#FathersDay Octonauts - Dads of the Sea | Cartoons for Kids | Underwater Sea Education

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what's our mission today captain i'm ready for anything shiver me whiskers what's that big green thing some sort of humongous blob monster heading towards us i'm tracking a large mass of plankton to see how wind and waves affect its path a massive what plankton that large patch of plankton is actually made up of teeny tiny little things uh oh yeah you see there are little animals and little green plants in the plankton but what's our mission captain well the plankton is our mission for the next few weeks you mean we're just going to sit here and watch little bits of green gunk we can learn big things from little things quasi i like how to go stir crazy with your tail stuck in one place um quasi i think tweek could use some help with the cup x i got eggs well now you're talking i don't know quasi seems to me you're better at wrecking cups than helping fix him oh come on matey what have you got to lose a gup please ah all right follow me what do you need me to do drive the tank up the side of an under sea volcano see how fast the glider can fly upside down no you want me to just sit on the octoski you can try to get it going after i clean all the plankton out of the engine don't worry i'll get us started way quasi [Music] how do i get it to stop quasi to tweak come in a high octapod anybody ah no problem me pirate sensors tell me the octopod's just a little bit back that way okay a lot of it back left right skate left right sky obviously monkey's uncle it's a bug walking on water okay not just any bug my friend i'm a sea skater call me strider the only insect who can live on the ocean all the time amazing but true i've got these little waterproof hairs on my legs that let me walk on the waves yeah that's a fancy trick for someone so little hey i might be little but i do big things ah quit showing off you're not the only one who can walk on water oh yeah this is my wife sally hiya sally's a she skyter all the she skaters are bigger than the e skaters but i'm faster if you're so fast how come you haven't found any food we've been looking for days but there isn't any and the babies are hungry [Music] what do you see skaters eat ah we like to eat this floaty green stuff hey that sounds like the plankton me friends the octonauts are looking at it's a big green all you can eat floating feast and it's right over that way i don't know i usually find the food what do we got to lose ready kids well i hope you know what you're doing okay here we go left right skate there right stay and hurry [Music] not yet i can't get him on the radio or the gup finder don't worry tweek we'll find him this isn't the first time quasi's been lost at sea captain the wind is picking up and causing some really big waves yep we gotta go out and find it it's getting rough out there that big patch of plankton just hit us [Applause] the radar is out and i can't open the octa hatch nothing's working right dashie sound the octoalert octonauts to the launch bay [Music] octonauts quasi is lost at sea and every door on the octopod is jammed with plankton oh no quasi's out there while we're stuck in here hmm any luck opening the octa hatch tweet no we gotta unjam the octa hatch before one of those waves hits quasi we'll find a way we've got to make it to the octopod before these waves get any bigger hey you're talking to a speed skater man how'd you swim any faster about that me hearty i didn't see you there because you said don't stay little uh no i mean yes uh coming through left right left right skate [Music] [Music] who can [Music] [Music] captain i found the octoski but i'm tracking a really big wave and it's heading straight for quasi let's go activate glider hang on kids okay sally time to bubble up time to what bubble up remember those little hairs i told you about when the water gets really rough it helps us do this so we can breathe even if we go underwater amazing what about the babies [Music] well i don't have a bubble but you're welcome to take shelter in my octoski all aboard it's okay hon i'm good [Music] i'll save them don't be scared kids i've got you i'll get him ah there's nobody here hey what are you calling nobody oh hello um who are you never mind that these wives are getting too big my husband and your furry friend are in danger what makes you think i need are you all right matey yeah i know what you're thinking poor little bad too small to say himself that's not what i was thinking everybody needs saving sometimes just like you saved the baby skaters that's big right you may be little but you do big things no no no i mean that shiver me whiskers open [Music] did you miss me oh i quit showing off ah it's good to see you claws you too tweak here don't mind if i do [Music] i've never seen something so little eat so much plankton they may be little but we do big things [Laughter] [Music] there's nothing more relaxing than a moonlight drive flying fish so you want to race do ye you're on ah show yourself yes scurvy coconut [Music] blubbering blowfish it's the marker my grandfather calico jack something's inside merry treasure let's crack it open and see what's inside hmm i think this calls for my newest invention the octoclaw this little beauty will crush or crack almost anything including coconuts [Music] yeah now let's try it on calico jack's coconut [Music] still trying to open this coconut eh i don't get it my octoclaw should have done the job i modeled it after the greatest coconut cracker in the animal world the coconut crab maybe that's who we need to help um crack this mystery quasi sound the octo alert octonauts to the hq [Music] octonauts we need to find a way to open up calico jack's coconut we'll need the help of the greatest coconut cracker of all shellington ah yes the coconut crab the largest land crab in the world it has powerful pincer claws used for cracking open coconuts where can we find these crabs you'll need to look on an island coconut crabs live strictly on land this shows all the islands in the area captain hmm zoom in on that one dashie it's crawling with coconut trees exactly and where there are coconut trees there are usually coconut crabs tweak ready the gup x [Music] coconut crabs only come out at night we don't want to scare them off tweak activate stealth mode you got it camp [Music] hmm not a cramp to be seen maybe we need some bait to get them to come out [Music] there no over there the coconut it's gone tweak spotlight [Music] nothing let's take a closer look octonauts let's search the area i'll head right quasi you head left and i'll stay right here with the penguin the name's claude what my friends call me on account of the fact that i like to crack coconuts open with it but i'm not a coconut ah sorry don't worry you're not very crackable hello darling but there's my wife claudette but her friends call her the claw these here are my sons clive clem and clarence but you can call us the claws oh yeah how did you guess yeah how'd you guess i want to thank you all for finding this here coconut of ours rolled into the ocean days ago and since we can't swim we couldn't go after it now if you don't mind we'll be taking it on home where it belongs just drop anchor right there that's my coconut now hold on son this coconuts belonged to us for many years so it stays with us yeah yeah it stays with us but that very same coconut there's the mark of me grandfather calico jack you and calico jack are family well now that you mention it you do kind of look like him thanks so maybe you'd like to tell me how you ended up with my grandfather's coconut it was many years ago that calico jack washed up on the shores of this here very island he was shipwrecked and hungry we nursed him back to health with coconut milk and in return he told us rip roaring tales of the open sea when we woke he was gone no note no nothing just this coconut which we've been trying to crack open ever since it's downright embarrassing i mean cracking coconuts is what we do yeah it's what we do well we couldn't crack it and you couldn't crack it perhaps if we work together we can all crack it then let's get cracking [Music] you two crack while we pull one two three [Music] the crack keep pulling [Music] tweak deploy the rescue suction line aye i care [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] those coconut crabs are landlubbers those boys can't swim then we need to move fast tweak quasi clawed into the gup-x and bring some coconuts peso activate octoski tweak activate glider operation coconut drop begins now ready coconut crack [Music] [Music] there's clam there's a lot of wind this could get bumpy coconut ready crap yeah i don't see clem i've got to get a closer look there he is nice catch matey and i might add you ouch was he rubbing trouble up ahead thanks fishies [Music] god [Music] oh my boys are safe thank you octonauts good work everyone mission complete but we still haven't cracked calico jack's coconut you're right hmm if we drop it onto a rock from up here it just might crack open okay [Music] what was in the coconut this is no coconut it's a hollowed-out cannonball from calico jack's ship whoa so that's why it was so hard to crack and here's a note from calico jack he says thanks for rescuing me mateys these here three coconuts are for the little tikes to practice their cracking skills [Music] training coconuts let's get cracky look there's something on the other side so there is oh and if you ever run into me grandson quasi tell him for me yeah [Music] what's our position dashie just approaching the eastern coast of australia captain australia i've heard a tale or two about the strange pieces that live there me hearties actually quasi's right many of the creatures in australia are found nowhere else in the world hold on everyone is everyone okay i'm fine okay yes i think so hi captain just practicing my tumbles dashie what just happened well we were passing this river captain there's been a lot of rain in this area and all the extra water caused the river to flood it's gushing out here into the ocean much faster than usual and it's sweeping the river creatures out with it [Music] looks like they need our help quasi sound the octo alert octonauts to the launch bay [Music] octonauts the river here has flooded we've got to head upstream and help any creatures who may be in trouble quasi peso shellington into the cafe first we have to rescue the river creatures that have been swept out to sea swazi activate fishback [Music] now let's take them back home [Music] be careful out there little fishies this river's flowing fast looks like the flooding caused a lot of damage there must be more creatures out there who need our help octonauts let's do this [Music] well done octonauts everything looks back to normal let's head home before it gets too dark i'll be right there captain it looks like part of the riverbank has collapsed i just want to make sure no creatures were hurt all right shellington captain quasi's found something placed your eyes on this hmm an egg it was just sitting there all alone on the riverbed captain we'd better get it back to where it belongs but where's that ah the shell is hard and thick this egg was laid on land we should show it to um where are you over here captain ow it stung my leg what what stung your leg one of them don't let them get away [Music] we're under attack quick everyone back to the cup hello [Music] what happened out there shellington two creatures came out of nowhere and one of them stung me in the leg what were those things they had bills and claws and hold on i'll be a sea monkey's uncle it's a pair of duck-faced river monsters a pair of duck-faced what now quasi it is a strange slippery beast that's said to lurk in australian rivers just like this one it's made up of parts from different creatures a bill like a duck fur like a bear webbed paws like an otter claws like a cat a tail like a beaver and worst of all a sharp spiny stinger like a giant bumblebee year's thing is the work of the duck-faced river monster whatever it was that stung you it was serious how are you feeling gellington uh not too good captain holly shellington i'm sure i can make you better i just need my medical bag captain i must have dropped it it's out there with the knuckles river monsters peso stay in the gup and look after shellington as best you can quasi you and i are going out there to find pesos medical bag oh i almost forgot we'll find out who this egg belongs to and return it just as soon as we take care of shellington good luck out there sorry oh no sign of the creatures yet no sign of pesos medical bag either it could be anywhere in this murky mug oh looks like we've got company quasi you keep them distracted while i search the riverbed ready ready captain then let's do this hey you duck-faced furball over here i'm not scared of you whatever you are ah it's around here but somewhere i did it captain oh oh i let those monsters on a wild use case they'll never find us hmm this time quasi you look for the bag and i'll lead the creatures away aye aye captain hey up here that's it here i am what's taking the captain and kwazii so long don't worry shellington they'll be back soon i hope ugh look up fuzzy this way shellington look oh fascinating a bill a furry tail a webbed claw it's a duck-faced river monster it's really cute oh jumping jellyfish that's no monster it's a baby platypus a platypus platypuses are river creatures that lay eggs they only live here in australia then those creatures outside must be platypuses too that's right and platypus fathers have stingers on their back legs no wonder he stung me they want their baby back i'd better get it back to them before anyone else gets hurt careful on that leg shellington i'll be right back [Music] [Music] um excuse me and what over not gonna cooperate huh all right then get ready to feel the sting stop look our baby who's got your bill and your tail a baby duck-faced monster it's not a duck-faced monster it's a duck-billed platypus it hatched from that egg you found our egg must have rolled into the river during the flood we were looking everywhere for it we're very sorry platypuses we didn't know the egg was yours we were going to try and find out where it came from but then our friend shellington well all right yeah sorry for the sting uh i was just protecting my family and i got a little bit uh stingy i completely understand but i've got to find my medical bag so i can help shellington aye is somewhere down in the muck perhaps i can make up for what i did to your mate and find that for you i'll be right back but how will he be able to find my back in the dark we platypuses don't mind the dark because we swim with our eyes closed anyway we find our way around underwater using our special bill it tells us where things are aha my medical bag thank you so much oh thanks peso it's feeling better already don't worry the pain from me stinger should wear off soon sorry again mates and thanks for keeping our little ones safe oh not to worry it's not every day i get to meet a family of furry web-footed stinging egg-lying beaver-tailed duck-bill platter pie oh ah you're standing on my foot oops sorry [Music] [Music] these night missions are tough captain we've been working so late it's just about morning at least all's well in the ocean it'll be great to get back to the octopod and get some sleep i what's wrong nothing if nothing's wrong why do you keep growling like that huh oh that's not me it's my belly i guess i'm hungry come to think of it my belly's feeling a bit empty too how about you peso are you hungry there's a monkey where no monkey peso we're all just tired and hungry i see a nice sea grass meadow coming up what do you say we stop there and have some breakfast ah yes please i'm so glad tunip packed all this food for us me too i'm starving now oh celt cakes me favorite yeah licorice flavored me least favorite i can never get these thingies to work oops sorry [Music] strawberry jam flavored kelp now that's more like it i'll be having some of that too please peso look over there seahorses [Music] what seven seas look at those two they're dancing like some crazy underwater merry-go-round i've never seen anything like it let's investigate um excuse me seahorses we couldn't help but notice your amazing dance oh thanks man it's a seahorse thing we do a special dance of love and change colors to show how much we like each other yeah i'm sunny and this is janice we're the octonauts i'm captain barnacles and this is quasi and peso good to meet you sonny and janice isn't she wonderful one look and i knew she was the one for me oh sonny you're so sweet they certainly look happy together captain they um seem kind of busy with their dance and everything hmm let's uh head back to the octopod bye janice and sunny so long man be happy [Music] how much further captain not too far the water is getting a bit rough though come in please we read you dashie is everything okay there's a big storm heading this way captain suggest you return to the octopod as soon as possible thanks dashie we're on our way back right now barnacles out a vast look at the fishies mates they're all heading for cover whenever a storm approaches fish know to head for deeper water it's much safer down below we'll do the same [Music] this storm could last a while it's a big one captain [Music] look it's janice she's in trouble peso sound the octo alert octonauts to the launch bay [Music] octonauts our seahorse friend janice is lost in the storm we're going out to save her guppy's all powered up and ready to go cap peso quasi into the guppy tweak open the octa hatch hold on this could get bumpy you're enjoying this aren't you quasi aye there'd be nothing like an ocean storm to make a pirate feel alive keep your eyes peeled for janice don't see her anywhere there she be holding on by her tail [Music] i'll get as close to her as i can and then quasi you was here [Music] gotcha i'll get the water tank ready for janice captain good thinking peso thanks for saving me how'd you get dragged out into this storm matey the water just swept me away seahorses aren't very good swimmers we pretty much go where the water takes us you can come back to the octopod and rest until the storm is over but we need to find sunny the water pulled him away too and i'm really worried he's about to have our babies in that case we best find him before he wanted to say sonny is about to give birth to our babies i only hope he's okay but daddies don't have babies moms do i mean not when you're a seahorse daddy seahorses carry babies in a special pouch until they're ready to be born well i'll be a sea monkey's uncle janice on my honor as an octonaut we'll find sonny and make sure he's safe and sound barnacles to shellington and dashi here captain go ahead captain we need to find out which way the storm is headed and fast because a seahorse has been swept along with it ah sir leave it to us got it captain the storm is moving over the reef and then past some big rock formations we'll send you a map of it right now good work octonauts we'll search the reef first do you see him not yet we'll check the rocks next look out what if we can't find him don't worry we won't give up we still need to search that kelp forest up ahead we don't want to get the guppy stuck in this camp so we'll get out and search for sunny sunny are you here matey sunny sunny at least the storm is finally calming down but we're sunny i guess we'll never find him ah look a seahorse excuse me are you janice who me no i'm quasi and i'm not a seahorse i'm janice janice thank goodness you found us sonny is about to give birth you're just in time oh where is he please take us to him now i'm a medic i can help over there near that seaweed [Music] come on sonny congratulations janice it's a boy and a girl i and another girl and a boy and a boy and another girl and a boy and another girl hey janice sonny i'm so glad i found you janice you're safe meet the children our children are so beautiful how can we ever ever thank you oh it was nothing all in the line of duty [Music] ah they're so adorable [Music] what are their names again well that little guy is barney short for barnacles and that really handsome dipper is quasi and that one's pesos [Music]
Channel: Octonauts
Views: 988,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Octonauts (TV Program), Octonauts, Octonauts full episodes, Octonauts channel, octo, octonaughts, aquanauts, sea creatures for kids, octonauts cartoon, Octonauts English, Octonauts YouTube, Octonauts episodes, octonauts season, the octonauts, octonauts shark, @octonauts, captain barnacles, kwazii, peso, professor inkling, dashi, squeak, octopod, underwater sea education for kids, learn about the ocean for kids, sea education for kids, dads of the sea, fathers day
Id: 2-NPpSQF1t0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 48sec (2388 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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