NRB Plays The King's Dilemma | Campaign

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good tomorrow to you fair gentle folk and welcome to the king's Council cuz we're doing something a little bit different on no Ro's Bard we're playing a legacy game we're playing the king's dilemma and I've assembled a council of backstabbers connivers people playing for political power to make decisions about the fair Kingdom of anist I'm joined by Dom are they I'm joined by Sullivan hello I'm joined by Ken good morrow and I'm joined by Holly howdy howdy from the West the west of the Kingdom so the king's dilemma is a debating game no it isn't we as members of the king's Council will be arguing the toss over a series of moral ethical dilemas in order to change the resource sources of the fair Kingdom of anus we could be doing that for the good of the people or we could be doing that for our own personal gain because the houses that we are playing which are denoted by these little boards have their own missions and agendas within the kingdom each game of King's dilemma is going to consist of one part of a full campaign which will change the way that the kingdom of anist is run throughout history at the end of that campaign one of the houses is going to come out on top that'll be through things called uh Prestige and crave points which are little white or black crowns that you will earn for winning or losing uh games and achieving various missions throughout them whether or not the uh Prestige is the thing that will win you the game or the Crave is the thing that will win you the game is currently unknown because we don't know what the future holds for the kingdom [Music] Dom do you want to introduce your house yes we are house Alain not Elaine Alain that's my mom's name it's it's like a posh version of Alan uh because we are very Posh uh what it we're the Dukes of Coden um so you know pretty pretty good uh what can I tell you oh there's there's a lot to say here um we we sort of prop the king up in the first place way back when and we'll never ever let him forget it we are house rules of TI it's not Tyrell it's not it's not Tyrell it's trell house rules the most fun time that anyone could ever possibly have with the most fun house in the whole world haven't really read about my house but you know sure sure we're pretty cool guys just make it up su's prepared for the kingdom oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I am house pastel of NATA and we are devoutly religious we worship the mother Elaine not elain it's Alain we are house ego We Are The Dukes of solat and we love the sea we love boats we are amazed by It also says you're often depressed that's what I'm going to go with good role playten depressed St at the sea to sort of get over that I don't know um we are house wood hog of dwac and we are definitely not bitter about being annexed not at all we're really good with it she seems fine yeah oh I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine look at the little hedgehog yeah really cute cute little hedgehog really cute little house wood hog just yeah we'll put it in the corner put it in the corner where no one sees it oh God it's happening again okay so let's go into how the game works because the game is played using this the Dilemma deck there are three cards in this we've opened a little envelope that had three cards in it and we're going to draw from the bottom of that and that's going to pose a dilemma for us to solve now thing to note about this is that one this is a legacy game so if you're going to watch along with us spoiler alert two this game does contain quite serious moral and ethical quandaries to ponder um we will be role playing as characters in this so nobody is endorsing any of the things that come up dur during this game neither as the game Endor it so that's just a note for you guys should we start going through the first bit of the story suan do you want to read this song yes indeed the trumpet strike three Rising notes and 81 doves are released as Harold the fifth is crowd King by the prior mother of the cult the people erupt in a cheer of Joy our hopes of enduring Prosperity are renewed with a new king foreign dignitaries from cak CPUs K kid ladder and M crowd crowd the royal castle to evaluate the new king and win his favor the ceremony is followed by a feast lasting for three days and nights along all the streets of Libra our Capital City a week later sitting on his throne behind the the grand chiseled door of the council room the new king addresses us for the first time any Authority is flickering and power can be blessing can be a blessing or a curse for the those on whom it is exercised he says after a long pause he adds ruling is an unsolvable dilemma oo I love that it's Libra because it's like the balance of scales that makesense this is going to go over here so this is you can have multiple active bits of storyline as the game progresses which will be opening the envelopes that are in the box and they will just sit along here as we play the game now each game of King's dilemma involves the uh the rule of one specific King in this case Harold F we will be playing uh multiple dilemmas throughout his Reign essentially once we've reached six dilemmas we get to here and if we solve dilemmas they have some of them have skulls on the back of the card if we play a skull there Harold dies and the game ends and we to up who is the Victor there is another way to lose however because each game as you solve dilemmas will move these various trackers up and down this is uh the this is the power of your nation its Army this is the wealth of your nation this is your nation's morale this is the food supply and this is knowledge as these move up and down the scales of balance will tip obviously for the for the good of the Kingdom you want to keep things nice and balanced you don't want any one resource falling too far into disrepair or going becoming too powerful however if this if this little scale tracker here ever reaches either end of this which it will move alongside these markers if it ever reaches either end the king is forced to abdicate uh either because things have got so [ __ ] that he's forced to abdicate or because some factions have got so powerful that they force him out which we can do at that point the game also ends and we're going to be totaling up the scores and people are going to gain uh different levels of prestige or crave which are going to apply for later in the game so the first thing to do before we can start debating our first topic is we have to work out what our secret agenda is uh the secret agenda cards I will just show you really quickly uh they look like this and they have a different name on them uh each there are six of them in total for the whole game uh if you play as the same one multiple times you can unlock an achievement that will give you uh a boost to Crave or Prestige um later in the game these also give you basically what you're going to be attempting to do in each game of Kings D because they give you a kind of region of this resource tracker to try to push the tokens into as you play the more tokens you get into those areas the more points you're going to get at the end so for here you get nine points if you get one of these tokens into either this region or this region of the tracker the more you get the higher you get if you get all five tokens into those two regions you get 20 points some of the agendas also want you to gain the most money uh there's one called greedy which uh gives you quite good points for getting the most um if you rank at the end of the game as the per as the player with the most money you will get eight points for being greedy you'll get six if you come second and you'll get four if you come third because each player has some of these which is gold tokens and each player has these which is their power which they can use to swing votes in their favor first of all let's find out what each of us will be doing to do that we need to work out who has the lowest Prestige and who has the highest prestige in the case of your first game of Kings dilemma that number is just written on the back of your board usually you'll acrew it but you you break ties using the house number that you have so what's your house number Dom four nine 12 two eight okay so with a two that means Ken gets this which is the moderator token which means that Ken will break ties in a vote I'm going to get this which is the leader token because my house has the highest prestige Ken you get to look at these you get to choose one to discard first of all and then you get to pick one and keep one yourself and then pass the rest to Holly okay now we're talking now what the hell do these mean I I get it I get we've all got the same secret secret agenda which is to kill house rules oh yeah house rules clubs clubs it's not even on the card but I want it oh God oh God yeah who's that thanks [Music] to this Starin yeah okay I pick this one and he's here I don't have to discard another one no you don't have discard another one just one there you go choose one yeah very much oh lovely jubly um yes yes oh wait what hang God what hard it looks thank you that be fine it will be F oh okay did you just get left with that I've just got left with that mm is it good oh it's fine I I don't mind it all right doesn't help with my overall goals no neither does well domination but you know that's fine so the the secret agenda cards that everyone has will usually dictate the way they're going to play each individual game of Kings dilemma uh but let's find out what we're going to be doing first of all Ken do you want to draw this card yes uh don't flip it over and don't hold it up so that people can see the back of it um because that tells you what happens at the end because yeah each each basically each dilemma will pose will give you uh changes to different resources whether you vote I or nay which we can use these little sections of the board to track but there are also secret out comes oh that usually have far greater consequence on the kingdom that are not listed on the uh posing of the Dilemma we'd have to assume that they might happen like we might plunge the kingdom into war oh you know that sort of thing oh dear oh dear Ken Chang only a little wood hog can't fight in a war depends on war is way so easily annexed I wouldn't worry we're the heads of noble houses we won't be doing any fighting I'm very depressed out of the war the Royal Marshal reports to us that three windmills were set on fire last night along the road between Libra and golden Harbor the effected Millers are asking for help rebuilding their windmills do we fund the Reconstruction O Okay on I there's a a uh is that black Jewel yeah we lose money we lose money gain Farm we gain Fain wheat wheat wheat we lose we lose wheat wheat and we lose what is that one we don't lose so I'll I'll quickly explain let me just show these guys what this is so on your uh dilemma cards you usually have a picture of the person talking to you and then you get a bit of a story line then you get what you're going to get if you vote I or you vote nay in this case we're going to get uh obviously more supplies but we're going to lose money doing it whereas if we vote nay the supplies cuz the windmills are damaged are going to go down and we're also going to get a negative sticker stickers are interesting stickers are things that make permanent changes to the game we're going to add them to these tracks on the board the leader will usually have to sign the sticker to say this is my fault um and they will get consequences in later rounds of the game the leader being the hand of the king or the leader being the hand of the king so that would be me yeah the Fist of the king yeah I'm the fingers of the king all right excellent King's fing negative sticker just clarifying what these that's that's gold that's resources so it's influence influence wealth morale welfare um knowledge that's great all right okay all right so if the game ever describes resources it means any of them yes you need any of the resources in whichever B you want it I Now understand how to win oh your dilemma is finished Dom's dilemma is over goodbye I've won right so in order to uh vote on this we we'll have a bit of a debate about what we want to do in a second but in order to vote players basically they take power tokens from behind their board and they place them on either I or nay theant quantity of the power tokens matters because at the end we'll basically once once play has gone round from the leader to the player to the right of the leader uh once they've had their turn we total up the acred power on either I or nay and cast our decision in the direction that wins you can pass as well which means that you get to gain one gold from the bank and also means that you get to access the supply of power that is put here at the moment there's three power there because this is the first game that we're playing in later game games or in later decisions that amount of power will be based on the power of the that was bid for the winning decision either I or nay passing can be can be quite strong when you pass as well you do get the choice to pass and take the moderator token alongside a coin but only one player can do that every round once somebody has done it nobody else can do it for that vote so what do we think do we want to fix the windmills my Lord Lords and Ladies we absolutely should fix the windmills because uh the welfare of the nation directly impinges on the on the wealth of the nation so we'll lose some money now but if people are alive they can work and that's how the economy Works yes you do have to keep the public alive and well in order for the system to survive I believe people make no money dead people go back to the womb of the mother and then they're born again it's fine religious it's fine they go back to the wom of the mother and they're just born again so but they're never paying taxes between during that process are you a little bit fanatical for mother mother mother mother we love we love Mother well we all love Mother Love a weird I want to hear from house rules what what do you think I think I don't really mind either way no no no no no you misspoke you misspoke you misspoke Lord rules you want the welfare don't you well who knows I don't really mind either way I hate house rules I hate ha house rules hate rules I love house rules we need to start lying to house rules about what day we have these meetings on that's do you know what the game could have been played with four could have been played with four it still can it still can it still cane rules from all votes yeah okay so so so to make these decisions all we got to do all we got to do is vote I or nay or we can pass um and a crew power for a later turn um I'm I think we should fix the windmills so I'm going to vote I we didn't hear from from what's your go I am very afraid of this something bad might happen if we don't fix them and many bad things happen to me they are clearly terrorists on the loose exactly windmill burners windmill burners yes they're afraid of Technology yeah we need the chips in our brains they're building the 4G Windows oh dear Ved ey I think I also stick a little so you have to vote from the don't this this is the supply of power I'm sorry just right in front of me I assumed it was all mine classic house ego I love cheating that's the thing my house it says you're very good at cheating take take as many power tokens from want I'm going to pass oh you don't have to play from your supply you gain this one do you want to gain the moderator token yes please so oh Hol has gained the moderator token so Holly will break ties I'll break ties I'll also break bones um the other thing to note is that if you ever play the most power uh when bidding for I or nay you also get to become the leader uh but that does delay the vote because the vote only ends once the player to the right of the leader has voted so if if Dom now put more power down and became the leader it would go back round to Holly's turn so it's a it's it's a legitimate tactic to become the leader if a vote is not going your way way because you can try to get other people on side remind me what the benefit of being the leader is the benefit of being the leader is there isn't really I don't think I guess you're responsible for whatever the out you're responsible for whatever the outcome is so if you really believe it like you do get to sign whatever sticker goes on which in terms of um resources generally speaking if it's positive you get a bonus if it's negative you get a minus so and it is fun to write a little name on it nice well I think things are going our way so I'm going to vote I I MH I'm going to pass as well crewing the power yes well that brings it that brings the vote to a close which means the eyes have it yes Ken would you like to read what it says for ey there so it's a top one yep top one with the military help of the crown a small Squad of Carpenters is hired to rebuild the burnt out windmills with the most advanced techniques available after the work we are informed that they noticed the smell of an unknown alchemical substance at all three locations or Alchemy I'm telling mother who didn't want the windmills working who hates rotation uh minus two wealth and plus three welfare okay so here's how this works uh so we get minus two to wealth uh but because wealth is already uh on the black side and it's moving down it has what is known as momentum we're spending so much money yeah momentum is when when something is trending in One Direction it tends to Trend harder in that direction so it will move too but it will also move an extra one for the momentum that it has and it now gains negative sexy moment extra negative momentum so next time it will move an extra two on its turn when already we also move this in that direction um to show the balance of the Kingdom which is now oh dear just it go down um but we are going to add three to this one two three but this also has positive momentum so it's going to move an extra one so it's moved four we now put this momentum marker on here so it will move fully in the other direction as well and this now moves back four 1 2 3 four lovely lovely so things are looking up the next thing that's going to happen is the uh Sully and Holly gonna take back gonna take their coin that they've earned yeah um not doing their job we're going to clear these we split these I'm going to have to work out how we split a a tie a tie and then anyone who anyone who actually bid puts theirs in the middle here because these will be fought over for the next vote presume the extra one probably will just stay in there I'm just a highly competent technocrat it's like a there like ink and gold this uh the power yeah okay so now what we do as well is we're going to because we resolved this we're going to slide under here so we can see what's happened to the kingdom we fixed the windmills who would like to read the next one Tommy wbl um I tell you what I'm uh oh which which way around should it be uh it's the way around you had it great great before I read this the alchemical thing with the windmills I feel that's going to come and bite Us in the ass later to me that sounds like either like you say they were at attacked by Alchemists MH or or the people in the windmills are making things in there that they shouldn't be making trying to make gold trying to make that's what it sounds like to me they're not making grain no they're trying to make gold we shouldn't have fixed their windmills well actually maybe we should cuz if they do if they pull it off we want Rich they don't sort this problem out will tax the [ __ ] out of them Alchemy tax imagine what we can charge for that right here we go Morano a rich merch from a remote desert city called the city of tents T NTS they're not stressed people wants to negotiate a lucrative trade agreement among his samples of goods is a slave concubine in Chains he claims the woman comes from a desert temple that allegedly hides the golden map a fabled item we've been seeking for decades apparently um many of our people are against slavery do we force Morano to free the slave uh if we vote nay we lose money we lose money oh how pragmatic are we going to be um if we vote I we gain money and a sticker is that knowledge or is that a sticker oh it should beti sticker yeah sorry yeah it's meant to be a sticker that guy there we go I have read that right haven't I I I me a sticker and money N means negative money negative money oh no no I means that we spend money and we get we have we get we're going to gain money for freeing that makes a lot more sense we gain y so let's have a quick look we're actually going to gain a negative sticker and lose money because we're going to have pissed off the merchant but we're going to gain money if we let the merchant keep the slave okay because they might give us this map yes well now it sounds like this map might be the real deal well and it's also Savory so you make money off slavery you get money agre you're money you're not paying people and I know our people don't like slavery but when if they had a say in anything we do I yeah house house wood hog 100% opposes slavery I'm 100% voting in favor of freeing this this person I would also like to free them because I don't like Merchants they smell funny Merchants make the world go around the world go around well I will start I will start the bidding with an i oh you going to you want to free I want to free the slave oh that's interesting are you sure we're going to be broke we're going to be broke guys we need the money we'll see we'll see we'll be immediately all we need but we'll see we no no I'm not sure it's I'm we'll suckle at the sweet teed mother we can't afford we can't afford it we can't afford this we can't afford this if you think we can't afford it you can always spend your gold in an attempt to have people vote in your favor that is another thing that you can do in King's dilemma anytime during the voting phase you can bid you can make an offer to somebody else to say I could I could turn to Ken and say I'll pay you two gold if you wanted to vote in my favor either once the gold change his hands unfortun it's binding I'm a hedgehog the moral High Ground I have the moral High Ground also I I I don't like money I hate it I think we should have less of it I'm going to hold that against you later is that you're like you're I'm going to pass oh what Ken's going to pass and the crew gain money the guyone I hate money unless it's coming to me for free from the bank would you like would you like to be this uh yeah go on there K taking the moderator token I want to moderate I am going to I with double the power so Holly is going to become the leader which is good you'll be signing that negative sticker I don't mind that suits me to the ground so the thing to note about the stickers as well is that any stickers we add to this will change the way the Legacy portion of the game works when a game begins and we have positive negative stickers in these slots that specific resource will move in that direction before the game even begins so if we have a negative money sticker will start with negative money uh similarly players who have signed positive and negative stickers get bonuses to their power based on that if you sign a positive sticker you get plus power if you sign a negative sticker you lose power oh dear that's what I'm about to do stop me I think we just have to take one on the chin here morally I think we're the on taking on the chin yeah we'll be yeah oh yeah yeah no honestly it was it was a tough choice for us you know I I just feel like we're going to have to do the lesser of two evil longterm longterm this will this will mean less slavery I guarantee it I guarantee it and I'm sure I'm sure we can always deal with we can always come back for him later and and and sort him out but right now we've just got to keep things smooth so that the weekend Market can go on um he's traveled a long way um so I'm going to vote what we what we got on the votes three on I currently yeah what are you making a moral stand for you passed on this yeah [ __ ] oh I'm not interested money I want the money please oh slavery is bad isn't it not bad enough for me to vote on it yeah I I don't want to spend any money on this want to spend any of my power on name to anything make yourself feel better please please vote I I'll pay other people to vote more I'm voting two on nay okay two on nay so that doesn't I'm also going to vote two on two on N so that's four on N we've done the right thing we've done the right thing now I mean we could put Ken's morals to the test here yes that is very funny tie the vote oh and do you get one more no do it ends on you and you've passed that is it would be so funny so Ken what what's your moral what's your moral standpoint on this you know morals I'm a man of morals unlike these two n n be bankrupt it would be so funny Ken might not be bankrupt yes oh how do you feel about that Ken oh that's that's very nice any other any other any others well you said you weren't interested in money oh I'm not interested in money but please show me more please much money are we going to lose I can't pay for the entire faction that's all right I can contribute oh jeez come on come on wood hog do the right thing do the right thing you have to match two three all right then there we go e do the right thing do the right thing Ken okay so three four I get three money for yay yes and obviously the benefits to whatever your secret agenda is Ken I'm going to swing it for yay yay the eyes have it the eyes have it so Dom and Sully please take back your power tokens Ken you get to take that gold there oh yeah Ken you also four power Al going to get this huge four power here don't doesn't that split between the n as wellit it splits to the people who pass and acude power will end up with her name on a sticker so later on we'll chop her head off yeah be good so we're going to put this here and here looking forward into the middle as well very nice if I have to put my name on a sticker to have saved this person and their map that's fine with that's house HED do the kingdom do you want to read hog is good with the Doom of the Kingdom uh the the very famous phrase of how wood hog is is uh the life of the one over the many that's a stupid phrase the life of the one the needs of the one the needs of the the famous phrase of our house is we're a bunch of [ __ ] idiots why were we annexed we're we're individualist Libertarians clearly yeah that's what you are wood hog slave could Einstein says here the slave goes on a killing spree seral killer um kills kills a lot of people over 30,000 people say say unpredictable consequences to things just reminding you I keep an open mind comes to this sort of thing um we can't tolerate slavery we force the merchant to free his concubine and send him away this compromises our Trade Agreement like I told you what but our people Rejoice that we still up for the poor woman let's see if they're still clapping when they run out of bread many are also excited at the prospect that she may reveal the location of the mythical golden map legend says it leads to an endless Fountain of liquid gold but the card doesn't say whether she actually tells us or not so that's plus one morale hey minus two gold minus two so that's one two and then plus momentum one two that's good at being broke I love this oh there's something with uh there's some other number there yes ah the other thing is we are going to open uh envelope 40 and place sticker zero I believe Holly please sign that with your house name what do I do with the little Dotty dots let me just have a look well we're going to fill that in later when we chop your head off oh you'll be surprised when you chop my head and 1 thousand head come out no wow that is surprising that is not what we expected that's absolutely true yeah now we'll have we'll have lots of people with little axes I'm not good at this to chop their heads off as they come out of you does it go on does any random it goes on this one specifically specifically because it is about yeah your uh Power in the Kingdom we've dipped in power but we will also be opening this envelope envelope 40 Holly you are also the first player so you are going to sign this as well as the lead attitude some people have this is our country's equivalent of brexit yeah oh no no it didn't say that we're going to go set up the pork markets elsewhere it be fine me that anit anit anit means an it well to be honest I've been I've been annexed against my annexed against my will I would like to leave okay we were annexed with our will we we we're happy I helped form this Kingdom many many many centuries ago and I regret annexing you because you've run us into the ground look at this look how much you've cost us I mean that is a nightmare this needed to be a move right so that would have gone uh four down one up it would have gone one up first and then one two three four down oh the kingdom suffers to read a distant reward Sarah the woman we freed from slavery comes from a remote Temple of the mother mother in the south of marudi which we call the ivory desert she says the golden map is guarded by this Temple Sarah was kidnapped and enslaved by her former Master while visiting the city of tents not stressed not stressed stred like the little pretty chill actually um her story becomes quite popular in the kingdom and Spurs a burst of interest in the unexplored southern continent that she calls conera Sarah claims that it is the land where the ancient Sabian League once prospered and fell our Scholars immediately start preparing a caravan to retrieve the golden map and take Sarah back home but traversing the ivory desert famous for tempests of burning white sand will not be easy are we going to do it though we are going to do it so that's now in so this this uh is the next bit of the story uh that we're going to be playing and we've added that we've added three cards from that to the Dilemma deck so those will be coming up as we play the game as well uh we also put this into the correct bit of the have a look at the picture you can look at the picture picture oh yeah it does look Sandy and dusty yes we're going to put it be nice to go there except it's a shame we've completely ruined our foreign policy with the I doubt I doubt we'll get visas now the big cute the big cute what's your reason for visiting we're looking for the secret Temple okay is that business or pleasure can you step into this room please more questions for you where did you get this map where's the map I haven't got the map on me come on we know you've got it on you oh God come on house Rose why am I no I'm not going on this TR house rules okay this one miss that one there please all right llo a botanist requests funds to study the poisonous red cacti covering a small area of the ivory desert some believ them to be the tears left behind by Orel the saint daughter of strength when she took the burden of human brutality upon herself to free us from it do we fund Lazlo's research and uh if we if we say I then we get extra knowledge and uh and a and a positive sticker and a positive good sticker and if we say no no it's minus knowledge it's minus knowledge okay so it doesn't cost us money oh great how we how we paying for this then apparently really it honestly doesn't cost us money apparently it doesn't cost us money oh we should do that I mean how much can it possibly cost to just cut down some Cactus have a look at this L look there some scissors there you go [ __ ] go nuts we've funded your research good luck I applied the funding yes yes yes yes and you will do your job how do we feel I'm a big fan of knowledge me too I want some knowledge I love knowledge I love knowing stuff I'm a big fan of the saint daughters so I'm Keen to find out whether these cactuses really are them that'd be cool that's an interesting reason that's what I want to know I'm just glad you're on board I son I'm a mother a daughter hello M how does house Alain feel house elain has going to take a strong stance on this we don't give a [ __ ] good luck with the cactus it's actually yeah it's not not your bid first oh right oh yeah of course yeah well that's my position we're already reaching for the money cuz we don't give a [ __ ] do what you like fair enough good luck to him I'm going to put two power on it on passing passing not on passing on eyeing eying sounds good that's what I meant she wants to sign house Hedgehog wants to remain the leader I think is it me can I have my money now you can have your money for passing would you like to take the moderator token yes please take it it's been hell moderating this look at all of you one at a time house rules de what say you uh I also don't really care but um but over here I am suspicious of how much you are loving this knowledge but I'm going to take my do this is what does the moderator get again you get to break ties oh break ties with this sort of [ __ ] I've gotes break this is trending in the direction that I want so I will also happily pass you just need to take this yeah that's right nice okay so that's an I uh which means that everyone gets one power from here one for you we were all thinking [ __ ] bols cuz the other symbols are fist thank you it's a natural progression oh it's a gavel yes take your money give me the power there you go Holly you're too power there there you go there's my Dash don't mind that means I can stay with the stickers you get to stay with the stickers and you get to become the leader so this is going to find out what's going to happen suiv here we go more knowledge is always a good thing uh we authorized llo to take some samples of the red cacti and we provide the means for him to do so so there plus two knowledge plus two knowledge this flips over one two there was a a hidden cost of minus one coin why didn't I mean we knew it was going to cost money so that bumps against the end so this is going to move this this moves up two one two and then this is minus one coin but actually it's move three so the balance goes one two three oh dear because even though this is bumping up against the end the momentum still counts for the movement hidden cost turns out the scissors were very expensive so even though it can't go any further it still moves the it still moves this um we broke everyone thanks um uh something about 88 presume that is that at it's a sticker that we're going to be putting down sticker I like there's a certain person that's going to be signing the sticker she loves signing stickers honestly this is I've wanted to play a legacy game for so long the red CCT now that I get to put like I get to sign things and stick them on the board I'm going to take every single opportunity it' be good to know that laslo's research has turned in some results oh yeah llo has discovered that the cacti are very sturdy and need little water they can grow almost anywhere and if boiled prove to be healthy and nutritious good job that was not worth of that well done he's happy the needs of the fews of the many absolutely for few not the many like in the wrath of KH right kind of academic all right he boiled some and was like well I feel a bit better but most of his research proved that cacti are cacti yeah yeah I think he did a great job well done last I think he's a a Shyer and a charlatan I don't think we should trust him ever again got grifted I'm afraid yeah we got completely gri got gri oh yeah it's Cactus the next dilemma there's so many dilemmas guys dilemma Jesus the iers a nomadic tribe living in the unclaimed lands of the G mmoths south of the mark of cran bloody fantasy are asking to join our kingdom EX could strengthen our army they are excellent Warriors and camel drivers able to exploit the few resources offered by their arid steps to survive many however are distrustful of their barbaric Customs do we welcome the tribe into our kingdom if we say I we get bad morale and a good sticker If we say no we get uh negative strength but good morale oh just to clarify something this wouldn't count as US unit we're not uniting with their Nation or anything they're just they're just joining ours right they're joining ours yes they're going to strengthen our army so they'll be like mercenaries essentially yeah yes we welcome the tribe into our kingdom I don't know whether they become part of the Kingdom or whether we just welcome them in they're nomadic so letting them into the kingom they have no Nation sovereign state of Their Own that's good for me to know I I think I think they will will behave like mercenaries I think they'll want paying um I'm very suspicious of of of how of secret cost yes and so I think you know we're doing fine strengthwise we can afford to lose we we we don't want to lose any morale I think send them home send them move them on move them on really heating up isn't Itor yeah you are I'm Pro diversity I think there'll be hidden benefits it might boost our economy you know got more Workforce I'm happy to vote either way oh you could be bought for for money for a price you know what I'm going to begin by passing I'm going to let you guys deal with this it's not about the pursuit of of Science and golden Maps um and yeah hug does not give a [ __ ] can you be moderator and leader yeah yes yes you can yes yeah I mean the the leader will be about to move as soon as anybody votes yeah that's true um that's true what's say you has aaine how much can we discuss this a bit more um how are you feeling about this well I do worry about potential hidden costs yeah that's my main um that's my main against the person does it say mercenaries on the card no no they're just a nomadic tribe yes they're just Nomads they're just people that Potter around yes they don't have a home they're going to strengthen our army they could strengthen our they could they're great warriors they're great they're great Fighters we need that for the war we need that for the money war that we're going to have War we're about to be at War you never know War's always around the corner Holly it doesn't seem to be around the corner we seem to be the desert I think it is around the corner now you've alienated the uh the the desert people um we're going off on Expeditions into new lands looking for maps these guys are good at fighting in the Des that is true and people know that we've got no do as well and that's not good we haven't alienated the Des people we're actually for the don't people running we I the other king people will be having a war with it's also worth we're going to fight for their people the actual people no we'll be fighting their people CU their people are slaves and we'll be forced to fight it's also worth nothing we can't get any poorer so if they're hidden cost it's the best time to take a hidden cost but the country can get matter that's fine there a cost of living crazy later this must be what it was like to work with Liz trust you can't get avocados in tesos anymore how many more exotic fruits do we want to lose come on some of us need those avocad some of us want to go back to the way it used to be done just eating carrots and potatoes I'm the old money we've always had avocado pears and we used to call them avocado pears not avocados we still call them avocado peirs in House Lane because we've been here for a very long time and I don't like Riff Raff okay there I've said it I think they're riff ra I'm sure they're very good at fighting in the desert but I mean come on house what are you voting don't look house after your breakdown La decorum at the council table how are you voting lady taking his clothes off I don't how you this is quite literally the this is the the fourth dilemma of the game this is this is like the kitty pool but we're of a legacy game as well nothing has happened nothing nothing bad has happened yet freed Sarah Sarah is going to take us to treasure I hate you n boura bastards it used to just be my people in this Council people like us there a positive sticker going to happen now we've got religious nut jobs people who live in the see goody porcupines you're all right your People Like Us oh I forgotten who you are you know to oh dear see who your friends are come on house Al need this Army how are you voting we need this I just want to check how are you voting I think I'm going to vote n because I'm worried about the cost how are you voting I'm voting however people want me to vote how you I'm not too fuss but I will are you going to pass maybe I might vote I might vote I do like knowledge yeah I mean this is not knowledge based I like a positive sticker I like a positive sticker I posi stier but Hol is currently going to get the actually whoever's the leader is going to get the POS sticker you know what oh we we can't take a strong stance on this uh because the pros and cons the ramifications are too hard to grasp um so I'm G to pass after all of that you kidding after all of that well but if they cause any trouble it somebody else it was somebody else's decision wasn't it it was yes no it's always good to have a seat at the table and use it you know what I are you going to pass I'm not going to pass People Like Us I'm wondering whether I quite like that positive sticker yeah no it's quite good positive sticker really you get to write your name on it you get sick on the board this is why I was like I'm worried about hidden costs but we can lose a bit morale and get a positive sticker I mean you know that's why I I might I might go I so I can get a positive sticker oh so suan becomes the hand of the king the fingers of the king Fist of the king king finger king finger king finger you're like that that position that still exists today in the British raw family which to be the person who wiped the king's bottom but now they're just like a PA but it's got the same title I forgot what the title is but it's King to pass Brown finger I'm also happy to pass you know we get any things my bad oh godamn okay so everyone who passed please take the thing no one is going to get any of the acur power in the center because of uh too many people passing there's too many people passing too many pass however Sullivan's tokens will go here and we're going to find out that what happens as we let these people into our kingdom this is your fault yep the ex's night chance keep many people awake and more than once their Brash and inconvenient attitudes bother our men and women alike we lose one morale which is going to go back down here and flip over because it's now trending the other way uh and we are going to play sticker number 89 not bad no hidden cost nod cost that moves as well we haven't lost any this moves down one up one no down one was but we had the morale to lose our friends are a little bit noisy that's all right yeah bit noisy sometimes you have noisy friends yeah that's okay noisy neighbors uh it's not the worst thing in the world living it's pretty annoying I've had noisy neighbors for two years so this is exer camel Riders excel at speed and skirmishing and make an excellent Vanguard for our infantry see that's good that is good to have a have a good thing for our I'm wondering when these start getting TI yeah that will actually counteract a bit of Holly's rubbish there we goal good stuff happening to the kingdom eh excuse me this Cactus was very useful oh [ __ ] hell that Cactus better save all of our lives that Cactus cost us so much money it cost us so much we're [ __ ] it might save all of us and all it really it's not even you know all it really is is like if you got a sore throat yeah who would like to read the next dilemma okay oh we we should be doing the community thing dilemma [Laughter] report a great the Caravan of Scholars seeking to retrieve the golden map is constantly threatened by desert Raiders and is struggling to move forward if we don't send them military aid they'll be forced to deviate to the city of tense to stock up on supplies and hire mercenaries do we send reinforcements to the Caravan if we get I we get more of the influence the little the white token there this one influence is it this one uh oh this one yeah so we get more influence get more influence and we get more morale okay if we say n yes we lose some food welfare and we lose some morale so we can either gain influence and morale or we can lose welfare and H I think this is quite an Easy Choice hang on it's suspiciously easy it sounds like there's a hidden cost you guys and your hidden costs every single vote we have in this chamber you're like the hidden cost called the king dilemma there's no dilemma here and there are there have been hidden costs and it's cost us daily one time there was a hidden cost one time do you think s in the Army summer is going to cost nothing yeah you know what I think the mother provide we're still waiting to see the benefits of anxit and I can't see any well who voted for it who voted for it you guys we're doing a soft angit all right guys we're doing a soft anit no we're not this is a really [ __ ] hard anit like the welfare system will receive like one billion extra every single day if we do an anit going to do it we will good on the welfare this isn't the welfare system this is just the plan the plan's working we've done the anit we've t the economy and now we've got the people in to blame I don't think I don't think we can afford to lose points scale brought the four guys in on this scale if we're losing two points in the scale we're getting too close I'm sure there might be some hidden cost but we're definitely gaining at least yeah we're going to go we're going to move this way first is a good point so this is this is to send in the army yes yes send in the Army the army that we've just bolstered yes I agree with that I agre the camels do you remember the camels yes and also we would get the barbarians out of the city for a bit and actually we might get some sleep good I mean I am all for this it just makes me suspicious that I feel like this hasn't been um this hasn't been fully costed that's what worries me I I worry like they're going to want extra money or I don't know we've got to put loads of horses shoes on some camels or something we can't lose any more money we're out we're out of money we we're out of money there's no money works so Rock Bottom it doesn't matter the only way is up baby such a bad economic that's government's problem yeah this is like when they say oh Britain's running out of money it's we can't run out of money the biggest economies in the world like you can't run out just borrow more that's what that is no one's ever going to ask for it back rules how are you voting oh God right okay we we can't afford to go down this track this is a very good point and we don't know how much we're going to so I will be doing one uh one I no I'm going to pass I'm a coward strong I'm not do there you can do it from there that makes perfect sense I do think that's a very cowardly move in the face of what is quite an obvious decision but I'll take the moderator token uh but there you know you've gained the moderator token that's very good for you thank you uh I'm going to pass y y wow coward unite we're leaving up to well I better vote for I which case you're the new leader you could be the king fingers kingers um yeah I really stand with you and I stand with you really so much that I'm going to pass how many of these are four four oh yeah F our pass as well sounds like we've got this we've got this in the back we've got this up got exactly what we want don't worry thanks Ken no worries no worries okay so that passes unanimously well done everyone be is not invested we all get to take one of these we wa to get coffees and go to the toilet did the vote happen K is voting by himself Ken that goes in the middle did we miss the vote probably went our way that's all right I was I had real trouble with the vending machine someone else should have got this no that was that's one g in hlly let's let's go through we send troops to support the Caravan thanks to the help of the army in the guidance of Sarah the scholars finally reached the remote Temple of the mother in the middle of the ivory desert mother mother mother soon we'll discover if the golden map is really there unfortunately fatigued by travel Sarah dies before she can see her home again that's heartbreaking Sarah no Sarah's dead um we get plus two in Renown plus two in rown this one L one she died doing what she loved momentum B three we go 1 two three it gains momentum and it gains momentum and it gains this momentum and we get plus one morale that's one morale because she died Terry she died the Witch Is Dead there has been a sustained campaign at home to blame her for all of our economic problems like yes finally and we get uh a four the 43 this envelope 43 does the skulls mean anything skulls doesn't mean anything at the exact moment in time so there's a little skull symbol here that you can see in the center of the card um should this come up it should this come up on a dilemma that we solv when we're putting cards into here so in two more cards time that means the King dies and that ends the game I hear the king is sick uh the other way to end the game when you placing cards here five cards ever get into this Zone uh we automatically end the game there as well cu the King has a massive we're getting 43 too many dilemas all at once Ken please sign your name to that oh as ego go I just ego yeah just sign ego ego fabulous and you can also read that bit of story for us please oh yes while I shuffle this into our dilemma there oh I can't believe we lost Sarah yes a chalice in the desert after wandering for days our Expedition sites a rocky Plateau protruding from the desert the ruins of a temple a topet uh Scholars think it dates to the time of omad omad the first king but it was pillaged recently inside they find the dried corpses of dozens of sand priestesses an opulent version of The Cult of the mother that though we worship the same goddess had lavish ways in stark contrast stark contrast with the sober purity of our cult the ruin surrounds a huge Oasis and based on rough interpretations of ancient inscriptions in the alar hall it was called chalice Peak most of the Temple riches were stolen by the Raiders but inscriptions suggest a bigger treasure may be hidden in a secret chamber now I don't like this fancy Church of the mother nonsense but you like the mother I like I like my mother I don't like these yummy mothers that are knocking around atin religious de oh what's surely if they're if they're also praising the same no yummy mothers like Elaine over here the avocado pears avocado pears Ela yummy mothers yummy mothers The Cult of the yummy mothers house oh this one yes please the high Commander has received a message from our soldiers stationed at the Troublesome northern border of the mark of talk scam Smugglers are offering to provide us large quantities of red iron that's an inverted commas a strange metal that can break even the strongest steel the Army wants the majority of it but there is a lot of money to be made by trading it do we reserve the red iron for the Army we vote nay it will give us money mhm if that's the one the star one is the bad one isn't it yes um and if we vote I it will give us strength so it's it's a simple binary Choice pay uh G gain money by selling it on or um gain strength by keeping it for the Army do we reserve the red iron for the Army we need money we do yes we do we need Army and the arm is super strong the arm is super strong and it's also get momentum we don't want that okay no we that's no we don't no it isn't momentum is good because then it moves even further but we don't want it to be going too far sorry what the [ __ ] is your political position we're anti-slavery but we're pro war we want to alienate our neighbors the war is coming always we've used the Army to help people who in need we have not been fighting any wars we've just been helping people in need corrup you're saying that we shouldn't raise money for the rest of the country we should fund the military more that's what you're saying I don't think we need the money I think we've got enough we don't we don't in the real world I don't think we're the Tories anymore no we're absolutely not the Tories we're fighting against the Tories over here right don't in the real world whatever we are we're just we're just nuts we need to address this okay we can't just keep ignoring this don't need to address it yes we do I don't think we do we we're doing fine and this is already going too far up okay now I know that you're you know warw over there my palm can be greased all right fine greas his palm see how the vote goes how much do you want us to grease it oh pretty greasy first let's start big I'm going to vote vote first Ang how do you think this is going to pan out if if if if if you go for this how do you think this is going to pan out it's all good all good we're not losing anymore then we've got some Fringe lunatics over there I I just want wood hog War there's a war coming because this because of wood hog a war coming you've caused the War and now you are desperate to fund the military at an insane level that bankrupts us it's I'm go three votes three power for hell Jesus that's that big oh lovely really nice two three what are you doing she's changing her five um oh you got three power grab over there just take these I'll just take these um just making change yeah chopping the power up into smaller bits of power yeah it's normal we all make that what Voldemort did with the it's Tony Blair and Margaret keep teaming up and Lor if you well we don't need to worry until we can discuss this later Dom are we the only normal people yes yes we are the old money and what R know what you stand for um I'm the Hedgehog in a suit the robe uh where where where are you going on this nutcase where am I going I'm going wherever the money takes me no one's bribed you yet no one's bribed me yet we'll see how we end up after go over there I've got five over there just let it go just let it go let it go you can just pass just pass take the money just pass it doesn't matter just get some lovely lovely power for next time might it really strongly about [Music] this now remember if you bid If you bid over three you become the leader and that means that all the votes happen again you could bid three and try and grease LA to to the victory I am going to have to vote more than three I think so you're going have to vote vote hard on this and we're going to have to pay l a lot of money if you pay me they still got the chance to counter whereas if you if you vote if you tie it then it comes down to but if you accept the money now it's binding right yeah yeah but how much will you waiting till my 10 a bidding war because the thing is I could also just bid enough to to gain the power can like you know you just have all that you could bid you could bid enough to be in control now nay five on nigh and I'm going to bit I'm going to do four on nay oh my God okay so they are nine we don't even know that this red Iron does what it says it does it's it was in inverted commas when they gave me the letter it was in they had put it in inverted commas they said we've got this red iron for you I think if we give this to the Army it'll look good for a bit and then when we come to use it it'll crumble okay L yes we which should we make our opening bid for I'm going to put two forward you could you could get five out of this mate five oh that's pretty good five coins five coins I'll put five on the line right now to pay five on the line right now six then six it's a lot of money it's a lot of money hang how we doing for votes here F versus five so if you voted if you voted two power MH we could both each vote one more and it would still end with us it wouldn't they wouldn't get another chance to vote Yes but then but then I break ties he then solo breaks tires so we'd have to put an we' have to put an extra but that's okay that's fine you'd only have to you have you could both go up to you could both go up to five what are they what are you they trying to get you to vote they're trying to get me to vote nay I believe yeah but like how much do they want I don't know that depends yeah uh yeah I think two would be fine two yeah two makes it very hard for them to not knock it over cuz the thing is they can only vote up to five anyway without taking the token and giving you more options so I I happily vote two y y for six gold for six gold that's be rich mhm imagine all the weird cult stuff you could do with six gold oh yeah and I B we talk about over here what are we saying five five for two is less gold I care that much go this is the thing do I care that much yeah do either of us care that much at this stage we could just get let them pay all their money care I do care I want military why do you care I just want military more military they just want to bankrupt the country no no there nothing to do with that but we can't lose anymore I'll give you six I'll throw in I'll throw in it's eight now over here I throw three here uh so there's nine nine to put two votes on it two votes on it two votes on and that's going to push this and it's 10 now it's 10 now yeah it's fine I'm not raising it I may as well make my big coin I'm not raising it 10 we've got a deal fantastic I'll take my coins thank you that's legally binding then doing two I'm going to do two okay n be the one that really breaks the B on 11 and and if we just match Sy will break it oh yes we can't even we'd have to raise it again and that will do a whole new round one one sec we have to they're on 11 so we need to put another six down between us yes but then they could easily just tie because they've got enough they've got three people's wor we can't do it and I've got well looks like I'm stepping out of here I believe once you yeah once you once You' already committed oh there no passing no but you'll take your stuff back so it's not like in which case I'm not bidding I'm really ATT tempted to raise it to the point where I'm leader and they all get another go that's a good idea because I might change my mind when I see everything come down you're on five [Music] mhm I take us that's a good move to six that's a good move he becomes the leader I become the kingfish so it's you're on nine and they're on nine right yeah no we're on 11 now oh we're on 11 sorry so we I for I was with you so we're on nine you're on 11 and you guys get a chance to vote I was too busy counting my Mone you're having the best time so I could go up to six without moving the fist right yeah so I haven't passed then so I could rebid you can rebid yes yeah you absolutely can that's great should I put that in yeah should I put in one in as well and then okay so that's up to six yay and I'm up to five I'm just going to exchange them so that's 11 that's 11 13 13 unless SL wants to to raise my bid yeah 13 versus I only really bid for money so yeah yeah yeah so You' have to put five in K to be able to break this that would tie it no five would break it right nine versus 13 so if we put five in we'd win well I have to put five extra in yeah yeah you have put five I might do that to be honest it might be quite fun well if you're going to do that it's you won't get a chance no because I would become the leader so you become the leader get another Jesus tricky business you know what it's going to make passing next round very appealing yeah yes but it could be the final round next next round it's like I'm going to put another slaves that I'm going to put another five in the leader this is the thing we really care about so you're on 14 we're on 13 what is this is this just where we're sending the Army somewhere yeah but I just also I kind of like people spending more yeah me too I'm like if you're going to get it pay for it you shouldn't have done this EO I don't I don't mind getting this back ego you're a fool you're a fool I'm a Wise Fool we are paying for it we paid a [ __ ] fortune and put all our power into this just to save the country we're like the old toies you're the new toies you're the ones who are like [ __ ] it let's ruin the country Liz on her [Laughter] lettuce we Have No Agenda stress yeah neither did she My Philosophy My Philosophy is wildly inconsistent at this point all make sense My Philosophy is why did you Alex me if you wanted me to be nice look I want military more military power anyway it's back to Holly it's back to me I can't put in anymore good to know good to know say that maybe bling maybe uh lri how much do you want for another vote can you change your vote Midway through I can't change my vote no I've voted nay now so I'm on the N ah we should have arrived them we need then we need uh we need so they got five 8 9 10 14 14 you need just need one more yeah you need to tie it as well because but I don't mind that I don't mind making waste their money their power do you think we should La again uh oh it depends if we got if you got your own power like at the moment the at the moment the game ends with me anyway so if you just go into the lead you just I'm on your team as it is so I can't push it over we need one you don't need to pay me anymore I can do it I've got plenty we both do it well we only need one more and then we can break the tie oh imagine if broke the tie the other way how much do you think we can pay to break the tide the other way wait minute wait AE do you mind doing it yeah I'll do it okay that's good to know cuz then we put in equal amount of power good idea so that's a tie currently uh that is a 124 and you're on 14 Sol would you like some money uh no I'm all right thanks you don't want personal money no you rather than the state have money the state have some money yeah it'd be great so just to explain what's happening it's gone round from the leader the player to the right of the leader is the last player to take a turn I've not played any more power onto my card which means we total up it's 14 a piece which means ties are broken by the moderator M Sullivan is the moderator noay yes yes finally the country is going to be okay for a bit for a bit okay so you guys take back your uh coins thank God uh we are going to put no no one pass so we're going to put all these over here lovely that really nice I love how little power so juicy yeah a lot of power power still and what's the result for voting nay a strong Army requires a strong economy to fund it the Smugglers Supply us with a constant flow of red Iron from the mostly unexplored lands in the northern ffoa mountains the unusual metal can be sold to the highest biders on the open market for outrageous profits we get plus three to the to to money the negative momentum goes away it flips over one 2 3 one 2 3 lovely and um does it gain momentum yet no it has to cross the line no it has to cross the line it hasn't moved yet so it's it's got momentum doesn't have to cross the line it just has to be going that way already because it's flipped it's gone that way so it doesn't G Moment next time it will if it goes up yeah um and we read 60 60 oh dear oh fun fabulous going to go the first nay as well could have we love love agreeing with things so stressful I love it so stressful incad more we don't need money we've got one of the strongest armies in the world but we're broke we're broke team wood hog thinks that's fine and below 60 who's the leader Ken Ken 10 you will be signing this signing this card and you're going to gain three coins waa signing this card that's great you don't deserve that you voted against it good job un worri worries Secrets my secrets luck good job Ken ego very good okay so Ken that's for you to read and I'm going to shuffle these in this Smugglers provide a small it's called the value of Might Smugglers provide a small but steady supply of red Iron to the trade Guild in Duan The Smiths begin experimenting with new ways to employ the robust metal crafting tools jewelry and weapons for the wealthy however the sturdiness makes it difficult to cast into functional forms despite these difficulties that do in trade Guild and our kingdom both benefit immensely from the transactions many among the wealthy nobility compete to acquire the few artifacts that the Smiths successfully Forge even foreigners from you know like this from the south visit our Market to acquire the rare product you're the one who hates the South yeah you're the one the foreigners we brought the foreigners don't like the people who keep trying to enslave them that's the foreigners that's the foreigners foreigners are enslaving the foreigners we like some of them then listen listen the Rowdy ones I don't mind not being able to sleep every night as long as diversity is on the up so this is going into Mak me W I don't care to woke CU I I don't think you guys are woke at all you're trying to boost the military constantly being been ding out on saving that one slave for a very long time and we haven't seen that kind of policy decision since you saying it's performative w we got some neoliberals over here hey look guys I I recycle all right I recycle so let's go you don't wash it out so all has to be thrown out stop putting at least we know at least I putting the right bin Holly the right for all of his religious mania at least we know we can just buy his vote at least we know where he stands yeah cuz we're going to get a really big hat for the mother big hat spend your money spending all the money on a really big hat mother okay the next dilemma what might be our last dilemma dilemma report some mosaics discovered chalice Peak could help our Scholars better understand the Cult of the sand priestesses the librarian Chancellor suggests we bring them to Libra despite the costs involved so they can be studied without requiring long and unsafe travel chalice Peak is still a temple of the mother though and the holy attendant thinks it should not be further profaned do we recover the mosaics we want that knowledge for nay we get Negative knowledge oh no no no no for yay we get positive sticker oh negative money ah we have money to spend now we can do that okay that's good great we're just fiscally responsible I think knowledge is interesting I think a good stick is good yeah yeah I I don't like losing knowledge I hate losing money I do like losing money I do like losing money it's good to spend you got to spend money to make M you got to speculate to accumulate you never know we might find a really Fu sweet Mosaic you speculated like crazy it's only because of our vote that we've accumulated anything we've got this C knowledge thank you very much Cactus knowledge is B no it was important to know that they needed little water I've been watering my cactuses and they've been dying we got grifted right how do people feel about this though there's a positive stick in there and I do like positive stickers I enjoy spending we're we're we're going to Nick their artifacts are we that's what your aru is there we go oh feels different yeah yeah we're going to put it the angit museum that's full of nothing from anxy oh look it's the Elken marbl we got them on loine from the British museum want to see the roof of this Hindu temple do you like spending money got to spend money got to spend money these guys are [ __ ] mad well the vote starts over here so let's see where we end up they talk a good game but they vote Tori live D two for ey two for ey let's let's see this let's see some you know for 6 the new leader sign it she wants to sign that sticker I like riding the stickers quite High W wbes I choose power oh a lot of people get that power I'm also going to choose power all ours anyway this is going in the direction I want so I going to pass excellent uh can you get one more choice but obviously it's going in your direction there's no point BR more power sign a sticker no okay imagine we're just getting a bit in water to sign the sticker okay so we are going to divvy out this I the eyes have it yeah therefore we get to keep these coins that we've accured from the bank um we get to we got some we got some where's the other one you just sto I didn't steal one I know he put his he put his coin I put my coin back pick up something else I didn't imagine if Lori decided to start cheating at these games these these filmed games people all the I might just cheat it's five each there are a lot of comments that have noticed me cheating over and over again but I don't do it deliberately I just well sometimes we don't know the rules uh some of these games we we're playing for the first time most of them to be honest you know what I might swap this for a big one yeah you want a big one little bit that's right is it five and then that okay fabulous okay and then so let's out what happens with an i the librarian Chancellor's proposal is approved despite the high costs of the Endeavor and the Lamentations of the Holy attendant some think we're desecrating a holy place but relocating the mosaics to Libra will help preserve them as well it make it as well as make it easier for Scholars to study them well done team Li we lose a morale just stolen artifacts go down abely and we lose one of these one two three so we're back down here one two three for God's sake does that get Negative momentum or is that it wasn't moving in that direction first of all so it's just it just remains uh and we're going to open number 95 we get more and then we're going to talk about no we just don't lose and then we're going to talk about what happens oh that's sticker 95 positive sticker we're do positive sticker number 95 for Holly this is called a collection of Antiquities retrieving artifacts from the desert temple increased our collection of foreign Antiquities and inspiring display of the past that our future generations of Scholars will be able to study for years to come write your name on that Holly [ __ ] hate History's Greatest monster oh you want to come and look at your stuff uh well unfortunately uh because of that slavery business uh we actually we start charging for theum yeah we ended the Visa deal didn't we look all I want is for this whole place to burn it's all I want and if that means St actually you've done You' bolstered our our cultural uh value not our cultural value we've taken other people's cultural value I think we should put a statue of you outside the anit Museum oh I hate it the founder of the angit museum the biggest the biggest contributor in the world Museum supply of foreign stuff oh God I feel sick not to cut off the museum chat but I've got some bad news folks oh the king cuz the king is dead is dead long live the king which means our game of Kings dilemma has come to an end yeah I know Harold the F Harold the F dead at 12 best King ever longest living King ever 6 months he made it that time we've bankrupted the kingdom well done us and now he's called King Harold the old okay next baby please what we're going to do now is we're going to total up the scores we do that by looking at your secret agenda which we can all reveal now and you will get points based on where the different trackers where the different tokens are in The Trackers um and how much money you have so total up your money and then total up your points for the tracker yeah let's do the money first so how how much money have you had nine I've got nine as well 23 19 11 okay so I came first in the money which means I which means I'm going to get the first ranking you were came second and then Holly you came third yes so you yeah you get the points denoted by that M uh and then work out where you where your points were on the track so Dom do you want to do your total score first so if I have three resources above nine MH which I do that's that's how to read it right yeah so I've got three resources above nine that's 10 points oh sorry wait does my thing nine is colored in so actually I get four resources actually 14 I wanted my resources between 13 and five and uh four of the uh uh five resources are there so I get uh 13 points points uh I wanted resources at either end of the scale but I only wanted maximum of two at either end of the scale and I've got one here and one at 13 so that gives me 11 points plus the points for my gold which is a further eight points so I'm on 19 points oh my God how many did you have suly uh 13 points M okay I needed the biggest difference between the top and the bottom resource right uh so I get the difference which is 12 13 - 1 and I get two for coming second in Gold 14 14 14 14 19 19 13 13 I was the rebel which meant I wanted to polarize everything um so I wanted the most from this five Mark here here and the five Mark at the bottom so 13 and five I've only got two things in those two polarized sections so I get 13 points for those two um and then I got one point for my money ranking so I've got 14 so you're in second as well second as well we got three people in second and we've got I'm in last in last there always has to be a last player and I came first yeah which means my progyny get to mate with the King and I get to name the next king I have a question about a cheese on our thing if it says end of the game that's that's now yep that's now so for instance if you have the most if your achievements have the most power at the end of the game who what's everyone's power totals nine n eight two three four five six 7even eight I have 10 so oh I get an achievement oh have the most power at the end of the game nice um so welfare is highest on the resource track at the end of the game which gives me an achievement I uh wanted Dosh to be the lowest and uh oh one of the things could be do and so I get a little thing to that nice um I also wanted do to be the lowest so to do the final scores we also add uh the players with the most power if you have the most power you get two extra points for the end of the game and if you have the second most you get one extra points so that's me and Ken currently so I'm actually on 20 points total uh Ken is on 15 points which puts him into second place puts him into second place Dom is on 14 uh Holly is on 14 as well and Sullivan is on 13 so it do you to get two points being top power Sor 21 I should be yeah my math is bad Terry show us the scores there it is scores in the doors wow wow look at those scores are so 3D I can't believe it bang bang bang edit a real gun into this bang bang bang bang bang I'm getting really small okay here is the final thing that we have to do uh I won that game um but we now have to divvy out the points of prestige and crave which are going to add to the end of the game and the whole full campaign so because the king died hoay we based on our ranking in this game we're going to get different points how did the King die uh in a um terrible Army accident poisoned by Cactus tea no no he's been ingesting red Iron was he's got red iron lung one of Holly's stolen artifacts fell on him by accident while he was opening the Holly Museum so that was our first ever game of King's dilemma and we will be continuing this campaign over on our patreon rolls head on over there and join any doller to continue watching this series monthly and see what happens to the the kingdom of anist probably nothing good considering how this bicker Fest went I don't think we'll ever get [Music] kissed never been unkissed we'll see you there 3 2 1 get on [Music] board [Music]
Channel: No Rolls Barred
Views: 163,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no rolls barred, no rolls barred blood on the clocktower, no rolls barred house rules, board games, board game, board game club, board game club nemesis, board game club betrayal, board game club wavelength, board game club the thing, board game club monopoly, tabletop, The Kings Dilemma, Campaign
Id: 7cf0LBq-Jak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 42sec (5322 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2023
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