bluetooth settings your charging separation settings charging separation so charging separation means if we turn this on and we plug this in all this is going to use is the actual charging block power rather than it's sitting there trying to charge while you're playing it which you don't want it to do your fan settings you can turn your fan on to quiet mode smart mode or sport now sport is going to be really really fast and that's going to be always running it's not too loud unless you're sitting in a really really quiet room the only reason why I would suggest to turn sport on is if you have some heavily demanding games and the smart mode is not activating for whatever reason now I haven't played with this device too much yet on any heavily demanding games to know if I need to put it on sport but for my experience with another device that I own which is the red magic 82 or 8s Pro I always just have it on smart and then it turns on when it needs to airplane mode just turns off everything like your Wi-Fi your Bluetooth everything that has to do with connecting to any connections performance mode click on it you'll be able to set your performance either to standard performance and high performance I set mine to performance on the most part but when I'm playing games that are high demanding like maybe Jensen impact and Nintendo switch emulation high performance mode is what I set it to now I'm going to leave it at performance just for now and that's what I generally leave it as the rest of these settings except for the floating icon which I'll explain to you in a second don't really need to be configured I like to put dark mode on so I'm just going to do Dark theme so that makes it so it's like a black background instead of a white background this floating icon now what this is is when you navigate into a game there's going to be a little floating icon on the right hand side of your screen that'll pop up and allow you to configure your hot game settings and see your FPS settings your battery and everything like that now I don't have any games on this yet to actually be able to do that and show you but we'll get started with that in the next video that is about it with setting up the basics of your Odin 2 we're going to jump right in to some heavily demanding emulation first with this device because Nintendo switch emulation is supposed to be bomb dickity see you next time [Music] bye-bye a
Channel: DNA Mobile Gaming
Views: 4,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Odin2Setup, Odin2Max, Odin2, AynOdin2
Id: 0Hy2tZglLIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2023
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