Octonauts - The Kraken | Compilation | Cartoons for Kids

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hmm i wonder what those little lights are up ahead [Music] shellington it could be a group of tiny firefly squid captain they glow in the dark let's dim the lights so we can get a better look at them already on it captain i still can't tell what they are for certain they don't seem to be moving then let's get a little closer closer jumping jellyfish dashing put us in reverse and pull away i'm trying captain but something's got us switch the steering wheel mode now must break three flappity flippers it's no good we're held tight dashing lights let's see what's got us it's an enormous eye those itty-bitty lights around my eye fooled you didn't they you didn't know they belonged to big on me we mean you no harm please let go of us at once no i'll grab it i'll keep it you weird looking squid daddy and the october octopus took the hq shellington any idea what's grabbed us yes it's a colossal squid it's like my cousin the giant squid only bigger it's the biggest squid in the ocean i wish it would stop shaking us no more shaking phew that was easy time for squeezing yeah he'll crush the octopod not if we match him tentacle for tentacle tweet we're in this tentacle suit professor england will be able to move the arms of the octopod as if they were his own whoa i may not be good at pushing buttons but i'm an expert at tentacle wrestling excellent activate tentacle suit twist to the side like a proper pirate professor ugh oh my i need to break free before he gets his hooks in us hooks what hooks the colossal squid has hooks on the ends of his tentacles yeah which makes it quite a challenge to get away from him almost there just a few more twists and turns a classic move from the squid playbook oh no i can't see what his tentacles are that's right i'm taking you down captain i'm afraid he's hooked us understood quasi to the launch bank here's the plan we'll swim outside and use our own paws to pry those hooks off the ship ah these hooks are no match for a swashbuckling for every hook we loosen two more move into place this will take all my polar bear strength got it captain incoming tentacle thanks quasi anytime better keep moving captain there's something hitting strike for us it's a pod of sperm whales and sperm whales love to eat colossal squid oh i don't like the sound of that if the sperm whales try to eat the colossal squid then they might take a bite out of the octopod too oh it's every squid for himself i'm getting out of here stop holding on to me let go you're the one who's hooked onto us you're right i'm stuck i'll never get away from the sperm whales if i can't move fast enough captain the sperm whales are getting closer don't worry we'll keep you and the octopod safe from the sperm whales octonauts prepare all gupps for launch dinner octonauts let's do this everyone pull up still chasing us yes peso but burn whales breathe air so sooner or later they'll have to swim back up to the surface to breathe keep going oh thank you you guys saved me um i'm sorry about almost crushing your ship and stuff no harm done well not much anyway and now let's help you unhook yourself from the octopod no no you just take it easy really i can do it watch out your hooks are digging deeper just a little tentacle trouble that's all are you sure you don't need some help hold your seahorses i can do it i'll just brace myself and give it a good scroll yes no oops sorry oh no tuna from the vegetables are in there ah they're sinking fast with no time to lose everybody die it's too dark i can't see the pod i see it i see it you're pulling me poor it's too dark down here to see anything i have the biggest eyes in the ocean and i can see just fine without light then let's use your squid vision where are they now bring the gups around i can't believe we're back in these chilly waters again it's all in the name of science quasi indeed the creatures of the arctic zone make some fascinating sounds and with the octopods underwater microphone we can record them for our collection oh what's making that sound oh just my tummy i ate some of tunip's kelp cakes for lunch with a wee bit too much hot sauce right i'm picking up something else listen sounds like walruses to me the computer will match the sound with the animal and we'll see if you're right captain choruses now let me guess the next one this is a strange sound from a strange creature and this strange creature could only be the yes pairing they took by blowing gas bubbles out of their behinds out of their behinds [Music] oh what's that coming from sounds like some kind of whale song it is bowhead whales they only live here in the arctic so their sounds can't be recorded anywhere else look hello new folks hello we're the octonauts pleased to meet you that's an enormous head even for a whale the head of each bullhead wheel is as big as a bus we're not aiming to brag now but we bow heads do have the strongest toughest heads in the arctic how tough tough enough to smash through just about anything yeah and we make some pretty big sounds too ready boys i'm getting a perfect recording of them forehead whales sing all the time while they're traveling playing even eating it's how they talk to each other it's always nice to make new friends out here on the arctic range but now we've got to hit the trail it's feeding time come on giddy up partners bye goodbye yeah what's that more whales it sounds familiar sounds like a call for help it is then we haven't got a moment to lose quasi peso to the launch bay it's coming from inside that ice tunnel they must be somewhere behind all that ice a high in there no walls are you all right help us please we are trapped in here we can't get out i know that voice boris ah barnacles is this you yes old friend what happened me and my two friends we dove down very very deep everything was good yes until the catch ice moved and trapped us in here the ice it is too thick for a narwhal to punch through and we are almost out of air then we need to get you out of there now octonauts to the hq and they're running out of air jumping jellyfish narwhals are whales and whales breathe air they can only stay underwater for a little while and then they need to come up to breathe again we've got to get them out of the ice but first let's get them some air we'll run a breathing tube down there right away cap octonauts let's do this [Music] i found a small opening for the breathing tube here you go we're pushing in a breathing tube boris it won't be long now da please hurry old friend we are feeling very weak [Music] it's caught on something yes that did it oh there it is ah thank you much better now that you've got air to breathe it's time to break through that ice dashie let's try the gupsies icebreaker icebreaker activated not even a crack let's bring in the drill tweak we'll need the guppy all right cap i'll have him out of there faster than you can save bunch back away as far as you can [Music] as soon as everything stops spinning easy oh no the breathing tube oh it is no use we're back where we started and we will soon be there again we're not giving up on you boris we've tried the gups but we need something even stronger to break through this ice and we need it now captain we could melt the ice with a blowtorch good idea but it would take too long hmm [Music] how about blasting it with a sonic slicer the ice is too thick for that [Music] i've got an old pirate cannon under my bed but i'm all out of cannon balls that's it the bowhead whales tough enough to smash through just about anything [Music] good thinking tunip now all we have to do is find our new bullhead whale friends again let's call them back to the octopod by playing their songs try it louder dashie we don't have much time [Music] howdy y'all we need your help three narwhals are trapped in the ice and we can't break them free well we bow heads are the greatest icebreakers in the seven seas ain't that right boys you ready to take a ride partner [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] i can't wait to eat spicy algae burgers tonight matey [Music] he says they need to make more burgers but they've run out of algae easy quasi we'll just go out and find some more come on [Music] according to the map there should be a big algae patch on the other side of this coral reef that coral reef is sick it's all white hmm let's stop and investigate [Music] there's more sick coral over here captain this coral reef needs a full checkup agreed peso you and charlington check this side of the coral reef quasi we'll take the other side no sick coral on this side so far wow that's a lot of algae we might as well collect some while we're here quasi captain it's me old friend parrotfish pink hello pete uh if you don't mind keeping your voices down i'm trying to sneak some algae but why do you have to why do you have to sneak it because of those damsel fish they guard that algae as if it were a treasure chest for the gold mateys now wish me luck [Music] yeah keep off the i just want my fair share nothing more nothing less they had you outnumbered matey hi but at least i got away from the scurvy little nippers by smoking sand there goes my pal sammy maybe she can get to the algae yikes talk to the space you're right sammy oh my spikes protected me but i didn't get anything to eat not even a nibble look out okay boys i give up but i'm still hungry yep it seems like a lot of fish on this coral reef are hungry because they can't get past those damselfish to eat hey so to captain barnacles we found more sick coral on this side of the reef meet us back at the gup peso captain i think there's a connection between the sick coral on the reef and those damsel fish damsel fish grow algae to eat but when you don't let other fish eat it there's too much algae all that extra algae makes the reef sick you see pete and his friends keep the algae from spreading too far if they can just eat some of the extra algae the sick coral reef will get better yes but damselfish are very protective of the algae they grow they'll never listen to other algae eating fish like us don't worry we'll talk to them for you excuse me we'd like to talk to you damselfish about a problem on the coral reef you've got a problem talk to the boss the boss the one with the big spot on his face uh a big spot sorry i don't see a damselfish with a big spot oh yes damselfish can see colors we can't if you want to see that big spot you'll have to set your binoculars to damselfish vision what will tweek think of next ah that's better the spot excuse me are you the boss certainly i am and keep off the alkene right um we're the octonauts and we've discovered some trouble on this coral reef there's no trouble for us damselfish we're sitting pretty with more algae than we can eat ain't that right boys right boss that is the trouble too much algae makes the coral reef sick but you can save the coral reef if you'll just let some of the other fish eat some of the algae too forget about it this is my algae farm and i don't ever leave it now scram whoa easy quasi you'll spram if the boss never leaves his algae farm then he has no idea that the coral reef is sick we need to get the boss off his farm hi but how we're going to take his algae take his own i'll explain octonauts and algae eaters to the hq octonauts our mission is to save the coral reef but first we have to show the damselfish that the coral reef is sick here's the plan we steal some algae from the damselfish and use it as bait to lead them to the sick coral so the damselfish will see for themselves that the coral reef is in trouble this algae is heavily guarded by the damselfish yes and each damselfish has his own personal patch of algae if we take some algae from the boss's personal patch he's sure to chase after us aye but look at all those patches how do we know which one is his already on it quasi dashie and i've been working on the damsel fish can it's a camera that looks just like a damselfish i'll use it to slip past the guards and find the boss's algae patch [Music] and of course this camera has damsel fish vision the boss has one big spot on his head come on show yourself there he is and there's his patch of algae the boss is surrounded by all those damsel fish how do we get past them ah that's where pete sammy and robert now each of you has a special skill you can use to distract the damselfish squat i'm thinking give me a minute is it my spikes yes sammy it's your spikes while you keep all the other dams of fish busy peso drops kwazii into the boss's algae patch then i take the algae and we lead the boss to the sick patches of coral all right everybody operation algae lift begins now [Music] attention creatures the ocean current is extra strong today so please be careful and find a safe place to go do you need some help getting to safety no i'm moving you should be there by thursday here let me help you oh i'm early thanks octonauts oh hi friend did you hear the warning i can't understand you matey why are you talking like that oh can you speak a bit slower please i said and give me this office and i'm going home to my borough which is right there and my mouth is full of eggs oh i dried my eggs that's jerry and jojo oh i'm little janie looks just like a mother jones here get this one [Music] don't worry we'll find your eggs every last one of them octonauts to the launch bay octonauts the current has carried away 10 of the jawfish's eggs our mission is to find them and return them to their father's mouth mouth why would anybody keep eggs in their mouth josh dad's our mouth brooder's tweak which means that they protect their eggs by keeping them in their mouths until they hatch see the ocean can be a very dangerous place for a tiny egg there are a lot of fish who might like to eat them then we'll have to find the eggs right away dashie can you track the path of the current activating current tracker the current has traveled along these cliffs over these geezers and through this rocky trench then that's where we'll find the eggs here's the plan shellington you stay with the jawfish at his burrow yes captain dashy you stay here and keep track of the current quasi peso and i will split up and search for the eggs yes tunip you can help look for the eggs too tweak those eggs are small and delicate we'll need something to collect them in i've got just the thing cap egg vacs these will suck the eggs right up and keep them safe until you get them back to the jawfish i also changed your air tanks into special booster packs just press this button and you'll get a boost of speed to help you swim against the current good work tweak open the octo hatch hey so you search along the cliff got it and quasi you search by the geezers aye aye captain i'll search the rocky trench octonauts let's do this these are the cliffs and that is an egg [Music] there you are nice and safe cute egg pen looks like that one oh yes thank you so much well that was easy any others around there's one that manta ray is eating everything in sight activating booster pack easy peso got it sorry manta ray you'll have to snack on something else let's get you back to your dad you found an egg tunip let's see oh tunip that's a pebble [Music] keep trying here you go three eggs safe and sound i think he said that's joseph josephine and judith captain three eggs have been returned safely to the jawfish's mouth well done thanks shellington one two three seven more to go [Music] captain i've reached the geezers wow hello mateys captain i've rescued two eggs you're a cute little nipper oh yes you are special egg delivery say ah tuna did you find one this time no that's a seashell captain we found three more eggs and i've found two that's eight altogether i'll keep searching for the other two but the current has loosened up the rocks so it might get tricky time to take you home three more eggs safe and sound nine down still one to go [Music] it's jimmy jr named after his father a brave little egg with a sense of adventure he's out there somewhere dashie come in yes captain we've searched the cliffs the geezers and the trench but there's still one egg missing his name is jimmy jr the last egg could still be caught up in the current which has moved past the rookie trench and is heading into open water thanks dashie quasi peso if we don't find that egg soon it could be lost for good let's move junior upper hand activate eggvax lemon sharks i can handle this one captain careful quasi you can't let them notice you swim under the sharks as quietly as possible aye aye captain hey that looks like a nice snack man [Applause] take jimmy yum junior time man yeah enjoy [Music] you
Channel: Octonauts
Views: 9,574,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Octonauts (TV Program), Octonauts, Octonauts full episodes, Octonauts channel, octo, octonaughts, aquanauts, sea creatures for kids, octonauts cartoon, Octonauts English, Octonauts YouTube, Octonauts episodes, octonauts season, the octonauts, octonauts shark
Id: mWlHtY4ZnMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 26sec (2006 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 03 2020
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