Easy Resin Beach Art - How to Create Cells.

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hello and welcome to sue friendly designs today's video is another Beach resin video now I get asked quite a lot how to achieve cells in Beach art and it can be quite hit miss when you trying to achieve the cells so in this video I'm going to sort of go through a few things that works for me and hopefully this will help you when you're trying to achieve cells and Leasing in your resin now this piece like a lot of my other Beach art contains real sand so all I've done here is I've poured the resin into the cop first and then added the Sun now I did actually put a little bit too much resin in this that's why I'm tipping some of it into another cop because I needed to add more sand and then it was gonna overflow so I'm just adding the sand a bit by a bit just until it's well and truly coated don't worry if you miss little bits of the sand and you end up with little clumps because when it's on the board you can actually mix it a little bit further to remove any areas that didn't mix in very well with the resin so just using the stick here just making sure that's well and truly coated now when adding the sand obviously the more you add them the thicker it's going to be so if you want it to sit quite flat on your board then have the resins and sand so that it's still quite runny but if you want it to be chunky and you want to create mounds and things on your board then keep adding the sand until you get the consistency that you require so as you can see I'm just adding small amounts at a time and mixing that up until I get it to the consistency that I'm after so I'll just pull the stick out and just see how freely if it flows back into the cup and for this I want it to flatten down a touch I don't want it to have large mounds so but want it to be thick enough to so that you can see that there's depth when the resin is poured over the top so once you have the right consistency it's then time to pour it over your board now I'm not really following any kind of pattern all I'm doing here is I'm just trying to get as much of the sand onto the board as possible and as you can see what I do is I flatten it out a touch by pushing it up into the center now this gives me a nice blend between the board and the sand because you don't want to have a hard line when you pour the resin on the top so if you blend that slightly by pushing it up then when you pour the resin you get a nicer effect now what I've done here is I've actually mixed up a touch more sand because I do want this area to be quite thick but again not big mounds but just be thick it in that bottom area so that way if the resin does pour over it's not going to cover the whole of the sand and there was a little area there which didn't mix very well so all I'm doing here is I'm just mixing that up in with the resin just to make sure that that's well and truly coated with the resin and by moving it around with the stick it's you don't have a uniform pattern so it will self level somewhat so don't worry if you've got like big lumps in some areas so just using the stick we'll just push that around a little bit so next this is time to pour your resin so here I'm using a jade Colette so it's more greeny than it is blue and I find that that works really really well with the ocean pause because when you mix it then with the blue you get a nice blend between the two colors and it looks like it's crystal clear waters and the for the blue I'm using sapphire blue both of those are from our tea sue and I'm just obviously just pop in any bubbles at this point and I'll also do the same with the Sun now you'll need to do this under a few times with the heat gun because you will get some bubbles flowing through now even though I've left the Sun drying for oh it's a good while the sun's been drying but obviously he's still going to get elements of bubbles coming through on that and then just using my hand I'm just blending that slightly and moving it around on the board just to cover the board before pouring another layer on top and by pushing it around it just means that when I pour the next layer it will flow a little bit easier to the edges and just using my fingers I'm just duckling between the two colors because that will help blend it but without all blending it too much it'll just create ripples between the colors and give it a more natural look and I just felt it needs a little bit more of the green down towards the sand because there wasn't quite enough there you could see the the blend of the sand into the board a bit too much for my liking so just making sure that that's well and truly covered and again a bit more blue in the top now I did mix a little bit of the stormy seas in with this blue just to give it a little bit of a darker area at the top to make it look like the the oceans deeper in that area and again it quits out with the heat gone just as a penny bubbles and also heating it with the heat gone helps to move the resin slightly as well so when we come to blend this with our fingers the resin is going to be moving quite easily so what would do like this mentioned before choosing my fingers but I'm just dabbling my fingers across the surface and I'm gonna go up and down through and drag in some of the darker blue down and taking some of the the green upwards just so they've got a blend but it's not too much so that when that settles and levels itself out you've got you can see there's a those ripples of the different colors and obviously just covered making sure the sides have got a touch of resin on on there so once that's done it's now time to move on to the waves now I find that by putting a layer of clear down where you want the waves to go helps with breaking up the white and it also creates mini waves in the lower layer layer as well because as you can see you start getting different shades just by putting some white on cuz it starts to push the lower layer of resin slightly and so it gives it different tones and then just going to go over this with the white now I often get asked can you use a hair dryer to blow this you can but you need the elements of heat and a hair dryer and perhaps blow it a little bit too much now here I'm using a little bit of mineral turban tone this is an optional thing I add the mineral turpentine because I find it helps break the resin or just ever so slightly but you can do it without now the a big factor in creating the cells and the lesen is your brand of resin because not all brand are not all resins are created equally some are thicker than others and the thicker the resin the harder is to achieve sale cells at the same token if your resin is too thin you'll get the cells really easily but then the resin will level and then you can lose them again so it's finding that right balance of resin thickness to achieve the cells also having a really good white plays a major factor as well now I go to White is the lorenz angel' white because it's a really thick paste and it's very very dense in color so that when you blow it with your heat gun you still get that intense white you don't lose the weight it doesn't muddy and it doesn't it doesn't dissipate so by using a really good white this is a major factor in achieving the cells I've also managed to get a really good sells with using powdered pigment from language now they're white titanium white gives good cells as well but you just need to be mindful that when you need to mix that into your own paste using part a of your resin and you need to make sure it's mixed very very well because you can be left with clumps of pigment in there so be mindful of that if you are using the titanium whites from language and I know other people have used other whites I haven't used any other whites so I can't give advice on any other whites these are the only two that I've really achieved good results with and then using heat will help break it up so what the heat does is it warms the resin up and helps it move a little bit quicker but then when the resin starts to cool and it starts to settle this is where some of the cells and lacing starts to happen so it's all about a bit of practice you need to try different resins you need to try different pigment paste and then make sure that your resin is a warmest temperature and then you stand a good chance of then get in cells but like I say at the end of the day it's down to practice and you just got to keep trying until you get those happening for you so I hope you enjoyed this video and it's given me some tips on creating cells in your beat chart if you like this video then please give it a thumbs up and better still subscribe to my channel I have plenty of other ideas to keep you inspired so until next time bye for now
Channel: Sue Findlay
Views: 152,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d resin waves, Easy resin beach art, Resin Beach, Resin Cells and Lacing, Resin Ocean, Resin Waves, Sue Findlay Designs, Suefinart, cells in resin, making resin waves, resin ocean lacing, resin ocean tutorial, resin ocean waves, resin ocean waves tutorial, resin sea waves, resin waves art, resin waves tutorial
Id: f_RcBmUWkuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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