#StayHome Octonauts - The Nightmare Storm | Compilation | Cartoon for Kids

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this little reef is only a few years old but it's already full of life aye this reef is busy even if it's not very big hey it's big enough who said that i'm right here show yourself here i am i'm a frog fish name's anton wow you look so much like the reef i didn't see you there matey that is the idea i'm camouflaged which means i blend in with what's around me it keeps me safe from bigger fish who want to eat me like those sharks sharks everybody hide [Music] i thought i smelled food let's head to a bigger reef see what i mean you fooled them matey fascinating these other fish can't blend in like the frog fish but the reef has lots of places for them to hide this reef keeps us and all our friends safe it is our home sweet home sorry about that we'll fix the petals now the dump ass steering isn't as soon as you fix the steering something else will break i know but she's the first gun i ever built i can't give up on her maybe if i pedal a little faster are you all right [Music] yup but now i gotta fix the steering the pedal the rudder the top the bottom ah is there anything on the gup that doesn't need fixing the seats are still comfy captain the storm tracker shows that there's a hurricane on the way octopod to quasi shellington and tweek there's a hurricane heading your way and it's moving fast take cover in the guts there's not enough time to return to the octopus aye [Music] storm coming oh everybody there's no choice quasi tweak shellington are you all all right hi captain the cup c took a pound in but she's still in one piece wish i could say the same about the good [Music] pass no jumping jellyfish there's nothing left where's anton ahoy matey glad i found you oh i'm not i mean if i'm that easy to see then i'm not camouflaged how will i hide from the sharks you can't hide either i see what you mean captain the coral reef's been destroyed and these fishies need a new place to live we have to do something agreed dashi sound the octo alert octonauts to the launch bay octonauts the reef dwellers need our help their home was destroyed by the hurricane and now they have no shelter or protection maybe we could move all the fish to another reef there may not be enough time to move them before the second part of the hurricane hits second part a hurricane starts with strong winds and waves that stir up the ocean then there's calm like it is now but that's because we're in the quiet center of the storm known as the eye after the eye passes it's followed by winds and waves even stronger than the first ones but the fishes will never survive that without a reef hmm what if we build them a new reef ah you're talking about making an artificial reef captain an artificial reef can be made out of anything a sunken ship or even an old train carriage sponges coral and plants attach themselves to it and that attracts fish who make it their home but what could we use to make an artificial reef well the truth is that the cup f isn't much of a gup anymore [Music] but i reckon it'd make a great artificial wreath great idea tweek but we'll have to work fast the first step we should cover the gup f with algae and coral captain using lots of sticky olympic glue octonauts let's do this come in dashie is the octopod in position we're at the surface captain the show will be starting any minute we'll be right there just as soon as we get pesos patient back home [Music] your patient is heavier than a pile of cannonballs just a little polar bear strength thanks captain whoa that guy's pretty strong you know it hi there's no one in the seven seas stronger than captain barnacles why i've seen him pry open the lid of a rusty treasure chest lift up giant rocks twist the lid off a jar of jam that nobody else could have what was that hello hattie here oh this looks interesting flappity flippers she took a bite right out of that rock now that is strong you know it yes i just love to bite rocks or or coral or anything really i'm a hump-head parrotfish and i have special teeth that oh that looks interesting those are some teeth you know it look is that sand yes yes a wrong still in sand comes out oh now this looks interesting um careful hattie you just took a bite out of our gup oopsie awfully sorry when i get a chance to chomp i just can't resist it it's how we hump head parrot fish eat captain you better get up here fast it's about to begin okay dashie we're on our way bye hattie [Music] captain you're just in time the meteor shower is just starting this one look ah this is wonderful that's a meteor tunic a meteor is a piece of rock flying through space when lots of them are in the sky at once like tonight it's called a meteor shower that one looks like it might be heading this way hmm occasionally a meteor will fall to the earth some most in fact land right in the ocean then we'd better move the octopod just to be on the safe side dashi already on it captain open the octo hatch tweet by coming in you got it [Music] this looks interesting [Music] whoa come in dashie what's going on in there ah we're falling fast captain something's wrong with the octopods engines they've completely shut down then we'll have to prepare for a crash landing octonauts hold on huh [Music] dashie we need to stop the octopod if i extend and lock the pod arms it just might wedges in go for it [Music] is everyone all right yes captain safe and sound captain you're not gonna believe this what is it dashie it's the meteor tracker captain the meteor quasi saw is about to crash into the ocean and it's heading straight for us dashie sound the opto alert octonauts to the hq [Music] octonauts there's a meteor heading our way and the octopod is stuck i'll get to work on the engine cap dashie how much time do we have not long captain in just a few minutes the meteor will hit the ocean and then the octopod then we'll have to find some way to move the octopod i think i found the problem cap looks like something took a chunk right out of the engine but don't worry i'll have it fixed up faster than you can see a bunch of munchie crunches tweet what was that noise i don't know but now there's another missing chunk [Music] actually cap this could take me a while if we can't fix the engine and move the octopod in time then we need to find a way to stop the meteor shellington inkling what else do we know about meteors well as you can see they look like big black rocks yes but they're actually part metal metal that's right in fact they can even be magnetic hmm magnetic that gives me an idea quasi peso to the guts [Music] these magnets should stick to the meteor and slow it down but it's moving fast we have to shoot our magnets and hit the meteor at the exact same time quasi peso take your positions [Music] it's coming in fast mateys get ready steady steady [Music] dashie i'm attached to the meteor but i can't stop it prepare to evacuate the octopod attention octonauts report to the launch bay we need to leave the octopod immediately we need to secure the octopod already on it captain that should keep us safe now let's see how everybody else is doing out there activate octoscope that little island is really getting pounded by the storm zoom in dashi look fiddler crabs i hope they're all right the fiddler crabs will use their claws to tunnel into the sand to stay safe but their beach is getting destroyed by this storm captain the octoscope is gone can you track it on the radar there it is must be somewhere on that island let's find our octoscope and clean up that beach quasi peso to the gupps [Music] [Music] just warming up you what business do you have on our beach i'm warning you stand back it'll be quite a job finding the octoscope in this mess captain we'd better clear it all away first hmm look at these tiny balls of sand shellington what do you make of these it looks like they were made by the fiddler crabs they put sand in their mouths tiny bits of food from it and then spit the rest out in little walls then we must be near their tunnels we'll have to be extra careful octonauts let's clean up this beach [Music] oh looks good enough to eat this is no time to eat [Music] this giant cat may not be our friend this seaweed just won't come off oh but look he's giving us a friendly wave maybe this will get it loose that is no friendly hello that is a challenge the giant club thinks he can take over our beach with a snap of his giant club will we surrender our home to this giant nincompoop no then sideways that's better octonauts the beach looks great captain i'm sending you a scan of the beach i found the octoscope those must be the fiddler crabs tunnels and there's the octoscope buried in the sand we'll have to dig it up by hand so we don't disturb their homes if we start digging right there and we're very careful to avoid this hey giant cop i saw you with your claw i accept your challenge i said i accept your shadow oh you think you can ignore me you yellow belly crab cake and now you try to eat me oh you're sorry excuse for a crab shiver me whiskers it's the fiddler crabs and somehow they're being chased by the cup we have to stop it before they get hurt [Applause] we've got to catch up to the outskirts octonauts we've cleaned up the beach and found the fiddler crabs hello oh but we have a big problem the cup d is out of control it's tunneling under the sand dashing can you track it looks like the guppy's moving fast the fiddler crabs tunnels they'll be destroyed then we need to stop it fast but ouch these fiddler crabs aren't making things easy for us fiddler crabs like to keep their homes to themselves they wave their claws and snap at strangers who get too close unless they let us help them they won't have any homes at all i will never find her whispers one of those crabs is inside the cup [Music] give us back our leader giant crab that's not a giant crab that's our gup whatever it is it ain't our leader fiddler crabs we are the octonauts we need to work together to stop our gup and save your leader if we don't your homes will be destroyed we will let you help us no more snapping and you may turn to my club stop that gap there you go tunip some warm kelp soup should help your vegema pox feel better [Music] looks like we need more soup [Music] there we go [Music] peso can't make the medicine until he finds the special ingredient [Music] not yet captain there isn't much of it in this part of the ocean peso over here red algae this should be just enough for the vegemal's medicine captain we found some excellent work now hurry back to the octopod the vegimals are getting a bit um restless we're [Music] ah and that's where it's still no dress person careful peso that's amore eel and they can be very protective of their homes captain we've got a bit of a problem here the red algae has fallen into a moray eel's lair hurry back to the octopod quasi sound the octo alert octonauts to the hq octonauts a bottle of red algae has fallen into the home of a moray eel we need that algae to make the vegetables medicine ah why don't you let me take care of that slippery old eel i'll give him the old i don't think that's a good idea quasi muddy eels can be very dangerous especially when they're defending their home but maybe there's some way you can lure the eel out of his lair and while he's chasing after me peso can slip inside and get the algae uh but what if the eel comes back before i can find it hmm i've got it sea snakes they could be very poisonous and even muddy eels know to stay away from them so all we have to do is find a couple of poisonous sea snakes and ask them nicely to keep their fangs to themselves and help us precisely count me in that may be a little difficult captain i have a friend who may be able to help he's not a poisonous sea snake is he um not exactly according to professor inkling his friend lives somewhere around here i don't see anyone don't move a muscle what is it quasi there's a dangerous fish right in front of you abandoned soul you're lucky i spotted it matey banded souls are very poisonous professor inkling's friend is a banded soul [Music] professor inkling he is indeed my friend but i am no bandit so you're an octopus not just any octopus a mimic octopus some octopus at your service any friends or professor inkling are friends of mine but how did you i mean i i knew it was a trick oh it was no me a trick my boy we mimic octopuses cannot squirt ink to get away from predators so we must protect ourselves by pretending to be poisonous sea creatures wow not bad not bad my dear fellow it is magnificent wait till you see my poisonous lion it's all right mortimer can you impersonate a sea snake prepare to be dazzled as this mimic octopus becomes not one not two but three poisonous sea snakes hiss bravo mortimer we need an actor of your talent for a special mission do you think you could help us lead on my seafaring friend my audience awaits show off i've heard that there he is all right everyone here's the plan step one quasi on my signal you'll lure the eel out of his lair and lead him into this rocky reef aye aye captain step two peso you swim inside to look for the bottle right oh step three to keep the eel from coming back too soon mortimer will create a distraction here it shall be among my greatest performances and mortimer let's do this [Music] step one quasi go yeah oh stay away from my home come and get me yeah around here somewhere you'll have to be faster than that matey admit it my lionfish impersonation had you fooled well i suppose but only for a second [Music] [Music] there if you know it's good fair he's heading back to his home quasi are you okay in there yes captain carry on with a plan come in peso any luck finding the red algae not yet captain it's a bit of a tight squeeze in here we'll buy you some more time on to step three here he comes ready mortimer ready for the performance of a lifetime dear boy ah no not sea snakes yes we are one two three sea snakes begone or [Music] i think i'll take another way home [Music] good work tweak the rover cam is working perfectly now we can send it in to film the sea creatures living in all that seaweed i wouldn't send anything in there if i were you matey or you may never see it again things disappear in this part of the ocean that's why we pirates call it the sea of vanishing ships they say it's the sea monsters that made them disappear slimy monsters of seaweed with long stringy fingers you'd like to take what's not then see what i mean oh that's no monster it's a loggerhead sea turtle they're great navigators so they can find their way through anything tweek can you follow it with the rover cam you got it challenging where did he go looks like it's the sea of vanishing ships and sea turtles too [Music] [Music] of vanishing rover cams the rover cam hasn't vanished quasi but the shaking must have damaged it we gotta find it cap i'm going in you're not going in alone tweak sound the octo alert we're going into that seaweedy mess to find tweaks rover cam the driving could get tricky in there we'll take the gup x you got it [Music] tweak peso and quasi you're with me we'll be the first to go into the sea of vanishing ships and come back out again if we're lucky [Music] i hope it's not the sea of vanishing octonauts don't worry peso we won't get lost in here with the gulf axis mapping system we can always find our revamped octopod this is where we lost contact with the rover camp any sign of it tweak nope nothing yet cap there's that sea turtle again the rover cam was following him when it broke let's ask if he's seen it yeah he disappeared again over there let's try and catch up with him there he goes there he goes [Music] there he goes now hold on everyone tweak are you all right i'm fine but all that shakin split up the gup x we've lost the glider and the ultra ski the captain and quasi tweak to captain barnacles come in camp quasi oh it's no use the radio's broken too tweak peso are you all right we've lost contact with the rest of the gup x you mean it's vanished no it's out there we just need to find it but first we need to get the glider moving let's go out and check on the damage first things first peso i gotta fix the gupp connector gupp connector i designed the cup head so the different sections would always be able to find each other once the dump connector is working it'll pull all the other parts of the cupcakes back together along with the captain and quasi that's right now can you hear me a number nine spanner of course blasted slimy seaweed we'll have to pull it out who said that i knew it this sea is full of ghosts i thought you said it was full of sea monsters that too oh dear whatever you be you'd best be gone i can't huh i'm stuck very possibly forever oh ah hey loggerhead sea turtle the name's lenny and my shell is hard enough to protect me for now but this thing's getting really heavy don't worry lenny we are the octonauts and we'll get you out safely you may want to pull your head and flippers into your shell just to be safe who wish i could we loggerhead sea turtles can't hide inside our shells our heads and flippers are too big then we'll have to be extra careful come on quasi one two three i'll have this cup connector fix faster and you can save bunch of munchie crunchy carrots number two spanner please number five screwdriver [Music] number three carrots [Music] what's that the slimy seaweed monster just like in kwazii's story hold on that's not a monster it's our rover cam i'll be right back tweak [Music] a week nah it won't take a week i'll have this fixed in a jiffy ah that should do it [Music] the gup connector is working peso i'll have the gup eggs back together in no time tweak come in tweak can you hear me [Music] one more time quasi one this ship isn't going anywhere and neither am i we're not giving up lenny [Music] must have repaired the gup connector if we follow the glider we'll find our way back lenny are you all right i suppose so thanks to my extra hard shell oh my flipper it hurts from being wedged in those rocks i can't swim in this condition you'll just have to leave me here i suppose oh dear dear dear you need to see our medic peso come on we'll carry you [Music] all done fit as a fiddle fish here's your last patient peso and how are you today crappy cause well i'm a crab and my shell hurts hmm sorry to hear that let's take a look [Music] now don't be nervous this x-ray viewer just lets me see inside your shell you've got a small stone in there captain may i [Music] oh that's better thanks captain what's that [Music] a young sperm whale and he looks like he needs help [Music] hello are you all right my name is don't hurt me don't be scared i'm here to help get away but i show your teeth and do your worst we're not afraid of a little whale like him sperm whales we are not here to fight we are the octonauts captain it looks like we're outnumbered maybe not octonauts to the hq octonauts were surrounded by a pod of angry sperm whales we've got to work out why and fast shellington take a look [Music] jumping jellyfish they're humongous beasts with humongous teeth sperm whales don't bite or use their teeth to eat they sometimes show them to protect their young but only when they think they're in danger [Music] young sperm whales are afraid of orcas i don't see any orca neither do i but i wonder if peso me him dashie send me a picture of her already on it captain sperm whales there's been a misunderstanding peso is not an orca he's a penguin you thought he was an orca he is black and white but he's tiny we never had a chance for a proper hello we are the octonauts i hope you're not still scared probably scaredy simon is scared of everything [Music] will you dive down with us this time simon oh no oh they're right i'm scared of everything especially diving what's so important about diving all sperm whales dive deep down in the ocean to find food except him no i'll never learn to dive i keep thinking i can do it but i can't it's too deep ah it's deep and dark and scary but that's what makes it an adventure me hottie did i say something wrong [Applause] you know i happen to know someone who's a champion diver you do whoo peso penguins have to learn to dive too but when i was little i was scared to dive just like you oh you really think you could teach me i don't see why not unless you still think i'm an orca oh no this shouldn't take long captain [Applause] [Music] see it's not so bad just a little deeper and we'll find the rest of your pot i can do it i can do it i oh my god [Music] let's try it backwards it's not so scary this way is it i can do it i can do it i can't do it this may take a little longer than i thought quasi and i'll head back to the octopod radio us when you need a lift home good lucky [Music] simon i've just remembered something when i was learning to dive there was a little trick that helped me not be afraid what was it right before the dive i would take a deep breath and then close my eyes tight [Applause] you see you can do it yes i can do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] a giant clam fell to the bottom of the [Music] simon will you dive down to help us i i'm sorry i want to help peso but i just can't do it it's all right we'll find him pesos medical back [Music] look the clam uh quasi i think you mean clowns shiver me whiskers we'll have to search shell by shell [Applause] [Music] x-ray viewer [Music] i can do it i can't do it this time clam clam peso clam clap hey so quasi are you all right peso well it's getting a bit cozy [Applause] [Music] we've got to get out of here before we're all clam sandwiches [Music] it's too heavy we need a whale [Music] i did it i did it i dived i knew you could do it yeah that's great but we've still got to save peso hey look it's simon [Music] but how do we get it open don't worry we've dealt with giant clams before
Channel: Octonauts
Views: 2,512,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Octonauts (TV Program), Octonauts, Octonauts full episodes, Octonauts channel, octo, octonaughts, aquanauts, sea creatures for kids, octonauts cartoon, Octonauts English, Octonauts YouTube, Octonauts episodes, octonauts season, the octonauts, octonauts shark, stayhome, #stayhome
Id: qkD_obxWrO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 41sec (2681 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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