Dolphin Wii Android Ultimate Setup Guide With The Odin 2

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what's going on mobile Gamers today I'm going to show you guys everything you need to know with the ultimate setup guide for Wei for the Dolphin emulator for Android so let's jump in and level up our gaming knowledge all right moile Gamers so this part is very important because I have seen a few guides that have tried to teach how to use dolphin emulators file system manager which involves us downloading another application or using a computer and if you don't have a computer and don't want to install a whole bunch of different random applications you don't have to because I'm going to show you something that is really cool that I actually noticed over a month and a half ago with multiple different applications actually if we go into our file manager we click on the three lines at the top which is called the hamburger icon we scroll all the way down all the way down until you see Citra Dolphin Drive and Yuzu we're going to navigate inside our dolphin folder now those other ones those are folders for all those other emulators I don't think anybody has actually ever noticed that until today when I showed you this because I've seen multiple guides where people have downloaded extra apps or said hey you have to plug it into computer we can't actually access these folders which is not true because you can actually access everything within your Android device if you know how to which I've showed you now so we're going to need this information for multiple different reasons because we're going to need to know where our game saves are going to be which is going to be in this folder we're going to need to know where our textures are going to be which is going to be in the load folder so there's our textures there's our Revolution paths we're also going to need to know where our we folder saves are going to be because our wi saves are a little bit different setup I'm going to show you how to do that we can also find out where our configuration files are now I haven't configured any of my controller profiles yet but when we do there's going to be a folder that's in here called profiles and then you can back that profiles folder up or edit it which I'm going to show you in this Advanced guide that being said this again is how you access this folder all you have to do go to your files go to the three lines go all the way down to the bottom at the left hand side go to dolphin and there is your data this is your data folders that everybody says you can't access which you actually can so there you go hope that was helpful let's jump to the next section all right Gamers so this section is going to cover everything you need to know about your Wii input because Wii input is very difficult to understand for some people even myself it took me a couple days to actually kind of get it to the point where it would work on a lot of these games that you see on screen so that I wouldn't have to mess around and change every input every time I went into another game I have save states set up for a couple of these games so that we can get right into it when we configure this so we're going to go into our little gear icon first we're going to go to Wi input we're going to go to the little settings icon on the right hand side there and we're going to scroll down and we're going to look at where it says profiles profiles is going to be very vital to setting this up because we want to set our profiles to specific games so that we have pointer access we have motion access for some games if you want motion the profiles are going to be set up specifically to each game and I'm going to show you how to do that right here in this section so we're going to get out of here we're going to go and actually set up our buttons first now this is the way I like my ab1 and 2 to be set up just for the sake of multiple of the games that I actually play I like my a to be down here which is my B button my B to be my y button my one is going to be my a button my two is going to be my x button and again like I said that's all up to preference and that's all up to your style of gameplay you could use Ab X and Y if you want but I don't really like that kind of form factor this is pretty straightforward when it comes to your buttons your d-pad this part is probably the easiest part that anybody can actually figure out pretty straightforward and easily hot keys I don't worry about that whatsoever for a lot of these games I haven't had any reason to actually set that up now this next part this part of this guide is going to show you how to set up your controller with motion I already showed this with my uh Wii setup guide for the Odin 2 but I'm going to show you this because I'm going to show you how to configure this completely properly save the profile if you want to have that motion so that when you shake your device and whatever you can actually use it just like it's like a Wii Mo and an unchuck together so we're going to go to motion simulation now this point don't worry about that yet because I'm going to show you what that's all about after we're not going to worry about that pointer now when you see the shake option this is actually allowing you to set your shake button to an actual button we're not going to set this up right now I'm going to show you that in a second same with this tilt this tilt allows you to tilt your device well tilt your device and not actually tilt it with like a joystick and some buttons I'm just showing you this because I'm going to show you how to set this all up without Motion in a second motion input we're going to go into our motion input we're going to go all the way down to where it says accelerometer you're going to notice that your accelerometer is already set up so basically what that means is that we're going to be able to tilt our device Shake our device and move it back and forth so that there if there's games that actually need that they can be utilized with the whole motion kind of sensing if you want to have it set up that way some of you might not want to have this set up that way and that's what these profiles are actually good for we need to set up our motion manually for our nunchuck though some games when you only have the motion set up on one side of the device don't work great like Donkey Kong returns for example if you don't set up the motion for your nunchuk so we're going to set up our nunchuck our C button is going to be our L1 our Z our Zed whatever you want to say is going to be our L2 our stick pretty straightforward is going to be our left stick now we're going to go all the way down as you can notice we can set up our shake for our uh wee nunchuck as well but we're not going to set that up manually yet same with our tilt if we need to do that our swing we can do that as well but we're not going to do that we're going to go all the way down to where it says accelerometer we're going to long press on this you're going to see where it says devices you're going to select that drop down menu you're going to go all the way down to device sensors you're going to go to accelerometer up for up down for down left for Left pretty straightforward and then forward and backward is going to be the same thing so you're going to go all the way down to device sensors so you'll see accelerometer forward and device sensors accelerometer backwards now that that's set up we can go back out of this go all the way up to the top where it says profiles click on the little save icon on the right hand side and then name it I'm going to name this one weote nunchuk with motion or you can just put motion doesn't matter I'm going to have these in the link in the description below as well has a zip file so that you can actually import these into your Wii profiles so click done click okay click back click back again click back again now by default all of these games are going to try to utilize that weote for its main purpose that's not going to work for Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 for example and it's going to be a little bit of a pain in the butt for Mario Kart because Mario Kart uses the pointer but I'm going to show you Donkey Kong Country Returns and Super Mario Bros with that function so we're going to go back I'm going to click load and go into a game I'm going to start shaking so you can see on the right hand side I'm shaking my screen and I'm able to use that utilization of actually shaking my device and blowing on the FEA or the little flowers or whatever and moving my character around and doing whatever else I need to do with the actual motions so I'm going to get out of here I'm going to go to Super Mario rose as well I'm going to go back I'm going to go to my load same thing with this so if I need to shake do that and do my tilt I can tilt my controls just like so now some of you might not like that so let's go back let's get out of here let's go back into our settings gear icon we're going to go to our wi input we're going to go to our settings Cog Now by default like I said we are sitting on this profile if you don't know what profile you're sitting on at the time which is our weote nunchuck with motion if you click this up Arrow it'll say do you want to discard your current controller settings and load this profile for this sake of this part I'm going to say yes just to make sure that I'm loading that profile into our wiot we're going to go into our motion input we're going to be getting rid of our accelerometer settings click clear long press on it just click clear on all of these the reason for this is because I don't want to have that accelerometer set up for my games I just want to use the full control of my actual device buttons rather than having to shake it and all that kind of stuff maybe some people might find that annoying that you're shaking your device around so click back go to motion simulation go all the way down to where it says X Y and Z or Zed click on the Y I'm going to use my R2 button make sure it just says axis 22 not axis 22 plus whatever that said same with your Z or Zed and have that button set up for basically smashing the ground or spinning in the air the reason we don't want to set up our X is because I'm going to show you what that does when we do set that up basically if I hold down that button Donkey Kong's just going to keep rolling if I keep uh holding down that X and Mario's uh if I press that button the the tilt of that platform is going to start tilting so we're going to click back we're going to go down to our nunchuk we're going to do that same thing we're going to go down our Y and Z or Zed and go all the way down we got to make sure that we turn off this accelerometer as well clear out all of these settings that we just set up and I'm showing you these settings just so that you know how to actually set them up click back go all the way to the top click profiles now we already have one that says weote nunchuck with motion now we're going to save this one as weote nunchuck no motion click done click okay click back click back again click back again now all of these games are going to use that one because we just set that up if we wanted them to use the other one we would go into our Wii input settings gear go to profiles and we would set the one that says with motion by pressing that up Arrow but we're not going to do that we're going to go back we're going to go back out again we're going to go back out again now what we're going to do because I want my Donkey Kong Country Returns to have motion and I want my Super Mario Bros not to have motion I'm going to long press on my game go all the way down go to edit game settings go to Wii input click the settings gear go to profile now I'm going to use my motion with my Donkey Kong so I'm going to use that weote nunchuk with motion go back go back go back it's going to save the settings specifically for that game ID you long press on the game you'll see that the game ID at the top is sf8 p01 now we're going to long press on our Super Mario Bros we're going to edit game settings go to Wii input go to settings gear go to Prof profile and then we're going to set our weote nunchuck no motion this is going to be a little bit different because we need to have an option to tilt though so we're going to go back to our settings gear we're going to go to Wi input we're going to settings we're going to go to our profile now the one with no motion we're not going to be able to do this anymore so we're going to make sure that we load that no motion one we're going to go press that up Arrow Press yes now we're going to go into our motion simulation we're going to scroll all the way down down keep going keep going keep going until it says tilt our tilt is going to be set up like this this is how I like it and that's all up to your preference but this is how I'm going to set it up for this specific game to show you and give you an idea of how that works so forward and backwards think of your Wii Remote your forward and backwards is just going like this some games need that forward and back motion so I'm going to use my joystick up I'm going to use my joystick back for the forward and back motion my left and right I'm going to use my M2 and M1 buttons on the back so my left is going to be my right M2 my Z and my right is going to be my C which is my M1 so I'm going to show you this now we need to go back into that for a second we got to make sure that we save that it does automatically save but I always like to make sure that it saves just so that when I set up my Super Mario Bros to that specific wi remote which we already have set up to our no motion that it actually configures it properly so let's go into Super Mario Bros first go to quick load now I'm going to show you when I hold that button down he's going to keep spinning like that that's fine that's doesn't bother me I like that now when I'm on this platform as you notice we can't tilt the the actual control but if we hold that M1 button it's going to go up on that side it's going to go up on this side and the reason why I like to hold that button or use that button is because I can still use my other buttons without having to mess around with this joystick some people might want to have the joystick set to left and right but I like it like this so let's see how this works and there you go you kind of gets a little bit interesting to get used to that if you don't want to use your motion controls but there you go that's just the way to set up that kind of system now we're going to go into Mario Kart for example I'm going to go quickly load my game you're going to notice that you can't move your little pointer because it's trying to load that one profile without emotion now the pointer is the most annoying part that you might think is hard to set up we're going to click the back button we're going to go to exit emulation we're going to go to settings we're going to go to Wi input we're going to go to gear icon now I'm going to set this up with my motion one so we're going to go yes so that's what we did is just loaded that profile I wish they had an option to actually see what profile we're in to make it a little bit easier but that's being said we're going to actually go into our pointer option by going to motion input we have to turn off this accelerometer the reason for that is because every time you move your accelerometer like this that Wii or that pointer ends up showing up on the screen so we're going to go clear clear clear clear clear clear now we're going to go back out we're going to go to motion simulation now we're going to set up our pointer we're going to go up for up on our right joystick down for down left for Left Right for right reenter I like to set up my M2 button or my Z button you're going to go down to where it says relative input and autohide now autohide it's all up to your preference if you want autohide to be on or not I like to have autohide on but I'm going to turn it off just to show you what happens with it on or off tilt all that kind of stuff we don't have to worry about unless you want to worry about the Tilt but there's no tilt options for a couple of these games so it doesn't really matter but now you know where the Tilt option is if you actually need that with the pointer click back now for our nunchuk we're going to have to do the same thing we're going to have to get rid of those motions so go all the way down get rid of that accelerometer because that pointer for whatever reason it's just because of the actual accelerometer in your Wii remote for example the real one likes to actually appear or disappear so now we're going to go to our profiles we're going to save this as weote no motion with pointer click okay now we're going to go into our Mario Kart we're going to long press this go to edit game settings go to Wi input settings here go profile weote no motion with pointer go back go back go back now go into the game now load the game up and you'll notice that we can move this pointer around anywhere we want without any issues so the thing is I think the pointer might be I might have actually set up the wrong button for one of the the actual things here now go to exit emulation don't try to set up your settings while you're in the game I'm going to go back out into my motion simulation here my pointer oh that's why my right is set up as my the wrong button here there we go so now that you I messed that up it has to be 11 plus and 11 minus I have to actually resave that profile again no motion with pointer click save just like so and now if we go back into Wii or Wii Super Mario Kart quick load there we go that's all perfect now if we click that button we can recenter it so say if you push that off the screen you lost it there it is right there now no matter how what angle you put this device at that pointer is always going to be able to be there so let's press a which is my B button I know that's confusing using now we can use that pointer just like it's an actual pointer on our device I'm going to show you that with Super Mario Galaxy as well now I'm going to go my quick load and here's my game now there's my little star for Super Mario Galaxy and I can use all my other buttons the way that I want to so there it is there's the Wii Moote setup guide basically in a nutshell showing you a lot of different things of how to understand the wi remote for we on Dolphin all right so this part is going to show you quickly how to change your wi controller profile name let's say you accidentally named it something you didn't want to name it that all we're going to do is go into our Dolphin Emulator folder go to config go to profiles go to weote and then you can rename this whatever you want so in my case let's go back here let's change this to list view so we can actually see the whole name make sure you don't change the any that is the extension file of that weote but if we change this actual name here so weote nunchuk motion Bob I guess at the end you're going to go back go back in and there's that new name if we go back into dolphin and then we go to our profiles go to we input settings icon go to profiles you'll see that that profile has been set up now if you change that name and you've already configured it to a certain game I don't remember which one we set up here but let's go to the settings gear there it is right there so this one you have to recheck that back off so that you know that you're going to be using that wi motion with Bob that's it for controller settings navigate to whatever section you want now because there's a lot of different sections in this Ultimate Guide so this section is going to cover how to load some textures loading textures might not be for everybody but some people actually like it so the first thing we're going to do is go to a site called forums. now this site is one of the sites that you can get the textures from you can get textures all over Google there's some textures that work some that don't a lot of them do work and this site is probably the main one that you're going to want to use if you want to load any of these Textures in so we're going to navigate to that website we're going to scroll all the way down scroll all the way down until you see custom texture projects you're going to click on that now you're going to click back to get rid of that ad you're going to click on it again and there goes that ad you're going to scroll all the way down to the bottom here and you're going to see a whole bunch of different textures load up these are all the textures for Wii so scroll all the way down until you see the texture that you want and I'm going to use this one right here which is Mario Kart now you're going to see an option to actually download it right here so there's the downloads link click it let it do its thing wait for it to load up and then click the down arrow on the top right hand side now some of these sites might have different links so it might be Mega Drive it might be Google Drive which is what this one is just all depends on the actual texture pack and where you get it from now we're going to navigate out we're going to go to an application called raar laabs and yes we have to use this application to unzip things this is one of my favorite applications to unzip anything I've used it probably for like 5 or six years so we're going to navigate in there if you don't have this you can just get it from the Google Play store or on Google scroll all the way down until you see your texture pack which is the Mario Kart Wii HD texture pack click the check boox click the up arrow click okay now this is just going to extract this texture pack into your downloads folder you're going to see two folders in here now these textures are okay to be used if you want to use them it's all up to your preference I am going to only use the John texture and I'm going to show you how to actually set that up now the main thing to point out RMC see is the the first three letters of your game ID the game ID for Mario Super Mario Bros is SMN the one for dunk country is sf8 you can put the whole ID if you want to just to be safe sf8 p01 but you only need that beginning three letters there to actually work for what I'm going to show you now the first thing I'm going to do since we're in here we're going to go to edit game settings we're going to go down to graphics make sure that we have Vulcan set on most of these texture packs only work with Vulcan we're going to scroll all the way down to advance we're going to set on our load custom textures just like so now make sure that that's checked now this is only going to set up the configuration to load the textures for this specific game so if we navigate into another game it's not going to say that it's trying to load anything now how do we put that texture pack into the folder that we want to well I showed you at the beginning a very vital thing that if you skip that part then you're going to need to know this first we're going to navigate to our downloads folder we're going to go into our downloads folder we're going to go to RMC now technically you can load all of these texture packs if you want to maybe some of them interfere with other ones so it's all up to your preference but I'm going to only show the John 30001 texture I'm going to copy that entire texture pack by long pressing on it clicking the three dots click copy two click the three lines go all the way down to dolphin go all the way down to load go down to textures now I'm going to copy it right here okay so now that that's copied over we're going to click on the three lines we're going to go back down to Dolphin we're going to go down to load we're going to go down to textures and we're going to rename this you need to rename this to at least the three first letters of your game ID which in our case is just RMC click done now it's not going to show that it renamed right away you have to click back go textures and there it goes it named it and there's all your texture packs inside of here and if anybody wants to know if you want to load this into your computer and you want to edit this make sure not to change the game texture pack ID because these are IDs that the game is looking for when it's loading so go back go back go back go back again go back into dolphin now go into Mario Kart wiii and you're going to notice that it says found 17 custom texture packs that's loading those texture packs for you like a to play okay I'm going to show you the main menu screen so there's the texture pack being loaded on the main menu screen now one thing that we can do to actually fully enhance this tfold you can actually tell the difference if I actually turn that texture pack off so go to Graphics go down to advance turn that off go back into it and you can see a significant difference when you actually turn that off so what we're looking for right now is just to press the a button and the actual graphics of Mario and Luigi so let's go back into our settings go to Graphics settings go all the way down to advance and let's turn that back on now for enhancements I'm going to change the internal resolution to 6K I'm going to go to eight times anatrophic filter to 16 times texture filtering I'm just leave that the default I'm going to show you how well that turns up the graphics on this texture pack now it's going to slow down theame a little bit but there we go there it is right there so that's how you load your texture packs you don't have to do that last part that I showed you I just wanted to show you how well this texture pack looks when you actually enhance it I sweet spot is about 3x because this device is 1080p two times on antialiasing two times on anatrophic filtering and texture filtering I just leave it to force linear and I think that still looks good too and there's it compiling all these shaders it's going to recompile everything get rid of all those old compilations and set them up this part is pretty quick and easy texture packs aren't as hard as they sound sometimes your texture packs might not load but as you can see you can see the difference by the press the a button you can see the difference by the menu screen and I'm going to show you this quickly just so you can actually see the full difference if we turn off that texture pack go back go back go back we'll go back into it and there's the original menu again it will save it in the background but there you go that's texture packs very easy very straightforward so Revolution mods they're a little bit new to me but I got them figured out so that you guys can learn how to use them as well what they are is basically a configuration file a game that overlays an existing game for example we're going to be using a game called newer Super Mario Bros Wii over top of our Super Mario Bros Wii game what this is doing is basically allowing us to long press on the game click start with Revolution patches and if we have any files inside of this folder for a revolution which are consisted of an XML file a PNG icon and a boot. EF file to actually start playing this game with different levels different graphics and a whole bunch of other stuff basically so that's basically what a revolution mod is I've only tested this with Super Mario Bros Wii and I think oh yeah Super Mario Galaxy which is called Super Mario gravity it's in a whole different game altogether basically just a mod to Overlay an existing game with different maps and different other stuff basically that's the gist of it now I put a link below for both of those Revolution mods we're only going to be doing the Super Mario Bros one just to keep it simple here now at the beginning of this guide I told you guys where to find your dolphin data folder so you're going to go down to where it says load and you're going to see a folder called Revolution now this is where we're going to save this file that I'm going to show you here first you're going to go to Google Chrome you're going to copy and paste that link in the description below and that link is just basically for the revolution newer Super Mario Bros Wii so I'm going to type in newer Super Mario Bros Wii Just into Google because I don't have that full link right now now you're going to see a link called download newer download newer again Mega Drive is going to pop up you're going to have to click on the three dots on the top right hand side and click download now it's going to be a big file so you got to give it some time to actually load up all right now I've navigated to my downloads folder as you can see here it finally finished sometimes it just sticks at 100% that's okay don't worry about that now we're going to unzip this you can unzip it by just unzipping it all into your main folder but I'm going to just leave it the way it is and unzip it using my raar labs so raar Labs like I said in the last section if you follow that section is very vital and good for a lot of unzipping and extracting of 7z files raar files and zip files now I'm going to click this three or this dot right here I'm going to click this up arrow click okay and let it extract the files it does take some time sometimes but this one's not as big as some of these Revolution mods some of them are like 2 and a half to three gigs big I don't know what they did to the game but they're pretty big all right now that we've extracted that folder we're going to go to our downloads we're going to go into that folder and you're going to grab this revolution folder and the new Super Mario Bros Wii long press both of them and check them off click the three dots click copy two click the three lines go all the way down to our dolphin folder go down to load go to Revolutions and copy that folder in there it does take a few seconds to actually do that so just give it some time as it looks like it's going to take about 45 to 30 seconds all right now we're going to navigate back to Dolphin we're going to long press on Super Mario Bros Wii we're going to go start with Revolution patches and now you'll see a new menu pop up this menu won't pop up for any other games if it doesn't have a revolution patch in it as you see I'm long pressing these other ones these won't pop up because they're not associated with the actual game so start Revolution patch now we're going to click enabled if you want to enable it you can click disabled if you want to disable it as well so let's click Start click a to play and watch the magic happen as we load up a whole newer game called newer Super Mario Bros Wii and that's it for loading up revolution mods this section is going to cover game saves why would we want game saves well maybe you just don't want to play all the way through the game and you just want to play every track out there for Mario Kart Wii which sometimes that's just a thing so to go back to Mario Kart Wii Mario Kart Wii game saves don't import properly for whatever reason but I have a game save that I did find on Google for this to actually work and I've backed it up on Discord so if you want to have a full 100% game save for Mario Kart Wii which has all of the files that you need then navigate over to my Discord which is linked below otherwise we can navigate to a website that has a bunch of game saves and this website is linked below it's called game facts so all I'm going to do is go wi game saves and I'm going to look for that website there are a few other ones here but I'm going to go to Mario Kart Wii game saves yes they have the Mario Kart Wii game saves here but they don't actually import properly for whatever reason like I said so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to the home I'm going to press the back button to get out of that ad I'm going to search the game that I want which is going to be Donkey Kong Country Returns so Donkey Kong Country Return returns for Wii which is right here now I'm going to navigate to where it says home guides Q&A cheats and save so I'm going to go to saves I'm going to scroll down now you have to make sure that you have the right game save for your game so I'm going to go back to Dolphin what I mean by that is if you have a European copy or a North American copy the way that you can tell this is by long pressing on the game go to details and then you can see what country of origin it is now I think I have some games here that are maybe North America no they're all they're all European maybe this one is no they're all European I don't know why I yeah no I do know why because po games are better anyways so now that we know that it's a European copy we can download this dony Kong Country Returns 200% plus Shiny Gold game save so once you've downloaded that you're going to have to actually go back into dolphin there's an easy way to actually import these game saves now I'm going to navigate to my game just to show you that this there is no no game save on here whatsoever and as you see there's no game saves at all now that doesn't mean that I don't have any game states which I do but that's a whole different thing so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to my three dots import weave I'm going to go to my Odin 2 my downloads folder and this game save is going to be in the form of a bin file so this is the Don Kong Country Returns bin file I'm going to select it it says save data for this title already exists in the Nan consider backing up the current data before overwriting it well I'm going to overwrite it anyway so you click yes click okay now when I navigate back to that game I will have that game save for eternity I guess so how to get rid of that I'm going to show you that afterwards so let's go into the game let's show you the game save loading up and there it is right there game two at 200% and then there's just a random one that has 18% so if we go into the game we can fully load right into the game at 200% complete now I'm probably not going to ever use this myself but it is good for you to know where this is if you ever want to back up your game saves or you know maybe share your game saves with somebody else that wants to play on your worlds or whatever or on your games maybe you want somebody to beat a level for you that you can't beat that's all up to your preference now going to settings go to config go to user data you can actually export your user data which will export all of your data which includes your game saves that's one way to actually do it the easiest way is by exporting your user data and then importing your user data now another way to actually get rid of that game save it's a little bit difficult if you already have a whole bunch of games that you've loaded up but in my case I don't I've already backed this information up so let's go to our dolphin folder we're going to go down to our Wii we're going to go down to title now we're not going to know where our title is unless we go into a game load it and then look inside each one of these folders and figure out which what game is which and that's what I'm going to show you right now so I don't have any other games that I've loaded yet so I know that this folder right here is my game save folder for Donkey Kong Country Returns so I'm going to delete this just go like that delete that data file I'm going to go back into dolphin I'm going to go into my Donkey Kong Country Returns and that game save is going to be completely gone and as you see it's gone so new game there's no games there at all so how we going to actually load our Mario Kart game I thought some people might want this because maybe you do want to just play whatever world you want or level you want you're going to load up the game for a quick second now I'm going to exit the emulation now that that's been loaded I'm going to go back now I already know what folder this is because I've actually looked at this it's going to be inside the 001004 folder there it is right there that's the actual title ID we're going to go to that we're going to go to data and now there's not going to be any data in there now I have supplied you guys with the data for this so we're going to go to our downloads after you've downloaded it if you did download it and here it is so let's grab all of these files right here we're going to copy them or extract them we're going to go down to our download our dolphin folder go to our Wii folder go to our title go to our 004 go to this go to this and extract now that that's extracted we can double check make sure that it worked properly go all the way down to title 004 and there's those files right there now we're going to navigate within our Mario Kart Wii we're going to load up our game it'll probably ask you to set up your Mi character again but as you can see here are all the actual worlds or levels whatever unlocked so if we press okay set our guest or our me character and we'll be on our way to play every level that we want to for Mario Kart now that's just like a little hack if you can't find a Wii game save and look we can play mirror that's it for Wii game saves so I think we're pretty straight to the point when it comes to setting up our Wii this is the advanced guide for Wii setup for Dolphin as I've noticed like I said a lot of people having issues with a lot of these different features that we can actually utilize in the dolphin application which is really awesome in my opinion to actually have this yes I died because adding textures does enhance the game adding new mods does make it so that you have maybe another another game type knowing how to set up your actual configuration for your buttons as you can see here I don't have the right actual controller set up for this one for some reason does utilize and help with a lot of different things when it comes to different games because each game has its own we and nunchuck setup which some games are kind of more annoying than others but this is the finalization of the advanced Wii setup guide that I have for you guys don't forget to like And subscribe don't forget to comment if you have any questions as I try to answer as many questions as I can as quick as I can when I can hope you guys enjoyed that I know this was a very long video but there were time stamps so if you wanted to jump to certain sections you could have a nice day enjoy gaming see you next time byebye
Channel: DNA Mobile Gaming
Views: 6,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DolphinWiiSetupGuide, DolphinEmulatorGuide, DolphinWii, Android, DolphinAndroid, WiiControllerGuideDolphin
Id: lyvfrypgOUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 44sec (2384 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2023
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