Viewer Battles are wacky「Smash Ultimate 🔥👊🔥」

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was i okay so hey everybody I'm looking at some of the means I made before I went to Magfest was I okay look at that lady's face tell me as the face of someone who's okay tell me the god of the person who made solid sneck who was a sane ok human because personally I'm not feeling I don't I don't feel the same kind of vibe as I once had back then it now feels even stupider Hawaiians remove the K in his name once I got pressed B I let's do a live stream everybody well where's my opening eros well good morning get a good afternoon viewers depending on your time zone and this is sailboats youtube welcome back everybody alright so III Minh streamed in like nine days I've been on like a little bit of a vacation I've been on a little bit of a break of January a beginning of January break and because of that I apologize I'm a little bit out of the streaming uh mentality I'm a little bit out of out of the loop so give me a little bit to uh to get back into the groove as they say as the cool kids set so what's gonna happen today uh we're gonna do battle arenas at least for now pretty much I just wanted like today is the most unorganized stream it's literally just I want to stream so I'm streaming I will say that tomorrow it's back y'all wanted baby the member streams are coming back starting tomorrow like I said to my multiple members I want to make sure I really treat my members well because if you guys don't remember who don't remember I mentioned that uh alright I used to have these we've never Oh thinking one second there I just have these weekly member streams however I got lazy and also to be fed to my own credit ultimate came out and that's sort of like I I was so mixed up I did not prep my schedule well enough to handle Ultimates release another way those battles are coming back or rather member streams are coming back now that like January is is here and things have calmed down a little bit so member streams are coming back tomorrow and then yeah so today I just wanted some viewer battles for now create arena and yep pretty much like I said to to my members before I want it I want January to be like I want to look if people are backing me as a membership thing and people are sponsoring and being a being you know like boats I want to give back to them a little bit I apologize I haven't done so as previous but uh now going forward I want to make sure you guys it's good to get the attention you deserve so that being said member streams coming tomorrow weekly anyway don't forget by the way by the way never streams even if you're not a member this you can still watch watching is free you don't you don't you really don't have to do anything to watch the content you yar yar being robbed of anything however if you want to check participating the polls and stuff you will have to become a member anyway we're moving on aa public one on one three stock bottom one leaves do I have any weird setup before uh choice will probably make that random battlefield okay yeah we'll just do this for now let's do uh someone Chet said gh ug I think they meant to write chug but now they have made the room named perfect what's this what Gulam on I been you know you know what you know what Gulam on I been don't you know the seventh President of Russia Eisenman leader probably all right uh also password we don't need a password here but we don't need a password going there we go uh sure could go gulaman I been obviously good luck typing that one gamers and then I have spirits a lot you know what you know what you know what what kind of content creator am i if I can't roll with the punches we're having a spirits on lobby I don't think I okay okay okay hold on hold on yeah okay hold on we're redoing this if we're if we're doing this if we are doing this oh my god I almost did 99 stock okay nope uh if we're doing this we're editing gamers only to be like for stocks just in case if this goes badly we will go back to normal ghe please all caps obviously if this goes if this is just the worst thing ever then yes we will go back to just normal paddles well why not let's just roll with it let's roll just do time now man stock is the way I roll all right perfect also I'm gonna be playing me fighters today or something I don't know chat first character see those family if you are seeing another character name of Chad don't bother typing you're too late character names go uh Kay role that's it frog got K role that's all you need giving give me the yellow one wait no no I need to spear I need spirits I need spirits perfect also everyone gets one game that way we can get as many people as possible [Music] perfect and then spirits and then God let's do it let's do the first person absolutely dirty let's do whoever IQ in first with absolutely filthy and go like my strongest spirit the worst combo um ain't even sport gotcha wolf a 3j high feel but I missed the stream so yeah - field Aloha I hope you miss Oh bears I hope human hope you made this one and they even smart PBZ 5000 you were late but I forgive you I apologize I was looking for a I was looking for something on - buddy - grabby like something like a link see that what you guys could click on in just become a member super easily because sometimes like apparently no also join in will this kind of spirit uh but yeah no um was I saying yeah so the membership thing uh YouTube's kind of dumb and it kind of hides how you become a member if you do want to become a member help support me in my content all you have to do is click on that little dollar sign a super chat button right next to the chat oh by the way Lobby code the lobby code for pee and people write and copy-paste this and chat to remember it for later D 1 J 4 J D 1 j 4j D 1 J 4 J amazing commentator J 4 J so are people gonna hop in the game okay there we go oh god you guys make your spirit god help us all don't be a bad guy oh you guys the way my lobbies work is I have three people max that way we can just rotate out one person at a time what am I doing this why am I doing this so all you have to do wait like oh I can't jump I can't leave the ground Isles of Scilly come here come here oh my god is so threatening it's so threatening come here Alomar I'm gonna send you all afar do you see the way oh okay so you know wait Lamar was like looking on the ledge you look terrified terrible god save us all I love spirits man oh okay we got stopped didn't do you give me one time I have 74 damage is that the situation I had oh my god okay understood the situation is now under control I may have to take back that sentence I just said I know I can't back air I cannot sure ugh I can't leave the ground this is not as fun as I was hoping it's he's so low marring oh no he's solar marring oh no my knees actually nevermind do the ultimate approach threat how can you get around this this absolutely unit let's kill no Kay I wonder if the hitbox is even coming out come here come here oh my god something came out geez do the Polar Bear sphere with curving just scipy it VOP noted Oh God unfortunately can't build new new things now did that just oh boy okay they just got one hit ko what is this Akira spirit this Akira spirit is too powerful that purple/pink mean experience experience so much whiplash that purple pigment is buff that purple pigment is rippling muscles oh my goodness been in the gym for a long time those protein shakes going hone to some good use this is definitely a strange world of light Street all right andrew is two to two let's do it I'm horrified it's he not using a spirit oh no he's going in blind I believe I have oh dude the up-arrow all mayor is actually good I can leave the group sure hoppin and uh pairing is what I need to do to leave the ground chat do you believe in him make your guests now also I was fighting it gets hot let me get to this platform above me there we go okay as play I was fighting against a key role online and they did this apparently like when you inhale on the gun you can actually go through the floor yeah that's so cool it's great little mix up well let me let me get to this platform I just took that mat dude all right this is my life I up air to jump God Phil what do you enjoy world away oh yeah no world I was fantastic try me the high power energy can you imagine every little molecule of testosterone in this crocodile at that moment scientists have been wondering for millennia how much testosterone they could fit into one single animal and goodness I think we found the limit oh god I wanted this see I wanted to see what happened I just did like 70 damage see I can't leave the ground but I also can't leave life try again sweetie try again sweetie oh that tickled good a new member coming through watching this tree bit supporter you do a special failure Alton chef because it's our cue and welcome roots nail to the fail fleek group one second there everybody oh well character share play and people are donating let me read that ah bro vest Thank You Sonic fast and punch dirt for the donations as well as Witter mind I don't mean to be a bother but would you mind check now again Colerain world it's everyone is telling me to play rain world I apologize I said I would buy almost like by people it's a cookie so I gotta do that like everyone told me to check out rain world and yet I have not it's on me for not doing so I should definitely do it I'm sorry for not having done so already close friends and like all online friends and like random viewers alike well everyone has told me to play this game I should really pick up on it alright reign world by the way it's the game that were talking about okay so Kirby what do I have oh jeez I have jump I forgot what I put on I was just sort of play I love God no it's okay good spike you did it yeah yeah you successfully managed to spike me top 10 characters who can go underneath battlefield and then underneath again they're looking for me what will happen again oh oh he's checking he's checking it's a fake out though it's just a fake out wait a minute no come here top ten Opie strategies that have not been recognized by the competitive community I can't control him it's return in the most oh the most vile fashion approach me it's a little bit closer buddy just a little bit closer it's a little bit closer I don't even need the stage baby we can play this game all day he's looking at I'm like you fool god I hate Super Smash Brothers so much oh geez alright alright alright what's up sheet alright mister I get anxiety pronouncing your name at any given opportunity on my family friendly content show we're doing this again he wants to fight it apparently he wants to fight the jump Kirby alright then why do you play it because only be honest with you gamers alright come here you can't escape me by error see especially sky so you've heard of circle camping that's too much I was actually bout to run out of jumps that a pair is powerful are they on a feeling oh geez they're Auto healing not a fan of that given that my dps is like to damage every three minutes not super a big fan of auto heal and so begins the longest game on my channels history oh my god hello this is going to go to time and we're each going to have like seven lives remaining out of the starting for you give it some time I just attack I forgot you get attention now campaign perhaps it's better like this just end me like this come here blop yo oh go down with you maybe I don't care that was epic oh my god famous shooter because you've been put to bed oh goodness wow wow wow wow bam bam ba-bam talk your fuzz started a voice Jackson out what's up dr. fuzz dude is this the strat now apparently not alright oh you got the key out you got the key out I'll hold dude I can't handle a like the rising neutral air dude dude dude attack cancel let me end with an attack cancel oh let's go advanced smash bros Tech no he knows look buddy I know you can heal but there's one thing you can't heal there's one thing that that spirit cannot heal and that is the emotional damage of a curb aside or however your site be key knowledge of your side we can take care of that never mind that's willing it aside be outplayed him with a hydrant hold on hydrant move too fast I couldn't catch it it was too fast for my old mortal eyes to understand that works sure Oh everybody come here buddy I have a plan for you no closer how do I get up he's trapped me Kirby you brought your own demise closer to you William where's proud face let me know what goodness yeah no I I did big not thing to death it's gonna work out I'm not gonna lie you do get my guy your game star fee all right uh goodbye to you and that were here uh character go chat flinch at sake it's a character huh go super squid said Corinne okay no more characters played Corrin like legitimately once Oh spirit do I have here impact run extra jump let's just go with like static expert jump it doesn't seem like it'll do a lot and who knows maybe that will be everything in this let's do it hello I had a jump one honors for you please let's play my reason to play a limiter that doesnt let you play any faster though like here's the food you guys are in for the stupid thing about lobbies you guys can only have one game I going at a time so I have more than three people in the lobby like no no I know what you're saying I know what you're saying you guys want to be able to hop in but like at the same time only one person is gonna be leaving at a time so like all they would do is give like five extra people a chance to get in early which they still wouldn't even be able to play you know what I mean like I trust me I know what you're saying and I wish I could provide you a better service however I'm just going with uh with what I'm what I'm able to find here okay yeah are that forward smash what's it good like really try and kill you with a Down air or something one how long before I like it run mm nope i I expended both double jumps at once okay understood don't mind me i'm lavend don't mind me i'm lavend we gotta figure this stuff out one okay let me do from up here let me do it from up here we got a lab here one two that's kinda what am i doing it's jump once jump here I should be able to make that debt bag if I have an extra jump in there I let's do it let's do it my boy my boy has lifesteal on here all the data I need has been acquired let's do it - play porn in this game there's French character because I don't insta pin got got nerfed come here buddy going let me steal your life god I wonder how potent that's actually gonna be that that like life steel I feel like what are you doing I know you trying to end my life don't want a lot of uh of men died myself I'm aware of the strats they're hunted for something the really special move hunted I'm not gonna lie get out of there let's go well okay I see remember I said I want to see how much dad that like life heal actually helps I don't think he's left 38% for the last like 38 minutes everybody yup and nobody goes right back down doesn't he well that's cool so hopped on the platform don't know how you I'm by me stop it is a much slower grind oh my goodness I'm also really not used to having like normal jumps back I'm in on it it's refreshing to see again so this is the power of healing like I like a little bit every every couple seconds you can go see at least in me I always underestimate how good a like one percent feel is like I was playing some Wii Fit trainer earlier um and man healing 1% is it that bad when you consider how often you're doing it over the course of a game like if you can constantly heal 1 to 2 percent over the course of a game like you're gonna do not that bad for yourself let's look over chat someone just a chunky chain chain chunga strain coming through oh and not pressing a hold on I'm just pressing beep I forgot that this moves takes a second input there we go yes much tougher to deal with would say be healing like 5% I keep on forgetting I have an extra chump I know that absolutely like the mean thing of this gimmick the mean gimmick of the Spirit build it's very off to me because like nothing else about this is weird it's just that I have an extra jump now I get at least pursue super high in the air but I don't have the skill to actually take them down all I do is ruin my see I'm gonna play current Corey i'ma play corn in like a month and be like man edge guarding with its characters way harder than any last thought it's almost like I had like seven jumps last time I played this character oh my god please Thank You Corey if I miss eledge I would be an unhappy customer don't cheer for him stop it you foolish crowd you do not know who's consul you're on I could end you at any time that's actually a lie I would never unplug my my smash bros game run up to me please all right we take that not the way I desired to try and take your life but I guess that works too please let me take one let's go let's do this so we got that frame perfect shield let's do this dude that force I did nothing to it all see that's the other thing I'm also doing no damage to him oh goodness good game my guy not you that's perfect there we go pop out there dr. fuzz we're gonna have dark anger coming up next I'm also like not using that spirit cop again like ever uh notes of Narwhal what do I have in here that's like actually fun I need more fun spirit combinations really badly in fact running drop is kind of fun but like let's go for slow again let's try that one more time Oh give me like I don't use any of these right now game to orphan sinner or Oh let me try Isabelle again the idea is super like Bob Dole of excuse me there gamer Jim we really want to hop in alright so incredibly buff unflinching full power Isabelle versus inkling who does not like the stage or has any desire to stay on it what spirits do they have that make them like afraid of the stage or afraid of me frankly I believe that one to come here I can't get them no you animal I know I'm being disrespected in the worst way my power is uncontestable but I can't reach him alright area oh yeah go out there [Music] give it support I will definitely read that in between these games give me a second I can't be grounded mom you can no longer tell me what to do baby Isabella's a grown up and out of the house you cannot ground me anymore mom you have no control over me I am a hashtag wild child out of here judge and said I need to show chance oh and some people don't know I'm not making them rich I just said but she birthed you and then one of those like colon slash emojis well you know chat when you put it like that you got me when you put it like that maybe you're right hashtag wild-child 20 guys tray on twitter release me well she'll be so happy when she does that god this game is gonna take you forever at least I'm finally being launched like the fishing rod still works fine is the thing like this gimmick is cool and all but the fishing rod is still fun take some of you a while to get to you but you're still within my range except now when you're literally no longer in my range I just can't leave this platform right here this gives me full access to the stage if I leave these platforms I can't go anywhere unless I can easily shoot him down The Clash of the Titans mm-hmm we're good we're still alive impact run come here impact runs striking again yes yes that nuclear is powerful get out of here please God it takes so much effort to deliver a single kill we're gonna get one more stock this game at max from him we have to end this talk now and then not lose another one this game is going to time let's go all of our boys wear those - dance and with a - dance when we wave - on him wait wait a minute wavedashing actually increases my speed substantially remail eight we may late we've dashing is the optimal form of transport it was prophesized seventeen years ago it has never been more relevant Happy New Year everybody 2019 is the rebirth of Mele and the way we never expected ha not fair let's go Oh kind of the big kind of fall into this that works too just stood there the advanced tech of stand there and wait play on your desk for a bit now I'm cool optimal punish good not get him let's go keep hopping it no dark ender why the Surefire believed that they will win oh no I don't have enough balloon power let's go I don't know we had the ability to bring that back but wait something I did don't think for the sport one second I'll read that off after this game yo actual edge guards hold on a minute they're giving me an opportunity this is the worst game I've ever played of smash bros this is substantially the worst game I've ever played she took oh my god hello guy tease jab lock by the way this is full um I'm not doing short hops this is full up I still can't reach up there God by the way do you see um Piranha Plants stats on Twitter my friend Mizzou me uh found out the the stats for a piranha plant Joker in the new DLC character brave although we don't know their name no but ten seconds ago they didn't even want to force it over time my favorite kill move spirits are busted turning jab into a full power fully-fledged kill move did you see that spike top ten sickest spikes in ultimate an absolute zero to death career-ending play Pawar's uh yet so never that again ever ever dark ender never that again ever okay let me just we have some days to go fast because I miss down on those leave of the support PVC doesn't play Kirby I have Arden thank you very much um that you croc in a rock I was the OL amar and that obliterate your key rule fear me oh I know you were thank for the support cookie crusher at three one five I am a level one cookie at level 100 to my to my boss thank you very much for the support thanks for again craw gotta rock read the donations yes I do I try and do it every every game between the games although if I don't I'm usually dismiss it out and I will in the future a new member coming through watching the stream it's supporting you to spam some fail haraldson chat cos it's our cue and welcome um a mana hey to the feel fleek pure I had the razor through a couple times in my head so one thing I do want to do like on ironically he's tried dark pits sometime in this live stream because that's a family I got really from the cares of the place let's do one last spirit battle and then like turn them off [Music] let's do like father Balter let's do like an actual like an actual column so I apologize okay I don't want to do jam cou dirty since shampoo actually managed to queue in the lobby after jam kou after the Battle of Jam kou we're gonna be resetting the lobby so if you guys try and join in after Jam kou you will not be able to play in the game you need to reset the room to turn them off yes I know that oh I have a gun I was not looking at the screen I kind of forgot about that here it is oh God drip up with the with the with the with the badge is actually scary rolling I'm bad I'm extraordinaire Lee trash there we go this a mirrored is a game feel like five times faster I've been released from the coil that was like like that that Apple speed spirit now the game is just going by neck-breaking speeds make a lobby for player 1 v 1 and stop the only optton surface patch it is to me I just wanna do one B once I do apologize but uh doubles are kind of fun I just prefer doing one humans it's most fun for me as a as a game let's go ended his life could be wrong let's go jinx yo cuz some people posed the idea ID for this lobby again in chat for the people who have not found it thank you very much dude this this legitimately feels light light like the ankle well you know that moment in Naruto and will Rock Lee just drops the training weights from atop the statue dude that's what it feels like for me right now I've taken them off finally I can move freely ow God the sword went through my face did be given to bane with the Bam Bam one day we bring the shoot oh good parry let's go finally I can move freely dude Naruto was the stuff man no I'll save you forgive my head I'm bad Naruto is this stuff are you talking all about Magfest I apologize I should do that I'll do that once the spear battles are over so yeah we're gonna kick out a G in 36 and then jam ku will be uh the last person of this lobby I'll make a new Lobby after this mattress was extremely fun I want to say very very very fun event like overall what should i do there's so many things I'll recap it after this I have to play jigs for a bit play don't see me stark scenes is very fun oh my lord that is a large older mark shoot him down shoot him down extra large truck be dodged it let's gonna see extra large target but oh oh my god this straight is not actually that bad come to me come for me I dare you come for me I dare you shoot him down Jigglypuff shoot him down I missed a Ledge old allege cram limit give her that that was almost tragic I can't believe you dodged it with the size thing I love when that happens that's happen to really three times so far I've seen it now three times in this game all right now it's back to fail but like actually snipe the red Pikmin orlimar old the precious life's closer to your body don't dangle them down where the Predators live see you pop just eat them up yummy yummy yummy another the Pikmin for the pile in my stomach good - Jen Bunney I know y'all wouldn't do family don't spike me don't top 10 things I desire for you to do to me very far down on that list is spike me to the point worth not even on it but this ah nothing cool whoa good fortable and by that I mean yeah terrible foretold because it didn't kill me uh I'm gonna show you what what killing means oh god never mind the sentence has been rewritten for me changes thank you I am always horrified I am going to ruin that consistently horrified that I will mess that up and number one look like the biggest little number to feel like the biggest fool number three actually be the biggest fool the three-part process to my elimination from the internet we oh gosh he tried to pick me pluck me sorry gamer just because I have a little flower on my head does not mean I am under your control I do see where Ola Mars methodology would be I'm fairly certain he's never seen anything quite like Jigglypuff he's seen like like the weird bulbous shrimp things that killed me at 70 now things anything anything like me yet not let him ever recover okay yeah okay if he never recovers you will never kill me if all we do is just push him off the stage and never let him back then I will forever live the methodology is completely unbreakable it's unsayable come here gamer rollin thank you thank you and never recover boomers freak that I fit that is going to kill me at 18 well yes my simple logic didn't go very far because again or maybe it wasn't valuable cuz he recovered in just kill me belike see ya we're done with the spirit stir today just gonna be for a little bit bang out of lobby making a new Lobby no spirits Cree arena change this strategy back gamers only change that back to a federally stops save save why then spirits ah perfect please make sure come back or what is the underdog spirits isn't isn't still a thing all right what am I making this Lobby well one of my name in this Lobby ploy as Isabel well I guess ploy looks like the perfect thing to call this lobby boy I'm looking at shine to see what the first thing I see is then hit the name of the lobby perfect I'm gonna place a character i want to play for a little bit chat oh let's do hmmm let's try a little bit above of my newfound main right now I'm loving me sword fighter if I'm being real with you guys also by the way arena code is OS w72 someone copy and paste that chapter later 404 later on 0 SW 72 perfect home opera he'll freak okay sure make ghoul or to meet no no right now alright let's a he says let's ago as he comes out it's perfect alright so let me just like let my brain adjust for a second so we don't have spirits on it's a normal game of Super Smash Brothers for the Nintendo switch no D normal physics normal expectations normal custom special moves that might don't like fold meet sword fighter has on which make the character into like one of my favorites of all time I did you know what my biggest Pepe Pepe Eve is when the lag eats an input like lag look you guys remember that is that old YouTube copy pasta I'm okay when there's lag on a video I'm okay when there's ads on a video but when the ads on the video lag that's when I'm out it's something or something like that and legitimate thought I'd hire job um plenty spirits does not condition me well for actual combat yet like I'm okay with lag I'm okay with fighting tough enemies but when I miss button inputs because of the lag when I'm fighting a tough enemy and then the game says oh you're off stage and you press jump but you didn't press jump when the game said you could that's what I'm not okay with it that's when it gets a little bit frustrating cuz it's like if I'm lying I'm lying you know I can understand it sure whatever it happens next but like if I'm there and I'm offstage and I very specifically press jump and then upbeat and then I only upbeat and I don't make it to the stage that's when I get irritated I have run off the stage cause I was reading chat okay I'm scared that game is gonna ruin my day one day it's getting awfully close oh by the way I didn't tell you guys um so first all two things one survive Magfest and number two owl number three uh Wow is that Magfest I was doing some more classic mode and I got uh I didn't do any new ones because I want to save that all for a live stream but um I was able to inkling up to nine point nine difficulty or nine point nine intensity acquired I think I forget but yeah what was I gonna say wasn't gonna say Magfest right so what is Magfest a lot of people were asking me this Magfest is the music and game convention hosted in Maryland right by DC washington DC is my first time going there the music and game convention as you could probably expect from a music and game convention there is a lot of both music and video games see I've been to PAX East before I've been to PAX East like seven times I'm going this year again if you guys are going to PAX East please be sure to let me know I'd love to do a meet-up um but uh you know uh first time going back best and I went with my roommate Roca and she has been to Magfest a couple times before pretty much Magfest is if you guys have ever been to a game con it's it's very much like that it's very game Connie you know like lots of crowds there's there's like one meme that if one person shout to everyone else starts to shout it uh there is a bunch of like side areas you can go to that are like that you can listen to from from various people there are other various site areas that are just like you know here's a bunch of old games there's an expo out like like area like you know it's something you come to expect from like a normal convention except this one of course within the title you'd come to expect it'll be pretty commonplace but music the music and game convention in baby they weren't kidding like at first I wasn't too sold on the idea of a music event it it just hold on one second there buddy um it didn't immediately register with me as like how it would be it would be like the cool main focus because I've never seen him music to be the focus of a games convention before it's always been like you know it on the side or there's a there's a like a band playing or like like Saturday night here's a big music orchestra playing The Legend of Zelda sounds like blah blah blah blah so I've seen like a couple things but I never expected it to be like I couldn't imagine how it would fit into the main stage so to speak how it would rival the video games portion of a games conference or Games Festival but dude it's how does it rival games by being everywhere sorry if I'm losing my pulling a little bit I was trying to juggle a couple thoughts at once there but pretty much how do you rival games at a games convention you just got to be everywhere there's always music there it's not like coming from a speaker or anything people are just always playing music they call it they call it just people jamming images you know what's called did me to turn that just some sort of weird term people are just jamming out in the hallway like having a good time playing whatever music they feel like um there's a bunch of this is thing called a jam clinic which is a more organized room where people can just go into and all read from collectives sheet music and people can make requests like it was so enjoyable he liked the first hour of the con the violent my first experience with this con was hanging out in this jam clinic and listening them to them playing music it was really cool is I recognize every song there's persona music there was Kirby music there's DK music there was uh Pokemon music like they were just going through a bunch of songs and I knew every single one I was so enchanting I never go to places like these in know every song it was also like a lot of luck because of course you know they have Metroid on the list they have you know fire emblem on the list which are gains I'm unfamiliar with but it was just so cool seeing although all those musical performances all in one place with such great talented people just having a fun time I think the best way to describe it is if you go to pax east you expect more of a presentation it's like hanging out with your cool friend who brings you to like the nice fancy restaurant the food is gonna be good the atmosphere is gonna be nice you expect some higher-end food laya it's more of a showy presentation kind of a thing and then you go to Matt fest and it's like it's like it's like the local sandwich shop you know the guy behind the counter like I like the people in the restaurant are are friendly and fun to talk to like that's the kind of environment it's like there I hope that analogy doesn't fall flat on people because I'm trying to create a decent enough analogy that works with people almost a terrible aback it's in canoes for me but yeah I know you like you can go up at any time and just like play instruments it's it was just so much fun and actually one of the most fun times of my life was on Sunday night the last night or sorry Saturday night the last night I was there for it that caught the car I was just hanging out with a bunch of people I like never met before like I knew two people out of this group out of eleven and we all end up becoming friends over the night we were just playing music cleaning simply well I mean I wasn't playing I was I was dancing around with two rubber chickens but like it was a group of like five or six people just playing their instruments and I was just sitting back there and I was all right now standing up with everyone else I was just dancing I was just having a super fun time I got it man it was just like it was such a fun simply in enjoyably fun event nothing was too crazy about it nothing was too overcomplicated it was just people having a fun time with a bunch of great music listening in and dancing I was loving it anyway that's that that's my bookstore at Magfest I know a lot of people were were were just randomly sort of jumping out during that during that explanation but the same time I want to explain for you guys because it was a very fun part of my life I don't want to leave that on the set oh yeah well we'll stick with that maybe the support big Slayer tendon Oh spotted hyena BR hey yo love your content keep it up thank you very much for coming down here supporting my content even oh good bit for fertility IB appreciate that thank you very much oh and thank you werehog of time wish I knew you're at Magfest uh went there was fun oh no way that's awesome yeah I hope you enjoyed like Mac Fez was an absolutely incredible time and I will just say if you guys do want to keep up with where I'm going and all that good stuff I usually train like whatever go into a con and I want people to know Oh try and go out of my way to really let people know like I'll let you all let you guys know when I'm doing live streams I'll let you guys know what Italy in the community posts uh twitter at fillable 103 old I'll be tweeting it out there like if you guys are going to a con that I'm at and you guys want to know where I'm at or you guys want to meet me or anything like that um I will always tweet that stuff out or I'll say like hey I'm hanging out in the music area or I'll be like hey I want to do a meet-up you know if you guys are at Magfest let me know and we can schedule something out like just let me know on Twitter twitter is like the easiest place to contact me without all that stuff discord I won't check good lady I don't check this score when I'm out of college when I'm at home I very rarely check this score by I go I go through all my messages you'll feel boat I'm a slide museums once PAX East gets close oh definitely like PAX East is going to be such a fun time hands up a chat if you guys have been to PAX East before and give a green emoticon if you're going to this PAX East I know that's a slightly weird kind of a code I've just given you guys but uh yeah if you're going to this PAX East keep a green emoticon and if you've been to PAX East before then just uh put your hand up a check it's an extremely fun event what is PAX East oh not for like a month or so I'd say Li like two to three months more leaning on the side of three months if I'm not mistaken I have to double check April I think it's made I believe it's in May if I if I if I think it over in my head may sounds the most right all right so let me do it let me do you guys a favor real fast what's that favor gonna be I'm gonna focus on this video game for a second cuz I'm fighting this Ike and I'm realizing the more I go on the I don't think I can win if I just keep on autopilot talking cuz it's like he's doing a decent job here now how would I analyze his game he's his attacker he's giving me with a lot of attacks so far he has not hit me with any big fatal grabs yet most all of his attacks have just been from just grabbing just just just hitting me with Lou the landing aerials as such what does that mean I shield more that's my immediate strategy wait till he hits me wait till he hits my shield and prep to punish him optimize my combos with more Schiele in mind if they grab that's all I need to know now the mix-up is complete they're mixed up game is a little bit more interesting now roll out no I was looking roll out rolling rolling this time there we go there we go put on some marks for damage oh oh I'm actually more okay with that Union you guys would probably think I am more okay than that with that thing you guys would probably think that's fine by me cuz now even though that was an unfortunate situation I've gone from losing the game to tying it up here I would have liked to have kept that stock it's okay if I don't oh I need to back up a little bit I really want to recharge my seat don't forget if you're playing as inkling and you're out of ink don't need to panic charging to charging your ink takes a long time and you don't always want to do it when someone's like right next to you plus you're going for a BM or something running away and just like refueling for like a second is enough for you to get some more power just enough for you to get enough tools back in your arsenal to get them off of you let's go let's go I don't look I looked don't forget though your aerials and throws do not take up ink so if you're out of ink don't forget to try and get people off you with a couple short hops in a couple aerials let's see so room for attacks not gonna kill yet this boys still hunted for attacks whoa I'm friends I got me did not think it would be that fast huh give me an opportunity for oh no what a giant challenge it with down there oh that is the war smash habit I have whatever I'm above so I'm like mmm I think the best option here would be down there instead of just like jumping away and trying to get back to a safe area that's the biggest fault of mine good luck though good luck good job Nick comma 64 so how do you refill ink when you have half a tank hold shield and press beat up all that one second there kick boys uh whoa Oh its second there gamer uh let me show let me shift up my character here let's do so it just has plenty of ice climbers you know I've been just for you gotcha Covered uh see the sport still foliar Hollyer I hope I can play your stream always so fun thank you very much I appreciate the sport Oh super let in a second here perfect also by the way when I was at Magfest oh god what else would I do it max I see oh there was a big arcade area I did that I did okay okay before we start beaming about Magfest or talking about Magfest what on earth is an ice climber this is potentially my first time playing ice climbers I think I'm dying like once before I hate to say I don't know I feel like the plate ice climbers optimally you have to know how to view thing maybe that's just me it feels weird it's so weird to see ice climbers in this game it's just been so long Wow like that collided like it's all like I haven't I haven't played any ice climbers in in my local area so it's also like a little bit of that too I think I remember some general like ways to save Nana if things are going super south I love see here's the thing I love about ice climbers sick aerials like I adore what the ice climbers bring to the table in form of aerials that Nair is very nice that bear is great that back air is entrancing they just got some cool tools that I'll pair is so good I'll do my best so PO also know what we don't know whether it's better to do a soap of recovery with upbeat or if it's better to just air dodge upwards I'd imagine it's better than air dodge i might be insane i would have they ever thought of having ice climbers on is an individual character i mean i'm super glad that it that they're a duo kind of a thing it's very fun what if this out margon ouija ended up if the worlds were reversed and all weird like if Mario and Luigi we're like this kind of a duo what a strange world that would be a horrifying world that would be I don't want to see that combination frankly I'm okay with ice climbers at least for now I don't want to D I don't want to see a D synced Mario and Luigi destroying me in bracket thank you I'm more than content with what I got here yeah here I power up his so power from what I seems cuz I don't have to think about new lips I pressed aside week I knew it I knew what jinx myself if I start talking about it but like I had should person neutral be a while approaching the station set a mess up come here yeah I don't have to think about like like the the calculations Indiana I know it's really just an extra character and it makes all my moves more powerful that's just my immediate thought I feel like I can do a decent Sopo all I'm saying you can kick the ice back and down noted I wonder how much Nana acts on her own in this game if she attacks randomly or if she it really is just bound to you I should like Oh see there's so many characters in this game I just have no knowledge on because I don't fight them all the time like I don't think I'm filing a single ice climber online yet it's so weird I fight so many characters none of them are ice I've fought like five in the last like three games on online don't ask me how that works but I can't I can't find a single ice climber who's doing D sinks and some crazy stuff I swear man what are the ice climbers is gonna take over the world what's preventing Popo and Nana from just becoming like gods like there D sinks are insane I keep on seeing lately Twitter clips of their like crazy D sinks when lately when are we going to see that happening like a major when are we gonna see that happening like a major big tornado when when Nana Popo just like take over the world it's going to happen it's gotta we're going to see it I just don't know when it will happen I'll see good games my guy what days you I mean I went all days I went for all days I won't leave I'm feeling a little bit of Sunday but I did technically go alright next let's do we think all y'all Wii Fit is cool grief it is so much fun when you get some water flour killer here we go how much on your live stream I have stuff to do I might not be able to I want to join in we have stuff to do in ten minutes yeah I'm for it would God's name is that cheese OB I'd know uh you're more than welcome to try and join him I know that these lobbies get built up very fast i I often people like one hop in so often oh I'm sorry I'm still trying to process the nightmare that's in front of me I'm really scared um it's not even a joke I'm actually horrified please stop existing like approximately now and they're usually anime voice OH the weird squeaky voice well at least they did fill up a little bit more in that time engine small chippy engine wow you don't do too much follow me after that after that fire kick also brawler sucks maybe just me but I don't know like I played I've been trying to make the Me's work I have a sick gunner I'm pretty much meaning sword fighter I'm just saying I don't see in brawler I think brawler is cool and maybe they have some potential maybe it won't age well and yeah that stephan1 age bell and they'll actually become like incredibly buffed up and powerful in the future there we go but I don't know right now I'm just not seeing it good fight excuse me weak the trainer is a monster to talk about I'll weep it trainers like the best character in this game like I want to mess around with its character so much more this seems so strange such a strange character lingo they have a good uh pair in my opinion they got like two projectiles like four different kinds of spikes they have smash minato but there's such a cool character let me try them a little more today the Bam Bam Bam Bam but a bit about them if it's pork belly uh failure once again oh I believe you have now corrected your name actually see your failure fake friends just like that low killer let's do it what Sarina ID check could you guys help that boy out cuz I'm please post your Lina ID let's do it let's do it flow killer Donald advanced approach rats keep on messing it up I want to take a look an extra second and then III Dolan oh my ball help me futures just weird I want to try and get a fair spike I gotta know if it exists it's like Santa Claus to me right now strange kid it's a strange comparison I know I'll give you the kill I'll give you the kill flow killer UK UK buddy I'll give you that one no ok well that unfairly I'm gonna give you two apparently you get a bonus one not going down there there's a Gordo down there to Gordo's if you know what I mean where well people are saying is that the stream is lagging ah refresh I think yo Chad say the word potato if the if you guys can hear me stream should be fine but I I see what you guys are saying ya know people are saying the word potato alright stream if stream is working good to know salute the Sun there we go yup a little bit more yup a little bit more do we are on the verge of 10% healing I love slow deep breathing it's my favorite joke in this game just like the biggest breath that the lad can take perfect Deluxe healing boys I cannot be killed I'm gonna run myself all the way back to 0% I know that one single side B has put me back at well you're like 50% that's all okay but Oh we'll still got me that is not dead still okay how rough no I missed it Oh let's go let's go let's stretch those legs baby stretch those legs and stretch their body out along the blast zone thank you very much for your participation I next person cut congestion yer okay or gadget you get today is the word I ready the gadget jr. yeah yeah sure gingy flow killer hope you see it the sponsor stream dry one second there we go I gotta make sure I kick people there we go by the way if you guys hop in don't forget it let me be the one to press the start button that way I can I can kick people as needed thing but they do I'm excited for uh more video games tomorrow because I want to play some more of Paper Mario because like we got to do that we still got to do all Paper Mario like I forget how far um I know this is like when I keep on saying every time it's just like guys we got a finished paper zero D I'm trying to make her say something I was trying to like combined what she says into something like legs like she can see let's get a good and then like I want to make her say one other words to create a sentence god this character is interesting there's so like accidental EBM this character so accidentally disrespectful let's stretch our legs hi we got that full breath we got that full breath completely unnecessary about full power breath coming here I want to show you the power of breathing it's worn out never mind there we go perfect so here come here please don't hit me okay I wonder if there's some proper like air stall tech you can do with this like I really do want to experiment this character this gear just fun Wii Fit trainer is that perfect breed of just like strange threatening character the perfect example of like a character that really gets like slept on like like no one considers his character good but then they can also like heal themselves and potentially kill early and they don't have them as range unfortunately but they have like a strong projectile paranoia I just personally this character has some potential for combat has potential to to do some good I would like to see more wreck from this character one day maybe this is me with the bad opinions but uh I feel like this character could do some serious work if only I could catch this Kirby then maybe we could start gamer plays salute the Sun I love just like stare down to any weed like a super strong movies coming out of nowhere couldn't sue the Sun we can get oh alright next up my wonderful chat I have a question for you what should be the game I play after this like what should be the game I play after this one give me some ideas Katamari dude I would actually adore playing Katamari me topia I'm also down for I'm not gonna lie you you said it and I gotta think it I have not played any Katamari since that first livestream and I really want to do so Paul let me please this game and then and then all then all I then I'll try and pull the chat some more it's right now I'm playing like the big dummy running offstage like that come at me let's go frog I tried I tried to parry it let's go see I for a while still thought power shielding was still called our pairing was still called power shielding I just saw those people being dumb and just calling it parrying I was forget that that goes to the platform now right nope probably not the best idea to just start charging right there thank you here's what we're gonna do stop down area for a second hit him that way cuz we've a trainer oh you know he just bounced off the platform yo cover jump though with that one on the with a volleyball right there that's not too bad I like that a lot I like that a fair bit frog running at me here gamer there running straight into me I'm more than pleased to greet them let's do it come here quick breathe get full power I wonder if that powers up my salute the Sun or if it's just my what what was I hit box why did he go nowhere we've been trainer explain yourself please please I ask of you explain yourself come over here it's a bait never trust that by the way if you see a Wii Fit trainer just doing the slow version super far away from you they want you to run at them so they can just roll out of the way or not I don't know I don't really play Wii Fit I'm just gonna guess cuz you can roll out of it and I feel a lot of people don't think that you can roll out of it people think I'm just committed to the move I'm watching you what I'm doing that move I'm watching you I'm trying to see how you respond to it then maybe it's just a check chase I don't know let's do it like okay if we're not surprised me if this character do that I have too many combos like I know that I'm there I know Nair is supposedly a very good Wii Fit trainer combo tool I'm a little scared to see it that egg away so that does not surprise me if they do not have many combos especially ones I would be easy to adapt into a learn to come horrified let's horrified now you're dead okay I'm looking by the way check if you guys are still suggesting games don't not right now I promise it's not being read despite me not talking I promise this because I'm focusing there are times I read the chat is not right now oh let's go eat me though okay I did just read the chat but no it's um let's go Evie maybe we'll do a pole line make them afraid make them afraid make them afraid throw them off that stage let's go I wish this small oh so that the Sun healed like a little bit there's like half a percent but maybe that'd be busted I think about it this strategy alone has already netted me a good bit of healing look at this I'm down for like 130 I hear like 15% meanwhile I'm also damaging a lot well there they knew they knew they knew they heard me talking about it I my stuff hold on let's go know all them healing them all that healing though I'm not missing let's go okay Oh interesting go all the way through I wonder where that stops I love just like oh I just love to quickly like platform jump chair that's it good game let's go my guy one 32.4 an anagram there we go oh yeah I'm okay with Katamari I'm okay with whatever under here oh it's been a month since the last episode gender Hiro is kind of not in my okay you guys want to know when the next under hero episode comes out once I finish another RPG that I currently have on my list right now I have like me topia I have Pokemon I have Paper Mario I'm currently playing through Xenoblade and persona in my off time under he wrote happened at the wrong time I need more time to like have to myself earth I need more time to finish rpgs to get to get to that one once I have like less RPGs on my docket then I'll be like okay let's take a look at it let's take a look at what's RPGs together lately take a long time to finish sometimes which definitely I will let you guys know a series that takes ten episodes is way more likely to get finished in a series that takes fifty episodes you know what I mean like if it takes fifty episodes really complete something it probably will not get at get finished compared to something that will just like we won't be like done in like five ten episodes and yes I'm aware me taupe is very long however meet OPI also like genuinely enjoy with all my heart and want to play it at like every opportunity like have no fear me Toby oh isn't gonna be going away I will finish me Toby on one day I will be done with me topia I know it's a very long game but what can I say that game just gives me so much joy I have a strong desire just to see where that game goes it's also an extremely fun game for me to just play with you guys is very hard for me to put down that game let's get a good one pop inkling let me show you how to stretch your legs real fast hit the ink noise I'll show you stretch your legs mere cross-age with me come on stage with me [Music] quick bit closer a little more try again stretch okay I might be fishing a little bit that's okay they're an aquatic bass life-form I don't feel too bad about it also who needs combos when you just do like back air to down throw and do 30 damage that's like twice of what she can do after a for children for fairs rip she I feel so bad for sheep man fun character tremendous damage output socks in this game talk about characters I'd never see online all baby I have not seen as chic player ever because no one wants to commit no one wants to do it no one wants to learn what pain is no one wants to really experience pain like that yikes it's just a super unfortunate situation coming let's go I'll get better with those soccer ball Snipes out be able I can't find the link to sponsor help I broke in a camper nu-uh if you want to drop a sponsorship you should be able to do so via the the super chat button instead of clicking on super chat just click on join on YouTube gaming the join button I play it son of Sheik I'm trying to learn Sheik I feel bad for you guys I'm sorry I would like to get bodied by a sheik and be proved wrong like if a sheik wants to destroy me I am perfectly fine with saying oh okay no sheiks not a bad character I just haven't seen it yet also hold on one second there I did not have my opportunity to press Y to kick Cara once again please allow me to pass on that being said let's do it let's see what I'm dealing with here let's see what kind of character I'm working with here I do not believe I will be able to do anything but surely Oh No it's even worse playing she gives you input lag ready move move that's the kind of look ready I'll put this thing up to the up to the controller ready well I mean I got hit I didn't even move that time I literally like just let it eat my movement input oh no my first experience of chic is akin to that of playing on like a laggy TV I can't even jump oh okay okay let me see let me see I just sit down please don't recover oh all that we're cover new rule no upbeats for this game haha funny wacky twists on a clever Smash Bros game it's called please don't come back oh because I'm not having any chance to as well I did hear that the gritty was better in this game that's your who from it could be like a random Lucario mean but they sitting on the internet so it's probably okay I'm going to throw up this feels so gross like playing a character that I'm unfamiliar with when that requires more like finesse movements with input let all with input lag where the it was just some buds get removed okay okay that's all right come here crocodile at the end of the day we're both experiencing this pain I'm experiencing it in droves more damaged than you are but we are all experiencing the same delay if anything is just a more even playing field now it's not actually terrible logic so can she kill I know one smash for she had the inability to do so but can she kill in this game because I know when me sword fighter would kill and me sorta fighters aa pair would be able to kill by now thank you they listened with that alright come here that's gonna come for me let's go through all armor put out a little bits of damage here and there so I guess it's just about overwhelming someone is she really just stacking up like a bunch of like two percent damage moves until eventually you can take a kill I don't know I think it could be fun I mean if I could move that seems like a pretty good step to having fun with a character I'll sort of bouncing fish is a good kill move all where are they going she's worth Meta Knight I could believe that but I also don't see what you mean cuz midnight I in my opinion doesn't really kill him the same with it she does maybe they have a similar movement style but I don't compare her someone that's not midnight before midnight I wandered down there so badly I had to do everything in my power to not down there in that situation I love just throwing out down there because all my Downers are that a play on characters are just super stupid like say for whatever I don't have to worry about them this one I'm like oh that's right cuz when she just crashes back down to earth no I'm not letting you get that free kill [Music] even if my inputs do not come out I'm not letting you get that for kill down throw the bouncing fish okay probably forward throw probably they were afraid to forms up I mean he is also had a one hundred sixty seven percent oh let's do top the top okay no okay okay I know I was super high up there but at least I got the kill at least kills happen with this character oh okay so you know what I'm also really happy with about the about the online with this game if you spectate a game it doesn't like it doesn't force your poor internet on the on the competing players look if you are watching a game on the Wii U and you were like you didn't for the next game or whatever and you had to leave run off the stage before the game started in order to actually watch it you would then if you had a horrible internet connection bring down the rest of the players with your internet connection even if it wasn't horrible just adding extra internet connections made the game a little bit slower he's going for some cheese so I do like how if your internet sucks like it's still okay normally I would not care a defensive play style is completely valid one what all I wish for you is their dad it's a little hard for me too a little hard for me to endorse this let's go potential please don't kill me if this goes to time I really don't want to take any longer than he needs Jill Jill she was taking her sweet time to activate that shields all I'm saying let's go oh my god I think in the same job I'm going to scream kelp ow the crown I'll pull the him with it I don't care go high we're cover high exact what I wanted jump oh my god I was literally just standing that I did - I did - jump air affairs I did nothing she just stood there good good she just stood there I had to do it like I need you a second one more fur to actually have it oh my god timing done and done good game - the internet connection was not as good I should be doing homework ran don't stop the stream do your homework alright I won't exercise - let me just see alright there we go there we go pray for good internet connection name is error playing a lil Mac was like 1 pixels to divide the two teeth up there okay here we go okay connection feels okay there's a there's like a teensy bit of input lag but after what I just played like it is the most acceptable thing in this entire universe you could tell me that cheese came from Wales and I would what am I going with it I'm trying to say things that would be impossible to accept they normally already said yeah you could tell my cheese came from Wales and that would be what this game is like on it on the acceptable scale you can tell where the joke is that you could you could tell where my mentality was that sweet chilli what person was at least sixty goodness little max is scary like people say that a little neck is the worst character in this game I can't see it I think he's not amazing but I feel he's just so threatening maybe once you learn how to play him it's like okay this little magnet is all you do is she'll grab I mean he'll say he has some bad traits don't get me wrong I'm not saying the character isn't flawed I'm just saying like man if you catch your skill if he catches you slipping like a good little mac who's studies at trying to trip you up how is that not like the most scary thing this game harm iron is an attack armor I wasn't on his attacks a better recovery than in Smash for a move that can kill you at 0% if you get to confirm Jersey sucks but like [Music] I'm just saying I just can't see them as the worst I can see them as bad once again you got me yeah I do indeed see them as bad see they're going for this Slipknot discounters guy great oh my god what was that angle I tried you're gay my guy a good little mac please like the game like a punch-out hard yeah hard counters mine games not a rush down character if you're doing a rush down little Mac it could work as a mix-up but you really gotta play a more bait on each style the issue is of course he has no projectiles so you know he can't really hold up the defensive part of that too well that's some of where you know where he lacks who does feel don't mean uh I have no real meaning right now and smash where I mean mu2 I do like I I still do Oh mu2 because he's a very fun character but I also played me sword fighter Jigglypuff is now super good in this game so I'm playing a lot more Jigglypuff well I have a bunch of characters that I would consider myself good with and currently not one true man I'd say I put the most time I'm also very good but inkling like in my opinion at least um or at least by my standards like mu2 I would say is the closest to a true mean although at the same time like these sword fighters also I think right now the closest I am is I am dual maining uh me sword fighter in YouTube I do not have one that's that that's more significant I port more time into the lab as me too in this game but I also feel more comfortable with sword fighter in this game so it's a little weird that's how this will work okay that's not in my favor also hey new member wrote a new member coming through watching the stream and supporting it to span some feel haraldson chef Achatz it's our cue and welcome uh creeper constable to the family after you're already a sponsor maybe was a twitch thing I'm unaware sport once again Daniel does not the interaction that you want to be happy oh my god hello I'm scared so bouncing fish how do I get this moved like be good for me I guess I just know about the spacing that imagines the movies in free I guess you got to focus a little bit more and just like aiming it making sure it lands correctly shoot him out of the skies get him a sheet but she needs a fun cares I gotta admit and after playing these games ya know the damage output isn't amazing like I'm doing not so bad for a character that isn't my play style anti care drive just overall unfamiliar with so they gotta have something going for them once you borrowed that one yeah I guess you just got Spacey right yeah yeah yeah with that so close I do like how you can also see the needles a lot clearer in this game it's helpful to know let's go we're making it happen I love Crouch walking so much out well same-same I'm coming for you look out Luigi now I just oh my god I got beat it I got true baited I tried to intercept them let's go use DK oh I'm not sure yeah all right let's see but you'll see me dismantle I don't know any good Sheik combo I imagine they must have some pretty good landing stuff like laning there seems like really good I'm horrified of that not gonna lie once the Fox went away or is is a huge a me a good spot there the rollaway Louise come here we'd come here Louie hey you with one there that's too damaged down Oh out of a potential like 17 all right let's go 46% we can work with this bounce fish come on bouncing fish come on bouncing fish please hit him bouncing fish I want this to work between us bouncing fish I really want this to be a nice healthy relationship never mind I guess I used down air and I couldn't jump from it I have so many spoiled down airs I haven't learned the hard down airs good game my guy you'll feel they'll teach you the catwalk I'll go so Pete you all right no more people after the person after pork laser the person after pork laser will be the last person and because we're getting little bit lower on our viewers I do want to save my next meet will be a thing until almost leave me Toby until either Friday or Saturday laughs excuse me thank you oh god Pete read it out I want to save me topia until Friday or Saturday oh my God we're both using the same skin let's do it so how does one play Pete you so I am not played like any of Pichu myself they're a weird character the definition of the glass can darken tape powerful light very weak weak it was right brother justice is very light because no they aren't really that weak but what I understand like oh my god they are she got me for what I understand their damage output isn't too bad especially when you factor in simple combos and stuff like I'm aware that they can also get stuff like um I hate to do die no one liked down air to all or down tilt to down air like I know they that exists they have like probably one of the best recoveries in the game let's go fake rest they got some of the cutest crawls actually adorable oh that's a B is like a shield breaker back air is a kill move like they might be like pretty much the latest character in the game but dude like it's like the whole self damaging thing really doesn't even affect them in my opinion for how much the output and way of damage and just other like than what their strengths are otherwise like I can see why they're so like crazily valued as a character right now whether it's so hilariously respecting so much lightning so much lightning also good song no I wanted it to report lasers also the other they are just darling what's like I didn't mention it but they're also super small the character is just impossible to hit I also might be terrible at their recovery I tried to go up and then to the top left it denied a pushing out you Gigi Gigi pork laser alright last match would be versus ender if you join after if you join after ender then you will be unable to join this game I mean you can join the lobby technically but you will not be playing all right since we're doing the last game we're gonna do um we're gonna do that's game we're gonna do it we're gonna do my character oh right sorry oh sure you will not be able to play today however tomorrow during the viewer battles help out of doing member battles tomorrow maybe maybe I'm not sure yet probably I haven't decided upon tomorrow's schedule so I wanna I wanna I want to mess around with it a little bit alright last game of the day ender using uh this is Larry I forget what that all the Koopalings are I know Wendy obviously and Roy was always my Koopaling of choice let's see what we're dealing with here also yeah Bowser jr. sucks there okay I still feel there not as bad as some people say Wow no I just don't think they're really that good there okay again I'll say that they are okay well so hey thanks for the support it's a rather new member coming through watching the stream and supporting it to spam some failure with each other because it is our cue and welcome seal six fourth or fifth league crew become a member and participate in chat by the way uh don't forget if you guys become a member be sure to link your discord settings up with your YouTube account and then join the fail boat server so that way a bot will give you the UM or that way fail bots will give you the oh my god hello proper rank and permissions you need to join the lifeboat friendly room and add me and add your friend code to the list of ones that are gonna be added to my main account sorry I said a little bit extra complicated like the but sometimes my brain does not work as I wish that was definitely one way to get out of her over a while did not expect that [Music] you're a little too fast y'all were a little too fast they wanted to go for it they wanted it desperately also it's really stupid about about Bowser jr. but yeah oh no I didn't get it wait oh the best save oh yeah no if you hit Bowser Jr's clown car they take less damage but if you hit their head they think more damaging I forget if it works for a knock-back - but it yeah it's stupid I mean I get it yeah all this hang on here don't worry about it that ball is actually is actually now very threatening oh yeah also I play league against one of my first Jigglypuff's online earlier today playing against the G coupe up is horrifying I like never done it I never play against tricky stuff even though I'm a good Benji but me for so long I never play against real gloves I now understand what how horrifying this character can be here it was so weird to see like another Jigglypuff I'm like oh I get it that's how horrifying this character is well good game is my guy oh we're gonna be search on over 200 what does one do if they don't have the lifeboat role in discord yet ensure that your um discord settings are have your YouTube account linked that's probably the best way um contact a moderator if you are a sponsor contact the moderator they can help walk you through it yeah no we're gonna be gone over to katamari you re-roll or kind of Maradona seat over your roll what state to do that Oh btob will be coming Friday or Saturday one of those two days I might not even stream on Friday because new game coming out actually I might survive Friday because the new games coming out then by the way don't forget there's gonna be with a new game coming out this Thursday to Friday Oh @midnight I'm gonna be streaming and doing a midnight livestream covering the new Mario Bros game should be exciting alright but uh yeah I'll see you guys in three to five minutes with good old Katamari Damacy reroll BAM oh my goodness my throat needs water like now I forgot
Channel: Failboat's Stream Storage
Views: 37,094
Rating: 4.6855345 out of 5
Keywords: Smash Ultimate, Failboat, Viewer Battles
Id: eyg1TLWgriU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 37sec (6817 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 13 2019
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