Ȯ̷̘Ỉ̸̞!̵͔̔!̸̠͘!̶͇̀「Ultimate Chicken Horse 🐔🐴」

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we're all beautiful I love it yeah yeah walking front walk in front of eating at him hello everybody we're here we're playing ultimate chicken horse and then we're gonna be playing Odyssey with not as many people who do we have here though oh I wonder let's introduce them one by one here first off is is V and the one who looks like they're cowering for their life I'm scared you can call me scared and then we and then we got mr. chicken mr. chicken how are you doing you got it you got a nice haircut you want to tell me a little bit about that haircut yeah it's a very avant-garde chicken not cuisine yeah it's a mohawk it's a chicken that's all you need to know and I can do this with you oh very nice very nice classroom we can eat you ate it Shh all right and good and good old our squirrel friend Jay emoji tell me how are you feeling about your chances of winning a game today well I have headphones now and I'm gonna be listening to my music I got my game on I'm ready also put your hands in your head this is really good song really gets me motivated I'm gonna win today good to know good to know you said that last time and then well look what do we don't talk about last time I keep a party keep it on party dude I like I like what viens got going on wait I need to show the eyes you guys Franco that's what I was gonna say yeah that's it looks like it's so chill yeah I love it alright I'm on vacation I like it but let's go somewhere let's go somewhere or tropical worm yeah okay waterfall beautiful my home my home country yeah you know I feel I feel yeah the tropical warm immediately goes to iceberg yeah perfect never got appear even still no Oh beans gonna freeze I guess he has a shirt on now so it's at least better than it was before he's fine he's fine I'm a little bit more prepared now yeah yeah do it up those looks like a crazy there we go I make it easier for you yeah vino like we all look like we're ready to go on vacation and I'm like on the airplane with my headphones on I don't know about gab he's just doing it he's like the edgy kid that like didn't want to come on the trip but we've made him come anyway how much dude bets I'm gonna die to those spikes I don't want to go see the Titanic okay I know personally I would agree I to my heart will go first I did yeah give someone with the paper bling that's such an honest question okay can I kill someone with this thing how sharp does this need to need to be folded door school how do I make an airplane lethal how much you bet there's a youtube channel for that leap of faith didn't work how do you die Jay no but actually here was there a trap emotional strikes oh it's really a stressful time for me I went to change my playlist but I wasn't paying attention phones are dead Millennials am i right god anyway hey Thank You Kirby D for the $2 or the $1.99 ultimate meme horse do we have anyone you know who would be the horse yet do we have a horse yeah sorry I took too long in the door no no I tried to say careful is it it's going alright do it don't touch my buddy don't touch it what are you doing to my body there goes I would flip if Ian's dead corpse fire speedrun Pb Pb jeez Mia get dessert the finish line at least once no promises Gigi needs to be stopped all right all right here please Dumbledore I got a pop them jay-j yes oh yeah go for a haircut there Wow submit let the speedrun calm my gosh roses are red violets are blue well that brought me to tears oh that's beautiful in my mohawk is purple it should have been down yeah let's see wait if I if I use the elephant wow well what do I know how to use do I know how do I Drive this thing go I'm on a wall well I'm pressure pressure any close I feel native okay it's something I look ridiculous wait let me see you see you know I think it's actually like you know eighties music yeah so we have the workout routine stuff physical just picture me on rollerblades the whole time with like two hoops in the air diz are they called hoops who wouldn't be okay I guess it's an elephant dude how scary would that be if elephants made like clapping noises as they walked something that does actually nothing by itself what that the thing that I just placed is it is completely useless right now this one oh yeah yeah yeah I mean I media rotates okay but you can actually go on it right yeah pick this oh okay it's fine Evan jump to that first thing okay well it worked for me I just did what for it there we go I don't know about you guys but my objective is not to get to the finish line is to prevent you guys from getting there it works for me imagine a bunch of elephants with hooves stampeding imagine the sound I would make well it'd be a lot of well a lot of clapping I guess would we live in a world where cars are measured by elephant power instead of how many elephants is that new charger you got there twelve elephants do I think they pop the trunk Oh oh my goodness do we do we have something I don't think if I went down to my general my general automotive it was like guys I have the greatest idea fairly certain I'd be kicked out police escort we have something oh right I'm supposed to be thinking about how brilliant look at that rotating L right there say well I'm sorry text BM is the best metaphor this game chees for is is for us I can't actually see what's behind gabs Mohawk that's the point this you're right your brothers you're blocking something go put this that's right I'm just gonna keep putting stuff on the spawn a buildin shower [Music] [Music] I can't wait just bomb some dodongos up to nations my boy you're doing good you're doing good no I don't like this Wow yeah I've never seen it only think that look at the fly you have today how much really a fine pink elephant yes my childhood oh the cannon I got the cannon the cannon the bomb way yes oh yeah the gun thing yeah oh that's gonna hurt my brain wait yeah don't okay just give a little bit of support some legs to stand on I feel that oh yeah that makes more sense I'm gonna just take a shower right here if you guys don't mind squash the elephant is so cute well and then they were chewing and there was clean oh well they're not dyes no stupidest things for Brittany but a papa Oh achievement that luck getting the hang of it game I just want the viewers to know that this is not supposed to be a running joke I'm actually this bad at this game actually not won a game it's a good running joke you know you guys can believe that me playing bad as a joke that's fine gab you don't want to play oh I'll go with you the 50 I love your little mystic Gator ah a little be a little mohawk headbang [Laughter] art core rock chicken it's the Kitab imagine being it like a really heavy metal rock concert and this is a chicken with the purple mohawk just like running down I'll be awesome that's got it pretty well that could be Metallica car oh my goodness we can get ads right oh goodness no you know if I wasn't so fat what's up day join your friend me I'll give you the little sheep kick no don't do that it's right here that's the worst way to go buy a sheep order yeah I got a bad case of the sheet cake yesterday oh oh don't know let that block the it doe let this be an icy trial can you make it nice try oh you don't even go okay well we never lose him wait if you stand behind me I get thought at the Mohawk how many teleporters already bout to have go to rush it dude oh that's gonna start turning bad this is gonna be interesting [Laughter] easy baited yes yes yes yes he's getting too close Oh No are you did you plan against me with this like what wait wait that teleporter Oh God good luck do this let's see you get to hear silent locket oh we really uh oh oh yeah put I'm not sure I'm not sure oh you know what no why oh my god it was all part of the plan that was my teleporter that's why I'm mad I'm oh I see what you're doing mm-hmm I'm winning this no are you say only the elephant was up for the tusks oh my god up my elephants to press now look how you made them feel okay guess who's about to win this John oh no yeah oh I got caught by the trash wait no what what oh you're going for the post oh boy I think J wins ladies and gentlemen they've done it day two today it's a new era the domination of this squirrel he's done it made kindly bow to me thank you very much I appreciate it I always knew this day would come I got a mohawk out right here can I get him oh man victory is actually not as sweet as I thought it was I don't really feel any different to be honest please - people cheer not cheating not cheating hold on hold on I know what why was it no I don't know adorable dancing me old dance appear it was the bird the bird reboots and it's because of this small chicken he needs his own mohawk wait wait if the elephant gets said does he get said to try and place the block on like something else you get killed by this thing is a dangerous no no okay that is a oh we don't get sad I'm writing this note only oh god what sec one sec what oh yes he'll make it out was able to get over it okay oh yeah ready to wave goodbye shut up chat hold on Jay can you say that again do you give me another Cowabunga dude your hand up in the air with your pinky and thumb out and shaking it back and forth kept us waiting forever bubble oh you know I bees I'd be okay if this entire scream just became as a spongebob like a spongebob be okay with it I endorse that we give no original commentary all we do is quote spongebob how am I supposed to eat my pizza without my drink I'm sorry roommates everyday I'm gonna just run for it ya know obesity someone in chat y'all okay no I'm dead clearly obese and surfer surfer Mickey Mouse somebody in the chat reference all the way around all the way around oh right right hey oh thank you there's no way I can do this Bell there is no actual wagon I just didn't think an elephant could run this fast I didn't either prejudice is a lot of crazy stuff in this game dude we've seen what I was cozy and robopong I was racin elephant and a bird yep hi everyone guys okay take this l I will talk you are gonna take the selling lights moving anymore I love this group of chat that we have moving good chat uh-oh oh he's done oh yeah our gear are okay we're just zooming my connection area working is my keyboard working okay my keyboard is working but not my mouse I've seen that huh no I felt forward to the trap I hate that thing oh yeah yeah yeah oh go go Jay with the style why is my mouse not working dude I don't know it always working again never mind all right cool don't do that Stevie glitch out before it's such a stupid placement for what were you doing there via yeah he's waiting dude he's waiting for the right moment to strike personal you know that is personal I don't appreciate this well I mean it is a competitive game so you know what I need like a straight path as an elephant I don't want anything to get my way I swear one of these days we're going to get rid of this single climb and we were going to no one is going to be able to complete this level all the musics all happy I love it that begins now by the way the the removing of this wall let's see oh a door oh God might as well get rid of the airplanes I can't write it because I'm an elephant this is pointless ruyan it's fine I'm being repaired so careful of that can opener that pinwheel has taken more lives than I expected oh no sorry well goodbye it's been a pleasure playing with you all via just gave up and except this is how I go I'll go dancing for sure what coin this coin here I did followed by GG with the trap nice this yeah what are you doing up there what what what Batman that's breaking rules that's out of bounds excuse me I have to check your profile of your tree tonight okay I'm still we actually get up there oh my god being okay job be in you got there way under the melt is being dead oh no when I ain't gonna get gonna die or gone [Music] altogether network of your death it's great Oh sad elephant nice little family photo we had there all right you got a test you got a C wait what what J how could you get up there I think of the game you're not allowed to do that hello PC master-race dude you can even bill up there I don't know J we have to inspect your client like my client is perfectly healthy thank you he does not need any medical attention I'm screwed oh yes no wait yes yes sign that wave literally just maybe no yes no man don't get the coin it's not worth it get the coin it's worth it no oh that was it that's why I needed three turns left hmm three turns left chat is still making a consistent amount of Spongebob references very good no need to worry about them there we go just blew up yes yes Oh Jay you and me buddy to the ground a letter to Mars by the car send me off try it oh my goodness I hope you die by accident let's pass over that mass grave right there oh well just felt like this could be you dude one small step for man one large leap for sheep kind are we gonna have a sudden dead leaf a volts makes it no he's not gonna make it is please really every car Wow Novi and that doesn't work if that doesn't get him - come on is trash talking I can hear it it's yours my friend I refuse chat the chat was impressivee I refused oh my goodness they just want a free car died somehow get that second no I could have gone first right into their hand you can I win two in a row no but I can try I just immediately realized oh oh you guys are gonna hate me so much well I mean we are ever what's that what's that one good okay like you said we already do not know is it good of course not why would you say that I mean nice and beautiful ah go for the last second snipe I didn't even see what happened but oh I fell for the trap well good round good round good round boys [Laughter] really angry as those banging in my my not my who's on the floor last turn I almost clicked on viens bird hat as an item let's do oh my god okay here we go big money here comes all the big money [Music] and that's how we're doing boat last turn mail boat redemption top 10 anime redemption stories at Phil beware Gigi gab Anna what some say that paper airplanes still in space orbiting around as we speak yep with a little tiny pilot in it any mail on that jungle temple people hashtag pray for Jeremy did this space on my hair does it smell good I can't have 100 percent can't have a 100 percent how the garage okay on me were rigged Oh shaggy ultimate hack horse ultimate chicken hacks what is it dad I don't worry about what determines like when the elephant gets sad oh me IRL no I'm a chicken you could probably fly a little bit although you're not Hawk adds a lot of drag my bird is gonna me fly he'll carry me Andrew kazooie style me oh yeah only you got this oh no there is no bottom yeah you dance at the dance party well my friends are dead might as well dance mood you can tell by the lighting but I was really depressed chickens are flightless birds are you all fully insanity wait I can't see a thing what am I gonna be able to play as the angry Scottish flower like that's my favorite character dude what am I gonna be able to play it so I put some glue on that boy are we yes honey okay class project I'm excited arts and crafts I'm dead well that worked out and so are you no all right yeah I've got a decision you're gonna die by a spike sorry all right like pork stuck to the the met the mesh or whatever you could jump off my corpse wow that's awful yeah geez bein I'm just going into detail with the games you know sure okay I mean look depressed all of it right you know how are you solid a zit okay I'm gonna just handicap my pathway so I can do this easily were you going being you put that so much house somewhere in the world someone was having a nice nap and all of a sudden just a block want to put the Scottish flour in some dudes house they just died like in a horrible way it's is like that that that that it once I could go to washroom open up the door in the toilet is the flour uh don't have to go anymore I feel okay about this I'm that guy that brought headphones [Music] 0:07 grace someone really hates me in their home though yeah it's like all one dude okay finally did you okay cuckoo cuckoo honey honey honey like honey babe honey baby please okay there we go you got this being chata to chat Veon iral ving i roles followed by i hate you' Vian mom dad I love you too mama that's it that's over parrot oh that's that's my little okay be gone I'm gonna pay for that joke haystack needle in a haystack oh no I got denied by the saw yes I like my mohawk into parties beautiful it's like flowing through the air like you're the same load as before yeah blow up your bum no don't do it I can't read you down there what would happen I'm gonna blow up whatever you blow it like right after all right all right no no it'll be too rude you know what this guy little B three Akkad to one no too much feels bad man yeah their screams are so long but the fall isn't that far that this is like you can't hear the screams over the rave music the song frankly is it not let's see our Scottish friend needs to go what did you just wait Kelton all this gun you killed my only friend God what I mean I think you said friend and it like why I was gonna eat them so it's don't get too close to gaps I'm just angry okay no winners might have made this a bit too hard now photosynthesis everyone should get points when no one wins yeah yeah yeah this needs to go to difficult you all get points for trying there's a little motivation for everyone those arrows will make this interesting shoot more than I want hour okay who's the funny guy this like six like this guy who did OD arrows yeah really wish it wasn't me though I'm the funny guy who killed you don't worry about it I'm dirty Dan I get home oh my God we're never gonna know what he wanted to do get dunked by the by the level there I mean explosion maybe I can make this work maybe I can get the propeller to launch me to the screen guarded by this saw over here I'll put this here oh but the devil issue you like fully devilish ASIMO he was thinking that too how can I leave this in in a in a clever way oh no oh my god okay I got the achievement wheel my vision oh my god I don't know what it is but I think it has to be with dying Oh portals my buddy I missed you so much my friend oh my god Oconee wait why is this club where we go onto the balcony again looks like you two are having like a private outing Milo we are no okay he's gonna levitate I guess well well light through on yonder window breaks live flue and kill me oh I love this game let me tell you how much I love this game he wins one round look at him complete 180 I'm proud of that word with you what okay it's not even a real bird I'm talking himself bird what do you want well I want a I want a flower you don't get it why do you always say what I don't want you to say like you're not real all right bomb we go with where am i oh oh oh oh yeah it was just like sup you want to go first oh hey there don't ya step on me it makes you wonder I'm thinking about you my buddy huh I missed you join me old western loves him ok it's very serious he abuses me a lot wow I love him anyway I'm gonna give him water he'll like that oh my god here dude he's sick constantly squirting whoa boy no that makes him more confident questionable oh god no no oh those are spies yep that is a lot being done here yeah I don't know the game just pity me and like spun me look no ties it hi oh let's go I'm in line first ones at the end yep oh wait yeah you're gonna die yeah I respond though how do what do i do do it oh okay you actually come back when you die oh oh no wow with the execution of a surgeon my gosh all I had to do was get by those nasty nasty Scottish things it's really bad you don't want to take the stream out of context yeah Scottish thing it was like not install a percentage of the viewer base yeah if you're Scottish and watching this video and your are offended by this leave a like just so I know just so I know there's a lot of people no way okay prefer being naked with the bird on my head I think don't take anything in this stream out of context it isn't do facecam folks I'm gonna put this here is useless as it is can you survive out no webcam streams no webcam content is the best thing cuz you really could just be in anything or not I actually have a beard on my head think about that really okay this bird has a tuxedo on the bird where's the pea - yeah I don't want to don't wear pants well me nananananana I thought explode I'm like he didn't get it gracefully floated over to where it came from all right hands up how many of you guys have recorded without wearing anything just straight up nothing you won't know if my hand nothing nothing nothing nothing never never I will also say never to that I would admit to that and most people know that I would but I have not III Genda the furthest I'd gone it was like five oh no way no way J first I gone was like dude in the summer I did like five streams in just boxers and I was like this is why I'm never turning on a webcam again Oh Cletus Oh Cletus I missed you so much weird you want to go boy oh the flower name I'm like is that response you blamed him Cletus yeah do you name everything Cletus J Cletus since I've known you [Laughter] wait a minute Oh [Laughter] oh my goodness oh my goodness note to self go into okay okay oh they all dead you sound like the Piranha Plants from Mario Kart Double Dash specific callback I just miss Cletus that's all I'm also I'm also allergic to his pollen ya discount coin here only 30% off where am I what was that voice so good for that kind of a mapping wake up buddy down here you want join me really comfy how you doing down there a lot of that they do what they do free a few puncture treatment down there really how about that Wow well vien doesn't look very relaxed right don't talk to me I'm meditating [Laughter] I can see another color now when did you let me just take this Oh a time I've made that joke today good and put that okay how about two doors the doors I don't think so and water it's gonna be a wet Boulder gonna be a West plain that's an old on angry Boulder imagine you go to purchase something and you give the coins together my own trap wow I just love this acupuncture I've always wanted you acupuncture with you gab I have never you know had the curse to tell you feeling pretty good let's go wait a minute I didn't do the final destination moment that you just like Jay you still alive yeah dude I won by not doing anything and there we go is why I don't play this game when we're not stream which is probably a bad idea I keep learning to get good alright see Oh more flying things you got in me I had a good idea up until step number two okay I'm gonna put this here this is where my acupuncture happens we're just making a gang of like paper airplane evil paper airplane throwing robot well I need some hey they're two doors right just so sad when they crumble up oh great all the coin is the same face I didn't even see that oh no sad and then happy yeah I know but a sigh huh oh oh you can a portal over yeah okay yeah you're so good at this game I'm just playing to save game we make these fun cool things I destroy them okay ultimate chicken horse is not meant to be funny what do you mean time running out descending Jay does anything on the right pin get up buddy we got it Oh God come get me I'll throw my tail down just grab it you go I'm so bad at this game I hate this tell me about it oh are you dancing in there yeah yeah chicken baby this image describes my life do this for the for the sake of vents we directly know I don't know about that you can't be disrespectful who understand if I take his it does he know that he loves Thais yo he's got a mochi hoodie a black tie and his way up I want to go here what am i doing like V in V and you're disrespecting Ed's right now that's fine that's fine I'm not gonna say what kind of hat that is I'm gonna offend at least two people like this it's a crown you mean finally the Royal Family's like oh how dare he Joan Jett is not liking you going the royal family if you're watching one match don't worry I'll win I'll win France that's they'll be proud if I lose then you guys can hate me how's that save you know if you don't win you're not coming back on the next one yeah you look so amazing I just thank you this deserves like a suspension like it like it like a sport like suspension yeah it's take a while to pick hello would you like you even go there what's up Uganda would you like Uganda would you like to buy skills we would you like to buy away actually messed this up yeah there was no way to do this you literally built three stepping stones for me to get up there and I'm still managed to there there some there yeah oh he's learning he's learning I can just do that I can't do that okay hold on I have a plan ready oh my god yeah there we go okay I was gonna say like get the way up like I know what I'd like now I think there's a way out it's called be portal in the black hole 10 questions Science Kid still candidate where should we put our sign questions still can't answer is it a concoction or is it a Democrat Yeah right here there you go no oh you can't have to put on top you don't make it it's gonna be a bad yeah it still doesn't look oh I'm good hey I feel you dude yo now you're now yeah I'm like heavy feel my mark in your face yes by the way Jay it's your boy well aren't you cool I just follow the pay anyway don't encourage him good job guys good round my entire chat feed is just feel that saying to easy quick hey almost looks like a boy Veon you need to stop this this ident on too far it's your boy hey I think that's the entire pond of his of his intro right I always wondered mmm pretty sure though that's the concept oh there we go now you have every not okay team place it was important it was frets did you oh oh wait okay nice jump yeah it's not even a trap it's just glue and there's a good team player I'm using toe controls all this head motion whoo I don't know how that would work okay gab I wasn't thinking about that you can't have okay just in case oh gosh ash biggest difference Ed's is actually good at this game God that's why I got you good Hey that's why we'll do good well yeah wait a minute you're not oh yeah no oh my god yeah kid wait a minute he's a chicken with overalls on a farm he obviously has the uphill you guys all wait for that we all did let's see how come you can keep Billy out there I don't know dude like all this what is the emotion of the raccoon right now can't talk he's sad a little uncertain about how he angry sad am i adopted whoa okay whew controversial books oh jeez I pull of the thinking oh my god dog about this he's just so he's so glorious with his crown that raccoon this oh my God look at that together as I pondered about a food with wings chase the underdog now now's the time for you that's a first [Laughter] what's the opposite and over dog what's enough now not and much what are you okay dude I don't know quiet and that's the first thing you said Wow nice trap I'm so proud of this trap that I made really works mmm actually my line oh hello oh yeah what well what what the comic loves couch what's it say I got a see rod if I come close well zoom in yeah I think a yeah it's like a really intense anime Jumeirah Genesis no being being a closer and there's a it's like there the drawing board of how ultimate chicken oars became like the lake there's a sheep didn't work it's just like part of the Arg oh don't go out there dangerous why are you guys doing it that wall nothing oh great now I got to climb up the just scratching I so you get two hours in the face I'm working on it now we're here know you will I won't lie I asked you guys to come down so that way make it back up oh my god Jay I'm sorry did I not mention a video game god check out this dub my god I can't even win when I win that was impressive though that was impressive I'll give you thank you thank you that's the only time you're ever gonna see an over performance by myself oh he also likes this one oh my god oh wait is that Benny cap and spinning it's blue Oh adorable what else what else oh say just spinning caps you get the colorful one you only make sense and this oh yes I'm so here dynamic oh wow yeah you're gliding yeah I'm like each I flipped okay well one sec well a little bit more okay this'll lied okay I'm carrying a lot of stuff I might on my body right now have you ever done this with a tutu on ID okay what what what beans actually flying metal play ever picked my maths because you win like it doesn't even matter oh wow Vianne you are hooked up right now dude thank you that's my body when I did it well dressed whatever that is thank you thank you is that actually a wall on the left or no it's not a wall I'm the bunny Charlotte I think can I jump off of it though if you jump too high what is this I did ah ba ba I love that song yeah me too Oh a join us fill boot now or not what about two umbrellas Wow what even are you right now don't come up here okay join us in the abyss GG's like the ultimate strategy they may have one but I am still alive I love the chickens like cold stare [Laughter] everyone died just according to plan all my friends are dead like friends what friends one of these please oh wait so we got no points even after all that yeah all thanks to me at least it was a good mean thanks man a good chuckle oh this is gonna be interesting names knuckle unlike sonic I got umbrella I'd rather okay oh this is gonna be uh wanted to kill me before I finish singing that song games like nope beans for you hey tutu little dirty cleaning oh yeah there we go it's I'm clean now you're like a hot you ballerina and it's beautiful well robot I don't even know what you are I'm not sure either I'm actually the umbrella all the rest is a lie the robot well Mary Poppins I love the little pushing plank we have yep that door is doing work right now clearly I want a door that has like an arm attached to it like that oh yeah that'd be kind of cool flower what was his name again penis Cleatus news yeah look up J doesn't you know you that the look of this girl one smile has House Heights a thousand tears sort of take care of him get you better take good care of them wait a moment put them on that no it has to be on the glue oh that's okay okay people who just like brushes up against him oh there's Vienna I like this one I like this oh no hello goodbye boy it is not gonna be good this one hello buddy Oh gonna hit me again I'll ride to say I can do this if you had punch you and then you landed on the goal I would have given you the win this is my hurt buddy but I'll get you there real talk it's not a real win it's not a real win unless you get hit on to it by the flower yeah not counting these unless you hear huh yeah yeah put something in front of him younger poets like oh good boy like a year you have to stand on that gear and get pitched by him but then there's a door and everything it's gotta make it work wish I can do that make it work don't go come on we're due does it blob is new so new to this game and yet better than all was what does the a button do Oh win Oh hold a to actually win all right here y'all ready no wait wait - run - rawr - ah no that way oh I'm dead oh okay Oh Gabe you get your shot right now oh yeah do you win without the flower Oh what is happening oh my god dude oh my god here's your spiked friend oh no gab I'll give him a hat it's my duty to feed him oh yeah spikes yes he's on a diet all right diet yeah before he was eating paper planes and like crossbows but I'm putting him on a specific you know song-ah paper planes and crossbows yeah cool to me cheeky horse parity yeah I could see that you shouldn't be allowed to just recycle your turn like that no actually died and it just came back gracefully we need to make like an auto playing stage but you know it'll just automatically take you to the goal flowers punching you yes yo can we do can we try like the creative mode I just put a bunch of cletus's just you know what I'm down yes yes Cletus covered for you buddy make it like a domino effect look at how happy he is even though he's being I got wins this one balls of spikes yeah alright Cletus round oh yeah yeah it's gonna be beautiful I cannot wait for this I guess we'll go to like I don't even know where is a good place to somewhere long I guess no waterfall rooftop waterfall waterfall yeah I guess you got to make the entire climb creative god battle-ready chicken crane would like to watch your broadcast okay alright how do we do this so much going on right now I think we have crashed oh good our Creator alright good round go again well yep yep ah alright let me just uh alt-tab out task manager so let's run that back real fast Oh music it's kind of soothing though you know it is wonderful music go to metal plant it is a flower made out of metal plant oh oh don't ever say that again yeah don't just don't do that Hey joining joining my game let me join joining way tonight game BAM how do you keep your outfit dyed you don't remember to keep my outfit oh I just did it did it fast why is the phone ringing what about a lot to see Odyssey is happening in like 20-30 minutes what fall they wait till I'm recording something you're like oh here's a good time what's it about I don't even they don't want to call you when you can answer it's the house phone so it's just miscellaneous number telemarketers Oh would you like to buy solar panels and like no way Oh Cletus Cletus where's yet oh only one oh you can only please one thing at a time we need to do is mr. mcann army up there wait no no don't end punch me next one we have to put he's in the waterfall ah yes I want to make like a line at the top so when we finally do get up there they'll just keep punching I don't know it punches away though wait one gotta go like right here or something Jay try and get like the next line up great ah I don't know the trajectory of this he could completely hit you backwards too depending on where land oh yeah where's all right I'll go first I mean or not oh no what down one I have post-traumatic ultimate chicken disorder oh you can actually pick them up and stuff Dara they're bullying him they're like holding them upside down by spot alright watch this watch him go what yeah yeah living yeah no go Jake watch this okay Krissi where he wouldn't cooperate so what if what if instead we just get a bunch of them in a line at the top let's all get nukes this round blow up as many as you can and the whole line oh that's true yeah this is the wrong place isn't it no I'm so bad just staying on them hell of a happy there human description is more Cletus put another one okay I'm gonna make this easy for us just so we can like get there Wow yeah that's not a Cletus wait a minute no wait a minute son where should I not should I make it alright fine I'll get it Cletus I'm gonna do this oh here we go oh I see the issue here I love the new Minecraft Update oh that's why they're ruthless yeah I'm gonna do the glade fetus run are you ready guys skip the first one but the second one no that'll be the best fly wait gap stop winning okay freakin game bro good for us wait wait wait cuz someone wait gap come up come over here come over here rushing Wiggles could you place a fan facing upwards double hook looks like a wave get about here get him out of here no it's like a car wash or something yeah that's what I was thinking oh oh this first one is the biggest challenge that's a BM oh oh oh I did something for a second there it's fine I'll fix that wait guys let me change that let me go first let me go first don't touch anything on the bottom row well that's what was wrong I just think it's one bomb that please don't bomb that being being please uh please but bond that one plank let me go first yes if this works if this works okay one slightly augments it oh it's so close right gab go for the touchdown these levitating demon plants do not play everytime it pans up but I see the top row again I'm just because I keep forgetting what it looks like oh no I copied it oh no wait oh wait fix this really move there yes oh yeah you go writing sit yeah okay hard work oh wait wait wait I mean know who you activate the flower [Music] nudge me over you can't get caught between two of them that's the problem you gotta fill in the gas yeah let me go first for the sake of making this name no only two rounds left was around here thinking I'm thinking we mix it up and we put like that wait wait wait let me go first let me go first No someone jump on the right side of that flower someone do it stay right there don't move okay I guess you're dead you know oh come on no the sea quiz one and then they were not on the sequence happy phone I got it I've been working on this all game this is my pet project you actually have like a transparent craft oh yeah kinda like this similar yeah I'm just gonna get rid of this okay nouvion put one like towards the end a little bit or like right there yeah oh my god that that'll definitely not work I gotta get up there alright feel ya know go my place go my place everyone take know mean you're up next Jake no Jake what are you doing Jake hey you've got to go suicide round to make it to the you gotta go okay Veon okay oh my dude one of my Lemmy on this first one oh no no no no the okay see the bottom two you land on the on the highest one on the right side of it okay do not move no no no there must be a way save it see the shara line what way what you resurrected oh yeah wait I'd like an audience of flowers yes don't get close hold on yeah did I save it I saved it oh so we can continue inhale oh my god yes let's go let's go oh I'm just so excited that I'm just like you know parallel I'm really happy that I'm near a cord I love cords that's okay in eight seconds it'll work top 10 anime saves Shh come on there we go will it bring us in correctly though No be right back [Music] Yo no lo back in I think I still have it saved it was too much Cletus for one game oh that was when to be creative you're right not free play maybe that's why all right game is hosted now I'm reading chat every so often not as much as usual because I have you know Co commentators goodness you alright my doing friends yeah let's see here local levels this guy set it to creative not free play well of hope cabs like Mohawk just changes colors really fast like a rainbow Mohawk get in here J we're gonna we're going to continue this hey hold on I'm coming Cletus heroes never die heroes never die crashed again oh my god I love this game one more try or is it trying to load like I don't think so I'm gonna try one more try I'm stuck III every every started that's why okay okay that's right last time can we get a spear bomb and chat could everyone just start spamming Cletus I'm sorry mods yes thank you just brace yourselves get your armor ready this fetus Army is coming ok joining Cletus Cletus we need the Cletus fear bump wait a minute is it possibly because we're not level wise so oh yeah maybe it's like conflicting yeah alright Jean just came yes Cletus fear bomb is is real yes it's beautiful [Music] yes yeah it's beautiful alright back boys oh gee what's that face it's I was gonna post it if we didn't have success but we did so it's kind of out of place now mm-hmm it worked all right Chad stop swimming swimming Cletus yeah I know it worked you guys okay go fans go all right hi oh here we go Oh perfect synergy here comes perfect sinners yes wait wait wait oh it's so close we need platform there yeah it's so close whoa that's a good place when we actually get punched by him we get stuck okay oh yeah okay what I'm gonna do I'm gonna add one more fan at the top all right more fan hmm maybe we need another what another Cletus to punch us when we're out there oh that's true right we're right at the top there you being punched alright alright alright here you go for the Cletus up top I'm gonna go I'm gonna do the platform all right likes me killer Cletus war I make this perfect here we go okay go fine go okay clean one okay here comes a - where are you getting these emojis oh here we go Oh timing has to be right yeah I like trigger the flower before he gets up there jump right before him we gotta replace the two blocks by one block I believe like jump right before he goes up that might do it whoopsie oh whoa wait a minute wait a minute side over great sorkin not over wait a minute where's like a pin I gotta get over there hold on oh no where are you perpetual motion don't look at my face and think I'm enjoying this what if we make a top row exactly above that so you can't go up too high oh god that flower was not the right place yeah move it one over here just put like a bunch of me yeah I'm gonna put a one block I'm gonna put a one block Oh clever usage of your often like upside down creases then we're not seeing unlike the top row see what I'm doing there if you add a bunch of them can make like oh just a tube no okay it's okay that's good next time next time Oh J oh wait wait being mean you you know what you know what and you know what it's all G yes yes no they already don't accept it here it comes yeah wait you don't want to see it anymore all right enough Cletus it's gonna take a long time to build this so it's not ones laying down right there's a problem this Cletus tunnel I've made is beautiful you guys should contribute to the Cletus time oh yeah oh that's one okay that's two big money have to follow wait a minute and onward oh my god dude I don't know it it's up it's up to fate now it's up to fate I think a warning JFK warning oh no I don't need to add anything else that was amazing dude yep just put a black hole in the middle of it wait what oh no we can put portals still work of it oh my god portals yeah but you get sucked up into the portal so it doesn't like it's perfect take me let's go I'm dead Oh God Oh God oh jeez here it is sound of its screaming terrified the way you're smiling at that's good thumbnail right there okay even jump yet I'm going for you anymore [Laughter] I feel so complete as a person right now yep sake we we can't get no better that with this game no no whatever how do you mean by total I'm making a fan it's just a bunch of flowers here but you just want to go bouncing back and forth that fan is a good idea I think easy pitch oh there's the pitch there's the windup yes yes my hair cutting with them don't think the Mohawk is purple is similar though my turn was almost complete seen a couple more it's the best game I think over here this is unnecessary is he gonna be able to go I want to go in there do you that's where the fun is yeah guy was taking the pathway one true path I'm gonna be the cameraman and follow his dead body bounced what am i doing I was having a bed I'm having a bad trip Oh God right here terrifying what if the flower hits you into that we actually I didn't even realize wait we have a portal yeah see you guys on the other side you can't lining up with me get in there you got no no too far away this is like not today he knows it would help me that's why now what if what if we block this off and you just are endlessly Oh God oh yes I like the idea that he can end leather so there's a there's a dream that you wore that oh gosh don't get caught in there where's the teleport yeah you have to take the sequence I'm dying anymore no the only way to get in is through the portal so I'm just gonna block it off wait oh my god you're right flowers only go to that meeting that is the wrong it's perfect put it in there Oh God Oh to the portal dies yeah what it's now graters portal oh I messed up oh I got it I got it oh wait whoopsie no get in the portal no you're good you're good Cletus hit me darn it oh is that BMI I'm coming camera camera man oh oh god I don't like this they're so mad there's so mad get out all right so punching let's say we actually try and win the last two round all right fine can I add weight oh no I don't know ooh oh don't you dare go out the box that's disrespect no go I want to go in the Cletus no I need to get in there dude oh god gal did you survive what oh no take the path tango Gabi or Jay you gotta go in and live yes no that's the that's the ultimate you got to make it in there and then somehow make it out the other hand laughter okay what should I go ahead don't think I abstained oh I will let I will let the tides take me yeah still not enough Cletus still AG tight Cletus that's weird that's not gonna screw it up is it no it's not okay oh that one's tired oh this is actually very stressful okay perfect I've never been up here before why we'll put that there hit me I was going do you know why I won because it's Cletus that's true you know Power Team power couple women this was you're all doing level alright guys we're gonna be switching on over to a super mario odyssey balloon race it's gonna be a little bit of a shuffle but we'll get to that in a second hey thank you you guys for joining a gap promote your channel go fast uh yeah well I do is fluent stuff and memes and see their protein stereotypes videos if you guys know so yeah if you're like splatoon content just watch my channel you get real gaming alright you guys don't pro your channels for a because you're still on for the next segment alright we're losing Gigi but we're gonna be going over to Super Mario a lot to see in just about a second here so you all for watching the alternate chicken or section and we'll be right back squirrel Wow recording off we are sound as a chameleon make colors
Channel: Failboat's Stream Storage
Views: 98,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ultimate Chicken Horse
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 28sec (5248 seconds)
Published: Tue May 01 2018
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