Obamacare Changed the Democratic Party

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something changed during Obamacare and and that was that you know I'm Administration and my uncle Ted Kennedy was headed that was chairing uh Senate health committee at this time so I watched this whole thing very you know very carefully and was discerned at that time in or because of the lobbying power of Pharma Obama could not get ObamaCare passed without the cooperation of the pharmaceutical industry so he basically had to make a golden handshake with the Devil and the agreement they made was that number one Obamacare will will is going to benefit you because it's going to pay for all of your products of pharmaceutical drugs to Americans uh but here was the you know the key we will not bargain overprices with you which you know Medicare used to do the Canadian government Bargains when it you know provides Health Care to Canadians it Bargains it gets really good deals which is why Americans go to Canada to buy drugs because they're you know they're much cheaper there but here they could pay um the the top they could charge the top rate and the Obamacare would have to pay and that is how Obama got the pharmaceutical industry's support and after that it became permissible for Democrats to accept pharmaceutical money the pharmaceutical money began pouring into the Democratic party but you know on issues like vaccines the Democrats Republicans were pretty evenly split up till 2016. and then you had um these then you had a trump run for presidency and during his uh during his campaign he on several occasions he mentioned that he believed that vaccines were causing autism and this was anecdotal to him he had three friends who were women who were mothers whose children have been completely uh healthy and then had regressed into you know lost their language and and regressed into a stereotypical uh behavior of autism associated with autism after receiving MMR vaccines and so he and it you know his belief was that it was that the link was real and he said it out loud on several again I think three separate occasions and at that time anything that Trump said was immediately if the reaction the Democratic party is whatever he says we got to do the opposite so even though we've hated NAFTA for our entire you know existence of our party if if Trump now says he hates to have to we've got to start liking NAFTA and that but that was so that was kind of what happened was those pronouncements by Trump were put by the Democratic party doyans into the same anti-science dumpster as his climate denial and it became an a tribal issue and so that you know it was a culture worry issue if you were if you would if you thought vaccines cause autism it meant you were Republican and if if you thought maybe they if you thought they definitely denied and that's been proven Beyond any doubt you were a Democrat and there was no in between there was no dialogue there was no room for um dissent or debate it was a tribal issue and it was life or death and you know that's what that's the way that I saw that history happen because I watched the change in 2016. so you saw two things up you saw a collusion emerged because of the agreement that Obama made with big Pharma companies and then there was this twist that was thrown into it as a consequence of the Trump candidacy so also I'm wondering it wasn't that long ago well I guess it's 20 years now so it's some reasonable amount of time that the laws in the United States were changed so that big Pharma could advertise their products directly to the consumer that was actually a revolution in messaging and and now as you pointed out in your last book big Pharma controls about 75 percent of the advertising on Legacy Media and even more on the news shows and so I I don't I think it's beside I think it's about 75 on the news shows I'm not sure I think there are even bigger advertisers if you look at the entire sort of landscape automobiles maybe um maybe bigger um but but certainly on the evening news shows the evening news is kind of the uh is the perfect landscape to advertise um Pharmaceuticals because everybody who watches the Evening News essentially the entire demographic is over 60 young you know my kids would not dream of turning on the evening news they get their news from the you know from from there from their screens uh but the people who are sitting down and watching the Evening News are your age and they're my age and as you know when you get to our age you spend a lot of time at doctors and you're on and those people are on a lot of drugs and so they're watching it and Roger Ailes told me I think it was uh in 2014. and he of course was the you know the founder and CEO of Fox News and I was trying to get uh I had made a doc or participated in the making of a documentary about the impacts of mercury and vaccines on neurodevelopmental disorders in children this is an epidemic that had begun in 1989 of neurodevelopmental disorders and he he had a relative who had been affected that he believed was um was vaccine injured and he always would put me on his shows I had this weird relationship with Roger Hills because I had spent three months in a tent with them in when I was 19 years old in Africa and we at this friendship you know he was a very clever witty guy and he had not started Fox News he had just left the running the Nixon campaign Communications and he he had stepped down from the Merv Griffin Show and uh but I had this lasting friendship with him and he was very loyal friend and he would always make the host of Fox TV to put me on to talk about environmental issues so I was the only environmentalist for a decade that was going on Fox News and I I looked at him kind of as a Darth Vader you know of what he had done to uh to uh American television and Communications but I still had this strange friendship with him so he would always put me on and I went to him to try to get on to talk about this documentary he looked at his assistant Mike Clemente was running the station at that time the network looked at it and both of them loved it but he said we can't let you on and he told me at that time he said if any of my hosts independently let you on to talk about this I would fire them I would have to fire them and he said if I didn't fire them I would get a call from Rupert within 10 minutes meaning Rupert Murdoch and he said to me at that time he said 75 of my evening news division advertising revenues are coming from pharmaceutical companies and he told me he told me that of the 22 ads on the typical Evening News show that typically 17 or 18 of those were pharmaceutical ads and uh so that you know that tells it all and I've seen again and again and again you know people like Jake Tapper who did this you worked with me for three weeks doing this incredible documentary on an article that I published in 2005 about a secret meeting um at DEC sponsored with 75 vaccine makers about how to hide from the American public the links between Autism and vaccines they they and I I obtained the transcript for these from those meetings I publish them in Rolling Stone and Jake topper prior as the Rolling Stone uh publication data approach he spent three weeks with me doing an exclusive for ABC which he was then working for on my article a companion piece and the night before the piece was supposed to run he called me up and he said the piece just got killed by gorbet and he said in all my career I have never had a piece killed by corporate I'm so mad
Channel: Jordan B Peterson Clips
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Keywords: psychology, philosophy, Jordan B. Peterson, Jordan Peterson, JB Peterson, jordanbpeterson, jordanpeterson, personality, understandmyself, selfauthoring, neuropsychology, jordan peterson clips, jp peterson clips, jp clips, jordan peterson podcast clips, jordan peterson live, jordan peterson livestream, jordan peterson shorts, jordan peterson tiktoks, jordan peterson motivational clips
Id: bnUVU6pB-J8
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Length: 8min 41sec (521 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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