“You Sound Ridiculous!” - Ex CNN Reporter Calls Tucker Carlson Shameful

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the problem with Fox I mean let's go for it this is the thing that I really um that that was was of great interest and concern to me was the vaccine talk that you know Tucker Carlson was and I you know we could have a debate about you know the sources of covid but actively discouraging people from getting vaccines was a monstrous killing act on the part of Tucker Carlson and I think that was appalling and a disgrace and if you look at you know the death rates of people um you know the the the people who didn't get vaccinated um and and many of them in red States in places where you know the the conservative message was out there I think that was a shameful shameful thing that Tucker cross did I don't care if he talks about Hunter Biden I don't care if he talks about you know you know the the you know Democrats are terrible fine that's that's like opinions and everybody's entitled to that but but the the the vaccine talk was a shameful shameful thing and in Rupert Murdoch should be ashamed that he allowed that to go on how closely were you following the the Dominion lawsuit very close okay yeah how much of that uh do you have a blood piece coming out about it in the New York I'd love to hear that yeah how much of that do you think led to the beheading of Tucker Carlson well that that's something that is a great question and I don't know the answer to that and and all the stuff I've seen in the Press about Tucker about Tucker's firing has not been persuasive to me you know the New York Times had this big story that there was something he said in an email about someone I forgot exactly what it was it was then Scott Suzanne Scott it was some like and it was like I I cannot believe that that was the the the basis for for fire reporters yelling at their news director has been happening since before now forever and and and the departure of Tucker from from Fox as far as I can tell at least so far has had really bad business implications for them I mean they have not trying to hold out Brett Bear pretty hard on that well and and and um they I I you know we'll see when they appoint a new anchor to that spot um you know what one of the interesting things that has happened historically is that when um you know his his influence diminished when O'Reilly left his influence diminished when Megan Kelly left her influence diminished Katie Couric um Katie well I'm just talking about the fox people yeah yeah but I mean it's true about Katie as well I'm applying it across networks well yeah and and you know for all that these networks are declining they are still the pathway to influence except for Tucker though 60 million 50 million 30 million 70 million uh well yes for the first couple times let's see so there's two things so I want to I want to push back I wanted to hear you out and I wanted you and Adam to go through questioning but I'm going to jump in here for a couple things so um as a seal of a company uh you know I at first when you're a salesperson I went from an employee to salesperson to sales leader to business owner and I had no clue what it was to be a CEO trying to be a CEO you're gonna have people from all walks of life those that want this those that are married those that are single those that are Widow those that are divorced those that are white black we're 54 Latino we're 24 African-American we're 51 women so I have people from all walks of life different states we're in 49 states all this stuff right and you have to kind of pay attention to what people are saying when covet happened we had a camp that got the vaccine we had a camp that didn't get the vaccine we had a camp that was undecided of wanting to get the vaccine and it was interesting because it was getting political at one point because the guys that didn't take the vaccine who were not going to take the vaccine looked at the vaccine people in a interesting way of why would you take the vaccine why would you put that in your body you don't even know what's its own nine months trial all this stuff and the people that took the vaccine would say why would you be so irresponsible and not take the vaccine and then you had the people in the middle look I'm kind of undecided I don't know what I'm going to do we may we may not we're still waiting for three more months great so when you say about the this service Fox did Murdoch and Tucker brother one on the other side could say dude I was ousted you coerced judged demonized for you know everybody was forcing it down my throat with videos and commercials and ads and people getting up there and saying if you don't do this you have to be fired and if they don't do this you don't bring them and see the other patient if you don't let them go in the hospital the military doesn't wait a minute what are you talking about man I just don't know if I want to take it yet or not so I think when I when I ask and I see a trend like you know the red pill movement did very well for like a year and a half these are men that are like dude I feel like I don't have any girls out there for me there's no dates all the guys are getting the hot girls and I don't have anything left for me no one's interested in me I'm alone dude I need a girl I want to date somebody this whole dating Gap ruined my life at least back in the days if I'm in a little city Toledo and I like Karen and she was only competing with 17 other guys it was me versus 17 and I'm number three out of the 17 guys in my city I have a chance with Karen today Karen got one Instagram but can actually get 16 000 DMS there's no way I can compete with Karen they're willing to fly her out to go to New York with them so the competition for the guys they took ahead once the dating sites came out there's there's a group Karen must be pretty hot it's the most trending word the last three years and I can tell you it's probably going to be a name that we will not see for days no kids named Adolf for 30 years so so so the point becomes that community in a middle when you see why these Trends are doing well there's a community that's like look you try to force down the vaccine on me I didn't like that I don't like what you did there as well so when you say I don't like what fox did There's tens of millions of people that can say I can't stand what mainstream media did to judge me just because I wasn't ready to take the vaccine you made me feel like to want to take the vaccine you made me feel like I'm a because I'm not willing to take it that part is a little bit double standard it's not it's not a and I'm sorry I'm I'm a complete hardliner on this I I tell me what you mean because is that you know in in in at CNN and and at Fox you are not allowed in the building unless you were vaccinated you think that's the right thing to do I thought it was exactly the right tell me why because it's a communicable disease that could that you could reduce the your risk to yourself and to the people around you um to a scientific certainty and that that was a rule that was excellent and I was glad CNN had that role I'm sure the people at Fox were glad they had that had that rule and um you know again this is not you know the you're allowed to have opinions about anything you want but at some point when your opinions put other people in at physical risk as you know vaccine denial did that that crossed the line you know how ridiculous that is what you just said because for for you to say that I can I can hear someone saying that in Iran I can hear somebody saying that in in North Korea I can hear someone saying that in China I can see someone saying that even in Italy although things are changing in Italy right now with their new leader that they have I can see somebody saying that in Venezuela and Cuba I can even hear Justin Trudeau saying that in Canada fine it's fitting America but they said that they said that the cea but it's you know you're not free to put other people in danger wait a minute but that's what that that's you know and it wasn't me who said this it was the leadership of these companies well listen there's a lot of people now that are sitting there saying you forced some people to take it they had they had repercussion side effects it affected a lot of people negatively and you forced it and for us to sit there and say with a hundred percent that it was the right move to make with only nine months of data that they had I think that's a little naive now don't get me wrong we can sit there and look at certain vaccines and say okay like you know some some people like none of them you got to go I'm not saying that there's certain ones like listen that we have 30 years of research on yeah yeah we have do you realize what that did do you know what to say do you know how many people you know we didn't have 30 years I totally get that but that's the point though the point of saying we didn't have 30 years is more of a reason to say it's a choice you either take it or you don't take it wow it's just disagree I know that's okay that we disagree all I'm saying is that the part where when you say I don't like what Tucker did Tucker spoke to a lot of people that were part of that camp you know how many people in the military that love America that love being a marine they love being you know a Navy or Air Force or Army were forced to leave their jobs they love you know how many people nobody forced them to leave oh they had no choice no your choice was to take the vaccine correct that's foreign absolutely yeah and that's a and that's a good thing you think that's a good thing 100 okay so let me go to a different direction because this first thing is trending a lot lately what do you think about ESG and will BlackRock Vanguard and State Street is doing I I that's a so completely different but that's not an expert in that I don't know okay you're not following this I mean I I'm vaguely aware of it but it's not something you have an opinion on not really so then let's go back to this so you're okay with us of forcing something like that on somebody so here's what's like we force we we you your kid can't go to school unless it's got the measles vaccine or the polio not all schools this is why somebody believe and they can get religious exemptions and I get it and those vaccines are also tested whereas the foreign what do you say to this so on my show today I have a captain Army Captain Katie Hernandez coming on my show they told her if you don't get this vaccine you are getting kicked out of the military they forced her she went to the she went to the Capitol Hill and they they made her take it guess what she has right now myocarditis Pat she's driving in a car and she felt like she had a heart attack heart attack what do you say to those people that were forced to do it because it's the government and now she is suffering she has heart problems because of something like that because you don't you don't know that the the vaccine caused her but they're saying they said it they said that I don't believe it okay she's a healthy 25 year old girl by the way by the way you also don't know that it didn't I don't so but the point is that both of us could be right or wrong that's the choice you could be right I could be except the the vast weight of scientific evidence was behind vaccines okay so uh not necessarily because we didn't have a lot of debate anybody that had an opposing argument they got silence there were doctors out of Bakersfield these two doctors that they got up there and they gave their argument the video got 20 million views first 24 hours of videos all of them were taken down they couldn't even give these are doctors yeah these are medical professionals that were supposed to respect you couldn't have an opposing argument so again let me give you the leaks in this argument for a guy like me that I've been a registered independent for probably 20 years who liked Clinton and I voted for Clinton but I voted both sides of the island as well hey when I sit there and I think about for me uh if I uh uh uh have a a girl pregnant and I chose to have unprotected sex with this girl and it's my responsibility when I had unprotected sex for me I'm gonna sit there and say hey I took responsibility I didn't have condom I was excited we had sex you're pregnant whatever you choose to do I support it I'd support you having a baby but your body you got to do whatever you got to do but if you want to have the baby I got for a lifetime I'm gonna take care of this kid I'm in okay great that's my position but for me to not listen to what women are saying is important to them that's arrogant who the hell am I to not listen to their argument what do you mean no you should do this no I'm a Christian man I understand what my positions for my faith may be but I have to hear you out for your argument and it's not like it's 20 of women saying this it's not like it's eight percent a woman saying this it's in the 60s now you see some places say 40 50 60 it's 67 some places we've seen all these numbers I have to hear them out right so the part where there's contradictions in the argument is why are you forcing women to have an abortion let them have the choice then why are you forcing me to take the vaccine this is when the contradictions exposes hypocrisy and there's leaks in the argument and an independent guy like me that's purely logical data driven that's just kind of like I want to hear both sides of the argument my mother was a communist my dad was an imperialist my entire life it was about debate I mean they really great dinner talk no no that's what I listened to one thought rich people were greedy the other one thought poor people were lazy this was the argument in my life that I had to listen to for 20 years so for me I want to hear both sides and I say you know what the guys that don't want to take the vaccine I think you have a valid point I totally respect it so I was my board and the investors one time they're like well Patrick we have to have were you on this I don't know if you were on this maybe immediately prior to me yeah because I know who you're talking we had this we had this board meeting and emergency board meeting we didn't talk to Patrick I'm the ceiling the chairman okay yes hey um what's your position on getting your guys to get vaccinated what do you mean are you going to get your guys vaccinated a lot of the guys are and some of them are not okay so are you thinking about sending somebody for these guys who take the vaccinations so what do you mean how about if we pay to send somebody to offices to get everybody vaccinated that's yeah it's not my style it's not what we started a company for well let me tell you what it is if you come into a Citigroup everybody's vaccinated if we're going to go meet with these investment bankers that are thinking about buying our company or visiting to our company you have to be vaccinated we can't go into the meeting so we use the technology that you and I don't like Zoom is what we use okay so we had these meetings with these people and said oh let me tell you this so okay we can only have the meeting there all right no problem uh for preferably I'm a face-to-face guy I want to sit with you and talk to you you know what I eventually did I mentioned made a video and I say guys some of you guys are going to like this video some of you guys are not going to like this video my recommendation to you all is the following if you're vaccinated Don't Force the other side or judge them if they're still going through the process of thinking about getting vaccinated if you are not vaccinated don't judge the other people that chose to get vaccinated if you're wondering where I'm at my wife and I and our kids are not yet vaccinated but my dad who is conservative like at the highest level like I'm talking like super conservative guy he's not only vaccinated he's got four boosters and my nanny who is not our Nanny anymore she's like a grandmother because she's been with us for 15 years like this woman whatever she wants everything's on me I take care of this lady she got vaccinated and she has all the boosters both of them do so it's not a dad why'd you do this it's dude what do you want to do salute this is what we're doing so the part about Tucker that you're talking about I think he tapped into an audience that was also relating to not wanting to be forced and they want a choice so I think there's a little bit of leaks in the argument of it's the right move to make to force people to take the vaccine that's all I'm saying I I you know as with a lot of issues I know a lot of people don't agree with me yeah and that's fine yeah I mean I I you know I I'm not I I you know this is one of you know it's interesting about why people get into journalism and um I I when I used to work at the New Yorker I I would um there was a very elaborate fact-checking process and the fact gestures tended to be young and kind of idealistic and and this scene often often happen would happen I'd write about a controversial thing and sometimes a fact Checker would say to me you know when your story comes out what do you think is going to happen and and they said you know what do you think is going to happen and and I said you know what's going to happen people will read it and they'll go hmm interesting and that's all that's fine I mean that's all I I wanted out of out of my journalism I am not someone who you know writes and goes on TV or writes books because I want to change the world I want to tell stories that are interesting that are thought provocative I have certain opinions I have an opinion about vaccines but you know other people disagree I'm not you know that's fine I might say this too though but I got to say this to you yeah we've never broke bread we've never had a conversation the first time you and I met was two hours ago correct right my experience with you of these two hours I've enjoyed my experience with you I have a respect for the fact that you can come here and you're respectful if I'm given a different side some things we agree on some things we disagree on your way of handling that is super respectful and I applaud you for that I got a lot of respect for people that can do that I think we need more of this because I think at the end of the day you know who won on today's show not you not me the people that are watching this right they get to sit there and say he made a good point they get to sit there and say I disagree they get to Pat I agree I disagree I they get to do that part that's all we can do simple as that a great conversation hey if you enjoyed this short Club you want to watch the whole thing click over here but if you want to make 2023 the beginning of the greatest years of your life I host a conference once year it's called The Vault conference where 3 000 CEOs executive entrepreneurs from around the world come together to strategize for three and a half days this year it's going to be at Miami Diplomat Resort and the speakers this year is going to be Tom Brady he'll be they'll be interviewing a Mike Tyson we'll get Dara the guy that ran 11 Madison in New York if you run a business if you're a CEO entrepreneur and executive this is not an event you want to miss out on get yourself your spouse your business partner your running mates registered and I look forward to seeing you there click on the link here or see the link in the description and I hope to spend three and a half days with you in Miami in August and September take care everybody thank you
Channel: Valuetainment
Views: 527,693
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Keywords: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur Motivation, Entrepreneur Advice, Startup Entrepreneurs, valuetainment, patrick bet david, Valuetainment Media, Patrick Bet-David Valuetainment, you, sound, ridiculous, ex, cnn, reporter, calls, tucker, carlson, shameful
Id: 2wpqpgas59g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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