NYAN PUGS!! | Drawing Your Comments

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[Music] everyone down here welcome back to another video where today I'm back you're with the magic pen because today I'm gonna be drawing some more of your Auslan comments taken from the previous videos so let's get to the first one and the first comment is from a bill cipher says draw a pug with your face on it with a chocolate bar let's do this now as you guys know I'm terrible at drawing pugs so what I'm gonna do is draw the pug and then draw the Pug with like a mask of my face on I think that would be the best way to do is if we start off with a pug face like there says one ear there's another ear oh they're they're not even cut then we need to go ahead and draw a big fat pug face it doesn't matter too much what this looks like because obviously we're gonna cover it with a mask so I'm gonna leave that like that for now and then we need to add a body I think I'm gonna do him jumping towards the camera so the so that you can hold the chocolate pour his hand one arm this way there we go one arm this way there we go that's not too bad and then one leg this way and now I kind of wish I did the head a little bit bigger but hey we'll deal with it for now and we need to do the other leg like out here and then we'll have a big old tail in the middle oh dear I tried fixing it I made that bigger now looks like he's got too big of a head but anyway we're gonna go ahead and do a big curly tail just like that and that should fit oh that doesn't like a tail does it it looks like a snail but if we move it a little bit here and then it raised the lines there we go that could be a lot worse now what do I need to do next I need through the Dan mask so I need to know how much of the Pug I need to draw so we need a picture my face now I'm gonna be boring and pick the one I used in the beginning so let's flip it around this way which means my fringe looks a little bit weird on the other side if we do this I've had an idea I've had an idea what we're gonna do is cut out the eye holes like this and oh my goodness this is gonna look like I'm gonna like Dan herobrine oh my goodness this is gonna look really weird but hopefully it will look awesome when we take this I as well there we go and he's gonna wear it like a face mask like a proper mask so I guess that means we should also take out the mouth as well oh my goodness look how creepy that is that's so weird okay so the mask is done so if I just move that to actually let's just keep it there and hide it for a second because I need to do I need to do the eyes somehow I'm not quite sure how I'm gonna do it to line it up hmm I've got it let's just do Oh what is that oh I guess that's the freakiest thing ever so I'm just making it so that I can see it where I make you disappear haha look at that bug look at that bug oh my goodness alright let's try drawing the rest of his speeches so the eyes should look good like this but I just need to add in like the little kawaii dots I don't know how well those are gonna come out but they'll be fine for now and then I need to kind of draw like a wrinkle but that's gonna be really really difficult I need to make it so there I've got oh geez right here it goes let's just go for it here we go that's not too bad that could be worse that could be worse okay that's not too bad we're not gonna see most of this so we're gonna add in actually I don't even think we need to add in a nose and then the mouth we do need to add in a mouth actually first let's see what it looks like with the mask on oh what am i created Wow okay let's sort this out properly we're gonna go like that ah this is so wrong so sorry so you see these old white dots oh I put those on the side of the face on purpose so that I could go ahead and make it so that he's actually wearing a mask like this does it work I do yeah doc that kind of works now I'm gonna leave the mouth like that for now the eyes look creepy which is awesome I do need to add one of these though let's see if this works makes it look a little bit better no no nope that makes it look worse okay let's not do that yeah so I guess we should do kind of coloring so this ad she looks like a pug only actually we need to add the chocolate bar you know what let's do that first so I need to make it so that it's hand holds it so we're gonna go for a big chocolate bar like this there we go I have no idea what kind of chocolate bar that is oh what it what is that okay we're gonna go with it anyway and we're gonna call it the pug bar just like this P u G very nice indeed okay I would like to buy one of those we just need to color this bit and I'm gonna go for gray it's a little bit of a dull color but I'll add a little pop of color behind the letter so that actually looks attractive to eat because this this looks like it might contain just like sand or something really really boring try putting some yellow behind it does this work does this work ah kinda kinda I'm gonna go with X I have no other ideas there we go the punk chocolate bar yeah okay so now we should be able to add some color in now this is a pretty good pug color I am NOT gonna lie this is pretty nice so I'm gonna color this guy in and then we're going to we need a backgrounds now I'm not 100% sure what kind of background to do I'm thinking maybe space or a fairground and if we just finish off the muzzle those are actually pretty good pod colors I am pleased with those ways mate the eyes go a little bit more weird than they actually need to be Bob let's add some red to the mouth just like this and then all we need to do is add a tongue and I think that might save it at least a little bit yes yes that's not too bad I like to use really funny okay we did a background I'm thinking I don't know why but I'm thinking like a circus tent so I'm gonna do that I found the perfect one I've done the background and stuff I found thrown the perfect circus tents let's just make it go up here and actually put it in the right place there we go why a circus tent I just want to move this guy over to here because then I think we're pretty much done that's terrifying alright let's add some finishing touches and then we're done and there you go that masterpiece isn't complete it's a pug and I've added it running away from the circus for some reason but he's holding the chocolate bar and he's wearing a mask of my face that is terrifying let's move on to the next one which just so happens to be populated also Angela leo ask Ellie and Darcy as nyan cats dancing in space on a rainbow okay so the first I'm gonna need are Ellie and Darcy's face so then we're gonna find some pictures skies I have found the greatest picture of Darcy to use so this is Ellie's picture looking nice and plump not fat and then are you ready are you ready for Darcy's picture boom there we go this is gonna be perfect okay so let's move Darcy over to where should you move Darcy look this is so weird like floating pug heads let's move Darcy here and then make it a little bit bigger there we go and then we want Elias kind of does that work yeah that works right and then add her like this now we need to make the nine cats or should I say nyan pug so we just need like some big rectangles just like this there we go that's perfect then we also need a foot out this way I pull out this way and I think that's all we need for darts because she's gonna be behind Ellie anyway we do need like an outline of the pop-tart here and then most of its in the coloring and they need to be in space on a rainbow okay we'll just do rainbows out their butts because why not and then um we'll do the bin space as well now to make early into a pop-tart I'm gonna make her a nice little pop top because her head is big enough already let's do the outline like this there we go legs out like this there we go absolutely perfect Ellie you look like an amazing pop tart look at that look at that it's amazing now isn't nyan cat like a grey color I think so so I'm gonna do some coloring just so you get some idea is I got to do the pause for color like their color just because it makes sense I've done the color wrongs of BAM that's a fix it there we go okay that was easily fixed right we also need to do it I think it's pink in the middle ah oh that's the perfect color there we go the perfect pop tart pugs now I'm gonna make their arms gray because that's what nyan cat looks like and then we need to do space and the rainbows and let's not forget about the sprinkles either we're gonna do lots of little dots so oh geez no that's bad that's bad so they look like they've got kind of chickenpox but we're also going to give them some other colors as well I'm thinking green beautiful beautiful beautiful pop-tarts there we go awesome and also I think we're gonna do blue as well because why not why not look how fabulous that looks this is also oh jeez right now we need to do a summer rainbows now I'm not actually sure I'm gonna do this yet okay I think I figured it out we're gonna go for a massive brush and then we're just gonna do three cars we're gonna do Red's just like this and then red oh I'm actually gonna do Ellie's yeah we'll do that that's cool and then we're also gonna do what other color should we do let's do purple because why on earth not look at that look at that that is amazing I think Ellie's only going about to fit three on but then TAS can have a few more and I'm also gonna do yellow because yellow is just yellow here we go nice oh my gosh look at Fabrice I think we can fit another color on each now I know that these colors aren't in the rainbow but I think they'll all go pretty nicely or pretty horribly together so there we go and the final one like that okay we've got that now we just need space and winter I'm just gonna do a big planet earth down here because I think that look the best if we just do some lands like this and then some land here that should look pretty cool I know buddy space in the background ah this isn't so fun so there is Earth and now we just need to have this guy in the background and look at them look at them they look so majestic this is an amazing idea oh my good is right we might need to Ono who believe as it is and right finishing touches we need some stars and we also need what else many just some finishing touches and then we're done with this one as well beautiful little twinkly stars there we go nice nice looking Goods yeah another masterpiece has been created so Angela thank you so much for your suggestion this is ultimate let's move on to our third and final one of this video and this final one comes from hunter brownfield and says you should draw a giraffe with a purple mohawk so I'm gonna alter that a little bit and do it with a purple mohawk but he's also gonna be a complete Punk he's gonna be a punk rock he's gonna be awesome so we need a giraffe now I could draw a giraffe or I could borrow one what's a giraffe oh my goodness he is looking amazing so let's make him a little bit bigger and they're gonna have to give him some punk rock clothes and punk rock everything because he's looking beautiful your transformation starts now mr. giraffe okay so we're gonna start the Mohawk like this and then we're gonna need to make it like this shape that's terrible let's do that again that's better now we need to take care over the back now where do you want it set ends like here I guess oh this looks a little bit weird now doesn't it yeah it looks really weird okay let's try and save it no no let's try like this let's go this way and then up and then this way ah this should this should work better and then like this and then it goes behind his ear onto his neck let's try it let's try it let's try it oh it's a bit Wiggly but that is a work either what is that you know what I'm gonna blame the giraffe the giraffe is the problem here so we're gonna go and do the big mohawk like this I think that works and then we just need to bring it in a little bit closer there we go that's better and then we bring this like that yes so what else does a punk-rock zebra need it needs well with this face it needs one of these a super long tongue there we go and it's gonna have a little fork in the end as well because why on earth knots and then I'm gonna bring it round and in there okay that looks weird we could go with it he also needs earrings there we go there we go okay and we're gonna have should we have a spike going through his ear as well let's do this spike through there and then it comes out the other side nice ah punk rock zebra and he's also going to need some kind of jacket on so he's like a big old leather jacket so let's do it like this there we go I'm also gonna bring it down this way as well yeah this guy's gonna look awesome and he's gonna have this but he's gonna have a rip in his shirt because you don't care he's punk rock so let's start adding some color to this I said purple mohawk so let's go ahead and give it some purple up in here looking good mr. sepra looking gears if we grab a gray we'll fill in this bit too he's got his big old crazy spike going through here there we go the tongue and the rest also needs to be colored in just add in the last little bit of color to the t-shirt and then you know what we're actually pretty close to done without like finishing touches and stuff we need a background that tongue is horrendous oh my goodness you know what we need to add to it need to add a ring like a piercing to it because who's got loads of piercings let's go ahead and add just one like this there we go now I know what you're thinking where on earth would a giraffe like this habitate because obviously it's not a traditional drop it doesn't live wherever giraffes live a lives at a rock concert oh my goodness this is perfect look at that yes the colors match and everything alright let's add some finishing touches then we'll let this draught rock on guys it's done another one of my masterpieces the guys that pretty much it thank you so much answer for this suggestion thank you for the two other suggestions in this video as well I hope you enjoyed this one if you did please do a big fat thumbs up for more draw your comments and also don't forget to leave your comment in the comment section down below to see if yours will get picked for next week's video a partner thank you again so much watching and get a thumbs up would be appreciated know so if this happens to be the first video you see mommy then please do consider subscribing to join team tdn today with the magic pen and i'll see you guys in the next video yeah [Music]
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 8,527,815
Rating: 4.9024806 out of 5
Keywords: spotlight, showcase, thediamondminecart, minecart, playthrough, dantdm, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, challenge, minigame, mini game, mini-game, 1.8.7, app, free app, free app game, free game, draw your comments, draw your tweets, nyan pugs, pugs
Id: wkkWw5rvY4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 20 2016
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