Ranking Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Chapters

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hello everyone intro Ember here/ spoiler warning Ember here because this video is once again chalk full of spoilers I just wanted to let you all know if you've not played Paper Mario the Thousand Year Door then I highly advise you either wait till you play the switch game or you watch at your own risk because this video is Shock full of spoilers because we are literally ranking the chapters anyway I hope you guys enjoy the video if you stick around here we go the Paper Mario the Thousand-Year Door remake is right around the corner and I can't wait for this game like it's a remake I never thought was going to happen and now 20 years later it's happening and I'm just I'm just so excited for it anyway usually whenever people think of this game they think of the battle system the partners or even the amazing story that is the Thousand-Year Door me personally I think about the chapters and their difficulty in typical Ember Ray fashion however I am slightly afraid that the Remake is going to change how some of the areas function seeing as some of the dialogue has already been changed so while the 2004 version of paper Mar th Year Door is so fresh in my brain I'm going to rank the chapters of this game and give my possibly very controversial opinions on them because why not I need some content also I'm going to avoid talking about the chapter bosses as much as I can because well that could be a huge old ranking all on its own anyway with that other the way let's get into [Music] it now I know I am going to have to explain myself here because this chapter is heavily loved by Paper Mario fans for me the first playthrough of this chapter wasn't all that bad but this chapter sticks out of my head as the chapter that has the most problems however I don't hate this chapter I don't even remotely dislike this chapter it's not like sticker stars complete nonsense but chapter 6 is kind of lackluster plain and not very exciting once you get off the train that's where the excitement kind of stops from me chapter 6 is pretty popular and very much loved because of the detective element the chill music the amazing art I mean look at poshley Heights in the XX Express that is pretty damn cool art if you ask me also the boss is pretty fantastic but to avoid talking about that we're just going to move on this chapter doesn't feel like an adventure it feels like a much needed break you're on a train chatting with people that's pretty much all this chapter is until you get to the Midway Station I mean hey you kind of have to solve them mystery as well with finding out who took everyone's things but I'll dive into that in a bit the Midway Station is pretty decent and they introduced the enemy fights here due to there being no enemies on the XX Express so that's pretty fun feels like a much needed stretch after a long train ride also having no enemy fights would be pretty boring then we have the ability the high jump It's relatively simple but it's effective and I like using it you can climb up poles along the ceiling which I found pretty freaking cool we also have ghost T an actual deceased toad who helps you if you retrieve his diary not going to lie this dude is freaky as hell even 20 years later but hey he helps us out so we can't really judge him here though I do wonder what's in the diary you better not read my diary you I will steal your soul okay I won't sheesh grumpy old ghost now if this chapter is at the rock bottom of the list why am I talking so positively about it well the bottom line for me about this chapter it comes down to the detective work don't get me wrong solving Mysteries is hella fun I find it rather engrossing that you can start from literally nothing and find tiny little scraps of clues that you wouldn't expect to even be a clue to get you closer and closer to finding the culprit like that's one of the coolest things ever in my opinion so Pennington has a pretty cool job but in this case the culprit is that it loses its charm after the first playthrough because you already know where everything is who the thief is what you have to do and what's going to happen the entire mystery element is just gone and this was really evident on my most recent playthrough of the game this chapter just became kind of boring to be honest but it's not terrible and it's not long unless you don't know what the hell you're doing but the magicalness of the first playthrough is something that you never achieve again especially if you're on the 10th playthrough of the game the biggest example I can give of the backtracking in this chapter that's also a problem is when the little bomb wants an autograph from the conductor of the train for his birthday however you can't just wal up to the conductor and ask for his autograph no no no no no no no no no no no you got to go talk to several different people before you can even get to the conductor and this happens several times in the chapter by the way plus it does not help that I already know the culprit and I just have to run around this train like a goddamn Looney trying to find things and not really enjoying my time with it now is this annoying to the point where I hate this chapter no it's manageable to me I like the chill Vibe the music and the atmosphere it really does carry the chapter pretty well however the mystery element of this chapter is gone after the first playthrough it's been gone since my second one in 2012 sure there's some fun parts and the smorg is pretty hard and pretty fun at the same time but the mystery element is gone and that's why it's so low on this list [Music] up next we have chapter one castle and dragon and well what do you expect it's chapter 1 sure I think it's one of the best chapter 1 slor one/ area 1es in the entire Myriad of the Mario RPGs and this isn't because of chapter one itself well quality Wise It's because of chapter one but it's a good chapter back in the prologue it ended up teaching you the batt system items badges attacks some more quirks your partners and their abilities basically everything you need to know about the game even its story before you jumped in head first into chapter one hell before we even go to the first chapter you already fought a goddamn boss fight you're prepared for this and chapter one did not hold back except a little bit but not too much to be restricting it doesn't hold back too much pacing wise but does a little bit in terms of Concepts I mean hell your first job in this chapters to get sun and Moonstone which I guess is okay you got to fight a bunch of fuzzies to get to them and you got to fight your first ever mini boss which is the golden fuzzy and it's pretty simple but it works it works for chapter one any later been like what the hell are you doing here dude don't you belong in like the prologue or chapter one after retreating the stones you go to hooktail's Castle after letting CPS come along you learn about his abilities and use them to access hooktail's castle and his ability isn't bad it's a a decent ability and it does its job hell he fell a lot stronger than goombella hooktail's Castle itself also isn't that bad the music is solid it has pretty simple enemies albeit they are tougher than the ones in palberg but it's still pretty simple it did have quite a few good rooms and elements such as me Miss Mouse for the first time then there's also the spike room which I think is pretty cool too it gives you like an adrenaline rush the ability is n it serves its purpose but flipping sideways to get through like the prison bars and other narrow spaces is pretty simple also I find the boss fight to be very unique before you fight hooktail you want to find the cricket badge which Mish Mouse alluded to and so the letter from the deceased Koopa Troopa because this badge will stra up chop hooktail's attack power in half making her much easier also can I just point out the one thing before you about hooktail you climb the Tower and the music is just gone gone and you get nothing but an earful of air and it's honestly a good buildup to a good boss for chapter 1 which I think is a pretty great boss for the first chapter a later again it would have been like what the hell are you doing here honestly this part of the game is really good introduction to it this chapter gives you a taste of what the Thousand-Year Door is going to be like and it also gets kudos for being a good chapter but overall the concepts felt pretty restricted [Music] [Music] chapter seven from the Thousand Year Door gives me the most mixed feelings I've ever had whilst playing a video game and it's a pretty damn obvious reason why if you've ever played the Thousand-Year Door it's so lopsided that's incredibly ridiculous I like this chapter but I don't love it and again if you've played the Thousand-Year Door and gotten past chapter 7 you know what you're about to get into you start at the beginning of the chapter you get to far Outpost fight some Bozo enemies that are recolored and harder chapter 2 Enemies you talk to the green bomb into accessing the can to be shot to the moon so you can infiltrate the xnot base the good part of the chapter but of course there was a problem you have to to go get gold bomb and general white now he have to go on a wild goose chase to track down all of them which gold bomb he's okay he's not too hard to find but he's still annoying to track down maybe if you don't know where he is it's annoying but if you pay attention he shouldn't be too terribly hard to track down just gattle over the poshley hides and there he is no biggie but General white on the other hand oh God General white talk about about trying to find a b bomb in a hammer stack because this dude must have the ability to [ __ ] teleport or who knows he's probably Houdini or something like that because fighting this dude is easily the most annoying task in all of the game this is the main reason why people hate this chapter and hey I ain't arguing with them it really made me mad whenever I had to track down this stupid dude but hey the X not base saved it but man to track down General white you got to go through every single location in the game pelberg boggly woods glitzville Twilight town the list goes on find a specific character who talks about the general then off to the next location to find the next person who talks about him it's a wild goose chase for no flipping reason once you find the D run back to far Outpost bro was legit in his bed sleeping like okay sure it may have been funny at first but oh boy oh boy I sure wasn't laughing now once you wake him up you can start on the fun part of the chapter you get blasted off to the Moon fight some enemies which I thought were Barren but hey it's the godamn moon what do you expect then get into the xnot base about godamn time this part of the chapter is fantastic I love this part of the chapter it's a hell of a good time to go through the music is an absolute bot the enemies are a wild variety of xcept that have their certain challenges which I think is cool you also get to go through all the rooms that Princess Peach went through on her side missions which honestly is one of my favorite parts of this whole chapter now not all of this chapter is candy and Roses the layout is a little confusing but not bad enough to be called terrible because at the end of the day it is chapter 7 and late into the game my biggest gripe with this chapter though I wanted to do a throw it on with grotus man why you making me wait one more chapter why are you dishing out this [ __ ] why did they make us fight Crump for the fourth time if Crump was in Bland in Chapter 2 he sure is here sure his theme isn't bad it's a Bop actually but still it's just a recycled version of the chapter 2 fight with a different color scheme some new attacks and a hard difficulty which I mean he better be more difficult it's chapter freaking seven it's also very boring to be quite honest overall it felt kind of lazy in terms of bosses but that doesn't make it bad it had a lot of amazing puzzle rooms and stuff to hunt for it's a good exploration area to attempt to get to the final room however it is really sad to see this amazing area was literally destroyed by this wild goose chase for General white that you had to do in order to get to the base if that wasn't there this chapter would have made the top five possibly the top three no questions asked [Music] [Music] I used to hate chapter 2 as a kid because I couldn't for the life of me memorize the layout or control the punies all that well however now the layout I'm just I'm just used to it I guess I mean yeah don't get me wrong it is a bit of a problem considering it's the second chapter of the game this layout is really freaking confusing and bad it's really freaking tall in the tree and there is a little to no differences in the room which can make it a bit of a problem and very confusing but I mostly got over it however I never really got over controlling the punies I mean I can control 10 just fine but controlling over 101 of them well not over 101 but you get the point oh God controlling the 101 puny Squad that's just it's just a huge chore I guess Nintendo wasn't over their Pikmin Insanity yet and it's the closest thing Mara will ever have to Pikmin however my Pikmin frustration hit its peak when I reached The Bubble Room this is the only room in the Thousand-Year Door that I genuinely hate you have to send the 101 punies to the other side of the room using flurry however however trying to line up these punies is annoying sure you have the puny orb to line them up which helps a little bit but it's not like they line up perfectly so you're going to have two or three straight from the pack and you got to go get them and blow them again I mean hey sure it's not going to be perfect when there's 101 of them but in the tail end of the chapter you're timed on how fast you can get the hell out of the tree and you have no time to stop and go pick up the Stray ones you got to line these punies up on the first try as close so perfect as possible get them across be sure to grab the stone on your way out and get the hell out of the tree as fast as you can before the timer rindes out but it takes so much time just to send them over it's easily the hardest part by far especially if you lose one them along the way because then you got to go back and get them again and you don't have enough time for that the main issue I have with this chapter is just the boss the best way I can describe Crump is pathetic now don't get me wrong all you Crump supporters Crump isn't a bad character he has a few fine boss fights and he is the teacher enemy then in this chapter lur Crump and the exot entirely take over the boggly tree which I think is a hella cool concept and lur Crump is the chapter boss I guess it fits I mean I can't think of anything else that would fit with being the chapter boss for chapter 2 but like I said with chapter 7 it's boring is all hell it's Crump in a machine fighting you with said machine his attacks aren't all that unique but it's one Saving Grace is the theme it's a Bop I will stand by that but compared to hooktail it's nothing hooktail was a good first boss fight but then you compare it to Lord Crump nut here and it still has the same problems that it does with chapter 7 it's just not a good boss fight for its placement in the game and it lacks creativity and flare the main thing I adore in Chapter 2 is the atmosphere the art is likely some of the best art in the game here and especially the music this is easily one of my favorite places in the Thousand-Year Door the aesthetic the music everything except for The Bubble Room and Crump it's amazing I love it so much also for some reason all the punies Gathering up into the pipe was really hilarious to me never gets old now I bet some of you are asking if this is number five why are you saying so much crap about it well because in chapter 1 everything was functional but legit nothing really stood out chapter 6 had stuff that stood out but wasn't interesting to me it was kind of boring the concepts of the EXN Nots taking over and invading the boggly tree was really interesting and it worked well I don't think it could get any higher or lower this chapter is what I call the middle ground it rests here comfortably in the middle and I love it honestly this was a chapter I was really excited for when I replayed the game for the video and boy oh boy I was not disappointed like I was when I replayed the star of chapter 7 and chapter 6 so you get through the Thousand-Year Door and you have a massive Gauntlet of puzzles enemies you can fight a myriad of mini bosses and a lot of stuff is being thrown at your face but it's great it ties a beautiful bow over the entire game and it doesn't just cut it off horrendously it is an amazing ending to an amazing game but like all the chapters I have my grapes with it the grest boss fight is well it's heavily dumbed down in my opinion and yes this is ironic considering I said this in one of my other videos R all the click grotus the eggh head is what most Gamers would call a hacker this not so supreme leader of the World wishes he was the final boss even still his egges uses some of the most brutally cruel attacks in this franchise from ice lightning complete invincibility from his Brest ex which will summon a shield and is if to add more icing on the more damage cake they can also attack you he also has poison fire time stops and a straight up Dodge which will just make all your attacks Miss trying to get this guy down is just a beast on its own and gross was just a warm up yeah grow to shareed the number two spot with Bowser and Cami in my top 10 hardest Mario RPG bosses go check that out by the way but still I feel like brus was originally planned to have a different boss fight but he was dumbed down to save the hard boss fight for the Shadow Queen or maybe I'm wrong It screw me because it was the original plan all along I don't know the atmosphere of this area is just I love it I love it when I hear the music again especially deeper into the Shadows the shadow Queen's theme and the ending soundtrack it's so damn good and I love it one particular room did stand out to me and that was the constellation room constellation room in the Palace of Shadow is really cool and it has a cool grand entrance it was so fun to replay the game and see it again the Palace of Shadow does have it issues like does there have to be this many enemies roaming the Halles I mean yes it's a last area and all but still not even Pirates Grotto had this many enemies roaming the halls and that place was chalk full of them and coming from someone who tries to kill every enemy it's nuts how many there are here I feel like I racked up maybe five to six levels or some schmuck before I even got to grus the main issue I have here is the difficulty Spike after you fight Beldum Marilyn and dupas after you fight them the difficulty Spike just goes yeah it goes kind of crazy again grotus is not that bad but grotus and Bowser and Camy are complete pushovers compared to the Shadow Queen and again for a final boss she could kick some serious ass but to be honest she was overdone a little too much in my opinion I don't find the chapter too like luster to be honest but I think it still has its flaws but it doesn't stop me from enjoying this chapter anyway a really good conclusion to a great game like I said before oh man chapter five this chapter is genuinely so good throughout the entire chapter and I love the theme of being STR on an island with a bunch of pirates I really don't have any problems with this place to be completely honest it feels like an upgrade chapter one except instead of a castle it's an island with a grotto there's a little bit of better Concepts better bosses A better ending to the chapter it's fantastic so let's get into it you start off by running a grandma key hul key which is a literal jungle it's plain and simple but it works however bobbery and some other crew mates are missing so you Scout to find them however when you do find them Boby orders the two Sailors with him to retreat with Mario and to be honest here seeing bobbery come this far after the death of his wife Scarlet that made this old bomb legit hate the sea that's a pretty cool character development story if I've ever seen one and holy [ __ ] I love me some fine character development however [ __ ] gets real when you access Pirates Grotto it's basically just hooktail's Castle but with their music their puzzles and their enemies then again is the fifth area things are going to get a wee bit difficult you also have a few more more problems that need solving but you have more Partners to solve it with making it easier not going to lie bobbery is a fantastic partner arguably one of my favorites in the whole game anyway I love this place's ability I'm not going to lie I was really excited when I got it you get the boat ability here and you can go back to Road Court when you're done and go explore stuff when you're done with this chapter sure I have some gripes such as the boat being stupidly slow butes I overall this chapter is pretty simple until you get to Cortez Cortez is one of if not my favorite bosses in this game his theme is a slap and I think personally that this is where the chapter gets incredibly good his attacks are solid they're fing for who Cortez is he has good faces of the fight and he's pretty solid difficulty for where he resides in the game he also only attacks you because he thinks you were going to steal his treasure but after you beat him he gives you the crystal star but oh boy oh boy that's where the plot twist comes in Lord Crump had secretly snuck onto the ship but let be real here that is one whack disguise brother I love it but Mr For Eyes betrays you and he's got a pirate ship too so you got to take Flavio go back to Cortez the guy who you just fought and ask him for his help anyway Flavio and Cortez in line with the the truths to help take out Lord Crump and [ __ ] Cortez being Cortez just breaks out of the goddamn mountain with a ship of his own and to be honest this is my favorite cutscene in the entire game it's good and it shows that Cortez means business because CRP is legit just disrespecting its territory and destroying it anyway it's elements and toads and Mario versus xnot and well Mario versus Lord Crump but get the point it's a genuinely good fight and honestly it's easily my favorite fight against Lord Crump in the entire game I also J love the dialogue in this chapter some of the most hilarious dialogue in the game to be honest I still love it [Music] chapter four I love this chapter with all my heart it has the high highs that chapter 7 does when you reach the xnot base but it doesn't have the lows nearly as bad as chapter 6 which we're going to talk about but it doesn't sync the chapter like it did for chapter 6 in the beginning of chapter 7 this chapter really just stands out by itself with all of its amazing backgrounds the creepy as hell atmosphere and the freaking music it conveys very damn well this place is creepy and scary it's very damn well meant to be creepy and scary the music and atmosphere mix very well with this then you have the story which is an impeccable mix of very goofy dramatic and genuinely terrifying you got this curse that dup was cast upon the town that every time the Bell Rings it will turn somebody into a pig which is pretty very strange as hell in its own rights but also very creep me in my opinion I don't want to be a pig so basically you go off to stop him right this instant you venture off to the creepy steeple and let me just say this the enemies here in this area are pretty damn difficult I'll get to them in a moment but when you get to creepy steeple you fight dupas and let me just say this about dupas dupless is a fine boss fight both of his fights are fine but in all honesty dupus is kind of easy to deal with in the first fight he just turns into you flees with your partners then the second one he uses your partners against you and also just attacks you with the same amount of HP by the way but your partners don't do anything interesting or have any interesting attacks it's just kind of boring the way I see it the concept was fantastic but the execution was mediocre however the main appeal of this chapter is when you beat dupas for the first time he turns into you he turns the shadow version of Mario into Mario and and dupas becomes Mario yeah it's kind of confusing but I get it it's interesting though that he convinced all your partners heyo I'm Mario let's go like that's interesting to me that dupas actually pulled off the old Switcheroo and they just [ __ ] dip you don't have Partners anymore you haven't not had Partners since the beginning of the game now you're forced to deal with dupless entirely on your own or so you think back in Twilight town the Sirens are attempting to finish off Mario again with a super bomb but Beldum misplaces it blames Vivian for it tells Vivian to find it before she and Marilyn are done with their nap and just leave poort Vivan there to search for the bomb meanwhile Mario's trudging through the forest entirely alone and to be honest I struggle with those enemies a lot when I had Partners imagine doing this crap alone it is so much harder this is where most of people's complain with chapter 4 begin to rise honestly they're so much more difficult Without Partners so your best option run for your life anyway after you get Vivian as a partner it gets a bit easier but here's where the annoying part of the chapter comes into play the backtracking this is the main reason that people hate this chapter but to be fair it's not nearly as bad as tracking down General white but it does exist basically you run through the forest as fast as you can get back to Twilight town Down Rescue viven which she's an amazing partner we all know that then you run back to creepy steeple then run into the well get into the basement of the creepy steeple find the letter P E drop on the bird and hear dup's name run back to where you encounter dupless spell his name and as if to add insult to injury you must run back to creepy steeple when you were just there like what the heck me personally I don't mind the backtracking I know a lot of people hate it but I personally don't care what I do care about is how freaking often the enemies respond because they respond frequently sure you can try to flee but that doesn't always work and the enemies are hella strong in this case it's giving you the feeling that without your partners you're weak and it works it works so damn well and I think that's what most people do not like about this chapter to be a th% honest that's not even a good thing because the enemy fights get more difficult and to be honest even without viven it's still difficult other than that I have no other problems with this chapter it's a well-crafted one and I think it got a little too difficult after losing your partners that's literally the only gripe I really have with it other than a few things it works insanely well with dupless taking Mario's identity and losing his partners and having him team up with someone who was originally his enemy but ended up becoming a dear friend [Music] glitzville is one of the most infamous chapters in the game and it holds a very special place in my heart doing this list I struggled with what was going to be number one and it was between chapters 3 four and five I ended up going with blitz field mainly because I have very few flaws with this chapter if any at all and it pulled off the mystery element a little bit better than chapter 6 if I'm to be totally honest for some reason glitzville gives me like trigger Memories Back to 6-1 Super Paper Mario 6-1 in Super Paper Mario made a complete fool of themselves with this concept but the end of the day these two places are just battle gauntlets but with Super Paper Mario it's just that a battle Gauntlet it felt so plain and wrong but in glitzville the music goes well with what's going on hell we even have a surprise Bowser appearance which I [ __ ] love I'm all down for that now with glitzville yes you have to fight your way up the ranks just like samur Kingdom but with glitzville it constantly adds Surprises with the battle conditions which adds some flare to the battles and makes them more interesting and you have some pretty interesting story elements here when you're in the minor league you got to deal with Bandy Andy and King K which I think are very chill Side characters and grubba and Jolene have their own unique charm then when you get to the major league you get Yoshi who is easily one of the best Partners in the entire game let's be honest here his ability is so [ __ ] helpful being able to run fast yes I am biased then you also got rock Haw here who for some reason I imagine him sounded like cron rock out great Gonzalez Rock listen to me Gonzalez anybody who beats me is not allowed to lose can't imagine why but yeah you got the big intimidating Champion Rock Hawk who just wants to keep his position as champion and when you get to the major league you also start to get notes from X X is secretly Jolene who tells you to do some [ __ ] this not only distracts you from battling because you get 10 bells and it's only a matter of time before you get bored the game does over here must have had their big brain caps on because they thought of an interesting way to fix this by doing less battling and more investigating due to ex's messages you get the super Hammer you got to go to the phone booth you got to go to the storage closet you find the missing Fighters and once you become Champion you discover all the conspiracy and dark stuff that surrounds the glitz pit and grubba himself then you discover that grubba has the crystal star and you go against Macho graa which I think is really cool his fight theme is an absolute slap and he's a pretty decently tough boss to fight at this point in the game he also is pretty [ __ ] intimidating with his stats constantly going up in general I can't think of any flaws for glitzville other than it's just one simple format I can see why people wouldn't like this chapter because of that but at the end of the day it's just fighing battles and I get that can be kind of annoying once you do it too much however it does not suffer the same fate of chapter 6 I can replay this countless times and not get bored of it sure the mystery aspect ain't the best compared to the effort of chapter 6 but I still find it hella enjoyable the battle is good the characters are good and overall this chapter STI very very well and has withstood the test of time and honestly I think it makes it staple of the Thousand-Year Door Community hello everyone editor Ember here thank you so much for watching this video and also huge shout out to Bowser Jr XD for voicing ghost T and random bystander here for voicing PR I mean Rock [ __ ] their links will be in the P comments comment down below and thank you all so much for watching till the end also if you want to be notified when I post be sure to subscribe and click the Bell so that way you get notified whenever I post a video because I am now officially uploading weekly anyway I'll see you all in the next one bye-bye
Channel: Embur Rae
Views: 3,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Embur Rae, Embur, Rae, Ember Rae, Ember, Embur Ray, Ray, Ember Ray, Paper Mario, Mario, Paper, Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door, The Thousand Year Door, Goombella, Koops, Flurrie, Mini Yoshi, Yoshi, Vivian, Bobbery, Ms Mowz, Goomba, Troopa, Koopa, Koopa Troopa, Beldam, Marilyn, Chapters, Ranking, Top 10s, Voice Actor, Voice Actress, Gamer, Actress, Actor, Gremlin, Luigi
Id: KuPn5brTrRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 15sec (2175 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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