Octonauts - Operation Deep Freeze | Full Episodes | Cartoons for Kids

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the overlords and the loneliest whale [Music] what are you doing mateys we are listening to the most popular song of the summer that's because it's a whale song made by humpback whales look these whales are on their way to their summer feeding grounds they use their songs to talk to each other and they can hear the songs even when they're miles and miles apart and the song they're singing now has been really popular this year all the humpbacks are singing it it's the only song on the radio listen fredom that's new maybe they got tired of the old song no I mean it sounds different I've never heard a voice like everything maybe these whales have - II could idea captain excuse me humpback whales yes sorry to interrupt your journey but we just wondered if you'd ever heard a song like this before oh not heard that before it doesn't even sound like a buck the singing doesn't match anything in the octopod sound collection whatever's making that noise there's nothing like it in the ocean this could be an entirely new species of whale or an entirely new species well there's only one way to find out Octonauts it's time to investigate I'm eating up something big on the track very big it should be on the other side of this reef there's nothing here no but I thought I saw something me too something big the track is still saying it's up ahead then let's go it's gone again I get the feeling it doesn't want to be disturbed let's go forward gently this time so we don't scare it whatever it is it's so sad the world's loneliest sea monster or the world's loneliest whale that's a humpback whale but his voice is like no humpback I've ever heard I think he's looking for food he's a young one and it looks very skinny captain then he might need our help activate helmets that's a very interesting song you're singing oh thanks it's Matt I'm hungry so my name's Joe by the way are you on your own Joe yep I'm really much always on that hole I guess or other humpbacks Canon don't understand my swinging Captain Joe is far from the summer feeding grounds without the other way else to show him the way he won't have enough to eat Joe why don't you come with us to our octopod and we'll see if we can help you I don't suppose there's any food at this here rock too hard I'm kind of hungry absolutely follow us right behind [Music] hmm very good captain I think I found the cause of Joe's unusual voice what is it better these are the tubes inside Joe's nose these are the tubes inside a typical humpbacks nose see how much smaller Joe's are ah course whales sing by pushing air through their nose but because Joe's tubes are so narrow so different I don't suppose you have any more though captain Joe can't just eat fish biscuits he needs a proper whale diet yes and the vegimals need a break hmm Joe needs food and fast so we need to get him to join a group of whales who show him to the summer feeding grounds the last group is on its way to the feeding grounds after they've gone there are no more humpbacks in this part of the ocean then time is running out dashi sound the octo alert Octonauts to the ledge way [Applause] [Music] Octonauts Joe here is hungry and all alone if we're going to help him we need to find a way to make the other Wells understand Joe's song I might have an idea cap with a little help nothing I could build a special machine the joke aware that would make his voice sound like the other humpbacks oh really so but won't that take a long time it's our best shot Octonauts let's do this [Music] I'll write everybody table this here's the joke odor here you are Joe you can wear the joke odor on your neck just tap it with your fan when you want to sing and your songs will go from this go ahead Joe hey I sound like a regular folk back [Music] robin's fixed but now Joe's gone loud noise frightened him we better find him fast or the other humpbacks will be gone for good there's no time to lose let's go we found Joe before so we can do it again hey so check the tracker and look for a big shape I'm looking at the tracker and it's covered in big shapes of course were surrounded by whales we have to find Joe before they pass by on their way to the feeding ground maybe we could sing I'm not sure now's the time for singing needs II know I mean what if we could use the Joe coda to make me sound like Joe good idea then Joe will want to see who else sings like em tweak [Music] right peso go for it well here goes nothing I hope you're listening Joe what you might be my tummy think I ate something for me for lunch keep trying peso you can do it that's it he's Tony Cottee now we just have to hope Joe can hear it and wants to see who's singing his song [Music] there aren't many whales left to pass captain so nearly too late come on Joe where are you what that sounds like bad boys play so where'd you learn to sing lag bad I'll show you Chuck oh and they gonna make that terrible noise like it's fixed I promise I can't believe it that worked [Music] now that's more like it let's just hope someone's listening hey who's that singing it's a great song it's our pal Joe oh I love your style we're on our way to the feeding grounds you should come with us oh geez banks and thank you octo nuts but having me sing my song singing your song [Music] good work everyone Joe should have no trouble finding the feeding grounds now that he's teamed up with the other humpbacks and they really seem to like his song it's not just Joe's friends humpbacks are singing it everywhere [Music] the Octonauts and Operation deep freeze I'm sure Fozzie the Arctic polar Scout emergency post is out here from the sea ice let's go [Music] I'll just knock off a boom Captain Barnacles it's good to see you back in your post sir [Music] was he hey so meet traca traca meet our to not guys I mean the Octonauts I'm Kwazii and I'm peso welcome to the pooris called emergency post trackers in charge here and he does an excellent job I was trained by the best that's you and Captain Barnacles yep before he was captain of the Octonauts he trained poor scouts like me for the emergency service what kind of work do you do at this post matey ok this is my listening station when someone sends out a call for helping the Arctic it's my job to hear it and make sure they get the help they need and that's why we're going to set up a connection between this emergency post and the octopod so we can work together to help as many creatures as possible ready to test the link ready sure captain tracker meet dashi she's our computer expert aboard the octopod nice to meet you tracker really nice to meet you good ok that's proper help and where's it coming from it's wow that's weird it's not coming from the Arctic it's coming from the opposite side of the world the Antarctic yeah whoa captain it's coming for an old ice research station that's being shut down for years so there shouldn't be anyone living at that station at all but someone's sending a call for help and someone needs to answer it tracker Stan bar yes sir Octonauts to the HQ [Applause] [Music] Octonauts our mission is to answer a mysterious call for help from the other side of the world tracker right sure and should inform that now here we are in the Arctic the call for help came from this ice research station in the Antarctic and who lives at the station tracker says it's been shut down for years and nobody's heard a peep from it until now matey's dashi set a course for the Antarctic tracker we'll keep you posted I mean right sure [Music] [Music] welcome to Antarctica to the cup s [Music] we've come all the way from the Arctic to the Antarctic oh really what's the difference ah there are lots of differences quasi for one thing polar bears live only in the Arctic and penguins in the Antarctic and just look at the mark the Arctic is north the Antarctic is south when it's winter in the Arctic it's so much in the Antarctic the Arctic is a frozen ocean surrounded by land the Antarctic is a frozen land surrounded by ocean both too cold for cats but the Antarctic is even colder than the Arctic the Antarctic is the coldest place on earth all year round the whiskers are shivering just thinking about it hot chocolate warm me up [Music] setting straight for us I saw Jew hog the notes this is my cousin Buju he's an Adelie penguin what are you doing out here we're making up big once a year journey from the sea back to our nesting grounds on the lads that can't be an easy trip no I've seen so many amazing things along the way look at the beautiful shape of this size Buju please keep up with the rest of the groove cousin hi so so nice to see you I wish we had time to talk we have to get to our nesting grounds soon and after this big swim we still have a long march across the line I understand goodbye you too safe journey everyone you penguins make the Antarctic seem a little friendlier matey everyone it's time to take the gut s Angemon so that women get comfortable got a long trip ahead of us [Music] [Music] we should be getting close to the ice research station even your eyes pealed everyone it's difficult to see everything out there who knows mateys with all this wind and snow the station may have disappeared without a trace captain flashing light straight ahead [Music] I think we've found our research station let's see if anyone's home this wind and snow it's easy to get lost so everyone hold on to this room that way we'll stay together everybody ready wait where's my captain Cooper thanks matey see you later alright Octonauts let's move out Oh [Music] I wonder what that is let's see what this does octonauts follow me [Music] what's that scurvy sound whatever it is it's coming from in there it's some kind of recording the floor is tilting maybe all this snow and wind has kind of pushed the station over on its side look a cup of tea and a biscuit with only one voice out of it somebody had to eat and run and somebody's been filling up a lot of notebooks getting closer very loud no must be deep down in the ice what was that everybody out here [Music] is everyone okay safe and sound captain but we still don't know who called for help look at tracks hmm these tracks are the paw prints of an arctic fox but that doesn't make sense captain arctic foxes don't live in the Antarctic let's see where these lead I don't believe it professor NAT quick I don't believe it barnacles did you call for help yes yes I was beginning to think that nobody heard me Octonauts this is professor NAT quick when I was a young polar scout he taught me how to do field research in the Arctic and I'm happy to see you remember what they taught you how to recognize flat how to listen for sounds that others nice and how to touch one of my supplies smells very good barnacles thanks but what are you doing so far from home professor net quick I came here to do research easy and perfect many years ago no one knew you were still here my radio broke long ago but I couldn't leave I'm on the edge of amazing discovery but it may soon be lost lost why follow me quick this is fire code for help I realized that the ice was moving and pulling suspicion into this enormous ice chasm when it falls in all of your work goes with it and disappears forever then we've no time to lose drink we can pull this ass Research Station to safety bathroom you can say bunch of munchy crunchy [Music] Octonauts let's do this activate no spikes [Music] thank you Octonauts you save this station and my life's work Wow I can share my amazing discovery follow me click click all these pants it's a chance to investigate a strange new sound and arrived in Antarctica I discovered this the bloop sound but who or what was making it that was question I'd touch the sound deep in for us until finally I discovered the mysterious bloop is made by a humongous bleep tubas not authentic boobzilla Oh a monstrous bloop Aurora's mano the bloop sound is made by enormous ice cracks icy Lakes yes yes is the sounds of ice max when the Praxis moves congratulations professor net quick that's quite up listen do you hear that I'm afraid we don't have your arctic fox hearing ah yes yeah listen through speakers ah yes I hear it now what what is eat sounds like the pitter-patter of lots of little Fiat Uno is not pitter-patter is a noodle water a water bottle but what world of bottles my cousin's the Adelie penguins they would a bubble they're heading back and they could be heading straight for the ice chasm captain with the wind blowing all the snow around my cousins might not see the chasm before it's too late they could fall in we need to warn them to stay back everyone to the cup s flares are ready go they should be proud enough so the Adelie penguins can see them even through the snow good work tweek now we just have to make sure our timing is right dashi the radar shows that the Adelie penguins are close to the chasm all right pesos let's send up the flash on my count three two [Music] potential Adelie penguins this is your cousin speaking thanks peso we'll stay where we are but we still have to get to our nesting grounds is there some way that they can go around the ice chasm the ice cavern is miles long looking around it we pick long time captain they're already tired from their long trip from the sea onto the land if they have to travel extra miles around this chasm I'm sure all of them will make it then we'll just have to find a way to get them over this ice chasm a bridge not work what can we make it out there's nothing but snow and ice in this curvy place and it takes more than that to build a bridge I need something to warm me up look he's so cold that my hot chocolate freezes as soon as I pour it classy you're a genius I can't I know just how we're gonna make a bridge first we drill a tunnel through the ice and the heat a drill will melt the ice into water as we go chasm cancer hits the other side it'll be Frieza just like my hot chocolate Octonauts let's makin ice bridge [Music] [Music] brace yourselves penguins you can start crossing the bridge but please be careful I'm honored [Music] is everyone safe and accounted for yes captain I believe everyone's here except you could be some facing icicles hang over here the offices wait you need to hurry and cross the bridge now yes picnic you never move in another aspect coach Nick tomorrow you gotta stop a speedo all right I'm coming Hey I hear rustling sounds from some very inside ask us yes yes such definitely the sound of penguin flippers he's alive fly corrosion don't worry penguins we'll save him Octonauts one of us will have to go down after it I'm ready to go Cap'n I'd like to go dude you may be hurt and need medical help right away agreed peso the rescue team will lower you down to you Joe and we'll pull both of you back up safe and sound that's a promise matey Octonauts let's set up the rescue rope already here ready ready ready ready rope going down [Applause] [Music] who'd you can you hear me hey sir yes I'm coming for you captain you know all all the way to the buzzer no you were lucky you've landed on a Ledge are you hurt my flippers are fine but I can't move my foot hold on hold your positions hey sir are you okay well captain I'm at the end of my rope and so is it you got me yes I've got you captain bring us up well done hey so Octonauts slow and steady with the rope good work Octonauts and especially you peso I've never seen flippers fat first just doing my job and now your foot needs a proper bandage it's time to finish our trip back to the nesting grounds oh dear dude you shouldn't waddle on his foot for a few more days I think we can help with that [Music] stinker let's find out well professor net quick are you ready to get back to work but I'm afraid these old eyes for such fashion is falling apart hmm what do you think twig well it's definitely a fixer-upper so let's fix her up just give me about eight weeks in two days [Music] glad you like it I call it the Gump eyes eyes for us I've put in solar panels and these turbines to harness the wind for power the whole station is on snow trees now so you can move it away from Andy asked hasn't suddenly opens up you love what's inside come on your very own hot chocolate machine but that's not the best new feature it's not we've set up special pole to pole communications Dashie [Music] [Applause] this is the Arctic polar Scout emergency post tracker here tracker meet professor NAT quick of the Antarctic ice research station now known as the gut I good to meet your tracker yes Lisa a mysterious new sounds I hear it too but who or what is making it that is question I believe it was the sound of a humongous slug dermis whoops sorry well professor now that mystery is solved how would you like a cup of hot chocolate oh yes yes please good work treat the Octonauts and the emperor penguins [Music] you white it is cold tuna can you believe these emperor penguins have been standing out here since the winter started in Antarctica it's true it's off to these penguin dads to keep their eggs warm until they touch the penguin mums are at the ocean getting food for their family but it's a long long trip home I hope they're back soon me team is gonna turn rate boring just standing here we may be bored hungry and tired but we're emperor penguins we'll do whatever it takes to keep our eggs safe right dad's I can't hear you right Shellington took up I not click here the emperor penguin eggs are fine and the fathers were staying strong very good Shellington it looks like the temperature is warming up spring is nearly here the winds are calm and hey for me click click penguin jeez they're scratching because they're hatching let's go and tell Captain Barnacles our egg-citing news cracking good to hear gelatin the Emperor chicks have hatched and that means it's time for the mums to head back home how are the emperor penguin mother's doing pesos swimmingly captain look they're chasing off the food so they can fill up their tummies and feed their families incredible look at that strength and speed my emperor penguin cousins are champion divers they can swim deeper than any other bird dashi Kwazii it's almost time for the penguin moms to head home how's the research coming amazing captain I'm getting some video of emperor penguins feeding that nobody's ever seen before oh sorry are you all right yeah ready to go again I'm still nowhere to hold this first you're laying an egg first time diving for food is a mom first time you swim like a pro you think so I feel so full and clumsy it's our last meal before the long trip home so we have to eat a lot excuse me [Music] finished eating and are ready to get back to their families we'll want to be on the ice when those penguins surface something tells me it's gonna be quite a show [Music] penguins much faster than cannonballs chick-chick Chronicle stick-up I the emperor penguin mothers are on their way back home not all the mothers in missing right here right me hearty where's the penguin that gave me a ride she must still be under water she'd never be late on purpose penguin mothers know when it's time to go back home see something must have happened to her she may need help Joshy take the GUP s under now guilty emperor penguins can only hold their breath for 20 minutes then we better move fast [Music] good one - hey so let's bring her aboard [Music] heavier than you place oh yeah she's an emperor penguin the biggest tallest penguin there is and it looks like she's broken a foot and sprained a flipper what happened out that I remember swimming to the surface but then I hit a chunk of ice the next thing I remember you saved me now I need to get home you need to rest but my family is waiting for me then they won't have to wait long we'll bring you back to the nesting ground ourselves thank you the winds picked up I think the blizzards headed our way Kenton any sign of the other penguin mothers yet I can't see much in this weather nice is slowing us down everyone NGS snow suits just to be safe Captain Barnacles the GUP I can you find us apart away from this wind and slow turn Northwest Passage I speak you'll be sheltered there understood thanks Ned quick feels like when picking up Spade you'll be hug to your family soon seem to be bumping into a lot of penguins today Octonauts abandon the gun s now [Music] never a dull moment in the Antarctic you had us worried captain I'm alright but I can't say the same for the GUP ass we'd better sound the octo alert Octonauts to your stations that's odd for a second I thought I heard the octo alert hmm my opto compass is frozen and the octo alert isn't working yup I come in come in gum I shiver me whiskers and all the other parts too we can't stay out in the cold don't worry we'll keep warm by carrying you home but which way is home I have no idea the maps not working that's right emperor penguins can find the way back to their babies without a map or a compass even in a blizzard Octonauts let's do this [Music] did not long no love not long at all look [Applause] [Music] over here we'll help you find your mom what does she look like it's more important what she sounds like each emperor penguin family has a special call only they use I'd recognize my wife's call anywhere and she's not here she's not the only one who is missing various barnacles I thought the team will be back with the penguin mothers this is tweak to go bass hello nobody's answering wait man I hear something hmm that sounds like an emperor penguin call mixed with a polar bear growl [Applause] [Music] are you alright dear oh yes thanks to the Octonauts I never would have made it without them now how about our proper hello little one eat your mommy what happened there was wind and snow and a noise passer I'm just glad you're all okay but where's the gun yes ughter may take me why do I have to tell her well I'm afraid the GUP ass is at the bottom of a nice chasm week I didn't think you'd take it that hard to be a real adventurer can the girl pass out of that chasm first how about some hot chocolate good idea quasi meat man a double a' with extra marshmallows [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Octonauts
Views: 5,105,958
Rating: 4.1502552 out of 5
Keywords: The Octonauts (TV Program), Octonauts, Octonauts full episodes, Octonauts channel, octo, octonaughts, aquanauts, sea creatures for kids, octonauts cartoon, Octonauts English, Octonauts YouTube, Octonauts episodes, octonauts season, the octonauts, octonauts shark
Id: 4Vqa8O59H6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 20sec (2540 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 19 2020
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