Odin 2 - Massive Yuzu Performance

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what's up everyone Alex here we got a pretty nice Nintendo switch emulation video today and we're coming back to the Odin 2 just want to show quickly that I'm still using optium this is a really great app for updating your emulators I use it for a few things and Yuzu is something that gets updates like every day or two and it's worth keeping up to date so I use that to get the latest updates and you can see here when I scroll down I have these two button icons because I'm using Odin tools and if I those buttons I can go into the app and they've made some cool updates recently and one of them I like is app overrides so with that I can pick an app and have it choose a certain control style so Yuzu is using the Odin which is Nintendo style and Pegasus is using Xbox so whenever I come back out of Yuzu I can use it like the Xbox style and when I go into Yuzu it is like Nintendo style so just see there that was Android 245 we're going to have a quick look at my settings they're all pretty much default we're going to be using handheld mode uh there probably is some games where doct is better we got 1X resolution normal accuracy and the main settings here that I've pretty much got always on is dis Shader cache Force maximum clocks and use asynchronous shaders now audio here I'm just going to show quickly one of these settings it's called Cub Cube be and that is a setting that is probably going to help you with some games on the retroid pocket 3 4 plus as a 4 Pro I'm going to have to get used to that uh everything else is pretty much default Vulcan and nce should be the default settings for when you're using the newest GitHub updates and now this is important so GPU driver manager I'm using the newest revision which is revision 17 this only come out today but there are other drivers worth getting and some of them are Qualcomm drivers and there's a couple of games where I'm going to be using those so I'll leave a link to the description where you can get those but yeah I'll be showing each game which driver I'm going to pick and here with Batman Arkham City you can see that I'm using the Qualcomm driver instead of the turnip driver one of the reasons I use this is because sometimes when Batman is punching enemies and getting into the action uh some of the like smoke effects from like him hitting the guy they would look a bit corrupt and off so by using this driver it actually seems to fix them but there is like a couple of niggles with like the the UI in the main menu for example but apart from that Batman is running excellent It's really smooth the only downside is that is the Nintendo switch version so it runs at a maximum of 30 frames per second whereas usually it runs at 60 so I actually find this game harder to play in 30 frames because I feel like I want to do inputs a lot quicker than I am anticipating so sometimes I get whacked quite easily but Batman Arkham City is completely playable on the Oden 2 and it's one of my favorite games of all time if you've never played it now is a great time to check it out since uh Rock Steady seemed to be uh shooting themselves in the foot with not a great game Suicide Squad I I I love rock steady and even I don't want to check it out it's uh it's a bit of a shame really but their Batman Trilogy is topnotch and you can play Asylum and City both on the Odin 2 pretty much perfectly so they're worth adding to your collection Batman what the hell happened don't know gas leak in a church G no way must have been something to do with h I told you she was up that's the plan yep I ain't so sure we're going to have a quick look at bayoneta 3 using revision 17 terminate driver now this is one that I won't say it's playable but I've checked up on it a couple of times and you you get to the title menu and the frame rate is kind of low there every every time I've checked it out I've gone nah this isn't worth checking out but today I went to check it out and I was like you know what this works and it's like it's not 60 frames and it's like not perfect but it works I was that really surprised me and then later on I have a little look with the um with the floating it on yeah right here to look at the CPU and meem and they're not maxing out so that gives me like a good feeling that maybe in future Updates this will get even better and I really hope it does cuz I think it be awesome to be able to play this on the Odin 2 so I got high hopes that later down the line this one could actually be playable but again this is only the start of the games there's so much later on that probably gets crazy so who knows we're going to have a quick look at Dark Souls which is already playable but I kind of wanted to like prove a point here I'm using revision 17 Again I also have the latest update and the the light fix which I have um shown in a different video but I basically got right to the end of Dark Souls I don't know why I didn't kill gwy I just kind of stopped but I just wanted to show you that here is a save file I have played basically all of dark souls in this device so I can personally verify that the entire of Dark Souls 1 is playable I don't think there was a single area that didn't work uh there might have been one actually I think it was like the um when you go down that big tree and there's like the beach there I think it gets a bit weird a couple of places there but that was like it and it constantly surprised me how well this game Ran So if you want to play Dark Souls yeah it is playable just wanted to say with Dragon's Dogma which is playable but the there's a a shadow issue where like it's still not fixed and I was hoping like a different driver might have fixed it by now but I don't know I think it's just something we're going to have to wait with uh USU updates and I just wanted to chime in with Grime again I actually did a whole video on this because it's out and I actually worked on this game I did the music for this and it works perfectly on this device I think it actually runs better than the Nintendo switch I'm not entirely sure but this is a really cool Metroid Vania I did the music for it and the only problems it has is some like graphical errors when you like attack the enemy so I think there's a couple of things that happens in this little boss fight where you immediately notice like oh yeah there's a couple of Errors there but hopefully like right there hopefully in a new update um those won't appear anymore and this whole game should look very nice at 30 frames it is a really cool game I know I'm biased but if you're into Metroid vas and want something a bit different and something with dark souls like combat for a 2.5d Style game it's definitely worth checking out here I want to have a look at live aive live alive whatever I don't know how to say it uh using term turn up 17 so here's a really weird thing when I tried this game before I did the video it worked it worked perfectly and I was like okay I'm excited to show this in a video except whenever I was testing it in the video as soon as I start the game the like Overworld map area always looked wrong it just horrible and was like like right there whereas the first time I tried it it displayed perfectly I could not find a way to fix this I don't know if I should probably have like maybe um cleared the cash again just to make sure but I get into battle and the game runs absolutely fine so yeah I don't know why I kept coming up with that problem in the video uh my first time trying it I got into the map and I was like hell yeah this is awesome yeah looking forward to like play this a bit and get some footage of this but yeah all I can really show you is that the battle system was working fine but the Overworld in the video I tried turn up 16 maybe there's some other drivers I should have checked just just in case but I'm 99% sure I started this game with turnip 17 and it worked so maybe it's one of those problems where actually I can bring it up right now with Mario Kart so first of all using Qualcomm 67 6.47 uh I actually tested some turnup drivers but with qualcom I noticed a much smoother performance so a couple of times I started this game and I don't know if you're going to have this problem too maybe it's just an update problem with Yuzu but if you start the game and you hear like crackling in the audio then for some reason the game's not going to run very well so maybe this is a memory leak issue where you need to like restart the emulator and just get back in but for me what I noticed is if I started Mario Kart and there was no crackles in the audio uh right now with this update and this driver uh I pretty much had 60 frames the entire time playing this game I think there was a couple instances in the last track I tried cuz I did a I did four tracks like one GP thing and uh yeah I think I noticed a couple of like noticeable hiccups right at the end but all these tracks I play I was just having a great time I was just I forgot I was actually making a video and Mario Kart 8 was working really well when the Odin 2 came out anyway but I definitely remember recalling in some videos like the first track I showed was Los Angeles and I remember saying like this is a track that doesn't run well so I can't recommend that this game is completely playable whereas after this video I'm like yeah I think I can recommend this game is completely playable um the four tracks I tried I didn't have a problem so unless there are some tracks that are known to be like real problems that I'm unaware of um I think it's completely [Applause] playable [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wow now here's the big one this is one of the main reasons I was excited to do this video Metroid Prime here is showing revision 17 so that's the newest turnip driver when you actually go to the GitHub page where you download this you have to scroll down a fair bit so I just want to demonstrate here you can see there's a couple of graphical issues I don't know if that's to do with the turnip driver and I can't guarantee that it was turnip 17 that fixed this for me it might have just been the newest update but every time I tested Metroid Prime I did this air loock and waited for wait for it to open and every time I walked through this door the game would freeze and today it did and I was ecstatic I was like oh crap we're going to play Metroid Prime on the Odin 2 let's go so on the Discord for Odin 2 emulation there were some people saying oh we've tested Metroid Prime and it's like well how did you do it and I think a couple of them admitted they took their PC save past this point and then tested it out you can see some graphical errors there very very minor I don't know if maybe turning back to a different turnip driver Qualcomm or even the system GPU would fix that uh I didn't test that to see cuz the opening to Metroid Prime is so long I didn't want to keep over testing this um that's actually a good point I was going to show neara autometer today and the thing is every time I tested that game the intro is so long it's incredibly long you can't save you can't Skip and it would always crash before the Big Crane arm comes through the wall and you got to fight that today it didn't I managed to play a really nice chunk of neeter uh to the point where I thought I was going to be able to save so I got really close to the big boss where like I don't want to spoil things but then it crashed and I realized couldn't save and I'd have to test it so much again so I can tell you that neotoma is a bit better it's not exactly playable there's so many errors but yeah I'm not going to test that again until it's very nice L better but yeah I just I played a good chunk of Metroid Prime here I got all the way past the first section to a new territory on Talon 4 and I didn't notice any problems so I got a really good feeling that all of this is playable now so maybe it was the newest Yuzu update maybe if you change the GPU driver around you'll uh fix a couple of little hiccup graphical errors we saw in this video didn't really bother me too much but yeah yeah extremely happy that I was able to get past that airlock and save I never have to test that really long intro ever again I'd like to say the same about NE autometer but yeah just running through the choso ruins here and someone on Discord said there was a point where like this game had a memory leak and it got really bad but in my testing of it up to this point I didn't notice any kind of like slowdowns or any points where I thought the frame rate was going to screw up a bit it was just very smooth so I'm very excited about [Music] [Applause] this we're also going to have a quick look at Red Dead Redemption this was a bit of a weird one I wasn't sure about testing this but I thought you know what new driver new update let's go and I did like the whole start of the game so you can see here in this section uh after John's been shot and he wakes up in this new house everybody's kind of glitching out and the models are acting strangely this is exactly what happened at the start of the game and then it ran poorer and poorer and it seemed like the more the game had to do the worse it got so this might be a memory leak issue so for example at the start of the game we get on the horse we ride up to the Fort John gets shot and it just got worse and worse and this area was completely unplayable then I start up this save file for this video and it's pretty smooth at 30 frames still glitchy people but it's pretty smooth so I think right I get on the horse I go ride out see what happens and it's seems quite playable I'm like hm okay this is quite odd but I'm glad I recorded this but then um as soon as like John gets sent back and the game restarts cuz you know rock steady loves scripting everything in their open world games I come back and the frame rate starts messing around again it starts getting worse and worse so I don't think a driver is going to fix that kind of thing I think we're going to have to look for a new update for Red Dead Redemption to be uh like actually playable but yeah it seems like the more time you play this game the worse it gets but uh I do have high hopes for it actually I just it's a matter of time matter of time until the Odin can play this here's Super Mario Odyssey again we're going to use revision 17 I didn't mess around with this I have a save file where I start off in world two or would you consider it world three anyway it's the desert world and I didn't really feel any problems in this either I mean I know this world's kind of simple but I do actually remember testing this save file uh in a different video or a different time and remembering the frame rate the frame rate just was jumping up and down a little bit in this test it's pretty much 60 smooth throughout the entire video so uh I'm just going to let this play out was really fun to [Music] play [Music] what [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] this one's going to be really interesting as well we're going to have a look at tears of the Kingdom using revision 17 I didn't mess around with this I just thought I'd give it a go newest update I always have a save where I load up hatina Village here there's there's a lot going on in here I feel like The Villages are more dense than like other places in the game and I always find that with tears of the Kingdom you need to just give it a moment to like kind of like load up and then it starts getting smoother when I used to run through this Village I remember it being about 18 frames and it's pushing up between 22 and 25 which I think is very much switch like cuz I think everybody knew that like tears of the Kingdom didn't run like amazingly on the switch but it ran well enough I think I think we're kind of getting to that point here again so I was running around and going like huh this is weird this is actually like decently playable I better do some more testing cuz uh you know people might be really interested in this so I'm not going to cut this footage around I'm going to show everything I've done I did speed up some bits later because there was a crash and I was messing around with a build that didn't make sense but yeah this is all uncut so if you want to watch all of this you can see exactly what happens there's a bit later where the sound gets kind of like glitchy this has always happened I'm not entirely sure why so I think that is just a Yu thing that's going to have to be fixed later down the line but yeah this is the tears of the Kingdom on the newest Yuzu [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] build [Music] [Music] [Music] p [Applause] [Laughter] what [Laughter] is [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] yeah [Applause] [Music] the h h ah what what [Music] [Applause] h [Music] [Music] a [Applause] a is so I thought it'd be a good idea to go to the underworld and then it crashed and I was like oh no no no no I hope I hope that doesn't again and it didn't it was just it's just a thing that sometimes happens with Yuzu and emulators in general I guess sometimes something goes wrong tends to happen more in Yuzu than other emulators but it's just kind of like something you have to accept so load up the save file try to fast travel to the underworld area again and this time it works so I run around for a bit I did think like oh maybe I'll build something and drive around and see how it handles that but it kind of screwed up and then it crashed again whilst I was making the build so at this point in the video I'm like I mean it's been running well but can I say it's playable if it's going to crash like this but I don't know I don't know if it was just uh a random crash because this does happen even on PC Yuzu even if you have like the best PC sometimes Yuzu will just crash you can't help it so you know maybe this isn't the fault of the Odin maybe it's just that um over time maybe Yuzu will become more um efficient so I don't know but I was really happy with this video I think I think tears of the kingdom is more playable than ever which is awesome oh and lastly I just want to quickly check out triangle strategy so this was one someone on Reddit actually asked about this and I tested it yesterday before this newest build and I was able to do a whole battle and the game ran perfectly and I was like great let's try and get another battle again uh and then I kept playing the game it's like it's going to take forever so I just ran around this town and for some reason I don't know why I didn't get footage of this but a couple of these houses you try to go into uh they're just like bright white and you can't see anything so I would say if you want to test this game out yourself try some different drivers cuz that might actually fix that problem but I'm not [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] 100% but yeah that's the end of my latest showcase for Nintendo switch on Yuzu with the Odin 2 I'm really happy with some of the games there Metroid Prime especially so if you like that video please give it a like subscribe hit the Bell icon and I'll see you in the next one bye-bye
Channel: RoeTaKa
Views: 27,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: n70phetRUAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 51sec (1971 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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