Ocean to Ocean EV Truck Race! Cybertruck vs Rivian vs F-150 Lightning vs Silverado Electric - Part 1

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this is one heck of a long trip let's go welcome to the craziest thing we've ever done on out of speec we are racing four electric pickup trucks across the country from Jacksonville Florida to San Diego California we have the F-150 Lightning the rivan r1t the Chevy Silverado electric and of course the Tesla cyber truck along with me are 12 of my friends joining me on this trip is Drew Max Adam Jerome Robert Justin Brandon Dave my dad Jordan Andreas Colby and Dominic we have an incredible crew and so many highlights to share with you this is going to be a three-part long series and we really hope you enjoy this it is by far the craziest thing we've ever done we had like a lasso yes oh and then just Regen to it you know Tesla ERS may have bies but we've got Denny's Kyle Conor in the hyber trick he's drafting us cost us 30 seconds now the charging port's closed oh we ran out of charge sure what's going on here but started leaking I thought the EA wouldn't be working but the work crew came I got a permit unplug he's just he's just Faking It and he's asleep in there quickly want to thank uh the Ford Engineers for creating this cutout oh they got the flashing lights on we'll hit the rivian adventure Network in the middle of the desert now the Tesla guy gets the drive that worrying about a public DC fast charger and his all his instincts will come into play so we got Kyle clean up the massive windshield climate control Colton can fix the smudges later D just ate hello and welcome to another out ofpc motoring road trip video you join me and 12 of my friends and we are here in Jacksonville Florida with four electric pickup trucks and what are we going to do with those four electric pickup trucks well we're going to drive them across the country all the way to San Diego California nonstop we we do these race to Vegas videos here on this channel and I thought rather than just going 800 mil from our office in Fort Collins to Las Vegas let's go Coast to Coast water to water peer to peer and see which electric truck truly is the best road Tripper I'll walk you through all of the trucks that we have in this episode we'll go through the initial setup I'll introduce you to the teams and then of course we're going to get on the road we'll then have two more parts in this series after the part two is going to be the long slog across the country grinding away charger to charger getting into the groove if you will and then part three we're going to actually see who wins and uh so I'm just laying that out up front these are going to be long episodes these are really fun they're like movie length road trips and we have four trucks this is the craziest thing we've ever done on autospec we have a Tesla cyber truck an F-150 Lightning a Chevrolet Silverado electric and a rivan r1t all the big boy EV trucks let's go see which one's the best road [Music] Tripper well guys you joined me behind the camera my dad's over here hey Dad hey Kyle good morning good morning I'm just going to run everyone through the trucks really quickly let them know the stats they need to know uh and everything like that so this is a Silverado EV3 WT we actually rented this car from Herz shout out to Herz for carrying a bunch of electric cars the news is they're selling EVS yes that's also true but they're buying new ones like this which is kind of cool and uh yeah more Herz stories to come uh so I rented this for I don't know how long a couple weeks a month there it's an open-ended thing more or less and uh it is awesome it's about 180 KW hours usable dual motor which is great 375 almost 400 mile range something like that and uh man it's it's a beefy truck fattest charging curve biggest charging speeds biggest battery and actually not that inefficient on the highway it'll be interesting to see how it does um and so this has such a big battery in it we actually could not finish charging on the level two they're going to take it to a DC charger before we start the race and go from there so this is really uh this is the big boy right here I've been so excited about this truck no one's been talking about it they're on the market only in the work truck configuration which means no power seats kind of basic interior but would you believe me if I told you this truck was still over $70,000 over 70 grand and it doesn't even have a bed liner it doesn't even have Lane centering it does have like a ping ponging feature if you put this on so these guys have the biggest cab and actually we have a backup driver uh we have an extra person and they are going in this truck we're going to put four people in the Silverado only because it's the biggest cab it's the most room and we think this is the one that's going to win um and so yeah if they're ahead and there's an issue we can pull a driver out of this one have them wait for another truck to come by and we've had issues on these races Michaela had to go to the hospital when we did our cannonball with the lucid and the pole star so we've been through that before and we've learned our lesson this is an F-150 lightning Lariat this is a 2023 model so it's actually before the heat pump improvements and some little things come for the model year 24 but I've been road tripping this truck and it's been so nice this is a truck you charge to 80% every single time because the charging curve is just flat 120 Kow from 0 to 80% no change except for the first 10 minutes you plug in and it's actually beneficial to get to a charger with a bit more state of charge in the battery pack where you have higher voltage and you get even more of that boost 450 amp boost this truck actually is one of the only trucks it is the only truck that can use all charging networks today it can use Tesla superchargers with the adapter of course by the time this video goes and everything rivan may have had access GM may have had access but right now only Ford it's very early stage of the supercharger ramp has access to the Tesla Supercharger so the team in this truck can choose to charge it Electrify America charge Point Evo blink whatever they want or Tesla super Chargers and not every version 3 supercharger is open there are some gaps of over 400 miles on this stretch where they have to use CCS infrastructure just because there's some older Tesla infrastructure through where we're going but this truck has ultimate flexibility which ultimately could mean while the Silverado charges faster and has a bigger battery perhaps the flexibility of infrastructure could let this win I really don't know and then we have the rivan r1t by far the smallest truck here uh you guys know I love my rivan I own a rivan it's amazing and uh this truck's going to be running with the air suspension slammed all the way down in conserve mode really eeking everything out um you know I mentioned the battery pack sizes by the way that one's about 180 Kow hours this is about 131 usable the rivan's about 135 usable when it's fresh this truck has some miles on it though so let's just say roughly 130 kwatt hours usable and then our cyber truck oh no I'm a will truck who put that on my cyber truck that's so funny that's amazing um but this has the smallest battery at about 123 124 kwatt hours usable so the rivan uh is able to use the rivan adventure Network which I think there actually are some sites on this trip and I'm not 100% sure but the rivan team will let you know of course and uh this is a truck that has a better charging speed to 70% state of charge than the lightning but the lightning charges to 80 faster so the lightning probably can do some bigger stretches than the rivan I don't know it's going to be really close between these two everything we've always done between rivan and lightning has come up closer than you would expect so I genuinely think a lot of it's going to come down to the supercharger access whether that's beneficial or hurting them based on charge port location being in the non-native location the extension cords from Tesla is not out yet although they've committed to providing an extension cord so a lot to think about there and with the Cyber Tru we actually can't CCS charge this because there's no adapter that interfaces uh through through this connection point and there's also some weird interoperability issues beyond that so um we have the smallest battery we're stuck only to Tesla superchargers which should be fine but there's some definitely older version 2 Chargers out as we head West and we have the smallest battery pack also while we do have uh the second highest peak charging speed 250 KW that we can get on this trip I have seen cybertruck charging over 320 KW on an 800 volt KNX charger from our friends at new um the problem is though uh no charger along our route can support that so we are stuck to using superchargers which are capped at 250 KW this is an 800 volt system architecture here but every time we charge it there's going to be a kachunk the truck splits the pack it goes to 400 volt charging which will be less efficient slower charging of course and um I mentioned the peak speeds 250 Kow sounds okay we could definitely beat the peak speeds of this of 212 and that one of about 175 Silverado though over 300 Kow of Beast the curve on the Cyber Tru is not very good although I did just buy this truck I've charged it a couple times I've noticed maybe they've massaged it a little bit and it's improving slightly but I'm not sure it's enough to win over the silver a so we have to get the wheel covers installed on this now that all the tire pressures are set we're going to get all the trucks over to the start location which they're all at you know they'll be at 100% basically here the silver Auto is just going to go to the DC charger down the street and full charg big battery lifestyle and uh then I'll introduce you to the team everyone who's coming we'll get all the cameras in the cars and we'll set off for the first few stops in this video this is like I mentioned probably the craziest thing we've ever done on this channel Drew is over here getting the Cyber wheel covers installed thank you very much one of the problems I think we're going to have with the Cyber Tru is a lot of people just come up to ask about it and we've had just people coming here in the back of this parking lot asking about it I think it's going to really hold us up on this trip and it's possible that just talking to people is going to slow us down the whole way well guys we stayed over by the airport but we actually have to get to our start location which is going to be right on I 10 and I think it's over here going here to the beach so I think the beaches yeah this is 10 we're going right to the edge and I think it's about about 30 minutes plus or minus to get there this is where we need to get the photo of all the trucks it like I said it's not an official Cannonball route we're not balling but there is a coast to coast record and I believe it goes from that point to dog beach so here we are 40 minutes to get over there we're going to keep we'll be at 90% state of charge and that's why we charged up to 100 but all the trucks have to do this as well so we should have probably stayed near there but it is what it is this was the easiest way to get everyone into the hotel so let's go to the start location 27 M away I am going to be a little bit sneaky and pull into the Tesla Jacksonville Center where we just took delivery of this truck two days ago and there is an offthe map supercharger around the back of the building and if it's available I'm going to juice this thing up to about 99% probably cuz it'll take a while to complete but we're going to get some juice in this thing so let's go see if we can just eat it out we have the smallest battery we need to win you know I got to get every last drop of juice in this thing Brandon there was a spot available I've plugged it in so let's just charge it a little bit get it up to 100% is it charging 20 minutes remaining 51 Kow at 95% dude it's going that's not bad 49 that's not bad that's 49 yeah so we'll give it some time let's just get every last drop of charge in this thing as we can the race will begin here at Neptune Beach on the east coast of Florida and the teams will be driving all the way to the other side of the country dog beach at San Diego California a distance of almost 2,400 miles the rules are simple the teams can optimize charging however they feel but the maximum speed each team can drive is 10 over the speed limit with an absolute maximum of 85 mph the trucks competing in this race will be with enough battery capacity to make a substation jealous the Silverado EV 3wt with kitchena good looks in the Cliffs of do charge curve it's the Cyber truck cyberbeast where the adventure is finding a working Electrify America the rivan r1t quad motor look M no hands it's the Ford F-150 Lightning Lariat extended range piloting team meme fridge will be Kyle from out of speec Drew from Martian wheels and Brandon from Tesla Flex piloting team r work truck because that's what it is Robert from aging Wheels Justin from bearded Tesla guy Max from out of speec guide and Adam who's just a normal person piloting team adventurous forever is Colby who owns the truck Jerome from out ofpc renew and Dominic from the batteries included podcast and finally piloting team comfort and relaxation is Dave from out of speec Dave Jordan from out of speec reviews and Andreas who's just a normal guy the Cyber truck can only use superchargers the lightning can use CCS or whatever super superchargers are open and team rivan and Silverado are forced to use only CCS because at the time of this recording superchargers were not open to these two vehicles well we have made it to the official start of our cross country I don't even have we come up with a name Jordan I don't know I've just using CCTV cuz it's a funny acronym for something what are you using in this case oh cross country Trucking Voyage oh yeah cuz I would definitely come up with that um work in progress so I we went to the Tesla uh service center we supercharged it like I what we knew they were going to kick us out so I plugged it into their service supercharger and we just bolted we ran away and then as we're walking back to like hey you can't charge here I'm like that's okay we're full so that's at 99% right now we have the smallest battery so we need it um but I thought it would be fun let's do a little meet the team let's go through the preparations to start there's no like great charging infrastructure here so we're not all leaving at 100% the rivian's just pulling in now if you look this way um but um yeah let's start Jordan uh with you actually I'm going to flip it around okay let me grab this here's the mic yo tell us about your trip what you're expecting and you're in the lightning team lightning Mings uh and that's the lightning right there parked at the moment we're trying to figure out a situation here it's just a rough starting place but there's the ocean you can literally see it through the trees so we are at the Atlantic and we'll be ending at the Pacific um and yeah it's me it's Dave it's Andreas who's on a call right now it's crazy he's working he's working and having fun with us so it's really cool that he can do both what state of charge are you at we are at 97 just below 98 so pretty high up uh bigger battery is so yeah should be fine and your strategy for the trip we're going to figure that out okay um but we do have we have the benefit of both you know ccs and uh KNX so I imagine you'll use superchargers most of the time I hopefully a lot of the time and most even looking at the app you know in Tesla app you can look at other Tesla or non- Teslas and see what is actually available cuz not all of them are available so most everything is available until like Texas right so the beginning of the trip you we might even see you at superchargers yeah we'll just wave we'll take two spots hopefully not too much but uh yeah we we should have no I'm if I find a spot that I can block you in perfectly I'm blocking you in and and with the lightning you know you don't it's not really beneficial to arrive super low like 5% it's not going to do us great like I'm not I have to revert my Tesla thinking and other truck here we want to drain not the lightning we'll show up at like 20 30 40 I don't know the higher we show up the higher voltage the is and so we might get a little bit better charging but it's a pretty flat curve and we have that boost function so yeah rather than working zero you're going to be working 80 basically basing everything around well I wish you the best of luck let me get my dad on camera he's also in the lightning so Dad can you come on over here we're just doing very quick interviews ahead of everything all right um tell me about your uh what you're planning on I've got I've got the experience traveling in the F-150 Lightning from last weekend and what Jordan just said is absolutely true there's the silver Auto pulling up here yeah listen we're going to we're going to we're going to be um we're winning this of course um I believe electri fire America is going to let everybody down and we're going to be doing the Tesla Supercharger thing as much as we can and uh you got to worry about this Silverado though it's got a pretty pretty good range but I'm excited I'm psyched to be here this is going to be awesome amazing thank you very much glad that you're joining don't get run over by Honda and uh Brandon you'll be in the Cyber truck with me uh this is Brandon Tesla Flex on YouTube by the way we should mentioned my dad's channel out aspect Dave uh Brandon what are you looking forward to this trip I'm looking forward just the comfort of the Cyber truck uh not so much the charging but I think it'll still be nice to just kind of get that point of view and maybe just give some reality to the actually road tripping with the Cyber truck yeah very cool well I'm glad you're joining us you'll be documenting this on your Tik Tok as well y so subscribe to Tesla Flex on YouTube Tik Tok Instagram all the places all the places all at once thank you sir appreciate it okay Justin bearded Tesla guy on YouTube here you go tell me you're in the Silverado Silverado you think you're going to win I I think that the Silverado is going to win barring any issues with technology I think that it's in the bag um it's really going to be fun though to watch because we have efficiency versus mega battery pack versus Tesla supercharging Network right what matters the most is it efficiency is it a big pack really excited to find out but I really think Silverado is just going to crush it well you've been Canon calling you're a road tripping expert I think the Silverado you're going to treat very similar to a Tesla drain it down ride that charging curve you know what to do and so I think you're in for the win if you can get everything working with you I think so too awesome thank you sir okay hey Drew hey you're in the Cyber truck with me absolutely do we have any other plan other than full send uh NOP that that is it just full send optimize optimize optimize we have the smallest battery and the worst charging performance and uh maybe the worst efficiency it could not great it's not great so we need to give the cybertruck the best chance that we possibly can so and just no mistakes we know what we're doing in that realm I hope and so it's just going to be you know those charging stops have to be crispy absolutely abolutely okay thank you sir yep yeah let's hand it to Max Max is going in the Silverado did you get some sleep you were tired last night I got great sleep according to my watch and I feel great so that's nice uh and uh these gentlemen were charging as well last night so we're deal with a very big battery in the Silverado 180 KW hours uh and it's kind of either Bounty or famine in that depending on charger compatibility so apparently the CPE pluses like on the Mercedes charge Point Network can be finicky with uh that vehicle and an Electrify America station put us into limp mode last night so we're hoping that doesn't happen but if we get the full charge curve we should cuz that vehicle charges really quickly puts itself into like a 650 volt mode we should be fine it's is actually pretty efficient and huge battery so huge range amazing thank you Max let's talk to Adam really quick Adam thanks for joining your first time on out ofpc second time on out of because you had the rivan that we used when we initially tested the Cyber Tru I used your rivan as the direct comparison so thank you for that and thanks for flying all the way out here to join us what are you looking forward to oh yeah it's great we're just checking to see what this Chevy is going to do you know yeah we're hoping the charging is goes good smooth and hopefully we hopefully we win this trip yeah I think I think you guys if you can pull it off you know the 12vt reset now yeah yeah yeah we've got the tools ready and yeah let's chat with Robert really quick Robert from the Aging Wheels YouTube channel of course we'll leave every Link in the description and uh dude you got the work truck thing going with you you've got it kitted out with the little reflectors on the side you got a roof light yes we'll be so far ahead of you we can block off chargers for you if you want to we just leave cones there you know he can have an easy time charging thank you yeah we've also put one extra person in the Silverado just in case there's an emergency or something um but it's also good because we could leave someone behind to jump in another car if someone can't make it sure that's the plan yeah that's we also wanted to handicap you a little bit well according to ABP we're going to come out 5 hours ahead of you no way yes that's what ABP says so yeah you guys will have a nice trip but just hopefully the technology all works for you the Chargers don't break the truck we're going to have problems and that's going to make it more fun yeah we've already put a mechanic tool set in there I saw that you call that a mechanic tool well Mac that's Mac's version he bought it at the store Walmart well thank you very much Robert and thanks for joining appreciate you being a part of this yeah absolutely I'm happily volunteer for this thank you Dominic yo how's it going I got a I got a you got to hold this there you go that's your mic all right so what car are you going to be in I am in the rivan r1t so you have the quad motor Which is less efficient than the dual motor but you'll be running front wheel drive conserve mode which will probably match a dual motor because now you're locking out true plus we have Arrow Wheels you have the arrow Wheels that's right tunnel cover that works it closes yep so you got the full Arrow range spec and uh what's your plan run it low and charge it fast well our our lead driver is uh NASCAR Affiliated so we're drafting that's right knows NASCAR stuff so he's going for efficiency not for road tripping speed we can't give that away at this point in time you know the rules say everyone can optimize their truck to get it there the fastest whatever you think is the best way to get the truck there is what we're all doing so I'm sure all of our plans will adapt as we're driving I think so get to know the trucks right and there's could be big weather affecting things I think we have a lot of rain to our you know uh West I guess there's nothing to our East but ocean but yeah yeah so a lot of rain here and then I think there's some cold weather across Texas so it should be interesting okay yeah well thanks for joining oh my pleasure my colleague Rome from the out of speec renew channel so what are you in rivan I'm in the rivian r1t and the winning truck today well tomorrow and you know I love the Cyber truck I really enjoy The Styling and I will love to watch it in theor so yeah thanks for bringing the cybertruck thanks Jerome glad you're here you flew all the way from Europe from London is is England considered Europe anymore oh wow that's a good question Colby how's it going sir yeah I think that we have the uh I'm in the rivan I think it's your truck thanks for bringing it doing all this for us no definitely wanted to be a part of this um I put 40,000 miles on my truck in my first year of ownership so and driven I 10 plenty of times so no other charging stops so it's definitely going to be really exciting drive we have the most efficient truck and uh pretty middle of the- pack range so I think we can definitely make a dent in this and possibly get first yeah I mean I think if the Silverado runs into any issues which I'm thinking maybe is a possibility we don't know we'll see you could win you could come in second place but so could the lightning we just don't know and then who knows we might be able to optimize the Cyber truck it's all going to be so close so thank you again for donating your truck for donating your time and joining us for this video it's great to have you happy to be here thank you for having me Andreas I think you're the last one sounds good hello so we we'll end it with the German driving American trucks across the country yeah can't wait yeah I'm very excited of course I'll be in the F150 Lightning she he back here with uh Dave and Jordan very excited um I think you have a good chance of you know maybe winning not sure but I'm optimistic especially with Dave having some experience uh driving the F150 Lightning just down from um New York from New York right to Florida so yeah um will be my first non- Tesla Road Trip um I'm a road Tripper myself so I'm used to those long distan but I'm excited to drive it in a non Tesla and you got blue Cruise blue Cruise 2o yeah so very excited use some CCS Network maybe test out the Tesla supercharge Network on an F 50 uh yeah can't wait I'm hyped let's hit the road amazing thanks for joining Andreas I'm going to hand this back to Jordan and really uh I'm just going to run through check all the state of charges on all the trucks we'll line them up and we're going to hit the road we're getting pretty close to going we need to make sure we're all at uh you know all the tire pressures are set all the trucks are set to the most efficient settings and then it's up to the drivers of each team to optimize and I think we have the most work to do in the Cyber Tru but we might be able to just pull it off we'll see best of luck thank you all right everyone's heading out we're getting in the Cyber truck we are leaving at 10:52 um Brandon can you set a timer on your phone the official start timer it's when we go past Max all right um yeah let's go windows down climb it off okay let's go to trips and let's reset trip a sorry I moved that's okay three in yeah so damn that was hectic yeah but hey we uh fun to drive super fun very fast okay so yeah the rivian already went for a pass oh yeah they're going to get Max so yeah just start your timer that's fine we're leaving at uh 10:52 but we will have a time change involved here so it's going to be a little bit confusing because it's daylight savings time bye Max Max Wade for those who are watching and we're off to San Diego we haven't even looked at where we have to go yet we have to go to It's Easy in the Tesla yeah I'm just going to put in San Diego California said Texas first oh heard another San Diego cool look at that route planning great route planning so we want to go to Lamont we're at 99% state of charge it's predicting nice 298 miles we'll have a lot of those for no reason yeah uh that's a little some setting we got to get your profile set up and everything so we'll do that so um we're off it's 10 over the speed limit the whole way nice and uh let's go optimize this thing guys here we do [Music] it so team F-150 is off cyber truck is off rivan just jut out ahead I'm guessing because of the NASCAR guy and that truck almost hit that truck that would have been a Ford into a Chevy I don't know it was the wrong Chevy if we were going to take something out and the uh Silverado is nowhere to be seen so will that be a predictor for the rest of the SHP these NASCAR guys right they don't know what they're doing you just see he just floored out of the gates yeah yeah yeah all right and we are off and we are leading the back today you're leading the back all right so the plan is to Soldier on but there are some issue on the way um warnings of flood so we'll see why it Tes us I'll have glimpse so I can see that the rivan pulled ahead it's us and the lightning right here and then the Silverados they got really stuck back there but again they have so much range they must uh we must have really screwed them by making Max take the video of us leaving so sorry guys they'll catch back up uh yeah hopefully they'll catch back up they they were at what state of charge were they at do we know I no I don't know pretty highish they weren't at 100 though yeah so 90ish and we were we're still at 95% but much smaller battery much less range uh so yeah let's see what happens here but um we're about to jump onto the highway the official I 10 and we're not not leaving that for a while I I have a theory flooring it and just cruising at highway speed if you just floor it a couple of times on a trip it doesn't affect efficiency at all that's what I think I don't know if that's true yeah over the long term probably not and you know it's probably Astic as we approach infinite distance which 2300 miles right now feels like can you repeat some of those words so it's roughly 2400 miles to our ending destination and it says 8:38 a.m. I'm not sure on what day cuz I was thinking we'd get there in the evening time so that's not adding up with what I 38 a.m. that's got to be Monday then Monday a.m. no way we got to beat that okay we have a lot of optimization to do so yeah what we need to do is figure out we have got the windows down so sorry for the noise oh let's let's figure out our exact speed GPS wise I should it be 50 so set well set it at 55 for now cuz I think it is accurate okay and then I will check in just one moment let's see if there's any charging options past this o Tallahassee is only 150 KW that's 250 that's our best stop so we are heading to Lamont yep Florida Sweet let's do it Justin has some Physics logic here that it's fine to go high speed we just can't accelerate too quickly iact backwards I think that affects it Robert thinks it's just absolute velocity and aerodynamics yeah um have you looked at the truck yeah it's very aerodynamic but heavy so wait I just rolling resistance is exactly we have a lot to consider just don't just don't floor it and we're good like take it easy get up to 80 or whatever 10 over is our limit and uh it's like telling my dog not to chew on its foot I can see that I can see that right now we're going to have some learning to do Robert got the Costco dog in him all right I'll I'll uh I'll work on my uh positive reinforcement you're doing a great job Drew you and I have done many of these cross country trips now and we have learned that optimizing in traffic could be the key to winning or losing yep and so we just want to keep the speed up as much as possible and just aggressive oh they're doing they're good yeah basically do that so you want to aggressively drive but then you can't ever accelerate past people right it must be so confusing to watch very aggressively pass then stuck at your low top speed so that is our key we we definitely have smoked my dad by now the Silverado I don't know what they're doing he's not getting it yeah so I think the sil you know Silverado is going to blow past everyone on the first stop so yeah I guess uh Brandon you ready to settle in yeah Ed my video real quick and then maybe take a little naap very nice easy easy road trip back there very comfy back here man the Cyber truck is comfortable though Drew we have it in the most efficient settings for the viewers in case you're curious so we have it in custom them in chill mode and then relaxed ride and handling and low ride height as low as we can go and um that is the way to do it I know they want to launch it so bad at this light but efficiency I guess do it drew do it do it those Arrow covers do look pretty mean what is that like a three-headed dragon on the back yeah it's a beast the Cyber Beast for tri motor okay they are beating this Chevy that sticker cost 20 grand I me like what the hell also we're not even on the highway yet broke out the snacks oh yeah how's the space back there it's good I think we have one of the biggest cabs in the whole yeah I can I can sleep here Andre how are you 65 63 63 and I'm 6'5 and he's sitting behind me and look at that I could for days I'm comfortable this is winning in the cab Department see a Tesla store that's where we took delivery of this thing only a few days AO go and here we are heading across the country can't wait for this to turn into the real I 10 and we're doing I 10 pretty much all the way I think to I8 and then we turn is the plan so we'll definitely find out as we get over there we already broke out the Doritos it's going to be a long trip oh you have all the St No I gave you some I gave you some say s some over I did just [Laughter] oh d bit the dust what did what were youing remind me not to go out with the football team right that was a bad toss okay so Adam here is our weather guide he's pulled up his radar app and we're going to reach currently Google Maps thinks the EA in Chipley with 2% but we're not quite sure if it's ACC counting for these wins hello there you are going way too fast I want to get a I'm doing it for the camera rules I'm doing 55 I'm doing 55 and a 45 well now you are now you're going past us that's cuz Drew is speeding yeah there we're both 55 through TPS well the rivan was doing 65 and 45 so that's the only only reason I asked yeah I think Colby is already a DQ I mean like he's fine he's out of light I I was on the so all right so you're sl so you're slamming me down now okay fine it fair enough I'm calling everyone making sure that we really understand the T Ru it's not like the race to Florida this is Hardcore we are merging on the highway and then we have to exit in 6 miles to 10 West where we will be spending a lot of time so we're I guess we're currently on I95 and here we go nice moves Drew glad you were playing for that okay let's rock and roll so off we go to San dieago so we off on the iway 10 20200 miles 2 days we'll see what happened what do these things is going to happen we're in first place right now uh we have 300 Mi of range um I think we're doing we're looking really good we're got the other cars about 2 miles back so got a good lead right now and if we just keep it up I think we can uh pull through for the victory for sure all right what about you everything he said let's do it all right lightning checking in lightning I Che strategy over food our morning food uh we didn't we got we cracked open the snacks before even got on the highway yeah that's how hardcore we are and uh it's so funny seeing way saying 2327 Mi till our next turn we are literally going to be on this road forever other than I mean there's kind of a jut around New Orleans on 12 which is a probably the way to go um but yeah talking strategy here for the F-150 um we have the benefit like we've said of both networks so ccs and NS so Tesla is totally an option probably a good option because I'm worried about um yeah we have this adapter here to plug into a Tesla Supercharger I'm worried about or maybe for the other guy's sake um EA stations possibly being full I've had issues with that on CCS trips um I most of my CCS trips of the stations worked it was just sometimes their fault supercharging we have so many routes so many Chargers uh you can check within the Tesla app and it'll show you which ones are available um so yeah got 100 a little over 100 Kow hours left according to car scanner we've got that data um Andreas is also signed into the truck on his app so we can actually see exactly what voltage what what how many kilowatts we're charging at because the truck annoyingly doesn't show on the screen so we're just going to keep going and we've been talking about the fact that we don't have the benefit of pulling in super low and charging much faster so we may play with around 10% 15 cuz if you're super low pack voltage is lower so a little bit lower charge and our curve's pretty flat up to like 80% so our plan is to use the drag from the trailer in front of us all the way down to San Diego might not work but at least maybe to the next Charger to the next charger so let's see they got an Illinois plate so hopefully they're going a pretty long ways I'm also trying the built-in car navigation it's saying Chargers are added traffic LA says 14 charges Which is less than a better route planner said 16 charges so somewhere between 14 and 16 is probably the reality um and so it'll be interesting to see if this routes us to superchargers we're basically going to check what the car tells us to and also check just our manual calculations and figure out the best way cuz you can't always rely on the car to fully optimize it I think Tesla does a pretty good job with that um but I don't know about Ford down to two I'm going to go down to 170 we'll call it 170 uh we're getting two miles of water hour and then we are at what's our percentage 83 82 82 * 82 we have 278 theoretical miles and how many miles to the stop 231 231 so this is going to continue to go down because we have well only half of this trip so far is on the highway at 80 so uh we'll keep an eye on that we are now cruising we're into the groove now Drew how are things going we're out of the hecticness of Jacksonville yep it's fine just uh sitting on cruise control 10 over yep and getting stuck occasionally with some cars but everyone's going to have that across the whole country managing it yep trying to you know be as uh efficient as possible and just Draft when possible but not give up speed especially now we got excess juice yeah we got excess juice for sure we definitely want to keep it at Max Speed but if there's an opportunity to keep some more energy in the pack we certainly will and uh yeah Brandon's been working back there getting some Tik toks out right now yeah keeping everyone updated on the trip live streaming basically but live posting I guess yeah and we should put the um sunroof cover in or the glass roof cover hour and a so we'll do that a little bit better insulation make the HVAC system work less and things are going well here we're all uh rivan in the lead we're second place the Lightning's right behind us and the Silverado got screwed getting out of the city so they're maybe 4 minutes behind us something like that which is a big gap this early on right so we'll see what happens but so far we're going to crank up the tunes settle into the Cyber Tru and wow what a cool view it is to have all of this to look out in front of we can really see just about everything wouldn't you say oh great visibility out the front yeah I know I've heard people say the visibility sucks in the Cyber truck but I'm like uh what amazing yeah it's amazing we're consuming valuable energy uh Robert adjusted that power steering wheel there you go no no go back go back go back screen yeah yeah yeah okay uh 213 miles sorry I didn't realize what you wanted yeah so 76% 213 mil to go we got to break out the mono wiper y w still freaking love that thing I also like how it stays down there to hold the water from coming up but that's a very inefficient look at how the wipers is moving oh yeah can you see that it's like barely hanging on there an air bra right now yeah we're getting killing our efficiency here can you hit it again to have it return nope it stays for I think 1 minute and then goes back up is what it did at least on the previous trucks but I wish there was a way to say hey we're trying to win a race go back there so we're actually doing a lot better efficiently than I thought that we would we're going 80 M hour right now and we're at 2.36 Kow uh miles per kilowatt hour in the past 15 minutes so we're doing great want efficiency and I think that we're going to be able to make it to the charger and chiple which will definitely give us a big Advantage we've just dialed in our efficiency and everything and we have a 3% arrival to Mariana we were originally thinking do we stop in Tallahassee at a V2 or do we stop early at a V3 but it's the truck is showing 3% arrival into Mariana it says stay below 70 but we should definitely maximize the range we should get there as dead as we can and um you know we may have to back it off top speed but also the traffic's doing that for us anyway so this is our move to fully maximize the truck again the Cyber truck charges fastest from 0 to 25% on version 3 chargers and then really falls off a cliff so we want to maximize our time getting 2050 Kow into this battery pack update from the lightning we are hitting a bit of wind just like everyone else a little bit of rain but we are thinking we're going to push a bit further so the the truck itself and the built-in nav said we could get all to way all the way to chiple which was just a bit far that was like saying we'd pull in at 5% then it changed its own mind and put us to um whatever town this is let's see I don't know electri FY America in Thomasville maybe Village Commons I don't know it's about 100 miles away that would bring us in around 40% which is just a bit high so I think we're going to push on to Mariana which is a Tesla Supercharger which is about 55 miles now so we should have a bit of a buffer to work with we're going to monitor it and see because if the wind stays this bad or gets worse we may not be able to make it yeah so I mean currently we've got a 30 mph 30 mile buffer and we're doing 80 M an hour I think we're only getting about 1.5 1.6 m per Kow hour quite inefficient with these high winds right now but um we can make a choice about a 100 miles from now we're going to make a decision we and we could either feather it Marana or stop where I believe uh I forget the name of it the first place chiple Chipley yeah yeah so that so I would say we'll check in in about 100 miles and then we will we will make the executive decision as to what we're going to do and based on um based on previous race to Vegas I mean the beginning of a trip is just so setting the course for the rest of the time because everyone's first stop is like what are they going to do because we all started with really high state of charge and that's probably the only time we're all going to be leaving a charger with high stay of charge not everyone's going to be charging very deep so we know Kyle's stopping in about 90 Mi or 80 mes so he's stopping much sooner probably first um shortly after that is the EA station that we could fall out on which I'm guessing is we're R to stop I will guess that the Silverado goes the furthest on this first leg what's the range in the riv uh like at these speeds what do you think that'll I get like 250 yeah I don't know 250 270 maybe yeah at these speeds with this wind I don't know actually but they're going to have to stop at that EA because they don't have the supercharger that we have as the the goal right right right right so they're working with the Restriction of EA well and Evo like whoever else is out there so right I'm going to double check and figure out what our backup plans are but we're doing 1.8 m per Kil says yeah for a total I mean we did start in the where do it say 1 okay so this is a discrepancy oh you're showing chip two and trip one which you reset both of them I saw you but you reset them so close together interesting that's funny there's trip one no they're different things7 I so you know what I have this theory if you find one wrong number a spreadsheet the whole spreadsheet suspect yeah well I think this software is suspect I do not like Ford software all the BMS in this truck from my experience pushing it 4:15 in the morning in South Carolina with alligators around me supposedly allegedly SC I do not trust what this truck tells me we're going to have to we're going to use our brains over what this thing saying beautiful truck rides nice waft but do not trust the numbers and we have handsfree blue Cruise which is awesome I'm just going to take a little snow here and the chat's lighting up so people are probably sharing where they're going to be stopping but this is yeah this is all interesting and quite fun for us I mean it totally it's it's so much fun we are I'm just looking at the windy EP here uh so we looking at a what is say 16 mph side Windish that's coming from the southwest we head Quest so it's definitely a side effect and will impact our efficiency right now we are protected by the forest so it should um I don't know should I this a little bit less I like that point yeah the yeah so and I don't really see the trees moving actually so I'm not sure if the wind will affect us much but we'll just keep the eye on the efficiency and will yeah a little bit and if we have to we could you know always drop a mile per hour here or there just to push cuz I think that push is going to really give us a good Edge in the beginning by the way Tallahassee has a a a tornado warning so we got that going for this is all exciting over here we should get some rainex because I think the wiper is going to use a lot of energy not from the motor yes it's probably a powerful motor I think it's 100 Watts or something but it's just the arrow impact of having the wiper come down so we are going stay right the staying part is the problem so we're just going to go no wiper for as long as we can uh because we really want to keep the speeds up and stretch it to this 3% arrival and I can see a wall of rain ahead which is going to hurt this look at that you can literally just see a wall right there that's crazy well guys we are well underway and it's getting a little bit of drizzly a little rain we've decided to go no Wiper like you saw in the Cyber truck and one thing I didn't mention in this video that I really meant to was uh sort of on the setup for the trucks the F-150 Lightning came provided by Ford with a Tano cover it's a factory cover that should help a little bit we have the Cyber Vault closed of course for maximum arrow and the rivan r1t has their power tono closed as well so we all have the trucks you know don't worry we have maximized the efficiency on all of them uh except for the Silverado where it's just an open bed without even a bed liner but work truck things so they've uh definitely have more range than us we called them they were laughing at us for being at such low state of charge hard yeah really are whole car the whole car cuz we left at 98 or 99 they were at like 90 and we're already below them and they were like wow crazy so yeah we are uh in some construction zones we just have to go you know of course 10 over the Post-it speed limit so that's what we're doing it's a little bit slow but actually these construction zones help us on this first leg to really stretch the range to make it into this charger so actually the more construction zones we have on this first leg the more Advantage we have in our truck entering some uh sketchy looking weather man the water is really gorgeous over there but yeah low clouds so if the video ends here you know what happened yeah [Laughter] we haven't seen any rivan pulled over unfortunately but um I'll keep an eye on the the EA app and we'll see but we still have about 50 mil till our stop which is Tallahassee uh yeah weather got bad we needed headlights and we needed wiper it just got too bad and we can't see crap out of this thing now the wiper is awesome but we just the road has got narly so now we've got a 0% arrival but we'll just we'll feather it in we'll make it there um yeah holy smokes speed limit is 60 now but we just honestly can't go any faster than this it's like we're floating through here and a boat oh we should put Wade mode on them take up yeah use too much power this just got real wet but it's Florida this will be over in 5 minutes right yes all right this is respectable went here light wow now I can see you Andreas didn't know you were there now you can tell me the weather okay let CH out yeah unless it really clears up and we can like I don't we can try it all right Drew change of plan oh my God we can't see crap here holy smokes um this is crazy we got the wiper going full s they're riding motorcycles in this oh my are you insane um we are now at minus one it is taking a tank and um yeah we're going to come in and out of this but I think if this charger is not far off the highway it's a version three I think we should just get in yeah just splash 5% get on the highway then we don't have to drop speed so I think we're just going to Splash and Dash and then still try and arrive at this one dead but look at that we're down to minus two now it's taking a tank so montelo Lamont yeah cuz this is a version two and it's a little bit off the highway so this for sure we'll be at higher state of charge but we only need a few percent so that's the plan now holy smokes oh my God visibility it's not there we are passing the rivan they're slowing down to stretch it to Chipley they're building up a buffer see you guys and so uh yeah because we there was no way that we could make it with this weather all the way out to there without charging we're going to do a 5 minute top up here in Lamont and the lightning Yep they're they're building up a little bit range it's way faster for them to stretch it all the way out to Chipley rather than trying to do a quick top up in Tallahassee because the charger in Tallahasse is like way off the highway so their best option is to stretch it all the way honestly I think they left at 93% if they just left at 100 it wouldn't have been a problem but uh hey that's why we optimized better and that's how maybe we can get the cybert trick to not come last place maybe let's see we have hope we have I I don't know though so we're trying to be as efficient as possible here and Drew has found the trick would you like to share so if you don't want your wiper to stay uh you know down like this which is what it will do automatically uh then you just toggle it oh toggle it on and back off and then it'll return nice so you're more efficient we found the trick I would not want to be this jeda in between the RV semi and the EV Silverado right now it's only 88,200 lb it's light plus 600 lb of Americans okay now I would be flooring that four cylinder I can give a little shove help out we are getting off on our first charging stop here we're just going to have to do maybe a 5 minute top up or so we're at 27% so we should just see 250 KW if the battery is warm enough which we started preconditioning a little bit late here U because we did not expect to have to stop at this charger so let's uh pop off the highway and our first charging stop will be in a brainstorm but maybe people won't talk to us then their cars all right so it's a left at this stop sign huge regen in this thing huge regen wow that's awesome that was a little little slippery [Laughter] there oh all part of the fun let's go plug this sucker in and we are going to be in last place now after this so we got to make this Snappy so we are back in the thick of the storm basically the brunt of it as you can see from the radar here it seems also like the cybertruck crew had to pull over quite early so they're stopped at a truck stop at the moment yep here's the supercharger and get used okay come on let's go charge for it slow that's as fast as we could be let's see how fast we're charge it thanks okay the whole thing about people talking to you in the rain definitely talking to us ready to charge come on baby this is not good charging equipment failed oh my god oh no are you kidding me oh we got to move uh we go all the way to the other end okay okay go go [Music] [Applause] go oh my God fell into I wish you saw what I just saw keep going good hit the charge board open sorry all right I'm not going to be able to get to that quick enough yep it's all good oh and they got lightning okay starting to charge good so if it doesn't shows starting to charge immediately then we know so we just need a few minutes here damn you fell in that sinkhole drew it just ate the truck man we couldn't have picked a worst freaking weather day to do this holy smokes we are still hauling all the way chiple and I think we'll get there it's looking Grim now but that's just at this moment F-150 is pulled over too oh so maybe it's a visibility or a safety thing or maybe they just needed to charge guys holy smokes 250 KW at 30% still that's awesome they have they have changed the charging curve officially updated the charging curve wao so how much buffer do we need cuz we're we're at 5% now right but we're getting 250 yeah true true there's no reason to leave true true Oh look The Lightnings are decided to charge here maybe look goes a bad spot too oh they they're going to choose the Dead Charger wait what if it works for them and not the Cyber Tru bailed out at Tesla because Eli America started showing up busier and busier there's only one station currently open right now so we're just going to get super close to this thing you got the camera there's the front camera so you got more room there we go all right adapter here there you go are you close enough oh yeah we're in we're in beautiful wow guys beautiful day here isn't it film the charging performance on your phone and look at the charging power and all that stuff yeah the crazy weather hold I it cannot rain harder than that it was just a giant sinkhole right there it almost ate the ENT entire cyber truck it went down to the hood really it was crazy yeah what the you did want to put it through a puddle yeah 6 Kow nice so we plugged in here and it didn't work it died we had to move yeah 50 okay you got climate off Dad yeah truck off nice whole trucks off there we go 90 I hope I phone is water proov enough for this the Cyber TR charging curve great news totally improved we're over 30% still doing 250 Kow Jee yeah I think you're going to do oh we might actually get this one an X I think you'll C you'll beat the riv I think I think we could win if this charging curve goes Brandon is it still doing 250 23 230 at what state of charge so we hold 250 to 30% are you doing full power now let see so this full power will be 450 amps so get 450 amps and so this is what's going into the battery so some will be taken well it depends on the voltage 158 right now into the battery at 30% so you're fully optimized so you guys need to charge until your Boost is over and then maybe you can even skip Tallahasse we need to yeah you need to skip it almost filled up already so oh that EA sucks by the way so yeah so you're this is the smartest thing you could do with the lightning right now I think so okay wow epic trip we got to go actually so we'll see you guys later same one yeah oh you can charge on the Goldie is going slower for him so probably still raining up there there we are interesting so we'll see if we catch up while they decide to use this to their advantage as a charging stop this is an interesting strategy here very kind of like F1 you know like Pit Stop style thing yeah kind of like charge early Let the Rain pass and take advantage of better weather once the rain is gone it's like we have a virtual safety car which is just God in front of us so yeah we'll see how it plays out what's the charge are we at uh we're at 38 it held 250 to 30 right uh it held 250 uh was that like 235 to 35 oh okay so 235 was at 35% yes okay let's go anyway so can you just pull Forest cuz I can't get in the truck okay great it's literally a sink Cole over there yeah full turn and forwards okay great here we go oh my God can you go this way oh I guess I'll just go for it whatever oh God unlock it my feet are soaking unlock the truck hit the unlock button got to change our set yeah it's right there okay see you guys later we are not in last place at least they're going to skip Tallahassee and go pretty far though okay so they're kind of doing what we're doing sure now it shows 3% arrival nice so that's that was optimized pretty good so we're just holding steady and we'll see the Boost should last till roughly 125 it's like a 10minute boost so we'll see what it tapers down to after that but um yeah ramping up just just going to sit here for a bit this truck doesn't charge as fast as the Cyber truck yep just going to dry up a little bit and uh it's raining it's a wet back on the road oh big under steer okay this thing's heavy it is heavy yeah that was great that I am completely soaked completely I was just up to like here in water Drew was like yeah I'll move it forward didn't get it out of the puddle I couldn't see the puddle I never saw the puddle well you must have felt it cuz it went up to the hood you just went yeah see if we can slide it oh yeah it kind of wants to little more momentum yeah definitely heavy though these tires in the rain maybe not so good okay so the r1t is leading but they seem to be hauling they are 83 just a few seconds ago they were like 8990 so I guess the good news there that means it probably clears up by that point the bad news is they're doing 87 mil they might have been doing some sketchy stuff but hey we're Silverado crew we're confident we don't need to worry about cheaters all right TI F upd unfortunately I mean we've tried everything we could we um the efficiency it started raining and the efficiency just went completely Down super windy here so we um brought the speed down we tried drafting off some trucks we can't get the efficiency up so we're just going to have to speed to the closer charger and uh make up the time later there's really nothing we can do about it it's disappointing uh we thought that we could make it to that further charger but we just we just can't make it yeah all right well oh it's the Silverado Eevee whoa yes we have caught up to the Silverado that was that's how fast we were we got in and out of the charging session we can't go any [Laughter] faster yes dude Epic that was great and there how about that for timing cyber truck has uh pulled out right behind of us I guess they saw us coming and they decided they don't want oh they did a Splash and Dash that's exactly what they did so cyber truck I'm having some Focus issues here look at this guy blocking the road with his house oh ambulance and some crazy things going on here yeah so don't don't do that do not do that that's not cool but it's a race you know it's don't do illegal things he's not doing anything illegal uh he's just going to cut in front of you so we're still not in the back I hear but we are oh no oh no yeah this is not good oh that poor CRV oh gosh completely op I hope they're okay that does not look good the structure looked intact so that was a head on gosh so um back at it the Cyber truck has just passed us Splash and Dash to get them to Mariana is my guess so we'll keep an eye on where they actually pull over but the F-150 is still charging um and they'll stay there likely to charge long enough to get to the next Tesla Supercharger which is their strategy right a voltage or the amperage has dropped down I mean everything's dropped well the voltage is actually climbing cuz we're raising state of charge but the ampage is down our total kill outs is down below 120 now we're at 115 and how many miles 105 it's 106 yeah so I want to bring this up to 125 miles of range yeah so maybe 55% state of charge before we bounce over to uh Chipley all right all right is it my turn to get out in the rain yep you guys actually now it's not raining no then it is it is my turn yeah it's basically done I'm already I don't be nice don't be nice got to be a little selfish get out there Dave we have taken the lead of ahead of the Silverado so we're back in second place we lost nothing with that charging stop that was amazing they barely caught up yeah okay holy smokes that was so as the two trucks without Lane centering we're following each other I guess both Pilots doing a lot of work here yep I don't even have Auto wipers and that's Tesla Vision Auto wiper so it's basically like not having Auto wipers it's going to be two turn Lanes get stay in the right one stay behind this Ford Ranger beautiful there you go all right all right let's go got our handy charging holder yeah rivian's not the only one with two glove boxes or I guess R2 I should say that poor rivian has no glove box boxes and I think the rivan's at EA Kyle jettison back on the highway he's in front of the Silverado this will be interesting I really do think cyber truck's going to [Music] win that just cost us 30 seconds now the charging port's closed oh we have to go over and around in U-turn I guess oh man I could have off-roaded it oh it's just right here yeah two for one crispy fish and roast beef man we should have been there just make our first charging stop like 45 minutes we want to skip Taca right this is good turn here and then turn left right here yeah there we go all right so 5 to 10 minutes well we are back on the highway trying to make some momentum get our way to Chipley without burning through all the juice we just got trying to make it there with a tiny bit left I mean we don't we don't have to be too scared cuz we have EA and supercharging both there but um yeah about 100 miles till our next stop looks like we have just passed the rivan crew uh they are still stopped to charge so now we are in second place and it's a pretty close second place behind the Cyber truck who doesn't have a lot of buffer to get to their next supercharger we don't have a lot of buffer either right but we have more absolute battery capacity and big battery so far seems to be doing well so he's doing like 2 3 mil an hour and it's changing direction so I don't know if that's him walking in the parking lot or if that's the moving around right it's probably him in the parking lot right it's not showing up on my screen yeah we're good yeah I they he must be getting pretty antsy seeing his lead a road like this but again it's a game of Lea frog so we'll see yeah hopefully that 90 mph pays off uh nice Sunshine coming through the clouds up here now we have dimmed the screen we shut off the rear screen um we got the Silverado that's the little smudge right there so we are just staying ahead of them doing everything we can to not let them pass and now that the roads are somewhat drying out we should be okay we have 26% to go 54 miles that should not be an issue we'll be arriving dead truck says 1% but it also doesn't say slow down or anything like that so it thinks we can make it I think we can make it we are going to make it and and we actually do have a buffer below zero on a fresh cybertruck battery as we learned in Austin so uh we are totally fine and just going to stay full speed maximum the test allows all the way to the Mariana Florida supercharger Drew I guess early on maybe maybe you can just share some thoughts on the truck not having autopilot but also just its Dynamics Comfort all that stuff oh yeah I mean uh really really nice I think uh maybe a little bit quieter maybe slightly more comfortable than the one that we uh tested in Austin and um yeah pretty pretty Flawless experience so far charging curve a little bit better than uh we saw on that earlier uh cyber truck as well so that's that's encouraging um yeah everything's uh pretty good allterrain tires not so good in the rain uh we found um just uh just overall grip but that shouldn't be an issue on the highways yeah we're the we are the only truck on all terrains right yeah so we have yeah and it's the most efficient so each truck actually has at their time of this recording the most efficient wheel and tire package available yep and this is the only wheel and tire package officially available from Tesla sure yeah but uh yeah I think uh I don't know watching that charge fast for another 5% than I was expecting absolutely we we might have a shot here yeah yeah hope is Hope is still alive yes so that was our first stop H we added over 50 Kow hour how long did it take it took us we were plugged in for about 16 minutes AG all right so not too bad um we did have a little bit of trouble uh we plugged into a station and after for a minute it automatically disconnected us so we had to move and kind of Rush fast but we were only actually plugged in for 16 minutes so looking pretty good and we're headed to the next stop we're 150 Mi away uh we have 2 hours to go until we're at the pfpl charger and it's pretty quick charger so I think we'll definitely um have another quick stop we are now at 3% state of charge we have a 1% arrival 5 6 miles to go we are not backing down our speed uh because the Silverado is still right behind us and uh oh we got another situation of you can't park there on this episode of out a spec can't park there like just these two places and we're looking to buy some rainex so we don't have to use the wiper for the rest of the trip I guess they're 12vt died are they jump starting it what the heck a gas station across the street jump yeah that okay using the cop car yeah we're doing 79 Drew we can do 80 oh do we have power yeah okay yeah we just got a little bit of power limit right here just starting to get our first dot perfect well the good thing is is that it says that we're going to make it there with 3 miles now so we can I mean we can push it um the efficiency still isn't the best I'm not sure if that's because of the wind or maybe a little bit of wetness on the roads but if it says we're going to get there with some miles we can keep pushing it at 80 and uh we'll definitely uh get there with a pretty good charge and um we'll be able to charge pretty quick we are the only one that has not pulled over to charge yet we are getting close to our charger uh here in the next 24 miles we're at I think uh 12% plenty of charge to get there that was 90 to 12% where we're at right now so Silverado is going to pull ahead now they are officially going to leave us as we pull off this exit I'm not sure where they're going to but I think they also have a pretty low arrival state of charge as to where they're headed so hopefully they have a plan and uh this is our exit dang this is so funny we can't even see them back there can we they're about to pass us they're about to pass us no no well no they're coming in behind us now so let's get us last few seconds of last last few seconds of draft and see you guys later and Reen all right see you later Silverado losers we are officially in first place there it is for the first time in the race starting from the back several miles behind 6 miles to be exact and we start 90% 90% instead of close to 100 like everybody else the Silverado is finally riging first place how long will that last we shall find out soon Mar bar until we I am really I don't know how to feel about this EA station we're about to approach don't no no no no no Vibes like that only Good Vibes only Good Vibes yeah if we only have Good Vibes that that's when it'll break gosh so much traffic this dude's got his dog looking at us all right second charge stop in the Cyber truck Tacoma not going for it a gosh they really should have um where is the supercharger it's like back over here next to di so yeah yep over yeah man the pothole is in Florida yeah there it is okay it says there's eight no one's here according to the Cyber truck but there's eight stalls available but there's two Teslas charging oh gosh yep okay great Brandon's going to get in on the on the charging okay let's get it juicing Brandon's getting it plugged in in in we go okay man this was not as optimized as the first stop that was brutal that took forever okay we're at 1% right yep okay so 1% blue what does that mean blue means communicating oh no it's doing another ready to charge let's unplug it and give it a second maybe if you plug it in too fast after driving what not charging try again yeah yeah I think give it a second so just let it let it rest your foot's off the brake right okay yeah let's go for it okay we're in there's no way we found two superchargers starting to charge okay so we can't plug it in too fast so it wasn't a dead supercharger it was we're just too fast with it that's crazy so anyway I might be able to just get that part that I could control anyway a little bit better but must have something to do with getting it to four you know 400 volt to unsplit or to split the pack essentially all right let's check service mode and see the temperatures we're at 405 amps so yeah sometimes when they're dead it should ramp up soon okay so let's hope we get full power here in a moment battery pack should be preconditioned we're at the right temperatures so maybe pull in at a couple perent not zero or one well we couldn't let the silver AO pass us no of course not so that was everything we had right there yeah we're low on voltage 339 volts but this thing will go up to 700 amps we just need to see at what percent and whatever percent that is that should be our arrival Target y yep yep Robert and I both Drive Pulstar 2os and right now this is a very foreign feeling for us we are at uh 6% 6% and we're feeling fine yep no power limit either going down to 1% impossible in the P start yep interesting virtues of a big battery and some unknown buffer because GM won't disclose those specs and we haven't tested it yet so this could be dead I mean no it's we're fine we are we are so fine we're the truck's absolutely fine the big question is that we're hoping High speeed charger is available and interfaces with the truck well drafting a semi right now too maybe at 10% it'll ramp up if it doesn't ramp up by 10% I'm going to swap stalls but we are slowly increasing now and it is not uncommon for Teslas to go slow below 10% but 143 Kow is not good so maybe I don't know what's going on but I guess we'll have to give it to at least 10 to 11% if it doesn't ramp up by then I'm going to go uh juice this thing up is not getting any faster and I definitely got 250 KW I just checked my charging graph but I just went up one nope now it's down one I don't know maybe I'll give it 12% maybe it's doing some weird Behavior because we started it dead at zero but I've gotten 250 Kow way lower than this and this supercharger is pretty much empty there's only one other car here so yeah it's let's uh I'm going to move it switch stalls don't know why we're not charging faster see if switching will help we are begging folks in the Maki to see if they'll let us take they're 350 cuz they don't need it they're at 80% and we're also okay they are being only one we'll pay for their charge yeah we'll pay for charge there's only this is only for your charge last El there but he can actually use that power this can use the 350 oh you can do the same 150 and 350 we do the same for you we'd be happy to charge anything this is the reality of early Eevee adoption when you have four stalls we're making you we are offering to pay them for their charge um they get to get here first charger or this one it's this one is 350 yeah okay I've now switched over to this stall here we're we're on a different cabinet yeah one second I'm happy to tell you about it absolutely and let's see if we ramp up 50 I we really need full speed here so let's go come on baby 13 yeah it's shooting up quick yes it's already faster so now we'll get up to 250 Kow yeah weird so it's just a limited stall glad I moved it okay we he's uh we're trying to activate we just plugged in if that doesn't work I can activate what what you guys are thinking is it possible to it won oh for the that one right uh with where it is I don't think so it's still initiating initiating oh we're going we're going okay 39 42 48 52 5 60 70 75 79 I think we can use this one right 150 um this one yeah yeah if it's free I it said on my app that this one was down for maintenance but maybe it was lying I don't know sometimes the app doesn't work so you could try [Music] it there we go okay charge curve is doing well we're ramping up all right guys well here's the glimpse of what's going on right now we have the Silverado in the lead charging in Chipley the lightning just passed us the rivan is about to go by us and we're about to jump back on the highway uh Brandon's using the restroom but we are pretty much right on the money where we have to leave so yeah we're at 43% so now he's holding us up so this is not the right Spirit we should we just leave them I think so what the heck all right so we I got to call them and tell them like we got to go right now so yeah this is we're losing time lightning checking in we are here at 7% state of charge we've been working with a buffer here that's been oscillating between I don't know 7 to 10 Mile buffer and we are exiting pretty soon here so the Silverado is right here and we are currently in second place maybe not for long but uh we passed the Cyber truck and we're ahead of the rivan who also we think has to stop here yeah so we've been we're at we're at 10 over and have been for a while and the we've been bouncing off that six and seven mile range and and these Rolling Hills that stopped it stopped raining and we've got these nice gentle Rolling Hills so we've been averaging 1.6 m per Kow hour not great but better than with all that rain that was nasty yeah it's been mostly dry we had a little bit of rain here and there but um how you doing excuse me very good keep the eye on the state of charge so we have a 6.5% state of charge we also briefly discussed the buffer we may or may not have it's uh 2.8% buffer but uh according to Dave we can't trust it because on the recent trip from New York down to where you go EXA I'm speaking from experience after pushing this truck up a hill do not trust the buffer and F-150 I don't think Kyle is right when he says oh it's just that truck it's not I'm telling you yeah the only two times here's proof Kyle has run out two times in his life both F-150s that's true right range test there you go yep yep so I think the Engineers need to be a little bit more conservative especially if we're taking a peak into the uh into the V Peak on the car scanner y do not show me that data and here is where our curve starts to feel a little bit weak 145 Kow at 44% is weak sauce Tesla come on shows now a 3% arrival that I actually believe this arrival uh percentage at the Crest View one and Brandon I don't know where the heck he went but we really have to go so if he takes any longer we're just leaving time on the table so the frun on the Silverado has come in very useful especially as our bed has uh not much going on soft clothes however has been hit or miss mostly Miss we may have to do this can you hit it again we may have to cycle this a few times there we go that's a good stretch that's a seal did you hear it growing he's getting food what the heck is going on here oh my goodness I don't even know if we can go this way but we are just going to and here he comes running out okay let's keep the truck unlocked I don't even know how to do that to be honest so we'll come to a stop skirt unlock there we go get in the truck get R the chill in there don't pull out right now here take this take this okay oh my gosh the world's slowest driver holy smokes we got now a little bit extra juice 5% arrival it's not that bad no that's that's that's actually probably close to what I would have done anyway pretty pretty close yeah we didn't to you hold this so I don't fly when he drives little buffer buckle up oh yep okay here we go out on the road I got to put everything in chill mode I got it set in my settings chill relaxed lowered chill probably doesn't make much of a difference it's 45 we can get up to 55 is there EA here EA is down there so the super Char or the uh Silverado's down there charging Burger King I'm getting myself a Whopper oh yeah baby a Whopper a large fries and a Diet Coke to achieve equilibrium this man knows his order I have a craving for a Whopper it does sound good maybe maybe I'll join you yeah yeah and yeah the other guys are charging somewhere down there so we have the CL closest spot to the highway that's for sure who's jumping out here I'll jump out again all right here grab the let's see nobody's here I don't really care yeah just as close as possible the last one was almost not close enough here's the cameras good I think that's pretty damn close you have to unlock the uh got close enough oh good thank you sir oh my God you did not see that come on plug and charge you're in all right come on plug in charge no issues give me the choose let me bring up my car scanner 6% we are jumping on the highway for now our third leg of the trip we're going to be heading west on I 10 to the Crest View Florida supercharger it says eight stalls available on arrival but guess what they're not factoring in my dad and Jordan and Andreas in the lightning pulling up cuz it Doesn't factor in other vehicles at least at the moment I don't know how it ever would but uh got to go here so want just get out of the way this dude's wide open just we just cut he tried to cut us off oh well I'm going a little fast going a little fast 80 mph we're that's worth it cuz we got stuck behind that truck therey 2 m hour for 4 seconds it's okay we're locked in and now there's really nothing to do for the next uh hour and 13 minutes man the charging stops on this are not smooth yet yeah the the the initiation is really clunky isn't it it's a little clunky so we need uh you know version 4 superchargers with the actual Chargers not just the dispensers to charge this thing at 300 plus kilowatts rather than the 250 we're getting now so you know everyone's going to be like but the supercharger network is going to open to the rivan and the GM in a couple days but also the supercharger Network can't even charge this at full power so we're in just this weird transition and there's plenty of more races to come don't you guys worry I'm sure someone is commenting why didn't you just wait until the charger Network opened first of all we don't have any clear dates and we have stuff to film we need to get the trucks on the west coast so the lightning gets the advantage cuz they were first connect Baby R Le rear left door a jar connect do you hear anything spinning up yeah fans are spinning up all good signs yeah all right so we are fast charging car's off [Music] now it's not connecting to the Bluetooth do you have your app still maybe maybe you're connected to it still uh yeah Char ramping up yep go okay pull 445 and we're at a low state of charge full amps that's good that is good now that's that's different information I'm wondering if the weather and the Heat of the battery what temperature is the battery at do you know how to look at that 32 32 is warm so 2832 so you got 28 32 y right so that's way warmer than what we had I believe on our trip from Jersey down to Florida and I'm wondering if that's helping us with pulling it at a little bit lower state of charge what state of charge did we arrive at 6% 6% and yeah the voltage is down here like almost 340 mhm but that should climb a bit so we should be sitting here for a little bit Yeah and uh yeah probably charge to 70ish maybe 75 I got I have an announcement a king announcement it's Whopper time it's Whopper time we have gone from first to last place with our charging stop the rivan is just ahead of us although they've only done one charge and we probably have a lot more energy in our battery than they do right now because they're probably burning it I don't know what they charge to in Tallahassee but they seem to have stayed for a while the lightning and the Silverado are charging across the street from each other in Chipley right here and so the question is um how deep are they going to charge the Silverado are they having issues we have not heard anything yet from them are they getting a great charging session and if this person doesn't fly into our lane by trying to take a video of us will we be able to get past Chipley before any of them leave if we can leave Chipley in first place then we might actually have a chance to win this thing yep because that's a representation of what's going to happen over and over and and keep in mind we had a poor charging session this one that was not at all optimal not good so we're just cruising over now and time will tell what happens but it's um we have no clear idea as to who the winner or loser will be at this point except I think the rivan may definitely not win based off that first performance they did not optimize that yeah maybe different weather conditions without the rain different driver maybe but uh not not looking good for the rav 16 Kow what what just oh you turn the climate control on it just recycled what you turn did you turn climate control on yeah don't leave it off that really you can't run climate control in a non- Tesla and fast charge it's not just non- Tesla it's this one just this one just this one yeah I'm so glad I recorded that a 16 back to two that is ridiculous wait just this one it is 71° which isn't bad but there's no Breeze at all in Texas we might be in trouble no I don't know what it it's some there's got to be some sort of bug cuz that that's got to be software fixed they need to fix that in a Corolla you want boost mode turn the AC off this is like Americans in that cars that's not going to fly we build the AC and then we build the car around the AC the lightning has two air conditioning compressors right there's nothing more American than in air condition GM yeah that's unacceptable why bar do better yeah she built this but with their own hands but this is the F this is the first charging stop which is incredible like watching everybody have to stop you know the Lightning's charging across the road from us at a Supercharger so um oh that's where they went yeah I was hoping we could block them but nope they're going to beat us at at mobile if we go to bies so the rivan is ahead also just updated okay yep he just updated it so we're second place the other two are still charging that's crazy that be what here serious so little update here so we were seeing on the location app that the U Silverado and the Ford have been charging for quite some time so it's given us a little bit more hope we're currently in the lead surprisingly uh cyber truck is about 3 miles behind us and we're cruising at a solid 80 mph I think that I mean the efficiency is looking pretty good right now at 80 mph so I think since we don't have to charge as long long we do have a pretty big Advantage so I think we could definitely still come out on the top and make it to San Diego first because of this I've seen it down supercharger once we there was it one stall of the actually it was the one last night it was four out of 20 this is why we need realtime charger status we have no idea what is going on at bies the last plugshare check-in suggest it's not good 50 kilowatt speeds but we don't know if that is still true that's a major problem adoption electri stuff like this is so simple and should not be a thing this is something as a Tesla own you take for granted we could stop at Eastern Shore Toyota they have a 60 kilowatt no well that would it would only take us two hours yeah we might want a deep charge to get the Gulfport EA I hate to say this but Electrify America may be what we're relying on is the backbone we've got we've got 2% to go so we need to make a decision cuz I'm unplugging at 52 if we're going to bies if we're not I given that plug share 1% to choose I don't think majority rules I I I vote no on bies as much as that's huh no you vote no we can always go slow to stretch it I say we go down the middle get to where we need to and if buy is 50 kilowatts worst case we I mean no we don't we don't do these like partial charges we either do or we don't every stop is going to add too much time yes exactly way too much time especially with ccs and you know Electrify America and it took us how long to get this thing to start charging like it's not a lot but that adds up we had to rearrange had to we had to bribe these nice people here who still can't charge they're waiting on their friend I feel terrible about there's like nothing before Golfport either all right so Golf port it is um oh good news there's a Pilot Flying J coming soon right after that would have been ULM ready right for us so we're in here eating our Whoppers and um checking on the truck from here that's not great it's only pulling 300 amps from the charger which results in 105 kils yeah at 35% state of charge fell off the ledge at 10% yep fell off the ledge so good just going to be sitting here in Burger King for a bit well not 10% to say 10 minutes 10 minutes yeah about way off the ledge too yeah yeah right we're wearing crowns yeah it's all right we feel like King's over here oh yeah oh yeah things so here's the kinds of gambles we can make with Silverado EV with about 75 to 80% battery we can just go through Alabama the rivan will have to stop and they're going to experience maybe they can report to us what the bies is like on speaking of which let's get a status update we're going to have a fun Lea frog here because I think by this point cyber truck might be ahead of us I'm guessing yeah so let's see how are we doing we are we're tied for last about both um okay so we got the rivan is in the lead cyber truck second and we just had to beat the Ford and we just took a nose dive oh did that ev6 plug in all right we're going to try moving stalls here really quick because um this one might not be giving us everything so just in case it's a stall we're going to try that all right so actually didn't switch stalls because basically it came out of boost so low in the pack voltage that it really couldn't do much better now we've ramped up to 115 KW we're at 42% so just crawling our way up the pack this thing does not charge that fast it's consistent it's steady we haven't had any issues I don't really foresee any issues plugin charge seems to work with Tesla plug and charge is working for electri America we're having no problems it's just I wish this truck charg faster this size battery you really need 200 plus kilow well I'm driving the Cyber truck right now cruising along the highway and we have not talked about our efficiency so far on this trip so I wanted to bring that to your attention we are averaging you know just over 500 wat hour per mile uh so we're getting about 1.8 1.9 m per kilowatt hour at 80 M hour which we've done pretty much this entire trip so far however we have had some side wind some headwind but the weather's calmed down right now the the temperature is nice outside so this is about what we would expect to see um essentially at 8 80 mph 547 which would put us just over 200 M on a full charge at 80 mph in the Cyber truck now the Silverado EV we just spoke to those folks Drew Y and they're doing a 260 M stretch right right we couldn't even do that not a full charge no right yeah as long as we stay at the charger can't do that yeah I mean we'd have to go 55 60 M hour right so dang it's very interesting to see the difference between the trucks so we're currently in second place we left the lightning and the Silverado charging back there you saw the rivan just ahead of us we're only maybe two minutes behind them and uh they're going to have to stop at some point but so are we the question is when and where uh for them we will be arriving to Crest View at 6% which is pretty good we can't go any faster and burn more juice this is the maximum speed so that's why our getting out of charger so quickly is so important Brandon looks like Max is just not leaving of the Silverado's leaving yep okay 50 minutes so we deep charge to be fair though if this you did not turn that soon enough no no you we did not take out uh this uh Corolla there yeah we're we're doing pretty well at the beginning and as well as we can be yeah we're we're pretty close to optimize which is that little you know really what worth like a few minutes of uh messing around with charger that Chargers yeah but now I think we got it dialed in and very rarely do I ever run across d-rated superchargers so hopefully that doesn't happen again so got fingers crossed because we need to the Tesla people want to see the cybertruck win and we definitely don't want to make them think we're doing a disservice no no weing our absolute hardest absolutely yeah this is fully optimized let's continue model Y at a at a V3 will pull 104 105 at 50% mhm so this is pretty flat that's decent yeah for that high a state of charge and we just need to wait until we have the range to be able to go don't let this hat fool you we're doing major strategy here serious business calling it we're doing the Royal unplug right now here we go push the button there we go and a little trick here is pull that down pop that out only three steps oh I guess four oh yeah five step that step on a Tesla it's like TLA guy always forgets that that cost us 30 seconds the last stop yeah all right Andreas Andreas is driving and we'll see if we can catch up I think the Silverado might be unplugging as well so it might be close we should hit the road Adam got us all subs while we were at Walmart greatly appreciated because we will not be going to bies at least not yet we can see how the raving charges at bies yeah if our choice was justified that's awesome that is literally a law enforcement swamp boat state law enforcement Andreas if you get pulled over by the swamp B boat I'm going to document that yeah also but he's got an F250 yeah so Tesla owner how's the lightning I love it I have never different a truck to be honest so this is very nice experience I feel very American right now laughing no I was going to say you're you're so German cuz it literally is driving hands free and you have both hands on the wheel trusting to the car you know he's not trusting it yet another a few miles but nice and comfortable you feel like you're sitting way up high yeah yeah yep it's uh big Hood which is interesting yeah lots of room lots of room lots of visibility the roof's nice and open and uh Dave's just lounging back there so much room once again 6' 3 and 6' 5 sitting in front of behind each other night night so we left the charger um with right about 72% and uh yeah we should get to our destination in oh I guess yeah 130 Mi now yep so we have a decent buffer part of the issue last time was we pulled in with such low pack voltage that our boost wasn't fully optimized so pulling in a little bit higher should help so hopefully we get to the next one closer to 10 we'll see um and uh we are dead last but um we may have to start charging at EA we get a little bit better but only when it's not way off the beaten path right yeah so yeah the issue with EA sometime like in Pensacola which I think is where the rivan's going is EA is pretty far off like they right now they're 10 minutes ahead of us um no the the Silverado is the rivian's a bit further than that but they have to go a decent ways off the highway so we'll see um it's nice to have access to both networks it means our road trip is very stressfree we have options everywhere but this thing just doesn't charge fast it's definitely the slowest charging of yeah all the vehicles so what are we going to do we're charging at the FPL Evolution site in cres View Florida getting 119 kows right now and the Cyber truck is just across the street all right so what's happening we tried two Chargers when we're topping up at 115 kilowatt we're gonna need to just charge until we get to the next charger charge enough um we're going to look here and figure out how much exactly we need um the next one is 45 miles away not too bad so not too bad I mean everybody else is about the Ford and the Sado about 45 minutes to 50 minutes behind us okay so we'll still be leading yeah we'll still be leading them and we'll just have to charge there we are crossing Escambia Bay on this large Bridge we are in third place but to be honest we will probably slingshot past our opponents cuz we've got a lot of range left to go 47% 129 mil to go about to pull to Pensacola we'll be in Alabama in T minus 10 minutes 15 out of Alabama in another 10 minutes in another 10 15 minutes very skinny passageway through Alabama but we are making progress and the lightning is a distant fourth place behind us still team Whopper they're now known they are really enjoying their Burger King get not sponsored # not yeah FCC don't come after us please this is one heck of a long trip dad are we there yet we have arrived to our exit where we're about to stop for our now third charging session and uh it's a 60 MPH Zone we must be coming into a populated area so we're just about to exit here in3 miles we don't have enough high-end speed to squeeze past this truck so we just have to kind of squeeze up on them here and then take the exit the supercharger looks like it's less than 1 mile off the highway and so that's great let's make sure it's available and open yeah eight stalls available here we go thank you just St paying attention drive right past it so that would be awful we have 6% state of charge 18 mil predicted looks like a little bit of traffic here we're just going to use as much regen as possible to come down here to a stop we'll arrive at 6 % which seems good what I'm really curious now is will we get 250 KW unplug in because if we do then we really want to get Target arrivals lower yep yep absolutely and this will be hopefully the final test where we have a uh non d-rated uh charger fingers if we have another supercharger issue I don't know what to think three out of three that's impossible that's we'll just go slower on this one there's nothing about going slower oh with the oh different and then the waiting a second to plug it in yeah oh yeah I see what we have to once the truck so what I'm going to do as soon as I park I'm going to unbuckle open the door get the weight out of the seat while I'm doing that I'll hit open on the charge port and uh we're just going to get out into traffic to like five right and then um yeah we'll do like a 4 second I don't think it needs more than a couple seconds but definitely plugging it in right away is freaking it out so let's get over to the charger it's not this light but the next one this looks pretty busy where are we Crest View okay good nice Ville people are like beeping at us waving taking pictures it's crazy it's crazy I got I just got a lot of crap from Mr mogy for being in last place here and I don't like that so I asked him if he could give us some pointers Tom you're on you're on the camera here go ahead what do you got for us hey guys yeah I just was watching following Glimpse and I saw that you guys are in last place and I called up to yell at Dave and told him me better not embarrass the F-150 Lightning Community oh man oh man you know only a true friend could be that truly honest all right that's good so strategy and um I recommend personally to charge the 80% at every stop at least in the beginning of your race only because the lightning very unique charging curve it's different than all the other vehicles it's not going to pull as much power as they will but it will hold 120 K longer so you know don't Don't Unplug until you're at 80% at least for the first half of the trip because you want to p as many kilowatt hours into that as possible um that would be my strategy at least because there's no advantage of unplugging at like 70% or 75% because you're still going to pull that same amount of power right up till 80 um and I think I mean you guys are going to have to make like 10 stops uh whatever 10 15 stops even if you're just keep adding that extra you know five six kilowatt hours I need stop it's it's gonna it's going to add up and towards the end you might be able to eliminate a charging stop all right so so the counterargument to that was what we learned on the trip down from Jersey to Florida last week whereas the higher state of charge that you plug in in this F-150 the long or the more energy you're able to pull for that 10-minute interval so I mentioned that to Tom and you're you're your uh your comeback on that so it was the fact that yeah yes you're right it because of the the Lightning's power boost the 10-minute charging boost the higher state of charge the more power you get but you're talking about unplugging like somewhere between 75% and 80% that extra 5% is not going any difference in the pack volage or enough for you to gain anything from that so it's better to just stay to 80% and and and and um and unplug you know all right I think you're gaining more by putting in an extra like you know 8 kilow hour in the pack than you would be by charging at you know one or 2 K all right Tom you're you're officially on F-150 Lightning team now and if we lose it's because of you all right so that's all I got to say I'll be checking in and I'll be following you guys driving now but who's never driving pick up the pace because you're embarrassing me in that I'm already driv 10 over which is well we're sticking to the rules we're sticking to the rules so all right well listen it's been it's been a pressure talking to you and notice I said the word pressure not pleasure I'll be watching all right see you later pal goodbye from my personal experience the CCS Network on I 10 is very poor so I can see why the Cyber truck definitely may have a huge Advantage here now after you know seeing it again how poor the CCS network is um I mean we're still hoping that this Mercedes charger might be open fingers crossed because the Pensacola EA station is completely full at the moment so um fingers crossed if you guys know anyone in pensacol who might be at the AA have them come help us out all right we're in in there we go nice so that's the move yeah as soon as you plugged in I heard the contactor switch to low voltage mode and let's take a look at our charging speeds ramping hopefully that's not that's not good come on okay that's better feel like I had a faster ramp before now now we go let's go baby fans are ripping on it already 147 yeah now we're talking so we want to get even lower than 6% moving forwards AC compressor ripping while we're having a great charging session we need to get some microfibers because we're the handle's already getting hot we've only put in you know some percentage we're not yeah we're derating early because of it so yeah we do need to get microfibers we could move stalls depending on how quickly this dies and it looks like it's derating quickly so what do you think Drew should we do he we use some napkins for the moment napkins for the moment yeah get some cold water on that handle just to get that temperature sensor colder I don't know if it actually cools down the handle or fools the temperature sensor but I don't really care I just want to win so the next charging stop is Robertsdale it's only 66 mil 8% how far off the highway is that oh right off the highway that's our move so we're just going to be doing 73 mil that's honestly The Sweet Spot for this truck just ripping right off the highway especially when they're like this and it's 16 stalls available on arriv Ral damn okay so yeah we're not limiting too much actually just went up a little bit hey worked okay yeah it held steady it stopped the D- rate oh nice so that that that's good a bunch of water yeah so it stopped the D rate and it's holding so nice Okay yeah nice great that looks people must be like what the heck is going on here this is Old School uh supercharging tricks from before liquid cooled cables but these cables get smoked so quick by this thing and yeah it's just kind of holding steady so we're we're good there we are now leaving Florida or Florida if you're a normal person and we are the first to exit the great state of Florida and now we are heading into Alabama state line race to Alabama we win so I guess that's really it this person is like completely altering their speed like crazy was free footing yeah we need to just maintain um and here we are Sweet Home Alabama literally it says that great place Governor K Ivy I met her once did you really yeah I did at the Mercedes uh Tuscaloosa Factory nice she gave her presentation and uh she walked by and I said hey there she said hi great story all right well we are first to Alabama so we're obviously going to win this at least we're going to try I'm trying to knife through traffic best I can but this dude keeps driving off the road in front of us they're trying to stop us yeah look he just went wide open you see that I'm just going to start pushing people out of the way with the Cyber truck been 3 days in Texas okay goodbye Florida hello Alabama briefly we're looking for we're in business I've only had bad luck at this charger but today we got we got good luck double good luck every green light on the way in light on the way out and there was a queue when we arrived also and we managed to find a spot nice we are just about to take the exit for bies and my dad and that team who's in last place they just crossed into Alabama so we're all on top of each other right now we're not far apart and uh we're 1.6 mi from bies now we really have to try and navigate the traffic and get to the charger as soon as possible my friend Michael is already there um so I'm sure we'll say hey he's brought his lightning he also owns a postar one by the way really cool guy and um yes so we are going to pull off right now this trip 507 wat hour per mile at 80 that's good so we should really start not planning for 200 mil on a full charge but maybe 225 something like that at 80 mph so let's just come on up through here as we take the exit little bit of a rally line going on yeah use a curve yeah and we'll come off 80 mph now got to make a left and Bucky should be over there let's go get this thing plugged in we arrived with a little bit too much charge 6% so we really want to work the bottom end of the battery not this 6% charge stuff this is not how we win so in Pensacola Florida uh we were a bit worried we could not charge because this charger is typically not so good but not only there was room but we have like pulling full power so we are quite lucky with this one so yeah we'll fill it up stay 20 minute and get on our way um okay we got to find the supercharger here it's so here's the Mercedes Chargers I see two rivan plugged in I don't see the superar oh superchargers on this back so everyone just hang on tight here we go okay there's the supercharger we got our friends right here are taking video so we got to give a little show everyone it's not a crowded Saturday or anything yeah all right get this thing plugged in come on uh supercharger supercharger they got traffic control here that for a Bucky stop this is not terrible this was not terrible not terrible let's just go over here to I was going to go there but they had condensation on the ground which means someone probably just charged there o look at you Pro tip probably you know little AC compressor action going on there so let's golock H right there cool we're out charge port off the brakes opening okay and let's get it plugged in hey dude how's it going how are you we're in okay hey Drew oh oh hell yeah brother so that's the move we got to wait 3 seconds six % let's Let It ramp up yep and we're juicing great oh yeah my friend Michael trying it out that's awesome and uh we've got the the sketchiest rag Brandon just went into bies to try and find a microfiber so we can at least get it so we get a better cooling situation so we've been passing all these people on the highway they're just coming in now so we made good time oh yeah the big question is how the heck are we going to get out of here this XC90 here has failed air suspension but looks good dumped is there a way we is this the only way out to go left and left yeah I think so is there an exit down there we can use there is it'll come back on but it's about 4 miles that way okay that's not worth it so what happened not sure what's going on here but it started leaking yeah are these water these are water that water cool so it could be condensation but it's a lot of water to be just condensation so we decided to try another one we are charging up and um we are now at yes holding steady at 254 Kow hell yeah we figured our biggest problem at bies would be uh everyone wanting to look at the truck and it's not too bad it's not like it was yesterday but we'll be able to break away and get out the other thing we have to think about is how the heck are we going to get out of here without getting stuck in traffic and I think we need to go to the second exit get on the main road and then come out that might be the best move move we'll see we really don't want to get held up here at all here's our plan we are optimizing the bottom bit of the battery we're still charging at 250 Kow this charger is only 80 Mi away that's the perfect distance for this truck we charge to about you know 38% I think is what we'll probably do and then the next Charger along the way like some of these are a little bit off the highway we'll hop from there to here Covington and then we'll go through Baton Rouge and this one's right off the highway which is just awesome that's exactly what we want so we're really trying to optimize location and the shortest period of time at Chargers and um yeah we're really fully fully optimized still doing big charging speeds here at 26% it'll taper at 29 um we need to charge again to about 30 uh 30 38 39% and then we'll head to the Next One Sweet Home Alabama you know what that means we got to CR litter Skinner oh yeah baby what a lame sign but what a great message we are the last ones to enter Alabama so now the entire crew is in Alabama the great state of Alabama the great state better late than never big Alabama guyon what the heck do you get here the only towels they had closest to a microfiber towel I'd say it's good enough it's yeah it's good looks good got some kind of nice so that'll hold on to some liquid that's what we need and then uh yeah that's great so this is working out yeah cold really nice we're still 235 Kow at 29% that's awesome another 8% then we can hit the road 9% oh major issue we just we need a couple more percent but we just dropped to 36 Kow um so we should Swap and get a three more per. hey Brandon we just dropped to 36 Kow so unplug us I'm going to move it over one and then we got we need three more per. okay y'all better get out of the way okay I don't know why the power dropped that's crazy isn't it uh yeah that dramatically is I've never seen that's not thermal yeah is that just a weird bug or what the heck let's get all the way back good okay give it a second we One Mississippi 2 yep plug it in we just need 3% to make it I don't know why we had that issue somebody was just screaming Elon oh okay okay like 32 so it's not the truck okay thank goodness it freaked me out I've never seen a supercharger do that never seen that so do you think it's the Cyber trucks having issues interfacing with the supercharger and also 240 KW at 34% that's the different thing happening here right yeah right that's that's just pulling the pack voltage up that's what I was seeing before it'll come down a little bit so we have yeah 3% 80 miles so 38% is what we're going to charge to maybe 39 38 3 38 yeah okay let's go okay great the uh we C the bies guys are blocking traffic for us to get us out okay where are we supposed to go yeah look at this they're blocking traffic for us thank you thank you thank you appreciate it truck things happening we just cut the whole exit line that was amazing come on dude tell your ride let's go let's go I don't know if anyone's coming they are okay hold on you're good you're good hell yeah that is the fastest anyone has ever left a bies so you just got to have a cybertruck and they'll block traffic for you we came up with a deal if they could sit in it they'll block the traffic totally worth it that was great yeah and 7% arrival maybe we need less wow that's that's got to recalculate that seems unless we go downhill but we're a lot of time doing all this stuff but there's there's no better way of driving the Cyber truck right now yeah this is our best option and I chose this charger that's right off the highway sure so we I guess we'll go over here3 yep V3 12 Styles available M op can't really get better yeah so we are averaging pretty much this entire trip 1.7 m Kil hour so far and we are arriving with 12% state of charge so we don't have to charge quite as deep in theory I mean we'll charge to 80% cuz like uh Tom yelled at us Tom yelled at us so we we have to we do pressure pressure Tom yeah so fine we we'll spend a little bit of time with bies we won't start the charge so low in the pack which in theory should help a little bit because the pack voltage won't be quite Sol low so we're doing CCS on this one right yeah we're doing we're going to try Mercedes which are on 400 400 KW Mercedes charge Point Chargers is the hope now yesterday on our way up from Orlando to bring the trucks up me and Max tried one and it didn't work but it didn't work for any of the trucks so that could have been a charger issue oh the one in Daytona yeah okay daytonas bus busies bies Mercedes Chargers so we're going to try these but these share a parking lot with the Tesla Supercharger so if we have to we can use those uh Kyle just left those so Kyle's a full you know definitely ahead of us that's no surprise he's an overachiever yeah and I think we got in and out before they even arrived at this Charing stop holy smokes yeah yeah thanks this has also been a trend Lifesaver yeah um oh man oh lightning isn't even close oh it's good it's good go go go go go go nice give it the beans sorry Dodge but we're coming in front of you you flash you on see what that F-150's got oh he kicked it down just progressively adding man the torque converter slip in that thing just one RPM gross okay we suspect there may be some Antics going on we think we're in either first or second place we just passed Kyle charging at Bucky but col's location in the rivan is not updated so after after calling them out multiple times on doing 90 M an hour their GPS magically is not updated updated 4 seconds ago oh so there's still did something go wrong wait who's that kby Paca Square oh that was a bad decision Char terrible they didn't have a choice so that other charger did suck they had to they had to Francis energy so they banked on that earlier seems like that bit them in the ass you know if uh rivan loses I'm going to blame the Francis energy for that one yeah although we're going to win obviously wow right side all right yeah it is charging it is charging nice let's see what we ramp up to 11 how many amps will it pull Mercedes give me the juice come on Mercedes give that German yeah speak to it in German see what H ramping up oh me up 400 amps I think you're 420 come on very slow ramp oh 460 oh yeah so a brief brief Peak there we'll see if the Char yeah yeah we're good yeah what are we get 153 so pulling 450 amps still 450 amps huh yep what's the Kow oh 184 oh 153 oh I read the wrong 15 yeah so not not amazing not bad it's just part of the course same as a supercharger basically so we have 10 minutes of boost apparently we'll see what that does yep but glad it works we are crossing the bay in Mobile Alabama and uh things are looking pretty good we are still confident leaders here so not bad yes and if we would have stopped for 20 minutes at that last Walmart and made it to bies I we would have handily beat Kyle and team there yes so we'll adjust our strategy as we're ongoing here but even with that long stop because of the great charging curve we're not in bad shape that that's right that gives us some flexibility and that was the key when we were sitting there trying to figure out are we're going to stop at bies or not there were it was two suspect on that charger to make to to take a chance right yeah yeah so the good news is either way we're probably pretty similar the one thing I will say though right away noticing every time we have to stop it is not a quick plug and start charging so there like that last charging stop it was a solid 7 minutes before we even plugged this truck in part of that was out of our control there was another absolutely absolutely um but that's a real difference versus like I Tes charart and you pull in you back in like the F-150 they're just going to pull in plug in same with the Cyber trck it's too easy I would say that you're saying this like it's new to you but it probably is both Max and I basically only road trip CCS this is like oh the nice thing though is we don't have that many margins to worry about cuz on this trip if our range holds up we're stopping at like nine of these about nine I think is what we're nine or 10 so we can take like a couple minutes longer at each one and still be okay as long as we actually get decent charging space that's right and that's only if we do these longer 230 250 M stretches which means charge and quick stat update we have gone uh well what we have left is 76 mil uh at 30% and we have traveled total on this trip 414 miles uh with one stop with one stop pretty insane on this leg alone 154 so far with comfortably another 90 M of range would be fine yeah it's pretty sweet it's time for riskus sandwich hell yeah bies sorry chaos heaven I'm in heaven I'm actually going to run back cuz we un parked like an a-hole so who another cyber truck on the road awesome so cool [Music]
Channel: Out of Spec Motoring
Views: 299,797
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tesla, Model 3, model s, model x, tires, drift, skid, track mode, Kyle Conner, Roadster, Elon, Rich Rebuilds, Road Trip, Cold, Weather, Range, ESP, Track, Mode, Performance, Standard, Short, Review, Comparison, Buy
Id: LIWTjqA02Y0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 130min 30sec (7830 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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