Buying Gold from Jesus and Dining at His Table in John 13-17 | Mike Bickle

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all who gather here by grace from you and bless your names amen thank you thank you well go ahead open your bibles to uh revelation chapter three and father we come before you and we thank you for who you are and for sending your son we thank you that you raised him from the dead on the third day we celebrate the resurrection his leadership his love for us his plan for the nations we ask the holy spirit to come and touch us even now release living understanding and inspire our hearts in a new way we ask you in jesus name amen well this morning i have a four-page handout and i'm only going to look at a few points in it it's more of a of a road map that i want you to be able to look at or have it if you want it to look at at your own time later on this week or next week but the point of the resurrection actually is so that god's people would enter into the conversation and relationship with him forever and forever the bible makes it clear that god the father god the son god the spirit have enjoyed this deeply satisfying relationship with one another from eternity past and the point of creating the human race and of salvation was that humans could enter into that family conversation and those family dynamics that are shared by the father son and holy spirit sometimes we think of salvation as rescuing us from hell and i really appreciate that i i love that point but the point of salvation is not mostly to rescue us from darkness which it does but it's to bring us into the family dynamics of god the father son and holy spirit that is how glorious what jesus has accomplished is and so here on easter sunday what a good time to talk about the fruit of the resurrection and so we're going to look at john chapter 13 to 17 or we're going to talk about it we're not going to look at so many passages but i want to talk about why these five chapters are so significant in the body of christ i believe in this hour john 13 to 17 is called by theologians the upper room discourse because jesus is in the upper room at the last supper the night before he dies and in the upper room he gives this teaching and so it's called the upper room discourse some uh commentaries call it the farewell message or jesus's farewell discourse it's things like that but i'm going to use the term the upper room discourses is a very uh popular term and commentaries etc well we've been talking for the last six weeks on sunday morning on wednesday on the um the uh webstream with you know about four or five six thousand people are engaged in that on wednesday i i really appreciate what david isaac and the others are doing there and on friday nights as well for six weeks on revelation 3 understanding the implications of getting rescued and liberated from the laodicean spirit of compromise i mean that's a lot of time i've been pastoring 45 years and i've never spent six weeks or heard of anyone that's been six weeks on the laodicean church but having said that i believe it's a very significant word of the lord to the whole church body of body of christ worldwide and we have not nearly exhausted all the implications of what jesus said to the laodicean church but let's just look at just a snapshot of it and then we're going to move on and talk about how to practically respond as we have covered even in the last six weeks in various ways but verse 16. he tells him and this is abbreviated version here you're lukewarm and then verse 18 he goes here's what i want you to do i want you to buy gold from me spiritual gold okay jesus is talking to the littlest in church was actually giving it to john the apostle and john brings it to the church he goes i want you to be very zealous and very intentional about repenting from the laodicean spiritual dullness and lethargy and compromise i want you to be diligent to repent of it to recognize it and to break your agreement with it and to take real active steps to move away from that then he gives a promise he goes i'm knocking at the door of your heart i'm not going to force my way in you have to open the door of your heart to me but if you do i'll come in and i'll dine with you i will feed you spiritual food that will exhilarate your life it will it will not only exhilarate it will liberate you it will satisfy you it will do something in you that nothing else can do when i feed you at my table spiritual food so he gives several promises in this passage but i'm only going to comment on two he says i'll give you gold and i'll give you spiritual food spiritual gold and spiritual food he says several other things as well but we've looked at that for the last six weeks i believe the spiritual gold in the spiritual food at the highest level is captured in five chapters of the book of john john 13 14 15 16 17. that's not the only place it's captured but that is the most concentrated detailed place in the bible where we can receive that spiritual gold it's those truths and those promises that jesus gave the disciples at the last supper on the final night before he went to the cross this is the spiritual gold entering into these truths and these promises this is dining with him him feeding us but it required them to respond not one day not one sunday not one weekend but to be diligent and zealous verse 19 to really lean into this and be actively participating with me but i'm so confident at this hour that the lord is going to rescue us is going to help even us even you now most people believe god's going to help the guy sit next to them if they don't think they're going to get helped but i want to say even you he specializes in helping people like us weaken broken people that can't liberate ourselves we can't set our hearts on fire we can't make it work because yeah that's the kind of people i come after but i'm knocking and i'll give you gold and i will feed you the best spiritual food that will liberate exhilarate satisfy your heart like nothing else can but you do need to respond to me but i'm confident it's going to happen not just to us i believe this is the word of the lord one of the things the lord is saying to the whole body of christ globally around asia africa europe latin america all around the world the spirit is telling his church i want to come and rescue you from this different people will define the gold in a different way but i am confident that the gold we're after i'm going to break down that some practical ways to go after this is found in those five chapters of john 13 to 17. that is the mill he wants to feed us paragraph b on the notes here he says buy gold now it's interesting that he calls them poor he goes you're poor and miserable but as an oxymoron he tells a poor miserable people to buy gold how do poor people buy gold well isaiah gives us insight in isaiah 55 right here on the teaching notes he says come and buy milk and wine that's the same thing a deep relationship with the lord it's just it's just a different metaphor different word picture but here's the interesting thing he goes buy it without money and the principle is true in revelation 3 buy gold without money because jesus is undoubtedly referencing this promise from isaiah that he spoke to isaiah buy it but without money how do you buy milk or wine spiritually speaking or gold with no money and he tells us by listening attentively to the word of god and i'm going to add then what jesus adds and by talking to god about what you're listening to here's my point it is so simple in terms of understanding it if you will listen well and talk listen and talk that is how you buy gold well there's 10 other things that's just a hypothetical number that are involved but if you listen to the word attentively pay attention and talk to the lord from those passages lord what do you mean by this yes oh help me understand that you get in the conversation if you listen and talk that's how you buy gold the reason i'm saying this because some folks are saying okay i'm repenting from this spirit of lethargy this compromise i'm repenting but what am i trying to get a hold of gold and sitting at the table and being fed spiritually food by jesus what's that mean take these five chapters john 13-17 listen to them and talk to god about them and other dominoes will go down you'll be in the right position where you're you'll be inspired with some understanding you'll be newly motivated in different ways it's progressive it's step by step it's little by little but you end up with gold and this spiritual food it's not enough to listen you have to talk too the lord is beckoning his people to join the conversation now this is a strange idea to some people but the father son and holy spirit have this supremely delightful conversation and they want us to enter into the conversation with them the trinitarian conversation that's a strange phrase join into the fellowship in the conversation of the trinity father son and holy spirit so it's it's an odd phrase and maybe you've never heard such a phrase but i believe in the next 10 20 years it's going to be a very common idea because i believe the spirit is speaking this to the body of christ i don't mean just today or this week but and this year next year next year this hour of history we're going to look back in 10 and 20 years and see the lord was emphasizing this reality enter into the conversation with me don't just listen listen and talk don't just talk talk after you listen listen to the written word of god see what it says and get into the conversation with him and you'll have spiritual gold and spiritual food well paragraph c and again we're not going to cover so much of this hand out here but a couple points here paragraph c i'm taking the phrase jesus says i will dine with you i will feast with you now undoubtedly at least my opinion john the apostle this is 60 years plus after the resurrection all the other apostles have been martyred john's the only one still alive he's in his 90s most commentators would agree with that jesus appears to him on the island of patmos the mediterranean sea he's on this island as a prisoner the lord appears to him and he goes give this message to these seven churches and one of them is to the church of laodicea which is modern day turkey it's in it's in the region of modern day turkey today that city he goes john go tell them i want to dine with him i'm just i'm i'm just confident john was remembering the last time before the cross that jesus dined with him and the apostles was in the upper room the last supper i can imagine jesus john pause and go yeah john 13 when you washed our feet and taught us about humility but we had that amazing meal and we broke bread and our first communion together and the last supper yeah jesus fed them provided for them a physical meal in john 13 but then john 14 15 16 and 17 the next four chapters he talked to them and gave them a spiritual meal and i'm imagining john goes i know what the meal is i don't know the physical part but i know what the spiritual mill you're going to give the laodiceans and all through church history who knew anyone that would open the ice i mean open the door of their heart paragraph d this is uh exciting for me to share paragraph d about a month ago march 3rd i had an open vision i've been walking with the lord 50 years it's my 50-year anniversary it got saved in 1971 so it's kind of fun and walking with the lord i've had two open visions in 50 years and my idea my definition of an open vision go ahead too not a vision of the mind i agree with i believe in that those are sometimes can you can you know hard to figure some of that out but when i say open vision i mean a movie screen on the wall i had an open vision in november 2008. i've talked about it before about the tanks et cetera i don't want to go into that now and this one so i've had two in 50 years so i'm on track to have another one when i'm 100 years old so i'm ready to go i'm on track for that i mean you don't really have most people you don't have one of these or you have one or two you know that one guy has a few more but i was blown away by it i was in my office then in the prayer room it's day three of this fast that so many of us are on here and many across the world are on it and uh i was just praying i had the lights dim i still had a mom but just dim and i was talking to the lord about revelation 3 i'm saying lord i want to open the door of my heart in a greater way i mean i know i've already opened it but i want more and i want for our beloved spiritual family you guys our children our grandchildren our siblings i want us to have grace to open the door more help us and the whole body of christ too but i was locked into praying for us in that moment and then suddenly i mean my eyes are open a door appears on the wall that's really odd because it takes you a moment or two to like that looks like a door on the wall you know you don't know what's happening and like the other open vision i had it took me a moment or two to go i go i rode my high circle it seems like i'm having a vision and if you don't know for a moment what's going on because i'm i don't have very many of these you know and this door opened this door is on the wall this beautiful door and it opens towards me i'm sitting on my couch i'm looking and i'm looking inside of this room and this room is filled with brilliant golden light now the sad thing i would wanted the light to come on me it didn't just the door opened and i'm gazing into this room filled with golden light and i my arms shoot up and i mean like i'm almost frozen i shoot up and i cry out jesus jesus jesus the power of god touches my body it's actually a little uh unsettling it's i'm a little bit scary i don't know if that's the right word but i'm i'm like that i'm it's not like oh this is so sweet it was it was more unsettling than it was sweet i don't even know how to make sense of all that but and i'm staring at it and the lord makes it really clear to me you open the door of your heart revelation 3 20 i will open the door to my glory revelation 4 1. now if you're looking at revelation your bible you'll notice there's four verses in a row the last two verses of chapter three and the first two verses of chapter four just remove that chapter break out of the way and you'll see a continuity the last two verses of revelation 3 open the door of your heart verse 20 21 sit on a throne the next verse there's an open door to the glory of god the throne of god and he's sitting on his throne so there's an open door and a throne then the next verse is an open door and a throne the first two are about believers the next two are about the lord and the lord is saying you open the door you lean into the grace of god and i'm gonna open a door and i'm gonna rescue my by the glory of god and i was so encouraged i am absolutely confident he is going to rescue us i mean us folks like us our children our teenagers our 20-somethings our elderly our siblings our spouse our friends he's going to rescue us but it's more than that because i was seeing this vision not just as a shepherd here in this family this is the family i'm committed to in a real personal ongoing way but as a shepherd even seeing what the lord's going to do in the body of christ far outside of my scope and my reach he was saying to me in it i'm not just going to rescue you and your people i'm going to do this globally i'm going to open a door the revelation 4 1 door of glory as you open the revelation 3 20 door of your heart remember chapter 3 ends with a open door of our heart and set on the throne the next two verses an open door to the throne of god and him on his throne those four verses go together i was so encouraged paragraph e i had a word many years ago that the lord was given 38 years ago that the lord would change the understanding and expression of christianity in the earth in one generation and that's one of the most dramatic times i've had with the lord i've shared that story many times i'm not going to share it again here's the point i want to make for 38 years that i've shared that encounter that i had in cairo egypt with the fear of the lord people ask how do you think he's going to change the expression of christianity and always i think and they think we talk about how the external way we operate together is going to change our meetings will be different structures will be different things will be power of god will be greater i mostly think of the external way that things are going to be different in expression and the lord's made it clear he goes the change of the expression of christianity is going to be more internal than external it's the way you talk with me it's the conversation you engage in it will change the way you think the way you talk the way you relate to me and to others then the external expressions will dramatically change as well i'm convinced of that but they will flow out of the internal expression changing and i've never really pressed into it as an internal change of expression of christianity it's entering into this trinitarian conversation again strange phrase trinitarian conversation like father son and holy spirit talking with one another and in beckoning us to enter into the conversation with them but not only even as individuals but as corporate family i don't mean like 10 of us together we're all talking i don't know how that would work but my point is it's not one man of god or one prophet or one woman it's collective number of people moving into this and then in the overflow they relate to each other in a very different way paragraph f okay there we are here's the main point of what i'm sharing this morning the main point if you get this point it was successful not the whole layout of the four chapter the four pages which is a kind of a road map anyway it's not to even understand it all or get it all today or tomorrow it's just to have it there's a reference point these four pages here's my point right here to alert this spiritual family to the significance of these five chapters now everybody knows john 13 to 17 is like really amazing it's been called by theologians the holy of holies of god's teaching it's the deepest greatest teaching by the greatest teacher ever everybody knows that but when i survey church history here's my guess this is a guess i have no way of knowing it but here's my guess that less than one percent of the body of christ in history has engaged with these five chapters in a sustained way i'm guessing less than one percent of the body of christ in all of history and one of my ways is by reading the literature of the best teachers on it we haven't in history we haven't gone very deep in these five chapters and i don't think that's a problem where the lord's going how dare you the greatest teaching of the greatest teacher and two thousand years of church history less than one percent of the body of christ has leaned into it in a sustained way i don't think he's going how dare you he's thinking did the i'm imagine the holy spirit's saying did the greatest teacher give the greatest teaching for it to be dismissed and overlooked no there's going to be a generation and the billion-so harvest and it's going to capture the body of christ globally there'll be hundreds of millions leaning into this this will actually be the strength and the essence of the overcoming heart and the prepared bride the holy spirit is about to breathe on these five chapters i mean globally he's calling people to this and he's saying there will be more people in one generation entering into this than all of church history put together and it will be one of the dominant conversations in the body of christ as we approach the coming of the lord now the reason i'm wanting to tell you that because i don't want five and ten years to go by someone's here you know in 2020 and 21 they go why didn't anybody say that back in 2020 and 21. here it is 2030. i want us alerted to the fact this is headline news coming from heaven these five chapters and i don't mean starting today or starting this month or starting with the vision i had it's way bigger than that others are already tracking into it tracking in this thing i believe the lord's going to open the meaning of these chapters and you read it at a fast read you're kind of like okay it's kind of neat i think it's cool i am in the father the father's in me the father's in you you're in me i am you like okay cool that sounds amazing what's it mean i don't know you know but it sounds neat i believe the lord's gonna unpack this and feed this to the body of christ this is going to be the ultimate in my opinion by the power of god way that he rescues the global church from the laodicean spirit and raises up i mean hundreds of millions of overcomers as a prepared bride that are fearless in the face of persecution even martyrdom they stand bold in the place of in the face of temptation because the earth we're about to enter into a season of a pornified culture in the earth in the next 10 or 20 years far beyond right now of perversion demonic activity hatred and murder and there's going to be the most shining bright spirits of hundreds of millions of believers how is that going to happen in the condition we are in right now with the vast majority way down under this laodicean spirit because the lord is going to rescue us he's going to feed us he's going to open a door of glory as we open the doors of our heart and we're not good at opening the doors we take one step he takes 10. he goes you just start paying attention isaiah 55. i said that a few minutes ago listen attentively and talk to me about these and you'll be surprised where you'll go listen and talk talk to me about these things and that's what i'm wanting to equip our body in this next year or two or three so we can grow in this because none of us are good at this none of us are deep in this job said it i mean job 26 says it the best verse 14. i don't have it on the notes job 26 14 it's a great verse it says this that we have seen only the mere edges of god's ways only whispers what's going to happen when god thunders loud and bold about his truth god's about to thunder in the hearts of hundreds of millions in the end time church right now we're at the edges and the whisper moves us like this is a whisper today my insights on this are a whisper the lord says hang on i'm about to thunder from heaven by the spirit and i'm going to touch hundreds of millions of you in these years these couple decades ahead or however long i don't know before the lord returns nobody knows let's look at paragraph f i want to alert us to the significance of the upper room discourse one of the primary themes catch this in paragraph f one of the primary themes of these five chapters and we're gonna unpack this in the little way we know how but we're gonna stay with this for some time is to give god's people insight here it is jesus is giving the 12 and therefore the body of christ insight into how the father son and spirit relate okay that's nice it's good that we know how you relate here's the reason that's the model and the source of how the redeemed are going to relate to god and one another and be overcomers in the most hostile hour of human history so jesus wasn't saying here's what i and the father and the spirit do just so you can go wow you guys must be happy i'm showing you the model and the source of what you will do with us what we're inviting you into and what you will share with one another you'll walk in this together when jesus is talking about i'm in the father of the father in me then he goes on to say i'm in you and you're in me and the father said you were like jesus isn't making a case a doctrinal presentation about his deity that's important that they believed in his deity he was making a presentation about what a man filled with the holy spirit how he relates to god he was showing them what a human does under the anointing of the spirit because that would be the model for them and it will explode in the generation the lord returns critical for the end time church to walk as overcomers walking in the first commandment flowing into the second commandment well we are at the end of may may 21st we'll put in the bulletin this week we're going to start our encounter god services back up our friday night 7 30. we're going to have our five o'clock service is going to begin then that we can focus on the staff that we had for the last couple years that we quit in the covid we're going to get that going at 5. but at 7 30 the encounter god service for about i don't want to predict a year or two i'm just a chunk of time i don't know how to we're going to take these five chapters and week by week take two or three verses and unpack them the best we know and we're going to camp there on friday nights for about a year or two because if we stay in the conversation we pay attention isaiah 55 pay it listen attentively and talk it back to god and then say to one another our insight will grow and grow and grow and our hearts will get changed little by little by little now my point isn't to get everybody to go to the 7 30 service on friday night that's the point that's the miracle of technology we're going to record it have notes and archive it and people can be far away people could be at home three months later somebody may say may and june and no not possible i am so loaded with stuff but hey i'll start you know tracking with this maybe in the summer sometime and i want our spiritual family not everyone's going to do this but i want our spiritual family leaning into this and i'll be teaching a lot of those times but i'm going to have our team all of us to get about 10 of us unpacking up i'll probably do the majority the 50 and then share it with others like he'll share a week and then i'll share a week or two then he'll share a week and i'll share with you two i've been really locked into this and the lord is in this vision from march 3rd the lord is saying i'm going to help you unpack this i i i'm saying that by faith i'm the lord i'm a weak man that doesn't get stuff very clear you know the words of bob jones the lord told me you'd be dull i didn't think you'd be that dull but anyway let's not go there but we're going to unpack this and through the summer through the year through next year maybe i don't know but i think once we get in this conversation we may never ever want to get out of it i don't know i don't want to get too far ahead of myself but about 10 or 12 i don't know the number of our different teachers and i hope you and this leaders et cetera we're going to be unpacking these things these verses and we're not going to take it in order one week maybe you know john 15 verse 2 and 3 the next week john 17 verse 4 and 5. then the week after john 13 we're just going to take what comes and we're going to just camp there for a year or two or however long longer or shorter i'm not trying to predict that i'm just saying there's layers and layers and layers the greatest teaching by the greatest teacher that less than one percent of the body of christ has leaned into in a sustained way over two thousand years my point is there's a big surprise the holy spirit's gonna unpack it to a generation and i'm really wanting this but i'm really thinking of our sons and daughters if we can go somewhere in the next year or two think about where those that are 10 or 15 years old right now they're going to be 20 and 25 in a minute think what they will walk in if we can move forward as a community in this other groups all around the lord is talking to us you know i sent out an email to a few friends and i'm i was so blessed like francis chan wrote me on friday he goes mike i am so encouraged that this is what god is telling you it's what he told me like a month or two ago i don't know when recently we're doing this then a couple other leaders said so were we we didn't know you were or francis was we are doing it too and i think 10 years from now we're going to look back and find out there's thousands of groups in the next couple years that are going to get sparked by this this lightning rod this light shining on these five chapters so most believers are going i don't really know much about him and i read them of course i like it it's jesus's greatest teaching how could i not i love jesus god i gotta like it even if i don't get it i gotta like it i got good news the holy spirit's about to shine on this thing and it will be true it will be as it will the same will be true from john 2 that jesus saved the best wine for last well let's go all the way to trade let's go to two middle page two e it's gonna go a couple more minutes again i gave you the notes here just uh because some of you said okay i want to survey this a little bit now the so i've just put a little layout of a couple chapters here the problem is i'm still so new at it although i've studied this over the years but i'm not claiming any depth my layout here in five years i might look back and go oh well i guess i missed that i mean oops that wasn't exactly what that that paragraph was about so give me mercy in five years when we find out how not great this is okay but i just want you to see e and f and g just a little layout that's a little road map let's go to top of page three paragraph a this is purely for me but i'm giving it to you if it helps you i have identified four passages in the five chapters four little clusters of verses that if i can get my mind around those four passages a little bit just a little bit it kind of gives me an orientation for the whole five chapters and so this is i don't know that this will help you but this has helped me i've locked into these a little bit so i go okay i got an orientation for the five chapters okay and i'm ready to go on a year or two run where we just worship unpack this sometimes have ministry times other times a small group discussion how can we grow in this as a family this must be the family conversation and i tell you 10 or 20 years from now we'll look back and find out that the lord was gracious to tip us off in in this hour again i'm thinking of the 10 year olds and 15 they're going to be 20 and 30 in a minute they're going to it's going to be normal to them it's odd to us and kind of weird and like what does that verse mean and they'll just say well what does it mean the 22 year olds in 10 years they'll they will know this stuff so well and that's what we want well i'm gonna end in just the next few minutes here with page three i'm gonna share because this is this is my number one passage of the five chapters i call it my two favorite verses and these have been my two favorite verses i don't know how many years but i remember when i was pastoring in st louis 40 years ago i talked about these as my favorite verses so i don't know when it started but a long time ago you don't need a favorite verse you can have a hundred of them actually but i have two favorite verses and i'll lend them to you or offer them to you to be yours you don't have to take them but i have a hundred that are second place i got a hundred verses that are all number two in any way that i'm saying that tongue in cheek but these two verses i've talked to the lord about over the years and i've made them into my favorite prayer i put the two verses together and it's five like little lines that i've made it my favorite prayer and i want to offer this prayer to you kind of as a launching point you know like we're in the canoe we're just going to push out from shore a little bit you know it's a big ocean wearing a little canoe we're not ready to go deep yet we're just let's just get out get a hundred yards from the shore and see how we're doing we're the mirror edges of his ways the whisper the job 26 14. but the day is coming he's going to thunder this to the end time church i can't imagine what those 10 year olds are going to be singing and saying in 15 years when they're in their 20s they will be thundering the stuff in song and word and oh my goodness anyway that's when you think about that later let me give you the two verses paragraph b john 15 9 and john 17 26 and we'll say these verses over and over again and this next year too or again i don't know how long we're going to stay on this but i just want to camp here i don't want to move on my heart is hungry and i'm desperate to get out beyond the shallow waters that i'm in right now in these chapters i'm desperate for it and i think it's stirred up by the lord thinking of the next generation i really do i want to take the 150 chapters on the end time through the lens of these five chapters those 150 chapters will look different through this lens jesus bridegroom king and judge through these five chapters those chapters and i isaiah and you know micah and malachi they'll all look different through the lens of the upper room discourse well let's look at john 15 9. three phrases very important phrases two of them are truths and the third phrase is i call it the most important commandment in the bible and somebody could have a different opinion that's okay the two mountain phrases they're mountains there's a thousand points behind these two phrases it's like jesus threw him out there he was saying you you go live there for a little while you'll see where it will take you he starts off as the father loved me he looks at him he goes in the way that god intensely loves god you know they're at the last supper they're going and the way god loves god intensely fiercely wow that begs the question how does god love god holy spirit would whisper ooh glad you asked i have much to tell you from the bible gold nuggets all through the scripture much to tell you but only if you're interested about how the father loves the son and the son loves the spirit and the spirit loves the father all the combinations forever how god loves god mountain that's a mountain the second truth in the same intensity god loves his people jesus says i love you in the intensity my father loves me those are two gigantic statements then he gives the third statement which is a commandment he goes live in this these two truths it says abide one translation says dwell another translation says live he's saying whatever you do live in those two truths stay in the conversation with me on those two truths because if you do many other things will flow out of that all many dominoes will go down those are not the only two truths those are the two rock solid mountain truths the entire kingdom of god is based on we touch those a little bit all the other things come into focus jesus didn't say this is all there is he goes you do those two a little bit the other stuff will get clear you'll have a motivation you'll have a zeal that is supernatural you'll overcome some of the despair and fears and addictions you touch those two things you'll love me you'll love people you'll love yourself in the grace of god you'll see life different if you touch those two many dominoes will go down boy that's you know the security of the kingdom of god forever the reason the kingdom of god is glorious secure pleasurable is because god loves god with all of his heart and god loves his people with all his heart those two mountain truths secure the kingdom of god forever in power and safety and pleasure but he says stay in it now this is where two thousand years i'm thinking lord has church history stayed in this have we stayed in this conversation have we locked into this study have we focused on these two things or did we move on and again i don't feel negative the lord's saying don't worry about yesterday this is coming there's going to be hundreds of millions who abide in this they live in it it's not the only thing they do but this will be the rock of their the foundation of their walk with god let's go to the second verse then we're going to pray them real brief and we'll end let's see he praised this a few minutes later maybe a half hour later i don't know it's in the same evening the five chapters it ends with 17 26 this is the end after this it's over jesus is praying he goes father i have declared your name but i'm going to keep declaring it and they're thinking wait i thought you said you were going to die because i am going to die but i'm going to declare the father's name how by the holy spirit but it's going to be me speaking through the spirit i'm going to tell the glory of my father all through history through my people by the holy spirit god is going to tell jesus is going to proclaim the father's name to proclaim his name is to reveal his glory and then jesus says why am i going to tell them about your glory look at this look at verse 26 so that the love father is talking to the father the love you have for me would be supernaturally imparted in them they will love me supernaturally in the power that you do excuse me you and i are gonna love jesus like the father loves jesus i mean is this real i mean i would have been pretty happy loving jesus like paul the apostle if i could ever grow to that that'd be pretty good jesus oh no no no way beyond that way beyond that i'm gonna have a people that love me and the power of my father's love for me but i'm gonna unveil my glory i'm gonna open that door of glory and when they see my father in glory their hearts will be changed and they will be empowered to love me let's look at paragraph c there's five little sentences that i pray it's my favorite prayer i pray this 60 seconds two three minutes sometimes 10 or 20 minutes sometimes 60 seconds only i mostly not every time that'd be exaggerated every time but mostly i start my prayer times with one to three minutes on this prayer and i'm offering it to you you don't have to stay with it but start with it until you make your own when i start with these five sentences these five little one-liner prayers they branch out i mean they grow on their own but i'm not going there right now we'll do some of that in the summer and the fall on friday nights how these prayers can grow so it's i found this key it's very very simple but if you get this key you just got gold if you get this key say thank you show me more that's the key when you read about god instead of go wow talk to him thank you show me more that opens like a valve of your heart that puts you in a place the holy spirit's like oh you want to talk to me about that because you know normally you underline it you go tell a friend that that's great but i found if i will pause and actually talk to god about what god says to me it just does something it's so simple i call it the thank you show me more prayer i use it for scores of things you know when god says i will forgive you thank you show me more instead of just saying good so let's go to those two verses chapter 15 verse 9 the two big phrases the way god loves god the way that jesus loves us and then let's take it to the second verse john 17 26 okay i'm gonna invite you to stand if you want to you can remain sometimes the guy says stand i go i want to set i pray better sitting then they say sit and i go i feel like standing so you know i'm a human that's just how it is so do what you want to do i'm gonna have the worship team come up i'm gonna lead you for about three or four minutes in this prayer these five things i use the same five sentences again they branch out all the time spontaneously but i'll talk about that some other day i'm gonna pray it i want you and i pray in the spirit intermittently in between this like i'll say a phrase or two pray the spirit for a moment or two again you can do this 60 seconds i do this many times when i drive from this building down to the prayer room that three-minute drop four-minute drive i'll pray this prayer half the time not the whole time not four whole minutes maybe two minutes but it's just i just love to say this prayer i like to pray this prayer i go to when i'm falling asleep at night and when i first wake up in the morning when i go to the gpr or the prayer room oh i get there i i guess you know my bible i'd like to pray this prayer i go i don't feel nothing right now and half the time more than half the time i don't feel anything but the other half the time i do feel something and i never know when i'm going to so we're going to pray the first god loves god now we're going to pray the second god loves us they're going to pray the third jesus is going to reveal the father and the father is going to part his love so those so you just don't say anything out loud just quietly i'd like you all to close your eyes so you're not looking around just so no one's looking and distracted just for a minute and then you just run with this any way you want to father thank you for the way you love jesus in the holy spirit it's just that simple show me more and i pray in the spirit for a moment maybe three seconds maybe two minutes let me say it again father thank you for the way you love jesus in the holy spirit because then you launch and you say holy spirit thank you for the way of the father it just keeps going on and on but i won't go there now let me pray it a different way that very phrase holy spirit i got all this written down let me see what you see and feel what you feel about the love you share with the father and the son the holy spirit goes oh you want to know what i feel about the love i share with them and them with me really that's the conversation yeah and give me some bible verses on it okay if you're real and you stay with it not for a day or a week you just stay with us for a couple years you'll be surprised what i'll tell you he tells us in little phrases here and there not very rare do you get like nine paragraphs in a moment you get a phrase about every ten times you do this a phrase that's my story the other nine times i didn't know you know i prayed it i like it but you never know let's go to the second phrase the way jesus loves us thank you jesus it's the third prayer i pray well it's one big prayer but it's got five sentences thank you jesus for the way you love your people the way you love me and the way you love your people like the father loves you now when you pray that thank him for loving you and ask him to show you more but don't stop there and for your people put your children's name in there one by one put your spouse put your friends put the people in the kingdom that really bother you that mistreat you put their name in there thank you that you love them like the father loves you show me more you will feel different about that guy or gal not the first day but you stay with that for a month or two you'll start going what yeah i don't like what you do to me but i'm kind of liking you more than i thought i would what's going on here the end time church is going to literally prevail in the face of enemies with the love of god or you can pray that same thing the other way holy spirit let me see what you see feel what you feel about the love jesus has for me holy spirit he goes you want me to tell you about what i feel when i see jesus love you okay i will if you really want to know stay with that prayer abide in this prayer then let's pop over to 17 26 jesus promised to declare the father well he's going to do it through the holy spirit because he died and went to heaven holy spirit reveal the father's glory to me here and impart the father's love for jesus in me the holy spirit says you want me to impart the way the father loves jesus into you do you want me to enough to ask me and to thank me for that okay inch by inch little by little now these prayers these little five sentences they may feel dry for a week or a couple weeks or a couple months but if you stay with them i promise you they will not stay dry so now i kind of preached prayed it now i'm going to really pray it let's close our eyes now again father thank you thank you for the intense way you love jesus show me more father thank you for the intense way you love the holy spirit show me more holy spirit let me see what you see about the love you share with the father and the son i want to see what you see i want to feel what you feel when you share love with them next phrase thank you jesus for the way you love me thank you jesus [Music] for the way that you love isaac and morgan's five children thank you for the way you love to show me more [Music] show me more about how you love them show me more how you feel about the baptist church down on the corner redbridge show me holy spirit let me see what you see and feel what you feel about the way jesus loves isaac and morgan's children let me feel what you feel holy spirit about the way jesus loves them and about the baptist church down the road holy spirit john 17 reveal the father's name to glory here i am reveal the father's glory impart the father's love for jesus [Music] you pray in the spirit a little bit you linger you may do it two or three minutes you may go five or ten minutes you don't have to do it an hour you start most of your prayer times like this i'm telling you may take a month or two before it feels natural it will do something different [Music] i want to encourage you linger it's not rapid fire prayer don't preach it to god get in a conversational tone dial down and talk to your father we're not commanding a devil out or shouting at the mountain to move or nothing like that we're just saying father just calm your spirit just linger and go slow go slow bring the spirit a little bit don't get all just you'll feel more i did it the other way for some years and then i dialed down i felt more wow i wish somebody would have told me that on the front end so here we are lord here we are lord let's go ahead and worship you i'm going to keep praying it just against our leaning worshiper we'll do this about four or five minutes three four minutes and then we'll dismiss [Music] for the way you love jesus [Music] thank you [Music] let me contain what you feel about the love you share how do you feel about the love you [Music] shared thank you jesus for the intense way that you [Music] thank you jesus [Music] holy you see and spirit what you feel about the love jesus [Music] stay with us [Music] is for jesus [Music] depart [Applause] this is [Music] go slow you do this in the prayer room with those anointed singers and musicians up there i mean this is something in the presence of anointed singers and musicians to pray this way sitting in those chairs again just three four minutes maybe 10 or 15 and then you move on to the next thing let's just go through that one more time [Music] glory to us [Music] would you open by simply listening to me and talking back to me but don't give up for jesus here we are rescue us jesus [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] if you listen to my word and talk to me you'll open the door that's all you got to do everything else will fall into life [Music] [Music] oh [Music] lord [Music] this is for everyone in this room everyone listening this is for all of us [Applause] father we just thank you for this gathering this morning [Music] you've invited us into the family dynamics that you and your son of the spirit share just bless us on this easter sunday i just bless the people just go in peace this is what the resurrection is about moving into this jesus name amen and amen have a blessed time with your families today those that are your gathering you
Channel: Mike Bickle Official
Views: 6,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JPce9YF8NXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 30sec (3930 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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