Another EPIC Free OBS Plugin

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you can finally create simple effects that everyone uses everyday in Photoshop right in OBS like this outer glow simple stroke outlines or even amazing drop Shadows it's totally free and easy to use I'm going to show you how today so you know what let's get to it there are links in the description to the OBS plugin that you can download and follow along it's totally free and that is the best way to learn let's get the plug-in completely installed so we're going to start out on this page and we'll just go to download and we can select the installer there's Mac OS Linux and two different Windows installers the easier one is the one that says installer so we'll just click download right there so next we just need to go into our downloads folder we can rightclick and extract it and once we do that it's pretty simple all we do is go into the extracted folder and we run the installer and right here you can see it says don't run if you click that you will not be installing anything a lot of the plugins are going to be like this they're not signed because they don't want to go through all of windows riger roll to get the product signed CU they're not selling it it's just free so we can click on more info up here and click run anyways and we're going to get an administrative prompt that you can't see but we're just going to click yes and it comes up to this and all we have to do is Click install and it will install it on here now you can see that I have OBS open and running which is why it's not going to install but I already have this on the system so if you don't have OBS open you can just click next through everything make sure that you are going to the correct directory for OBS and once you're finished up it will be completely installed you'll be ready to go now let me show you how easy this plugin is to use so there are a couple of different ways to use this the first thing we'll do is go ahead and add a camera so I'm going to go over to our sources here we'll just click the plus we'll go to video captur device and we're going to add a camera I'm going to go ahead and add a microphone to this camera using the custom audio devices and select the microphone that I want to use so there we go and we're all set now we've got a camera in here now what I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and right click on this we'll go into filters and I'm just going to remove the background for this one to make it a little more interesting and easy for just doing this first one here so we're going to do the Nvidia background removal remove our background there we go so we don't have any color in the background or anything like that which is fine so now if we go ahead and click the plus we can see that we've got glow and we've got Shadow and stroke right in here so let's start out with stroke and we'll click that and we've got a white color so we need to just go into our sources here and we can select which source we want in this case we want the video captured device and we can uncheck the infill and we just get this really nice little stroke around us now this stroke is completely independent of our camera and I'll show you what I mean by that in a second we can adjust the stroke size so it's bigger or smaller we can actually offset it a little bit so it just kind of puts a little bit of a space in between us and the stroke so go ahead and just do that and there we go and we can make the stroke whatever color we want all that sort of stuff but now if I grab this you can see that the stroke is completely independent from the camera so if I wanted to turn this into a smaller camera I've got to obviously select the same size so the easiest way to do this is to just kind of move down here and I can move my mouse over top and we can see the blue that represents the camera and just line it up and there we go and then we can actually select both of these right click and go to group and now we have them grouped in the same object basically so I can move them together as one object so now we've got a stroke around ourselves that uh that looks pretty cool um but we don't have to add it that way if we didn't want to we can go ahead and just remove this from the the group and we can remove this stroke Al together or we can remove the group let's go ahead and just remove this group and that's going to remove our stroke and so we can add The Stroke by using filters we can right click on here go into filters and we can click the plus and we'll add a stroke right here and boom and you can see it adds the exact same stroke we can adjust our offset just the same as we had it before and there we go now it does matter the order that you have these in so if I had the Nvidia background below it you're not going to see it so just keep in mind that if you don't see it it could be because of that now let's go ahead and add another object in here let's add a video so I'm going to click the plus and I'm going to go to Media source and I'm just going to add a video video that I commonly add to a lot of these and boom and we'll just Loop the video click okay and I will just shrink it up here and go like that so what if we wanted to add stroke to that well the easiest way to do that is through filters as well so we could just right click go to filters and we'll click the plus and we'll add a stroke to our image right here and click okay and you can see we don't really get anything you don't see anything there's no white outline on it it doesn't matter how big I make it now we could theoretically change it to Inner stroke but you still don't really see any any stroke wh what's going on here it just doesn't make any sense well we'll change this to Outer stroke again and what we're going to do is go ahead and the problem is that the outer stroke is going to exceed the boundaries of our actual image so in other words the stroke is there we just can't see it because that's the extent of our image so what we want to do is click the plus and we want to go and we're going to select crop and pad and we're going to add some negative pad to this so minus 200 and so it just adds space around the outside of our image to give our stroke someplace to go so now if we go ahead and move stroke below that oh wow there it goes our stroke shows up and you're going to have the same problem with glow and drop shadow if you don't add pad around images static images like this you're never going to see them so now we've got some really cool stuff going on here um for stroke we can add glow as well so let's say we wanted wanted to add glow but I didn't want the glow to go I wanted the glow to kind of go through our stroke here so I'm going to right click on filters and I'm going to go to the stroke and I'm just going to add a little more offset to this so it goes out a little bit farther and we can add you know maybe a little bit of size to it and there we go so what if we wanted the glow to come kind of off of us well we could do that by just clicking on here and we can add it as a source and so we'll go into our glow here right here and click okay and we want our glow to be let's do uh orange or reddish orange there we go something like that so that's the color we want it to be we can select the source in this case the source is our video capture device so and then what we can do is adjust the size and the intensity so there we go so now kind of what we get is that blockage we just got to line it up with the blue lines for this and once we do we're going to kind of have a pretty cool little effect here we'll have our glow being broken up by yeah there we go got it lined up pretty good we can move it over just a little bit I'm going to just use the keyboard to move it over a little bit and there we go so now we've got it lined up pretty good so where we have this orange almost like an orange stroke with an orange glow that extends Beyond and that looks that looks pretty cool so if we wanted to make sure that this kind of stuck with the other one and we could put this above or below and you get can see it doesn't make any difference in this particular case and then we can do what we were talking about before and just go ahead and group the selected and so now we can move this all as a group that looks pretty cool I actually kind of like that now as far as drop shadow go let's go ahead and we'll click the plus here and what we're going to do to make it easily visible is we're going to add a color Source click okay and we'll add this white background color Source we'll just move it to the Bottom now you can see my glow shows up pretty cool the white right there kind of shows up pretty cool but let's change the white stroke to a drop shadow and all we need to do in order to do that is to go into our media Source here we'll right click and we're going to go into filters again and we'll just delete the stroke that we have right here and we're going to leave the crop and Pad because a drop shadow is also going to appear outside of the boundaries of the image so we need that pad right there so that it gives our drop shadow a place to show up and we're going to go into our shadow and click okay and you can already see it formulating there we can just adjust the size and the intensity so maybe we don't want it to be super intense we can change the distance and the angle as you can see anywhere around our stuff so I like the shadow distance to be pretty good and then I can dial down the intensity a little bit so there we go and that's kind of what you have now you've got a real nice kind of drop shadow on top of your images this looks particularly good with a Brighter Image than the one we have here this one actually kind of Blends into the drop shadow so we could theoretically fix that by going into our filters again and clicking the plus and we and we can go to our stroke and we can just add in a super thin stroke we want to put it above our shadow and this is just kind of differentiate it and you could make this uh you know any color you want so let's kind of make it more of a bronish color so it just gives a little bit of definition in fact I think think I want it just a little bit brighter than that so we'll just move it more into the yellows so it kind of has like a goldish color and there you go and and then we'll bump the size up just a just a touch so it gives it that little bit of framing outline which really accentuates the drop shadow and I think even so we can probably make that drop shadow a little more visible a little more visible by just increasing the intensity just a little bit and there we go so now we've got a really cool effect especially on a white background you could point to that sort of stuff and it just looks cool it adds something totally different I can drop shadow on me I can drop shadow on any images or videos or any shapes or any asset that we put in here the stroke glow and Shadow is a game changer it's all of the things that we've been doing in Photoshop for years that weren't easily available in OBS but now they are and you can add these on top of one another because you can add them to the source or you can add them as a filter so you can literally pile these on top of one another to create some absolutely amazing effects when you use this in conjunction with other effects you can really even go further so let's say we wanted to animate the glow that I have around me using my voice well we could do that let's go into our group here and we're going to go into our video capture device going to right click and I'm going to go into filters and up here at the top where it's audio video filters I'm going to click the plus and I'm going to do an audio move and for audio move we want the action we're going to go to setting the source for the setting we're going to select is our video capture device the filter that we're going to select is our stroke there we go so now you can see that everything will expand and contract based on the stroke size we've got magnitude here you can select all kinds of different stuff we'll just keep it there we can ease it a little bit so it doesn't get quite so crazy and we can adjust our base value here to like minus 20 so it's a little more subtle and you can see what that does now it increases the intensity of our white stroke and so we always have the glow but now it expands it it makes it boom up anytime that I use my voice so you can use the stroke and glow in conjunction with all kinds of other plugins in this case the move plugin to do all kinds of really cool stuff that just looks awesome and it's a lot of fun pretty awesome stuff it's hard to believe it took this long for these simple things to be added into OBS if you want to see a bunch of other cool plugins for OBS you should check this video out and if you have any questions about plugins you can always join me on my live stream it's every Wednesday night at 700 p.m. Eastern Standard Time where I answer your questions look forward to seeing you there and if you're always looking for tools tips and tricks to help make you a better live streamer or YouTuber subscribe to the channel my name is Michael fire Jr thank you so much for watching have a great day day and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Michael Feyrer Jr.
Views: 3,060
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Michael Feyrer Jr, OBS, OBS Plugins, obs studio tutorial, obs studio, obs plugins for streaming, obs plugins how to install, Stroke, Shadow, Glow, live streaming, obs studio settings, obs settings for streaming
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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